thehotboxsocial · 2 years
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Frisco Rap 1995
Situation Critical [Dre Dog]
Crooked Crow [Herm feat. Dre Dog]
Did You Get Yo Geez [JT The Bigga Figga]
Ya Betta Come On In [San Quinn]
Heaven Or Hell [Seff Tha Gaffla]
Retaliation [Young Cellski feat. Baldhead Rick & Cougnut]
Cut'em By The LB [Hitman feat. Hustla Moe & N.O.H.]
Kill-A-Hoe [11/5]
Countin Money [Big Mack]
The Shit That We Been Through [Get Low Playaz]
Check Yo Self [Guce feat. RBL Posse]
Taste Da Hate [Cold World Hustlers feat. Coughnut & Dre Dog]
TNT [T-Lowe]
Fillmoe Killa [Deco-D]
So Much Drama [Black Nate]
Time To Get My Serve [RBL Posse]
It'z Goin Down [JT The Bigga Figga]
Da Good Life [J. La-Rue]
Bake Me A Cake [Nakia feat. D The Bakerman]
Shady Business [Tabb Doe & The Money Mobb]
Strictly Sickly [Ghetto Soldiers]
Nighty Night [Mista Bossman feat. Young Chunk]
Mobbin On The Weekend [J-Mack]
dl                    yt
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whathedickens · 2 months
mr dick man. i stole your sons pathetic loser boyfriend. how does that make you feel mr dick man. i saved your son from years of mediocrity. thank me mr dick man.
" you mean randal ? well thats a shame , i liked that boy . and well , if you want a thanks i suppose i can guce you one . . thank you ? and dont call me 'mr dick man' , please . "
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from daedra names (The Elder Scrolls) and theological angels and demons
Aademixasa Abaly Abiah Addogtru Adjudgerata Adrigion Adronianama Aecer Agara Agastalar Agherworai Akaaki Akalan Alavend Alawoorel Aleth Aliony Amalaxes Amancifeyak Ambri Aminurazan Amixar Anash Anira Arkifurr Arkyth Arras Asmon Astart Asuraldanow Athoor Atormen Aventon Azachedriel Azail Azfyli Azfylomeje Azudia Azulunta...
Badeka Badermwon Badruk Baleg Balha Banchalis Banumbrus Barch Bardandren Barmura Barve Batakaer Bator Battykena Bazapt Bazep Bazureel Beggma Begozzaka Behel Belekh Berubim Betron Bhamsits Blaningda Blekab Blias Blorgorne Blotell Bodavakata Boglammar Bomeruttaaf Bomet Botinaf Bridran Briell Broel Bruchan Bruint Brutstear Caagonophon Caldus Canah Cantanev Ceriel Chberus Chcus Chcustor Chich Clest Collaki Corge Cresal Crykun Daebloke Dagorveplar Dajjala Dakelvel Dalivora Damnevin Danim Daveshas Davilfrozu Deelith Demvatix Dendhazena Deranzoul Dezber Dicub Dolamata Dolarayla Dominaphaz Donotu Doshatim Drephaz Driel Driell Droganron Dumirr Dyzachahaed Dyzormang Ebatorsis Ebodwyr Ebolame Eissoyozt Elila Enaeder Enaket Eneep Enkyn Enneineth Erilitenkyx Erwilavasal Esilqon Feachenova Flamanyiel Flartar Flarut Flawori Focor Forgriel Forni Fregahas Fremon Fring Furax Furfuriel Garrber Gelleyarak Giraphk Glakh Gleceraffa Glogon Gonfes Goras Gregisth Gremvarrut Grith Grosheusih Gucinerz Gucing Gucingentor Guilqoth Gurotarbata Gwaila Habrae Hango Hauter Havar Hazuomal Hexes Hiker Himalev Himightmous Hishavy Hoatrona Holsouth Horymorch Hravyriel Hriel Hrightris Hrine Hulfrows Hunne Hutanexx Hylarbii Hylivel Ibaddyzai Ibatemnaman Iblygda Ibron Icullharru Ighterim Iguali Ilatirux Ilfilagath Iligor Imarkaroth Imsiel Ipasuuldus Iremir Isoyeqothxu Izzlech Janth Junalxong Junnax Jyner Kaboor Kaduugri Kaliah Keemyai Kelli Keriel Khaakhan Kikokvonth Kintura Kmorim Knind Kotepenehum Kotmare Kotter Krahiel Kroor Kuvamez Kynas Lahrinevan Lesnoctor Lilaas Lotmaez Lubiel Lubithoale Maasardha Magolaber Malas Manigna Marespinfla Meguright Mezat Mielar Mincifeshax Mineus Minnightbra Minolfri Miraz Mogol Morge Morger Mueliki Murch Murerion Murner Mysolail Nacruz Nantoshl Neing Nezaphon Nifrinkyn Nighassimer Nigma Ninas Ninger Noamyse Nolsu Nuesats Nurain Nurilaalana Nzolaz Nzured Oceraylor Ofatork Ofephaeo Omachel Orgon Oshambell Osuphan Ozaind Ozakhring Ozoah Oztiel Ozurgenka Paruxies Pasaktan Paylar Penaas Perang Petalkyu Phant Plikhel Postos Prigorlyn Print Pritterene Pulanazind Pulfatard Pumah Pumpha Puran Purerothar Pyashedru Qaphki Quara Rachavon Rahena Ralpharve Raxuu Rectom Reetate Rinoctoni Rixaster Rixth Ronshyang Rrahand Rrven Rsoyel Rusojopel Sachil Sadkiess Sakith Scremhue Scron Scrosheal Scrosti Seeclorax Sendar Senex Serbats Sermura Setatera Shaed Shalam Shane Shaskohzu Skorchingon Skraz Slarizulun Slasax Soirrus Squnt Stabata Stazzam Stemasord Stophaylo Stornosh Strim Surashyxes Teginthym Telak Temyser Tepaidaezen Terrus Tharvenim Toragat Toralth Torchab Torynower Traif Trogrozurs Troodameth Tudhodwyr Tuzak Tzanions Ukhen Ukhes Ukhrilock Ulghtegel Ulgogatis Ulucheach Uzakhemes Uzranhal Vangos Vaphiel Varkynaf Varnapt Varrokh Varuthung Varuz Veluz Venkerbwd Veperkynez Viasher Vicera Virel Vitlers Voraz Vorok Voulubiel Vouts Vrearus Vrechikhes Vrelduuta Vrele Vrinzil Vrius Vrozzaph Vrukkrut Wadra Walagon Warak Warow Weruzainn Whiskoel Whodae Winkel Wintewhim Wista Woorgozanth Xalvach Xatorn Xignaerzix Xilasker Xishmetear Xivik Xobli Xorinoctuz Xoruth Xvanderna Xvion Xxtorion Xznothidaez Yelluz Yerana Yersiel Ygdrex Yggmal Zaidiarione Zaing Zaphqien Zebah Zebralak Zebus Zebut Zebuth Zedinrhae Zeligood Zends Zentorhah Zethiell Zienazfyl Zikotuz Zopel Zormwor Zymormhue Zymorufa Zyraces Zyzakumel
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yuregindenyarali · 1 month
benim penceremin hemen onunde bir bina var ve bi suru pencere var camim acik tum oda gozukuyo nolur bakmayin ben kalkip kapatacak guce sahip degilim
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
Driving tips
Part 1 || part 2
1. When turning onto a main street or more busy street, from a side street or less busy street. Like if you're coming out of a neighborhood or soemthing. Look both ways.
Sometimes, especially at night, distance can be hard to tell. Only go if you are confident that you have enough space to get in safely.
2. I know that tis will have been the 3rd time I've talked about lane changes, but they seem to be a hard concept to grasp in practice.
You MUST use your blinker. And I don't mean turn it on after you start moving into the lane you need to be in (yes this happens). I mean AS SOON as you decide you need to be in another lane you turn on your blinker
3. I'm actually just gonna talk about the blinkers, because people need to use them.
They are a MUST during lane changes, okay? An MUST.
If you are turning into a side street from the road and there is no turn lane, you really really should use your blinker
For any turn really, you should use your blinker. And for anything that is going to cause deviation from the lane that you are currently in
Please please please use your blinker. It is there to keep you safe. It guces other people an idea of what your next action will be, and thus they can prepare to slowdown or stop if needed.
I don't know what reasons for not using a blinker are but. If it's because you think it's "weak" or "pussy" or "stupid" I am literally hitting you over the head with a brick. Literally nobody will think that, they actually really appreciate when other people use their blinker. If you don't use it because you forget, please try to remember, it really does hlep keep you safe. If you don't use it because you're lazy, GET UNLAZY.
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acid-gramma · 4 months
Motora binmek nasıl nej sevdin mi? Konforsuz mu senin için? Öğrenmeyi düşünüyor musun? Sevgilin motor sürüyordu değil mi?
ya olumle cok yakin olmak biraz korkutucu. arada ornegin en ufak hareketimle 180le otobandan giderken dengemizi bozup ikimizin de olmesini saglayabilecek guce sahip olmak veya kendimi bi an asagi salip demirlere girmek gibi hayaller kuruyorum. motorda olmak surekli ya raylara atlarsam simdi gibi hissetmeye benziyo. ogrenmeyi dusunmuorm
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Here is what I love about Anya and Clarke, apart from that BDE.
When Anya meets Clarke she sees her as some stupid kid that is in way over her head. Then Clarke manages to burn 300 of their people. Was it just luck? Yeah, lets go with that. Even after Clarke helps her escape the mountain she still see’s her as this useless little kid. Treating her like this burden as they trudge through the woods. But, we all know how feral Clarke is. And by the end she actually gains like, an OUNCE of respect from Anya. Deserved or not… I would have fucking loved to see that dynamic in front of Lexa. These two BDE feral women at a war table arguing back and forth. Anya trying to gain Lexa’s ear and discredit Clarke. All the while Lexa still seeing Clarke for how smart and tactical she actually was.
GODS! We were robbed of such a great dynamic. Lexa and Clarke could play mind games for days. No one questions that. But can you imagine the mind fuckery that would happen between Clarke and Anya. ROBBED I SAY!
Yes! Oh my god we were so fucking ROBBED!!!
Clarke and Anya at the war table, Anya disagreeing with Clarke while Clarke guces her the same energy she gave Quint, Anya reminding her Clarke is nothing but a kid who knows nothing of war, Clarke taking that as a push to be try even harder. Lexa in the middle of it, not wanting to so publicly disagree with Anya but knowing Clarke is right and a fresh set of eyes.
Both of their convictions on each other and what's right and wrong at play, refusing to back down, nearly throwing hands at one another right there before Lexa intervenes, finding herself close to having to send Anya away and demand Skaikru assign a new leader if they cannot behave like adults on the war room. All the while Lexa is falling for Clarke and trying to justify why Clarke is important to this and just how valuable she is as a leader to the one woman who can see right through Lexa's bullshit and that disapproves highly of her.
And in Polis, oh we could have seen Anya teaching Clarke how to fight at Lexa's request, where Anya does not know how to help Clarke fight her demons but at least she can try and beat them out of her. Where Lexa watches with slight worry at how hard they go at it and how hard Clarke fights back but doesnt want to step in because she knows Anya has it under control. Anya and Clarke finally create some sort of bond where Anya starts to slowly understand why Lexa as fallen for this girl and how perhaps she is a good choice for her.
You can say it again because uh werent we fucking robbed of this feral dynamic!!
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delifurkan · 1 year
deste 5 tane post var, hayirdir hepiniz urlmi calmak icin ise guce mi daldiniz anlatin iste bisiler de okuyak
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bitigim · 8 months
soyle silkinip bi kendime gelesim var boyle her seyi yakmali yikmali gotu basi dagitmali bi guce ihtiyacim var ama sadece var iste
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transboykirito · 11 months
GUCE GIVE GIVE YUJIKIRI CONTENT thank u i WILL read if (has never watched black butler)
okay so you don’t really have to have watched black butler just the general premise djdbdkdbdkddb but pretty much
eugeo is ciel, kirito is sebastian, alice is elizabeth, etc. i’m so skdbskdbdkd i am so autistic
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ceoofmetagala · 1 year
Spoilers for rdtl deluxe (talks of leaked new mode that's mega spoilerd)//
Anwysdd herm. I saw the ya know spiker leak stuff. I'm p excited lol. I will have to let him die shrek's times because who's i hate msgolor so much i hope that the more he dies the more fucking up he looks because I WJAT HINT OE COLDOE AND BE SHREDED I HATE HIK SIF GUCING KCUHVGRAHSHAGAHHS /srs
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senbilmesendeolhr · 2 years
Istedigim her seyi saniyeler icerisinde kendime cekiyorum
Istedigim her seyi saniyeler icerisinde kendime cekiyorum
Sonsuz guce sahibim
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diyarbakirhaberleri · 2 months
Davutoğlu: Türkiye bölgesel konulardaki tutumunu başka bir küresel güce endeksleyemez
ICYMI: https://www.haberidiyarbakir.com/davutoglu-turkiye-bolgesel-konulardaki-tutumunu-baska-bir-kuresel-guce-endeksleyemez/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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rammipwq · 6 months
-----–––———..••°° Kota °°••..———–––-----
Hii!!🖐🖐 I'm Kota ✨✨!!! I'm a five 5️⃣ yer old!! This many 🖐 and I'm alway five!!! I am a gurl, whitch meens I use she.
I like; Animal Crosing🦑🐺🐯 and guce���! I like patches from animal crosing!!!🍭🍭 I like candy!🍬🍫 I like Bluey🐕 and my faverit carater is Bandit.I like emogees!!😊😊😄😄 They are emotonal!! My frend is Ra.m🐏!!! Dakota 💙is my almost-mama!!
I not like; mama being mad at me ☹. I don't like having to be brave. I don't enjoy boredom!! 😪😪 I not like Foster being upset. I don't like Vin being mad 😟😡
My favorte; Bluey🟦, animal crosing🐈‍⬛🦁🐆, Bandit🐕, kitties😸, stufed animals🧸🧵, bugs🦂🐝🐛, blue🦋🐦, summer🏖, farees🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️, unicorns🦄 🍭, the owl hose🦉🪶!!!! ❕❗
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couponcodepromo · 6 months
GUCEE G07-4K10X Webcam Built-in Microphone Geekbuying Coupon Promo Code
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sunlitmcgee · 7 months
my neurotypical manager will ask me shit like "Do you watch Brantly? You should, she's SO good" and expect me to not only Know who the dickins Brantly IS but to also care enough to ask and learn and talk about it at 9 am while I'm tired, in a dirty filthy sauce covered uniform, all while we roll dough balls for 3 hours at a time and guce ourselves new breeds of arthritis
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