#hampshire court hotel
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Richard attends a Meet and Greet at Basingstoke Comic Con on May 12th in Basingstoke, UK.
The Meet and Greet for Richard on the Sunday will be a reading of his book, Geneva, followed by a Q&A session. All people attending the Sunday Meet and Greet event will get a signed copy of Richard’s book.
Get your tickets here.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
02/01/2024 Daily Recap
TLDR; Thank you for the help!; HoistTheAdsReceipts; HoistThePetitionCampaign; UK News; Basingstroke Comic Con; Cast & Crew Sightings; Samba's birthday; Watch Partys; In Person Meetups; Articles; #OhBloysHeMad; Videos; Misc; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
Hey everyone! Thank you for all the kind folks that gave me feedback on the Renewal Repo! I'm still getting stuff back filled but please feel free to check it out now, it's got the current events I'm aware of and I'm keeping it up to date with everything daily that comes across my feeds. There's also a contact form for anything I'm missing or you'd like to add!
OFMD Renewal Repository
== Hoist The Ads Receipts ==
So technically this was yesterday, sorry I put it in my todo folder and then completely forgot to add it! So for those of you asking about receipts for the Hoist the Ads Charity donations. There are more images on those links but I'm running out of image allotment for this post so please visit the tumblr or other socials to read the rest. Instagram Link / Tumblr / Twitter
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==Hoist The Petition Campaign!==
The @SaveOFMDCrew is hosting a #HoistThePetition campaign to try and boost Signatures on the Petition. You have a chance to win some OFMD stickers. If you don't have twitter you are welcome to message me and I'll message LC on your behalf or find alternative contacts for you! For those with twitter: LCWebsXOXO
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== UK News ==
As always, thanks @lamentus1 for all the information on the UK front! Basingstroke Comic Con is happening on May 10-12 2024 at the Hampshire Court Hotel in Basingstoke, UK
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BasingStrokeComic Con Facebook Ticket Links Some cool news on the twitter front, @lamentus1 tweeted the SunTV Magazine editor Steven Corbett and he responded!
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== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
It's Samba's birthday!!!! He sent us a lovely photo on IG
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Looks like he's feeling the love! He's trending! (and so are oranges haha- thank you @lucyrosebutler for catching the trends!) He's been out here liking everyone's comments so he's definitely seeing everyone's well wishes! Thanks for making him feel loved everyone!
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Kristian Nairn gave some more updates! Looks like they're sorted for Wee John Monday! More info tomorrow!
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==Reminders for Upcoming Events==
Last day of #OurFlagMeansDeadloch tomorrow!
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Watch Party Hashtags:
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February 4th is National Soup Day! Share soup pics, jokes, recipes, etc while rewatching Season 1 of OFMD! 
Watch Party Hashtags:
== In Person Meet-Ups!==
Are you near Burbank, CA? Tues, Feb 13 there will be a walking processional to celebrate #OFMD! Thank you @aimeekitty for sharing this!
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== Articles ==
The big article that's got everyone's attention today was this pile of nonsense from the Vulture about "The Truth Behind Max's Cancellation Spree". If you don't want to give them the satisfaction of having clicks, you can go under the cut on this post to see screenshots of the article.
The Truth Behind Max's Cancellation Spree
This has once again triggered our fun and exciting hashtag: #OhBloysHeMad and a new one #Don'tStreamOnMax.
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There are some tips from the #SaveOFMD Crew though about Hashtags and cross-posting
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Also something to note....
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New episode of Movies with Marty! Our Flag Means Death (2023) S2 Eps 3 & 4 Reaction | FIRST TIME WATCHING
==Ad Campaigns Up and Running!==
Our Street Level Ads are live in New York!
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== Love Notes ==
I am very tired tonight lovelies. I had a lot to say but it's been a very long day, so I'm going to call it quits a bit earlier tonight. I think this picture sums up my feelings pretty well. <3 you all, see you tomorrow.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's Darby picture is courtesy of @jacemerlyn on twitter. Thank you for this gem! Taika's picture courtesy of his instagram.
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stephensmithuk · 6 months
Thor Bridge
Most Holmes stories are "The Adventure of X". "The Problem of Thor Bridge", published in 1922 and forming part of the Case-book collection, is one of the exceptions. Others include "The Five Orange Pips", which is the full title.
This was originally published in two parts in The Strand, with a recap of the plot before the second part.
Cox & Co. was founded in 1758 as a military logistics company, getting money and other supplies to troops in India. Later Cox & Kings, the Indian company is now the process of liquidation after going bust in 2020, while the British arm is now a travel agent under the Abercrombie & Kent group.
The Family Herald was a weekly periodical that ran from 1843 to 1940.
The United States had 45 states in 1900; Utah had joined in 1896 and Oklahoma would be next in 1907. New Mexico and Arizona were the other two non-states at this time in the lower 48.
Senators were elected by state legislatures until 1912.
The city of Winchester is the county town of Hampshire and has been inhabited since before the Romans turned up. Traditionally seen as the capital of the old kingdom of Wessex - there was in fact no fixed capital, but it still was of major importance. Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles takes place in a fictionalised "Wintonchester".
Winchester today hosts a Crown Court that sits in session all year round. HM Prison Winchester, built between 1846 and 1850, is still an active prison, although today male only. One of its most notable inmates was serial killer Rosemary West, who was held there during her trial.
Claridge's is a famous five-star hotel in Mayfair, frequented by celebrities and royals.
At the time, the British definition of "billion" was a million million i.e. a modern trillion. A milliard was the term for a thousand million, but we now use the US definition.
Brazil had gained its independence in 1825, three years after declaring it. It had ousted its monarchy in 1889 and become a republic after a coup.
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daily-castaneda · 1 year
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David Castañeda is a confirmed guest at Basingstoke Comic Con from 19-21 May 2023 at Hampshire Court Hotel.
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aimeedaisies · 5 months
Court Circular | 23rd November 2023
St James's Palace
The Princess Royal, Commodore-in-Chief, Portsmouth, this morning opened Alford Schools of Military Music, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, and was received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire (Mr Nigel Atkinson).
Her Royal Highness this afternoon attended a Luncheon at Spithead House, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, for The Princess Royal's Patronages based in Hampshire.
Her Royal Highness, President, the City and Guilds of London Institute, this afternoon presented The Princess Royal Training Awards at St James's Palace.
Her Royal Highness, President, British Olympic Association, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this evening attended the Team GB Ball at the Savoy Hotel, Strand, London WC2, and was received by Mr Stuart Shilson (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London).
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logi1974 · 11 months
Südengland 2023 - Tag 16
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Heute verlassen wir unser schnuckeliges Cottages am Brue River und wir machten uns auf den Weg, bis in den New Forest Nationalpark.
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Ein letztes Mal schauen wir zum Tor von Glastonbury hoch und auch bei dem Festivalgelände sehen wir noch einmal nach dem Rechten. Inzwischen wurden jede Menge mobiler Toilettenkabinen angeliefert und auch die Zeltstadt nimmt langsam Formen an.
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Der New Forest Nationalpark befindet sich im Süden Englands und bildet eine weitläufige, abwechslungsreiche Region. Der Nationalpark besteht aber keineswegs nur aus Wäldern, auch wenn das Forest im Namen das suggeriert.
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Der Nationalpark heißt zwar „New“, also „neu“, der Wald wurde allerdings bereits 1079 als Jagdgebiet für König William I. angelegt.
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Seitdem sorgen mittelalterliche Gesetze dafür, dass sich Tiere frei und ungehindert bewegen können. Dies gilt bis heute: Tausende Ponys, Rinder und Schweine durchstreifen das Gelände.
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Große Bereiche dienen auch als Ackerland oder sind unscheinbare Heidelandschaften, in denen Tiere schon seit Jahrhunderten grasen.
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Die Wälder sind zum Schutz vor Nutztieren allesamt eingezäunt (sogenannte Inclosures). So wird verhindert, dass die Tiere den Wald zerstören.
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Wir fuhren quer durch den New Forest zu Orten, an denen man gerne länger anhalten würde, Lynhurst, Minstead, Totton, Boldre, Lymington und Beaulieu.
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Jeder Ort hätte viel zu sehen und zu tun. Wir nehmen uns vor, dass wir hier noch einmal wieder kommen müssen und dann aber richtig, für ein paar Tage verweilen.
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Mitten auf der Straße sind uns mehrere Stuten mit Fohlen begegnet, wir mussten anhalten, denn die Tiere haben Vorrang New Forest ist ein Naturschutzgebiet. Die Tiere dürfen seit Urzeiten frei und ohne Einzäunung rumlaufen und sind recht zutraulich.
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Gegen Mittag erreichen wir Lymington. Bei Lymington handelt es sich um eine urige Hafenstadt und einen der malerischsten Orte an der Küste von Hampshire.
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Die geschichtsträchtige Stadt verfügt heute über eine der größten Marinas Europas, die 1000 Liegeplätze zählt und in der zahlreiche Luxusjachten liegen.
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Lymington hegt seit jeher eine enge Bindung zum Meer: Der Wohlstand der Stadt rührt vom Meer her. Im Mittelalter war sie ein wichtiger Salzproduzent, im 18. Jahrhundert ein Schiffsbauzentrum und heute ist sie bekannt für Segelsport.
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Vom Lymington Pier, an der östlichen Seite des Hafen, verkehrt mehrmals täglich eine Fähre, die zur Isle of Wight fährt.
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Am frühen Nachmittag kehren wir im Macdonald Elmers Court Hotel ein. Das Hotel befindet sich in einem charmanten Herrenhaus mit Tudorgiebeln aus dem Jahr 1820 und ist von einem 23 Hektar großen, üppigen Privatgrundstück umgeben.
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Die riesigen Flügelfenstern aus den frühen 1900er Jahren lenken den Blick auf den Solent.
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Die exquisit verzierte Decke und das Gesims des Ballsaals sind beeindruckend, ebenso wie die hübsch geschnitzten Holzvertäfelungen im Musikzimmer und in der Bar.
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Dort haben wir “ausnahmsweise” heute einen Afternoon Tea für uns bestellt. Für den Preis von 30 Pfund hätten wir da deutlich mehr erwartet.
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Und dass wir in so einem Etablissement den Kellner aktiv auffordern müssen, doch bitte den Tisch einmal abzuwischen … naja. Doch der absolute Knaller war, als er dann mit so einem mini Feudel kam, wischte er ganz ökonomisch genau nur dort ab, wo wir saßen - der Rest des Tisches blieb, wie er war. Dafür gab es dann auch von uns, ganz ökonomisch, 0 Komma 0 Trinkgeld.
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Ursprünglich als “The Elms” bekannt, wurde das Haus 1874 von der Familie Whitaker übernommen. James Whitaker war Abgeordneter und JP, und es wird angenommen, dass “The Elms” als örtliches Gerichtsgebäude genutzt wurde, daher die eventuelle Namensänderung in “Elmers Court”.
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Als Hugh Whitaker das Anwesen 1893 erbte, baute er einen Großteil des Anwesens um und ergänzte viele seiner herausragenden Merkmale – die Giebel im Tudor-Stil und die hübsch geschnitzten Täfelungen.
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Das beeindruckende Herrenhaus war einst sogar eine Spionageschule. In den 1930er Jahren ging das Haus an den Gemeinderat über und wurde in den 1940er Jahren an das War Office verliehen.
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Es wurde von den amerikanischen und kanadischen Streitkräften als Elektronik- und Kommunikationszentrum genutzt, um die Landungen am D-Day zu koordinieren.
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Für uns liegt das Elmers Court sehr günstig, nur fünf Gehminuten von Lymingtons Pier Station und den Fähren zur Isle of Wight entfernt - und mit dem Auto sind es quasi nur Sekunden.
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Wir haben uns auf die 16 Uhr Fähre eingebucht. Das Zeitfenster zum Einchecken auf die Fähre ist zwischen 15 Uhr und 15.30 Uhr.
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Das Wetter ist mehr als prächtig und wir sind viel zu warm angezogen. Als wir uns heute morgen startklar machten, rechneten wir mit einem frischen Wind an der Küste. Meine dicke Jacke, die ich vor 2 Wochen noch in Dünkirchen dringend brauchte, wartete heute vergebens auf ihren Einsatz.
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Die Isle of Wight, die einfach nur als “die Insel” bezeichnet wird, ist von Lymington aus mit der Fähre in 40 Minuten zu erreichen.
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Die Isle of Wight selber ist durch den Solent, einen Meeresarm des Ärmelkanals, vom Festland getrennt. Fähren gibt es von mehreren größeren und kleineren Städten entlang der Küste.
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Wer mit dem eigenen Auto auf die Insel will, kommt nicht um die Wightlink Fähren herum. Auf der Fähre selbst sind die beiden unteren Decks für Autos reserviert.
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Auf den oberen Decks kann man sich entweder hinter den großen Panoramafenstern verschanzen oder auf festgeschraubten Plastikbänken die Sonne genießen. Insgesamt unterhält Wightlink sechs dieser Schiffe.
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Die Breite des Solent zwischen der Isle of Wight und dem Festland ist wirklich überschaubar: Bei einer maximalen Breite von gerade einmal fünf Meilen ist das gegenüberliegende Ufer so gut wie immer sichtbar.
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Die Meerenge selbst ist eines der berühmtesten Segelreviere Englands. Die Stadt Cowes auf der Insel gilt als Segelhauptstadt des Königreiches. Hier wird auch der Admiral’s Cup ausgetragen.
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Gegen 16.45 Uhr fahren wir in Yarmouth von der Fähre. Mit gerade einmal 885 Einwohnern ist Yarmouth der kleinste Ort Englands, der sich Town nennen darf. Dieses Recht wurde dem Örtchen 1135 verliehen.
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Eine wirkliche glückliche Geschichte hat dieser Ort nicht zu bieten: Wegen seiner Lage als “Hüter” der Isle of Wight wurde er immer wieder von den Franzosen überfallen und niedergebrannt.
Auch vom Schiff wirkte der Hafen mehr als überschaubar. Dafür hatte man einen tollen Blick auf die Verteidigungsanlagen der Stadt. Hier steht heute leider nur noch eine einzige Kanone.
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Die Isle of Wight gibt sich ansonsten als Erholungsgebiet. Den Einwohnern der Südküste Englands, bis rauf nach London, dient diese Insel als Ferienort und Rückzugsgebiet aus dem stressigen Alltag.
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Wer Action sucht, ist hier eher falsch. Dafür gibt es jede Menge Campingplätze und Sommerhäuser.
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Für uns geht es in östlicher Richtung, quer über die Insel, und nach etwa 45 haben wir den Ferienort Shanklin erreicht. Oberhalb des Ortes liegt der Parkdean Resorts Lower Hyde Holiday Park, in dem unsere Unterkunft, ein Caravan, liegt.
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Hier richten wir uns am Abend für die nächste Woche häuslich ein. Es war ein langer Tag und wir werden heute sicherlich keine Unternehmungen mehr anstreben.
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Bis wir unseren ganzen Krempel verstaut (oder auch verstreut) haben und das Abendessen zubereitet ist, dann ist der Abend für uns gelaufen.
Good N8
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear (Hasenbär)
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A member of a Rockland work crew was shot in the face as he left a hotel Friday in White River Junction, Vermont.
Authorities said the victim, Michael Lamotte, of Lowell, was part of a work crew from R.A.D. Sports, which installs artificial turf. They had been working at Cardigan Mountain School in nearby Canaan, New Hampshire.
The Valley News reported that Lamotte remained hospitalized in the ICU at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.
Police: Rockland middle school custodian exchanged 'sexually-explicit' messages with teen
Police rushed to the Comfort Inn hotel just off Interstate 89 and Interstate 91 at about 6:30 a.m. Friday after a report of a "loud bang" on the fourth floor. Lamotte was found near the elevator entrance with a gunshot wound to his face.
Josh Buczynski, also a R.A.D. Sports employee and the team’s emergency medical technician, tried to stop Lamotte’s bleeding with towels and took him to the elevator, where he met paramedics, according to the Valley News.
Nathan-Mikhail Fuller, 25, was taken into custody by police minutes after the shooting. He was arraigned in Windham Superior Court on Tuesday on charges of attempted murder in the second degree, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and reckless endangerment in the shooting of Lamotte.
Other hotel guests had seen Fuller walking down the hallways with a gun, authorities said. A witness near the elevator in the hotel lobby saw Fuller with a gun in his hand, saying, "I am sorry."
Fuller made various comments to the police, including “there is a problem in China,” “the pope should be calling you,” “hi Joe Biden,” “when God tells you to do something you do it,” he was the “anti-Christ and had to take action” and that he went to the hotel and “shot somebody in the head for a good reason,” the Valley News reported.
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davidpwilson2564 · 4 months
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Gov Hochul postpones the game that was to take place in Buffalo tomorrow. They're still digging out. Gov Hochul is worried about the people who will be driving up from Pittsburgh, the Steeler fans. So now...they're going to have that game on Monday.
Much excitement as the day wears on. Evening: in the bitter cold in Kansas City the Chiefs prevail over the Dolphins.
Note: I wanted to watch the Chiefs play but discover it's only on Peacock. I sign up for it...thinking I will probably not remember the password I had to submit, etc. All of this stuff an inpenetrable mystery to me. Dammit. So this means that, having gone through the steps, I have signed on to yet another streaming service.
Sunday, January 14, 2024
More football. The Playoffs. Cowboys lose (big) to Packers. Lions win over Rams (a squeaker, one point)...
Jamie Raskin says Trump made millions from foreign governments. Millions from China. Raskin sites the emolument clause. The clause Trump referred to as phony. Trump plays up his not having accepted a salary. He didn't have to. He was raking it in, housing foreign dignitaries in his hotels, etc.
Tomorrow is a big day in Iowa. The caucuses. Then, if I have this right, it's on to New Hampshire. Trump will easily be the party's nominee. Democrats are growing impatient with Joe's slowness to hit the campaign trail (but he has a lot of other responsibilities).
More legal trouble for Trump. There is plenty of unfinished business. Each court appearance is, for him, a campaign stop. (''I've done nothing wrong" etc.)
It's awfully cold.
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marshamcourt · 9 months
The History of Dorset
Although for most of its history Bournemouth was in Hampshire, for the past half century it’s been a proud part of the county of Dorset. In fact, the Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch area accounts for about half the county’s population.
From its rich dinosaur fossils to its role in World War 2, Dorset has a fascinating history — and there’s plenty of it to be seen, if you’re spending a holiday down this way. You need the right base, though — and that’s Bournemouth family hotel Marsham Court.
Early Dorset
The history of Dorset goes back long before humans, as evidenced by the numerous dinosaur fossils found along the Jurassic Coast. As far as humans are concerned, the county has been inhabited continuously Read more.....
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atlanticcanada · 10 months
New Hampshire man arrested in Moncton for child luring: RCMP
An American man in Moncton, N.B., is facing charges after he lured a child to a hotel in the city, police say.
Elan Charles Brest, of New Hampshire, appeared in court July 12 after his arrest the day before, an RCMP statement said.
Police responded a hotel on Mountain Road after someone reported a potential case of child luring.
When officers arrived, they found the 24-year-old with a child under 16, the statement said.
The two reportedly met online before Brest came to Canada.
Police searched the room on July 13 and found “sexual paraphernalia” and other items, RCMP said.
Brest remains in custody and is charged with:
sexual assault
sexual interference
sexual exploitation
child luring
making child pornography
He is due in Moncton provincial court July 24 for a bail hearing.
The investigation is ongoing.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/PYmIz8U
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13 notes · View notes
03/25/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Buttons; Cryptid Factor; Cameo; Kudoboard; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonights Taika
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out and about in Aotearoa!
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== New Cryptid Factor ==
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EP 90 The Slit Slot Issue on Patreon!
== Convention News ==
Basingstoke Comic Con has announced Rhys will be joining the convention at the Hampshire Court Hotel on 10th-12th May 2024! Want tickets? Check out Basingstokecomiccon.com
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== Buttons! ==
Speaking of The Cryptid Factor, did you know Buttons is on Cameo? Fancy a chat?
== Cameo ==
Annnnnd Speaking of Cameos, our besties over at Cameo are keeping up the good fight.
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== New Event Calendar ==
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Sunday March 31st is Trans Day of Visibility! In celebration we're boosting trans/nonbinary creators, activists, cast/crew members, and allies with the hashtag. We only hang out with #CoolPirates !
== Kudoboards Reminder! =
Thank you to @sharpenyersword on Twitter for setting up ALL THE KUDOBOARDS! The rest of the Kudoboard's will close on the 31st. 
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Gypsy Taylor
Kristian "Wee John Wondays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Articles ==
Warner Bros. Discovery (NASDAQ:WBD) shareholders have endured a 80% loss from investing in the stock three years ago
== Love Notes ==
Today was a rough one lovelies. I've heard quite a lot of folks mention how hard it was. I know I'm not perfect, and I don't mean to act like I am. I'm flawed, you're flawed, everyone is flawed. It's how we grow and learn from each other that matters. I try to help, and I may not always make the best decisions first, but I am trying to learn for next time. I know you all are too. I hope you give yourself, and other people give you some grace while you learn and grow. You are not one decision you make. You are a hug conglomeration of everything you've learned and you're doing so well. Even on hard days when it feels you're not.
The best thing that helped me get through today was all of you and laughing my ass off with some dear crewmates late into the evening. That meant the world to me. So please, every one of you, go laugh if you can. Find a friend, find a tv show, write yourself a silly joke. Laughing can help you brave the strongest storms.
Sending love crew, I know it's been a tough one. I believe in you, get some rest and hit the ground running tomorrow <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme. Blondes! Darby Gif by @warminthewintersblog Taika GIF by @lizzy__Leo on Twitter
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58 notes · View notes
NH Medical Society denounces insurers' COVID-19 science
NH Medical Society denounces insurers’ COVID-19 science
By Ben Zigterman (June 24, 2022 at 6:40 p.m. EDT) – The New Hampshire Medical Society has blown up arguments by insurers that COVID-19 can be easily removed, telling the state’s Supreme Court that the arguments amount to junk science. A group of insurers is appealing a lower court ruling that largely favors Schleicher and Stebbins Hotels LLC and its affiliates, which are trying to carve out part…
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View On WordPress
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deadmotelsusa · 5 years
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Unnamed cabin court on route 3 in Bethlehem, New Hampshire. Abandoned within the last 5 years. 
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
Woman sentenced to nine years for abandoning newborn baby in woodland
Baby Maliki was abandoned in woodland by Silipa Keresi who herself was the victim of domestic violence.
The wife of a former soldier who was beaten by her husband and whose life was in “chaos” has been jailed for life to serve a minimum of nine years for the murder of her newborn baby who she abandoned in woodland.
Silipa Keresi was convicted at Winchester Crown Court in connection with the death of Maliki Keresi who was found dead, wrapped in a bath towel near to the defendant’s home in Hythe New Forest Hampshire on March 5 2020.
The trial heard that the defendant, from Fiji who is married to a former Commonwealth soldier in the British Army, was stressed at the time by the process of applying for permission to stay in the UK combined with financial difficulties.
She told the court that her life had been “hell for the past couple of years” with her family being homeless while living in a small hotel room, surviving on contributions from a food bank.
The court also heard she was the victim of domestic violence since 2008 from her husband, Dharma Keresi, who used to hit her and beat her with his army belt.
The assaults led to Mr Keresi being told by the Army to resign in 2017 or face disciplinary proceedings.
The trial was told she found out that she was pregnant when it was too late to legally have an abortion.
Keresi, who has four other children, told the jury: “I felt my life was just chaos.”
Sentencing the 38-year-old, the judge Mr Justice Garnham told her that she had left her child “exposed, defenceless and alone” and added: “Regardless of your circumstances, abandoning your baby was a truly dreadful thing to do.”
He said that Keresi had “poor coping strategies” and was wary of the authorities and was reluctant to seek help as she lived in fear of deportation.
He added: “I have no doubt you feel some genuine and enduring remorse.
“I accept you acted in a way that was wholly out of character and you would not have done what you did but for the extreme nature of your personal circumstances.”
James Newton-Price QC, defending, said Keresi faces deportation and added: “This was an act of some desperation by Mrs Keresi in the circumstances she found herself.
“This defendant could expect no real support from her husband on learning she was pregnant, the reason for that was the background of intimidation and domestic violence in the marriage.”
Kerry Maylin, prosecuting, told the trial that in November 2019, Keresi visited the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) seeking a termination.
But she had left the appointment distressed after a scan revealed she was 26 weeks and five days pregnant, past the legal limit of 24 weeks for an abortion.
Miss Maylin said: “Silipa Keresi appeared very shocked, she became visibly uncomfortable, she got off the bed abruptly and tried to leave.”
She said that several attempts were made by the midwife service to contact the defendant during her pregnancy, including a visit to her home, but she failed to attend appointments.
A post-mortem examination of the dead baby showed that Maliki suffered no injuries but he would have suffered from hypothermia with the cause of death given as “omission of care”.
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Bed & Breakfast Resorts in Southampton
Hunting for a place to keep in Southampton? The metropolis features of several five-star and 4-star accommodations as properly as countryside and other novel lodging that exude their possess unique ambiance, whether or not it is contemporary and chic or classically classic. 1 of the most amazing lodges close to is the De Vere Grand Harbour on West Quay Road, an totally beautiful architectural framework. The lodge is an wonderful glass composition and has a distinct nautical really feel to it, certainly inspired by close by ships. This 5-star resort gives its friends with a breath-using look at of the harbour. Not only does it spoil website visitors by placing them in the lap of luxury, it also gives a fitness center, solarium and business centre to tackle their guests' other wants.Guest House Southampton  And one search at their rooms is enough to guarantee you of a excellent night's slumber. The Hilton Southampton is an additional five-star resort that is a review in class and luxurious. Its distinctive design and style characteristics lots of all-natural wood, which adds to the remote outdoorsy feeling. The lodge boasts of a swimming pool, landscaped gardens, a overall health and health and fitness centre and wonderful rooms. The in-house Pavilion Cafe specializes in modern day British and worldwide cuisine whilst the Caffe Cino gives a wide assortment of espresso, specialty teas, pastries and deli sandwiches. There is also a enterprise centre for two hundred delegates and fourteen conference rooms for people travelling on company. You are very likely to uncover Southampton's most distinguished visitors here at the Hilton and for excellent reason. If you are the type who likes to set in a small golfing while on holiday, then the Macdonald Botley Park Resort, Golf and Nation Club is just the location for you. They have amazing rooms and suites and a lush green golf training course on the premises. The look at of the countryside is breathtaking while the meals from the Winchester Cafe boasts of exquisite cuisine in an casual location. The rooms are cozy and function enormous bathtubs and steaming very hot showers so attendees can soak their exhaustion absent soon after a day on the golfing hyperlinks. Rooms are geared up with satellite Television and DVD players. The Macdonald Botley Park Hotel also has a gymnasium, aerobics studio and squash courts. Located on Wincester Street in Botley, this stylish lodge boasts of all the trappings of a outstanding venue the place you can unwind and recuperate. In this component of Hampshire and The New Forest, Southampton also has its honest share of countryside accommodations that supply a welcome getaway from the hustle and bustle of metropolis existence. The Beaulieu Lodge on Beaulieu Street is 1 this kind of location and provides visitors with their very own country idyll as nicely as a stunning check out of the New Forest. The rooms are quite comfy and stylishly equipped. The Beaulieu also has its personal gymnasium, sauna and indoor heated swimming pool. This resort is an outstanding foundation for checking out rural Hampshire and Beaulieu village alone, especially Beaulieu Palace and the National Motor Museum. In excess of in Woodlands lies the Busketts Garden Hotel, one of these splendid venues that offer site visitors that home away from house truly feel. As a family-run lodge, Busketts is the most popular country resort of its type in the location. The environment is soothing while the woodland beckons to be explored. To best off a standard English lodge keep, Busketts Garden Lodge serves croquet on the lawn and tea in the afternoon. Meanwhile, if you want your accommodations to have a touch of heritage, The Forest Lodge Lodge on Romsey Road in Lyndhurst is just what the medical doctor ordered. Created in the 1820s, this stylish Georgian lodge can trace its heritage again to the times of George IV. But that doesn't suggest its amenities are outdated. On the opposite, The Forest Lodge Hotel's services are as modern day as they occur, rivalling the twenty first century accommodations of any other lodge all around. The lodge has its own fitness room and a heated indoor swimming pool. As an additional reward to golf aficionados, the New Forest Golfing Club is just a brief stroll absent. Southampton also has its share of classy guesthouses, which offer visitors all the comforts of home proper at their finger ideas. For a actually passionate getaway from it all, nothing beats a Southampton guesthouse. The Wayside Lodge Guest Property is a prime instance of the sort of cosy, classic guesthouses you can locate in Southampton. Its rooms hold a warm, classic attractiveness and are geared up with modern services. The regular deal will come total with breakfast, even though evening meal and midnight meals can also be organized. Standing proudly on Midanbury Lane in Bitterne, this guesthouse is obtainable through all modes of general public transportation and falls below the regular immediate bus route. Business Name: Freemantle Solent Lodge B&B Address: Park Rd, Freemantle, Southampton SO15 3BB, United Kingdom Email: [email protected] Phone Number: +44 7309085834
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