#hangster headcanons
indybob · 2 months
I feel like Bradley is very possessive in the sense that he always has to be holding Jake’s hand or have an arm wrapped around him or be sitting with their thighs pressed together when they’re in public. He is Jake’s man and Jake is his man and he loves him more than anything in the world, so damn right he’s gonna make sure that everybody knows they belong to each other!🩵
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jakeseresinisgay · 11 months
Bradley left Jake.
Bradley left Jake in Top Gun because he thought it'd be easier to deal with his personal problems alone.
Bradley left Jake because Jake would never have left Bradley.
Jake would've married him.
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h-angst-er · 1 month
Jake and Natasha are twins, and Natasha always takes Bradley's side when the two quarrel (which happens a looooot).
Jake gets really angry because she's his sister, not Bradley's!!! 😠😤😡
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rootheloverboy · 1 year
Dagger squad loudly drunk talking at the Hard Deck
Hangman: He might not look like he gets bitches, but hunny, that dick was 11 inches
Penny: 👀👀
The brass: 👀👀
Everyone else and their mum: 👀👀
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js4440 · 9 months
Jake isn't really mad at Bradley. Yes, they broke up, but that wasn't a big fight. They wanted to end things, they probably even had a break-up sex. But the separation didn't do good to them, and Jake missed Bradley more than he expected. That's why he wanted to annoy him at his presence, trusting in Bradley's forgiving-personality. He even knew Carole, and knew very well how she raised her boy to be a forgiving person.
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In the end, yes, Bradley is forgiving; and he makes up with Jake.
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Maverick is 100% one of those people who memorized how to solve a rubix cube and can do it behind his back in like 5 seconds and refuses to tell Ice how he does it just to see his face. (He does teach Jake, though, and the cycle only continues.)
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hang-a-roo · 1 year
Phoenix: Look I get it, most your guys’ fathers are gone or they suck-
- everyone offended -
Rooster: Not mine. I fucking love my dads.
- Mav and Ice doing cute husband things and Ice having Icepops sense -
Ice: ….I think baby goose called us his dads to the squad again.
Maverick tearing up: that’s my boy
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montessori-grad · 3 months
As a fandom we do not utilize the fact Glen Powell is Polish enough since we’ve collectively decided that Ice is Polish. Here are my headcanons.
-Ice and Jake speaking Polish so they can talk shit about other people. Mostly Mav who tried to learn Polish when he and Ice started dating but failed.
-When Jake misses his family, (Glen says that he has good parents so I’m going to give him good parents.) Ice makes him come over for dinner where he makes traditional food.
-Or an alternative to the first is; while Jake was first crushing on Bradley he’d talk to his sister in Polish but Bradley knew what he was saying since Ice taught him. Bradley didn’t tell him and Jake found out two months into their relationship because Ice told him to do something in Polish and Bradley had to pick if he was more scared of an angry Jake or an angry Ice. (Ice is obviously a scarier option.)
-Jake is really into Eurovision and was absolutely livid when Jan wasn’t picked. (Because so was I.)
-Jake can handle his alcohol.
-He’s a terrible cook because the majority of Polish men do not cook.
-He played soccer as a kid and didn’t do any real work during the World Cup because Poland made it farther than usual and he was too invested.
-He loves pickles so much but forces Bradley to buy the expensive ones. (If you’re a pickle fan in America, I absolutely recommend Bubbies fyi.)
-He watched the movie Fanfik on Netflix and cried. (Super good, cheesy movie about a trans Polish teen and his partner. 10/10 I recommend.)
-Carol was also Polish so Bradley has some traditions he keeps going from her that Jake was really happy to participate in.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
ok, but imagine young bradley repeatedly getting pissed when people don’t seem to understand that uncle (dad) mav loves uncle (pops) ice.
a coworker when they see him in public: *to ice and mav* it’s nice that you guys get along for young bradshaw here
bradley, squinting at this man like he’s stupid: but they always get along?
mav, snickering: thanks
a classmate when he has to do a family tree: wait so why are they next to each other again?
bradley, who had watched this same kid give a presentation with the same lines with his aunt and uncle: …because they are? why wouldn’t they be?
classmate, even more confused: but-
a teacher when he first goes to the academy: maverick is a brilliant pilot, but you shouldn’t try to be like him. the only reason he still has a job is because he’s friends with admiral kazansky
bradley, with the most deadpan look on his face: friends? really? they’re friends? is that it?
the teacher, absolutely appalled: bradshaw, that’s not how you talk about your superiors-
jake, thinking he’s funny: *talking about their “friendship”* c’mon, rooster, a good ol’ rivalry never hurt no one. look at maverick and iceman. legends.
jake, who still thinks he’s funny: …your point being?
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outalongtheedges · 13 days
Rooster/Maverick: I’m the way I am because my dad died when I was young.
Hangman/Iceman: I’m the way I am because my dad didn’t die when I was young.
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torchflies · 28 days
Okay Top Gun Fandom, I don’t know who gave me this headcanon or if I'm just mistakenly remembering a fic but — Hangman as a childhood cancer survivor fits so well to me.
Like scary well.
I always write Rooster like he's running from something, which he is, but Hangman gives me the same vibes. I've just never been able to place what it is — because he is somehow both very careless and hyper careful with his own life? He flies like Mav, who flies the way he does because he has something to prove. Hangman doesn't. But he still flies like he does, like maybe he's trying to prove it to himself? 
He speaks about death so casually and doesn’t hesitate to enrage Rooster to spur him to move, get up and do something, as if he's hyper-conscious of his own ticking clock. 
He's a big-headed braggart, yeah and an obnoxious asshole, but what if that's a front to keep people from getting close to him? What if he has the same reasons as Rooster does for not wanting their relationship (friendship or otherwise) to work? He doesn't want Rooster to have to lose him (in that way? I’m not sure if Carole having cancer is canon?) after everything he already has. 
Just… a childhood survivor Jake who would definitely have a strange relationship with his own mortality. He would be subconsciously planning his own death and grieving his life even though he's been in remission for years, because that was just expected for so long, he got used to it. He picked a dangerous career and flies dangerously because he can, because he's alive and part of him is always waiting for the other shoe to drop or for his body to fail him again. He's the best because he knows he only has a finite amount of time and he doesn't know what his future holds. Just, childhood cancer survivor Jake.
(I also really want to write something about Ice and Jake meeting each other when Jake is a kid in treatment. Maybe the same infusion center? But who knows?)
Just me rambling 🤷
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indybob · 1 month
At night Bradley snores at the volume of an air raid siren and Jake hogs all the blankets.
Bradley frequently wakes up shivering and looks over to see that Jake has made himself into a blanket burrito, his blonde hair sticking out from under the covers as he sleeps peacefully.
Jake frequently wakes up to Bradley’s snoring, which is louder than the tornado sirens back home in Texas. He always has to nudge Bradley’s side to get him to stop long enough to go back to sleep.
Neither one is actually that bothered by the other’s unconscious actions, but they sure love to give each other shit about it when they awake all tangled up in the morning!
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luxu1230 · 2 months
Top Gun Maverick AU in which Jake knows sign language and Ice miraculous lives (let's say his wife dies instead)
Jake "Hangman" Seresin doesn't make it known to others he knows sign language and why should he? It doesn't impact his job as an aviator and it's not like he's around people who need it.
Well that was before he met thee Tom "Iceman" Kazansky.
Jake knew how to sign before he was even able to walk. Having a parent and siblings who are deaf will do that. He was born to a Father who was deaf and a Mother who was in the Navy. Growing up meant he had to know sign language with a mother who was hardly ever around even when she was back home on the ranch they had in Texas he needed it so he could communicate with his dad.
The only time he ever properly saw his mother was when she was on her paternity leaves for the twins (Michael and Johnathan) who were born deaf and the youngest (Lily) who could hear. After that they barely ever saw her as she was "Too busy trying to move her career along" (and isn't it funny that in the future the son she ignored managed to get a higher ranking than she would ever get).
So he had to step up. He was 5 years older than the twins and 11 years older than his baby sister and he knew his dad was struggling. So he helped teach his siblings sign language, he made sure that Lily didn't turn into one of those little brats he saw at school who thought they were special just because they fit within the norm of human society. And if he sat down with his dad when he was 18 and told him he was going to enlist so they wouldn't have to worry about money (since his mother never seemed to help out with her salary). His dad broke down crying telling him he hopes his son would return (That's when Jake finally settled in his heart, that woman was not his mother). So when he joined he made sure that every leave was spent with his family and he could never regret it even if his leave synced up with her's.
Fast forward a few years and it's after the suicide mission that his sign language comes into use.
What's even funnier is that this story goes down in the history of how one Jake Seresin gets promoted at the same time as getting two Naval legends to finally realise their feelings for each other.
It was after the mission and everything was left in the past between Jake and Bradley. (Yes he can call his boyfriend by his real name NATASHA. No calling him by his Call Sign is not foreplay BOB). So he's surprised but not surprised when the squad gets a permanent home at Top Gun as a specialist unit with the help of Admiral Kazansky and phtff Admiral Mitchell (Thats a funny story within itself but that's a story of another time).
So to celebrate they all get smashed at the hard deck and if he's sat cuddled up to Bradley in a booth as Ice and Mav talk with Ice using a text to chat on his phone he can't help but notice every time Ice signs 'i love you' to a complete and utter oblivious and confused Mav. He can't help but sigh as he feels Bradley trying not to bust out laughing as Jake had done the same thing until Bradley came up one day and shoved flowers into his chest and signed it back his face red.
So he grabs Bradley's hand and stands up at the end of the table. Looks Mav right in the eye and goes "He's signing he loves you dumbass" and drags off a wheezing Bradley behind him leaving Mav stuttering and Ice blushing. He barely remembers the rest of that night.
So he's presently surprised that after a week he gets a call saying he's getting promoted to Captain due to his great service to the country. He can't help but sign in exaggeration as Bradley bursts out laughing when they find out Mav was the one who promoted him.
And if he proceeds to go up the ladder with his husband by his side and realise that when he reached Admiral he reached a rank his mother could never reach by ignoring his family. Who knew hiding his sign language would get him this far.
(if anyone would write this I would honestly love to read it)
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h-angst-er · 11 months
At some point, Rooster was given Daddy's necklace by Mommy.
He brought Hangman to Daddy's grave on his death anniversary, talking directly to Daddy: "I've brought the man I'm going to marry, Dad."
Then Hangman watched in shock, as Rooster removed his own necklace and gave it to Hangman.
"I didn't prepare a ring, but will you accept this today? Do you marry me, Jake Seresin?"
Hangman gave an answer he'd normally give shouting loudly, in whisper, because he STILL didn't forget that was a graveyard.
And you know his answer... He accepted to be a Bradshaw and likewise, make Bradley a Seresin.
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rootheloverboy · 1 year
Love that we all collectively agree that Roosters got a big cock
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You cannot convince me, that during games of pool at The Hard Deck, Rooster has never, EVER, scooched behind Hangman ("-whoop, sorry, pardon me...") so that - even just for a second - they were chest-to-back, pelvis-to-ass, Rooster's breath on the back of Hangman's neck, just to see if he could get a reaction out of him.
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