#guru dragon ball Z
bleachanimefan1 · 1 year
Dragon Ball Legend Part 15
The Ginyu Force Touchdown!,
"They sure are taking a while. Krillin and Gohan should've been back by now." Ocarin said. She was pacing back and forth in the room and Nail, Dende and Necke and Guru watched her.
"Oh no. Do you think something happened?" Dende asked.
"I'm sure that they're fine." Necke tried to reassure her. Ocarin frowned before she sensed a couple of energies heading towards them. Nail, Guru, Dende and Necke sensed them as well.
"Wait, I sense them. They're coming closer now. But they're not alone. It's Vegeta." Ocarin said, recognizing their energy. "I'm going out there."
"Wait, there's Gohan!" Dende shouted. Outside the window, Ocarin saw him land near the hut from and heard him run inside.
"Gohan, up here!" Ocarin called out to him.
"Right!" Gohan flew up and he saw Ocarin, Nail, Dende and Necke and Guru. Gohan ran over to the Namekian elder, and Guru placed his hand on top of the Gohan's head.
"I can feel that you have truly amazing hidden powers, the strongest I've ever felt." Guru said as he started to tap into Gohan's power.
"Please, I have to hurry! It's Vegeta, he's right outside!" Gohan pleaded.
"Are his intentions pure?" Nail asked Guru. The Namekian elder looked at Gohan and nodded. Gohan smiled back at him.
"Hey, stop right there! I'm warning you!" Ocarin heard Krillin shouted from outside. Her eyes widen as she saw Vegeta land and Krillin behind him. She gasped. In Vegeta's hands was the Dragon ball, Guru gave Krillin. How did he get it?! She saw Nail had already headed towards the hole and jumped down, to stop him from entering.
"Leave now." Nail narrowed his eyes at Vegeta. Vegeta smirked as he looked at the Namekian warrior, seeing the similarities to Piccolo.
"I don't think so."
Guru finally managed to finish tapping into Gohan's power and removed his head off from the boy's head. Gohan gasped as he felt a new surge of energy releasing form his body that he had never felt before. Ocarin, Dende and Necke blinked in shock as well, surprised by how powerful it was.
Vegeta and Krillin and Nail sensed the new power as well. Vegeta's eyes widen as he snapped his head back to the large house. "That power there's only one person that could be." He gasped in shock. "So, you come to settle the score at last, have you? Here I am! Kakarot!"
"Wrong." Ocarin said, stepping out from the door, revealing herself. Gohan stepped out as well as he followed her and the two stood beside Nail, standing in front of Vegeta. The Saiyan prince blinked in shock as he saw the two.
"What?!" He exclaimed. "You two!? But your power levels-what is this place? What have you done!?" He demanded. Neither Ocarin or Gohan said a word to him before they saw Vegeta smirk and laughed.
"What's so funny?" Ocarin glared at him.
"What? Am I supposed to be scared now just because you got a power boost?" Vegeta said to her, chuckling.
"You should be." Ocarin replied.
"It changes nothing. You both are still nowhere near my level, so go ahead if you want to attack me!" Vegeta taunted Gohan and her. Ocarin stepped up.
"Okay, you asked for it-" But was stopped when Nail stood in front of her, facing Vegeta. "Nail?"
"Go ahead." Vegeta smirked at him.
Inside the hut, Dende and Necke gasped as they saw the Namekian elder began to cough violently. They quickly ran over to him looking up at him in worry when they noticed that he had a serious look. "What is it, Guru?" Dende asked.
"Elder Guru!" Necke shouted, worried as well.
"Dende, Necke, my children."
"What's wrong?" Dende asked him.
"You must go and warn the others." Guru told the two. Dende and Necke quickly nodded. "I can sense that there is an incredible power force coming towards our planet. You must go, quickly!"
"Hmm?" Ocarin frowned. She looked upwards towards the sky, searching.
"What is it, Ocarin?" Gohan asked her.
"I sense something." She spoke. Dende and Necke quickly ran out and stood close by the door to the hut.
"Listen to me! Guru just told me that there's a powerful force heading straight for us!" Dende shouted, urgently.
"Who's this Guru?" Vegeta questioned.
"Are you expecting any friends?" Ocarin asked him. Vegeta blinked at her in confusion.
"Hey, they're right! Something is coming!" Krillin shouted.
"Yeah, that power level is huge!" Gohan exclaimed, sensing it as well. 
"Wait, I know! It's Goku! I knew he'd be here to save us!" Krillin shouted, smiling.
"Kakarot!?" Vegeta shouted.
"It's not Goku. There's five of them." Ocarin said. Krillin's smile dropped a little as he looked at Ocarin, seeing the dead serious look in her eyes.
"Five?" Gohan asked. Vegeta's eyes widen and he gasped looking towards the sky. His body started to tremble.
"No, not them!"
"So, you do know them. Who are they!?" Ocarin demanded.
"Five of them. It has to be. Damn it all! Frieza has called in the Ginyu force!" Vegeta growled as he gritted his teeth while clenching his fist tightly.
"Ginyu Force? With a name like that, they sound kind of lame." Ocarin frowned. Vegeta rushed over, shoving Ocarin out of the way. She fell on the ground landing on her side roughly. Nail quickly got into a fighting stance as he kept his eyes on the Saiyan prince. Vegeta quickly grabbed Gohan by his collar, lifting him up.
"You! No more time for games! Give me that Dragon ball, right now!" Vegeta hissed. 
"Put him down." Ocarin said. She got up, giving Vegeta a dirty look as she glared at him, angrily, from being pushed down.
"I don't have it!" Gohan shouted.
"Tell me where it is! Tell me and I promise no harm will come to you or your friends!" Vegeta said, urgently.
"Like we're going to believe that coming from someone like you." Ocarin said. Vegeta shot her a glare, which didn't faze Ocarin who only glared back at him.
"Shut up! If I don't get my wish, then we're all dead! Do you hear me!?" Vegeta exclaimed.
"She's right! What do you think we are? Stupid? You put him down, right now, Vegeta!" Krillin shouted.
"Listen to me, don't be fools. These are no ordinary people Frieza called, it's the Ginyu force. Five men. Each as strong as I am, maybe even stronger! And in a few moments, they'll be here with new scouters. They'll find us and kill us all!" Vegeta shouted. Ocarin frowned at what he said, taking in the information. New scouters? That does sound like a problem. They would find Guru, Nail, Dende and Necke and all of them with it! Then the Dragon balls will be gone as well if anything happens to Guru! Ocarin sighed.
"This just keeps getting better and better." She thought to herself, growing more concerned by the new coming threat.
"I don't believe you!" Krillin argued.
"Do you feel that power!? None of us are strong enough to face that! We only have one chance. We have to use the Dragon balls to make me immortal!" Vegeta insisted.
"I feel what this Saiyan is saying maybe be true. This is an evil presence that approaches." Nail said. Gohan blinked, looking at him.
"Are you sure?" He asked. Nail slowly nodded.
"Then we use the wish on Gohan!" Krillin said.
"The boy doesn't have any fighting experiences. It has to be me!" Vegeta shouted back at him. Krillin turned to Ocarin, looking at her.
"Ocarin?" Ocarin's eyes widen, and she quickly shook her head.
"Don't look at me. I really don't think it's a good idea to make a wish for immortality. Remember Garlic Jr? I really don't want another one of him running around." Krillin gritted his teeth in frustration. They were out of options. He turned back to Vegeta shaking his head.
"I can't give you that wish! That would mean that our entire reason that we were here would be for nothing!" 
"But you would still have two more wishes." Nail added. Krillin, Gohan, Ocarin and Vegeta looked at him, surprised.
"What?" Ocarin gasped.
"Didn't you know? The Dragon balls will grant you three wishes." Nail replied.
"Three? Are you sure about that?" Ocarin asked him. Nail nodded.
"We're wasting time! The Ginyu force will be here any second! We have to use now before it's too late!" Vegeta shouted, grabbing Krillin by his gi. Krillin pushed Vegeta off of him.
"You're not giving the orders here, Vegeta!" and looked back at the Namekian warrior. "Nail, are you absolutely certain that we'll get three wishes?" Krillin asked him.
"Yes." Nail said. Krillin nodded then turned to Vegeta.
"Let's go. But if you try anything funny the deal's off, you got it?" He said and flew off as Vegeta started to follow behind him. "Follow me."
"Wait up!" Gohan called out and flew off as well, chasing after them. Ocarin turned to Nail, Dende and Necke.
"Well, things just got a little exciting." She told them. "I guess I'll see you three later. Bye." She waved and flew off to follow after the others.
Nail, Dende and Necke watched them until they were gone and walked back inside the hut, meeting with Guru.
"So then, are they gone?" Guru asked.
"Yes. But even if they do get the Dragon balls in time, I don't know of their chances." Nail told him.
"Can't you help them?" Dende asked Nail. Necke ran over to him.
"Ocarin and her friends are doing whatever they can to help us! She saved me. We have to help them!" He shouted, agreeing as well. 
"Dende and Necke are right. I think that you should join them in this battle." Nail looked up at Guru with a surprised look. Guru nodded. "It might help their chances at victory."
"But what about-" Nail frowned, looking at the Namekian elder with a concerned look. He did not want to leave his side, not when the Namekian elder was close in his final moments.
"Don't worry about me, my son. I don't plan on leaving this world just yet." Guru smiled, softly. Nail's eyes widen even more, almost about to cry, but didn't. He bowed to Guru.
"I-I will do as you wish."
Then Nail mind began to drift as thought about Ocarin. She was strange but also quite beautiful. He admired her bravery and strength. He was surprised that she could even speak in Namekian like they could. She was so nice. Now, her friends and her was putting herself in danger for all of them when she didn't even know them. He couldn't help but think of the way she stared at him. Her eyes were so soft and filled with love. She said that there was someone else who looked a lot like him. Who was he? Whoever he was, she must have really cared for them. He hoped that she will be able to get her wish to bring them back. Nail couldn't help but feel a little envious towards them. Why was this person so special to her?
"Nail? Is something wrong?" Nail's eyes widen when he heard Guru spoke to him, snapping out of his thoughts. "I-It's nothing."
"Are you thinking about the young Earth woman?" Guru asked him, making a small smile. Nail shook his head.
"It's nothing, really, master. I'm going to go."
As everyone flew, heading back towards Bulma at the new hideout. They sensed five energy levels growing closer and saw the spacecrafts within the distance, crashing down. "We're running out of time! The Ginyu forces have landed!" Vegeta shouted.
"There she is!" Krillin pointed out to a small crevice and landed down on the ground. Bulma was inside, sitting down on a chair. The Dragon ball was tied to her leg. Krillin ran up and grabbed the Dragon ball, pulling Bulma out of her seat as he quickly tried to untie the string.
"Hey, what's the big idea!?" Bulma demanded as she sat up, looking at Krillin, angrily.
"Sorry, no time to explain, Bulma. We've got bigger problems, right now!" He quickly told her and ran out, carrying the ball in his hands, meeting up with Vegeta.
"Quickly! Follow me to the others!" Vegeta shouted as he led Krillin and Ocarin to take them the other Dragon balls that he had secretly stashed. Bulma saw Gohan chasing after them as she ran out.
"Wait! Tell me what's going on!? Come back here!" Bulma exclaimed then blinked in confusion. "Wait a minute. Why was Vegeta with them?!"
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quantumleper · 2 months
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Vegeta Powers Up to Fight Recoome | Dragon Ball Z | Captain Ginyu Saga
My favorite Vegeta power up
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Anime Locksreen and Wallpaper
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loreofthefritz · 1 year
Namekian Culture (Headcanons)
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Posting my random world-building headcanons here once again.
Sign Language
It’s mandatory for Namekians to learn sign languages and code-like ways of communication (like morse code) that makes use of their keen hearing.
The current Namekians in New Namek were taught a lot of Namekian languages that existed before the climate crisis and each of them were made to be fluent in at least one more than their universal language (the one Porunga knows) and their equivalent sign languages (yes, of course you can wish to Porunga with the Namekian SL). The Namek also see even just a hearing that's average for most of the universe's people (like the Earthlings') as a disability and they accommodate this as they do all of their people.
Dragons & Warriors ≠ Their Careers
Much like any civilization, Namekians do not see being a Dragon and a Warrior as a hindrance to a path that they wish to have and have a wide range of careers they can choose from (they at least had engineers, scientists, teachers, cultivators, and all varieties of artists judging from the spaceship and the things they had in their villages). Namekians are known migrants in the universes they are in. However, due to the climate diminishing, they had to start from scratch and had to focus on survival.
They also don’t usually give birth as much as Guru did and used to have a better ratio of Dragons and Warriors in their planet. Since giving birth to Warriors needs more energy (headcanon), Guru decided to have one sole warrior (Nail) to train the willing Dragons.
Life Partnerships / Relationships
Even before Guru repopulated the planet with his children alone, their society already did not comply with amatonormativity. Namekians, with their long lives, rarely settle for monogamous relationships. Some Namekians preferred to have multiple separate partners, some preferred a polycule and all the different types of ethical non-monogamy, while some preferred none at all. Queerplatonic relationships are the most common.
Each kind of relationship was as ordinary as breathing and Namekians were also even known to espouse outside their race due to the long-encouraged migration of their people. Now, however, most Namekians who long for partners in New Namek are encouraged to wish to Porunga for the opportunity to travel in space and find intimate companions, and some had already left the nest.
[Headcanons beyond this point have less than zero canon foundation (it came out of my a– you know what I mean)]
Namekians give great importance to their vows of love and find it unacceptable to violate them. They also have their own ritual for marriage (I haven’t thought of one) that can be done between two or more people.
Before the nuptials, the Namekians are supposed to use their Materialization (famously known in the fandom as Clothes Beam ™���) technique to create an accessory to give their partner/s at the ceremony. The purpose is to create an object tough enough to last their long lifetime.
I've long since headcanon that the longer one stays using the technique, the better quality the material is. Unlike the kais who can create even the hardest metal in the universe in a snap of a finger, mortals make better use of Materialization with how long they pour their ki on them.
This object may be given back or kept after divorce and must always have the name of the one who created them. (I think some polycules create all of theirs at the same time or even create separate pendants for one necklace or bracelet but I think it’s better if they give each other different kinds of accessories like bangles, earrings, noserings, pins or something for their clothes, or even hats.)
This is just the vows I created specifically for Namekians that I plan to use in my every fanfic if I ever finish/post any:
(After receiving the accessory the person will say:)
“The gift of your embedded soul shall bring with it your comfort, your pain, your thoughts, your worries, your warmth, your memories, and your hopes and dreams; as long as a piece of you resides with my person, so will you.
"I, who have accepted the you who stands before myself, accept you as my companion beyond the end of my life or the day we find ourselves unable to respect and trust one another; as you would do the same.”
Vows are spoken in the language of one's heart, to which most of the time is the person’s native language. (If you're bilingual then the combination of the two MAY be your native language; then if you're multilingual, more variations like that etc.)
Extra: I invented a Namekian Equivalent to "I love you"
Pikkaro apakuto = My love/respect/adoration/admiration of you knows no bounds.
Apakuto = the word that can mean love, adoration, admiration, respect, or all of it at the same time.
Extra Extra HC: If Dende would have his own dragon, he'd probably name them Apakuruto (Dragon of Love/admiration/etc 😌) maybe following his father's dragon of dreams, Porunga.
[To see my first HC dump, check out this post!]
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piers-wifey · 7 months
"I have a bitch of an itch on my left ass cheek."
- Super Kami Guru DBZA
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kwailaliliicomics · 8 months
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Day 19 Plump
Mmmm... Yes.
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laladbzland · 2 years
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duhragonball · 3 months
I like to think that part of the appeal of Dragon Ball is the fact these random martial artists keep on taking on world-ending threats, because they are the only ones strong enough to do it. For that reason, do you think Dragon Ball would have gotten as good as it did if none of it's villains could blow up the world?
No, I don't think that would have affected the quality of Dragon Ball.
To be sure, blowing up the whole world is a cool way to raise the stakes. It's awesome how Vegeta tried to ragequit his invasion of Earth, and Goku had to stand his ground because the entire planet would have been destroyed if he didn't try to repel that world-ending Gallick Gun. It's also awesome that Frieza tried to destroy Namek because it was easier than fighting a Super Saiyan. It's awesome that Cell had a self-destruct feature, and the only way to foil it was to take him to a different planet with a smaller population. And of course, it's awesome that Majin Buu just went ahead and destroyed the Earth, and no one could stop him, and the story just kept on going anyway. Those are all big impressive story beats, and Dragon Ball might be poorer without them.
All that said, I don't think taking them out would make the story worse. The Red Ribbon Army arc was great, and the height of their power was that they could probably conquer the Earth with the right leadership and resources. The King Piccolo stuff was great, and the most he could do was to subjugate the Earth and perhaps wipe out its population.
I think it says a lot how the Piccolo Junior arc was such a classic, and yet the stakes were basically the same as the arc before it. Piccolo is back, and if Goku can't stop him then he'll just repeat what he did before. It works. The only real difference there is that Piccolo Junior was stronger and laser focused on eliminating Goku.
Radditz threatened to kill everyone on Earth and sell the empty planet to the highest bidder, which is cool because it goes beyond even what Piccolo had planned for it, which reinforced the notion of Piccolo and Goku teaming up to stop him.
Now you could stop right there, and continue the story with that same limit on "How bad could it get?" and things still work. Frieza planned to destroy Namek after making his wish, so that no one else could use the Dragon Balls, but he needn't have bothered, since killing Guru and the other Namekians would settle that just as easily. Cell's self-destruct could have just been some sort of biological agent that would kill everyone without damaging the planet itself. Kid Buu could have just fought Goku and Vegeta on Earth, though admittedly that's a tough call. You set this guy up as a planet-destroying monster, so it strains credibility that he's stuck on Earth for two days and never goes through with it.
Still, I think there's more to the story than just blowing up planets. Look at Super Hero, where all the major players are much, much stronger than the "planet busters" of Z, and yet it never comes up. Nobody in the story wants to destroy the Earth, so the fact that they can doesn't come into play. Cell Max seems to be nearly mindless, but he also knows how to fight pretty well, so he must have some rudimentary control over his power, which keeps him from wrecking the earth every time he goes berserk. I assume his self-destruct is designed the same way. It's contained to destroy whatever killed him, but it doesn't blow up the whole world because Dr. Hedo isn't as nihilistic as his grandfather was.
"The whole world might be destroyed!" is just a tool, one of many that Akira Toriyama had in his toolbox. The fact is, once he introduced that level of power, he couldn't really raise the stakes much higher. Villains like Buu or Zamasu could destroy every planet, but it basically amounts to the same thing, so Dragon Ball has been on that same level of stakes ever since Vegeta fought Goku for the first time 35 years ago. And if the stories have been all right over those past 35 years, then there really isn't a need to raise the stakes any higher, is there?
Likewise, if he had kept that notion off the table, and the worst Vegeta could do was to render the Earth uninhabitable or something, then we'd have 35 years of that being the worst anyone could do, and I don't think it would make that much of a difference.
To come at it from a different direction, I don't think "villains who can blow up the world" is what made Dragon Ball good. It was already good well before that came into play. And if Toriyama could tell a great story without that angle, then he's no worse off with or without it.
I was thinking the other day about how irritating it gets when fans argue over whether "O.G. Dragon Ball" is better or worse than "Z". They're the same story, after all. It's like arguing over which half of a movie is better. But it struck me that this is a big part of Toriyama's legacy. Dragon Ball is such a classic that fans talk about it like he made two classics and debate which one is the best. That's pretty damn impressive.
I think it proves that there's not some single "special ingredient" that makes the story work. Way back in the beginning, it was made clear that martial artists have a duty to use their special skills to help people, and that's been the through-line of Dragon Ball. Saving the entire planet from some world-busting menace is taking that idea to the extreme, but the idea still works, even if it's just Goku helping a sea turtle get back home, or tackling the Red Ribbon base to wish Upa's dad back to life.
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naidje · 2 months
Hot or not?
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Grand Elder Guru from Dragon Ball Z
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So, watched Dragon Ball Superhero, and you can tell whoever write it wanted it to be chock full of references and call backs for Fans.
A couple things.
1) As people already mentioned, Piccolo's house really does look like Nail's Traditional Namekian House on Namek, while also creating small Kami Observatories while meditating.
2) The movie is a combination of the Cell Saga, the Bio Broly movie and the Garlick Jr Movie (not the filler arc mind you the original movie... Tho you can see one major reference to the filler arc too).
3) Piccolo really is the best father figure in this show ESPECIALLY given how angry he gets over Gohan possibly becoming another Goku to his own kid preferring other interests over raising her (interests being his work rather than training as is for Goku of course).
4) Anyway, the movie is, as mentioned, half Bio Broly half Garlick Jr. The Resurgent Red Ribbon Army hires Doctor Gero grand son to build the proverbial Android Army to face off against the "secret evil organisation" Capsule Corp and it's Traitor Androids and Alien Conquerors, and start their operation by targeting the weakest links in the organisation according to their research, them being Piccolo and later Gohan.
5) First, the Elephant in the room. Yes, Doctor Gero fucked, we knew that already, Android 16 was based on his dead son Goku killed when he wiped out the Red Ribbon Army as a kid, his anger and rage against him was literally based on that (hence him putting the earth destruction bomb within the robot copy of his son of course, dude was still really twisted). Doctor Hedo, his grandson however, is actually not the son of the dead RR soldier Gero son, but ANOTHER son who left the kid orphaned at a young age when both him and his wife died in an accident.
6) Side note, yes, his grandmother is Android 21. Yes, Doctor Gero fucked Android 21 from FighterZ the fighting game, she's confirmed as canon in the Super timeline now.
7) Perhaps due to being orphaned at a young age, Hedo seems obsessed with Superheroes, hence why the two Androids he does create, Gamma 1 and 2, are both based on a Superhero motif. Before anyone asks, NO, there was NO GREAT SAYAMAN In this movie, which is a TRAVESTY and the GREATEST INSULT IN THE HISTORY OF ANIME. What a missed opportunity.
8) By the way, VIDEL FINALLY GOT A JOB! She's a martial arts and self defense instructor, which fits her Dragon Ball Z characterization quite well. Unfortunately, we don't see anything from any of it, because the writers are still dragon ball writers is a miracle she has a job at all right now.
9) Goku and Vegeta literally spend the entire movie locked up in Beerus planet fighting each other for no reason, like, completely removed from the narrative which was honestly GREAT we got fucking tired of them cheapening all movies they are in. Finally other characters have time to shine. Broly is also there being a Fanboy. His girlfriend and his other friend are hired to become Beerus maid and cook respectively as a result. Yes the god of destruction has a crush on Broly's girlfriend.
10) Anyway, classic Garlick JR movie plot, Pan gets kidnapped and Gohan has to save her, Piccolo already infiltrated the organisation to stop them from within, usual shit.
11) Dr Hedo is also working on the Cell Max project, but isn't so sure about it since he's incredibly unstable and isn't planning to activate the thing any time soon. Cell Max, basically Giant Semi Perfect Cell, gets activated during the climax of the movie.
12) The movie finally remembers a lot of Namekian lore for Piccolo to finally get him on par with the other characters in terms of strength. He gets his "Potential Activated" like Guru did on Namek to Krilin and Gohan, he grows to giant size like Slug does and like he did at the Martial Arts Tournament, and he gains a new transformation, Orange Piccolo, which is very similar to the power buff he gets during the Garlick Jr filler arc as his old Earth Demon Powers reawaken (here is implied it's Kami's original powers before the split activating tho since it's from Shenlong as a buff).
13) Gohan also finally gets his time to shine by activating back his Zen powers at the sight of his daughter being in danger, and he does fight against Gamma 1 pretty evenly, both Gammas implied to be on par with Goku and Vegeta btw.
14) Cell Max is activated by the RR leader, which is Red's son (Red being the original leader of the RR), and we do have a pretty big raid battle against him (I'd argue this is a reference to the Hirudegarn movie since Gotenks is also there, tho they fail the fusion). Krilin has a moment of glory during it by using Solar Flare on Cell, a classic move of his, to blind him for a combined surprise attack from anyone.
15) Side note, one of Gero's data collecting bugs shows up again, it's created by Hedo tho as a spy bee.
16) Anyway, Gamma 2 sacrifices himself to weaken Cell Max to save his brother and their creator, which btw is a really nice inversion of original Gero and his creations. I would have loved a scene exploring 18 (who is also there with Krilin btw, she shows up for the raid boss scene) trauma at seeing 1) Cell Again and 2) the grandson of the man who made her what she is and the way he genuinely seems to care for his creations unlike Gero. We don't get any of that because we have to be dumb action packed anime mind you but a bitch can dream.
17) Anyway, climax of the movie is Orange Piccolo becoming giant and holding Cell Max still so that Gohan can kill it in one attack, and yes, it is LITERALLY the Raditz Piccolo Goku fight down to the very end.
18) Piccolo gets his arms destroyed and is seemingly killed in front of Gohan which is what triggers yet another trasformation turning him into GOHAN BLANCO.
19) Gohan Blanco is stronger than Cell Max in his depowered, damaged state, which is admitted by Gohan and Piccolo to be, at full power, stronger than both Goku and Vegeta, and manages to beat the shit out of him with one punch, before Piccolo, who has regenerated, can come back and wrap him up in his limbs to, again, do the Raditz fight on Cell Max.
21) Cell is defeated but his body starts bloating up like original Semi Perfect Cell before his explosion, only for everyone to run away from him before he can blow anyone up. A bit anticlimactic mind you for a reference but still.
22) Gamma 2 is the only good guy casualty in the movie, and his body disappears. No one mentions bringing him back with the Dragon Balls btw which is BULLSHIT especially given how much his brother and "father" were devastated by his death and heroic sacrifice. You could argue since they mention how both Gamma 1 and 2 were created from scratch rather than from adapting a human that they are Androids like 16, 13, 14 and 15 were "Androids," so they have no soul to bring back so to speak (case in point, Hedo pretty much teaching them all they know of the world, among them the concept of Heroism) especially given the only other androids we see from Hedo are using corpses he stole from the local morgue as a base, not living being like 18 and 17 (Reference to Android Number 8?)
23) In a post credit scene we find out Vegeta win his fight against Goku, finally managing to beat him in a fair fight, much to his delight, causing Broly to cry at the sheer manliness of the scene or some shit. His girlfriend just thinks they were being stupid. This is probably a subtle dig at previous Dragon Ball media being just a fight fest in the eternal dick measuring contest between Vegeta and Goku, with Broly being there as the audience, whose character was originally the perfect example of everything wrong with Dragon Ball before Super gave him a better Backstory and a Girlfriend and also some emotional depth (IE Absurd power levels and generic mega battles between more and more powerful Sayan forms).
24) All in all, a surprisingly good movie honestly, I'm just glad we gave Gohan and Piccolo time to shine.
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jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug Abridged Review
Originally posted December 1st, 2015
Excellent comedy combined with new insights into characters.
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Lord Slug Abridged is a great example of how strong Team Four Star’s comedy and storytelling can be when they aren’t limited by the scope necessary for the long form. This abridged film is a riot, with great jokes coming at a rapid pace, and its pacing is just as strong, moving through the story deftly and quickly without ever losing its stride. The voice-work is also as good as ever, with MasakoX and Lanipator especially standing out as Goku and Piccolo. All this and the fact that Team Four Star manages to show us new sides to their characters make Lord Slug an excellent film.
Piccolo is the best example of how Team Four Star shows us new sides to their characters, as Lord Slug is the first time we get to see Piccolo being a pure, unadulterated badass. Piccolo, of course, has had his moments of badassery in the series so far, but here he’s allowed to really let loose, defeating Lord Slug’s minions with sheer brutality and snappy one-liners. Lanipator does an excellent job selling this new side of Piccolo, bringing out an intensity we haven’t seen in his character until now. What makes this more impressive though is the fact that Team Four Star never abandons their previous characterization of Piccolo for this badassery; Piccolo still takes a bullet for Gohan, and he also gives all his energy to Goku, ensuring Lord Slug’s defeat.
We also get to see new sides to both Chi Chi and Super Kami Guru. Chi Chi’s is only momentary, but it’s still incredibly satisfying to see her charge into battle and take down a couple goons (the joke about her having the fighting style of twelve menstrual kicks is pretty funny too, despite being a little sexist). Super Kami Guru’s other side is shown to us literally through Lord Slug, as he is meant to be his polar opposite. Team Four Star’s clever twist here though is in making Super Kami Guru the evil half, which begs the question, if the good half of this Namekian invaded earth and froze the planet, what worse could the evil half have done?
The last thing I want to mention about Lord Slug is its excellent music selection. Like “Bardock: Father of Goku,” Lord Slug incorporates music from a number of different sources, and while it lacks the clear theme of “Bardock,” its incorporation of John William’s Superman Theme, “What a Wonderful World,” and Disturbed all work together beautifully, either setting the mood for the scene or serving as clever punchlines. They even let the final blow to Lord Slug be dealt by the Andy Griffith Theme, and if that isn’t great music selection, then I don’t know what is.
Rating: 4.5/5
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Stray Observations
Yes, I know I called it a film, despite Team Four Star and the title calling it a movie. Get over it.
Icarus is so cute, and Gohan is so happy with him!
As the meteor approaches, Dr. Briefs is listening to “Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith. Clever gag, Team Four Star, clever gag.
“Look everyone, it’s Jesus’ death army! Something about what I said doesn’t sound right.”
The spokesman for Lord Slug’s army is WeeklyTubeShow doing an excellent Zap Brannigan impression.
Henchman: “Well, Lord Slug, it is my humble opinion, Lord Slug, that it will take three days, Lord Slug. Go Team Slug.”
Chi Chi: “Gohan, it’s Dragon-Icarus stew!” But… But… WHY?!?!
“Oh my god, are you Batman?” Nope. It’s Mr. Goddamn Piccolo.
Piccolo: “Hey, hey Gohan. You wanna do that thing where you get really mad and start beating the guy up? Gohan? Gohan? Don’t you f***ing ignore me.”
Goku: “Hey King Kai. My nipples are rigid right now.” King Kai: “That’s… Anyway…”
*squeak* Goku: “Why does everyone laugh when they do that? That’s my ribs crushing my lungs.” *squeaky*
Goku: “Sun, sun! Mr. Golden Sun, kill my enemies!”
Super Kami Guru: “Nail! Come and mail this for me.” Nail: “Sir, we don’t have a mail system.” Super Kami Guru: “Nail, gather the Dragonballs.”
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celticcatgirl2 · 10 days
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“…but I NEED you to unlock my hidden powers so I can save my friends!!!”
“Hmmm….but you’re a SCORPIO you say? I do NOT trust like that….”
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the-bejeesus · 2 years
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When people talk about anime that inspired them to work out, the examples they give are usually JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Dragon Ball Z, or Baki. Some shonen with extremely muscular men who accomplish incredible feats.
But for me the anime that inspired me is to excercise is Mob Psycho 100. The one with an underweight protagonist with no stamina. As a comedic plot point, he joined a workout club even though he does not excel in exercising and has amazing talents that negate the need to be fit.
I’ve tried to work out or diet a lot of times. But there were always one of two problems that would make me stop. 1: A lack of results. Fluctuation of weight or stagnation of weight can be quickly discouraging. 2: A selfish reason, like trying to be more attractive to girls. A reason that once served as motivation can turn into guilt if it’s seen for the vanity that it is.
Power dieting and swearing off junk food and fast foods can feel torturous, and the desire to eat something unhealthy can be tempting. When working out I did a lot of heavy lifting, and avoided cardio. This is because a lot of gurus said cardio doesn’t burn much fat, and intense exercise turns your fat into energy and uses it to build muscle. Thus began a vicious cycle where I was either on a death mission trying to become super fit in 6 months, or gave up and was incredibly unhealthy and depressed for 6 months.
What Shigeo taught me is that exercise can be more than a means to an end, it can be an experience. For Shigeo this experience is friendship.
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The incredible character trait of everyone in the Body Improvement Club is their extreme friendship. They don’t care why Shigeo is doing this, they don’t care if Shigeo catches up to them in body fitness any time soon. They are all so proud and are quite literally willing to die for him.
For me, my experience in excercise is exploration. The cardio I once swore off as “ineffective” is now my primary form of excercise. Biking on trails, jogging across towns. Rather than trapping myself to a treadmill in my living room, I try to see the beautiful planet I live on. On a treadmill I could step off the second I was exhausted, but outside any distance I run/bike has to be ran/biked back home. There’s an excitement to pushing my limits, making sure I have enough water, and weighing my risks.
My dieting is exploration in a difference sense. Grocery shopping, trying new fruits or small snacks, going organic or finding healthier alternatives to things. No counting carbs, no counting fats, no counting calories. Just planning out a month of affordable produce and small meals. I don’t think I could ever get a huge meal at McDonald’s again, because every time I’m just going to think “14.67 huh? With that kinda money I could buy 16 pounds of apples, they’re .89c/lb at Sprouts. That’s a lot of apples.”
“But what about vanity, huh?” you might ask. Shigeo is not a shining example of selfless body improvement. He wants to get fit so that he has the courage to ask out a girl, the most popular girl in his school at that. And he doesn’t even like her for her personality or anything, just looks. It’s one of his biggest character flaws. Well the lesson here is to not find a selfless reason. Self-body improvement is called that for a reason, you’re improving your body for yourself. Getting a partner, being healthier and living longer, popping your pecs. Most reasons to excercise are selfish, but that’s okay. Selfishness is not always a negative thing. There’s a saying “you gotta help yourself before you can help others.” that includes fulfilling your own wants and being happy.
Once you’ve truly realized a goal and set to accomplish it, the vanity doesn’t matter. You’ve become one with the craft, and can look past your endgame. In one episode, Shigeo spends weeks training for a marathon, even though he’s never run nearly that far without fainting. All to impress Tsubomi. But when she’s cheering him on at the marathon, he’s too focused to acknowledge her. He can’t stop because he wants nothing more than to reach top 10 in the marathon.
This circles back to what I said about the Body Improvement Club, and how they don’t care why Mob joined. They all once had their own reasons for wanting big muscles, or less fat, or more stamina. But they’ve all been in the game so long that none of that is that important anymore. They know so much about muscles, excercises, food, the human body.
Power dieting and heavy lifting have actually worked for me once or twice. I’ve been skinny, and even had some visible muscle buildup. But I never saw a skinny man in the mirror. I always saw someone that was quite chubby and had a long way to go. Other people saw a healthy young man but that didn’t matter to me, because I convinced myself I wasn’t doing this for others and my reasons were completely selfless.
Accepting that my reasonings for being healthier are selfish, in some ironic way, made me care less about fat loss and my appearance. I like the feeling that my blood is flowing that cardio gives me. I love the energy I get from eating vegetables. I don’t check the scales for at least a month. Sometimes I’ll eat a burger or wings about once a week or so, I haven’t sworn off anything like the plague. I just make sure not to overtreat myself. And for the first time in years I weigh under 250. I don’t know how much I weigh exactly right now, but I don’t care. I have healthy habits, and I know if I keep it up maybe one day I’ll weigh even less than 225, or less than 200.
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andrewmoocow · 7 months
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A conclusion that I came to recently.
For those who don't get the joke, Michael Kovach plays Angel Dust in the Hazbin Hotel pilot, N from Murder Drones, Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus, and Rocky Rickaby from Lackadaisy. Meanwhile, Takahata101 is best known as Nappa, Super Kami Guru, Cell, Bardock, Dende and tons of other characters in Dragon Ball Z Abridged, Alucard in Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Crump and Dartz in Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, and Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged.
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overfedvenison · 1 year
A Dragonball blog where you can check every character’s Win/Loss record
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jaebird88 · 1 year
Next session is going to be like in Dragon Ball Z, with Grandma Morri unlocking the hidden potential of Bell’s Hells like Guru.
G’night everyone. Hopefully my living situation doesn’t interfere with missing out on Vox Machina S2.
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