#ombre quilt
wyrmscraft · 4 months
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All the pieces cut out for 25 blocks on this pink and purple ombre quilt. Really excited to see how it turns out once the blocks are ready to be laid out.
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amorebeaute2012 · 1 year
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Amore Beauté ombre collection featuring dip dye linen curtains, quilt and table linen. The colors are inspired by cascading colors of the morning and evening sky. Ombre available in 8 colors. Contact us for a custom color and we will be happy to create it for you.
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ehwesson · 9 months
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9ftX8ft quilt with matching pillowcases and a teddy bear for @panerato :)
Panerato is so lovely to create for and I wish that every customer I have ever had was just like them.
Kofi | Other Links
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eppujensen · 2 years
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Ahh, a GORGEOUS ombre DIY puff quilt! Love the colors together! I had no idea puff quilts were an older thing; the first I've come across was made in the 2010s. This ombre color scheme certainly brings the puff quilt into this century. Tutorial by Brittany Lloyd at Lo & Behold Stichery.
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bayoubodycount · 4 months
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Can't sketch fast, or even well, so there's no VC art to throw out as a distraction. Posting a story at this point is more scary than ever, lest a character blink in the wrong fucking direction and it be misconstrued as racist. But I'm improving my yarn work for both fun and hand therapy, so here's me throwing down something I CAN do and am happy to share. Hope it brings a modicum of pleasantness to someone in fandom trying to weather this ridiculous shitstorm on main right now.
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pebblethief · 3 months
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this is the quilt I'm making for Seb's future niece btw :)
you can just see the ombre-y background fabric at the bottom
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danddthornton · 6 months
Animal Garden
Animal Garden (close up 1)Animal Garden (close up 2)Animal Garden (back)Animal Garden (front) I just love the vibrant, colorful sashings. Flowers and animal blocks combine to make a beautiful animal garden. While the quilting is subtle on the front, just look at the stitching on the ombre backing. Makes my green thumb happy!
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knottybliss · 10 months
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ladycels · 1 year
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Time for a real past-Katsucon dive, this time back to 2015! I wanna say this was probably my first Katsucon I'd ever attended (Though my memory is a bit fuzzy for years). It was certainly the first one I decided to do a big build for!
Lapras was certainly an ambitious build, and I did a lot of creative drafting work in it's creation. Everything from the braided and quilted shell to the fabric sculpting on the bodice really pushed me to get creative.
And of course, all the hand painted details. This was my first big painted costume with hundreds of hours spent ombre dyeing fabric and painstakingly hand painting all of the floral patterns onto the sleeves and gown. I'm just sad that I got only this one photo of me in it :(
(Reminder if you want to learn more about fabric painting, I'm running a workshop for it this year at Katsu! :) ) Lapras Gijinka by @generalcowslip Photography by Cantera Image
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wyrmscraft · 7 months
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Just have to add some borders on the sides and this king size, extra long quarter log cabin will be ready for the long arm.
I do love pink…
I’ll have to look for a 120” wide backing in something pink or black for this. I hope i can find pink so when I bind it in black, the binding on the back will pop.
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tayo-na · 11 months
Project Updates~
Okay, so I have so many different projects going all at once right now because I was diagnosed with Cool Guy Syndrome, so now I take something similar to Adderall.  Anyway!  I’m going to split this into three groups: started, need to start, and planning to in the future.
The cross stitch I’ve been working for forever on for my Grandma.  I’m so nearing the end, like, I can almost taste the finish line.  Alls I have left to do is the opposite stitch for the sky part of it.  Oh, and fill in the yellow roses.  But there aren’t all that many of those, so essentially it’s just the sky I have to focus on.
Sanding down my night side table.  The goal is to sand it and re-stain it because I’ve tried to do it before, but I had not the patience for it as a young teenager.  It’s amazing how hard it is to change old habits, because I’m also finding the patience for this hard.  However, I eventually want to take a stab at woodworking, so I need to develop the patience for it now.
I started a patch quilt with old sweatshirts from high school, an old set of winter pajamas (of which the fabric is quite fuzzy, so it’s flaking off everywhere it touches, unfortunately for me), and another old pair of plaid pajama pants.  I had some smaller blocks of, like, that kind of felt fabric, the one you’d use to make those knotted blankets with.  Sos I also trimmed those down, and added them to the bunch.  The individual square sizes I’m making are 2″x2″, and I’m assuming when they’re all sewn together, an individual square will be 1.5″x1.5″ or 1.75″x1.75″.  It all depends on how these shake out when I’m done cutting them up.
I started a crochet ombre dark blue beanie for one of my close friends, and I ideally would like to send it to her before October rolls around.  I’m probably, like, 3/4 of the way done.  I just get so bored sometimes with the monotony of the same thing over and over again, so doing the rounds to finish it off is killing me softly.
I had, a couple years ago, started a crochet blanket made with that Bernat fluffy yarn but I still have a ways a ways to go on it.  The plan was to have it in three sections: off-white, this grey and like cream color, and then off-white again.  But I still have yet to even get to the grey and cream color.
I also had, a couple years ago, started a scarf made of the smaller balls of yarn I had and couldn’t think of a use for.  I have, since then, completely unraveled it and started from the top again due to yarn size discrepancies which made my scarf look like a wobbly river.  I actually do like knitting, but I’ve only recently learned how to… purl?  I’m not sure if that’s exactly the stitch I’m doing, but the way it comes out makes the piece ribbed when I do the backwards of the regular knit stitch.  So I’ll take it.
Need to Start:
Embroidery of Gayle Waters-Waters from GAYLE.  It’s a miniseries on YouTube done by Chris Fleming.  The episodes last no longer than ten minutes, and are usually below that anyways.  I want to do an embroidery of Gayle’s Iconic Expression with the phrase “What Would Gayle Waters-Waters Do?” around it.  It’s a very insanely belated Christmas gift for one of my IRL best friends, and is now also a belated birthday gift for her.
Cross-stitch for one of my other IRL best friends.  A similar gift situation as above.  She was a psych major before she graduated, and also took a horseback riding course in her penultimate semester.  My idea is to have a pillow that says “Only Freudian horsegirls get it.”  And in the negative space have a pair of horseshoes and a tobacco pipe there.  She’ll hate it, and I can’t wait!
Another birthday embroidery gift for an IRL friend, but his birthday has yet to pass.  He unfortunately shares a birthday with a notorious date in September, so my goal is to finish it before then.  I call him “Thornbird”, so I’ve got an idea regarding a sort-of blobby Loggerhead Shrike sitting on a branch. Under the branch is a thistle flower, and crawling up the sides are thistle leaves.  His favorite plant and a bird, just like my Grandma’s gift, lmao.
I promised my family socks this past Christmas.  My goal is to also get them done before October so we can have a chance to enjoy them, potentially.  I have super cute sock yarn for them and everything.
Planning to Start:
About a year ago, while I was moving from one state to another, I had taken apart one of my old dresses that I had gotten from Old Navy God knows how long ago.  My idea was to make it a two-piece set.  The top is a crop top and the bottom stays a skirt.  I plan on using denim as the hem for the crop top and the waist for the skirt.  It’s rather ambitious for me, since the most I’ve done regarding clothes is patching holes and light embroidery.  But I’m determined to do it because I did love that dress a lot.
I had a set of penguin pajamas when I was a teenager that I no longer fit into, but I love the pattern so much.  So, I want to turn it into a skirt.  This one is the really ambitious idea because it involves pleats, pockets, and the pleats are ideally two-toned, with the outside facing bit the penguins, and the inside is this dark blue with small white dots cotton that I don’t even remember where I picked it up from.  But I think it’d be super cute if I can manage to figure it out.  I’m planning on doing a mock-up of it for Reginald, the bunny I made at Build-a-Bear on a whim because I saw that there were DC costumes for the stuffed animals.  I originally wanted him to wear the Flash’s outfit, but the store I went to didn’t have it, so I substituted for Batman.  Long tangent, but I’ll probably do a little one with spare fabric to see how it’d work and if I’d be able to actually pull it off.  It’d sure be cool if I could.
I feel like there are other things I want to do/am currently doing, but my brain is tired.  And given that it’s almost five in the morning, I’m not overly surprised.  But yeah!  These are the current works for me right now  :D
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Call Me?
The week before school let out, I called a random number on our speed dial and asked, "Is your refrigerator running?" To my surprise, the person on the other end responded, "How dare you? Do you not understand that today is the anniversary of the day my mother was crushed by a refrigerator?!" I was going to tell her to go catch it, but her reaction made me not bother.
I had totally forgotten about the prank call until I was at the appliance store and heard someone say "Sometimes you gotta wear tacky clothes."
I looked around and saw somebody clad in a brown workout top with white floral printing on it underneath a weird-looking plum crazy quilt corset thing with buttons down the front (seriously, one part was felt, another was ombre, and a third was a different color felt, and I gave up guessing what the last part was), and a skirt made of material that could only be described as "bowling alley carpet" or "bus chair fabric".
It gets better. She paired the ensemble with Star Wars decoupage cowboy boots and a gold and plum macramé beret. I have no idea what was worse, the outfit or the fact that she recognized me as somebody who prank-called her over the summer.
Crap. It never occurred to me that I'd run into her again. I had to think of an excuse for my behavior, and I had to do so quickly. 20 minutes and a glass of water later, I came up with this: "My mother has been through a lot, so neither of us has been sleeping well. It's making me crazy, and that's why I've been so hyperactive and impulsive. It's not my fault."
I rehearsed the excuse several times in my head. My mother has been through a lot, so neither of us has been sleeping well. It's making me crazy. That's why I've been so hyperactive and impulsive. It's not my fault.
I wasn't wrong. This summer, I was supposed to do this competitive tennis camp because the in-crowd at my mom's work were people whose kids play tennis at the club. Mom needed to get in with the in-crowd. Her boss had been picking on her for quite some time, and it was getting worse. She needed a promotion, badly. The promotions only go to the people in the in-crowd. That meant I had to do tennis camp so mom could move out of a bad situation at work.
That plan fizzled out in a puff of smoke. They discontinued the competitive tennis camp because some of the in-crowd people worked in the sales department. They bet on the outcomes of the matches and recorded the winnings as sales revenue if they had a slow quarter. You aren't supposed to do that. So, the whole thing cast a pall over the summer.
She approached me. "Rose, you better have a good excuse for what you said to me," she demanded.
Just like I practiced in my head, I said to her, "My mother has been through a lot-"
"I know, she gave birth to you," she clapped back, interrupting me.
"OK, not cool!"
"Yeah," she shrugged, "but it's true."
Crap. The excuse that I was going to use just got knocked down. Time to just tell the truth. "OK, I got bored and prank-called this random number at 3 AM at the beginning of the summer and accidentally dredged up a painful memory of the death of your mother. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings."
"You don't even know me, do you?!" She barked.
"No, I don't think I do." I responded, "honestly, I'm not even sure how you got on our speed dial"
I might as well have been talking to a wall. I say that because somebody tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "can you explain to me why you're arguing with a wall?"
I looked around. She was gone. I guess I did get away with a prank call after all.
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eppujensen · 2 years
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Gorgeous quilt with what looks like sea glass shaped fabrics in an ombre arrangement across the quilt top. I think when looking for the maker, I spotted an alternative version that explicitly mentioned that the fabric blobs have raw edges. Great, it makes it much easier to sew. Unknown; via Pinterest.
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platinumsonsews · 4 months
What Are The Latest Trends In Quilting With Buy Jelly Roll Fabric?
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The quilt is one of the most famous elements to feature in your interiors and make your area aesthetically alluring. All the quilt enthusiasts who are fond of art constantly look out for ultra-modern designs and patterns in the quilting world. Nowadays, one of the trendy patterns that are getting popular in the quilt market is jelly roll fabric. You can buy jelly roll fabric from a qualitative service provider at an affordable price. The jelly fabric quilts are very beautiful to add to your interior space. In this blog, you will get to know about the latest trends in the world of quilts. 
Exploring The Artistry Behind Each Trend In Jelly Roll Fabric Quilting
Global quilting is evolving, and the use of jelly roll material is at the cutting edge of these thrilling modifications. From modern minimalism to innovative log cabin versions, quilters push barriers and create visually lovely and technically remarkable quilts. Whether you're a pro quilter or a beginner trying to embark on a creative journey, embracing these trends can add a clean and modern-day touch to your quilting initiatives. So, take hold of your jelly roll material and start sewing into the vibrant world of modern-day quilting trends.
1. Modern Minimalism
Embracing a minimalist approach is a trend that has infiltrated the quilting network. Jelly Roll fabric, with its curated shade schemes and coordinated designs, is a great fit for developing current glossy quilts. Quilters choose easy geometric patterns and strains, allowing the colorful shades of jelly roll fabric to take center stage.
2. Ombre Allure
Ombre effects have been making waves in numerous inventive realms, and quilting is no exception. Quilters are using jelly roll fabric to create stunning ombre gradients in their quilts. This technique adds depth and visible interest, making the quilts appear like a stunning spectrum of colors transitioning from one shade to another.
3. Bold And Beautiful Prints
While traditional quilting regularly featured subdued and traditional prints, cutting-edge fashion leans closer to ambitious and vibrant designs. Jelly roll material for sale comes in various beautiful prints, from florals to abstract styles. Quilters use these fabrics to make ambitious declarations, infusing their quilts with personality and aptitude.
4. Mixing Textures And Fabrics
Another interesting fashion entails the incorporation of different textures and fabrics inside a duvet. Quilters are pairing jelly roll cloth with complementary solids, textured fabric, or maybe steel accents to create visually dynamic and tactile quilts. This juxtaposition adds depth and a tactile element to the completed piece.
5. Strip Piecing Mastery
With the convenience of pre-cut strips in jelly roll fabric, strip piecing has become a go-to technique for quilters. This trend permits faster and more efficient quilt assembly while nonetheless reaching tricky and captivating designs. Quilters are learning the art of strip piecing to create beautiful patterns.
6. Innovative Log Cabin Variations
However, the traditional log cabin cover block is experiencing a resurgence with a contemporary twist. Quilters are experimenting with progressive variations of the log cabin pattern using purchased jelly roll material. This trend breathes new lifestyles into a traditional favorite, offering countless possibilities for creative expression.
Try Latest Trends Using Vibrant Buy Jelly Roll Fabric! Elevate your craft with bold prints and buy jelly roll fabric for innovative techniques and modern minimalism. Discover your creativity and transform your quilts into captivating works of art. Dive into the world of jelly roll fabric quilting today with Platinum So n Sews!
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tamlovesfashion · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Blanket Afghan Throw Knit Crochet Chevron Pattern Ombre Blue White.
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rosymommy · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Ombre Quilted Crossbody Bag with Chain.
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