#gosh your url is so real
zreamy · 10 months
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Hi... I'm like really evil so... I apologize in advance
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
LMAO love that you decided to ask me this as soon as I reblogged it. so very kind of you lol
orchid ⇢ Hozier's Unknown/Nth. He had no right writing the most soul-crushing lyrics to ever exist in this life and then just SHALALA his way into my heart. like.. "DO YOU KNOW I COULD BREAK BENEATH THE WEIGHT OF THE GOODNESS, LOVE, I STILL CARRY FOR YOU???" WHAT WAS THAT?? how do you even begin to EXIST after hearing that??
cactus ⇢ the way that feminist theory has impacted other realms of life--and also the way literature has tied into different cultural movements. I've also been researching the various circles of Dante's Inferno (just for the giggles, ya know :P)
bamboo ⇢ sometimes. it depends. sometimes i get home and all i want to do is just collapse on my bed and not have to deal with anything else, but others I want to feel like a pretentious character from some novel so I'll keep my "fancy" clothes on lol
abelia ⇢ i have this one ring that I wear a lot--my grandma gave it to me. I also have a few pairs of earrings that I treasure a lot.
daffodil ⇢nope :) only child over here
mahonia ⇢ I love the mountains and the ocean--I think they both inspire me to be more than my usual self in various ways: to be kinder, to be more poetic, to see beauty in a wider variety of things and people.
chia ⇢ oh gosh, so many. does challenging my friends to duels count?? lol
sage ⇢ I really cannot decide on this one. I think the beauty of enjoying and being inspired by a variety of artistic mediums is that they each bring something unique into your world view: poetry can bring a sense of rhythm and orderliness or, in other cases, chaos. Music I see as another way of enjoying poetry--what else are lyrics, after all? Fiction is somewhere I can get lost and experience things I've never gotten the chance to see or meet people I'll never meet. Paintings, like photographs, capture a singular moment, but also infuse their meaning with a more personal flavor from the artist's own life. Statues are this concrete, physical expression of being that capture movement and emotion and strength and weakness and just the general essence of existence in a very solid, real way. plzzzz don't make me choose :)
edelweiss ⇢ the secret history. idk what else to add lol
camellia ⇢ I think i conformed a lot more to other's expectations (I know...such a cliche thing to say.. :(( lol). In other respects, I don't think i've changed all that much. I still love art and reading and running through fields and dancing in the rain and curling up with a story next to my dog just as much as I used to :)
jasmine ⇢ This is really tough. I definitely feel that way about some books that just destroyed me emotionally--same goes for films--but I also feel like, given enough time, I'd want to return to them to get a fresh perspective. Idk, I've definitely thought about this a lot, but a lot of types of media store cherished memories for me, so in returning to the media, I'm also reopening that treasure trove of my own life.
ivy ⇢ I smile a lot for no reason when I'm happy. I'm much more sarcastic when I'm down. I also tend to hold my hand up to my face when I'm anxious or annoyed. I feel like this is so much easier to determine about someone else, not yourself :)
chamomile ⇢ BOOKS. chocolate. hugs. cozy sweaters. tea. handmade gifts that are more a demonstration of love that anything else.
aloe vera ⇢ (i am aware this makes me sound a lot more lonely than i actually am lol) I would love to experience the feeling of sitting next to someone I love--platonic or romantic--and just sensing this absolute tranquility. I am always so happy every time I experience that and I'd love to have that feeling more present in my life.
palm tree ⇢ not really?? idk, i mean does Dorian Gray count??
nutmeg ⇢ the walls of my room are a green color that I chose when i was ten, which kinda sets the automatic aesthetic to cottagecore. Lots of plants, poetry and drawings and paintining and quotes pinned on the walls, books everywhere, a quilt i made as my bedcover, my dog (sometimes lol)
papyrus ⇢ just went and did this for the sake of experimentation. the song that came up was "king" by florence and the machine. I love all of florence's songs, but i love "king" for so many reasons. The guttural vocals really bring something out in the lyrics (which are incredible on their own). Also the production of the music video (directed by one of my favorite people of all time, Autumn de Wilde--same person who directed Emma 2020) just makes the aesthetic of the music so much more....GRAND
taro ⇢ I'd tell them about all the beautiful things I saw today, about all the interactions I had. about how much i love being alive, and how much I am looking forward to spending more time getting to know people and reading new books and falling in love with the way the world continues despite it all.
thank you for sending this ask, @kaleb-is-definitely-sane
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its-elvie-innit · 2 months
Dsmpblr stuff in one big archive post
The fake ranboo arg (run by a blog some people thought was ranboo or a kinnie. It never was, but instead was some sort of arg surrounding the ranboo lore. Multiple characters, like the Duke, duchess, and a discord server where people started translating the posts (which were all in ender, or minecraft galactic) (link to doc)
Minesonas, and then subsequently citizen memes. This was contained within three non-consecutive weeks, where people were discussing whether lmanburg had citizens or if it did, what would it be like?
People upset over ghostburs library being blown up. There were a lot of books in there important to a storyline, and some blogs were very upset they couldn't be archived
Mcytblr awards, which had a doc and everything (link)
DSMP sexyman!!!!! The competition one blog held to go over all the supposed sexymen in mcytblr, and if they were or not. The doc for this is here (link)
Dilfcourse (world sluttiest absent father) this went on prior to philza eventually finding out he was being called a dilf, and I think there may have been a poll (?) About who was the biggest dilf right after the one mcc with all new art of certain male ccs, but it also basically ended when philza got temporarily mad about tumblrites not wanting him on tumblr, and discovered dilfza. Then when he said he didn't like it, the entire "titty window" philza design disappeared and everyone stopped posting dilfza.
Philza nerfing a blog for an url (I think it turned out that tumblr did it? But it was still WEIRD) and EVERYONE got mad about it.
The one quackity kinnie blog? During this time, a ton of kinnie blogs popped up and the quackity one sticks in my head because it was kind of convincing
Drinnie. Another kinnie blog, I actually never knew if this one was real. It was more activ3 before I joined, but it was still a pretty large thing in small mcytblr.
Whatever we had going on with piss. I think dream started the pissbaby thing and it stuck. That was so big for so long
The split between dteamblr and dsmpblr. Also the protectiveness we kind of handed off between them. Being such a closely related fandom in the publics eyes, dsmpblr and dteamblr would both get hate anons about Dream and I still recall going to bat for them sometimes. Also the discussed "gnf sickness". I don't want to mention him because he's a horrible man and deserves jailtime but it was a part of it.
Mcytboundaries. Does anyone else remember that blog? That thing was so important in the first seven months I was here.
The death of kinnies. When those few kinnie blogs that cropped up started getting really upset over getting tons of copypastas and took them seriously. I remember being so annoyed at them because if you make a kinnie blog (NOT a roleplay blog) thats the culture!!! You knew that was going to happen!!!! Put a disclaimer in your bio or something gosh.
Beacon lamps sudden ubiquitous posts. Similarly with 420technoblazeit, sometimes there would be a joke that just stuck around because it was them who posted it.
This one's more recent, but those sootblr bloggers who kept having almost e-sex in random peoples notes. Even bloggers outside of mcytblr. What was up with those guys
Not wanting ccs on tumblr. Not an event, just the overarching opinion that it would be a bad thing. It slowly died off as an opinion during late 22, something that made me and a few other og mcytblrs very sad or hesitant because people would start sharing tumblr posts with the ccs. I remember It felt like the final death of og mcytblr to me
Does anyone remember if there was that one dsmp citizen server and if it actually happened???? That might be a fake memory.
Tubbo tumblr!! This is multiple events, but he mentioned he had one in early dsmp, and it kind of overjoyed people. Then, months later, he started scrolling on stream and people made posts (INCLUDING myself) about being so genuinely scared of him being online. Out of all of the "dsmper makes a tumblr" instances, I think this was the one with the most positive reaction.
Fuck dream hoodie (instagram) and mcytblrs reaction. Went in a really funny direction
Youtooz stealing mcytblr artists fanart
Hermitblr theory stolen by matpats yt channel and no reply
KARL HATEPOSTING. When for a month in 2021 everyone just HATED him for no real reason, maybe because of tftsmp?. I think it stemmed from two blogs, and then got its start in og mcytblr circles. I remember my ex mutual squid got too into it, it was really crazy. Why did we even do that.
Love or hosts.....love or hosts and the liveblogs...
The like, Hermitcraft vs Dsmpblr sudden dichotomy. One day I remember all of a sudden there were hermit blogs, and a few dsmp blogs after them, that started getting really pissy over people referring to dsmpblr as "mcytblr" because it wasn't the whole of mcytblr. Gosh that was so stupid and funny.
Those days people posted about crying over lost vods. Whenever someone did, it would catch like a virus and EVERYONE would start talking about how sad it was.
Kroger anon...Hearty anon...my loves. Hearty Anon was like the darling of mcytblr. I didn't even know they were a real blog I just thought they were like Kroger Anon. Always wanted one of those.
Finding out wooteena was like 11. Not actually eleven, but seriously everyone thought they were like an adult person I don't know.
Subtle, but the mcytblr friendgroups and different parts having beef with each other. It was really lowkey, but I'm sorry metfell and conarcoin and their whole deal had some real haters. thats probably because they were kinda mean sometimes.
INNITER OPRESSION. gosh I remember how giddy I would get defending myself over the url and saying it was just the first thing I thought of. If you had a certain url you were a magnet for sections of mcytblr in the silliest of ways I loved it so much. little cultural pockets for every streamer.
Mcytblrs reaction to the mcytwt trending writer. I thought that was so funny.
THE TUMBLR PODCAST. Those guys on tumblr that talked about us once!!!! On a podcast!!!! Similarly, all those times we dominated not only the trending page when there was a stream, but also the fandom reports tumblr put out about which keywords and tags were most popular. Whenever someone dropped down or moved up it was really "campeao del Mundo" in the mcytblr tags. And the slow decline and us being really really sad when a spot went -15...
DOES anyone else remember the triad. Mcyt reddit, Twitter, and tumblr. How Twitter thought we had a rivals to lovers thing but actually we just hated their guts. There was fanart and everything
When the Twitter refugees came over and the first wave was semi hate and semi welcoming. Everyone came around for the second wave, but the first exodus was 85% hesitant welcome and 15% vitriol and fear.
The discourse about calling them Twitter refugees??? Because refugees are "an actual thing" we couldn't call them that anymore. I just thought it was a little stupid.
Not a specific "event" but more a shift from analysis posts and liveblogs to art and headcanon posting. There was a time in the beginning where everyone theorized about anything and everything. As the dsmp aged and mcytblr grew it became so much more isolated, I still don't understand why people stopped using liveblog tags. Bring them back!!!!! Aurghh!!!!!!
When mcytblr (like nine people out of it) started going after some dude? I forget. But there was a harassment campaign, and death threats allegedly and some big blogs made a whole deal out of it and started saying how mcytblr was no different or better than mcytwt and I don't remember if it was justified or stupid. It was for sure after the first Twitter migration and possibly after the second.
Mcytblr crafting stuff. Such an awesome group of people. I think there's an archive for mcytblr crafts, btw, it's @mcytcrafts
Just about everything I remember, besides the discourse about tommy/others getting rid of the dsmp monuments or builds that had been there a really long time like the Wal-Mart and it being really heated for a while. By the time jack and tubbo started planting potatoes everyone was cool about the whole thing.
I don't want to write anymore :( I think like two of these are kind of my-circle specific but I'm unsure so I included them anyway. Hope it's useful!
Edit; Tapeworm post.
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halucynator · 6 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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tibbycaps · 6 months
🎨 for the ask game? hope you have a nice day!
🎨 favourite piece of fanart? link it!
oh gosh it's so hard to choose just one. (you too btw :'D) went thru my rbs and here's a few bangers:
technically an animation and not fan art but this animatic by volcanocraft is my favorite life mcyt animation of all time. the style is just to die for, the song choice is perfect, and while lots of traffic fan art and animations tend to be very dramatic and theatrical (which is totally fine, it rules) this is sort of a rare case where the artist manages to perfectly encapsulate the inherent silliness and comedic effect of using minecraft to tell your story. the goofiness of the little minecraft characters running and jumping around like bugs is perfectly captured which i feel like is a hard vibe to get in art sometimes
fan art that resembles renaissance paintings and even takes inspiration from said paintings is so beloved to me (i minored in art history so its very dear to me). specifically sillyfairygarden and floweroflaurelin come to mind! (thello's life series designs are also very dear to me, as the costumes they design remind me a lot of shakespearian plays, and make me imagine the life series as a shakespearian tragedy being told on a stage. as someone whos url is a shakespeare reference this also scratches a very specific niche in my brain. their bigb design is especially gorgeous and reminds me of 1996 mercutio)
cherri's life series as an rpg series is a banger, it really makes you yearn for the game to be real, it's also nostalgic of a lot of old rpgmaker games i used to play as a kid which is probably why i'm so drawn to it
i LOVE this secret life scar by felix convexsolos because i think the scene of scar standing in the wheat field is one of the unintentionally coolest most cinematic scenes from the life series, the off-putting angle and his stone-cold expression captures his silent rage, unhinged and unpredictable energy in that series so well this double life fan art by ghost3a i'm absolutely obsessed with the colors and expressions, each pairing has different colors and the color choices for each pairing is so telling and the way each piece kind of fades into the next by having a hint of color at the bottom is awesome. i'm a sucker when it comes to bright contrasting colors used to convey emotions/feelings.
this last life mumbo by stackofeggs has always stuck with me because i feel like it captures red life mumbo really well; he's terrifying and dangerous with his end crystals but it also still kind of retains that wet cat energy mumbo always has. he's scary and unstable and fragile just like the end crystals
this bdubs by imflyingfish is SO COOL AND CUTE, the style is so unique and captivating and i love the choice to draw bdubs' building the earth arc as it's honestly the only fan art i think i've seen of that specific secret life moment
i'll end off by mentioning the Common Applestruda W, where i honestly can't even link a specific piece or i'd be here all day. but her color work and compositions are wonderful
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silverzoomies · 6 months
I’m so curious to see who you’d ship me with because I completely trust your judgement… so here goes nothing. 🌸💐🌷
-I’m a 23 year old female who’s currently in college for criminal justice and psychology. I’m awful at math but love love love science.
-I love animals, I have lots of snakes, lizards, fish, dogs, cats. I’m not opposed to anything besides spiders
-I love listening to music and my favorite artists are Taylor swift, Hozier, P!nk, and Kelly Clarkson. I like to think I’m a creative person but idk. I like to craft and scrapbook, make jewelry etc.
-im a perfectionist and if Im not instantly good at something I get very frustrated.
-I also have depression (yay) anxiety, autism, and possible ADD. People have told me I’m good at ‘hiding’ it and ‘fitting in’ though.
-im super shy in real life. Like beyond shy. Im not a fan of physical touch but if it was someone I really liked, I wouldn’t mind. My love language is gift giving.
-I like to cook, I play piano and guitar, and I like to go on a lot of spontaneous adventures because if my mind comes up with an idea I have to play it out that moment or I go insane.
-im pretty good at adjusting to any environment and tend to mimic people to fit in. I like to people watch and kind of mirror their personality and actions.
-winter is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I’d say I’m a pretty morbid person by societies standards. Like animals in jars and black clothes… listening to true crime podcasts to fall asleep. Stuff like that. I’m kind of goth, I’d say? I also love makeup and rarely leave the house without it on
oh...oh my gosh...ohohohohoh buckle up, my good buddy pal,, i've got a super fun one for you !!! i'm gonna put a read more, since this one's kinda long !! you gave me a lot of detail to work with !!
right off the bat, you talk about studying criminal justice and psychology. which are very respectable fields of education. it sounds to me like you're really takin' your education seriously !! and that's wonderful !! y'know...that kinda reminds me of a certain boy...
so, y'know who also takes his education pretty seriously? a guy who wants to change the world for the better? i'm def thinkin' of pre-death kyle for you. sorry. SORRY, OKAY !! i know what you're thinkin'...oh, zoomies, you're only saying this because i've got kyle in my url. ABSOLUTELY NOT !!
you make yourself out to be such a genuine sweetheart with a wide range of interests !! you're creative and down to earth - both of which are traits i think kyle would absolutely swoon over !! you treat animals with kindness, and you love every single one. c'mon...doesn't he seem like the same ?? if you showed him the super gnarly pets you have, i know for a gosh dang fact he'd think they're the coolest ever !!
mans unapologetically loves music. dude was so open about how much he liked toto. based btw. i can totally see him vibin' to your favorite tunes too. bobbin' his head, singin' along. no matter how feminine the songs seem, he really wouldn't care !! he'd have fun with 'em anyway !!
i think he wouldn't want you to hide how you feel, or mask yourself for the sake of fitting in. he likes you for your genuine self. the creative person you are, with all your talents - writing, music, cooking, making jewelry. he'd want you to be yourself openly and freely. and he'd be super patient and encouraging about it too !! kyle's a sweetheart !! you put two sweethearts together ?? recipe for love !! 💛🧡❤️
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cwarscars · 2 months
han what if i told you to write some positivity for a follower of your choice 👀 do it do it do it
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it.
id tell u this -
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im gonna choose you because 1 - i am simple brained. literally have like one brain cell that is torn between food, sleeping and gaming. i am very stupid so LOGICALLY, its easy to choose ur URL cause ur here before me, presented like a beautiful turkey. NUmber 2 - I WANNA TALK ABOUT YOU, MOOGS SO I AM GOING TO. >:)
MOOGLE. another og of the remake fandom; another - as i like to say - 'legend'.
literally, your love, appreciation, passion, spirit and just fuckin general FEEL for roche has always, ALWAYS been something ive loved and admired. i feel that your passion for roche is similar to my weird obsession with heid - but it's so much more articulate / well-rounded / thought out. you have this way with roche, like, you adopted him back then as your bab (unloved by the fandom but adored by you) and i just love that so goddamn much. your analysis of his character and headcanons are something i absolutely cannot get enough of. when i saw him in game, i found myself thinking 'i wonder what moogle thinks of this choice, or that choice-' i saw certain things and desperately wanted to message you but didn't wanna spoil you so i laid of. HELL a part of me was close to grabbing shots of the keyring (you know the one lol) just to send you cause i saw it and literally said 'moogle would love that shit'.
it's just so heart-warming to me to see somebody have a passion for a character others 'don't like'. a lot of characters get an unfair rap from people, be they og fans w/no time for those characters or remake fans who just want to shit on any character they dont like (srsly the chadley hate actually makes me fuckin twitch). despite it, you power on. you love this character unapologetically, you're passion overrides any losers dislike for the character. that gets a big fuckin high five from me
AND in terms of writing - your writing is just so magical. you write professionally and a lot of the time when replying to you, i find myself taking a minute to take in what you've read and savour it - you know like homies do with a fine glass of wine? its like that. im huffing that writing and swirling it round my glass like, 'gosh DARN the good cush-'. you're so insanely talented, and your art, too! everytime i see it, im like snorting it up. you got that oldschool anime style that makes my brain vibrate inside of my SKULL.
moogle, i could honestly shout to the heavens about how rad you are as a person / writer / roleplayer. i adore your passion, adore your energy and i like that im moots with someone here who has the same wild-brained approach i do (lol), its nice to feel comfortable with another writer and always have your support / general presence on my dash cause your vibes so good ( your swag too strong, theyll kill u). just yeah, Ima stop writing now but for real - you're fuckin cool.
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cult-of-dollbabies · 7 days
hey cult, hope u are doing ok. i just wanted to pop by and thank u for making the experience in the chucky fandom such a fun one. ive grown to consider u one of the best blogs i follow in the community, your abomination au is still my favorite transformative work ive had the pleasure to watch developing in real time, and of course youve always had the most correct opinions about andy. your art is awesome and it always made me so excited to see what u were working on next. anyways, im happy i was a part of this fandom while u are around.
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First of all, deepest apologies for taking so long to respond, things kept coming up and I've hardly had time to post in general, im ecstatic to hear from you again, genuinely. I saw some of your recent posts and I also hope you're doing as well as you're able ♡ I'm so sorry that so much of Tiff was lost :( I know that feels absolutely terrible, but I believe in you! I believe you'd be able to rewrite it better than the last, if you want to of course. It's so awesome to see your url again, I'll admit I've been worried. But I'm glad to hear you're alright at least :')
Anyways.. this message bout made me cry real tears and I'm not joking. It's enough to hear you're okay, but gosh I was blown away by such a nice heartfelt message I'm so honored that I could make it so enjoyable for you ♡ it's what I'm here for, I'll continue doing just that as long as it makes me & others happy. I also want to thank you for blessing us with your godlike writing. Genuinely, it feels like such a staple and I hope you can continue to find joy in doing this, we're all rooting for you and we appreciate you, I wish you well and all the feel good ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you're so important and loved, I want you to know that.
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hi bestie!! 🥰🥰
I totally meant to message you way earlier about this, but, y'know.... life and stuff lmao 😅😅
but anyway over on my fandom blog I did some really silly headcanons on what plants the greens from hotd would buy from the plant shop where I work, and I thought you might enjoy them! 💕💕
I can't send a nicely formatted link on anon, but this is the url for the post: https://www.tumblr.com/charlottesbookclub/746707360656080896/which-plants-each-of-the-greens-would-get-from-the?source=share
absolutely no pressure to read them or anything at all tho!! I just thought you might need a little distraction from The Horrors (TM) and these are just silly and goofy and fun ☺️☺️
so much love to you always! 🥰💕🥰💕 (also I made black and white cookies for the eclipse today and I'm also sending you one of those virtually 🥰)
🐍 🔪
BESTIEEEEEEEEEE WHY AM I ONLY HEARING ABOUT A WRITING BLOG JUST NOW! Followed you immediately, but also I’M REELING BECAUSE YOU WRITE FOR HUX!? AAAAHHHHH. Oh gosh, back in the day I was so DESPERATE FOR GOOD HUX FICS! if only we’d crossed paths before! We could’ve been talking about him all the time! AAH still, i’m so excited to follow you there now. I love keeping up with all your creative ventures!
Loved the concept of the plants! Also, the bit about Aemond reminded me so much of my one friend who I mostly base my modern Aemond off of. He’s a big plant guy (when I went with him to see Danny Elfman we had a thorough conversation of about plants 🤣 and how he has an app so he can keep track of them better and all of that). So it made me think of Aemond wanting to get super high-tech when it comes to his plants so he can keep them alive. But just like the headcanon, it’s not tech he needs, he needs to pay attention to the living thing in front of him 🤣
I love it. If you ever expand on it, I’d love to read more! Thank you so much for sharing, sweatheart!!
Also, black and white cookies, that sounds so awesome, i freaking love anything black and white 🥺 i wish I could eat and see them for real!
All the love right back to you, my love! ❤️
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panserbj0rn · 8 months
hey i've been following you forever and reread the northern lights recently. suddenly re-discovered the origins of your url which i had forgotten. i don't know when you last read it but it is amazing. my heart's aching a little bit thinking about the amber spyglass and lyra going through puberty ... it was such a striking and peculiar moment to me as a pubescent child and now..... anyways, wishing you well <3
Oh gosh, i hear you! Amber Spyglass also messed me up as a pubescent kid. I've actually never reread it because it was so painful for me the first time around, but hearing you talk about it is making me want to revisit. I think as a confused little gender baby, the idea of losing my changeability, my flexibility, my childhood freedoms of expression, was a real source of dread. Now that I'm older and have rediscovered those pieces of myself that I thought were going to be stolen from me by the ~inevitable tide of puberty,~ I might be able to read it with a little less of a spear through my heart.
Thank you so much for sharing your memories and experience of HDM with me 💕 those books are so special to me, and it's always nice to share that connection with people!
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secretly-of-course · 1 year
*clears throat* Andi Mack Holiday AU Andi Mack Holdiday AU Andi Mack Holiday AU (or if you were already asked about it I'd love to hear about/see a snippet of your Huntlow texting piece or your Andi Mack Miraculous AU)
Hiiii thanks for asking! Gosh I started the Holiday AU quite a while ago and kinda lost steam but I definitely want to revisit it some day! It begins with Andi living in LA having just recently broken up with Walker, and TJ living in Shadyside having recently broken up with Marty (though unlike the movie both breakups were amicable). Andi of course ends up meeting Amber on her trip and TJ ends up meeting Cyrus. Here's a snippet!
At that thought, Andi sat straight up in bed. “I need a vacation!” she shouted to the empty room. She hopped out of bed and reached for her laptop, quickly typing out the url for Jumble. Bex and Bowie had used Jumble for their honeymoon and couldn't stop praising it, now this was the perfect opportunity for Andi to try it herself.
The only problem was, Andi had no idea where she wanted to go. “Universe!” Andi called out as her dad often did, “Where should I go!?”
Andi sat for a minute waiting for a sign. Nothing happened. Not very seren-dope-ity. Andi rolled her eyes as dark walls stared back at her and fetched her coin purse. She figured it would be easiest to go somewhere in the United States so she wouldn't have to renew her passport. She’d simply flip a coin to decide what half of the country to look at and keep narrowing it down from there. Andi reached into the purse and pulled out a quarter, illuminated only by the light of her computer.
“Okay. Heads I go East. Tails I stay West,” she said to herself. But before Andi could flip the coin, the tails side caught her eye. Two trains faced each other in front of a mountain range, along with the words “Crossroads of the West.” It was a 2007 Utah state quarter.
“Utah,” Andi pondered in the dark. “Okay universe,” she said with a growing smile on her face.
The sound of TJ’s phone buzzing startled him as he was just falling asleep. He grabbed it annoyance before focusing on what was on his screen.
New notification from Jumble! tjk1996 has a new message from mackandi!
Any annoyance TJ was feeling completely vanished as he read mackandi’s message. A person--a real life person--actually wanted to visit Shadyside. And she was from Los Angeles no less! TJ was practically buzzing with excitement as he and his new match, Andi, chatted.
mackandi: so is shadyside relatively quiet? i'm looking for a relaxing getaway
tjk1996: super quiet! i promise no one will bother you except maybe my sister when she comes to water the plants
tjk1996: and for fun we have a nice park, a movie theater, and a flea market every weekend
tjk1996: oh also the spoon it's the best diner in the whole state
mackandi: sounds perfect!!!
tjk1996: so, when do you want to do this?
There was a pause before Andi's reply came in. TJ held his breath in anticipation.
mackandi: is tomorrow too soon?
I'll answer the other parts below the cut!
The Andi Mack miraculous au was an idea I had a while back, I actually did end up posting my design for Andi as Ladybug here! I didn't get as far with Chat Noir TJ though. Just a rough sketch!
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Unlike the show, this would NOT be a ladybug x chat noir romance, they're friends! In this AU I would give Cyrus the turtle, Buffy the tiger, Jonah the fox, Amber the snake, and Kira the bee. If there are any love square shenanigans it would be between TJ and Cyrus (TJ likes Cyrus as a civilian. Cyrus likes Chat Noir as a hero. They don't know each other's identities.) I'm not really sure who the villain would be though.
I think I might have posted my huntlow texting sketch before but I don't remember for sure so here it is again and the meme it's based on. The show has taken their relationship a lot further than it was when I started this, so I'm not sure if I will finish it one day or not. I still think they are cute though :)
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deancaskiss · 1 year
So I’m pretty sure I followed you on my last blog that I deleted in 2019 for safety related and ex related reasons and I just restarted and found you AND IM SO FUXKING PROUD OF YOU CONGRATS ON YOUR PASSING VER SCHOOL. I used to be @haardertobreethe
oh gosh, I’m sorry to hear about the circumstances you were in previously, but i’m so glad you’re safer and happier now! awww that’s so sweet you found me again omg i do remember your old url! I’m glad to hear from you again! THANK YOU ENDLESSLY AND INFINITELY FOR BEING SO PROUD OF ME AND FOR YOUR SWEET MESSAGE!!! THAT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME AND I SWEAR I CANT STOP SMILING!! THANK YOU SO MUCH OH GOSH NONE OF THIS FEELS REAL LIKE IM STILL SHOCKED SPEECHLESS THAT I PASSED!!!
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quincywillows · 1 year
5, 10, 12 & 14 for the writing asks?
thank you so much for sending some! 😊 i'm glad y'all are alive out there even though i am not half the time lol (and my apologies dear tumblr followers)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
oh hmm... i don't know that i do? the only thing that comes to mind off the top of my head that's kind of the opposite of a superstition is that i don't believe writer's block is a thing lol. like i do think that the symptoms of it are real and challenging (we all have phases where the sheer act of writing feels insurmountable, for one reason or another, often many little reasons cobbled together that creates a blanket feeling of "can't"), and i don't discount that, but i don't think the actual existence of a condition called writer's block is a thing. i think it's often a convenient band-aid we authors use to excuse ourselves for not writing for a day... or two days... or a week... etc., because oh we have writer's block we can't, when in actuality most times if you just sit down and push out a sentence or two, even if it's garbage and you'll have to cut it later, that helps and makes you feel 100x better than not writing at all due to a flimsy excuse. that being said, i do think i believe in the opposite idea of like... a writing Zone so to speak. like any kind of good exercise, i do think when you settle into writing and work at it consistently for a handful of time, at some point about 30 minutes in if the words are wording you enter a zen, flow state that is basically The Writing Zone. some of your best work can come from this and most importantly, you cover a lot of ground which brings you closer to your end goals for whatever the project is (or just does some writer brain decluttering if you're not working on a set project but want to be creative, which is equally important sometimes. i think of this kind of writing as like flossing my brain lol). the zone is rare to achieve, but so satisfying when it comes through.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
gosh i love the concept of this, like a scene or piece being so impactful (whether because it's beautiful, or painful, or so blisteringly relatable or specific to you as a reader at that moment) that it sticks with you for a long time after... i don't think being haunted by a piece necessarily has to be bad either. haunting kind of has an inherent dark connotation to it, because of death, but i think being haunted by writing can be from a piece that was positive too -- it's just that the emotional stamp it left on you doesn't ebb so easily. i'm trying to think about if a piece of writing i've consumed specifically has ever hit me that way and still stuck with me, but considering nothing is immediately jumping to mind i would have to say no... at least for the moment. from my own writing i don't know that i've necessarily hit this benchmark yet either, organically speaking, but there have been a couple of scenes while working on AMBITION that left an indelible mark on me from writing them (the entirety of season 2 episode 10 could count towards this actually, as well the zc scene from 208. those are what always immediately jump to mind). i also have a handful of scenes or imagery from my current finished novel, Quincy Willows (ayeee shout out url) that i'm quite proud of and that evoke a specific feeling for me... i wouldn't call it haunted, necessarily, but just... a warm presence in my mind. i'm optimistic about works i have up my sleeve in the future as well to have some moments like this in store -- i have no idea if my writing has ever haunted anyone to this day yet, hahaha, but time will tell!
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fairycosmos · 2 years
(i wasn't sure if this fits better as an ask or a submission sorry)
I just wanted to say I'm very glad you're still around and I see your posts on my feed or sometimes on Instagram and I have a song on my Spotify playlist you chose during an ask game a long time ago that soothes me during bad times and I know we don't really know each other but your presence on this site is very comforting to me and I just wanted to let you know that 💌
ahhh gosh you are an angel walking among humans for real ❤️ your url is so familiar to me atp i love seeing it in my notifs and thinking Omg my friend <3 i really appreciate you sticking around on my blog and taking notice of the things i say on here. it makes my chest feel all weird and emotional when i think about it too much LMFAO but mostly im just really glad i can be a comfort to you :) i want to always remember that so i can refer back to it on my worst days. honestly even today is going crappy and your message really brightened it up. also this is a side note but me and you having the same sad music taste is incredible LOL i love it so much. anyway your words mean the world to me and i hope you've been doing well lately. sending so much love and warmth your way! x ❤️
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elxsticlxve · 2 years
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{ooc} @dokuukinoko​ inquired;--  zzzzzzzzzzzzzz my url? I wont say no to love rn T.T
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    -grabs your matchi and your hisoka and puts them in my pocket and takes off-
Ok mine now BYE--
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So obviously, I am absolutely enjoying seeing you on the dash and I’m having a blast writing with your Matchi! Our discord conversations so far are also a delight and it just makes me so GOSH DARNED HAPPY that I am able to rant and carry on about the nasty clown man with someone else and not feel like I’m being a bother about it. (or judged) I’m honestly looking forward to all the shenanigans we can get into with threads. The little happy clapping I’m doing as i type this is very real. Also when are we opening the circus for business? 
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hobbitsetal · 2 years
4, 8, 10, and 39 for the weird writing asks
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
"Feral" is a glorious one, as is "incandescent." Let's be real, I'm a language nerd, I have a long list of words I go nuts for.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
I think without action, and I'd focus on the people who couldn't be part of the action and had to discuss it...sneak action into my dialogue because technically it isn't an action scene, it's people talking about an action scene.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Oh absolutely. Several short stories recur to me, "All The Light We Cannot See," Robin McKinley's work ("The Blue Sword" and "Chalice" in particular. AND, worst of all, I am haunted by a delightful Cinderella retelling with a Pride and Prejudice vibe from the POV of the younger stepsister by a girl named Josie on Tumblr, and I cannot recall her URL. It's been several years, but gosh that was such a good story. As for my own work...*mutters grouchily* yes Redmond haunts me and yes I resent that. To me, being haunted by someone else's writing means I think of it long after I've read it, usually after reading it only once. Being haunted by my own writing means I don't know how to write it, I don't know how the story should go, but I'm recurrently obsessed with it. (I have so many different drafts of freaking Redmond...)
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Several things! Taking a break is a good one; usually if I feel like a hack and a fraud and nothing is going well, I need to go consume media. Read other people's books, watch a show, go for a walk, play with my son. Another is my fellow writers and the people who read my stories. Having an audience who enjoys my work is HUGE; I cannot overstate to you how important it is to me. There were multiple points when writing Mute at which I bogged down and didn't think I'd finish it, and God sent me a new reader to inspire and encourage me!
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