#god I hope they fit into the story
gotchaocha · 2 months
I think I’ll have one character make a diss track about their parents
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Usopp obtaining Conqueror's haki makes so much sense to me and I genuinely think he deserves it on Elbaf please please please
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egophiliac · 5 months
thank you for blessing us with twst pokemon au i appreciate it greatly. if i may ask you a question
how does one read book 7 without selling their soul to the deep dark web. i've been wanting to read the other parts for a while but i can't find a place with all the chapters. i've seen translations on youtube but i don't think they have all of them?
(also why'd you government name mickey like that on your last post what did he do)
thank you! :D
I'm not really sure where to find up-to-date main story translations, so opening it up to the floor for other people to chime in! for reference, the latest release in JP was episode 7 chapter 6 on December 11th, which covered 7-88 through 7-100. fingers crossed for more in February...but that's where we're at right now!
(Michael knows what he did)
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itwoodbeprefect · 11 days
i think the positive spin here is that 23.5 fumbling the ball quite a bit in its last three episodes is great, actually, because it's incontrovertible proof gmmtv's first GL is on the same level as nearly all their BLs. they dropped that ball for feminism <3
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uniquezombiedestiny · 3 months
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come on
please tell me
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immunetoneurotoxin · 4 months
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“Not a soul assigned to their case at the Bureau could make sense of their existence. There wasn’t a single scientist, parapsychologist, doctor, or specialist with over a dozen PHD’s under the sun that could figure them out. Pyrokinesis in a human? They defy every law of nature, yet they exist amongst humanity regardless. How do you explain that?” “The truth is that there are a lot of unknown things out there in the world that mankind hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of. Everyone flocked to this case trying to find rational answers, but there aren’t any. Look at the files in your hands. By the eyes of science, Pyro should not exist. Don’t you know what happens to things mankind doesn’t understand? The Bureau has done sickening things to them in the name of research.” “That’s why I helped them escape, Conagher.”
Excerpt from the novel INCENDIARY; A TF2 Pyro origin story Read the latest chapter of 'Incendiary' on AO3 here! Artwork created by the incredible @narklos ♡ 
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crazysnor1ax · 29 days
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@possiblycringe @very-very-dizzy @k40su HEHEHEHE OKAY >:3
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So! To prevent myself from infodumping too much keep this post somewhat short I can talk about the story goin' on. Know that I'm still working on it, so there's a chance things could change in the future.
Generally it follows the same as canon, but it starts with Azure (Agent 3/Captain 3), Callie and Marie all being werekrakens. All of them were born werekrakens too. Marie started turning around age 5-6, Azure around 9-10, and Callie doesn't start changing until the events of this AU (aka HELLA late).
Things don't really kick off until Azure's gf and roommate, Mist (Agent 8) accidentally finds out about Azure being a werekraken after she fails to make it to the Squid Sisters' place to spend that full moon. Fortunately Azure and Mist are close enough for Azure to still recognize Mist in their kraken state and not feel threatened by her, so things are all good. Mist is then taken to the Squid Sisters' place and educated on all things werekraken, and from there kinda becomes the krakens' caretaker/babysitter every full moon (especially after Callie starts changing, since Cal normally looked after everyone primarily).
Shit really hits the fan when Off the Hook figures out what Callie and Marie are. Marina was semi-forcefully made into a werekraken in the Octarian Army, being told that being turned would only enhance her strength and allow her to better serve the Army. Spoiler alert: it didn't entirely and caused Marina to be under intense stress every time she turned or made herself turn for medical checkups and whatnot to be done on her. In this AU krakens get stressed/scared easily and retaliate when threatened (hence the folktales about them being violent beasts), so you can imagine what happened. Because of her status as a werekraken Marina catches onto the Squid Sisters rescheduling performances and taking full moons off, and wants to reach out to them for help.
Long story short, what ends up happening is Off the Hook getting the Squid Sisters, Azure, and Mist at Pearl's place for a full moon and it goes much better than Marina anticipated (who doesn't understand how skiddish krakens are and only understands her affliction to be a violent "curse" of sorts) and the NSS agrees to educate Marina on herself, help her regulate her kraken, and let her safely and comfortably embrace it. Pearl is especially happy for Marina, who's seen how her kraken is and has always believed werekrakens aren't violent.
Time passes, full moons happen, eventually Callie finally starts transforming. It's a lot for her. Despite waiting for years for her to transform and knowing all she does about herself and werekrakens in general, her strengthened senses and instincts after transforming are extremely stressful for her. Essentially-Callie gets a smaller "plot" about accepting herself and managing her own kraken (which may or may not be even more stronger than a regular kraken as a result of her brainwashing years prior, jury's still out on that).
Time once again passes and another long story short, one particular full moon goes wrong and Shiver and Neo Agent 3 (named Sting) get turned by Marina and Callie, respectively. Now there's more people to keep watch on as they adjust to their new krakens and keeping the secret! Sting especially needs to be kept on close watch, since xey're way too excited about being turned and even let xemself get attacked so xey could be turned. The NSS is fairly certain Shiver can regulate her kraken with enough training, but they're not sure about Sting.
I imagine there's also some other "plot points" about finding a werekraken "cure" and how Callie, Marie, and Azure react to that? But not sure yet. Again, still working on things.
Overall tho, it's mostly just a werewolf AU about being keeping the secret and living life as creatures of sorts :3
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rosepompadour · 1 year
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favorite fitzgerald girls: rosalind connage, this side of paradise Sometimes when I’ve felt particularly radiant I’ve thought, why should this be wasted on one man?
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blerghie · 1 year
the fact that 999 spent maybe less than a month with kdj before he was like “you know what? i now see why they’re so obsessed with him” and then turned against sp
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amatres · 1 year
my thoughts on the leaks are, the fact they were going to make da4 a multiplayer game at first like jesus christ, the fanbase was built off solo based roleplaying, suddenly changing it is going to tank just on principle, not bring in more players
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modifiedyincision · 10 months
im going to be honest the "character playlists aren't what i think the character would listen to, it's songs that remind me of them" post does not sway me. i make playlists for my OCs. i do the same thing. but i don't care what the contents of the song individual song in question is, i simply cannot associate a punk/metalhead/emo/edgy/whatever character with a taylor swift song. playlists must also be about vibe. surely there are songs with a similar theme that are also not by her. class dismissed
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lucifer-kane · 2 years
Marjolein was like a daughter to Lloyd
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astrxealis · 2 years
HI GUYS DID YOU KNOW LOVE NIKKI WAS LITERALLY MY CHILDHOOD and the sea ver getting shut down years ago made me the saddest. for the longest time i still had it installed on my phone even if it wouldn't work anymore. but now bcs i finally know how to yk, get games on the na app store, i can finally FUCKING GET MY CHILDHOOD GAME AND PLAY IT AGAIN AFTER SO MANY YEARS
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saviourkingslut · 2 years
yeah the pre-ts chapters in three hopes are almost nonexistent and super choppy and they could've made that part of the game a little longer so it'd feel more natural bc now huge important chunks of the story are missing but also if i wanted to go through the slow-ass drag of playing academy phase for the millionth time id just play three houses again
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noxtivagus · 2 years
listening to endwalker ost outside of the game hits different fr 🥹
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#endwalker's been out for nearly a year now but there's just smth still so unreal about it for me#maybe bcs i haven't played as actively as i did for the past year as compared to catching up on so much in 5.5?#that said with osts like each drop & dynamis i listen to the piano covers more on spotify#so. when i do listen to the mp3s i have downloaded from them#oh my god#^ me listening to each drop rn i am Emotional 😭 i really love this game so much it means so much to me#yk that one part of the song that#sounds like a drop. yeah#THAT PART. BRO. UNFAIR THE FEELS THE CHILLS THE EMOTION SOB#the. this ost feels so emotional n all but it's also just so#hope. hope as a central theme in endwalker n oh my god soken you genius#he's really so good at making the ost fit so well with the stories n game n narrative n wtvr!!!! i admire composers like him so much!!!!#to be so fitting for canon as well as also be uniquely special to each individual. i love creators. i love people who give#i love the way things cld be analyzed from so much perspectives? i think on that often#relating to the media itself for example & also varying per each person w their own experiences and judgements n wtvr#my heart wait dynamis makes me so emotional#HERMES. EMET-SELCH. MY BELOVEDS. SOB#i love how. goddamn. it really just sounds like 'hope'. with how it rises n. the harmonies. that steady beat in the back too n#all the instruments 🥹 the composition is just so beautiful n hdfkajsdlkfjsdkfs i don't know exactly what i'm talking about but yeah#i still have that assignment i'm nearly done with due in less than an hour but i feel so at peace right now#this is one of the aspects of my live that i thrive the most in#that eagerness to learn so much n appreciate all these details n just. live with it being a part of my life. i love it so much#i want every single ounce of knowledge i can get. in my own time i want to get everything i can take in n have in this world. in this life#i miss ffxiv raiding though sob i love the challenge sm n just learning n improving n optimizing n memorizing n YEAH#nyways i rmb again that i'm the type of person who'll achieve a lot in my life n that'll always stay true for me.#i'll remember to hold unto that. remember myself n what that means for me n i know i'll continue to reach greater heights.#i shldn't be so harsh on my past i'll just try to do the most of what i can moving onwards to the future yeah forge on ><
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✨ someone ✨ broke their oath the other night
#this poor woman has had A Time. killed cazador got oathbreaker'd had her act 3 romance scene all in one day#i was kinda hoping it would happen b/c it fits how her story's been going#but i wasn't willing to ascend astarion to guarantee it#and i didnt want to fudge it by looking it up#but i figured freeing the spawn *might* do it since she's oath of ancients and i was Correct#and it's in character for her anyway. 'anyone sentient deserves a chance' is a *big* part of her moral beliefs#i want to see if aylin has any comments re: oathbreaking but i doubt it#i've got some half-baked ideas bouncing around my head for interactions b/wn them after loroakkan though#guess i dont have to worry about whether pretending to go along with mystic carrion will break her oath now lol#the 'gods dont give a shit about you' themes have been hitting her hard. and like. yeah#even growing up in a region not totally under lolth's thumb she was explicitly taught that the gods she knew were to be feared#and even following corellon the only choice she's been given is forget everything & literally become a different person#or (presumably) be in lolth's clutches after she dies#and seeing the clear manipulation from mystra & vlaakith & shar was doing a number on her#so something she viewed as the obvious correct choice breaking her oath was her last straw#im thinking about changing her epithet but idk what it would be so im keeping it as a tag for now#diodore#the star's shield#bg3#bg3 screenshots#bg3 spoilers#oathbreaker#bg3 oathbreaker#drow paladin#i love how they handle oathbreaker in bg3 btw. i've always thought it wasnt an inherently bad thing & i feel vindicated#image id in alt text#bg3 tav#my post#blood cw
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