#got myself some blackberries raspberries and blueberries as a treat
Berries are the best frickin thing in the world man
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lunaarajewel · 4 years
Answering questions because I’m bored again
1. What have you eaten today? breakfast was oats with pb and banana, lunch was a zucchini stew, and then i had oats again for dinner because why not haha ><
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? it was sweet, felt a bit bittersweet because i said bye until next time
3. What color shoes did you last wear? black
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Myself
5. What is your favorite scent? Baked goods
6. What is your favorite season? Why? Spring and or early summer, it's so nice to smell all the flowers and to hear the birds again, to feel the warmth from the sun
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? I can do a headstand on my forearms and a bad cartwheel xD
8. What color are your nails? currently blank!
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? a moooon
10. What is something you find romantic? Hugs from behind when i least expect it
11. Are you happy? Yeah I'm doing really good, which is surprising because i haven't felt like that in a long time
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? The thing that is making me happy is probably my antidepressants but they have helped me to get hope again.
13. Dogs or Cats? Cats
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Ooooo difficult question because it depends!
15. What is your style? Hmm i'd describe it as a mix of cottagecore, steampunk, astrology, herbalism, witchy stuff
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? Travel to japan
17. Are you in a relationship or single? I'm dating but not an official relationship nope
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Their humor, the way they are so relaxed and careless
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? Whaat no i wouldn't do that
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Some toxic behaviors/habits a bit!
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I listened to dark music a bit extra, watched nightmare before christmas and had some halloween candy
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? I started taking antidepressants!
23. Were you ever in a school play? Yes, when i was younger i was a princess i remember
24. What movie would you use to describe your life? aaa that's difficult, i haven't watched that many movies tbh!
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Learning piano properly, but i've been busy with mental health stuff so i haven't been able to. But I've been planning on taking it more seriously lately
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” all of my thoughts without judgement
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? (for some, not all) Jealousy, constant focus on showing off to guys
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? (for some, not all) Bad at communicating, bad at understanding
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? I started taking the steps to honestly change my life for the better
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? How I treated my ex, he was actually really kind to me but I wasn't mentally stable so I couldn't communicate well to him. But I hope he's well! I only wish him the best.
31. How long was your longest relationship? a little over a year
32. Have you ever been in love? Oh yeah
33. Are you currently in love? A bit!
34. Why did your last relationship end? I ended it because I wasn't well enough, I needed some time alone to get back to myself.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? A heart necklace i made, handmade bracelet from a market, 3 earrings from hm
36. When was the last time you cried and why? When i first took my antidepressants i burst out crying so its around 3 weeks ago i think
37. Name someone pretty. Uma thurman
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Japanese snacks
39. Do you get jealous easily? Nope
40. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that i know of
41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yes
42. Ever had detention? hahah yeah because i skipped class to buy piercing jewelry
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? hmmm, difficult question. I think i'm that kinda person that likes to switch between the two
44. What do people call you? Luna since it's my name
45. What was the last book you read? "stjärnhimlen" (a book about stars)
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? well i'm a nerd for moss e.e
47. What kind of music do you listen to? veryyy mixed, metal, rock, indie, alternative rock, jrock, instrumental, kpop, pop, rap
48. How tall are you? 163cm
49. Do you like kids? I don't mind them!
50. Favorite fruits? Banana, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberry, persimmon
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Sweats
52. What’s your earliest memory? In kindergarten i used to dance to Westlife music
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? Nope not that i know of
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind
55. Do you have a collection of anything? Moon stuff
56. Do you save money or spend it? I try to save!
57. What would your dream house be like? Filled with things i've made and antique stuff as well
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Aaa i dont know, i try not to focus on those things
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? a good meal, plants, good music, animals, finishing something i made
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would help the dog
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yeah i'd probably tell the ones closest to me that arent my family. then i'd just make the most of my time, i'd travel to japan for a week, france/germany for a week, a week with my family and last with the ones close to me outside of family. I would probably be a bit scared but i wouldn't try to focus on that fear too much, because well if theres nothing i can do about it then worrying about it will just stop me from enjoying the last of my days
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. A heart shape ❤️
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan!
64. Do you like the beach? It's okay, not my favorite place
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? Yes
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! I have two middle names, Ida and Johanna
67. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, because it helps me to understand my own thoughts and situations better
68. Describe your hair. Thin, blonde
69. What is the meaning of life. To enjoy it
70. What is your ideal partner like? Calming, feels like home, a bit spontaneous romantic, supporting, good listener and communicator
71. Do you want to get married? Yeah it would be cute
72. Do you want to have kids? A bit torn on that question, can't say no or yes
73. Like or dislike your family? A bit so so
74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Somewhere in between
75. Would you consider yourself smart? Yes in some ways
76. What would you change about your life? The place I live
77. Religious or Not? Nope
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I dont drink so no one!
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Nope
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? Nope, and my family doesn't say it either
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Probably sleeping
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes but my mom wouldn't be too happy haha
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes it's nice sometimes
84. Do you like bubble baths? Nope, i don't really like baths so much
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Nope
86. Have you ever danced in the rain? Yes, with my old best friend
87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Yes the ones closest to me, not really my family though
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I wanna eat haha
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Japan for 3 weeks, France, Germany, LA, Italy, Greece, Thailand, England
90. How was your day today? It was good! I made some stew for the week
91. Play an instrument? A bit of piano, some chords on guitar but thats it
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean. It's okay, if i go i usually prefer a smaller beach with few or no people
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens but not like in movies, anything that is alive outside of our planet so anything even if it's an ant sized creature it's an alien to me. And as for ghosts i'm open to the idea of it but i haven't really invested much time in that topic!
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Nope, but i believe they will be someday
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Not bitchy but a bit scary maybe
96. When are you vulnerable? When i'm deeply in love
97. How much free time do you have? A lot currently but i'm taking that time to relax
98. Do you like to go hiking? Never been!
99. Odd or Even Numbers? Even
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? hmmm, i can't say for sure
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Sweet Swiss Summer
The last 18 months has been a struggle. The thing we like best is traveling and the Rona has not been kind to our preferred pastime. We made due but had to adjust our expectations as well as our destinations. We remain in a precarious place despite considerable progress with seemingly effective vaccines. People want to travel and many are doing so. But the situation continues to evolve and I’m very happy we travelled now, not in 6 weeks because my gut tells me Europe is going to be less interested in dirty, dirty Americans. We were supposed to have been in Tokyo for the Olympics but that shit got cancelled. Twice. So in these COVID times, we pivot and make alternate plans. Our dear friends, the Browns, are currently living in Switzerland so we decided to throw caution to the win and jet off to Heidi’s alpine hometown and yodel ourselves silly. Because why the fuck not.
After our stint with the Browns, we enjoyed time in Geneva, Bern, the fucking Alps, Zurich, and Lucerne (or Luzern because this country is all fucked up with language between German, French, Italian and some nonsense called Romanch). This is why most everyone speaks passable English. It is also why the languages are all a hodge podge mess. In a nod to language unity, everyone just says merci. Which is weird when the rest of the conversation has been in German. These Swissies are crazy.
Here are some observations of our Swiss Family Robinson adventures.
1. Switzerland is civil. As a country. As a community. As a people. I don’t think I heard a single car honk its horn. I think we only heard an ambulance once or twice. We rode 4 different modes of public transportation and mask compliance was unbelievably high. I’m sure people are over it but few are visually indignant. It’s just refreshing to see more or less universal civility. We would all do well with a refresher course in civics.
2. Their shit is clean. There is no litter. There is always someone cleaning. They power wash fucking everything. The air is clean, the water is clean. It’s just clean. The only thing you see tossed on the ground is cigarette butts. Which brings me to……
3. Europe is your ashtray. People smoke. Even in outdoorsy Switzerland where 9 out of 10 people are wearing Patagonia. These fuckers enjoy their cigs. It remains a shock to me how many people smoke in Europe.
4. The Swiss franc is some crazy ass currency. Switzerland remains very proudly independent of the EU and they love their CHF. Shit is expensive, y’all. Don’t look at receipts or prices. Just sign for it and move on. It is very hard to get lunch for less than $50 US unless it’s fast food or a deli sandwich from a street vendor. A burger and fries will easily run you $30 CHF per person. Save your shekels, bitches. This is not a budget destination.
5. Public transportation is no joke. It’s a small country so it’s all very connected but you don’t realize how connected it is until you get there. We took trains, ferries, busses, ski lift gondolas, funiculars and trams. All precision timed and in lock step to get you where you here to be in the shortest span of time. I hate the lack of reliable options in US. These Swissies have it together in terms of public transport. It runs on time. The app is outstanding. We could not get enough of it. We love to ride them rails.
6. There is considerably more diversity than one would expect. We anticipated Geneva feeling international what with the WHO and UN having large presences but Bern and Zurich are equally diverse. Which was nice to see and experience.
7. The Alps are no joke. I’ve been to the Rockies and that’s for real elevation but them Alps will take your breath away. We only travelled up 1600 meters to Mürren and it was remarkable and breathtaking and amazing. We could have gone up ANOTHER 1600 meters. I can’t even imagine what that looks like other than to say it’s high as hell and I would have sung “Edelweiss”.
8. Summer produce is the shit. Apparently Switzerland and Michigan are latitudinally similar so all the summer produce we love was the same or better in Switzerland. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, cantaloupe, tomatoes. Somehow it all just tasted better. I assume it’s the Alpine snowmelt. I’ll just keep telling myself that.
9. The Swiss win on wine though. Michigan wine is certainly better than Indiana juice wine but it’s still pretty mediocre. Swiss wine, however, is the jam. We carted home several bottles.
10. As usual though, America wins an air conditioning. Buildings are just warm but these Swissies bundle up in puffy jackets like it’s cold. It was 75 degrees and people were dressed for winter. I wanted to take my pants off because I was so damn hot but decided that I didn’t want to start an international incident. So I was just sweaty a lot of the time.
11. Watches are a thing. If you can’t find a watch you love in Switzerland, you’re just not trying. I invested in a very nice watch. I’m quite pleased with my purchase.
12. Fondue is a thing. Every fucking restaurant as the “oldest” and “most secret” family recipe. Alls I know is we ate our weight in melted cheese and loved it each time. We learned that it is gauche to drink beer or red wine with fondue. Only white wine. We also learned that there ain’t no chocolate fondue. That’s an American thing that is scoffed at. However, Swiss chocolate will make you slap your mama. It’s so freaking good. We are traveling back with about $300 worth of chocolate.
13. We treated ourselves to Bally shoes because it’s a Swiss brand and why the fuck not? We deserve nice things.
And with that, these #swissfondudes are back in the US with our thirst for international travel momentarily quenched.
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Quilt Made From Natural Dyes
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I have been experimenting and teaching myself how to dye fabric using plants, bugs and food. I’ve tried blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, yellow onion, red cabbage, coffee, turmeric, black beans, cochineal, basil, avocado, black walnuts and Queen Anne’s lace. While I learned that all of these make beautifully humble colors, some are very colorfast and others fade quickly. 
In comes the alchemy. After my first experiment over the summer, I decided to take it to the next level and began preparing the fabric to hold color longer. By scouring the cotton and using an alum mordant, I was able to trust that more of the colors I created would stick to the fiber. 
I was elated when a sweet friend, whom I met while traveling to Chicago for Etsy a few years back, reached out about a custom crib size quilt. Save for the very dark gray and a few of the light gray triangles, every piece was dyed in my kitchen.
Warm Whites/Light Tan - Coffee, green basil, black walnuts. (I don’t think green basil is generally used for natural dyeing, but I thought I’d try it anyway. I got this vintage-y ivory and love it but I probably wouldn’t waste delicious basil again, rather make pesto.)
Yellows/Peaches - Yellow onion skins, turmeric, Queen Anne’s lace. 
Blues/Grays - Black beans
Pinks - Avocado pits and skins, cochineal 
Greens - Double dip-dyed in Queen Anne’s lace (yellow) then black beans (blue). 
Let’s talk about dyeing with berries - I got incredible colors using blueberries and blackberries. However, after joining a natural dye group on FB, I learned that berries don’t dye fabric, but rather stain. Elderberries - I’ll only use them to make syrup from now on. Raspberries - I’ll just eat those. 
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For the bibs, I chose to buy colors from Robert Kaufman Kona Solids that complimented the quilt colors. The majority of the quilt back and all the binding are Kona Bone. 
You can learn how to dye with avocados and yellow onions and you can read about more experiments as I write about them over the next few weeks. If you’re just getting started, experiment like crazy! To make long-lasting colors, consider treating your fabric before dyeing: Preparing the Cotton. 
Follow my natural dye experiments on Instagram.  
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pisceslentil8-blog · 5 years
Almond, Oat and Berry Tart Recipe
If you enjoy a fruit tart as much as I do, then you’re absolutely going to love today’s recipe.  This Almond, Oat and Berry Tart, prepared in partnership with Target and Silk, is gluten-free, dairy-free, and 100% delicious.
Let’s dig in.  You start by preparing a gluten-free crust made with oats, almond meal, cornstarch, coconut oil, vanilla, honey and sea salt.  The damp, crumbly dough is pressed into a tart pan and chilled before baking. As the crust cooks, the surface turns golden brown and warm aromas of toasted oat and honey escape from the oven.  The crust is cooled completely, then filled with a silky almondmilk custard (more about that below!). Finished with plenty of fresh berries and a scattering of picked mint leaves, this tart is a real treat.  With each bite you’ll enjoy the rich, vanilla-spiked custard against the crunchy, golden crust. Fresh pops of mint and berry throughout. Continue reading for the recipe.
This post is sponsored by Target and Silk, two brands that Jorge and I connect with almost every day.  We’ve always got Silk Vanilla Almondmilk on tap for our morning oatmeal, and we live about 3 minutes away from a Target!  I often find myself wandering throughout the home aisles looking for new finds, or the cleaning section smelling all of the Method and Ms. Meyer’s hand soaps.  We love having a Target so close in the event we need to pop over for a quick grocery trip.
For the recipe, I grabbed a carton of  Silk’s Unsweetened Almondmilk to use as the base of the almond custard.  You start with two cups of almondmilk in a saucepan over medium heat. The warm milk is then tempered into a mixture of egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and sea salt.  The base goes back on the heat, and is cooked for a few minutes until the custard thickens. You then whisk in coconut oil and vanilla, and let the custard cool before adding to the crust.
The almond custard is so rich and delicious.  I was having a hard time not eating it by the spoonful!!  The custard needs to chill in the fridge for a few hours, so be sure to plan your time accordingly.
Yield 8 servings
For the oat and almond crust:
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup almond meal
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
6 tablespoons coconut oil, melted and at room temperature
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the almond custard:
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
5 egg yolks, at room temperature
2 cups Silk Unsweetened Almondmilk
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted and at room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or vanilla paste if you want to see the vanilla bean flecks)
Toppings:  1 pint blueberries, 1 pint raspberries, handful blackberries, handful sliced strawberries, picked mint leaves
Start by making the crust.  Add oats, almond meal, cornstarch and sea salt to a medium bowl, whisking to combine.  Add coconut oil, honey and vanilla to the bowl, then mix together using a fork. Transfer the dough (it will be crumbly) to an 11-inch tart pan with removable bottom.  Press the dough evenly across the bottom and up the sides of the tart pan. If the dough gets sticky, you can use the bottom of a measuring cup to press and flatten. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
While the dough is chilling, prepare the almond custard.  Add sugar, sea salt, cornstarch and egg yolks to a medium bowl, whisking until well-combined.  Warm almondmilk in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until steam starts rising off the surface and small bubbles form around the edge.  Don’t let this come to a boil.
Take the almondmilk off the heat, and slowly pour half of it into the egg mixture, whisking the eggs as you pour.  This is called tempering. Pour the tempered egg mixture into the saucepan with the remaining almondmilk, and return heat to medium.  Let cook, whisking constantly, until thickened (about 2 minutes). Take the saucepan off the heat and whisk in coconut oil and vanilla extract.  Pour thickened custard into a bowl, and immediately cover the surface with plastic wrap, making sure the plastic is in direct contact with the custard.  Let cool to room temperature, then chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
While the custard is chilling, finish the crust.  Preheat an oven to 350°F and set an oven rack to the middle position.  Using a fork, poke holes all over the bottom of the chilled crust. Place the crust on a rimmed baking sheet, and bake until golden and fragrant (20 - 25 minutes).  Transfer the crust to a cooling rack, and cool completely before filling.
Spoon the chilled almond custard into the cooled crust, and using an offset spatula, smooth the top.  Scatter berries all over the top of the tart, piling higher in the middle and leaving some custard showing around the outer edge.  Finish with a sprinkling of small, picked mint leaves. 
Between now and June 1, you can save 10 to 15% on Silk products by using the Target Cartwheel App. Download and save here!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Danon. The opinions and text are all mine.
4 Source: https://www.kitchenkonfidence.com/2018/05/almond-oat-and-berry-tart-recipe
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strongbrew-hamstery · 7 years
When hammies get old, we spoil them like crazy. #Dulce got to enjoy some delicious bread handmade by hamdad and myself. She liked the jam (triple the fruit, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry 1/3 sugar) and licked a bunch off before I started filming. For me, I'd rather they enjoy the time they have left than limit these kinds of treats. She seems to agree.
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meltyrabbit · 7 years
All the flavors :3c
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
september 8th 2016 when i first met my boyfriend irl
french vanilla: how old are you?
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
spain, australia, japan
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
lol my own as in my first language which is lao
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
idk, i barely use any tbh
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
not sure depends on the weather
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
no but i wish :(
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
The Nights Out (Madeon Remix) - Martin Solveig
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
which one? I’m a leo but for the chinese one, I’m a dog
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
the beach is prettier c:
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
some sketch art of a pokemon gijinka that got like 32 notes
bubblegum: books or movies?
i don’t have time for books so i guess movies
pistachio: manga or anime?
ahhh i havent don’t both of these for a while ;____;
salted caramel: favorite movies?
21 Jump Street & Now You See Me
birthday cake: favorite books?
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
oh boy i haven’t read some in a long time let me get back to you on that
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
its a long list :(
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
yes a lovely pupper
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
i made this blog in 2011, but i didn’t start posting till july 31st of that year because my girlfriend at the time wanted me to be active on there
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
overcast pls
black cherry: four words that describe you?
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
reality and money troubles 8))))
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
upbeat pop
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
i don’t really eat much candy since i personally don’t enjoy sweets but i guess mike & ikes since thats what i always eat whenever I’m at the movies
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
ahhhh not really since my stomach hurts when i do, but I’m trying to force myself to eat one in a while ;____;
dark chocolate: turn ons?
biting, ass grabbing, teasing, being treated like a princess & spoiled as so; THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN
fudge: turn offs?
bad personal hygiene
peach: how do you relax?
i dont relax, the only escape i can get is sleep lol
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
the divergent series
superman: do you like sweaters?
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
coffee hands down
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
the piano for sure because i always wanted to do covers of songs
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
these guys: @multifridgeman,  @dricter​,  @thedivinecloud​, @punkyhime​, @kitsunenoko​, @shsl-unmotivated​, @toshiyaargh​ ,@mayhemchild​ IDK WHO ELSE TO TAG I JUST REBLOG A LOT OF YOU GUYS
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“Boo, you whore."
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
none, i don’t have the patience to paint them
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
a bunch of times after i graduated high school by a lot of my guy friends but they were weird about it so i never followed up on it and an online friend who ended up being my girlfriend for two weeks before i realized i didn’t have mutual feelings for her
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
yeah this nerd @multifridgeman
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
way too often lol
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
at my old work me and one of my co-workers run past each other to take care of a customer and i accidentally grabbed a handful of his crotch
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
yeah i guess
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
cheesy but to hang out with my boyfriend (/w\)
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
i need them to see so yeah :c
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
coffee and matcha
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
What it resembles remaining at New York City’s premier hotel: The St. Regis
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
The St. Regis New York is the best hotel in New York City, according to United States News & World Report.
Editorial Note: Service Insider paid a discounted media rate for a Superior room at the St. Regis.
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The finest hotel in New york city City is the St. Regis, a renowned 116- year-old high-end hotel straight off Fifth Opportunity, according to US News & World Report.
The ranking is based upon an analysis of market awards, hotel star ratings, and user scores, and after that sorted by hotel class and typical TripAdvisor ratings. According to the publication, the St. Regis earned the leading spot thanks to its “high level of customer care” and “perfect combination of old-world glamour and contemporary benefits.”
Opened in 1904, the hotel was developed by business person, real-estate designer, and investor John Jacob Astor, who was one of the wealthiest and most high-profile people to die in the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
The St. Regis New York City is owned by the Qatar Financial Investment Authority, which bought the hotel for $310 million in2019 The hotel is still run by Marriott.
The hotel’s iconic cocktail lounge, King Cole Bar, has hosted well-known visitors consisting of Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon Artist Salvador Dali lived at the St. Regis for months at a time.
I just recently invested a night at the St. Regis to figure out why it’s the best hotel in New York City. Here’s what it resembled.
The St. Regis New York City is the very best hotel in New York City, according to US News & World Report.
A view of the St. Regis New York City in Manhattan.
Katie Warren/Business Insider
The first-class Manhattan hotel snatched the leading area thanks to its “high level of client service” and “ideal combination of old-world glamour and modern conveniences.”
The St. Regis, which has been a New york city City landmark because 1988, beat out other high-end hotels that consist of the Beekman, Baccarat Hotel, and the Lotte New York Palace.
United States News & World Report’s ranking is based on an analysis of industry awards, hotel star rankings, and user scores, and then arranged by hotel class and typical TripAdvisor rankings.
In operation considering that 1904, the St. Regis was built by John Jacob Astor, who was among the wealthiest guys in America at the time. Astor was one of the most high-profile and wealthy guests to pass away in the sinking of the Titanic in1912
In addition to its 171 rooms and 67 suites, the St. Regis has 31 personal homes and a special house club.
On a current January late afternoon, I took the train up to Midtown Manhattan, where the St. Regis lies.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
The 20- story hotel is on 55 th Street and 5th Opportunity, meaning it’s only about four blocks from Central Park and simply around the corner from luxury shops like Valentino and Coach.
In fact, high-end jewelry expert Harry Winston occupies the corner retail area in the St. Regis.
Although it ignores Fifth Avenue, the St. Regis’ primary entrance is on 55 th Street, ideal across the street from Ralph Lauren’s infamously hard-to-get-into Polo Bar.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
Smartly attired doormen stand in front of the entryway underneath a royal black-and-gold canopy. Looking at the primary entrance and facade, it wasn’t difficult to see why the hotel was declared a New York City landmark.
I stepped through the gilded revolving doors into the hotel …
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
… and discovered myself standing in the most beautiful hotel lobby I have actually ever seen.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
From the shiny marble floors to the classy chandeliers and gilded walls, I felt like I was inside a museum– or the Chateau de Versailles.
Adjacent to the check-in counter was a concierge cubicle that was staffed whenever I passed it.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The hotel likewise has a Bentley car service that offers totally free drop-offs within a 10- block radius of the hotel.
Regrettably, the hotel’s check-in system was down when I arrived at about 4: 40 p.m., for which the front desk representative asked forgiveness profusely.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
I was informed it would be about a 20- minute wait and provided a complimentary cocktail at the hotel’s mixed drink bar while I waited.
After I handed off my bag at the check-in counter, a staff member accompanied me past the hotel’s dining establishment to the bar, which likewise has a separate street entryway.
The King Cole Bar is a relaxing yet advanced mixed drink bar that claims to be the birthplace of the Bloody Mary– but here, it’s called the Red Snapper.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The wood-paneled walls and candlelit tables gave the bar a relaxing vibe, however it was still clearly a high-end establishment.
I might see why it was chosen as one of the recording places for the hit CW show ” Gossip Lady.”
Individuals sitting at the bar had Louis Vuitton shopping bags on the floor beside them. Two females and a male to my left, who I ‘d approximate to be in their 40 s, were going over Broadway programs and the personal bankruptcy of upscale department store Barneys New York.
I’m not a big fan of Bloody Marys, so I bought a Jazz Me Blues cocktail that consisted of pear-flavored Grey Goose vodka, Saint Germain, and Champagne.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
A glass of red wine balanced about $28, although one went for $52 per glass and $400 per bottle.
The King Cole Bar is known for the huge mural by Maxfield Parrish that stretches along the wall behind the bar.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
After a wait that was closer to 40 minutes than 20, I got a call informing me that my room was prepared– and that I ‘d gotten an upgrade.
Although my luggage had actually currently been taken up, the front desk agent asked if I ‘d like her to escort me and my companion to the room.
At this point, despite the wait, I currently felt guaranteed that my joy was the leading priority of the hotel staff.
The elevators at the St. Regis, with their gilded exterior doors and interior wood paneling, stimulate a different age.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
I hovered my essential card over a touchless sensing unit inside the elevator to get to the 12 th floor.
The 12 th floor hallway was painted in soft tones of pink with gilded lighting fixtures.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
It had a really romantic vibe.
The doors to the spaces are glossy black with golden deals with and numbered placards.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
The St. Regis utilizes a contactless card system, so I simply needed to hover my crucial card in front of the sensing unit and the door opened.
Although I had scheduled a Superior space, the hotel updated us to a Deluxe room after their incident with the check-in system. I wasn’t sure what the distinction would be.
I entered the room and discovered myself in a little entryway, with the restroom to the left and the bedroom directly ahead of me.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The entryway was adorned with shiny black-and-white tiles.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
To the right was a large closet with a safe, an ironing board and an iron, and a note using a complimentary shoe shine.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
His name was Israel and he had an extremely warm, inviting attitude that made me feel like his number one goal in life was to make our stay as pleasurable as possible.
To the left of the entryway was the restroom, which features dual marble vanities …
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
… and a deep soaking tub. There were a lot of fluffy white towels and 2 bathrobes supplied.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
There was also a walk-in steam shower.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
When I showered later that evening, I found the water pressure and temperature to be optimal.
The St. Regis uses Remede bath products and Crest mouthwash.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
There was likewise a ring holder.
After briefly questioning why there was a remote nestled in among the bath items, I realized there was a TV in the mirror, which I found to be a really exciting feature.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
You could watch the news or a TELEVISION program while getting ready at the sink, and even from the bath tub– the possibilities!
The room itself was embellished in a lavish, classical style, with neutral beige and gold tones and navy blue accents.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The 12- foot ceiling and fancy chandelier offered the room a luxurious feel. After touching the walls, I understood they were covered not in wallpaper, however in panels of silk.
The Deluxe spaces at the St. Regis are 450 square feet, which I’m pretty sure is practically the size of my one-bedroom Brooklyn home.
A flat screen TELEVISION was installed on the wall above what I at first thought was a dresser however is really a hidden minibar.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The minibar consisted of an extensive selection of carbonated water, soda, Starbucks coffee, liquor, Champagne, white wine, and juice.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
There was likewise a collection of treats such as chocolate bars, nuts, M&M s, and gluten-free potato chips, along with some health essentials like deodorant.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
Even a bottle of Corona was $13, so I steered clear of the minibar for the sake of my wallet.
The Deluxe space featured a spacious sitting location that could quickly seat four individuals.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
I was pleasantly shocked to see an excellent spread of welcome snacks awaiting us on the coffee table.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
There were three types of cheese, macarons, and fresh blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
There was likewise a small bowl of St. Regis-branded chocolates– both milk and dark.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
On a side table was much more fresh fruit– grapes, an apple, and a banana– along with some silverware, napkins, and little plates.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
I attempted a little bit of everything. The berries weren’t as ripe or sweet as they might be (it is winter, after all), but the cheese and macarons were wonderful.
I also discovered an individualized welcome letter from the hotel’s marketing supervisor.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The St. Regis is a first-class hotel in one of the world’s most costly cities, but somehow I was still shocked by the space service prices.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
For breakfast, a Belgian waffle expense $32, and an omelette was $30
Maybe most remarkable was a sliced up avocado for $16
On top of each nightstand was the black button utilized to page the butler.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
There was likewise a Bose alarm clock and sound system.
The view from the window was nothing unique; I appeared to be checking out some workplaces.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
After hanging out in the room for a while, we headed out to dinner nearby, and when we came back to the room, it had actually been treated with the night turndown service.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
The tones were closed, the Bose stereo was playing relaxing instrumental music, the TELEVISION had been turned toward the bed, and a set of slippers in a fabric bag was placed on either side of the bed.
A bottle of water and a drinking glass were put on each side table.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
There was likewise a tray set on the bed in case I wanted a shoe-shine service, total with a cloth shoe bag.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The shoe shining is done overnight, so visitors can just leave their shoes in the bag outside their door prior to they go to sleep.
Neither of us chose a shoe shining, however the next early morning, my buddy changed his mind and asked a passing employee in the corridor about the service. The staff member said it was done overnight, so we shrugged it off– no huge offer.
However when we returned to our room half an hour later, the employee was there and stated he had not recognized we were taking a look at today which of course he might shine the shoes right now.
He took my companion’s boots right there and returned them within 20 minutes, right prior to we were set to take a look at.
The bed was one of the most comfortable I have actually ever slept in.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
It most likely had something to do with the 300 thread count linens and the plume down comforter.
I awoke the next morning feeling exceedingly well rested and opened the curtains to find a gloomy, rainy day.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
Although the glass doors opened to a terrace, they only opened a fracture and the desk was set directly in front of them, so the terrace was plainly not suggested to be used.
Due to the fact that it’s difficult for me to deal with the world without drinking coffee first, I sucked it up and bought some by means of room service.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
My buddy ordered some green tea, and the overall came out to $3141– certainly the most I’ve ever spent on coffee and tea.
I took an early morning bubble bath while I drank my coffee.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
The bathtub is much deeper and more large than it looks, and it filled up extremely rapidly. You can likewise close the drain so that the water fills all the way to the rim.
After my bath, I decided to check out the remainder of the hotel.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
Simply off the primary lobby is the Cognac Space, where visitors can have a peaceful cup of tea, coffee, or bourbon.
The hotel’s primary dining establishment is Astor Court, which serves worldwide cuisine and has a smart-casual gown code.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
Afternoon tea, served from 3 to 5 p.m., is $65 per person and includes a selection of tea sandwiches, scones, and desserts.
The dinner menu includes products like Butternut Squash and Champagne Risotto for $32, Roasted Halibut for $50, and Filet Mignon and Scallops for $62
On the 19 th flooring is the St. Regis Athletic Club, which is open 24 hours a day to all visitors.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
It appeared to have a thorough variety of cardio devices, dumbbells, and even a Peloton bike.
Katie Warren/Business Insider.
A Peloton retails for about $2,245
The addition of the gym came throughout the St. Regis’ 2013 restoration, throughout which the visitor spaces and suites were likewise reconditioned and the lobby was renovated.
The gym provided both cooled and room temperature level mineral water, fresh fruits, earphones, and cooled towels.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
There was likewise a locker space, shower, and vanity.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
In the level listed below the lobby, the St. Regis has its own flower shop, beauty salon and health spa, and several screens showcasing the hotel’s history and popular visitors.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
Our check-out time was noon, however we took a chance and called the front desk to ask if we might be able to examine out a little later given that we ‘d had to wait to examine in the night before.
After my night at the St. Regis New York City, it was clear that the hotel’s superior service is what sets it apart.
Katie Warren/Business Expert.
While the rooms were gorgeous and the hotel’s Midtown Manhattan location is ideal for both organisation tourists and tourists, other high-end hotels in the area can state the exact same.
For me, it was the customer service that defined my remain at the St. Regis. I have actually been lucky enough to remain in the $18,000- a-night, multiple-room governmental suite at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow, and while its sheer size and amenities like an in-room sauna were ultra-luxurious, I didn’t feel the exact same level of welcoming and care that I did at the St. Regis.
Every staff member I came across at the St. Regis greeted me by name and made me feel special, like I was their top concern. (I could not assist but question if this how rich people feel all the time when they go anywhere.)
And although I never ever paged the butler, it was good to know there was somebody there at every hour of the day and night if I required something.
The St. Regis New york city definitely measured up to its “high level of customer support” as guaranteed in US News & World Report. For those who have the methods to drop hundreds or countless dollars a night on a hotel– and pay astronomical prices for room service– I can’t envision there are lots of locations in the city that make you feel much better looked after.
BI Select Arts & Culture New York City St. Regis New York
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365 days of black and white photos. 34 of 365 Just got my seed catalog! This year I'm planting a bunch of berries! Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and mulberries. My treat myself was I got some goldfish. They will probably be my pic once they settle.
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