#give hunter a hug
shadysadie · 1 year
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Hunter missing Flapjack in For the Future
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lilyznow · 1 year
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Golden bird has fallen Golden bird fly free
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justanotherartblog · 2 years
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I painted Hunter!!
Poor boi,, someone please give him a hug,,
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thehappiestgolucky · 10 months
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Family found…
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
For the prompts request could you please do “I don’t think I can walk that far… or at all”, “stay where you are, I’m coming to get you”, and “I’m sorry, I know it hurts” with Hunter pretty please???? I need some Hunter comfort before tbb s3 ruins us all ❤️🙃😶
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character: Hunter (The Bad Batch)
prompts: “I don’t think I can walk that far… or at all”, “Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you”, and “I’m sorry, I know it hurts”
warnings: blood & injuries
main masterlist • hunter masterlist
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Your breaths came in panicked gasps as you helped yourself to sit up against the nearest wall. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, replaying the last few moments over again in your mind.
You were laying down cover for Wrecker when they started to close in on you. There was barely anywhere to go, but you tried your best to stick to the shadows and shoot. You were convinced you had them all no problem—you always did—but just when you started to lower your blaster, a final one jumped out, and you had no time to hide from their blaster bolt.
They were dead, now, but that didn't hide the damage. Your leg was hit with a clean shot, and as you reopened your eyes, you gained the faith to look at it. Charred skin around the wound still glowed a fiery orange, and blood was just starting to seep from it.
The sight of it made you dizzy for a moment, as did the shock, but you pushed through and reached for the comm on your belt. You forced your breathing to even out before you activated it. "Hunter." You paused, swallowing down a groan of pain as you looked up to the open sky of the planet above you. "I'm hit."
"You're what?!" Hunter's comm went quiet for a moment, and you had no doubt he was cursing to himself. "How bad?"
You glanced down at your wound again. The color was fading, but the bleeding was quickly getting worse. "Direct. On the leg."
"Are you okay?" Hunter's voice was breathless. When you didn't respond, his words only sounded more panicked. "Can you make it back to the ship?"
You shook your head to yourself. "I don’t think I can walk that far… or at all." You forgot to lift your hand from the comm's activator as you released a tight groan of pain. "It's bad, Hunt. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, Sunny." Hunter's command was gentle, despite the way his voice shook. "Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you."
You set the comm back on your belt and closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing once again. The shock was starting to wear off, which meant the pain of your wound was getting worse. You had nothing on you to stop the bleeding, and even if you did, there was no telling that you could actually do anything to help it.
Hunter called out your real name in panic as he approached. You opened your eyes to look at him, watching as he knelt at your side and looked at your wound. His body froze at its severity, and though his helmet hid his face from you for now, you could picture the handsome features of his face contorted in horror.
Hunter cursed under his breath and lifted a hand to your face. "You're losing a lot of blood." He tugged the scarf off his neck and began to wrap it around your leg. You cried out before you could stop it, holding his wrists as his visor glanced at you. "I’m sorry, I know it hurts." He exhaled a deep, troubled breath and shook his helmet. "I should've been here."
"It's not your fault." You spoke through your gritted teeth, desperate to comfort him. "You had a more important role to—." You cut yourself off with a whimper as Hunter tied off the scarf tight.
"Still." Hunter put his arms under your back and your knees and nodded at you. "Just hold on. Okay?"
You returned his nod, closing your eyes and cradling your head against him as he lifted you. You bit your cheek to keep yourself from protesting in pain when his running caused your wound to bounce uncomfortably. Hunter would only free a hand from you to shoot his blaster as he made his way back to the ship, where Wrecker was hopefully awaiting you.
"Hunter!" Wrecker's voice exclaimed in hardly concealed relief. "Why do you have Sun..."
Wrecker stopped himself as you raised your head to look at him. His helmet was off, and his expression instantly dropped in worry.
"Wha-What happened?"
"Direct hit, to the leg." Hunter stepped closer to Wrecker. "I need to get us out of here first."
Wrecker nodded in understanding. "I've got Sunny." He took you from Hunter with ease, and when you let out a groan of protest at the movement, Wrecker shifted the way he was holding you.
"Start treating it if you can!" Hunter called the words out over his shoulder on his way to the cockpit. You were stuck with a different kind of pain at his actions; if Tech were still around, he wouldn't have had to worry about handing you off to Wrecker. Tech would've already had you out of this damn wretched system.
"Hey, Sunny." Wrecker began to distract you as he smiled at you and set you down in the nearest chair. You whimpered, but still offered the best smile you could in return. Wrecker's smile grew more before it started to falter. "This wasn't because you were covering me, was it?"
You shook your head. "It wasn't your fault, Wrecker." You hissed when Wrecker untied the scarf around your wound. "I let down my guard too fast."
Hunter managed to pilot the Marauder off the planet as Wrecker started attending to your wound. When the ship was in hyperspace, Hunter raced out to join you again, and Wrecker instantly moved aside to let Hunter take over. As Wrecker attended to the cargo he'd brought on board, Hunter removed his helmet and focused on the task at hand.
But you couldn't stand the worry in his eyes as he began the bacta treatments.
"Hunter." Your voice was gentle, almost hushed, as you called for him. He didn't look up at you, his focus too sharp on your wound. "Hunt."
The nickname finally earned his gaze. You brushed the wisps of hair back from his forehead for a moment and nodded with as much reassurance as you could muster.
"I know it looks bad, but I'm okay." You nodded again. "I promise."
Hunter searched your gaze for a lie and found none. He exhaled in relief, his eyes closing as he leaned his forehead against your knee. You kept your hand on the top of his head, running your knuckles over his hair to soothe him. One of his hands gave your calf a gentle squeeze.
"I'm here."
Hunter lifted his head and reopened his eyes, and your heart shattered at the vulnerability he didn't bother to hide from you—because he knew he didn't have to. "So many losses." He was choked up, causing you to cup his cheek for comfort. "And I almost thought you..."
He didn't have to finish the thought. You shook your head at him. "It's gonna take more than a blaster shot to get rid of me." You leaned forward, biting back the protest your wound gave at the movement, and left a lingering kiss on his forehead. "We're all right."
Hunter began to smile and nodded, his hand taking yours from his face and giving it a squeeze before he dropped it to start tending to your wound again. You sat in silence, but the tension was gone, exchanged for the breathless relief of your safety.
A lot of things had changed for the worst over the past few months, but one thing would always be for certain: you and Hunter.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months
broke: hunter is going to be pissed at crosshair for "letting" omega go and crosshair is going to get pissed back and they're going to argue
woke: hunter is going to recognize the choice that crosshair had to make, understand that omega is omega, and that crosshair is not to blame for missing the shot because he got attacked by an entire group of troopers, and is still suffering from ptsd and tremors from his time on tantiss and crosshair is able to convey his concerns and guilt without fear that his brothers will hate him
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krquietness · 3 months
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charlieconwayy · 8 months
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i'm sorry that i couldn't always be your teenage dream
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I've always felt that it'd be Killua who initiates the first hug we see between him and Gon
#i have my reasons for this#i feel like i'm in the minority though... i know gon is honest and much more emotionally expressive#but he's not actually more tactile than killua#i... i actually do think that it's killua who initiates much of the contact between them (fistbumps and poking and hand on shoulder)#if i'm not mistaken anyways#and he's very tactile with alluka and nanika (carrying + hugs + handholding)#granted that's his sister(s) but still. killua is far from touch averse - his getting embarrassed is a cute trait to be sure#but i do think he'll get a bit better at accepting that kind of thing once he's had some time with alluka and nanika#a lot of that does come after all from his feelings of unworthiness - and now that his sisters need open affection after so long being alon#he's going to have to gain at least some comfort with giving and receiving love#gon and mito go for hugs either at the same time or mito initiates. gon hugs leorio in the scene right after he's revived#but idk idk i just feel like he won't be the first to initiate a hug with killua especially since i suspect he still feels quite guilty#i think it would show growth on both their parts. not to mention it'd be very sweet to have gon a bit blindsided + happily surprised#as he's the one typically honest and forthright with appreciation and compliments while killua is. not. lmao#i think he should receive a nice hug from his best friend. and then i think they would both know it's gonna be ok. :')#storyrambles#hunter x hunter#hxh#killua zoldyck#gon freecss#this is so sappy. what's wrong with me. this is what they do to me.
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eriexplosion · 11 months
One of the things I think about a lot with regards to Hunter is actually a Tech line.
"He was engineered with heightened senses. A place like the Cyber Center, Hunter can feel the electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on the planet."
"And here I thought we were smart just using a holomap."
"Well, maps can be wrong. Hunter never is."
Because yeah he's talking specifically about his tracking abilities but this statement can also be taken in a much more general way. And the pressure of that must be absolutely crushing. Every mistake he makes hurts his team, could get them killed, and that 100% success rate turns into a massive weight on his shoulders thinking that even one major fuck up could destroy them.
And then Crosshair's chip activates. Hunter can't fix it. They have to leave him behind and Hunter is angry at himself because he can never, ever fully forgive himself for Being Wrong, even though logically there was nothing he could do. That mistake turns paralyzing over time and I think that's a big reason that he's so hesitant to make any moves at all by season 2. If he holds completely still maybe he won't make another mistake.
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nightskyfoxyy · 11 months
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She had a nightmare, but its okay now.
(Was definately carried very gently back to bed as well. Ya know. After an hour or two.)
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Wrecker placing his hand on Hunter’s shoulder for comfort 🥰
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turtledotjpeg · 1 year
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This started out as just "hey I like both of these characters what if they interacted," but after seeing Melody crying about Kacho in chapter 400 I really wanted to draw her with someone who Gets It
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if no one else will give them a hug... can they hug each other :'(
Oito & Melody both have a tendency to freak out a bit in stressful situations, so I wondered if they might amplify that in each other haha. But on the other hand I could see them empathizing with each other and maybe being able to comfort each other? (or maybe I'm just a bit delusional lol)
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
Wounds Unseen
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summary: You and Hunter help each other through the fallout of Omega’s capture on Pabu.
pairing: sergeant hunter (tbb) x reader
tags: season 3 spoilers, angst, injuries (incl. blood), trauma, hurt/comfort, fluff
rating: T
word count: 3.298k
main masterlist • hunter masterlist
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You bit your cheek to try to keep yourself silent as you limped over and over on your injured leg. The skin hadn’t stopped burning or bleeding since the blaster bolt caught it, but that didn’t stop you from walking on it and ignoring the pain as you tried your best to find Crosshair.
You had seen it all happen. The distraction, the attempted shot, and the long arc the tracker made before it ultimately missed the ship created an image within your mind that was hard to get rid of. The way your heart had fallen into the pits of your stomach was even harder to ignore.
It had broken you, but there was no doubt you weren’t nearly as broken as Crosshair was. That weight was sitting firmly on his shoulders. And Hunter…
He didn’t even know.
Neither did Wrecker, who was still unconscious in Shep’s safe room. You tightened your jaw at the thought of it. He would be devastated, but he would keep himself strong for the sake of Omega and his brothers. He had done it before for you and Hunter. You could only hope that he had taken the time to process it—and that he would do so again.
Chaos was still ensuing all around you, but you were set on your own mission. The pain hiding at the edges of your senses threatened to creep in and drown out everything else. You pushed it back, intent upon focusing on your family instead. You weren’t far from where Crosshair had made the shot.
The closer you got, the more you began to realize you weren’t the first one to find him.
Elevated voices got louder as you picked up your pace as much as you could manage. There was no mistaking the sound of Hunter’s rage, which bit through each word he spoke—or yelled. Crosshair’s responses were full of his own venom, but it was undoubtedly aimed towards himself.
Either way, they were taking their devastation out on each other, and you couldn’t sit by and let it happen, especially not when you thought of how Omega would react to it. You winced as you went even faster, never stopping until Hunter and Crosshair were in full earshot.
“Whose fault is it now?” Hunter snapped at Crosshair as you struggled down a nearby staircase. He gave Crosshair’s armored shoulder a rough shove. “Who’s the one that let her go?”
“Hunter!” You called for him from where you had just stepped off the last stair. You swallowed back a cry of pain and made your way over to them.
“This was your choice, Hunter,” Crosshair snarled in response. “You were the one who left her to me. I did the best with what you gave me!”
“My choice?” Hunter scoffed and tightened his fists at his sides. “My choice, my order, was for you to stay with her and Wrecker! It was one simple order, Crosshair!” Hunter pushed off Crosshair’s chestplate that time. “And you couldn’t even follow it!”
“Hunter!” The adrenaline thankfully helped in hiding your pain as you stood close to the two of them. Crosshair had kept his helmet on, but Hunter’s was off, and his gaze was sending his brother threatening daggers. Both their armored shoulders heaved with visible anger. You set a hand on Hunter’s and held it tight. “Stop.”
“We’ve never been keen on following orders.” Crosshair’s tone was almost smug, but you read it well. He was masking his own pain. “What else did you expect? Stormtroopers would have found us there eventually. Omega decided to focus on the bigger mission.”
Your lips tightened at the slight waver in his voice. When you looked at Hunter, he lacked any of that same sympathy towards his brother.
“Not only did you let her do that, but you also didn’t hold up your end of the plan.” Hunter stepped closer to Crosshair and jabbed a gloved finger into the center of his chestplate. “You are the reason she’s there, now, and I won’t ever let you forget that.”
“And how did getting that shuttle go?” You tensed as Crosshair began to deflect his unbearable pain. “I wasn’t the only one who failed. We all did.” Crosshair pointed his finger towards Hunter’s head. “That’s what you should remember.”
Hunter’s anger boiled over. He reached an arm back and you leapt forward without thinking. “Don’t—!”
At the same time you leaned onto your injured leg, Hunter stepped forward with his, causing his leg to hit yours just inches from your wound. You cut yourself off with your own cry of agony as your leg gave out underneath you, and you fell to the stone at Hunter’s boots.
He immediately knelt down at your side, his hands holding your shoulders before one of them cupped the side of your face. “Hey, are you okay?” He was breathless in his worry, all the anger having fled from his gaze as concern poured over in the warm depths of his eyes. Hunter gave you a worried once-over, his hand moving from your shoulder to your leg. “I’m so sorry.”
There was a hand placed on your shoulder from behind, and you looked briefly to see Crosshair knelt behind you with his helmet tilted in his own concern. Despite the pained furrow in your brow, you nodded at him and turned back to Hunter. “It wasn’t you.”
You exhaled and shifted, biting back a growl as you showed Hunter your wound. His eyes widened to double their usual size before they snapped back to your own gaze. “You got shot?”
“Barely.” You gritted your teeth as you sat up more. Hunter’s gaze fell back to your injured leg as his thumb brushed mindlessly over your cheek. “It looks worse than it feels.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re lying.” He sighed, a worried crease still knit in his brow as he put his helmet back on and began to help you up. “We need to get that patched up while it’s still fresh.”
Crosshair stood with the two of you, but he refused to look at Hunter as he spoke solely to you. “How can I help?”
You offered him a small smile. “Can you stay with Wrecker? I don’t want him to be alone when he wakes.” You deflated and let your gaze fall away from Crosshair’s visor. “Especially with…”
You trailed off, and silence sat between the three of you for a long moment. Crosshair eventually nodded and shuffled away, heading back the way you first came. You closed your eyes and leaned more into Hunter, who took the extra weight with ease. His helmet looked over at you. “Are you sure you can walk?”
You nodded, offering him the same smile you had just given Crosshair as he started to crutch you to a safe place. The most reasonable place for you two to go would have been where Wrecker still was, but Hunter clearly had no desire to be anywhere near Crosshair—and you wanted the privacy to get through to Hunter, anyway.
Hunter’s hand tightened on your side when you winced while going around a corner. “How did it happen?”
You tightened your jaw and considered your words, but the truth was what he deserved. “I was laying down cover for Crosshair.” Hunter physically bristled at your words. “I was too focused on looking between him and the ship. I missed the trooper who was hiding in my peripheral.”
Hunter sighed and gave your leg another glance. “Looks like they got you good.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “They still partially missed.”
Hunter huffed in amusement at that. “True.” He brought himself closer to your side. “Let’s just be glad it wasn’t the Imperial shadow going after you.”
Silence fell over the two of you for the rest of your journey. The chaos returned the closer you got to the homes of the Pabu islanders, causing your stomach to turn in guilt. You couldn’t imagine how it must have made Omega feel. It was no wonder that someone like her would turn herself in to make it stop.
You and Hunter eventually arrived at one of the unoccupied homes that Shep had made available to you. When you stepped inside, your chest lit aflame with anger at the sight of everything being turned over. There was no doubt the Empire had searched this place, just as they had with everyone’s homes.
It no longer felt like the secret safe haven you and Hunter got to sneak away to. Just like the Marauder, a loss you weren’t close to processing yet, this had also been taken from you. And Omega…
That was a void you refused to acknowledge just yet.
Hunter moved away from your side to lift a chair up from where it had been knocked onto the floor. He then held you by the shoulders and eased you down onto it, urging you to keep your injured leg straight before he knelt down in front of it. Hunter was swift in removing his helmet and his pack. He sifted through its contents and pulled out the medpac.
As Hunter began to work, he tightened his jaw and spoke in a low voice. “I should’ve been there.”
You shook your head at him. “You were doing your part.” When Hunter didn’t respond, you set your hand over his, which had been offering him stability. “Crosshair didn’t mean what he said.”
Hunter gave you a quick warning glance, but it wasn’t threatening. The devastation in his gaze spoke for him.
“And I hope you didn’t mean what you said to Crosshair.”
Hunter continued his work on your wound even as he distanced himself from you. His hand slid out from under yours. “So, you’re taking his side?”
You sighed heavily. “There’s no side to take, Hunter.”
Hunter gave you an incredulous look. “He let her—.”
“He didn’t let her do anything.” You circled your jaw at him, conveying your severity. “Omega was going to turn herself in no matter what Crosshair said. She was set on it.”
Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “You say that like you were there.”
“I was.”
Hunter froze where he was, and a flash of betrayal lit up his brown gaze for a moment. It struck your heart, but you didn’t let that show. It was only after a long, tense pause that Hunter spoke in a chilling voice. “Then you let her do it, too?”
“I was with Wrecker, and they were also there. Like I said before, Omega was going to do it no matter what.” You glanced down at your lap, remembering that last embrace you had given her. “She wanted to get the coordinates to Tantiss. Not for herself, but for all the clones who are trapped there.” You scoffed and picked at the material of your pants. “She’s braver than any of us.”
When you gained the faith to look at Hunter again, you were devastated to see him kneeling there with his head hung low. His eyes were closed as if he was in pain. “There wasn’t anything we could have done?” His voice was hushed.
You lifted a hand to the side of Hunter’s face, urging him to look at you again as you caressed his flushed skin. “No, there wasn’t.” Hunter leaned into your touch and closed his eyes again. “Crosshair tried to talk her out of it. He was just as reluctant as any of us would have been.” Hunter reopened his eyes at that, and you ran your thumb over his cheek to soothe him. “And then he alone had to be responsible for the last part of the plan.”
Hunter’s gaze began to dart around the room as he cursed under his breath. He was gentle in holding your wrist to drop your hand from his face. “He’s already been worried enough about his shot with his hand.”
You nodded, grimacing with him as he processed everything. Hunter brought his hand to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, his armored shoulders rising and falling in a deep, heavy breath. He then shook his head.
“I messed up.” Hunter scoffed at himself. “Again.” You pulled the corners of your mouth tight in sympathy for him as he went on. “He’s already blaming himself, and I made it worse.”
You brushed some of the tufts of hair away from Hunter’s face, making him glance up at you again. You offered him an encouraging smile. “It’s not too late to make it right.”
Hunter returned your smile, but only for a moment. “Right. But first,” he turned his attention back to the medpac, “I have to make this right.”
You chuckled at that, just to wince when Hunter began to clean the wound. He let you hold his wrist while he worked, and you squeezed it any time the pain was too much. He would pause and give you time before trying again.
It reminded you of the times you would patch him up on the Marauder, both during the war and after. The thought of the ship made your heart sink yet again. It wasn’t just a ship to  all of you, or even just a temporary home.
It was one of the last pieces you had of Tech.
“I can’t believe the Marauder’s gone.” Your voice was a haunted whisper as you spoke.
The genuine sadness in your tone earned Hunter’s gaze. “I know.” He set a comforting hand on your non-injured leg. “It’s gonna be an adjustment.”
Sudden emotion began to well up in you. “I just… it always made me think of…”
Hunter’s eyes glazed over in understanding as he rose to his feet. “I know.” He repeated the words in a softer tone than before. Hunter held you against him for a long moment, your cheek pressed against his armor as he set a gentle kiss on your head. “At least Omega kept his goggles safe.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and willed the tear that hung on your lashes not to fall. Your voice was a broken whisper as you went on. “I miss him so much, Hunt.”
Hunter held you closer. “I do, too.” His own voice wavered, a rare occurrence for the one who always made himself so strong for the sake of his squad. “Things would be very different if he was… still around.”
You heaved a deep breath and stayed close to Hunter until you gained the strength to break away from him. He knelt back down to your level and wiped away the single tear with his thumb. You noticed he wasn’t far from shedding a tear himself. You shifted your focus onto him as you held his face between your hands. “How are you feeling about it?”
Hunter’s brow wrinkled together. “About what?”
You resisted the urge to scoff. “All of it.”
Hunter parted his lips to speak, then stopped. His gaze fell, and he circled his jaw the way he often did when he was struggling to maintain his composure. You ran your thumbs across his cheeks and waited patiently for him. His voice was a shattered remnant of himself when he spoke. “It feels like we just got her back.”
You eased your forehead against his and nodded. “I know,” you repeated Hunter’s own words from before. “But it was only a matter of time until they caught up to us.”
Hunter closed his eyes and held your wrists like he would fall away from the galaxy if he let go. “I can’t believe we have to do this again.” He shook his head, minding yours that still rested against his own. “We have to live this nightmare again.”
You sat in silence for a few moments before you dared to respond. “Omega’s strong, Hunter. She’ll be okay in there.” You took a deep breath. “But we have to make good on the plan. It’s not too late, yet. We can still find Tantiss.”
Hunter opened his eyes and looked at you with defeat. “How?”
You offered the most encouraging smile you could muster. “We’ll find a way. We always do, somehow.”
Hunter’s gaze searched yours as he tried to convince himself of your words. Eventually, he began to break into the smallest of smiles. “This is why you’re Sunny.” He lifted a hand to brush his thumb over your lips. “Our bright light in the dark.” He leaned closer at the same time as you, his mouth nearly on yours as he whispered one last thing. “My Sun.”
He closed the gap, letting the two of you indulge in the sweetest possible source of relief, comfort, and love. It was always those moments that allowed the two of you to escape the cruelty of the galaxy for even just a small sliver of time, where all you had to conceive of was one another and the affection you so deeply shared. It had taken a long time to get to that point, but now that you were there, neither one of you would ever take it for granted.
You pulled away with lingering lips, reluctant to let go of the moment as you faced reality once again. “We need to get back to Wrecker and Crosshair.”
Hunter exhaled softly and nodded to agree with you. You brushed a fallen piece of hair out of his face as he went back to finishing the dressing on your wound. He worked quickly with the clarity that your brief display of affection had provided, and soon, he was crutching you back to Shep’s. 
Some of the chaos had died down, with the Imperial forces having abandoned the island—and leaving it to burn. You scoffed to yourself at the mere thought of it. The livelihood of all the islanders was destroyed, and the Empire couldn’t have cared less. Knowing Omega was in their “care” made you sick.
When you got to Shep’s, you were disturbed to see that Wrecker still hadn’t woken. Crosshair rose from his place at Wrecker’s side, his helmet removed and his gaze fixed on anything and anyone except for Hunter. You shared an understanding glance with Hunter as he set you down beside Wrecker. He nodded and gently squeezed your non-injured thigh before turning to his brother.
“Crosshair.” Hunter cleared his throat as Crosshair met his gaze. “Can I speak with you, outside?”
Crosshair gave you a quick look, and you nodded in reassurance. He repeated the gesture to Hunter and let him lead the way outside. Hunter didn’t take them far, and they were only partially out of your view from the doorway. While you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you watched to see how it all would go, your hand resting on Wrecker’s boot for comfort.
Their rapport looked much calmer than before, and your chest began to warm when Hunter set a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. You were shocked when that gesture turned into something more, with Hunter offering his brother a comforting embrace. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself as they stayed there for a while.
You all had lost a lot that day, but there was no one person to blame—no one except the Empire. Now that you were united once again, they didn’t stand a single chance, and you were relieved that you helped Hunter to understand that. Hemlock could watch his back, but that wouldn’t be enough. None of you would stop until Omega was free, once and for all.
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main masterlist • hunter masterlist
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frost7077 · 3 months
TBB Ep. 5 random thoughts
So are we going to talk about how kriffing hard it must have been for Crosshair to be back on that icy rock?? I mean look at him during the time they spent there, we’re lucky we didn’t see his expression when he stepped off the ship… This poor man just saw that entire episode flash through his mind, and still managed to act (well as much as he could) like nothing happened there. He also knew what was waiting for him there and still took the squad there with him. And also Mayday’s theme playing in the background… I really wish he could have his buddy back..
Also the fact that Batcher is now literally Crosshair’s emotional support pet is sooo heartwarming but also kinda makes me wanna cry
Another thing is that I don’t know if it’s just me but Crosshair’s facial expressions softened so much, okay yes there are still moments where he just look like the good old grumpy Cross, but it’s becoming less and less frequent. He mostly acts softer with Omega which is understandable since she was the one who believed in him even when he was at his lowest.
But when Echo mentioned Tech and everyone just looked so emotionally devastated from that one mention EVEN Crosshair and his expression, I can’t…
There’s so much going on my mind right now about this episode I can’t even write them down, but whatever. It was a masterpiece in my opinion.
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