paperjamz · 2 months
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im devastated by vivinos' latest posts btw . i dont know how to recover
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lowcallyfruity · 3 months
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
people im noticing that i really don't know how to use tumblr, but specially the tags XD so, sorry if I always came as weird. I am, but the idea is not make it to noticeable.
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grimbleshmubulous · 9 months
i fucking hate having an iphone how am i supposed to pirate games on this shit
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ofthepuzzle · 2 years
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@tophatz​ replied to this post: (( Otogi: don't listen to him he's a loser with coats that just so happen to be on fire. ))
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      “—that just so happen to be on what now-”
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magnusbae · 1 year
tagged by @cuubism 
Hob/Dream POV in her little brother au 💤
"What are you waiting for?" he asks instead, laughing, a little breathy "For me to tuck you in? Kiss you goodnight?" he grins, mischievous. Hob really wouldn't mind, he'd do it. 
tagging @cuubism as it is a loop with no end or start, and I too, desire to see a wip @mayhemspreadingguy .
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luzity · 2 years
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i’m very normal right now 
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shacklda · 1 year
chameleon vc: thanks daddy
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She could not have heard that right, head whipping up so fast that all she could was stare as Chameleon walked away. Like delivering that brain exploding statement was just another day for her. 
Only the sound of her things hitting the floor was what brought her out of daze, one not caused by hypnosis. (Tragic, seeing as how that’d make her butterflies easier to explain.)
When Sinner stops to looks back at her, face was already a bright scarlet. Her voice cracks. “Don’t go-”
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nestypewriter · 4 months
[Yandere! Witch]: My dear! Would you be a doll and fetch me the saliva of a werewolf?
[Familiar Darling]: Of course, sir! (You rush out the door)
5 minutes later
[Familiar Darling]:I'm back! (Holding out a bottle of saliva while IN covered in saliva)
[Yandere! Witch]: Ugh, dear, what happened to you?
[Familiar Darling]: I played with the werewolf( handing out the bottle).
[Yandere! Witch]: Umm..thank you dear (waved his hand, and the saliva covering you disappeared).
[Yandere! Witch]: But still take a bath; the dirty mutt could still track you.
[Familiar darling]: Yes, sir! (Running upstairs)
[Yandere! Witch]: Ahh, yes, it's almost done (starring the boiling pot).
[Yandere! Witch]: Thanks to my darling familiar! , I have now finished making my soul blinding potion (pouring the bottle of werewolf's saliva into the pot)
[Yandere! Witch]: Now I can be with my darling forever! Nothing will tear us apart, even death! HAHAHAHHAH!
With [familiar darling]
[Familiar darling]: There he goes again, laughing to himself.
[Familiar darling]: silly master~(shaking their head)
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lesellieknope · 2 years
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in my daniel ricciardo era
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xwhatxisxrightx · 2 years
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"Look, it's MYYY~ birthday and III~ wanna play STRIP. TWISTER!!" Ann's jubilant smile and coy wink had Haru, Yusuke and Ryuji giving a cheer, but Ann's sea blue eyes had fallen CHIEFLY to one Makoto Niijima. The girl had come back to Tokyo with talk of the town mainstays SUPERINTENDENT OF THE SIU BEATRIX SCHWIRE and CHIEF INSPECTOR OF THE SIU CH'EN HUI-CHIEH. They'd met up with Yuhsia, and Sae had shown up, too. Why?? Ann had no idea but alas, here they were. "So how about it, Makoto?"
"Did someone say STRIP TWISTER?" Swire hung herself off Makoto shoulders like DEADWEIGHT. "Let's do it, Maki-Kun! As your superior officer I command you to play strip twister!" Well, technicallly speaking CH'EN had been assigned Makoto's superior officer. Why? A genuine question. Without an ounce of jealousy… Ch'en didn't waste her time training recruits. There must have been a reason why Makoto had jumped the system, the SHARK so to speak, and ended up being trained by Ch'en directly, right? What. Exactly. Was going on there?
"No, no, my sister, is not playing strip twister. And neither should you be, Swire…" Sae's judgmental DROLL as dark eyes measured up Makoto. "You're an officer of the law, a member of the Niijima family, and MY SISTER… We aren't the kind of people that play juvenile party games like drunk college teens desperate for a lay…" Her gaze flickered to Ann at that who rolled her eyes. "So, no, Ann, we won't be playing strip twister. BIRTHDAY OR OTHERWISE. Pick another game."
"Hmmm…" Yuhsia pushed herself from the wall she'd been pressed up against her, crossed arms unfolding. "Strip twister?" She blatantly spoke OVER Sae. "Well, it's certainly JUVENILE, but isn't it all in good fun? I fail to see how it makes anyone here desperate or drunk, and actually most of us aren't teens. Makoto and Haru are TWENTY by my count, we're twenty six. Well, I'm twenty-four, THEY are twenty six." WHAT DID THAT MATTER? Pettiness. That's why. "So really playing strip twister makes us sex-less, sober, adults, and one, two, three, four nineteen year olds and one seventeen year old with a SEVERE case of the hunchback of notre damme syndrome."
Ch'en spoke last, well, sighed last. "Seriously, even if they're young, isn't that the best time to be alive? What have I been fighting for if not for kids like Makoto and Ann to LIVE A LITTLE? I think we could ALL do with letting off some steam…" She shucked off her jacket and spun for her own turn, starting things off before Sae could even argue again. "Right hand blue." She stretched herself out, CRACKING her shoulders before leaning over, planting her hand on a blue spot. "Well? Whose next?"
Next had been ANN, left foot green, then SWIRE, right foot purple, then YUHSIA, left hand yellow, mixed in with the rest of the phantom thieves. This was going to be an absolute MESS. Thank God Akira had taken over as the game master and Futaba had pussied out to dangle on her not-cousins arm. But still, was there even ROOM for Makoto and Sae to squeeze on in? "Makoto, your actual superior officer is waiting for you to take your turn. Left hand yellow." Right in between Ch'en and Ann.
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
also i love my new teachers they're so nice and like im so excited for p.e like i cant wait for it
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turnipoddity · 1 month
i have smth to confess...
my mother is a saw hater :(((
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bunny584 · 9 days
it's not even the fact that what happened in the most recent chapter doesn't make sense. it does make sense, in terms of the plot, as upsetting as it is. it's the fact that in terms of normal human decision making, this is the most deranged thing i've ever seen in my life. like it's logical and at the same time completely illogical, do you understand? i've kind of felt bad for gege for a while because this is obviously a person who has great ideas and makes great art, but they don't know exactly how to execute everything at once. so instead they just rush and give up and do shit that makes you wonder if they're okay mentally
HAHAAHAHAHAHA wait I legit almost spit out my water “this is the most deranged thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Had me on the FLOOR.
I 100% agree with feeling rushed. How telling that it’s a collective reader interpretation. It’s almost like they’re so fatigued with the story they just wants it to be DONE. With some flailing connections here and there.
It’s tragic to watch unfold and I think I’ll just take my exit. Characters are being bastardized left right and center. And it’s affecting my like…desire to write about them? Like a weird side effect of all this is getting the ick.
Such a disservice to the art, the plot line, and the 2D people we’ve become so attached to. 😞
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mackachu1212 · 8 months
Guys I’m telling ilo all the Mack’s Diner lore haha haha hahaahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHABABABHAGAHABAHDDDJDHRNDJJD *cough cough*
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anxious-scrambles · 2 months
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Hahaahahahaha I am unwell
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