#halsin fuckin gets it
knightcallie · 5 months
Baldur's Bounties: His Family
Weichei was not a hot single in their area! Maybe he should tell the marriage schemes during bounty hunting later...
The party learning that Weichei actually was married was, a whole thing. It kind of made Weichei laugh, maybe a little shy. Yes, he had two husbands, one had passed away. Did he marry rather young by elven standards? Yes, perhaps, but that didn’t matter.
Temerity, his childhood best friend and his first romance. An albino tiefling, from rags to riches, he’s become Fenim’s brightest rockstar in the music industry. They grew up together, and despite everything, they still stayed connected. Temerity was loud, rambunctious, never to be quiet ever again. He vowed to never be an untold story, an unsung melody. Sure, maybe he has a loose filter, but he always cared and loved strongly for those he held close. He did, always for Cheri. He loved the drow intensely, never letting him forget that he was loved.
Beau was the bassist cellist of the band Temerity formed. He currently was still alive, a strong stoic wood elf (autumn eladrin ancestry). He was a gentle lover, having fallen in love with the drow for just how passionate and adorable he was. He had originally wanted Weichei and Temerity to marry first, he can come later. Though, that was dashed considering they both ended up planning a ring and had part of it commissioned. He loved them both to pieces, caring for them and feeding them both well.
Weichei had even made marriage beads to wear himself, as that was what his Vaddy did for him and Mumu. Temerity’s a glass bead swirled with red and white with a strip of gold in the middle, while Beau’s was a dark oak bead with tiny green oak leaves carved the middle. Rings were a common marriage custom, but down in Fenim’s Underdark, creating hair accessories for their intended was the way to go for the drows.  
The poly had four children. The first were the twins, Melian and Belamour. Both meaning some form of love, so they would never forget they were loved. Melian took more of the tiefling traits, her lavender skin a mix of Temerity and Weichei. She took up the drow’s love of artificing, growing the gadget empire. Belamour took more of the elven traits, her dark drow skin taking a more warm green tone. Though, they did find teeny tiny horns hiding in her curls. She took on Temerity’s and Beau’s profession, leading her own band called The Unsung.
The last two came a little later. There’s this runaway, a human forcibly turned into a tiefling. Archdevil Levistus wanted to finally break free and take over the Nine Hells for himself. They had found Niven when he was partially transformed, where his skin still partially showed his light medium tone before it was engulfed in ice blue and icicles. His legs turned hooven like a goat, eyes pitch black. A crown of horns were still rather small when they found him, afraid and defensive and ice cold. (It reminded Weichei so much of Temerity, back when they were children.) It took so much time and patience and kindness, and perhaps still too clingy for his age. But after what they went through together, it was understandable. (Sometimes, Weichei could still hear the shattering of the ice when he put a hole in that archdevil).
Finally, Raihin, who looked far more like Beau than the others. Her skin was warm, her eyes a kinder red that could be mistaken as brown. Her hair was looser and nearly white like Temerity’s, her bark horns standing tall like a beacon. She’s a stepping stone for those making the journey back to Paeon, to the Oak Father. She was the warm welcome, caring for those who desired rest for just a moment. The three daughters had spouses, children (blood-related or not) of their own, and Weichei sometimes looks through the memories of them in the pocket mirror. Niven only recently began a platonic relationship, still learning and understanding.
Going through the pictures, showing the group each and every one had Weichei’s heart aching. Oh how he wished he could tell his family that he was doing okay, albeit with a little passenger at the moment. Oh how he wished he could contact the Trades about what’s happened in the last few months. He had people awaiting him back home, people who held him in their person.
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0ccuria · 4 months
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Halsin: ...this reminds me of when I was chained and caged for like 3 years as a slave, oh how young and stupid I was haha
Qi'Zyr'Ra: ...what the fuck.
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mokeonn · 5 months
I started an honor mode playthrough with probably the cutest tiefling in bg3 and I fuckn got killed during the Phase Spider Matriarch, so I decided to continue my save with dishonor because my character was just so damn cute. Well for some reason or another the game didn't?? Switch it to custom mode?? It's still honor mode??
So I'm either going to get those golden dice in the most dishonorable way possible or the game is just pulling on my leg and It's just honor mode without the reward.
#simon says#the character btw is a pink tiefling fae warlock/bard named Poetry#she's wearing purple and yellow clothes until I find pink dye#and she's wearing the volo bard reward clothes which make her look absolutely adorable??#i just gotta draw her soon#she's also a Wyll romance. because I have yet to romance Wyll and I think warlock/bard is a GREAT combination to romance him with#it's funny because so far Astarion has been my main romance (i think 3 times now)#and he fuckin HATES her#Poetry is a little goodie two shoes who is not using those Illithid powers so everyone else loves her kindness and whimsy#and Astarion thinks she's the world's biggest pinkest killjoy#legit got angry at her and asked if it's her life purpose to ruin his fun#it's gonna take him a while and a lot of silly responses to get him to warm up to her#and i dont think the mild annoyance at her goody goody antics will go away#but yeah i just... love her so much#the other playthrough is another goody goody no illithid playthrough but he's a half-drow druid saving himself for Halsin#it's pretty funny as Poetry though because Shadowheart is already ready to start something together and Gale has started flirting#but she's only got eyes on the blade of Frontiers baby#oh and Poetry is also a dark urge playthrough who is avoiding her urges as much as possible#unless it's an unavoidable event she is surpressing that#Bhaal somehow spawned the world's cutest murder machine#anyways im gonna keep playing today because im tired (i drank last night) but I gotta draw poetry soon she's so cute
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astaricn · 9 months
Character tags :3
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lesbianralzarek · 2 months
larian writers, with hands placed on astarions shoulders like a proud parent: this is a thoughtful and touching narrative about male victims of abuse
fans: hey, thats fuckin sweet! do you have any more of these stories in your game?
larian writers, grimacing as they turn their heads towards wyll and gale: okay so, in our defense, it gets kinda murky when its a hot white woman doing it
gale stans: wasnt he groomed?
larian writers: but he liked it? his ultimate goal is to get back with her :)
wyll stans: isnt it kinda gross that the devil who owns his soul keeps blatantly sexually harassing him in front of everyone as a form of humiliation-based punishment?
larian writers and also whoever the fuck wrote that christmas animation (you motherfucker, when i fucking get you i stg): i know canon says otherwise, but he secretly wants her. dont you want her? you can fuck her if youd like
halsin stans: hey, so, uh-
larian writers, sprinting out of the room:
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oriistar · 6 months
How about headcanons for how Wyll, Halsin, Gale, and Astarion would react to his shy gn crush confessing to him?
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Reactions To A Shy Reader Confessing
Wyll, Halsin, Gale, Astarion x GN Reader
Warnings: None, all fluff!
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First of all, I'll just start by saying Wyll is such a sweetheart. Like actually such a cutie.
He's definitely a romantic! So if you get all flustered trying to confess your feelings for him? He'd be smitten with you.
Wyll is definitely the kind of guy to lay out his feelings outright.
He doesn't see a reason to hide them so honestly he'd probably end up confessing to you first if you're too shy!
But if you are the one to approach him? He's floored.
Watching you stumble over words or even try to just beat around the bush instead of outright telling him how you feel, he thinks it's adorable.
The way he's looking at you doesn't make it any easier either.
He's got this awestruck look on his face as soon as he realizes you're trying to confess.
Literally looks like he's just been shot with Cupid's strongest arrow it's so cute.
So as you're trying to confess he's just staring at you with eyes full of so much love and although its sweet, its also kind of intimidating for someone as shy as you!
How are you supposed to focus on choking out your confession when he's looking at you like that?
You can't for real, giving up midway through or he's gonna have to take over and let you know he feels the same way.
Although he'd love to hear you make it through the whole confession, he's very understanding of how nerve-wracking it can be!
Don't worry, he loves you so much already he'll just help you coax out your feelings later into your relationship because he is DEFINITELY asking you to be his partner right then and there.
Halsin is pretty old.
He's open about the fact that he's had many past lovers and committed partners.
He can smell your feelings for him a mile away. (Probably literally, the fuckin animal)
He's absolutely no stranger to confessions and he's probably so used to people approaching him to say they're attracted to him in some way.
So when you finally work up the nerve to confess your feelings for him, he watches you with a very amused look.
Of course he would never make fun of you! But he can't help but find it entertaining to watch you be so shy about it.
Despite all of his experience though he definitely gets butterflies in his stomach when you start with your (very rehearsed) confession.
He likes you a lot, adores everything about you, so when you're flustered and stumbling over your words he can't help but think about how precious it is.
Halsin is a very big man with very protective instincts. If it seems like your nerves are working you up an awful lot through this, he's definitely the type to scoop you into a hug and reassure you that you're not making a fool of yourself.
Although the hug would probably fluster you so much more than the initial confession.
He's patient too, so he won't cut you off or save you from what you're trying to say.
He'll stand there patiently with his arms crossed and smile lovingly at you while you clumsily say it.
He finds it very endearing, over all absolutely in love with all of your awkwardness.
He's also silent through the whole thing which, if you struggle to look him in the face while confessing, you might mistake his silence for rejection or expect him to have a disappointed look on his face.
Definitely doesn't help that now he's accidentally making you think the worst.
But don't worry, he'll give you the best bear cuddles of your life after he lets you know he feels just the same way of course.
Ugh the love of my life!!!
Gale gets a lot of bad rep but he's such a gentleman, I love him.
I wouldn't say that Gale is shy like you but he's definitely a little hesitant to admit his feelings at first.
He's very much an 'all or nothing' kind of guy so if he's planning on confessing to you then it'll be properly planned out.
Honestly a little bummed out if you approach him first but only because he had this whole speech and stuff planned for when he finally decided to go all in LOL.
Absolutely overjoyed that you feel the same way though!
He's got a lot of self confidence issues (when I catch you Mystra 👊)
So seeing you all shy and nervous to tell HIM that you LIKE him? He's on cloud 9.
Might feed his ego just the slightest bit.
He's just shocked that you like him, let alone like him enough to be nervous to tell him.
He'll listen to your entire confession and commit it all to memory, no matter how many times you get sidetracked due to your nerves.
He doesn't care, he's just too thrilled that you actually like him the poor man.
I wouldn't say that Gale doesn't have any game, he says that he's had lovers other than Mystra so that must mean that he pulls at least a little bit.
He's definitely awkward about relationships at the start though.
He doesn't know if it's too much too soon or if he's not being forward enough with his wants. Definitely an adjustment for him.
I feel like his sheer excitement definitely has him pulling you into a tight hug, which he'll apologize for after since he didn't ask permission first.
He'd definitely want to spend the rest of the day with you after and will pout like a puppy whenever you have to go, poor thing.
We all know that Astarion is a little shit.
Right out of the gate he's teasing you relentlessly.
Due to his own trauma, he'll think you're trying to hook up with him before he thinks you're just confessing your feelings.
Definitely flirtatious about it and very much trying to make you even more of a nervous wreck than you already are.
Probably asks you if fucking vampires is some kind of kink of yours, which you'll scramble to deny and it'll totally make him smirk all smug and shit.
When he realizes you're actually just telling him that you genuinely like him, his attitude changes.
Astarion is very familiar with being used but to have someone like him for him? He doesn't really know what to say.
He's embarrassed and his face is already flushing red as he hears you out.
His heart is absolutely swelling with affection though.
He's liked you for quite awhile but would never dare to tell you in fear of rejection or the fact that you might just want a sexual relationship with him.
He'd probably get pretty shy about telling you he feels the same way too.
He thinks it's so sweet watching you stumble over your words.
I honestly feel like he might end up on the verge of tears, his eyes always look so wet in game when he's saying something genuinely affectionate to Tav.
He's not fully comfortable with casual physical touch but he might gently hold your hand after it all and run his thumb over your knuckles.
Generally very soft with you for the rest of the day but don't think his sass is all gone.
After your initial confession he'll probably ask you if you're actually sure that you love someone like him 😭
If you're lucky and your nearly fumbled confession touches his heart deeply enough, he might apologize for how he teased you when you first tried to tell him how you feel.
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All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.
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kingthunder · 2 months
I saw a few of those "bg3 characters driving a car" headcanons and decided to do one myself for fun.
Lae'zel: She learned how to drive on the opposite side of the road from everyone else and her instincts are all wrong for her current location, but back home she's an excellent driver with a spotless driving record. She actually follows the service schedule in the car manual. She gets incensed at people who don't maintain their vehicle properly or who disobey road rules. Her car is immaculately clean. She would love to speed a motorcycle down one of those desert highways with no speed limit, but she's never gotten the opportunity and knows it's too reckless besides. But she wants to.
Karlach: She's had a motorcycle for ages and is a skilled if aggressive driver. However, she only recently learned how to drive a car. She is very enthusiastic about it and always volunteers to drive even though she's not very good yet. She's one of those people that do driving "pranks" like swerving back and forth to make people shriek/laugh, or doing "3, 2, 1 BLASTOFF" and gunning it. Could easily be provoked into an impromptu street race. Drives way too far on empty or with the check engine light on.
Shadowheart: Drives stick so that no one else can drive her car. It's a beat up old station wagon with a busted tail light and looks like shit on the outside, but inside she turned it into a goth mobile with like black velvet seat covers and stuff. She named the car but she won't tell you what. She has an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror that smells like night orchids. She's a perfectly good boring driver with nothing to note about it UNTIL one day a cop tries to pull her over for her busted tail light and she hits the gas and pulls out all these street racing moves that you had no idea she was capable of and shakes the cop. She'll let you pick the music but if she doesn't like it her silent disapproval is so withering that you voluntarily change it to something she does like.
Astarion: Never got a driver's license and isn't about to get one now. Passenger princess who likes to control the radio but his taste in music sucks. He makes funny mean comments about other drivers and pedestrians. He'll complain if you ask him to fill the gas tank but he'll do it; you're paying for it, though. Actually pretty fun to go on a road trip with because he doesn't care about stuff like "making good time" and he's up for stopping anywhere that looks like it might be entertaining.
Gale: Never got a driver's license because he was always too busy with his studies to care and his mom drove him around and/or did all his errands for him anyway. He's real good at maps though and likes to be helpful by being the navigator. He's the smartest man in the world but he's completely stymied by a gas pump; you're better off pumping the gas yourself and sending him into the gas station for snacks. He always manages to conjure a full meal out of convenience food, somehow, and he's really good at feeding you while you drive.
Wyll: He saved up and bought his own fixer-upper car after getting kicked out of the house as a teenager. Good driver in general. People always think he would make a good designated driver, but actually he likes drinking socially and will politely decline requests to be the DD unless there's no one else available. Sometimes when he's having a bad day he blasts music really loud and finds a deserted area to just fuckin tear ass down as fast as he can go (he'll only do this alone and doesn't tell anyone about it). Never lets you pay for gas even if you offer. Will pick up hitchhikers.
Halsin: Has been driving the same car since 1973. Drives that specific car really well. If you gave him a modern car he would have no idea what anything on the dashboard does. Honestly, he prefers to walk or bike anyway.
Jaheira: Has a fuck-off huge SUV full of empty cans and wrappers from her kids. Absolute maniac of a driver who tailgates and speeds with no regard for road signs or lane markings. She is going to GET where she is GOING and gods help you if you get in the way.
Minsc: Failed the driving test three times and just gets rides from Jaheira. This does not bother him in the slightest. He tells you that Boo can drive vehicles you've never even heard of.
Minthara: Has run someone over on purpose.
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podcastenthusiast · 8 months
Sure there's a lot of angst surrounding post-game unascended Astarion. Trauma, not being able to walk in the sun, outliving people, etc. Very sad.
But consider the comedy!
Astarion getting so annoyed that he has to be invited in when he visits Gale's wizard tower or something.
Or like Halsin or a buff Tav carrying Astarion across a river on their further adventures.
AND the fuckin hilarious nightmare that is Astarion and his siblings trying to support the other spawn. Like a group of feral cats attempting to socialize 7000 equally feral kittens. A great big reluctant found family.
It's the funniest goddamn way things could end and you can't change my mind.
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inkyquince · 9 months
I love that dark urge is officially THE red flags character. Harr harr lazael and shadowheart and astarion red flags yada yada NO
The conversation players have about those three ? Those three have that conversation about the dark urge.
"I've always loved the colour red..." Astarion says dreamily after gale mentions some of your red flags, while you're beating the shit outta someone in the back
You say something incredibly off putting about the violence in your head? Lae'zel's breath quickens and the faster she gets her thighs clamped around your head, the better.
Shadowheart? Fuckin forget it. You threaten a man within an inch of his life and she just thinks, *till the room smells, till everyone in camp knows your name, till- wait, not till, we're not stopping-*
I can't talk about halsin cuz I'm WRITING that rn, but Gale getting flustered as you wash the blood from your hands? Wyll practising sword play (ehe) with you and needs to dunk himself in cold water afterwards because you're so aggressive and FORWARD. Karlach just gets going watching you tend to your weapons, wiping down the blood from the blades and the quarterstaff and from your boots, with slow precision.
I just think it's neat to be able to officially play THE red flags character that no other red flag character could even attempt to defeat
Edit: EVEN THE FUCKING EMPEROR?? RED FLAGS GALORE??? MASTER MANIPULATOR AND NASTY? hold his hand again, please, he likes it.
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yarpharp · 7 months
hey yeah so me being me and not aware of much about Baldur's Gate 3's other recruitable characters, I just thought Halsin was tossed in as like that one wacky poly hippie tree hugger that also moonlights as a dude who would totally fuck in his Wild Shape.
yeah NOBODY TOLD ME HIS FUCKING BACKSTORY IS FUCKING UPSETTING! Is.... Is everybody sleeping on this older elf dude? Like.... what the fuck. He was a fuckin slave in the Underdark for three years when he was young? A goddamn sex slave? He's so fucking old he was there for the whole battle with the Dark Justicars like 100s of years ago? And he lost everything! A good chunk of his homeland, his parents. He coped with his grief and traumas with sex and excessive drinking and he never really wanted to be in charge of the Grove in the first place but because he's a Good Man™ and the former Archdruid died he took up the mantle?????? I'm sorry, am I getting this correct?
hey yeah I like Astarion and his tragic backstory is A Lot BUT SO IS HALSIN'S????? What's up with the elves, man? Why are they all so traumatized?
(The lovely old elf Jaheira seems okay tho. She has tough grandma vibes)
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vael-fire · 2 months
Jesus Christ Halsin is heart-wrenching. First he's all nervous and eager for his first romance scene, then...
More Halsin spoilers below...
The Scene: Paladin!Tav/Halsin hook up with the drow twins in Sharress's Caress. A good time is had by all.
The next morning:
Tav: So you're famous in Menzoberranzan? That sounds like a fun story!
Halsin: Oh it is! [Proceeds to tell a tale that would trigger the shit out of Astarion.] :D
Tav: Babe...
Halsin: :D
Tav: You okay, babe?
Halsin: You know what, maybe not? Love you for noticing tho! :D
Between that and "Sometimes I think people look at me and think my feelings can't be hurt," Tav's just like: "The next person to reference Halsin's body in camp gets a blinding smite up the ass DO NOT FUCKIN TRY ME you dizzy bitches."
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dimmadoome · 4 months
Nothing gets my goat more than the unwashed masses saying Halsin doesn't have a personality. He does actually, just because his personality is not larger than life like the others doesn't mean he's boring or has no personality.
"People act like my feelings cannot be hurt" Yeah BB girl. I wholeheartedly understand why you'd think that.
These folk act like everyone has to be entertaining all the time or else they aren't worth the time. fuckin losers, the lot of them.
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static-sulker · 8 months
I might maybe possibly be thinking of a modern fantasy apartment AU with the main crew. All of them being stupid ass magical roommates without tadpoles...Just letting them be happy.
Also my Tav is in there because...yeah. His name is Silk and he is such a silly guy ridden with the 'tism. Drow Warlock who sees the good in everything... Such a...A yeah...
Little notes i've been conjuring about this...
Gale and Wyll made a chore chart in the kitchen, with little magnets for each person. Astarion regularly will switch his magnet in the middle of the night just so he doesn't have to do the fucking dishes and EVERYBODY knows besides Gale and Wyll. Wyll is on the fence about it, but Gale wholeheartedly believes when Astarion lies through his teeth about never having done it.
Karlach and Halsin go on grocery runs in the mornings. Karlach goes for the running part, while Halsin comes along for the run as well as to stop Karlach from buying the most horrendous shit. The one time she went alone very early in the houses lifespan, Karlach bought like 3 bags of go-gurt, about 50 dollars worth of cheap booze, and a big piece of raw steak to cook. She burnt said steak. But she's trying now, at least.
The team will take turns every now and then to get Astarion blood from themselves as it gives Astarion a lot more energy then normal settling blood. BUT they do have "blood bags" that they set up in the kitchen fridge whenever they know nobody with the right blood is gonna be available to give him blood if he needs it. They TOTALLY get it by legal means and it TOTALLY doesn't melt Astarions heart that they try so hard to help him.
Silk finds a stray dog in the alleys of their building one day when they went out to work (they do freelance art with their magic for like startups, it's fun). After casting "speak with animals" they find out this dog, Scratch, is waiting for his owner to return. His owner was killed out by some gnoll gang downtown. When they come back from work later in the evening, they find Scratch again, still waiting. Long story short, Silk adopts scratch in their very strict "no pets" rule of an apartment. And don't get me STARTED on the owlbear cub. Lae'zel and Halsin were out, originally to get some spare lightbulbs and tools for the apartment and find the little critter getting chase by some goblins in some backalley parking lot. Lae'zel plans to ignore the thing, but Halsin assists the cub. Once done, they plan to leave, before the cub begins to follow them home. Halsin names the cub "Vauva" and Lae'zel soon becomes SO attached.
They have presentation nights, where everybody makes slideshows about literally anything. Last week, Gale made one about the conflicts of archmages and the idea of apprentices. Karlach then made a tier list on the worst monsters ever documented, Lae'zel helped with that one. Shadowheart made this whole discussion over her favorite and least favorite teas (she fuckin' hates green tea for like no reason). Wyll made one on Baldurs Gate history. Astarion made a smash or pass list of all of the political leaders in Baldurs Gate. Silk made a presentation on the weirdest underdark myths and rumors they have heard on their time above ground. Halsin presented (well more like persuaded) on getting a new herb for their kitchens row of herbs and spices set on the windowsill. They have too many and he got like 5 minutes of stand time before Karlach kicked him off.
Lae'zel hate-cleans when shes mad at somebody in the apartment. Basically, she cleans every room in the entire fucking apartment BESIDES any of said "victims" parts of the house. One time, she got into a fight with Shadowheart and threw all of the dirty laundry she had so carefully put into the laundry room back into her room just all over the fucking place. If shes calm though, the house is normally fairly clean under her and Wyll's watch. It's one of the only things they agree on.
Because every bg3 piece of content I make loops back to bloodweave, I think they would have a little reading time together. Like whenever everybody is settling down for the night and they are up for it, they take this lovely window seat couch/bed thing in Gales room and just take out a good bottle of wine and a book for each of them and just read until late. They originally did this separately, but when the two find themselves both in the living room at 2 in the morning reading, they decide in silent agreement to make it routine. They sometimes read in silence, other times just talking absently about anything. Shadowheart finds out first by coming in to Gales room late one night to return a book he lent to her to find the two both passed out, tucked away in the window, books still in hand before they accidentally passed out. Shadowheart then teases them with photos the morning after.
Karlach and Lae'zel both do these really intense shadowboxing exercises in Karlachs room whenever the two have freetime and enough energy to go through with it. It's a heated bitter rivalry in the eyes of the githyanki, but Karlach just loves a little workout with her friend! Lae'zel does enjoy the workouts, as she doesn't get many options to really let off ALL of her steam, even if she works at a gym as a personal trainer. She is constantly told shes a bit TOO rough with the clients so she has to "tone it down". So it's nice.
Astarion and Shadowheart have girls nights. Like they paint each others nails and watch like twilight together (ironically they get so heated at how wrong they get it. "Just another human writer writing about shit she doesn't get" is used a lot in their rewatches). They also talk about like...their feelings. But it's very sparse and done so by a copious amount of wine (wine with a heavy amount of blood on the side for Astarion). Both of them never got to have moments like this in their childhoods, of just pure calmness and domestic childhood enjoyment, so they make due with what they can.
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legacyshenanigans · 9 months
His fuckin face when Halsin gets naked 🤣
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tilthedayidice · 22 days
Hey welcome back to my BG3 Hot Takes
While I have your attention, here's a cool site to help Palestine, all you gotta do is click it daily.
This session was inspired by @lipsie, gettin me ttalkin way too much. Yes I am aware that the tadpole changes things, and they have to make it balanced for the game blah blah blah- let a bitch complain.
Screenshots sourced from the Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
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Gale is the only character I feel is spec'd correctly, He's smart but fiuckin stupid, he has autism rizz, mam could not lift any box you asked him to, the only reason his constitution is 13 is because he's been dealing with the Orb and he's used to it by now.
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Karlach should start with 20 strength and you CANNOT convince me otherwise, her charisma should be higher also, she's a ball of sunshine and could put the fear of god into anyone, and the line "Gods I wanna ride you til you see stars" will never leave my brain. Give this bitch a 15. She do be a little dumb I'll give you that.
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Shadowheart is just funny to me, How can her wisdom be a 17 when she's been cloistered away for so long? Her wisdom is only a 17 in ONE SPECIFIC SUBJECT, a subject where she's forced to give up her memories. Memories are where we get our wisdom. Wisdom is gained through lived experiences, I'd give you the 17 for endgame Shart, but not start of game Shart. I'll take the 8 CHA cause she's a bitch (said with love, me too babe) but she knows enough to get what and where she wants so I think we should nudge it up to like 10.
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Lae'zel.... I think it's unfair to put Lae'zel's intelligence at 10. Her wisdom being low, yeah i get that she's been cloistered away in a society that believes its the only way, it's all she knows. But intelligence? No. She might know much about Faeruns culture and people, but she knows EVERYTHING about the stars. And there's far more of that than there will ever be of Faerun. She's the funniest person we know, give her 9 CHA.
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Wyll my beloved, do you airbrush those abs on? Do you wake up every morning and contour them? I DON'T BELIEVE YOU DO!!!!!!!!! SO WHO'S THE ASS WHO DECIDED YOUR STRENGHT WAS A FUCKIN 8??????? THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST A 13. He deserve a 15 but I know they won't give it to him. Lipsie and I were talking about him and they're right, WHEN WE DUMP THE BITCH HE SHOULD RESPEC INTO BARD.
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Astarion..... oh Astarion.... you're such a disaster. Such a wet cat of a man. Such a pathetic little mew mew. I shit on him a lot, but I do really love his character and development lol. LESS STR MAKE HIM WEAK, he has been starved and living off rats and shame, he can have his measly 8 AFTER he drinks... uh "Thinking" Blood. His CHA being 10 is perfect actually no notes. I personally think his actual INT should be lower, not too much lower, maybe 11/12, I knooooow he was a magistrate, but you can't tell me he's not giving himbo... no what was that word on the meme graph? Himbim? Himbim.
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Halsin.......... 10 STR? 10?!?!?!?! You built him LIKE THAT and give him 10 STR?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? What in the nine hells...... Weaker than Karlach of course, but 10????? Give that man 15 at least 8 INT???????????? 8???????? LARIAN WHY DO YOU HATE HIM???? Is it because he isn't Gale? Mans has been studying the mindflayers on his own, he's been studying the shadow curse... on his own. HE'S A MASTER HEALER?!?!?! AN ARCHDRUID?!?!?!?!?!?!? That takes time, study, and dedication. You wanna assign him himbo so bad. He's just a whole well rounded man with autism,. (Not a dig on himbos, quite literally my favorite genre of Man). This is just 'cause he fucks isn't it.
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Minthara she's so much smarter than Larian gives her credit for. While I agree with the WIS, that's more a product of being so closed off, Her INT is much higher. I'd give her a 14? She cunning, just because it's used for Evil deeds doesn't mean she hasn't been she hasn't put a lot of thought into her work. She lived in Menzoberranzan for Gods' sake. She had to be smart or be killed?!? She's said so on multiple occasions! Just because she's Evil aligned doesn't mean she not smart. (She's just as smart as our average Bear according to Larian)
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Minsc...... First off let me say that I love that they chose this image. A Bad Bitch. Anyways, anyone who doesn't find that dumb happy face charming is either lying or literally has a stick up their ass.... 12 CHA. Also why is he so weak? I know he isn't like actually weak... but mans chunked that mimic? Let him have 14.
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Jaheira I'll give you the 10 STR, she's complained about her knees like three times in my most recent session. 8 INT? So what I'm getting here.... is anyone not an origin character is just baseline 8? Lazy. Especially considering she was ALREADY GIVEN STATS IN TWO PREVIOUS GAMES. In both BG1 and BG2 she has an intelligence of 10, and if anything she's only gotten smarter over time. I wasn't gonna do this... but left is 1 right is 2.
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15, 14, 17, 10, 14, 15, and 15, 17, 17, 10, 14, 15
Make it make sense. I know she's old at this point, but in my game she killed Sarevok again so idk man.
Rip me apart in the notes ;)
But do it nicely...
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megs-98 · 4 months
Megs BG3 Masterlist
Please feel free to check out my works or my AO3! :3 Everything is listed by character <3 If you want added to a taglist at all, DM me and let me know!
My AO3 Account
It's Always Been You
Summary: Tav left Baldur's Gate after the final battle but years later something... or someone, drew her back and she had to find out why
Pairing: Dammon x f!reader (Tav)
Tags: Fluff, light make out scene at the end, mostly just Dammon being the sweetest boy
word count: 3.4k
No Extra Excitement
Summary: Tav comes back with the party after a long day exhausted but thankfully everyone's favorite wizard stayed behind to prepare a couple of surprises for her and they both have a lot of thoughts about each other
Pairings: gale x f!reader (Tav)
Tags: Explicit, fingering, vaginal sex, fluff, mutual pining
wordcount: 2k
Like You Mean It
Pairing: Gale x f!reader (Tav)
Summary: After a long, dreary day spent in Gale's tower, barely seeing him at all, you decide that you're going to get the attention that you crave. Even if it means Gale has to tame his brat with the help of a mage hand.
Tags: Explicit!, bit of a dom!Gale, use of mage hand, clothed nipple play, some voyeurism, male masturbation, riding, lots of praise, mutual orgasm (Please let me know if I missed any!)
Word count: 3.8k
A Gentle Touch Under A Canopy of Wonder and Beauty
Pairing: Gale x f!reader (Tav)
Summary: (This turned into a different take on Gale's love confession) Tav and Gale share a night together, saying, and doing things, that they need to get off their chest before they reach Moonrise Towers.
Tags: Explicit!, little bit of angst? (if you squint), expressing feelings, Mystra hate, female receiving oral, vaginal sex, sweet Gale, soft fucking, mutual orgasm, some religious themes during the smut (it's my favorite) idk I just have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this pixelated man.
Word count: 4.6k
Petals and Poems
Pairings: Gale x f!reader
Summary: Gale is off to work after making you breakfast, so you decided to go shopping and leave some gifts for him to find once he arrives home. Also Tara is peak mom in this.
Tags: None, just two idiots in love :')
Word count: 1.9k
There's A First for Everything
Pairing: Halsin x f!OC (Elyra)
Summary: (Taking place post game and featuring bloodlessbhaalbabe 's OC Elyra) After celebrating Love Day in Thaniel's Realm with the refugees and his love, Elyra, Halsin sets up a romantic evening for the two. He has something important to tell her before the fun starts.
Tags: Explicit!, mutual pining, fluff, love confession, f! receiving oral, inappropriate actually quite appropriate use of entanglement spell, vaginal sex, lots of praise. I think that's it
Word count: 2.7k
I'm Aching for You
"My mind has been haunted by your visage. Everywhere I looked, there you were; smiling that sweet smile, putting others before yourself, fiercely protecting your friends. During the nights that I could not get you out of my mind, I would turn into a bear and run halfway through the forest, yet your smell still lingered in my nose. Everything about you has beckoned me to you yet I could not."
back with another halsin x oc fic! this one for @stinadrawsthings 's beautiful tav, gia! hope yall like it! :) also trying a slightly different way of formatting these posts
Pairings: Halsin x oc!f tav (Gia)
Summary: As the shadow curse has finally been lifted, and your party ready to start towards Baldur's Gate, Halsin has asked you to meet him at his room in The Last Light Inn for a much needed conversation.
Tags: Mutual pining, making out, lots of praise, m & f receiving oral, fingering, light fem dom, vaginal sex. Really these two just finally fully confessing their feelings and fuckin like the oak father intended
Word count: 5.4k words
66 notes · View notes