#gerry and his shitty hair
allknowingbirb · 8 months
Statement giver: I saw the most terrifying thing ever, and then this goth dude shows up and he has spooky eye tattoos, also I should mention *really* shittily dyed hair. I normally don't know how good or bad a dye job is, but this was *so* bad that I couldn't not notice it.
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sydneighsays · 9 months
Gerard Keay, based on a doodle I did at work. My Instagram story poll bullied me into finishing it digitally ☹️
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You can't convince me that this man wasn't dual touched by both beholding and the hunt.
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starbound-wanderer · 3 months
Let’s make a hypothetical Magnus archives tv show
What actor currently working are you casting as Gerry?
Cole Sprouse is my “kinda funny but he’d kill it” answer but my real answer is 100% Amar Chadha-Patel cause he could be a very Tall Goth Man who has a lot of angst
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soppingwetrat · 3 months
okay listen. i can forgive people headcanoning gerry as non goth (although i despise it). i can forgive him not having any piercings or tattoos. but being blonde???!?!?!?? fucking BLONDE GERRY?!?!?!?!!?? bro that's disgusting. literally so cursed. I shudder just thinking about it.
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Gerry Keay, except he used to have naturally curly hair. Not anymore though, straightening (and bleaching) and dying it black since he was 14 fucked it up enough that even when it's freshly washed (such a rare occurrence tbh) it's just sort of pathetically wavy. And he has no regrets about it, Mary's hair was also curly before, y'know, she buzzed it all off.
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rainedroptalks · 3 months
I don’t think TMAGP-Gerry has the eye tattoos, but in my heart he still has shitty dyed hair. That had nothing to do with the trauma he’s just bad at dying his hair
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z3nitsusgf · 1 year
omg help me your Roman Roy fic was amazing,,, you truly have a gift .
we need more Roman pussy eating fics! just thinking about his hands moving up your skirt, you sitting up on his big important boss man desk, his face buried between your legs, stubble grazing your inner thigh, you grab his hair and your back arches, head thrown back, your gasps and moans are echoed by his own as he gets off from eating you out.
You resist the urge to make a sound. Even though he’s lapping at your cunt like a fucking dog, you restrain yourself. You gnaw on your lip, feeling the busted capillaries at the surface release that familiar iron taste. You’re wet, embarrassingly so. You can hear the slick sloppy sounds of Roman sucking at your clit. You’re breathing heavy, panting and clawing at his desk as if that’ll help.
Anyone could walk past and see you getting tongue-fucked by their bosses son. Not that they’d say anything, but you’d be absolutely mortified.
“Roman- please, you can’t,” you squirm when he nips your folds, “not here.”
He groans, you sound so whiny. So breathy and on the verge of crying. He grips at your hips, your pencil skirt slid up and pooled around your waist. Panties tugged down (semi-ripped) across your ankles.
“Shut up.” He mumbles into you, the stubble across his jaw prickling your inner thighs. You jump at the feeling, squeezing around his head. You whine, trying not to kick up your legs and crush him.
“Just let me fucking drown myself in your pussy.”
He’s pawing at your hips, slipping them from outside to in. Running clean hands across your jumpy thighs and over your slick folds. He smashes his thumb against your sticky clit, rubbing sloppy harsh circles against the soft bud. Your hips stutter, he chases your bucking hips to rub at your clit.
He asks with a grin, he knows you are. He loves it. You whine, feeling the wet stickiness between your thighs drip.
There’s most definitely a puddle of cum and slick underneath your ass. But Roman doesn’t give a shit, he’ll probably get some underpaid janitor to clean it up. It’s not like they haven’t done it before. Vaguely, you wonder what would happen if someone important saw. Like his brother, or his dad. Or even Gerri.
“Fuck, you’re fucking dripping.” He mumbles, hair messy and swept back. Strands of brown draping across his wide eyes and tickling your thighs.
You let out a yelp when he buries his face back between your legs, licking from the bottom of your cunt to the very top. It’s like he’s making out with it, dipping his tongue in and moaning at the way he can feel you clench around the soft pink muscle. He’s almost tempted to just say fuck it and fuck you over the desk. Who cares?
You feel like you’re gonna pass out. You’re panting, chest heaving and you scratch at his expensive glossy desk, nails trying to find purchase without tugging at your bosses hair. Your moans have his cock leaking against his slacks, staining the light grey dark. He tries not to hump the air, but it gets harder with each passing second. He might cream his pants if he’s not careful.
“Gonna soak my face, hm? Gonna get nice and fucking wet for me?”
You wish you could say you hate the way he speaks to you, but you’d be lying. It makes you whimper and drip and clench around nothing. Nodding your head and shuffling your hips to try and get a better angle. Roman grins like a fucking demon, staring up at you while he demolishes your pussy. Sucking at your sensitive clit and pressing his thumbs into your thighs to hold you open. It’s debauched, messy and wet. The definition of slutty.
It’s like the middle of a shitty porno, a boss eating out his favorite assistants cunt on his desk. Uncaring of the consequences because he’s never had to face them before.
Because who’s gonna tell the Roman Roy shit?
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desolationtimstoker · 2 months
gerry keay (classic flavor):
skinny. not in a way most people notice off the bat, because he's quite tall and very good at looking big, but leitner hunting burns a lot of calories and he's been chronically underfed for most of his life
eye tattoos on each of his joints, placed there by supernatural means as a protective ward against other powers
his hair always looks like shit for several reasons, including but not limited to:
- he doesn't like to dye it when his mother is around, both because of the vulnerability of the position and because he doesn't like to be Perceived by her while doing anything he actually. ya know. enjoys. this means that it has a lot of time to fade and his roots grow out.
- if she's around too often for a stretch of time, he has to find a local business he hasn't already been banned from and rinse it out in one of their sinks. this leaves it looking understandably patchy and rushed.
- the dye he uses is cheap as hell -- having his own money is an occasional luxury which cannot be taken for granted.
- he just. generally doesn't take care of himself and his hair suffers overall as a result. he doesn't shower often enough and when he does he uses precisely one (1) type of soap. and it's like. if they have irish springs bar soaps in england then it's that and if they don't then it's the closest equivalent.
he isn't actually like. goth. as we would think of it.
black clothes don't show bloodstains and they made him feel safe edgy and dangerous as a teenager.
we're talking thrift store jeans purchased when he was 16 an never replaced. maybe some band tees. boots for marching into a den of hunt avatars.
the leather jacket is also secondhand and while yes he does feel very badass and cool in it it's also a practical piece. good for fighting. especially when the people you're fighting might have claws or want to set you on fire.
sewing needle piercings with visible scarring around them.
he just generally looks. kinda sick all the time? again, not something that usually registers because he's also good at being intimidating but if you're looking for it there's all kinds of evidence of chronic sleep deprivation and malnutrition. he looks unhealthy, concerning.
gerry keay (tmagp):
goth. like, real goth. like buying from thrift stores still but more often and having fun with it now.
we're talking fishnets. we're talking eyeliner. we're talking black lipstick. we're talking absurd and impractical jewelry. we're talking dabbles in lacy skirts and definitely owns a corset. and yes he still wears a leather jacket but exclusively because it feels cool and badass. he's goth babey!
no longer skinny. precise body type is whatever your heart tells you is true but three square meals agree with him and he's gained a very noticeable amount of weight.
the hair dye is still not professional, his roots grow in occasionally and it's still a bit patchy, because he's still doing it at home, but also. he's doing it at home. it's fun, and he has fun with it. the dye is better quality. gertrude helps him with touchups. black is still a favorite but he's dabbled in other colors, dark purples and greens and blues.
loves to be covered in stuff. when he's baking, he will intentionally smear flour on his black pants and make it look accidental, and when he paints he doesn't wash his hands. this is partially so he can see the evidence himself, and partially because he wants people to notice it and ask. he wants to say, "oops, i was baking earlier, i must've wiped my hands on my pants."
he still has shitty irresponsible piercings from when he was a teenager. the more recent ones are more professional.
his tattoos are pretty and useless. he designed most of them himself.
there's color in his face. sleeping gets a little easier every night.
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evilwizardcrab · 6 months
ok i feel like I'm going insane here because I was going through the transcipt of every episode where gerry is mentioned (like a normal person) and. um
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turns out not a single person who describes him even mentions his hair being badly dyed? thats actually so fucking funny. did we as a fandom just collectively gaslight ourselves into insulting a guy for a shitty dyejob that doesn't even exist
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badgrav-31 · 3 months
my gerry headcanons I think are. he still loves metal but he has the space to breathe and enjoy life and love himself. so with this in mind, my headcanons.
tma gerry
smokes more than he drinks water
death metal
shitty, shitty hair dye
wears black makeup and nail varnish but throws his look together as quickly as possible so it is also shitty
death metal
does not take care of his piercings at all
does not know what a coloiur is (only wears black. because he is sad and edgy)
tmagp gerry
does not smoke
more metalcore and folk metal than really heavy metal
has the time and patience to put care into his hairdye
his hair is messy though. from the headbanging
sometimes he ties his hair back and its the hottest thing you ever seen
carefully handpainted patches on a flannel shirt
generally envisage him with a more grunge/folk punk appearance than metalhead now. hes still a metalhead though
he still wears ripped black jeans and band tshirts. obviously
maybe now he will allow a Colour or even Two Colours into his outfit. wouldnt want to go overboard though.
obviously both versions of gerry have snakebites thats important to me. also. trans
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I think tma Gerry had more than just his blond roots showing. Like I picture the entirety of his hair is patchy, and the back is almost more blond than black. For one of your most memorable traits to be your shitty dye job I think you'd have to have more than just needing a root touch up
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the-gay-cousin-666 · 1 year
Everyone keeps commenting on Gerry's "poorly dyed black hair" and how badly he must have fucked up the dye job to be a reoccurring description.
I just dyed my hair with black henna and let me tell you, very easy to fuck up.
So I raise you a headcanon of Gerry lathering his waist-long hair with that goo, suffering for three hours while the henna sets, only for it to turn out so shitty that it turns into his key descriptor.
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transmascswagpolls · 12 days
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
GERRY: Gender Tomfuckery GIN: CANON Transmasc (identifies as transmaculine nonbinary)
The Magnus Archives, The Caligula Effect 2
GERRY PROPAGANDA- Just… so iconic. He’s emo! He’s got eye tattoos everywhere! He’s deceased! When he said that his friends called him Gerry and his mom called him Gerard? SO TRANS!! he has shitty dyed black hair. is really tired all the time. he’s got everything meaningful to transmascs. GIN PROPAGANDA- HE IS CANONICALLY TRANSMASC. Like literally, he’s in the closet for most of the game and reveals it to the protag through his character episodes. He has high-heels in his magical girl form and he does backflips and axe kicks in them
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Code Blue Ch. 50 - Red Dawn
Summary: A tense car ride is full of twists and turns. Josie gets an upsetting message. Craig softens and he and Jo seem to bond as they share another long talk. A phone call leaves Jo with more questions than answers.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, anxiety, drinking,
Chapter characters: Luke, Josie, Craig, Lee
Chapter word count: 7,953
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist:
Salem, Massachusetts
March 22, 2022
The tedious drive back to Salem seemed like an eternity and it was deafly quiet, except for the cat-like purr of Luke's Charger. As soothing as the subtle sound was, it still couldn't calm the seething tension between you and the law abiding bad boy that consistently chewed on his thumb nail, for it was much too close for comfort in the compacted side by side space.
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But as the cruising car entered Essex county, your focus then went to the mile long monster that lied up ahead. The Salem Harbor Bay bridge that you had recently drove over with Orlando with no choice, for time had been of the essence to get to Dave and this time, your reaction was not much different as your anxiety began to rise, but at least that time, you were in the driver seat. You had control and had someone with you that you trusted and felt safe with and that got you through it. Now, you were literally bound by your wrists and at the mercy of a man who's personality was all over the place. Hot, cold, gentle, savage. It was mood swing madness and you had been stupid enough to wake the lion.
The no speaking agreement was now over for you as you became desperate. "Can you please go another way?"
Luke's tone was cold and his words were straight to the point. "Nope. Freeway. Nowhere to turn around. This way is faster. The sooner I get you out of my car and my sight, the better."
You supposed you couldn't blame his anger after shoving him like you did. You were angry with yourself too, for look where it had landed you. In cuffs and facing prison time for assaulting a cop. Jesus, how were you going to get out of this one? You hated to admit it but Luke was probably right. Gerry couldn't do anything for you. Not without jeopardizing his job and his morals, but...it didn't mean he wouldn't try and you had to hold out hope for that, for if anyone could find some loophole to free you, it was your ex-fiance. You also knew that his guilt over his drunken one-nighter with your sister would give him the extra incentive, not to mention, he still loved you and now you were the one who felt guilty for even thinking of using that against him. BUT, you had the same issue you recently had with Dave. Gerry was M.I.A. and now with that added onto the Brobdingnagian bridge rapidly approaching, your nerves might just send you into a code blue.
Seconds before the wheels thumped over the divide from stable ground to an abyss of lung filling liquid, Luke couldn't help but notice your fear through his random side eyed glances at you as your body stiffened up, your breathing ceased and your eyes clenched shut. He pretended not to notice as he stared straight ahead and tried not to care but deep below the hardened shell of a man, the Grinch's small heart grew 3 sizes that day.
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"What's going on Jo?"
"Just shut up and drive. Faster would be great." you muttered, eyes still closed.
"Can't. There's a truck in front of me and I can't pass. Double lines."
Your left eye peeked at Luke. "Oh my god mister holier than thou. Trying to make up for the shitty things you've done by being a model citizen now? What happened to the skillful driver who perfectly whipped my Monte Carlo around every turn in town like he was Luke Duke in the General Lee trying to outrun Rosco P. Coltrane?'
"But Bo always drove the majority of the time."
"Yeah I know that! I just thought it was more fitting to say Luke since that's your name and your hair is dark like his."
"True I suppose. I didn't care for Bo anyways. I don't like blonde hair."
There was silence as both of your eyes were now open and glaring at him as he stared straight ahead with that curled smug smirk of his.
You then raised a smart ass brow. "So that's why you cuffed and stuffed me."
Luke's eyes swung right over to yours and now you were giving the smug smirk.
"I cuffed you because that blonde hair of yours caused you to do something extremely stupid. Now, I thought we weren't talking?"
Your lips pursed and your eyes slitted. "We're NOT! So just hurry up and get us over this bridge already."
"We've been over it for the past 30 seconds."
You straightened up in your seat and looked around to see that you were now on a rural road surrounded by forestry.
"Hmmph." you marveled as you burrowed back into your heated leather seat. "Guess I was distracted."
Luke grinned as he glanced at you. "Exactly. It usually does the trick."
"Wait, so...you only engaged in conversation with me to distract me from my fear??"
"Yep and it worked like a charm. Guess I' m not such a bad guy after all."
"Says you."
His eyes snapped to you as he grimaced. "Why do you hate me so much?"
"Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question??? Can you please just STOP talking now??"
"Whatever." he mumbled and sped up.
Not even a minute passed and Luke was speaking again. "So...you're afraid of bridges huh? Why's that?"
Rolling your eyes, you sighed and continued to gaze out the window as you reluctantly replied.
"I'm not afraid of bridges. I'm afraid of heights. There's a difference."
"So, more so, you're afraid of falling really."
"Well duhhhh...and falling into what lies beneath it. All the weight of that water, just pulling me down further and further into it's ice cold depths where there's nothing but darkness and it fills my lungs as my panic forces me to suck it in, trying to breathe."
"Or...you could always swim."
Your eyes lowered as you became quiet and began fidgeting with your fingers.
As Luke looked at you, awaiting your usual mordant riposte, he quickly realized why you hadn't.
"You...you can't swim?"
"Does this even matter? Why can't you just leave me alone and quietly revel in my misery? I got my just deserves. But hey, if you do happen to find a heartbeat under that cold and austere armor, could you not mention this to my mother for the time being? This is the last thing she needs right now."
You wriggled your hips in the skintight seatbelt so you could turn towards the window to hide the oncoming tears of shame and once Luke couldn't see you, they poured out of your eyes like a waterfall. What you didn't consider was that he could see your emotional reflection in the glass as you silently sobbed.
5 minutes of faint intermittent whimpers and sniffles were unwillingly heard loud and clear by Luke. As he came to a stop at a red light, he looked over at you and that's when his own anxiety got the better of him.
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Seeing you all vulnerable and huddled against the door like a child sent a stinging twinge of empathy through his heart and made him question if what he was doing was right, even if you did break the law, for he had goaded you and not only that, your anger was justified about Lee. He wasn't going to tell you that though or the fact that he spent many nights weeping and beating himself up over what happened between him and his once upon a time good friend. It was extremely hard for him to speak about just as it was for Lee, for Luke knew it was all of his own fault by intentionally knocking over the first domino, he just never knew the chain of events would lead up to what it did. What he did know is that someday, you would know the ugly truth.
As Luke neared the road that led straight into downtown Salem, the guilt trip he was on forced him to abruptly stop and turn around.
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As he pulled to the side of the road and parked, you were already sitting straight up with wet and wildly confused eyes.
"What are you doing? The police station is the other way?"
"I'm not going there. Give me your hands."
"Jo, just give me your hands before I change my mind."
As you slowly and unsurely swayed your hands in his direction, he grabbed them, startling you as he vigorously unlocked the cuffs, then yanked your seatbelt off.
"There. Go on. Get out of here."
You sat speechless for a moment, staring at him as he stared out of his window, chewing his thumb nail once again.
"You...you're letting me go...just like that??"
"Did I not just take the cuffs off and tell you to go?"
"Ok but...here? You want me to walk? It's at least another mile to get back to my apartment."
"Can't you just thank me and get out?"
"Why won't you look at me and WHY are you doing this?"
"God damn it." he grumbled and side eyed you. "Why are you such a pain in the ass??!! Just fucking go!"
"Not until you tell me why you changed your mind and are freeing me into the wild like some caged bird??!!"
His palms slapped over his face and then he roughly dragged them down as he groaned in frustration.
"If I tell you, will you fly away???"
"Depends on what the answer is."
"Holy fucking hel..." he began as his fuming eyes met yours, but abruptly paused when he saw the remnants of your tears, then popped the glove box open, ripped a tissue out and held it in front of you as he continued, refusing to look at you once again.
"It's what you said about your mum. You're right. She don't need this. I spoke with her briefly last night and she was quite distraught about Megan so, I just feel with all her grief over one daughter, she don't need the added stress from another."
"So you're telling me you're doing this for my mom??"
"You sound like that's incredibly hard to believe."
"I don't know what to believe from you anymore Luke. One minute, you're this sweet and caring man that seems to have a heart, like the one who once came to my mom's house and comforted me through an anxiety attack and even defended me against my sister and stopped me from strangling her, WHICH ironically I was doing for you with Landy only 24 hours prior when you morphed into robot Arnie the freaking terminator...and the next minute, you're back to being human again, helping me back there on the bridge and now you're claiming to let me go out of sympathy for my mom."
You sat back in a huff, realizing that Lee was behaving the exact same way and you were at a crossroads, literally, on what to do anymore about either of these messed up men.
Luke sighed and softened up a bit. "Look Jo. I don't know what else to say. I pushed you over the edge, waving a red flag at you. If I hadn't done that, I don't think we would be sitting here right now."
And so you softened up a bit too. "Yeah well, I pretty much came at you sideways and got you all riled up."
Luke chuckled and shook his head, then looked right at you with a disbelieving smile.
"What?" you asked, returning a half smile as your eyes curiously tried to figure him out.
"You. You're so afraid of all these things that are bigger than you and here I am, at least 3 times your size, yet you weren't afraid to shove me on my ass. I'm not sure what shocks me more. The fact that you did it or the fact that you were even able to do it. I admire that fire in you Jo. Don't ever let anyone try to put it out. With that said though, use that fire on those other than authority. If it were anyone other than myself or Gerry, you'd be at the station right now being booked as we speak."
You gasped. "Oh god, speaking of, I better call Dave and tell him because I guarantee he's already on his way to bail me out and you'll be busted. I mean, it's the least I can do so you don't lose your job over me."
Luke sat quietly stunned as you made the call, telling Dave to turn around and asking him to keep what he knew under wraps.
"There. He won't say anything. I really hope you are going to lay off of him now."
"As long as these ferry tickets he gave me and the ferryman's words all coincide, he should be good. Thank you Jo and... for the record, I wouldn't have just left you out here. I would have let you sweat for about 5 minutes and then came back." Luke teased with the usual curled grin, then put the car in drive.
Your riposte came out of left field and definitely struck a nerve. "Thanks for sparing me from being another victim of love em and leave em Luke."
Luke gritted his teeth, appalled by knowing that either Orlando or Lee had told you about his notorious moniker of his younger days that he had long forgotten about and wanted to keep it that way.
"This joy ride is over. It's time for you to go home and...about Lee. Just stop asking me. It's his story to tell. Put your seatbelt on."
"It's not just his story when you're involved."
"Wasting...your...breath." he firmly certified and slid a cd in, hoping to shut you up.
You buckled your belt then crossed your arms and scoffed as you sank back into the seat. When a song came on, Luke cranked it up and began mumbling the words as he tapped his fingers upon the wheel and both the singing and the choice of music had your eyes gaping at him with an severely raised brow.
"There'll be no strings to bind your hands..." he began and then snickered as he glanced at you. "How fitting eh?"
"Seriously? You have a Juice Newton cd? Why am I not all that surprised."
"You're mocking me when you clearly know who she is?"
"Nope. Not at all. It's just that the night you drove my car, your choice of music was quite different and frankly much better."
"Oh, you mean Radar Love. Yeah well it was fitting for the occasion just like this one because now here we are with you, a cheery oh angel of the morning." he razzed and then beamed a snarky smile full of teeth.
Shaking your head, you heavily sighed and looked away, trying to ignore the overgrown infant beside you, but that quickly became impossible when he began crooning out the chorus, which you knew was solely just to annoy you.
"Whad'ya think? Next American Idol winner?" he gloated and howled on with his karaoke session, which if you were to be honest, Luke had a damn good set of pipes but you wouldn't dare tell him that because then he would certainly never shut up.
"Goblin king, take this baby away from me!" you irrationally jeered, then flung your head back against the seat and closed your eyes to try and zone him out, hoping he would take the hint to leave you alone, but you should have known better than that.
Luke's speedy riposte was a breath stealing punch to the gut and you had pretty much had set yourself up for it.
"Oooo ouch. That's rich coming from you. You know Jo, you should really be careful what you wish for since children seem to go missing when you're around."
Just as your eyes snapped open from the sting of his tongue, Luke was pulling up in front of your apartment and low and behold, Craig was outside speaking with what appeared to be a gardener.
"What a coinkydink. Daddy dearest in the flesh. So, does he know that Blaise was right within his reach that night and you knew and didn't...."
"He knows alright! I..I told him yesterday and now, I guess I'll be moving back in with my mom."
"Oh? Why not move in with Lee? You're basically at his place and up his arse all the time anyways aren't you?"
"Now you're the one wasting their breath. We're done here Luke. And if I were you, I'd get out of here before Craig sees you. Besides me, you're not exactly his favorite person."
"Not worried in the least."
As you opened the door, Luke touched your shoulder. "Hey Jo."
"What now??"
"Just be careful around him ok? You're probably better off to get away from him."
"And that's rich coming from YOU." you argued and got out.
Before you could close the door, Luke had more to say.
"Oh and Jo."
"Oh my god, what Luke??"
"Don't let the door hit you in that cute ass."
You shot a death glare at the derogative detective, then slammed the door and heard the blacked out window roll down.
With an arrogant wink, Luke put on a pair of mirrored sunglasses and attempted his best terminator voice. "I'll be bock."
Your eyes rolled so hard, it made you dizzy. "Ughhhh!"
As you stormed off, he revved the engine and sped off which then alerted Craig to your arrival. The last thing you wanted was another confrontation, especially with your rightfully pissed and soon to be ex-landlord, so you kept your head down and moved quickly, feeling his eyes upon you the entire time as you trekked up the sidewalk and into the building, but he never said a word.
You were now safe inside your apartment, all alone to finally gather and process all of your scattered thoughts, but first, you needed to call your mom and see how Megan was.
Slipping off your coat, you let it fall to the floor and went straight to the fridge for some wine, not caring that it was only 10 in the morning, the same time Craig had been drinking yesterday that you hypocritically gave him a lecture about. As you sat down on your bed with your full glass and turned your phone screen on, there was a text from Lee.
When you opened it and read his woeful words, your heart dropped down to your stomach as if you were falling.
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Lee always expressed himself with such endearing words from his heart, but sometimes, he let poetry and music speak for him and this time, it was lyrics from a song you knew.
"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you. Take me back to the night we met when the night was full of terrors and your eyes were filled with tears. When you had not touched me yet. Take me back to the night we met and then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do. And then I can tell myself not to ride along with you."
Your heart began to pound, for Lee was basically telling you he wished he could go back to that day in the hospital and never visit your room and that meant you never would have found his bracelet under your bed and took it to his house where your love story all began. You knew he wasn't trying to hurt you. He was just being honest about how he was feeling, but it still hurt. It hurt immensely.
You didn't reply. You didn't even know what to say to that, so you just picked up your wine and let the entire contents of the glass roll down your throat as you fought back the burning tears.
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Desperately trying to distract yourself, you called your mom. She told you Megan was doing well but was still too groggy to speak. She also told you that she saw Lee that morning when she came down for coffee. He was on the phone with someone, seemingly upset, so she respectfully kept her distance but she couldn't help overhearing his scolding tone to the unlucky recipient. He spoke about his father's one month of passing and that he was going to his grave to pay his respects after attending the evening mass and told the other person that they should be going too, then Lee abruptly hung up and stormed out. You knew instantly it had to be Gordon and had something to do with the farm dispute between the two bitter brothers.
You told your mom you would be there later to sit with Megan so she could go home, eat and shower. When you hung up, you then nervously wondered if you should still go to the cemetery too, like you and Lee had planned, for if you saw him, you might not be able to walk away again.
Undecided, you got up to begin packing up some things since Craig had given you till the end of the month to move out and that was now only 7 days away. Luke's words haunted you about moving in with Lee as you sorted through your clothes. Yes, you were there all the time and everything was perfect in that area. You were so happy there with him. You would have been happy anywhere with him because Lee was home to you.
Your distraction tactic of keeping busy was failing miserably and it was quickly blown to bits when you were going through clothes you hadn't laundered yet and found a shirt of Lee's that you wore home a few mornings ago. And if that wasn't gut wrenching enough, it was still saturated in his Drakkar cologne and all you could do was scrunch it up against your nose and inhale his intoxicating essence as you laid down and cried your exhausted eyes to sleep.
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Meanwhile, Craig was on his way up to your apartment to give you back your deposit and as he approached your door, he raised his hand to knock, but humbly lowered it when he could hear your muffled laments from within. Whatever you were going through, he felt that he should not add to it and it aggravated him that he even cared. Was any of it due to how he had treated you?, for he just witnessed you had rushed to avoid him at all costs or was it because of the depraved detective he had come to despise?, solely because he was Ethan's brother. Craig's street smarts told him Luke was still a red flag, no matter what surname he took on to disassociate himself with the flyblown Bloom blood and if Luke became a threat to you as Ethan had, he would handle him too. Regardless of what was ailing you, Craig decided to leave you alone for the time being and slipped the check under the door, then left, feeling rather disheartened over making you leave.
3 hours later.
You awoke in the same position that you fell asleep in, still tightly clutching Lee's shirt against you and now, not only did his sweet succulent scent seep from your pores, it was also imbedded in your purple satin sheets. You had to get rid of it. ASAP.
The bed was torn apart as you ripped the sheets from it and threw them in the basket along with the perpetrator, Lee's guilty shirt and then headed to the door to take them all down to the laundry room which is when you discovered the check laying on the floor.
Upon picking it up, the amount floored you, for it was hundreds more than what you had given Craig and attached on the back was a sticky note, scribbled in red ink with incredibly perfect penmanship for a man.
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Craig certainly seemed to be on the wealthy side but this was too much and was clearly not about your clothes. It was his guilt over kicking you out and you weren't about to accept a payoff apology, especially when he didn't even have anything to be sorry about. You were the reason his 4 year old daughter was missing, even when you weren't the one who snatched her.
Exasperated over that and everything else, you hurried downstairs and packed the washer full of clothes along with an undetermined amount of soap while sobbing the entire time, then went back up to cry some more in the shower, a shower that was cut short by a burst of water as cold as the Atlantic and rust as red as blood....just like what happened to Dave. AND...you had the same reaction as he did.
Gasping and frantically rubbing your eyes, you huddled in the corner waiting for your sight and the water to clear. What was happening?? You did not believe that to be a coincidence all in a matter of 8 hours at two far away different locations, especially when that had never happened in your shower before. Was it some kind of sign, more so an omen or was it merely a plumbing issue like Dave believed his was?
Now that you were all primed and primped for the day, you resumed your packing while debating on calling Craig about his demonic shower needing an exorcist and to come get his money, or...you could just simply shove it back under his door with your own note attached so you didn't have to interact with him. Option 2 seemed best.
You scrawled out a note on the back of his and reattached it to the check, then quietly creeped down the hall to his studio where all was silent inside. Hoping he wasn't in there, you bent down and slipped it under the door, cringing at loud the sound was. Just as you stood up to tiptoe off undetected, footsteps swiftly approached the door.
Spinning around with a gasp, you rushed off only to freeze solid at his shout from directly within the door.
"Just Josie. Come on in!"
With a gulp, you hesitated then slowly made your way back to the door and walked in. There he stood, dressed in all black attire as usual and wickedly grinning while holding your check.
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He then turned it over and began reading your note out loud in a trenchant, yet amused tone.
"Thank you but no thank you. My outfit only cost twenty bucks at a thrift shop."
"Well, if that's so." he continued, "then you obviously like deals and that's what this is. A hell of a bargain actually."
"Craig, the added amount is almost as much as one months rent. All you needed to give me was my deposit."
"I was trying to apologize for my wine induced behavior and the harsh things I said to you and a simple "I'm sorry" just didn't seem to cut it."
"You don't owe me an apology Craig. I deserved all of it and the paint bath too."
"You were only trying to help my drunk ass up and even after the first failed attempt that ruined your clothing, you still tried again. And no, you didn't deserve my spontaneous misguided anger. You didn't kidnap my child and you certainly couldn't have known that it was going to happen."
"How could I have not?? I witnesses Elizabeth drop her off at Angel's in a panic over Ethan harassing her about paternity. I should have tried a hell of a lot harder to reach you, end of story... and for that, I will forever be so damn sorry, but as you said, those words just don't seem to cut it. I..I pray that you find Blaise safe, sound and soon. I really do and I will do whatever I can to help make that happen and make things right for you and her. Now, I have to go finish packing. Your apology is accepted and please just keep the money."
"Alright." Craig agreed with astonished disappointment all over his face as he watched you walk out.
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His agreement was short lived though and he chased after you, squeezing in your door just before you turned to close it.
"Craig, what the..."
"Just hear me out. Please?"
"Do I even have a choice since you barged right in?"
"Do you want me to leave?"
"Ok fine, but whatever you have to say, you'll have to say it while watching me pack. I have a lot to do today."
"Fair enough. I guess I'll start with Jason. Are we even now?"
"Even?? Craig, I swear I didn't use Blaise to get back at you for..."
"No no no. Jo, I know you didn't and I'm sorry I ever said that. What I meant was, well...if I forgive you, can you forgive me for not telling you your brother was alive? I mean, you were pretty rabid mad that day. Just a little bit scary." he teased with a smile.
You chuckled as you thought of what you just did to Luke. "Yeah umm...I guess I too had spontaneous misguided anger. It was meant for Jason, not you. I know you were just trying to keep him safe and you did. You saved his life, so how can I not forgive you?"
"Sweet. So we're square now. Well, except for one thing."
Craig walked over to your suitcase and began tearing your clothes out of it.
"What are you doing??"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm unpacking your clothes."
"What...wait...why?? Put those back!"
"I will not. I don't want you to leave. I kinda like you a little bit if I'm honest AND I think you kinda like it here and maybe even me too and..."
He held up a long blue dress and placed it against his brawny body. "And oooh wow. Smokin hot."
"Give me that!" you barked and grabbed it, but Craig laughed and wouldn't let go.
"Nope. Not until you agree to stay." he demanded as you both were now playing tug of war...until the dress split right down the middle.
"Oh, well THAT'S great. It's all yours!" you huffed and plopped down on the edge of the bed.
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Craig sat down too and slowly handed you the ripped remnants.
"Sorry." he whispered.
You couldn't even be mad, especially when he had the shameful expression of dog who got busted for chewing up a pair of shoes. Instead, you did what you were becoming a pro at lately. Broke down crying with your face buried in your hands.
"Whoaaa, hey now sweetheart. What's this??"
"Everything!" you squeaked and then rambled on. "My sister was hurt really bad and is in the hospital. She could have, would have died if she hadn't been found and I know Ethan did it, and I was almost arrested today for what you described as my rabid madness and Jason took off with Britt because of your creepy ass father and Lee, he is...I don't even know anymore with that and then everyone's showers are spraying blood and..."
"Alright slowwww down and breathe love. Let's start with the psycho scene. Showers are spraying blood??"
"Yes, mine and Dave's. Well, he said it was rust but with all this ghost shit, I don't know what to think."
"Long story. Is your shower doing that?"
"No...and what did you do to almost land yourself behind bars?"
You mumbled your answer in shame. "I...assaulted a cop."
Craig's eyes popped wide open as he released a titter out of is grinning lips. "Oh how I would have loved to have had a front row seat to that event. What a little baddy you are. Remind me to never piss you off."
"Not funny." you sniffled.
"Ok, maybe not then, but you're obviously not in jail. So, how'd you get out of that mess? Oh wait, was it your ex-fiance cop?"
"Let's just skip this part ok? I shouldn't have mentioned it."
Considering Craig saw Luke drop you off and how fired up you both seemed, he knew it was him you spoke of, but per your request, he would drop it and the overwhelming desire to take the little piggy to market...for now.
"Yeah cops aren't exactly my favorite subject either. Ok so...what's going on with your sister? Ethan attacked her?"
"It certainly appears that way but she hasn't been alert enough to finger him. I'm going to the hospital later to see if she's talking, but I just know it was him. I think he did it because she told Luke that she thinks Ethan took Blaise because he thinks he is her father or maybe he did it to scare me because he hates me and wants Lee all to himself."
"That measly inbred maggot. I should have just taken care of that problem when..."
Craig stopped himself but, it was too late.
"When? Does that have something to do with what you said yesterday? About something you did for me involving him??"
Craig seemed stunned and he was. "I...said that??"
"Yes..I...I just forgot with all that was going on. Craig, what did you mean?"
"Jo, I was quite sauced yesterday remember? I tend to say a lot of things when I drink. What...exactly...did I say?" he probed with an curious brow so he could figure out if he had to tell you what he knew about Ethan and Lee.
"You said you protected me from him but never said why or how."
Craig made sure that his explanation wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the entire truth because he felt you didn't need to know Lee was still Ethan's husband during a meltdown.
"Ohhh...that. Yes, well...I...I saw him once and I basically told him to stay away from you or he'd be fish food." he paraphrased as his heart began to beat again.
"You did that for me?"
Craig suddenly felt awkward. Not in a bad way, but more in a "too close for comfort" kind of way, so he gave a logical answer instead of admitting he had taken a sweet fancy to you, which was the last thing he wanted. He had vowed to himself after Elizabeth's destruction that he would never allow himself to become close to another woman ever again.
"Well...you're my best friend's little sister, so, you know. What's important to Jason is important to me."
"Well thank you and well... I wish you HAD fed Ethan to a mosh pit of sharks, still ALIVE and baited in a pool of his own blood and then let me watch so I could hear his screeching screams and the satisfying crunch of his bones as the angry aquatic vampires with a thousand razor sharp teeth chomped him to death in a splashing feeding frenzy of pure diabolical rage."
"Yeeesh. Easy there Annie Wilkes. Tell me how you really feel, minus the Stephen King synopsis. Horrifying image."
"Arrrgh. Jason was supposed to have taken care of him by now and for saying that, I feel like such a fucking hypocrite for giving him and Lee such a hard time about Liz when she was no better than Ethan."
"And I married the black widow. Even had a kid with her, or so I thought. Creator of life, destroyer of mine. "
'"So did Lee basically. She fooled everyone, EVEN Ethan. God Craig, how could she do that to her own son??? That little boy was my nephew and now Ethan has your daughter and I know he's not just going to forget about Lee. So much keeps happening. No wonder I ended up in the hospital."
"I...I heard about that and...I wanted to maybe send you some flowers or come visit but...I..I didn't think my presence would have been appropriate, you know, just being your landlord and all and well...there's the little tidbit of my primary profession as well that I'm sure Lee isn't too fond of. Anywhoooo...I'm really glad you're ok. You're...ok..right?"
"For the most part yeah. Just gotta keep my iron intake up and stress levels down, which you can see is damn near impossible with the life I'm stuck in."
"You're only stuck if you choose to be."
"It doesn't feel like a choice anymore, even when I try to...ugh, it doesn't even matter."
Craig's ocean-like eyes were consoling as his hand went to your cheek. "Hey, it does matter. What else is bothering you? I have really good listening ears like that of a faithful family dog, only much less hair and a strong but soft shoulder to lean on and even comforting arms if you recall."
"I don't know. Like, for one thing, I'm supposed to hate my sister after all the horrible shit she's done to me and yet, I'm having a hard time hating her after what happened. Like, why...why do I care about people that don't deserve it???"
"Because you have a good heart which can sometimes be a curse really. You're supposed to be able to trust the people closest to you and when they go and give you a reason not to, it's a total mind fuck. It's hard to let them go even when you know it's what's best for you. I get it Jo."
"What I don't get is why I'm not good enough for the truth. I'm always being lied to. It's become nothing but a pattern and how am I supposed to trust someone when I don't know what they're holding back?"
"Ok first of all, you are good enough and if someone doesn't see that, then they are the ones not good enough and second of all, why do I feel this is not about your sister?"
"I appreciate what you're trying to do Craig, but...it doesn't matter."
"It does matter because you're clearly not happy. Tears don't lie. Are...you happy?"
Your eyes fell. "No. No I'm not. I'm miserable."
"Me too. Why don't you stay. We can be miserable neighbors together and drink wine every day and night to the point of inebriation, creating terrible art as a hobby while being covered in a rainbow of paint. You know, kind of like I already do? It's actually kinda fun and therapeutic. A little bit of good trouble..per se. I could use some inspiration as you well know."
You giggled. "Right...because we would actually be the artwork. How inspiring."
"Exactly! Except you'd be a firework. Oh, and you still owe me a viewing of your own masterpieces. So...whad'ya say?"
Craig got down on one knee and took your hand as he gave you a pathetic puppy face.
"Will you be my neighbor?"
"Oh my god you're such a nerd. Get up." you chortled and stood up.
"Well, I've been called much worse. Things I cannot even pronounce. You don't want to know, trust me. Sooooo, is that a yes?"
"I'll think about it."
"YES!" he jeered like an old lady at a bingo game winning the jackpot.
"So now, I'm really sorry but I need to get going. Thank you Craig...for listening and for the advice. It was nice. I want you to know I'm thinking of Blaise everyday and if I can help, I will. You'll never convince me that it wasn't my fault."
In the blink of an eye, Craig became all serious as he placed his hands on your arms. "Alright but, before I go, I need you to listen to me. Don't be letting your guilt cause you to do something dangerous. You let me handle this ok?? I don't want anything happening to you. Let me know what you decide on the apartment and...I'm really glad you're ok Jo and I...I hope you will stay. I like having you around."
He softly smiled and headed to the door, then turned back around.
"Oh and...I'm also glad you don't hate me."
"Ditto." you smiled. "Talk soon."
Craig left and you felt terrible for him. The formidable mafia man, always full of quirky humor wasn't so tough on the inside and was clearly lonely, but even so, you had to do what was best for you and if you stayed, would it really be a good idea? Had you known when you first moved in that Craig was one of Sonny's men and Jason's bff, you most likely would have ran away as fast and as far as you could. On the other hand, he could protect you and he wanted to and you felt safe around him. BUT, that didn't mean you would be. Things could always go wrong, especially in his world, which was now your world. Although, hadn't it always been your world because of Jason? And things always went wrong then, no matter where you were. Even your own brother couldn't keep you safe.
In your confliction, you knew you may still need to leave on a temporary basis because of your sister. No one knew yet what happened to her or where Ethan was, so she could still be in danger and that put your mom in danger as well with Megan living with her.
As you carried on with packing the rest of the one suitcase for the time being, once again you were interrupted. This time by the cordless phone ringing that Lee had talked you into getting for extra ways of communication. You decided to let the answering machine get it because you were in a hurry to get to the hospital, but when Lee's hypnotizing voice was heard, you stood frozen in time.
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"Hey sweet girl. I tried your cell but...I don't know, it must be on silent or maybe you just don't want to talk to me. I wish you would. I'm sorry about my text. I didn't mean it in the way you must think. If you're there, could you please pick up? I'd really love to hear your voice."
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He paused and waited a few moments, then continued.
"Ok, well, I...I'll just say what I need to say and leave you alone. Jo, I know I've said this so many times and it just sounds so meaningless, but I mean it, with every ounce of my being. I'm so sorry baby. For all of this. For all I have put you through. It's only been a single day and I miss you in ways that there are no words for. You are a mental and physical ache. A longing woven deep into my DNA and I...I don't know how to live like this. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm nothing without you. I'm inside out. I merely exist in this soulless shell and because I know you exist, there's no going back for me. There will never be anyone else for me but you. No one else could ever do. The heart wants what it wants and mine wants you and I knew it. I knew you were the right one from the get go and I still know it because the word "forever" does not sound like enough time."
As your heart was being torn in two and devoured by his agony, you walked over to the phone and picked it up, letting your finger hover over the call button, but you couldn't bring yourself to answer, so you just kept listening to his unintentional torture.
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"I know I have no one else to blame but myself. I know I'm broken. We were both broken. By life. By others. By our own serious dysfunctions, but we finally found each other after a decade of near misses. We were so close to each other all that time, yet so far apart and when destiny finally stepped in and we finally came together like the sun and moon during a total eclipse, all of the jagged edges of our broken pieces fit together like a puzzle, as if all that time, we were being broken for that purpose, to be a perfect fit for each other. But now I feel like I don't fit anywhere at all. Not anymore. Life goes on around me as i sit here and watch the boats sail by on the bay and I feel like I'm just a spectator, watching from the sidelines. You were...are my life. You are where I belong. You are my purpose, my reason. God Jo. Without you, all I want to do is drown my sorrows away and Lord knows I've tried, but even then, a sea full of whiskey couldn't intoxicate me as much as a drop of you. Because of you, I believe in love and fairytales and soulmates and everything that is magic. I followed the signs because you showed them to me. Just tell me it's not too late. Don't give up on me. I want to tell you everything and if I can bring myself to do that, maybe then you'll understand. I guess I've wrote a novel here and I should go. I still wish you would come today...to the cemetery. I'll be there around 4. If you don't come, it's ok. I will understand. Ok well..."
There was a pause and then he finished as his voice became very shaky. "I...I love you Miss Massachusetts. God I love you."
Lee quickly hung up and sat down. He had too. The 3 Red Bulls he downed earlier paired with the threat of an oncoming panic attack had him jittery, weak and breathless.
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"Lee wait!" you shouted as you punched the red button, but there was nothing but a dial tone.
Should you call him back? It would be so much easier than speaking to him in person because he had this wicked way of breaking you down and getting what he wanted from you that no one else had ever possessed, but of course he could say the same thing about you. Now the real question was, should you go? Lee clearly needed you and you were worried about him. You could hear it in his voice, the fear, the destitution and desperation...the love. And just because you and he were having problems didn't mean you would abandon him, but were you strong enough to uphold your boundaries in his presence? The mere sight of him was like some invisible magic in itself. You felt so guilty because he was fighting like hell for you and you were keeping him at arms length and just running away. Fight or flight? That was the all out question now and you knew exactly who to go to for the answers. Someone who had been through it all. Your mother.
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Headcanon that Gertrude redid all of Gerry's piercings and tattoos for him
He did that shit with an untwisted paperclip and pen ink, the tattoos were faded and every piercing got infected
Gertrude caught him trying to give himself snakebites and she was like "goddammit child let me go get a needle"
She cleaned all his infections, let them heal, and then redid them
Gerry got one too many comments on his shitty hair dye job so she redid that for him too
She does his makeup and nails for him because he has super shaky hands
Just. Gertrude helping Gerry be goth without it hurting him
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