#glad im not the only one seeing the parallels lol
fox-guardian · 11 days
Samama Khalid 🤝 Oliver Banks
"I had a breakdown and lost my whole job and now my nights are filled with horrors"
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aroarachnid · 3 months
"but if it were me, I'd really wanna be, a giant woman"
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stevens relationship with gender is so fascinating to me. his entire diamond days arc is a clear trans allegory, but more specifically reads as a transmasc allegory, what with everyone reffering to him as "rose" or "pink" and feminine terms despite his repeated insistence that he is *steven*. and yet he never actually corrects anyone when they use she/her. he only corrects his name. this was pointed out in the tags of that one post youve probably seen:
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this post doesnt show it, but steven is delighted when blue said this. obviously you can read this as steven being glad that shes making an effort, even if incorrect, and is just choosing to let the wrong pronouns slide. but its never explicitly stated. and like i said, he never corrects she/her, he only corrects his name. although it is interesting that, by the time the movie rolls around, the diamonds have switched to he/him.
its also interesting to mention how excited he was to put on pink diamonds outfit, and also how quickly he took it off once he got the chance.
of course stevens relationship with his mother and his identity issues are going to play a big part in how he percieves his gender, given that for a large chunk of the show he actually belived they were the same person, at least to some extent. ("im my mom and my sister?! what kind of magical destiny is this?!). how would you define your "agab" when half your family is telling you that you are a centuries old alien called rose/pink who has no sex and used she/her? not to mention all of the various gender identities and pronouns his fusions have.
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thats not even getting started on how the gems percieve gender, which is to say, they generally don't. gems are sexless beings and their society has no concept of gender, although after spending a long time on earth im sure the crystal gems have a better understanding (i actually could talk about the gems relation to human gender a lot more but ill save that for another time). for steven, a child raised by gems for a good chunk of his childhood- who use feminine terms as a default-i can see how that would lead to some interesting perceptions on gender presentation.
thats not even getting into stevens gender noncomformity. and while gender presentation doesnt necessarily have anything to do with your gender identity, its interesting to note and i just think its really cool that a male protagonist is so unapologetically feminine
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also i could talk for days about connie and stevens knight/princess dynamic, and how it parallels pearl and roses, but in a healthier way that nips the whole "obssesive self sacrifice" thing in the (rose) bud as soon as steven notices it. but then id have to talk about pearl and then wed be here all day lol
so yeah, stevens relationship with gender fascinates me. I mean, does the concept of "cisgender" even apply in the way we usually mean it to, given stevens unique experiences?
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meruz · 4 months
hi im putting all my asks in one post again. these are from like the past month and a half approx? some digimon thoughts some tmnt thoughts some art musings u know the usual
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@waywardistics YAYY thank you so much for ordering! I'm glad it got to you & that you are enjoying it!
this is kind of a missive to everyone who ordered but: I am very nervous about pre-orders whenever I do them... nervous that not very many people will order, nervous that there will be supply chain or production dilemmas and I won't be able to get copies out to people in a timely fashion, nervous about having people's money but having an indeterminate amt of time where i have not yet "held up my part of the bargain" etc etc SO. THANK U GUYS...FOR ORDERING and being patient and im so glad it got to y'all
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@seanonthemoon (idk why i cant tag u BUT) interesting... i gotta be honest I don't think abt the crests that much. i agree that they're very much like heres the "girl" crest heres the "nerd boy" crest etc to the point that it becomes almost meaningless. but i think what makes them even more meaningless to me, and is probably the reason they kind of designated girl/boy crests etc is that i think like the digivices they're toys and merchandise more than they are actual narrative tools LOL. I wouldve loved something with cody and mimi! theyre both so deeply empathetic and sensitive.. theres a lot they share but i think because they look so different on the surface it would make it difficult to market that merch...booo capitalism boooo toy marketing its all sexist bullshit at least here in the u.s. idk if japan is that different though.
I'm actually a little frustrated with how often 02 and 02 related media squanders cody in general lol. he feels like a parallel of izzy, joe, and TK(season 1 tk) while also being kind of none of those and suffering through lackluster characterization as a result... and then once ken joins the team it feels a little redundant. there's a couple cody-centric eps of 02 I remember really liking but then i think abt how he's been used since in like post-series content and 02:the beginning where they made him type on the computer even though obviously that's yoleis thing but because he had nothing else to do and aghh... my blood boils. i feel like the youngest but most serious anime achetype even at its bare bones is actually rly interesting idk why they don't play it up. UM. Once again my opinion is that he should be taller LOL and maybe they should play up his kendo martial arts honorable training stuff more idk. tallest + youngest + most serious just seems like a recipe for success for me. well. theres still time. and theres always fanfic.
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THIS IS SO NICE TO SAY and not the first time someone has said it but i appreciate it everytime because i really admire the mm art style so much. It's like part of why I got really into the movie because I really recognized my own artistic sensibilities and aspirations in the way they stylized everything.
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UM And i feel like since watching the movie and looking at all the concept art and making my own art i do feel like its only become more obvious how much my own art is lacking LOL LIKE when you see something that feels so similar I think the differences only become more stark. those artists are definitely on a different level than me. But it's nice to hear people say it doesn't look so different from their pov. thank u ^^
thank u!!!!!!! i love mundanity and naturalism... there's something so beautiful abt it to me lol... I feel like my anatomy needs work actually but ive been feeling better abt it this year so it's good to hear! thank you!
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DLKGDSGDLALSNDF WAS IT TOO FAR..?? firstly, yeah I was thinking late teen/young adult ages for both of them ie 18-19ish, definitely not the age the kids are in the movie lol.
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but also they arent DOING anything in that pic it is literally just a confrontation + some innuendo... I think teens should be allowed some less than subtle innuendo.. its like one of the top 3 classically teen pastimes...
this is such a funny ask to get because i feel like i haven't been able to do thin lineart until like. this past year or two maybe LOL. UM having a line-centric art job helped I think. I started on craig of the creek back in 2022 and thats a show where we spend a lot of time inking so I had a job where I was constantly moderating my line weight 40 hours a week every week for over a year. disappointingly, much of improvement is simply horrendous amounts of practice.
Here's a tip though: I think a lot of thin lineart boils down to confidence. I think instinctively we read thick, bold, fast lines as confident but theres actually a lot of obscuring you can do with a thick line. if you're not sure whether the nose on the face or a browline should be a little more left or a little more down you can hide that with a thick line and pretend its a shadow. or hide it with a bunch of quick lines and the eye can kind of approximate where looks best among the mass.. whereas a thin line is rly singular and stark and hides nothing, it needs to be precise. so anytime i know i want thin lineart i spend a LOT of time sketching, making sure i know exactly where i want my lines to go. so im not second guessing by the time im inking...
ok thats kind of a broad tip lol... here's one thats more applicable: IF POSSIBLE, lower your pressure sensitivity on your device. most devices have some way to edit your pressure sensitivity curve. I use a surface pro at home and this is what my pressure curve looks like most of the time.
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When I work on a wacom it looks even more like a reverse L shape LOL. I'm naturally a really heavy-handed artist and I use a "light" or "hard" pressure curve to compensate for how hard I'm always pressing on the pen lol. if you're like me and you struggle with going too hard with the ink too fast... this will probably help a lot!
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SFHASLDFH I LOVE THIS ASK this is like the type of question a person gets asked when chalk drawing on the sidewalk at recess LOL. but i understand because I've been struggling also for like. months. I think I'm finally starting to nail it down though so here's some of my observations.
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[feel free to save this img but **please do not re-post it or share broadly**. my biggest fear in the world is to spend 30 min on some notes and become a widely proliferated art tutorial im not even kidding. i made it low contrast and difficult to read on purpose.]
my other tip is to just look at and study a lot of reference because that's all ive been doing. the tmnt are really cartoony so its difficult to use like actual anatomical reference unless ur going for that look BUT theres been so many adaptions in so many different styles that there's a real treasure trove of stuff to look at for how to simplify, stylize, and dissect these characters while keeping the recognizable essence. so theres lots to pull from.
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If you want to expand further, it's also good to have 5) something sci-fi 6)something fantasy 7)something mundane/slice of life. a bedroom is a really good go-to. And of course some bgs can be two or more of these things at once.
I've definitely answered asks abt bg tips before but here's one specifically for if you want to do bg design for a job:
Your portfolio should probably have at least one of each of the following 1) an interior 2) an exterior 3) a cityscape 4) a nature scene. Just to cover kind of the basics of what you'd be asked to draw on any given project.
I actually feel like I don't have that many cityscrapes in my portfolio... this is something I'm gonna try to work on in the coming year LOL. OH ALSO. This is a very basic tip and people will tell you it all the time but its worth repeating: look up portfolio websites of artists who have the job you want. An easy way to do this is to go onto imdb for any cartoon or movie you like and to find the names listed as "bg/background designer" or whatever then just google that name +"art" or "animation" most artists have some public facing internet presence so it's not hard. spend time studying their work and hold those images in your head! it's a good way to get a good idea of what "industry standard" looks like and comparing ur own art to it... I know people sometimes get bummed comparing their art to others but if you can keep your head up lol.. it'll help you figure out what you need to work on!
ok thats all i have to say sorry for typing so much. happy new year everybody who read this far LMAO!!!!!
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aihoshiino · 23 days
I'm actually so glad you talked about the timeline issue in this chapter because now I've been wondering ever since reading the chapter, what did truly happen between kamiai???
At this point since they are still together even during the murder suicide...doesn't that mean Ai already has her twins? And that Hikaru had already gone to the hospital prior with Ryosuke? Did Hikaru accept the kids then? How did he even meet a deranged the fan Ryosuke, and why? When and how did Ai reveal her pregnancy, what was his reaction...my head hurts 😭😭
Also, the cut 162 with Ai's rejection already happened...so when are we ever seeing the "I can't love you" scene anymore...
Other than that, im glad we're finally getting a father-daughter talk (that we will never know the details of, like the dvd lol)
Kinda funny when we think that...Aqua got his mother's point of view (the dvd) and Ruby is getting her father...the parallels intensifies
My only hope at this point is that we're going to see some of these scenes in proper flashback from Kamiki or maybe even Ai herself via us FINALLY FINDING OUT WHAT'S ON THOSE DVDS AKASAKA I'LL KILL YOU and they didn't want to spend time building up versions of events that were going to hold on a second. Literally was midsentence about to justify that by saying 'they didn't want to portray these events then go jk it was fake' only to remember they literally already did that with the KamiAi romance scenes turning out to be shit Yoriko made up. So I quite licherally do not even know anymore. i am Giving Up !!
on a more positive note tho..... god I am SO fascinated by the arc's continued paralleling of the twins to the 'opposite' parent, so to speak and I'm tentatively hopeful that the RBHK meeting means that this is something intentional. At the very least, I think it's undeniable that in the ways AQRB are paralleling the HKAI relationship, Aqua is the one in Ai's role, as the savior that Hikaru/Ruby is relying on. 143 makes this pretty explicit with Ruby describing Gorou as her 'oshi' and thus placing Aqua on the pedestal that Ai had been forced to occupy.
It's honestly kind of... refreshing! Because of Kamiki's so transparently telegraphed similarities to Aqua and Ruby's narrative role in the story as the one following Ai's footsteps, it's a really clever subversion of expectations to have them kind of swap around like that. It's also a cool parallel to Tokyo Blade, where Akane and Kana were each unintentionally paralleling the others' role as opposed to their own.
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deydenier · 2 years
how abt ritsu kageyama for the character thing!
Anon you have opened a can of worms. Here it is!
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The transcript down below because god knows this is unreadable. I am so sorry. TLDR: i get him now. He's literally #me
RITSU. ok ritsu. this one can go very personal so ill explain a few things first. ive only RECENTLY liked ritsu because i honest to god see so much of myself and my relationships i have irl in him. first time i read the clean up arc (i was 15) i was like. "why would he do this. wtf" it was bc THAT was his method of achieving catharsis and just. cleanup arc in general was my least fav part of mp100 but now im like. oh. i get it. i get why he "acted up" the way he did. the way that the expectations ppl around him has put on him as being "the good kid" etc etc and how suffocating that was for him its just that going AGAINST that preconception for him felt freeing. and how he thought that this is it. this is my villain arc. my #badguy arc. he was letting all his pent up emotions out and he thought he was morally reprehensible for it (not to say that his methods was good in any way. ofc not.) ritsu in the clean up arc is the "why does everyone ask why i caused that problem? why doesnt anyone ask how was the catharsis? was it good? was it fun?" post.
the stress and guilt from the clean up and the pent up emotions he has w mob exploded and he let all of it out and it felt freeing and horrible and then it was all swept away after the confrontation w mob and scar and the later apology in the 7th division. its like almost all pretenses he kept up with mob was gone and they can finally speak to each other as brothers without feeling like treading on thin ice. i genuinely cannot get into how much i like and how much i see myself in him without getting too personal (and if my interpretation of him is different from the fandoms then sorry lmao i dont read meta on him a lot)
i genuinely love his overarching plot with mob and coming to terms his insecurities and inferiority complex, never feeling enough, dismissing his accomplishments bc thats not what he thinks as accomplishments, his once strained relationship with mob, his fear for and towards him, and the conclusion to all that in the finale. amazing. showstopping. and even with all that he cares for mob so much and im like. im genuinely glad that theyre able to speak to each other more candidly without treading on thin ice etc etc etc.
i also love his parallels w shou about the fear of a family member going too far. how it leads you to put up defenses to keep them calm or in shous case to stop them from going too far. my god. this is long. sorry LOL
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minquiec · 3 months
🎶 itsssss beeennnn 🎶 a hotttt minuuutteeee 🎶 sincccee iveeee went insane on here so let's just get into it yeah
Yall already know what it is
jia + the archer x not strong enough
When the trend first like got popular I was like eeehhhh that's not rlly jia
Haha lol
the archer:
'screaming who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay'
the spiderman curse
Or smth idk HAUSHA the canon events and everyone dyinnnggg
And also her own personal life like her parents didn't even stay soooo
And while jia isn't like uhhh how do I put it
She's not insecure yet she's also deeply insecure at a more ??? deeper level??? Idk how to say it
Like it's more like "I hate the way I have become because of things I cannot control and the way it makes me FFFFUUCCKING LONELLLYYYY"
but in a sadder way HAHSJS idk she copes by ignoring her problems (js like me fr)
So while at the same time she's like yeah I'm just a person I'm good with it 👍 she's also like what, could anyone possibly see in me to stay (side affects of distant parents!!!! Side note: THISNISNT TRAUMA DUMPING IM FINE)
'cause they see right through me'
They as in all the people she's known and don't know
That doesn't make sense gimme a
Like they as in the people of her city, people within the hq probably, people shes acquainted with, friends with, etc etc etc
They as in all people other jia herself sees right through her and fail to see just *her* per se
And it's probably her own fault tbh I mean she kinda like
Masks it so who's damn fault is that girl 🤷🤷 DAMN
But despite them never truly seeing the her that's incredibly lonely, she'd much rather prefer to keep it that way which then rolls onto the topiccc offffff
'can you see right through me'
okay this is kind of personal interpretation and changing the lyrical meaning to fit her lore BUT IDDDCCCCC IM RUNNING THIS SHOOOWWW LET ME BEEEEE
Y'all already know who this is directed at hirjejkejejkejekejejejjejejejks
Like the last one I said she'd much prefer to keep her self under wraps and ignore the problem
But obviously since I'm FUCKING delusional and SOOOO fucking CRIMGEE ofc he's an exception HHHHHRHBBBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRB&-!-!
And because he's the only one who's ever really gotten underneath that layer
She was
Fucking confused by it
And because she's never addressed her issues properly, she's not used to this and so this line would almost be like
She's BEGGING him to just pllleaaase be like the rest
Please just see through her because this kind of thing has never happened before and she's SCCCCARREEDD to care too much and what if he leaves too and what if it's all for naught and what if what if what i
Girl we get it
But anyways the last line was
'I see right through me'
Would obviously be referring to her own denial to see herself by ignoring 🧚🧚 herrr fuckingnnnn problemmmsss and feeelinngggsss 🎶🎶 cause hey. Why be sad when u can be glad and very very silly
Anyways the next part
'always an angel never a god'
I feel so strongly abt this line rn
Obviously I'm on,
Jjk tok and so I kind of got the train of thought from there but
Always an angel never a god cause she can save as many lives as she tries but she can never save all the lives she cares about
Always an angel never a god cause despite being blessed with a power that gives her the parallel of an angel she can never save her world that will inevitably be destroyed by its own deity that granted her that power (since ig angels work under god/gods and so she'd be that angel working under the deity which would be the god and do you get what I mean)
yeah okay that's all and this is all just personal interpretation btw so it might not match up to its original meaning but HEY
im gonna go draw them hugging now or smth idk bye bye
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asfearlessasamango · 3 months
here i ammmmm i hope this isnt the longest ask ever lol but i cannot overstate how GORGEOUS i find your prose. the phrase “tiredness curls up in each joint like old cats in old corners” is so absolutely evocative and paints such a melancholic, beautiful, rich picture in my mind every time i remember it. i could actually get it tattooed thats how seriously beautiful i find it. most of all i loooooooove the amount of social norms, architectural details, cultural differences etc etc you infused in the story to fill in the gaps of the canon universe. the choice of using of rice paper vs. glass and all the reasoning behind it is the example that comes to mind, but im sure that if i knew more about east asian cultures, i could identify more and more details you scattered throughout the plot to turn this make believe world into a truthful parallel of the real one we have. i can only say bravo. and if you have any recommended reading for homework, i’d love to know more about these references! now back to your writing! one of thee strongest points of the story, for me, is how believable these characters are as people. they feel so fully fleshed out that sometimes it was like intruding on someone’s most private thoughts - even a little painful to keep going, and i mean that in the best way possible! i especially loved the subtle addition of zuko’s ingrained sexism and prejudice against other nations, things that ofc he’s never had reason to unlearn in this universe. he is compassionate, but can be very unkind - seems like a delicate balance, but in your story, it just flows naturally. you inhabit their heads, strengths, flaws and life experiences so well, like sokka’s blind defensiveness when he thinks of himself as helpless, his brashness and ingenuity when he sees zuko more as a puzzle to solve than a person. that goes even people who haven't gotten that much plot attention yet - like azula wearing blue lipstick (!!!!) foaming at the mouth from the thought. OFC she would!!! shes bold, shes confident and shes here to shine + now she allows herself to have fun! do “ugly” and “imperfect” things for fun! and all the parallels between this redeemed azula and the canon zuko we know. your oc who is zuko's guardian, who he calls grandma, hasn't even shown up yet and i already love and miss her. uncle iroh!!!! zuko assuming malice from uncle iroh who only wants the best for him - but ofc he doesnt know that! but we do, and it hurtssss katara and aang!!! the bath scene with aang, zuko’s forced vulnerability, their honesty, aang’s absolute grace towards zuko. suki and the kyoshi warriors! i trust they will get their turn to kick some ignorant prince ass. and the thing that draws me the most to this genre: the exploration of trauma in its aftermath. your storytelling is wonderfully brutal here. like… you draw a white picture by filling in all its shadowy contours…. if that makes sense. all the ways zuko’s life was affected by his father add up to the shape of his hurt. him not eating fatty foods to stay fit and "bend better". recognizing azula in his own reflection instead of himself. wearing his mom’s night clothes. im going feral feral feral whew! in my heart all this would’ve been a very pretty glittery letter sent to your author p.o. box. i love your story and it lives constantly in my imagination - thank you so much for sharing it with the world!!!
ohhhmg.... thank you for this!! i sat on it for a whole minute to respond right! i'm so glad you like it!! i love that you love all these characters' new lives <3 <3
there are so many Very Careful Lines to Walk in doing an ATLA au bc the original characters and cultural stories are really so complex. and i am FAR from an expert on east asian history / cultures but here are a few sources that I found helpful / interesting:
jinian qian's writing for The Millions, especially the articles "The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight: On East Asian Narratives" and "Light in the West and Shadows in the East"
chaoyang trap, which is not at all about ancient china but about very modern chinese cultural existence, especially on the Internet / social media / fandom. I can't say this has directly provided me with a lot of relevant info but it does help me figure out attitude / approaches / how things "translate" into western contexts
and of course there are so many A:TLA blogs that really keep the analytical conversations going and make ao3 as vibrant as it is-- @atlaculture, @boybff, @volkswagonblues, @azularedemptionarcwhen, @chitsangenthusiast, @azulasnailtech, @visit-ba-sing-se, @marriedzukka, @bleekay, @ash-and-starlight, @sokkagatekeeper, @azulapropaganda, @zukkababey, @comradekatara, @ofherlionheart, @chaoticsandstorm
okay i will stop blasting this post into all of atla tumblr's notifs but the above blogs are total Gs, 10/10, would not be as deep into my MFA in a:tla without these trailblazing scholars who went before me
have a lovely vintage kermit meme, mwah
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azsazz · 6 months
okay, replying to the long anon message this way so i can put it under the cut for spoilers :)
if it wasn't for fanfics of acotar i would have dropped it in acowar tbh, there were too many inconsistencies with the plot and characters and so many things that happened so the story moved forward but had no reason to happen, like it was out of nowhere and she prioritized romance over plot more and more each book and then prioritized smut in acosf over her own characters. i know ppl like that book but that was a shit characterization of nesta and cass and everyone that showed up almost and what for? to have a bunch of smut scenes that didn't actual help anything with nesta's development or the plot (i think it didnt even help with them getting together bc i would have prefered they actually started getting closer organically and then the tension starting after that) and she actually had a good idea with the valkyries but then the blood rite kinda cheapened it in my opinion bc they literally won with the power of friendship when sjm could have just skipped more time ahead (since they're immortal) and then when the 3 of them were realistically ready they could have won, and since the 3 bat boys winning was such an important thing i think if she really had to have that parallel than she could have wrote it better
i absolutely agree with this. and there's amazing examples of fantasy books where the smut hasn't ruined the plot and it's flow is great. but like, she's just cranking these books out with little thought i swear. and she can brag that she wrote cc3 in whatever like 6 weeks or some shit and then scrapped the whole thing. but like? sounds like a rush job to me? and how does she keep up with all these fucking characters because i can't. cc3 will make me lose my mind i swear. cass/ness had so much potential tbh i was here for it but acosf was a complete whirlwind of fuckery. and i get that it was no longer feyres pov or whatever but what the hell, that's not my cassian.
im glad you mentioned the bryce and az chapter bc i havent read that series and i dont want to but sjm is crossing them over to get people to read it (which makes me want to read it even less lol) and its just one more storyline she probably can't keep up with. like it's crazy how we still don't know so much about the acotar world or the characters, even rhys we still don't know how far his powers go or so much about his backstory and why? bc sjm doesn't care about building a character, i know it's a romance book but you can't just ignore every other aspect of the book
literally the only reason i read it was for the crossover. it was one of the worst books ive ever read and long as fuck too. did not need to be that long. i couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in it to be honest besides the fact that literally every man bryce came across had to make sure to mention how beautiful she is. fuck off with that shit fr.
also! this one is kinda me being picky maybe but the jokes about feyre having canned food in this setting with no other modern stuff is actually bad world building imo, i mean there were no signs of industry in the book and then a can of soup shows up out of nowhere? before other more basic stuff than would have to have shown up already? idk what that was about. that and the leggings, im not saying it's not possible for them to be there but to this day my mom calls them tights bc that's what they were called until a few years ago so seeing the word in the fantasy setting sjm had set up literally pulled me out of the book
OMG you're so right i never thought much of the soup can but you're so rightttt im actually dying that's so funny. yeah, leggings was stupid as fuck too, you're telling me they have synthetic stretchy fabric? be so fr rn
maybe im in a mood today too lol but i really just much prefer fanfiction over the books, in fact i only finished them bc since i was getting spoilers from fics and thought i might as well read them
i feel this so hard 💙
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Oh mannn the bedroom scene in chapter 4 got me HEATED. The way the reader was the only one reacting with a proportionate amount of anger at her baby being threatened, and Alicent’s shadiness about remembering our stations and not jumping to conclusions? Some of her comments made me think of the night Aemond lost his eye, too, only now the tables are turned and she’s the incompetent one 😒. And I might have to go back and read the parts with Daemon and Rhaenyra in case I’m understanding this wrong but…was Alys a plant this whole time? Is that how she and Aemond met? Is she a gosh darn double agent sent to sabotage the greens by weakening their strongest player and coaxing an important ally (reader and her family) to their side? That’s embarrassing for Aemond if it’s true lmao
This family is messy af, we should just escape with our kids, Ser Quinton, Helaena and her munchkins and live out the rest of our days on a farm or something. Maybe bring Aegon along for entertainment.
Yes!! I wanted there to be a clear parallel to how everyone gaslit Alicent that night at driftmark, to how they are gaslighting reader. I’m glad people are picking up on that. It’s all just a viscous cycle. Like I said, Alicent has been “put in her place” too many times (mainly by the men in her life) to not know what she is doing to reader :/. I think she has empathy/cares for reader and her grandchildren. Much like her with children, alicent’s love and anger is shown in different ways. It takes work to break cycles/trauma, and unfortunately no one in this family has the range to do that lol
In a fucked up way I can see Alicent thinking she’s going reader a favor by not letting her get to bogged down with it. Justice did not come for Aemond, why would it for her children :(
Alys a plant? Hmmm I’ll leave it at Aemond and alys both have/had agency over the choices they’ve made. And what they have put reader through. How we have gotten to this point is for reader to uncover.
Aegon would gladly run away 💀. He is about go THROUGH it in the final part I fear. Im excited to get back to his and reader’s relationship.
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gerrydelano · 29 days
this is perhaps??? the 8th time im rewriting this??????????? but i keep coming back to it. you're one of my favourite authors period so i HAD to just fuckging. absorb all of this so i could process it correctly.
okay okay so
1. widower tim breaks my fucking heart. like really there is no way to properly convey this to you over the screen. like. his whole thing is love, right? it's why he's the witness in literally every iteration of the gtcu. so for him to have to actually Witness gerry's death and be the most broken i have seen him across three aus where the world ends in every one of them breaks me. beyond belief. you and ren made him my favourite (next to danny) and then some. waugh
1c. i don't remember the ronologue it was exactly but it said that marriage wasn't a serious consideration but wife is a nickname that gerry loves?
2. pink is jon's honesty colour. he is wearing a pink kurta. i am going to sob.
2b. the description of the sunny day that gerry died on makes me wail.
4. divishah and the cocoa. god. actually rewinding a little to say that i made it to 'no more estrogen' before crying. sasha did lose a sister!!!! HER BROTHER DIED AND SO DID HER SISTER. FUCK
4b. okay back to the cocoa. that was really kind of her to come all the way down to the archives just to bring them all a treat i love her so much.
4c(i) sasha and tim's sections ending the same then danny's ending as the inverse of that. they are the siblings 4ever.
5b. okay i am really fucking pleased because i think i figured out a through line here. I will put it in a second ask because i need to back (9th time now!) to make sure i am correct so i will leave my miscellaneous observations here
danny only names himself in his dialogue once he recalls coming back when gerry can't
he calls himself the bull and Martin the tamer like how the contortionist did
tim standing in the doorway and blocking him out reminds me of hlm when danny comes to tims house the first time and tim refers the black out curtains he had to get bc of jon's stalking? that's like. the loosest connection ever lmao but it's a parallel and it hurts. (warm and solid vs cold and intangible...)
seconding this by the description of tim's eyes being the same way as the 'nothing. and nothing hurt' that keeps popping up in rtd.
also thanking you for letting danny cry? that sounds weird but it's nice to see a moc that just. is allowed to let it out. i am rotating him (all of them really) in my head
BOOM ANOOOON i'm so glad to see you! you really did just Infiltrate My Brain with that ask and i got completely overtaken and it feels like it's been more than 5 days ngl. thank you So much for the inspiration, i did have a lot of fun with this exercise, it was a challenge to kill my favorite LOL.
cracks knuckles here we go
1. widower tim breaks MY heart! "his whole thing is love, right?" you GET IT! his whole thing IS love! i can't see him as anything other than the witness at this point, even if pbr!witness is extremely different and Much Wetter than the original rtd!witness. him witnessing gerry's death in here is actually just fucking awful because he'd subsist on it in a very specific way; the arrangement renders it a suicide just as much as a murder. writing him this broken was so painful but so satisfying djhfkjdf tim is a worthy favorite to have! he's always been my favorite of the original archives crew, if it wasn't Blatantly Obvious by how much we center him LMAO.
1b. a lighthouse without a light.... you're krilling me, boom anon. shrimply krilling me.
1c. i believe it was the one about gerry being a transfem gay man!
2. pink! is the jon honesty color! yes!!!! he's been quite forthright this whole time i think, they're all really just. wondering what the point would be in anything else.
2b. i neeeeded that anachronism there so badly, just. it's a bright summer day! it's never actually raining or dreary when things like this happen (unless you recall that it was raining in venice when tim was drowned. that time it rained.) but generally, the world goes on. i think... i also just wanted that sunny day to be a little reminder of the kind of person gerry was at his core. symbolism etc etc.
3. i was SOOOO STUMPED ON MELANIE for a WHILE before i remembered she was a youtuber and then i exploded on the spot. her video is titled "the long overdue absolution of gerard keay" and she works for six months to make it perfect and it gets a lot of bad attention and skeptics but mostly condolences and maybe even a few people who had their own experiences but didn't recognize who he was until they saw a picture of him smiling. she'd include selfies they'd taken together as proof of her knowing him. i'm crying a little.
4. sasha losing a sister is a phrase i had a hard time with because there are so many ways to read it, like. that was her best friend's wife, and so kind of her sister that way, but also just. a sister. no more estrogen. no more joy.
4b. divshah is a sweet and thoughtful little bee girl and i am so sorry to her forever because people definitely make fun of her but GERRY NEVER DID! GERRY NEVER DID!
4c. sasha reverse witnessing tim GUHHHH yep! yep! her whole corruption thing is about grief, too, it crosses lines! they all have to do with loss in one way or another!
4c(i). YES YOU NOTICED THE INVERSE YESSSS my work here is complete
5b. 9 times jhbfkjnfkjn wildman! i'm crying again!
YES I AM SO GLAD YOU NOTICED THAT TOO i didn't want him to name himself much in his pov section but i needed to use it there and GUH. you are the most observant and you made my night jdfhbdk
always comes back to the bullfighter and the bleeding man dunnit
that's a fun connection to make tbh!!!! i was saying to ren today "you know what'd Suck the most? if tim didn't even let him in the house and they just talked in the doorway" and they were like "then you have to do it. if it sucks the most that's what you have to do." and YEP! it sucks the most to me!!!! for precisely that reason!
tim's eyes also hurt me like hi mr. spooky man maybe work on that a little bit please g-d you're gonna scare a small child like that. very good connection to rtd though you are NAILING IT and i am over the MOON.
danny crying is extremely important to me for that reason too yes g-d. like. all the other men cried in this, too (especially tim YIKES, MAN) but something about letting danny just weep openly and in such a human way felt like. g-d he's needed this for such a long time. so much longer than anybody is able to count. he needed to let that out and be held through it and he needed to accept that comfort and it's not the first time, really! i try not to be too restrained with letting characters cry because there are a thousand reasons that somebody might like, feel good about seeing it just play out naturally and without shame.
thank you so much for your observations and your enthusiasm and just, everything, jfhbkjnfkjn gosh WOW thank you!
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elipheleh · 2 months
i watched mary & george today and was blown away by it. i don’t tend to go for historical/period dramas and i tend to struggle to concentrate solely on a tv show, but i spent probably 80% of the time not using my phone (because it was so captivating) which is ridiculous given my normal which is like 25% max not on my phone. it was really very good.
spoiler thoughts under the cut, still processing my emotions tbh but it got q long
i would have liked to see more of the relationship between george & the king, it was - by all accounts - a very close relationship & the show presented it less in depth. i was really hoping “christ had john and i have george” would make it in, as well as some of their letters, but i guess it was focused too much on mary & george to fill that in. the relationship also seemed… weird? why did the king bite him like that?? other than occasional moments it didn’t feel like i was maybe expecting it to. i wasn’t expecting blatant love and affection but i was expecting some. it seemed mostly focused on the arguments.
i was surprised they went with george physically killing the king - while it is speculated he poisoned him, it was done through medication rather than so abruptly/violently. it made him much more… villainous, i suppose, determined to do anything to protect his position including killing the one he claimed to love, but it just… i didn’t really like that.
i saw someone saying about how george’s death was rushed and inconsequential and just of no real value & that was demonstrating how little impact his death really had - they had to hold his funeral at night because people loathed him so - & thought that was really interesting.
when george slept with carr only to say he just wanted him to think of that as he died… chills. they were both using sex to get the other to do something for them, the parallel between characters is beautiful there
the king’s heart scene… that was really special.
i loved that they showed george as loving katherine. i don’t know if he did in real life, but it was really nice that they had such a bond in this. she was very pragmatic and i think they were a great pairing.
very sad about sandie’s death. i hadn’t connected that it was bacon who’d ordered it until he said and it was very frustrating. so much backstabbing.
the… decapitation scene had me hiding from the screen only to be fooled and i had started looking again & they showed the decapitated head arghhh. unhappy about that. the hangings were.. not great but slightly better.
wasn’t expecting the second scene to be someone hung from a tree either which was an incredible shock.
cringed a lot at the dancing lol. i was glad that the ‘may i perform for you’ was about the instrument and not a dance. much less embarrassing.
i felt really bad for charles with the spanish bit. that was really frustrating and annoying.
kit rescuing george was my favourite thing. gross way to do so but the ‘how is he going to get out of this’ to “oh kit!!” was wonderful. george’s “are you sure we weren’t followed” in hindsight being ‘did you see kit’ was so clever. i think id have to watch it again to catch more nuances like that.
mary telling the attendants to leave her attached to george a little longer was soooo telling of their attachment, on mary’s behalf anyway.
the scene where george decides to go and join the french pair was really well done, his hesitation and then return when he decided to give in was so good. the being torn between what is “right” and what he wants.
love that they went back to the guy who was saying george would never get w the king & that he saw he’d managed it. really nice link there.
lastly (because im gonna keep going indefinitely otherwise) i really liked the lighting. the night scenes were accurately lit - firelight and candlelight - but you could still see what you needed to see, and it wasn’t just dark and dreary.
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afaramir · 2 months
I love your posts about Denethor and Faramir. I'm always glad to see someone who loves both him and Faramir and gets that Denethor being this hugely impressive tragic figure makes Faramir so much better and more interesting. The relationship between them is so complex and I love it so much. The film versions make me angry as well.
oh man thank you so much...i find it kinda crazy that you're saying this to me bc im pretty sure i have a bunch of posts from your denethor tag sitting around in my drafts so i can look back at them later. many days i feel very much like an Amateur Denethor Enjoyer but i am thrilled that me just kind of being unhinged on the dash has brought you joy. and get ready bc here i go again LOL
yeah exactly what you said...denethor's tragedy informs and is informed by faramir so so so much and it's just kind of wild to me that on the tragedy enjoyers website so many people refuse to see it. on the second-best enjoyers website...the guilt-and-despair enjoyers website...the "the unimaginable has happened and i AM going to kill people and then myself" enjoyers website...i could go on! he is literally doomed by the narrative and just goes well ok fuck you i WILL die at the end but it will NOT be in the way the narrative wants me to.
it is truly the relationship of all time. faramir does love his father and yet because of the strength of his principles he is genuinely incapable of showing it in a way that denethor can understand. and denethor loves him too but after a certain point just cannot show it anymore because duty has to take precedence. he's not allowed to give faramir any quarter even in private. and YES that includes anything that would resemble a normal emotion. ngl i wouldn't be surprised if that's the only way faramir is like. LETTING him communicate with him. like i feel like the final assault on osgiliath is not the first time faramir's taken the "if you want to get me to do something you ARE going to have to order me to do it" stance. and yet denethor tries. at the end he takes trying to an unhinged level. idk it often feels like even in the general fandom insistance on one-dimensionally dickish denethor there's somehow also a lack of understanding that it IS a toxic expression of love but that doesn't make it not love. like He's Not Winning Dad Of The Year that is not what we're saying at all. we're saying is "it was born of love. it was a terrible thing yet born of love." thats all! that's why it's so tragic because it's all about love!!! augh...
ok i don't typically put quotations from my own writing in like real posts but also ive been thinking about the faramir goes to rivendell au 24/7 and i just. HAVE to pull this line bc it kind of captures exactly how i feel about the denethor-and-faramir mutual Character Honing.
Yet he [Faramir] cannot deny that each of them sharpens himself upon the whetstone of the other, and it is a debt he loathes to owe and yet cannot hope to repay.
i mean.......like are you picking up what im putting down! like! AAA! both in-narrative and out of it they are always ALWAYS making each other better (or worse. but worse in a More Interesting Way) but AT WHAT COST!!! he loves his father he would not be the man he is today without his father both in a good and bad way he HATES that these two things are true. faramir and denethor are not foils they're parallels they build each other's characters up when you put them next to each other!! faramir is who denethor wouldve couldve been without the war!! hey hang on a second is denethor who faramir would've become if he were the lord steward during the war of the ring? (this is a little reductive i think faramir's susceptibility to despair is quite different to his father's. and i wonder how long his gentleness would've prevailed / worked side by side with his duty instead of being diametrically opposed to it. but anyway. well i'll be thinking about THAT for the rest of the night. i cannot start another au i cannot i cannot i cannot). anyway you can't get one of them without getting the other and that is all...
man i always say like oh don't get me started on movie faramir and denethor and then the don't think of an elephant effect GETS me and it gets me started. last night i genuinely said like "well i won't get into it" and then three hours later it was 2am and it was so very clear that i had Gotten Into It. i had to tell our other roommate like "tell me when ur going to bed i am talking about denethor and i will be yelling." my roommate just came home and i told her about this post and then i had to explain a detail and she SET ME A THREE MINUTE TIMER bc she was like i have to go study. and that's fair
anyway i hope you are having a good night/day/whatever time it is for you. thank you for this ask it is always fun to see you pop up in my notifs whenever im denethorposting lol
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degozarumyu · 4 months
okiiii ep90 spoilers timeeeeeee (very long very rambly very image-filled post ahead)
ohhhhhhh my fucking goddddddddddddddddd aaahahjahjajhhjhudsghiuydaghuygduysajhgdjsahdha (shaking) (crying) (vibrating at dangerous speeds)
this episode completely changes the context of valvelgear not being yuuhi's disk in the s3 visual and I am!! not ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! they may be 8.88 million faceless npcs but they are my 8.88 million faceless npcs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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grrrrggahrggharhgarhghgargharaghrgaghjeagrahjgadfgdashgfghahgsda ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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HEY GUYS CHECK OUT HOW HARD I CAN CRY like ueueueueueue see kuaidul? you didn't need to become someone else to be loved by the creator bc he already loves you :((( gwahhhhhhh
can i also just appreciate how consistent they made the animation this ep like u can tell that some scenes at the end for example seem to be done by the person in charge of a lot of yuuhi duels e.g. vs tell/vs yuuna by the way they do yuamu's hair and background faces but its a lot more 'on model' than usual lol, I love their style regardless but they rly put in a lot of effort this time!!! <3<3 thank u gr staff i love u and owe u my life 💕💕💕
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also. BRUH
yuuga stop disappearing for 2 seconds challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if its bc now that kuai is 'dead' the creator is released? and there can only be one of them existing in that 'reality' at a time for some reason?? 🤔 or he just straight up got yoinked in the world switch lol (or with the preview showing the hat parasite aliens attacking maybe the non-kaizo parts of his weird goha president helmet thing had something to do with it haha)
after seeing it mentioned by a jp fan on twitter I've started to wonder if they rly are in some sort of alternate reality/parallel universe to 7s tho given the 'inconsistencies' e.g. questionable kamijou family timeline, luge and zaion being aliens but luke and neil being (presumably) human, aliens/mik/uts seeming to not exist in 7s era....... i'm still not even halfway through 7s so I can't speak on any of this at all lol but I found it interesting! plus they mentioned rovian and london being cousins and romin and roa also being cousins wouldn't make sense if they were descendants/ancestors :thinking:
I love basing theories and speculation purely off of 'wouldn't it be cool if...' B)
ANYWAYS the way kuai made his final perfect monster representing his ideal (merged) self in transamu prime full armour nova and yuudias could Still manage to take it from him :)))))))) can't have shit in kuaidul spacetime
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haha. im so normal guys.
its a very simple solution really, love someone but are also jealous of them? simply absorb their soul and become them! gg ez
how to get the approval of your father figure that you absorbed in 1 easy step!
oh yea speaking of full armour nova who else up staring at the card art for 15 hours straight
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btw i am also normal about how in this imagined fusion of their soul galaxies while it has aspects of both transamu rainac and prime the actual body is yellow bc kuai wanted to become the milky way to be closer to the creator but not necessarily become yuudias because he wanted to receive that love and acceptance for himself :))))))))
eldest sibling kuai who was made to do the hard work and raise (literally create) his other siblings without appreciation vs. 'perfect' youngest sibling yuudias who was the favourite child given everything the oldest could never have from birth................
im really so glad they let kuai redeem himself in the end by choosing to let himself die (?) rather than taking advantage of yuudias' kindness and possessing him.... as much as I would have adored keeping him around by letting them share the body lolol
on that note yuudias!!!!! I know boundless generosity and honesty and kindness and most significantly 'virtue' is like. the entire core of his character but bro!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pls have more concern for ur own wellbeing,,,, pls,,,,,,,,,, cri
unrelated but it was interesting that the dudi ducasse aliens r actually considered velgearian too! like its something thats pretty obvious now that they've said it since like. they're literally from the velgear star cluster but still lol
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the way yuuga always speaks so calmly and like he's detached from everything is so funny lol 'some problems' i mean. yeah
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average sibling interaction
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btw this was the face where I was like 'ohhhh' abt the lead animator bc this is The Luke Face (i just rly like how they do the lines around the sides of the eyes :3)
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average sibling interaction part 2
random thought i wonder if yuuhi will still have darkness jointech tyrant after all this? or is it a card that only existed in the spacetime... did yuuhi even have a corresponding card in kuai's prime deck??? hm
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look how pretty :] (too bad they fuckin. killed him LOL) (i am sad)
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this is obviously nothing but.... the colours of the galaxy gem thing kinda match lol
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this was cute :3 their relationship has changed so much recently that I'm still a little confused if they're meant to be like. friends or not at this point?? or if its like a 'we've been this close for this long that even if we air out our grievances and try to go our separate ways we're still in sync' kinda thing which is cute
and speaking of cute duos luge and zaion stood (i use the word stood very loosely) directly next to each other this time 🔥🔥🔥 zailugers stay winning
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#nishawsweep (if velgear acts like a surname for velgearians is dudi actually a name adopted by everyone from the dudi ducasse system rather than a personal name? 🤔)
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i know its been 3 eps of this now but aaa im not over how cute it is that everyone's so small compared to yuudias so they kinda look like little fairies :((((( so adorable.......... 💕💕💕
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yuuga who tf r u........ who tf is the creator.......... who/what tf r the oudous........ where is everyone's parents actually
ok i have sadly hit the image limit so I will stop my ramble spam now.... grrrahhrahgrhghgarhahhrgghrgrghghgh i really really enjoyed this episode and this duel as a whole and especially kuaidul as a character!!!!!!!!!
but before I leave i just wanna say isn't zwijou's galaxy so pretty?? its like a reverse of the crab nebula... idk i just think orange and teal is one of the most colour combinations of all time :)
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n7punk · 1 year
I know you write for yourself but do you ever ask your homies for feedback or advice on drafts or ideas?
oh yeah. that's just growing as a writer. i dont like, send drafts or anything, but i might ask for votes on an idea, or advice on something that's not working, or just talk through it with them to get there on my own. one of my friends has beta read for other people and another is a writer herself, so they can be a good resource when im having trouble, even if it's just sending a sentence and being like what is WRONG with the grammar here someone fix me LMAO. sometimes you get advice and then immediately realize what you actually want to do and it's not the advice you were given, but if it isn't what you were going to do before you asked someone, that's still helpful! it's not something i do that often because i like to just do my own thing, but it's definitely helpful when i do.
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oh, thank you! it's something i have a lot of fun with. it's not something you can really do in any medium BUT fanfiction or like, a reboot, you know? so i really like to play around with it here. It's like, all my fanfictions are dozens of parallel universes revolving around the same characters and concepts, and i like seeing all the ways i can spin those out. i also just really like putting in references to canon. i always love when people pick up on a line i referenced or something.
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lol you're welcome! it was a pretty different angle i've wanted to poke at before, but usually she's too emotionally constipated to even get that far lmao. in this case, she channeled that into a coping mechanism and it worked out.
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it's so funny that this dumb little story is what has elicited so much, but i think it's mostly because the responses are centered in my inbox rather than the comments this time around. like, i can check my inbox and have five messages, and then there's only one new comment on the fic. and yeah, i can guess that's because it's so horny LMAO
unrelated, but im almost done with my first draft of the last chapter, so the next chapter should be coming along fairly soon even if im going to have a busy weekend. and now, more spoiler asks beneath the cut
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you get it <3 ive loved how many people have gotten it because i was a little worried with this one people would be Unhappy with the direction so im glad i havent gotten any hate anons lmao. it has been so much fun to write and explore. on the sensory front, oh boyyyyy is this girl autistic. It's directly implied in chapter four, actually, though adora isn't formally diagnosed. and muscle tees are like. catnip on butches. it was made for them so like, good taste.
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ohhhhh boy. what ISNT in the scene in LMR lol. I have never had a fic outlined like i did for this one. Like half the conversations came to me while i was lying in bed trying to fall asleep or wake up and i had all of that to work with (and tame) when i went to write.
I started working on it in late december and it's been my "bedtime story" for the most part since then, so a lot of the scenes played out there, which is where Scenes usually originate from. i had a really full outline from that. i had so many scenes that i had to cut and combine some that i really liked because they were just superfluous and would have dragged it down even if they were good on their own. or i had multiple versions of one conversation that i had to pick the best fit between, or when it came time to write it i had to buck the outline even though i liked what i already had because something else was a better match.
basically all of chapter 3 is A Scene. several scenes are in 4 and 5, too. i couldn't really pull just one thing but... god no i was trying to pick one and i cant. chapters 3-5 is my answer lmao. chapter 2 is the only thing i didnt have any Scenes for, that was basically just a hole labeled [insert smut here] while i was planning it, and chapter one was finished so early on that there's not really a Scene there, but nearly everything in chapter 3 onward is a contender for The Scene.
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nikialexx · 2 years
Happy to explain! Sirius and Snape have very different outward personalities but very similar arcs- both growing up in abusive households, latching onto one particular friend, both being emotionally stunted in adulthood due to trauma and making much of their decisions around that aforementioned friend. Both are petty, hold grudges, loyal, brave, vindictive. They both treat Harry based on how they feel about his parents. They both die never truly having fully lived their life.
(i actually wrote the entire response to this earlier and then lost it and i have never wanted to fling myself into the sun more than i did in that moment) but hi anon! so sorry this took a while. I'll continue under the cut cause my reply got kinda long😅
also general disclaimer that we're not going to be unnecessarily rude about either of these characters here, since i know a lot of people are very passionate about them one way or the other :)
Yeah, anon, I totally get where you're coming from here. I actually have very vague recollections of having had this conversation before but I don't remember where?? So this probably isn't the first time I'm comparing Sirius to Snape but I'm glad you gave me an opportunity to do it again.
I think those differences in their outward personalities is actually a nature vs nurture type situation. I've always said that Slytherin kids aren't immediately inherently evil (obviously), but rather victims of a larger system that actively works against them. You take a bunch of kids in their most important formative years and tell them they're destined to be evil and awful and essentially give every non-slytherin student a free pass to target them while even some of the teachers encourage these biases, and really, who wouldn't have this as their villain origin story?
Sirius and Snape both came from abusive households so Hogwarts was their only chance at getting away from that, and in that case, Snape was doomed from the very beginning. Sirius, comparatively, basically had the entirety of Gryffindor house to combat his more unsavory traits. He had friends who were good and kind and amazing and genuinely cared about his wellbeing, so he, in turn, grew to be a good and kind person. That's what he was surrounded by for like... 9 out of 12 months in the year. Snape went from one bad situation to another, continuously surrounded by people who were equally petty and vindictive and often cruel. What else was he supposed to become?
And I can hear you saying: but what about Lily?
Lily was only one person and I think it's a bit unfair to expect her to single-handedly combat the entire system that is House Prejudice and Rivalry at Hogwarts. Lily and Snape being placed in different houses, not to mention two houses with a personal history of being very anti each other, immediately drew a wall between them.
And then, what did the 'good' side ever really offer Snape? Sirius found happiness with the good guys, but Snape? Aside from literally only Lily, they all hated him and bullied him relentlessly. From his perspective, the supposed bad guys were the only ones offering him anything worthwhile or seeing any actual value in him.
So yeah, i see it. Two characters who are really similar in a lot of ways but had drastically different experiences that shaped who they would become.
(And it's also interesting how you laid out their non-personality similarities in the way their story arcs parallel each other almost exactly. I don't think I've ever really paid attention to that before.)
This was a fun little thought exercise lol thank you for this anon and im sorry again for taking so long to reply <3
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quaranmine · 2 years
Im so glad someone has the same pet peeve as me like especially when they put mumbo as the older one when he literally not??? why does grian have to be the youngest i never understood it when theres no like clear au
RIGHT IT'S LITERALLY SO WEIRD???? he's an adult. now in fanfic we're talking about grian's character but in our 1:1 parallel with real life CC grian, he is literally a married man. with a house. and two cats. he is not a kid he is a grown adult. you don't need to be scared of that lol
the ONLY reason i can think for it is like. people maybe being young and not knowing how to write an adult? cause i can see a 15 year old being like "idk how to write a 28 year old but maybe i can pull off a 20 year old." except. we already know how grian acts as an adult because everything you could possibly be basing his characterization off of is him as an adult, so really if you try to write him based off his videos then you already know how to write a 28 year old? it's so strange....just treat him normally...i'll be honest i don't think age had even ever come up once in my writing because it's never relevant to the story
as for clear AUs, i remember a fanfic concept (don't think I read it though sorry) where grian had been like cursed to stop aging because of something that happened in yhs (and idk anything about the plot of that so *shrugs*). There's also like. Time travel fics and other stuff, so I can think of exceptions to this rule where you might encounter characters at different ages than normal. but it's shockingly common in just normal fics too with no clear AU
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