#gives prep and punk vibes which is adorable
hoperays-song · 4 months
I wonder, with the possibility of having a sing 3 sequel, I wonder if Ryan would even be in it. If he would be added , I'm curious if they would redesign him to be more unique, in Sing 2 he looked like any other tiger character in the movie, considering he has the same models as the tiger background, and considering that the main cast have unique models that differentiate them from the other background characters that are the same animals as them.
I wonder what would his redesign would look like to make him more unique that removes him from the background but also relates to him as a part of the cast.
What do you think his design would be if he was added?
Thanks so much for the ask! And I'm sorry for the rambling that's about to follow this, I just really love this topic. Hope you enjoy though! - <3 Gooseless
Ryan does actually have a unique model! His stripe pattern and eye color is completely unique to him, as well as his build being slightly different. Which is why the tiger we see at the auditions is Ryan in my opinion, as legit every other tiger has the same stripes besides that one (who we actually never see audition so might just be there as a represenative).
We only see two other tigers in the movies (that I could find) and while their stripe patterns aren't the same, they are more similar to each other than Ryan. Ryan has a distinct flame shaped stripe on his left cheek. And while the other two's stripes are similar, that's because bengal tigers do have those type stripes on their cheeks.
See below the facial patterns on an actual bengal tiger:
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And then the stripes of the two other tigers we see:
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And finally, there's my boy Ryan:
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They are distinct from the other stripe patterns we've seen, no longer sickle shaped but flame shaped on the left cheek.
And while it is compressed in the auditions photo. you can see the blobs that would likely look like the other flame branches if he had higher pixelation in this frame (he's tiny and in the background).
And the other two tigers we see, though not in the best pixelation or lighting, seem to have dark colored eyes, while Ryan's are very noticeably green, and likely a shade between olive and sage green judging by how it changes in the various lightings. Even in the auditions, that tiger has a lighter coloured iris.
And as for builds, we'll use a handy dandy chart!
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As for the other two, we actually see two different builds for them too. While Ryan is an inverted triangle (mesomorph), which is also Johnny's too for reference, the other tigers do seem to be rectangular in build (to be fair they are in loose clothing and that is my perspective of it but this also would align more with actual tigers too). They also differ from endomorphs and ectomorphs as well.
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*Sorry photos aren't the best and from weird angles, they literally are barely on screen lol*
Ok now on to the redesign. The reason Ryan looks more like a background character despite his unique model is his clothing imo. Whenever we see him, he's either in a uniform (the leotard and leggings), or very plain, nondescript clothing (the costume underclothes and the suit).
So, we can fix this by giving him a new outfit! Which is amazing because otherwise we would have to change the entire model and that would take forever lol.
Almost all the teen/younger characters wear jeans in the movies (the exceptions are the eldest two, Nooshy and Ash) and Ryan does seem to be at least close to Johnny's age so he joins the jean club. Now adding cuffed light wash jeans to his outfit.
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Second, Ryan gives off strong perfectionist vibes. You don't become a principal (or at least high up) dancer at a company like the one we see him in as young as he likely is without an ambitious and perfectionist streak a mile wide. So we're gonna go with something that codes that to the audience (aka yes, somewhat stereotypical clothing for that cliche), a dark green sweatshirt over a white button up. This type of aesthetic is also not used by any of the main cast so far and the dark green accent will highlight his eye color, making it stand out more and further giving him a unique look.
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And for accessories, which please let's give these kids jewelry, I typically describe Ryan as having two double lobe earrings, with one being a long simple gold one and another that is either a rainbow heart or a gold stud. I also give him a jade and gold necklace (which is tiger shaped in the continuation fic) and have him wear dark green sneakers for more green accents. You can also add in a brown or black belt if you want so he can tuck in the sweatshirt and shirt, but those don't necessarily have to be showing.
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So, yeah, that's how I would change Ryan's design to make him fit more in with the rest of the main cast! I really hope we do see more of Ryan, though I am not sold on the idea of a third movie, so I'm pretty sure I'd prefer to see him in shorts lol. But I hope you enjoyed all of this chaos of a character design analysis/comparison of sorts, thanks again for the ask!
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amysgiantbees · 3 years
A record of my poor taste
Izuku Couple Ranking
1. TodoDeku - Narrative foils! He’ll listen to him and respects his strategy's, doesn’t just dismiss them as ramblings. Deku would give Shoto unrequited love from the GET GO like he DESERVES! Team daddy issues.
2. Bakugo/Izuku/Kiri - Look Kiri and Bakugo are end game and Kiri is just really sweet and I think he could really balance them and make the whole situation happier and healthier and I think he’d like how open Deku is with his feelings.
3. Todoroki/Deku/Bakugo - THE power couple. They’d be A LOT though.
4. Bakudeku - Enemies to friends to lovers is just a jam tbh. It has to go this way not just enemies to lovers because otherwise I feel like it would be too unhealthy. Enemies to lovers is fun because theirs mutual feelings and banter but Deku is putting too much work into this friendship and Bakugo is resisting too hard to make skipping the friendship step healthy. I feel like he’d be good at making Deku look after himself and get out of spirals. Also, to project onto a fictional character for a second, I feel like Deku gets into anxiety spirals where he is trapped in his own brain for so long thinking about a problem that his logic gets worse but he gets more and more sure that it’s the only option. And Bukugo would just come in like no Deku how the fuck did you think that was a good idea you missed the obvious good answer 10 minutes ago. He’d be a good common sense balance and Deku would soften him up. 
5. Shinso/Izuku - I feel like they both would just love and support each other so much and respect how hard they’re both trying to become heroes. They’d listen to each other. Also I love AUs where Deku remains quirkless and gets into the support course and just them being classmates and ROOMATES!!!!
6. Shoto/Uraraka/Izuku - Shoto deserves to double the cinnamon roles in his life. I feel like the three of them would cancel out any weird vibes. I think Shoto would really enjoy spoiling them and they’d be really protective of him and ready to fight his dad at any opportunity.
Ida/Uraraka/Izuku - It’s just SO soft!
7. Uraraka/Izuku - Cinnamon roles! However, women are already written so poorly in MHA that I find their whole “I talked to a boy” “I just touched a girl” five year old shit half the time more irritating than cute. Like I enjoy narrative contrast, it can be really funny and cute and grounding but to go from “I just broke all the bones in my body” to this is just too jarring for me. They’re so similar that they kind of give me sibling vibes honestly. 
Bakugo Couple Ranking
1. Him and Kirri. It’s always them. Like look at the Seamstress on tiktok and she has such amazing head-cannons about them. About Bakugo respecting Kirri’s worth and improving his self esteem like no one else could. About how Bakugo feels so comfortable and completed by Kirri in so many ways, like just Kirri doing the talking in interviews. Also they would be SO ride or die for each other. Two manly men just being icons in love. 
2.  Bakugo/Izuku/Kiri
3. Todoroki/Bakugo/Kiri. Again B and K are ENDGAME. But I think just these two people who are so full of life and passion could be a really neat fit with Shoto! Also their hair together is SO cute, how one’s cherry, one’s blonde and he’s the candy cane in-between. 
4. Todoroki/Deku/Bakugo
Uraraka Couple Ranking
1. Her and Tsuyu! Pink and Green look super good together, they’re close to being contrasting colours. They’re smart, sweet and way more dangerous than they look. They’d be the most adorable power couple. 
2.  Shoto/Uraraka/Izuku
3.  Uraraka/Izuku
Momo Couple Ranking
1.Itsuka/Momo - They’re both confident women who deserve great things. I feel like Itsuka would be a very precious, protective girlfriend and Momo would defiantly spoil her any chance she got. They’d be so competent that it would be legendary.
2. Jiro/Momo. Okay to be honest I prefer them as besties but the art slaps and they would be cute. Love some prep/punk vibes.
3. Shoto/Momo: Again I feel like they would be WAY better as just friends. Especially as the men overshadow the women so much in the show that I just feel like the women deserve better than being a man’s love interest, let them just support each other. But they would be cute. Also two rich people together... ew. Eat the rich. Which is also why they kind of give off the feeling like they’re people who would say that the other is “like a brother/sister to me.” Also I feel like them together would make their parents too happy. 
Denki couple ranking
1. Denki/Shinso - I’m still not over the “No loud blondes” jokes I think they’re adorable and there's so much potential there. Also just this ray of sunshine believing in Shinso when so few have with his whole heart is PRECIOUS! I feel like they’d be really supportive of each other. And I feel like they both have very noticeable disabilities, depression and ADHD, and I feel like neither would be daunted just accepting of each other entirely. 
I like Denki just being the biggest Jiro simp better than them getting together, except...
2. Jiro/Denki/Shinso - It would be CUTE! They’d get along so well. I just love the vibes idk. Plus Denki needs all of the adult supervision he can get.
3. Deku/Denki/Shinso - Again just some good cute vibes here. I feel like after Deku has struggled so long with being quirkless he would be really supportive and encouraging with Denki getting help with learning disabilities and would be always happy to help him study. They would all be so supportive. 
Nebulous Head-cannons
Aizawa and Mic are either best friends or a long time married couple. I’m happy either way as long as they’re just each others favourite person and live together.
Grand Torino and Recovery Girl would be the cutest old couple. They’d enjoy messing with people and getting up to mischief together I think.
I’m kind of fond of Tsuyu x Sero. 
All Might’s got it going on with Izuku’s Mom
I like the idea that Kirishima is trans and gay. 
Denki, Shinsou, Midoryia, Jiro and Tsuyu are all non-binary.
I like Mina either dating around outside of school or falling for Ida. Love some nerd x cool kid vibes. 
I don’t know if I ship him with these guys but at the very least I feel like  Tokoyami has written some angsty love poetry about Aoyama and Shoji.
On a purely platonic note. Shinsou is Aizawa’s favourite student (and son) and Denki and Uraraka are Mic’s.
Aizawa has chronic fatigue and depression.
Mic, Bakugo, Mina and Denki have ADHD
Izuku has anxiety and is a bit on the ace spectrum and he’s pan. 
Denki is for sure bi.
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conduitandconjurer · 3 years
Here's a cute character question. What do you think Klaus's favorite outfits are? Why? Anything you can come up with that hasn't been seen in the show?
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Oh my gosh oh my gosh. I don’t know where to begin.
I think Klaus is someone who genuinely wears as little as he possibly can as often as he can, because A) sensory issues (ADHD out the bum, yo)  B) he runs hot, and everytime he’s coming down off a high he sweats and has hot flashes C) he’s very vain and takes very good care of his body, working out to tone those arms, legs, and abs--they may be slender but they’re solid, and he wants to show that off. I also think that vanity stems from looking healthy = being undeniably ALIVE, which, given that he’s steeped in needy dead people 24/7, is a way of self-soothing.
Klaus likes outfits that combine a somewhat rebellious, avant-garde (think “Eurotrash” lmao) fashion sense with comfort. He also starts out as a child wearing Lisa Frank esque colors and pastels, to defy death, but then he kind of cynically embraces a mostly-black wardrobe, and then we see, as he becomes more emotionally stable in the 1960s (the second time in the 60s I mean) him branching back out to that original casual flamboyance (including a bright palette). 
It’s rare that those things (fashion and comfort) intersect but he makes it happen. For instance:
Favorite shoes: black Converse high-tops. Casual yet snappily counter-cultural.
Favorite pants: those iconically slutty black leather skinny pants with the lace-up sides.  Like, he LIVES in those. And when he loses them in the sixties, I insist he gets a new pair in the 21st century. 
Favorite shirts: CROP TOPS. And. VESTS. There’s the black lace one with the star patterns. There’s the closed black vest with no shirt under it.  There’s a striped crop top with the olive green vest. This enables him to show off his emotionally significant tattoos (like the sky soldiers one on his left shoulder).  It helps him overcome the unpleasant itchy-stimulation of sleeves.  
I personally want to see Klaus in booty shorts (bc it’s funny); in more faux fur necklined coats; in black ankle boots; in more trenchcoats (yummy); and in something softly hippie, like maybe one of those alpaca fur oversized sweater things.  I think he’d look adorable in scarves. I’d like to see him playing with a punk meets prep vibe, so like, the scarf would be tan plaid, but then the rest of his outfit would be solid black.  And I don’t want him to ever give up jewelry. I love how he wears big long necklaces, and Dave’s dog tags.  Omg and screen printed shirts with like iconic eighties and nineties things, like Pac Man! Or the Ninja Turtles!  But girl sizes so he can wear THOSE as crop tops too!
Also NEVER STOP LETTING KLAUS WEAR MAKEUP! Let him wear tons of eyeliner, shadow, and mascara!!!!! Let him experiment with tinted lip gloss!  Let him get just barely back into the Goth vibe and let him play up his genderqueer expression as he sees fit! 
God I could go on but this got long enough. 
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No one asked but here are my opinions on the WeGo collabs Bandori has done. Under the cut because I got a lot of shit to day and also they have seventeen characters.
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Wave one
Overall opinion: Very trendy and fashion forward. Definitely the midpoint between comfy and fashion. All together they’re a little incohesive, Lisa especially looks overdressed here, but overall they’re very cute. They look like they’re gonna get coffee together, or maybe go to the Yamabuki bakery to try the new bread.
Hina: She’s probably my least favorite look, but I still think she looks quite cute. Her skirt is honestly what I have the biggest problem with, I just think it looks very saturated. Luckily her item in the collab was the bag which is what I want out of this outfit.
Moca: She looks ready to kiss girls and I respect the hell out of that. I don’t have much to say about this look except for that I don’t like the length of the pants. I know you wanted to show off your cool socks but the length is stressing me out please. I THINK the jacket was her item which I would like.
Saya: SO cute, SO SO cute!!!! Her low side pony, her fashion glasses, the long dull yellow cardigan, her pants!!!!! Absolute mom energy!!! LOVE it!!!! Her item was the shirt that has “heartbeat” on it which is a reference to her character song, I’d buy it but I’m not 100% sure I’d wear it.
Lisa: I said she was overdressed but she is far and away my favorite in this set. She said “I wanna be a PREP” and she delivered. That gingham skirt, the BERET, her hair being completely down!!!!! She did, in fact, do that!!!! Her item was the comfy ass sweater!!!! GOD I WISH I HAD IT WEH...
Misaki: She kinda looks like she threw together her outfit last minute but you know what I respect her. OH my god she’s wearing a jirt (jean skirt) i thought she was wearing jorts this whole time. I also think the headband is very cute! Her item was her hoodie which is adorable, I’d buy it.
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Wave two
Overall opinion: This one is on the comfy side of the WeGo line, and the most cohesive of the four groups. Honestly this looks like they’re going to a fall festival and they’re gonna post their looks on Instagram.
Chisato: EXTREMELY comfy. She looks very preppy, and I adore her braid. Her item is her “JULIET” sweater.
Ran: Very punk, I think it’s a very brave choice to match her fishnets with those boots. I love her ear muffs. Her item was her hoodie.
Tae: She looks like a very preppy college kid, which is a very nice vibe. I honestly think it’s the skirt that sends it to college kid, alongside her bun. Her item was her letterman jacket, which I know has “HANAZONO LAND” on it, which is a reference to her character song.
Rinko: I would wear her outfit, it’s SO comfortable looking, AND HER HAIR IS SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! I JUST NOTICED HER SOCKS HAVE BOWS ON THEM I WANT TO HUG HER!!!!!!!! Her item was the bag that has “Neo Fantasy Online” on it, which is the MMO she plays.
Kaoru: Giant Lesbian Energy. I have no idea what her shirt says, it looks like it’s supposed to be a SUPREME parody. This is a gay person I respect. Also love the buttons on her beanie. Her item was the long-ass plaid coat with “hakanai” stitched on it.
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Wave three
Overall opinion: The trendy half of the scale. Pretty cohesive, although I think Aya’s messes with the balance a little. These gals look ready to go to a theme park and drag poor Arisa by the arm to go on all the rides.
Aya: Honestly the least fashionable out of the group, which I think is a bit odd for an idol, but makes total sense when she’s off-duty. I wish they sold her phone case because it’s also very cute. I like her glasses too! Her item is, surprisingly enough, her hoodie.
Himari: SO cute, oh my god. I adore all her vibes here. Her skirt, her necklace, all the colors, her pose. Adore her. I hold her, so cute. Her item is the plaid over-shirt.
Ako: BABY GIRL. BABY!!!!! Her one ponytail looks a little odd but she is the most fashionable middle schooler. I LOVE her chucks. Her item is the cross-body bag.
Arisa: WAH I LOVE HER BRAIDS she looks so nice like she’s about to go into the forest. Also her lepord print bag, so cute. Her item is her jacket, which has a bonsai on it.
Hagumi: The most comfortable here. She looks like she’s ready to run anywhere, which absolutely fits with her personality. I love this little honkgumi. Weh. Her item is her sweater!
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Overall opinion: Compared to the girls, these two are LACKING, especially in their pose. Ren is simply Standing There. However I can’t bring myself to hate it. Definitely on the comfy side of the scale, a little incohesive but then again what can you do with two people who have very different fashion sense. They look like they’re about to go on a date with each other which is literally what every fanartist who’s drawn these two in these outfits have said (they will literally title it “nayuren date clothes”).
Ren: I want his hoodie so fucking badly. It has the words “Triones” on it, which are the seven stars of the Big Dipper, and the sleeve has the Big Dipper’s seven stars on it... whiiiiiiich is 100% a reference to his last name (Nanahoshi = Seven Stars). I make fun of him but I still want the hoodie so I am booboo the fool. His scarf also has writing on it, “If I am with you I can even catch a shooting star”, next to a ship, which I think is a reference to Argonavis (his band) which is ADORABLE. He looks extremely comfy, very warm. Ren in a scarf gives me the UWUs. Both his hoodie and his scarf is what they’re selling.
Nayuta: Okay. Okay. Okay. Nayuta is already a gay people I do not respect. So THIS fucking fit?! WHO GAVE HIM THE FUCKING BERET?!?!?!?!?! Every single person who’s seen this has pretty much agreed that it was Ren but like, when they were drawing this, why did they think someone who’s main visual charm point is his hair cat ears needed a hat. Combined with the plaid shirt, and I say this as kindly as I can, this is the gayest fucking outfit they could’ve put this man in. Combined with the fact that it looks like he’s looking at Ren, we get it you fucking catboy you have a crush on him and can’t process it. Oh and the text above his shirt says “NO ONE CAN STOP ME” which is a lyric in the song SCATTER. They’re selling the shirt and the gay little hat and honestly I kinda want the beret.
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dentalrecordsmusic · 7 years
EP Review: Frank Iero and The Patience - ‘Keep The Coffins Coming’
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Frank Iero is truly a force to be reckoned with. The musician has been on the punk rock scene for seemingly his entire life (which is a feat in and of itself). Iero began his musical journey with raw and emotional Pencey Prep in the early 2000s before being recruited by My Chemical Romance as a second guitarist. He released four monstrous studio albums with MCR before the inevitable end of the run in 2013. All in the throes of this, he fronted hardcore band Leathermouth, which managed to shred plenty of faces in and around the New York / New Jersey area for about three short years. He’s also dabbled in industrial hardcore with his project Death Spells, alongside James Dewees of The Get Up Kids and Reggie and the Full Effect. 
Needless to say, Iero dips his toe in whatever suits his fancy at the time, so it was only natural for him to establish Frank Iero and the Patience in 2012, a shambolic and noisy punk rock outfit that has managed to separate itself from the emo undertones of Iero’s previous projects. They’ve released Stomachaches and Parachutes respectively since their beginning. The project has a little more bite and a lot more heart. Especially so on the band’s most recent EP, Keep The Coffins Coming. Recorded with Steve Albini, it’s the “missing link” between 2014′s Stomachaches and 2016′s Parachutes. 
It starts off with “I’m A Mess” which occupied the track listing of last release Parachutes. The song puts all insecurities under a microscope and celebrates them energetically – it’s an elaborate and jarring introduction to an equally spooky and fun EP. It begins with some beautiful feedback before punching you square in the face with a punk riff and an addictive melody. It’s not far off from the Parachutes recording, but it certainly has a more stripped down element that is immediately noticeable in contrast. 
“BFF” was written with Iero’s kids. Hardcore fans have heard it before (and probably seen the video). It’s cute and well-meaning but I have two differing opinions on the track that I can’t pin down. The sentiment makes you want to sigh aloud because it’s adorable. On the other hand, it feels out of place on an EP that gives off a “spooky” and haunting vibe. It would have been better suited as a b-side, but it’s understandable why The Patience went with “BFF” as the second track – it buffers the zone between “I’m A Mess” and the punk rock party that is “No Fun Club.” 
Wow. What can I say about “No Fun Club” that won’t be said by every other rock critic in the realm? It’s so good. This track is absolutely badass. As someone who has closely monitored Iero and his musical career since the MCR years, “No Fun Club” captures exactly what he’s been all about sonically for so long. It’s a quick-witted and spunky punk track that pulls you in and then pushes you out the backdoor and right on your back. If I don’t see fans annihilating each other to this song in a live setting, I’m gonna be disappointed. It begs for a good pit. This song is the climax to the EP, and it strikes me as the epicenter of a release that screams to be, well, screamed. 
Last but not least is the closer “You Are My Sunshine” which is a song so old that it’s tough to credit to the original writer. It rocks and rolls in it’s own way and it’s as dreary as it is magical. The harshness of the guitars work so well here, and it’s a joy to listen to. I’ve been fortunate enough to witness it performed live, and it was just as intricate and well done in this setting as this track is in studio. I had my fingers crossed that it would eventually be recorded in a studio setting, so I was psyched to see it as part of the track listing for Keep The Coffins Coming. It promises soothing rock, and it delivers. 
The artwork for this release sets a Halloween vibe, and the music itself carries it over. Keep the Coffins Coming is a beautiful selection of some of the band’s favorite back alley traits, from the highs of punk melancholy to the lows of slower and more lullaby-esque pieces. It’s a great introduction to Frank Iero and The Patience, but it’s also a much needed mainstay for the fan listener. I would recommend it to anyone who isn’t familiar with the band and it’s bound to be an adored addition to an already massive discography for Iero.
Keep The Coffins Coming drops on September 22nd via BMG / Vagrant Records.
Catherine Dempsey thinks the cover art is sick too. You can follow her on Twitter. 
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themanicmagician · 7 years
A Fish out of Water - Alphdyne Oneshot
Commission for @sapphire-sphinx! Thanks again for your support <3
Summary: A fish meets a lizard and falls head over heels in love. 
Undyne tromps through the garbage dump, her boots squelching in the muck. Last week she’d chased off some kids messing around on the trash piles. The mountains of refuse are precariously stacked; one wrong move could start a dangerous avalanche. Undyne had chased them all off with a warning, and she’s satisfied to see that they’d taken her to heart. There are no childish exclamations echoing in the caves, no patter of feet.
She’s about halfway through the entire dump. She could turn back now—it’s doubtful the kids would scamper further down—but she might as well make a sweep of the entire area now that she’s here. Her armor is going to need a thorough cleaning regardless.
Undyne rounds a corner. The edge of the garbage dump is on a downhill slope. The water sloshes stray bits of garbage further down, towards the Abyss below. No one knows where the Abyss leads. Some say it’s just a long drop to nothing, while others believe ancient aquatic monsters live in the deep dark, too large and too strange for the rest of monster society. Undyne doesn’t really care one way or the other. But if any of those punks crawled up to the dump and started causing trouble, she’d sure as hell knock ‘em back in.
There’s someone by the Abyss drop off. Undyne squints. A yellow monster? Stars, it better not be that kid that keeps following her around. He’s not even out of stripes yet!
“Hey, you shouldn’t be over there!” Undyne yells, sloshing through the water over to him.
It’s not the tyke, as she’d thought, but instead a full-grown lizard monster who’d been sitting, legs dangling over the precipice. She startles at Undyne’s approach, scrambling upright. Her outfit is soaked with water and sludge from the waist down.
“Oh! Um, I-I, um…” She clicks her claws together.
“What are you doing out here?” Undyne grips her by the arm, tugging her back from the Abyss. “You’re way too close to the edge, it’s dangerous.”
The lizard monster gapes at her. Her mouth tries to form words, but she just keeps stuttering strings of nonsense. Is she intimidated? Is that it?
Undyne removes her helmet, and shakes her hair out. She’s got to look more approachable now, right? Undyne tucks the helmet under one arm, and holds the other out.
“Let’s try again. I’m Undyne.”
“A-Alphys.” They shake hands. Alphys’ grip is wet and clammy. She doesn’t hold Undyne’s gaze for long, her eyes shifting restlessly around the dump. “We’ve, um, m-met before. I’m the R-Royal Scientist.”
“Oh…oh! That’s right, I saw you at Asgore’s party.”
Now it’s coming back to her. She normally avoids stuffy social gatherings like the plague. If she attends she has to wear scratchy clothes with too many ruffles, and suplexing people and/or objects is forbidden. It sucks! But she hadn’t been able to wiggle out of attending as she normally did, because Asgore had invited her personally, staring at her with those big dumb soulful eyes. During the party, Asgore introduced her to the new Royal Scientist. (Who had been the Royal Scientist before Alphys? Their name escapes her mind at the moment.) After Asgore’s introduction, Alphys had given Undyne a jerky nod and fumbled out an excuse to leave.
“So what’re you doing out here? It’s kind of far from the Lab, doc.”
Undyne watches the red blush creep up the scientist’s cheeks.
“I-I was just, um. Thinking! About….the Abyss!” Alphys gestures back to it. “It’s f-f-fascinating, isn’t it? So many t-th-theories on where it leads to!”
“And what do you think?” This is the last stop on her patrol; she’s free to kill some time with Alphys. Good thing, too—by the way she lights up at Undyne’s question, this might take a while.
Alphys adjusts her glasses. “W-Well, you know the standard theory that it leads to the same magma that’s below Hotland? Well, I think that…”
They talked for hours. Well, more like Alphys talked for hours, and Undyne interjected occasionally. But it had been nice. Once Alphys really got into it, it was like all her nervousness melted away. And, in the privacy of her own mind, Undyne can admit that seeing Alphys get so whipped up into a passionate rant is….cute. The way her eyes sparkle, her cheeks flush, her hands gesticulate wildly. It’s utterly adorable.
Before leaving the dump, they exchanged UnderNet IDs. Undyne can only guess at Alphys’ sleep schedule, because no matter what time Undyne messages her, day or night, Alphys is sure to respond within seconds. Alphys was the first to suggest a hangout, and introduced Undyne to the wonders of anime. Alphys had been so nervous to show it to her, which Undyne can’t understand—human history turns out to be really freakin’ awesome!
They settle into a routine. Saturdays are Undyne’s free days, so just about every Friday night they hang out. Typically Alphys comes over to her place, because Hotland is so, well. Hot. And she’d rather not cook herself half to death to see a friend.
Tonight is one such night. Undyne tidies around her house while she waits for Alphys to arrive. Her definition of tidying up is throwing all the stray clutter into the nearest closet. Papyrus would scream.
She’s full of nervous energy. She loves hanging out with Alphys, she’s so cool and funny, but with each visit she just seems to get more and more flustered around her.
“NGAH!! Keep it together, Undyne!” She scolds herself.
She checks the fridge, confirms for the third time that yes, she did get Alphys’ favorite soda. She’s prepared and ready.
Undyne fidgets, fiddling around in the kitchen until there’s a knock at the door. She’s here.
All at once, Undyne is struck by the thought that what she’s wearing isn’t adequate. She looks down at the black tank top and jeans. It’s her normal longue wear. It’s fine, right? The top showcases her impressive biceps and everything. She’s overthinking this. (Still, she vows to search the dump for any anime t-shirts. Alphys would love it.)
Undyne throws open the door. Alphys is waiting, five DVDs clutched in her claws. She’s wearing bright pink sweatpants, and a unicorn t-shirt. Kawaii style, as she calls it.
“Hey Alphy!” Undyne lets her in.
“H-Hello, Undyne.” She shows Undyne the covers of the DVDs she brought. Each one depicts a cute octopus girl in a large fishbowl. “Today I thought we could watch Octo-Hime! It’s about this half-octopus, half-girl, who wants to attend a human school, a-and wear a school uniform and everything.”
Human history could be really strange sometimes. She gets the big swords and all, but she’s never heard of a human with tentacles instead of legs. Maybe Octo-Hime was related to the human mages, or even a monster. Can a monster and a human even have a kid together?
After grabbing some snacks and their drinks—tea for her, soda for Alphys—they move upstairs. Undyne’s bedroom has a television in it, but not a couch, so they end up sitting together on her bed.
Undyne pops the first DVD in and their marathon begins. After some initial puzzlement—“How does she breathe underwater without gills?”—Undyne finds herself wrapped up in this new chapter of human history.
Time passes. They’re ten episodes in, and their pile of snacks is halfway depleted. Alphys has sagged a bit, leaning against Undyne. Their bare arms press together.
Undyne wants to wrap her around her, and pull her in for a kiss. She could do it. She could. Alphys is sitting right there. She just have to lean over, and…
But what if she doesn’t like it? They’ve got a good thing—a great thing—going right now. She doesn’t want to mess that up.
“Look, look!” Alphys tugs on Undyne’s arm. “This is the best part!”
Undyne lets herself be content with the small brush of contact they have now.
Two days after the Octo-Hime marathon, her star pupil shows up for their training session.
“Greetings, Undyne!” Papyrus chirps, holding out yet another bone wrapped in a bow.
Undyne catches him in a headlock, and gives him a friendly noogie.
“Nyeh, Undyne!” Papyrus squirms, but can’t break free of her hold.
“Take it, Pap! Take my friendship!!”
“Your friendship is too strong! And pointy!”
Undyne has mercy on Papyrus, finally letting him wriggle free.
“Come on in, punk.”
Undyne stores Papyrus’ gift with the others, and then it’s time to prep for their lesson.
Papyrus dons his apron. It originally said “Kiss the Cook”, but Papyrus has modified it to say “Kiss the Great Cook Papyrus”.
He hums, grabbing the pasta and tomatoes while Undyne sets a pot in the sink and turns on the faucet.
She stares down into the pot, watching it fill slowly. Her mind can’t help but drift to the same thing it’s been preoccupied with for days now.
Is it possible that Alphys likes her back? The only other people she mentions regularly are Asgore and that annoying robot. She definitely admires Asgore, but who wouldn’t? Fluffy though he may be, he’s still the king! And she gets the vibe that Mettaton is more like an old friend then anything else. Alphys goes out of her way for her. She makes her that chilly pink stuff to help her cool off when she reaches Hotland, and—
“Er, Undyne?” She startles. Papyrus is watching her, eye sockets narrowed. “I think you’ve got enough water.”
Undyne looks down at the pot, and bites back a curse. She really zoned out; the pot is overflowing, water spilling over the sides. She scrambles to turn off the tap, and then pours the excess water down the drain. She can feel Papyrus’ curious stare boring holes into her.
“S-So, how are the Snowdin puzzles? You should update me on them. Like right now.”
Undyne sets the pot on the burner and cranks up the heat beneath it until the flame is roaring. Papyrus folds his arms, not easily deterred.
“While normally I would enjoy discussing my various puzzle improvements, I have the most sneaking suspicion you are trying to distract me!”
She’s not getting out of this. Papyrus steers her to one of the dining room chairs, and he takes the other chair across from her.
“You’ve always told me that passion is the most essential spice for cooking! How do you think the spaghetti would turn out today if your heart wasn’t in it?” Papyrus scolds. “So tell the Great Papyrus what has you so off the rocker!”
“It’s…” Embarrassing. Dumb. She doesn’t want to say it! “You’ve got to keep this between just us, okay?”
“Cross my bones and hope to dust!”
“There’s…someone I hang out with a lot, and I think I might…like them, you know?”
She looks up from the table. Papyrus is gaping at her, and—wait, is he blushing?
“Undyne. While I am most flattered, I must decline your profession of affection. I do love you, but only in the most platonic of senses.” Papyrus puts a hand to his forehead. “Oh, how cruel I’ve been, to lead you on—”
“Papyrus, you goof!” Undyne slaps her hand on the table. “I’m not talking about you!”
“Oh. Alright.” Papyrus is visibly relieved. “Then who?”
“They’re, um.” Undyne gestures uselessly. She doesn’t want to flat out say the name, because then it’d be too real. “They’re short, really into science…”
Papyrus’ face scrunches up.
“No! Stars, no.” Papyrus’ older brother is constantly gross, incessantly lazy. It’s hard to believe he and Papyrus are related, sometimes. On the list of people Undyne finds attractive, Sans would be dead last. In the negatives. Well, maybe a few notches above Jerry.
“I am quite relieved. Were you to love any skeleton, I would be the obvious choice.” Papyrus declares. “Sans is great at his best but he is not as great as the Great Papyrus. Obviously.”
“Uh, right.” Sometimes it’s better to just nod along with Papyrus instead of think too hard about what he says.
Papyrus reaches across the table, laying his hand overtop Undyne’s. His eyes shine.
“Undyne, you need not be afraid. The Great Papyrus shall support you!”
“Thanks, Pap.” She’s not good at all this emotional stuff. But she has to stop being a wuss and let it out. “Her name is…Alphys.” She admits, quietly.
“What was that?”
“Alphys,” She says, a little louder.
“Where is the passion, Undyne?!”
“Her name is Alphys!” Undyne leaps up on the table. “I’m in love with Alphys. She’s cute and smart and I just love her!”
Papyrus applauds. “Now you just have to tell her that!”
Undyne deflates, stepping down from the table.
“…I can’t.”
“Why not? Just copy what you just did, in front of her! And you’ll be sure to win your lady love.”
“She might not like me like that, Pap.”
“Nonsense!” Papyrus scoffs. “You just have to—”
“Wait.” Undyne sits up. Sniffs. “Does the air smell kind of…smoky?”
Papyrus gasps. “Undyne, the stove!”
“Shit!” Undyne darts back into the kitchen. The pot is starting to melt from the intensity of the flames beneath it. “Double shit.” She can’t let her house burn down again.
With Papyrus’ help she manages to quell the fire before it gets too out of hand. Once the house is spared the hungry flames, Papyrus tries again to convince her to confess, but Undyne remains obstinate. She’s not ready. Not yet.
“Undyne, Undyne!”
She’d been training in front of Papyrus’ house when said skeleton bursts out the door, waving her inside. “Alphys and Mettaton are on TV with the human!”
“What?!” Undyne dissipates the energy spear she’d been using and rushes inside, leaping onto the couch. Papyrus shuts the door, and perches on the couch next to her.
Sure enough, the human is on a MTT quiz show. Alphys is behind Mettaton, gesturing answers to the human behind the robot’s back.
“Is that allowed?” Papyrus frowns, hand straying to his cellphone to call in Alphys’ cheating.
Undyne swats his hand away. “Come on, give the human a fighting chance. These questions are ridiculous!”
Papyrus sniffs primly. “Not if you’ve kept up with his specials!”
Undyne rolls her eyes.
“Would you smooch a ghost?” Mettaton’s voice booms through the television set.
The human gives them a thumbs up.
Papyrus gasps, scandalized.
They continue to watch, rapt. Mettaton finally catches on that Alphys is helping, and throws out a punshing question:
“Who does Dr. Alphys have a crush on?”
Like always, four options flash up on the screen: Undyne, Asgore, the human, don’t know.
It’s her name.
Papyrus squeals, shaking her by the shoulder. “Undyne, it’s you! It’s you!”
“No way, there’s no way,” Undyne murmurs.
Alphys is shaking her hands desperately at the human, eyes pleading with them to not guess. Undyne’s mouth is dry, her soul pounding hard in her chest.
And then the human selects Undyne’s name. The chime dings, indicating it was a correct answer.
Alphys hides her red face in her hands, cringing away from the camera.
“See, Alphys? I told you it was obvious.”
“Obvious?” Undyne sputters. It sure as hell wasn’t obvious to her!
Mettaton goes on and on about things Undyne had never known. Alphys name variables after her, writes stories of them sharing a domestic life together. Alphys looks like she wants to melt through the floor.
When the quiz show cuts to commercial, Papyrus rounds on her.
“The time is ripe for the picking! You must confess, Undyne!”
“Yeah, but—”
“No buts!” Papyrus looks at her, sternly. “You must seize this chance.”
“I don’t even—where do I even start?” She cards a hand through her hair, feeling overwhelmed.
“You are asking the right skeleton.” Papyrus pulls out a dating manual from somewhere, and flips through its well-worn pages, before settling on an earmarked page. “Even though you are aware of her affections, how you present your own is still important! You must still woo her with your romantic wiles.”
“Okay, I’ll bite. How do I woo her?”
“First, you must arrange a meeting, reel her in. You must write a letter that explains how ardently you admire and care for her!”
“A letter?” Undyne is skeptical. “I’m not any kind of poet.”
“You cannot suplex your way into Alphys’ heart! A letter is properly romantic.”
“Okay, okay.”
She can see the wisdom in Papyrus’ advice. Asking Alphys out over text would be taking the easy way out, and in-person, too awkward. A letter would get around both, and is, admittedly, kind of romantic.
Papyrus grabs her by the arm, tugging her over to the table. He zips upstairs and is back in a second, with a pen and paper in hand.
“With the Great Papyrus’ assistance, you will write the most heart-throbbing letter to ever exist! Anyone that so much as glances at it will be struck by its passion! Alphys will swoon into your arms after the first line!”
Papyrus’ enthusiasm helps chase away her remaining nerves.
Thinking of Alphys’ smile, she picks up the pen and starts to write.
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