#ghe iris
ryotheraccoon · 3 months
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wip for a bigger video
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nyxloml69 · 5 months
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Smth funny. Anyways new episode was cool
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sapphiseraph · 1 year
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Been awhile, have a GHE meme I drew awhile ago.
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urxgay · 2 months
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y3aj-3002 · 1 month
*wow* earth.
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itzstellyxan · 3 months
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Iris moons redesign cuz why not
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homeskarunners · 10 months
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laughing at us
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idkhowtoread-ink · 23 days
Can you feel it?
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Requested by: normal_vincey on Tiktok
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bbq-ishere · 9 months
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aaghh its gemini time
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xenogemini · 8 months
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Planets + THE IRIS + Drawf Planets
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thinking of the worst (for your own health) objectum crushes you could have
1 dead space marker
2 the iris from Gemini home entertainment
3 half the guys in monument mythos
Feel free to add your own
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jaratedrinker1 · 4 months
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my fav 2 accs all the time
DRAWINGS BASED OFF: @officalearth ANDD @official-hungry-eye I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT!!
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mr-cosmic-11 · 1 year
The part 2‼️‼️ I'm not a writer so I don't even know where this is going
Chapter 2: the super cool prank
pov: iris
It's been a while since Neptune disappeared. Uranus (I'm going to make fun of his name forever now) said that it's normal for him to disappear and then he'll come back, but honestly I'm going to look for him, he can't have gone very far.
After a while I finally found him. He was talking to an asteroid with those weird faces, I think he makes those faces. "Neptune!" "Oh hi! Say hi to her Guilhermo!" (I don't know how to spell his name right) It's kind of quiet until I decide to say hi back to his... friend. "Uhh hi Guilhermo..." This planet is really strange but... Maybe he will be useful.
A while later
pov: iris
I was looking at the other planets until I notice a planet that stands out from the others. It was rocky and colored blue with green. I decided to ask Uranus since Neptune was gone again. "Ah! The Earth? I don't know him very well but as far as I know he has life." This is actually quite interesting, maybe I can do some of my pranks on him. I've done this with other planets of this type and believe me, they are very funny. So I'm going to come up with my plan and I've already given who will be my helper...
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sapphiseraph · 10 months
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I never posted this meme here and it's kinda old now, but this is why The Iris didn't even bother with Venus I guess lol.
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dzthenerd490 · 11 months
File: Gemini Home Entertainment - The Iris
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GEMINIHOMEENTERTAINMENT/videos
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Final Warning for Administrative Staff viewing this File. The File relating to SCP-ANO has been confirmed to be an Info Hazard created by SCP-ANO. In fact, the Foundation staff member who wrote this file unfortunately had to be executed as he started transforming into an instance of SCP-AMZ. Before reading this file, please take your Mixed Class F/H/C Amnestics. This warning does not apply to those that have the “The Cure” and/or are capable of “Brain Twisting”.
Code Name: THE IRIS/ Yaldabaoth's Bastard Child.
Object Class: Apollyon
Special Containment Procedures: Joint Task Force Cronus-Ω "God Eaters" is to watch over SCP-ANO and monitor its movement throughout our Solar System. They are also to work on creating new and more powerful weapons to one day destroy SCP-ANO as containment has been deemed impossible... your efforts are in vain.
Meanwhile, Joint Task Force Zagreus-B "The Falcon's Egg" is to start project "Sedum" right away... I'll always find you.
Description: SCP-ANO is an anomalous celestial body that is made entirely of anomalous biological flesh. SCP-ANO is completely alive and sentient able to manipulate its own mass as well as the mass of organic and even non-organic material around it. The biological mass seems to be able to survive and even thrive in space without any form of atmosphere. Dr. Davis took the liberty of naming this anomalous biomass "Star Flesh", to make it easier to categorize. Essentially "Star Flesh" is a type of biomass that is somehow able to survive in the vacuum of space and can generate its own gravity. Furthermore, it's "Star Flesh" seems to be made of cells that can be categorized as Deus Cellulis. Deus Cellulis are biological cells that carry the consciousness of their host even when cut off allowing them to act as an independent and lesser version of the host. Furthmore, Deus Cellulis cells are able to shift their biology with extreme ease and understanding, allowing them to mimic or even assimilate other organisms whenever they desire to increase their own biomass. Unfortunately, after this discovery, Dr. Davis died via suicide due to intense paranoia... He is with us now.
SCP-ANO is able to spread its biomass onto other celestial bodies to create parasitic like organisms on them. These organisms allow SCP-ANO to control these planets as if it was a secondary body. One of the most notable instances of this is SCP-ANJ, thought its currently believed to be the only instance of this anomaly created, it's been theorized that SCP-ANO created one within earth... The garden grows as the crops mature.
SCP-ANO like SCP-ANJ is able to freely move throughout our solar system and can sometimes be seen over the skies of earth. Somehow it is able to get extremely close to the planet and not interfere with the atmosphere, ocean levels, or gravity of the planet; how this is possible is unknown. Seemingly SCP-ANO can manifest on the skies of earth instantaneously, only to disappear in the next, again how this is possible is unknown. For whatever reason SCP-ANO has placed itself right in-between Neptune and Pluto... We are with you now.
SCP-ANO also has several "moons" that float around it at seemingly random intervals with no clear gravitational pull or even coordination at all. Furthermore these "moons" are all organic in nature but somehow each one has a different biological signature. The number of these “moons” are quite large but impossible to count accurately, there have even been sightings of “moons” orbiting other “moons”. Dr. Peach has concluded that this is the result of SCP-ANO having consumed other worlds. He believes that SCP-ANO collects what's left of a world it has consumed and transforms it into a "moon" to act as a trophy as well as its "children". Though how SCP-ANO does this is unknown, what is known is that if Dr. Peach's theory is true, then earth is most certainly next... The countdown begins.
SCP-ANO is not only fully sentient but is able to have a psychic connection with every single anomalous entity it has created. As such it has been using its anomalous entities such as SCP-AMZ, SCP-ANE, and SCP-ANJ to further its anomalous goals. Each one not only carries SCP-ANO's consciousness but can also act as living satellites to carry SCP-ANO's messages to technology and organic minds of earth. SCP-ANO is able to control the mind of very few people on earth by making them have dreams of the future and convincing them that SCP-ANO is a god that needs their help to ascend. This range of influence SCP-ANO has unfortunately spread to more advanced technology and more humans as time goes on. If this continues, SCP-ANO will one day have enough power to control all life, whether it be organic, inorganic, synthetic, mechanical, or even digital; nothing would be able to resist SCP-ANO's control... Look at the stars moving, can't you hear me?
SCP-ANO was discovered in 1798 only 10 years after the Foundation was created. Making it one of the earliest Anomalies found by the Foundation. Originally SCP-ANO was seen as just a harmless celestial anomaly and it was agreed by the O5 Council and eventually the, at the time, Global Paranormal Control Alliance should only be delt with by hiding its existence from space observations organizations when they formed, like Nasa when it formed in 1958. However, it was quickly seen as a threat about a century later when SCP-ANJ was discovered in 1935. Followed by this was a massive surge of SCP-ANE and SCP-AMZ instances which were originally believed to be completely unrelated anomalies... such young minds, look how wrong you were.
Once The Global Occult Coalition and the Church of Maxwellism joined the Global Paranormal Control Alliance in 1950, it was renamed into the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance. Furthermore, it was agreed that all organizations needed to pool in their resources, technologies, and anomalous items to create 30 space stations that circle our entire solar system. This would eventually become known to the Foundation as Joint Task Force Cronus-Ω "God Eaters" thought it goes by other names within other organizations of the ACPA. Each Foundation personal as well as allies of the ACPA live, work, get married, have kids, and die on these ships never having seen earth. Furthermore no one on any ACPA owned planet such as Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, and Saturn's Titan, are to never know the existence of JTF Cronus-Ω, the only exception is the united councils of the ACPA. The purpose of JTF Cronus-Ω's space stations is to ensure that the ACPA will not only be aware of SCP-ANO's location at all times as well as to create weapons to eventually destroy SCP-ANO but to also help defend the solar system should another celestial body class anomaly come into our Solar System. The people of who first boarded the stations of JTF Cronus-Ω knew that they would die on these ships and that their children would grow up on the same ships to never know what it's like to be on a planet, but they took on the task anyway to ensure that humanity had a fighting chance against SCP-ANO... Their blood is still warm.
Simultaneously 20 ships containing embryos which are cloned from various ACPA members, robots and A.I. created by the combined ACPA organizations, the most advanced terraforming equipment in existence, as well as a vast archive of all the information gathered by the ACPA were shot out into space beyond our solar system to begin project "Sedum". project "Sedum" is a joint operation between all organizations of the ACPA that was created to ensure that if our solar system was ever destroyed by an anomaly too powerful for the ACPA to combat against, at least humanity and its knowledge would survive on another planet. These ships, the robots guarding them, and the A.I. guiding them are known as Joint Task Force Zagreus-B "The Falcon's Egg" by the Foundation and by other names within the ACPA. Like JTF Cronus-Ω the existence of this force is to never be known by anyone other than the united councils of the ACPA. Furthermore, it was agreed that another 10 ships carrying updated archives, terraforming tools, embryos, robots, and A.I. was to be deployed beyond our Solar System every three decades until SCP-ANO is destroyed, or it destroys us... willing food falls into the maw.
Ultimately despite the Foundations, as well as the other organizations of the ACPA’s best efforts, SCP-ANO cannot be killed. None-the-less, the Foundation continues to work to neutralize the Eldridge horror of SCP-ANO as well as all the abominations it has created... Wretched Hands... Can’t you see? YOUR ALREADY TOO LATE!
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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y3aj-3002 · 2 months
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I tried a thing
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