#giant walkingstick
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Submitted for classification by @spiderqueenpc
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can-of-pringles · 6 months
assign an insect to each of your OCs!
Third time trying to answer this because Tumblr won't stop freezing! Anyway here we go...
Akani: Frog-legged Leaf Beetle
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Kiomi: Bumble Bee
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Ruhara: Hickory Tussock Caterpillar
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Arline Lanes: Brown Mantidfly
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Fox: Baltimore Checkerspot
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Beatrice Maddison: Black and Red Blister Beetle
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Dannie Karim: Northern Walkingstick
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Stick bugs!!
Ryn Halvorsen: Eastern-tailed Blue Butterfly
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Silas Petersson: Bumelia Borer Beetle
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Pigeon: Pigeon Tremex
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Arith: Two-spotted Forester Moth
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Iriel: Gold Moth
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Kaia: White-striped Black Moth
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Odel: Volupial Mint Moth
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Eliška Hasek: Fire-colored Beetle
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Marigold Rosales: Golden Northern Bumble Bee
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Rosie Rosales-Maximoff: Rose Hooktip Moth
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Allison Dahir: Soft-winged Flower Beetle
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Lee Quinn: Big Poplar Sphinx
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Jelaa Latka: Australian Tiger Beetle
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Van Kahl: Giant Thorny Cricket because I love their goofy little faces
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junkmailmusubi · 6 months
Trick or treat :D
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NOTICE: (Giant Walkingstick was added to your inventory.)
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rjalker · 1 year
Devil's walkingstick my beloved.
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[ID: A photo of a white hand behind a large, light tan stem covered in pointed thorns. End ID.]
they form giant clusters of flower sometime soon. I want some.
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gooberdargon · 1 year
Ants can't possibly comprehend our existence, like they know we're here and they can understand we are something they can crawl on but like, if you showed an ant a piece of paper with the word ant on it, the ant wouldn't understand. It Physically can not understand what the thing you just showed it is. It'll maybe crawl on it, but show an ant anything else and it'll be the same result. Like if a god dropped a stone tablet with its language on it that said "pee pee poo poo" we can't understand what it says, the meaning. To us it's just a giant rock with some engravings on it. Ants can barely see too. They use pheromones to get around and basically its their version of a walkingstick. It would be impossible for an ant to read what that paper says. No way for it to understand, or care really. All that lil fella is doin is lookin for a crumb of food to feed its queen. Drop a crumb of whatever your eating next to an ant(check if its ant friendly first) and watch it joyfully carry it back home. Be nice to ants, they work hard
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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@jessiethelion submitted: I saw this absolutely gorgeous giant walkingstick while I was at work today! I've never seen them this big before (probably 8 inches?) but that's the bug life in [removed] lol.
This friend is BIG and BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT
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bugsandnaturethings · 4 years
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Not sure the species (thinking Giant Walkingstick) but I found this large friend while camping (:
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bogleech · 2 years
Things in nearly every good JRPG bestiary:
An attempt at a uniquely marketable slime, like dragon quest's teardrop slimes or final fantasy's flans
A major family of killer plants, either a spin on a Audrey II or flowers with teeth, bonus points for rafflesia or pitcher plant aspects
A really weird nasty thing famous for being toxic or smelly and causing all the status effects at once or something
Sea angel or jellyfish but it flies
Sea creature but it's fire element
The one with the eyeballs
Goofy looking monster race with a bunch of variants, like little furry critter people or hobgoblins, nobody in canon respects them but maybe there's a village of friendly ones to make you feel like a mass murderer
Ancient magic robot that exists to guard a lost civilization, probably has like glowing lines and some moss on it
Multiple giant bugs, but one of them is especially common, like is their "main" giant bug a stag beetle? A wasp? An earwig? I even saw some psx rpg where it was various reskinned walkingsticks and I can't remember which game!!
Little cute thing that can wreck you
Monster race that's like always "sexy," also always betrays wether the creators are furries or not
Something so messed up it's called like "unknown" or "enigma" or "abomination" or best of all just "???"
Inoccuous weird little creature that does something unexpectedly troublesome besides straight up offense like it eats your healing items or buffs the other monsters; an attempt at "the rust monster"
Thing that's just eyes looking out of a box or a cocoon or a spooky haunted door
Rare creature from entirely the wrong setting like you're playing a magical fantasy adventure but there's a 1 in 1000 chance of encountering a cartoon space alien in a UFO
Mimic that still tries to stand out from every other game's mimic
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warcrimesimulator · 2 years
top 5 insects!!
these asks are from last year but you know WHAT i am answering them now. congrats anon if you are still here.
Giant Walkingstick (Megaphasma denticrus)
Golden tortoise beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata)
Conehead mantis (Empusa pennata)
Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Hummingbird moths Hemaris
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safe8well · 5 years
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Visit our outlet at GIANT BUKIT TINGGI KLANG! #Safe8well #outlet #Giant #Wheelchair #WheelchairMaintenace #Wheelchairrental #KerusiRoda #HospitalBed #KatilHospital #commodechair #WalkingStick #walkingframe #walker #CarSeat #Stoller #babygear https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FlXpcBxNu/?igshid=1mz3x4yc8usov
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
lmao i was talkin about bugs with my mamma and i managed to name over 100 bugs/arthropods that i’ve seen with my own eyes. i’m so proud of my bug-seeing. <3
big dipper firefly
brown chafer
japanese beetle
cucumber beetle
seven spotted ladybug
rove beetle
eastern hercules beetle
six spotted neolema beetle
brown marmorated stink bug
eastern leaf-footed bug
leaf hopper
dog day cicada
periodical cicada
wheel bug
thread-legged assassin bug
pselliopus assassin bug
polyphemus moth
pandora sphinx moth
luna moth
tiger moth
snowy urola moth
hummingbird moth
nessus sphinx moth
somber carpet moth
wavy lined emerald moth (caterpillar)
eastern tent moth
eastern tent moth caterpillar
snowberry clearwing moth
monarch butterfly
tiger swallowtail butterfly
black swallowtail butterfly
zebra swallowtail butterfly
zebra wing butterfly
fiery skipper butterfly
silver spotted skipper butterfly
peck’s skipper butterfly
red admiral butterfly
red spotted purple admiral butterfly
cabbage white butterfly
common buckeye butterfly
chinese mantis
carolina mantis
field cricket
camel cricket
bush cricket/katydid
giant lubber grasshopper
american cockroach
german cockroach
oriental cockroach
carpenter ants
widow skimmer dragonfly
red saddlebags dragonfly
black saddlebags dragonfly
autumn meadowhawk dragonfly
blue dasher dragonfly
ebony jewelwing damselfly
whitetail skimmer dragonfly
green darner dragonfly
earwig :(
pill millipede 
wood louse
house centipede 
mosquitos, duh
fruit flies, duh
robber flies
crane flies
picture-winged flies
cicada killer wasp
european hornet
bald faced hornet 
eastern paper wasp
european paper wasp
eastern yellowjacket
european yellowjacket
southern yellowjacket
red paper wasp 
common paper wasp
black and yellow mud dauber wasp 
common thread waisted wasp
cuckoo wasp
spider wasp
mason bee
european honey bee 
sweat bee 
eastern bumblebee
american bumblebee
carpenter bee 
four toothed mason wasp
carolina wolf spider gotDAMN those motherfuckers are ENORMOUS
crab spider
marbled orb weaver
black widow spider
cobweb spiders
cellar spiders
three spotted jumping spider
american giant millipede
northern walkingstick
tiger bee fly
box elder bug
large milkweed bug
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dragonniar · 7 years
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Colored giant stick insect. #fantasy #insect #giant #walkingstick #stickinsect
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histsciart · 6 years
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Giant Winged Walking-stick (Phasma gigas). #SciArt from Louis Renard's Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabes (1754). View more in #BHLib: http://ow.ly/zJN1309pt99 _________________________________________________ #GiantWingedWalkingstick #Walkingstick #Insects #Entomology #HistSciArt #HistoricalSciArt #BiodiversityHeritageLibrary #BHLib #Biodiversity #NaturalHistory #Science #Art #ArtAndScience #Illustration #ScienceArt #Artists #ArtHistory
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gyrrakavian · 6 years
Hypothetical Pokemon region based on the Midwest
Unova is based on the East Coast, and the channel Mr. Buddy already did a video on a hypothetical region based on the Western United States, so I figured I’d write up one for a region based on the Midwest. If someone else wants to take a stab at this, be my guest. [IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, & WI]
It gets a bit rambly and isn’t entirely complete as I had trouble placing some of the gym types and there’s just so many choices for who to base the gym leaders and Elite Four on. But, I do throw out some suggestions here and there.
Terrain: There's shortgrass and tallgrass plains, mountains, semi-arid areas, lakes and rivers.
Starters: Region starters would be based on a tiger salamander, American badger, and the Eastern red bat (water, grass & fire respectively).
As to what the starters would end up as type wise; flying-fire for the bat is pretty obvious, but what about either a grass-ground or a grass-fight typing for the badger? I figured the water starter would more resemble a Hellbender in its final form and would have either the counter-intuitive typing of rock-water or dark-water from the Hellbender’s preferred habitat.
Other new Pokemon: New animal pokemon would likely be based around the alligator snapping turtle, American bison, copperhead or cottonmouth, coyote, either golden or bald eagle (we've got both), an egret or a heron, a hawk, mastodon (fossil), mudskipper, red and grey wolves, river otter or beaver, porcupine, prairie dog, pronghorn, sandpiper, stinkpot (a type of turtle), a toad, and warbler. There's so many possible bug types I made a separate list: arrowhead orbweaver, arrow-shaped micrathena, at least 2 beetles (probably a borer, water beetle, or tortoise beetle), a centipede, katydid, luna moth, a rodent or two (several to choose from), a jumping spider (probably Sassacus papenhoei or Phidippus audax) prairie walkingstick,  sweat bee, tolype or other woolly moth, a tortoise beetle, a weevil, and the white-lined sphinx moth.
If we were to get a new deer pokemon, a grass-ghost or ground-ghost typing would be interesting to see.
New plant-based pokemon would be based on boneset (Eupatorium), corn, soy, cottonwood tree, snakeroot (Asarum canadense), snakeroot (Polygala senega), wheat, and some of the various wildflowers.
New object-based pokemon would be based on scarecrow (ghost-grass), and American Civil War era cannons and mortars (ghost-steel), and a microphone.
Legendaries: Legendaries would probably be based on the Thunderbird (flying-electric), the The Water Panther (water-dragon) and a giant horned serpent (dark-dragon or dark-water).
Places and Cities: Major cities would be based on Branson, Chicago, Clevand, Detroit, Indianopolis, Kansas City, Milwauke, St. Louis, and Wichita. The notable sites would likely be be based on both Native American and Civil War sites in the region. With both the Mississipian culture (with emphasis on Cahokia) and the various Civil War battle sites and forts throughout the region. It would be interesting to see the St. Louis as something of a reconstruction of Cahokia in its heyday. Mount Rushmore would also likely be referenced in some way (both the presidents and Crazy Horse monuments). Being that Kansas has one of the world's largest salt deposits under it, the salt mine in Hutchison would also make a good spot to visit. Areas based on Nebraska and Iowa would likely get mashed together, same for the Dakotas. Kansas would be spared getting mashed in with Iowa and Nebraska due to the sheer number of ghosttowns the state has.
There'd be no getting around the regions history with both the Wild West and Prohibition. So, activities could include something based around either. Maybe a cattle drive sidequest, or a quickdraw event. Though, both would work as basis for the plot as well.
Routes: Special routes would include extreme hot-cold shifts, tornadoes, and prairie fires.
Gyms and Gym leaders: Considering the vast amount of history in the region, there's all manner of historical figures to draw from for the basis of gym leaders. Several writers, musicians, actors and artists, as well as notable inventors, atheletes and outlaws. Thirteen presidents were elected from the region, as well 11 US presidents having been born in the region. Plus, Eisenhower was raised in and retired in Kansas.
Just listing writers alone: Ray Bradbury, Gordon Parks, Truman Capote, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, William Allen White, Ernest Hemmingway, Mark Twain, Betty Friedan, Charles Schulz, Abigail Van Buren (Pauline Philips), David Mamet, Carl Sandburg, Ann Landers (Esther Lederer), (James) Langston Hughes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Garrison Keller, Standing Bear, Erma Bombeck, Zane Grey, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Michigan would have the water and steel gyms, Wisconsin the poison and ice gyms (Milwaukee breweries), Kansas the flying and ghost gyms (Air Capital of the World), Nebraska-Iowa would have the grass and normal gyms, the Dakotas would have the ground and fighting gyms. Missouri would have the rock gym for certain (the Ozarks) and something else. I wasn't really too sure about what all the other states would have. Maybe fairy and normal type gyms for Ohio? Anybody have any other suggestions for the rest?
The only gym leader I could really peg down would be for the Wichita gym. She'd be based on Amelia Earhart and two of the other trainers in the gym should be based on Clyde Cessna and Bill Lear. Though, I was thinking maybe John Brown (the dude was f---ing nuts) as basis for the ghost gym leader.
Elite Four: Again, tons of historical figures and artisans to choose from. If we went with entertainers, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney, "Buffalo Bill" Cody, and the Ringling Brothers. If singers, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, and Bob Dylan. If inventors; The Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, John Deere, and John Atanasoff (inventor of the digital computer).
You get the idea.
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mitchellkriegman · 4 years
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Found: Ancient walking stick - used by skinny giants. #skinnygiants #walkingsticks https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6CDfVFpQV/?igshid=1jz55mljih3qw
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thoughtcontainment · 6 years
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Good ol' Megaphasma denticrus, the Giant Walkingstick, hanging out on a Sunday afternoon.
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