drawdownbooks · 2 years
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New Aesthetic 2: A Collection of Independent Type Design  www.draw-down.com      New Aesthetic approaches type design as an opportunity to create art: looking at type design with benevolence towards the experimental and process-based approaches. New Aesthetic finds potential in the unusual, identifying work that may point us into a new future of visual communication practice.    Contributors include 3, Quatorze, Alex Ortiga, Alexander Raffl, Alexandre Bassi, Alff Rosine, Antoine Brun, Antonio D’Elisiis, Ariel Martín Pérez, Arthur Schwarz, Awista Montagne, Baptiste Bernazeau, Bayonet Services, Bedow Design, Bouk RA, Brando Corradini, Carolina Festa, Charlotte Rohde, Christos Georgatos, Ciarán Brandin, Colin Doerffler, Daan Rietbergen, Daniel Hermes, Daniel Stuhlpfarrer, Daniel Wenzel, Davide Melotti, Dr. Martin Lorenz, Eleonora Šljanda, Elias Hanzer, Emilie Vizcano, Emma Marichal, Eric Lish, Fabian Franz, Fabian Maier-Bode, Fabio Furlani, Fatih Hardal, Felix Sandvoß, Floriane Rousselot, Frédéric Jaman, Gianluca Ciancaglini, Giuseppe Tangaro, Gregory Page, Han Gao, Hugo Jourdan, Ishar Hawkins, István Fazekas, Jack Halten Fahnestock, Jacob Jan Wise, Jake Dalton, János Hunor Vári, Javier Unknos, Jimmy Auger, and Jules Durand. 
Edited by Leonhard Laupichler and Sophia Brinkgerd
Published by Sorry Press, 2020
304 pages, full color, 6.75 × 9.5 inches
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pattikg · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Used Great Game of my Life book by George Georgatos✔️.
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - Too Often, #Stigma-Based #Bullying Ends In #Suicide
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By Gerry Georgatos  Australian #youth are increasingly diagnosed with #anxiety and #depression (Image by Amir Hosseini | Unsplash) The national conversation we need to have is of the grimmest reality — #suicide is the leading cause of death in Australia’s #teenagers and #bullying plays a large part, writes Gerry Georgatos. *CONTENT WARNING: This article discusses #suicide #STIGMA AND #bullying are pernicious, pervasive and destructive. #Stigma is at the origin of #bullying. In understanding this premise, we can begin to go forward in the right direction. The bullied are not the problem. If being me offends you, then I am not the problem. The oppressor is at the heart of the problem, the root and the original sin. I’ve often argued that we should stop examining the oppressed and instead examine the oppressor. The oppressed are blameless. For oppressors, the imperative is self-reflection. Everyone is entitled to redemption. It is more important to treat the bully – not only the bullied – if we are to eliminate #bullying. Punishing a bully is often akin to #bullying the bully. Does it work? Often, #bullying begins in the home The family of origin will best serve us all if it is a firmament of fairness, in terms of inclusiveness and equality. If #children do not learn about discrimination, then when older, they are more likely to foment and exercise discriminatory misbehaviours. #Stigma-based #bullying relies on distinct misbehaviours, such as diminution, favouritism and exclusion. These are precursors to cognitive narrowing, leading to negative #behaviors being played out. Punishment reduces the range of cognitive activity in a child’s mind — #stigma is demonising. Family members can turn on one another where love is not equal. The diminished are less resilient to #sexualharassment, homophobic epithets and #racial slurs. As time passes, the impact of such demonisation becomes cumulative and increasingly hurtful. Seemingly endless hills which need to be climbed appear steeper. #Stigma and #bullying are not limited to their fervent rapaciousness in wider society, or in #schools and workplaces, or are the works of ideologues alone, including politicians and instruments of the state. #Stigma and #bullying can be first formed within the firmament of family — the family of origin or close-knit extended families. #Parents can favour some of their #children. Prejudice is when people form an opinion before becoming aware of and understanding relevant information. Prejudice can also stir up emotional responses such as fear or anger towards people who are being stigmatised. Rising child suicides should alarm all of us I remember a father who found his son hours after his #suicide. The father lay his son down and cradled his body through the night until responders arrived in the morning. I remember a 13-year-old, consigned as the family’s "black sheep", who took her life because she no longer wanted to live. She believed she was less loved and often loathed. She made many attempts to end living. I remember a 14-year-old, also contaminated with the belief she was the family’s "black sheep". Her siblings turned against her, playing out a parent’s pronounced misjudgements of her #child. She ended her life, without any previous warning. Who among us does not believe love is boundless? It is the greatest fulfilment, you or I or any #child can have. In this illusory world, contemporarily a hard and fast fact is that #mental unwellness is on the increase. We know far too many people battling #mentalillness. The rate of #suicide in Australia is increasing and is targeting young lives. Far too many #teenage Australians know of #teenagers who have died by #suicide. It is not just a #youth #mentalhealthcrisis but also an #adult #mentalhealthcrisis. Untold suffering can lead to #mental unwellness The majority of the strongest people I know are people battling – and many who have beaten – chronic and acute #mentalillness. Most of these people have endured various forms of #bullying, mobbing, invalidations, censorship by omission and voicelessness. But they also comprise the majority of Australia's #suicide toll. Many were at their wit's end, having been blamed lifelong. Their souls, once battlefields, pitted against the misjudgements of others, beginning with family, transformed into minefields of prejudices and cruelties in the wider world. The grim reality is that there are relatively few turn-to supports. Usually, there are family and friends. While there is living, it is never too late to validate those you have demonised or excluded. It is never too late for particularly family-of-origin members to adjust their conduct — the stillness you can bring to the souls of those you have tumultuously affected is a boundless gift. Too often, #stigma-based #bullying ends in #suicide The national conversation we need to have is of the grimmest reality — of #suicide as the leading cause of death of Australia’s #teenagers. Australian #children and #youth are increasingly diagnosed with #anxiety and #depression. The majority go on to adulthood battling them. I remember far too many young ones and #adults describing the memories of wounds, aged so young, where they should have been carefree. Those battling mental unwellness and living with socioeconomic struggles are less likely to access support — mostly because they cannot afford it. The lowest quintile of income base comprises the most significant proportion of Australia’s suicides. Suicide hits the poor and disadvantaged There have been more suicides so far in 2019 than this time last year. The wellspring of the soul must be filled by the undivided love of family so that the murmurs of the wider world – cruelties and wickedness – can be offset. Setting a loving example can be our greatest legacy. We continue to exist in our #children, their #children and also with friends. The bully cannot bully someone who cannot be bullied. One should not punish where love can do better. One should not criticise where love can do better. The breadth of literature on the connection between #stigma and #mentalillness is now indisputable. #Stigma breeds a dark, damp mural of cognitive and psychiatric disorders. It breeds a hypersensitivity to the opinions of others of oneself. Hence, follows toxic and divisive feelings of shame, embarrassment and low #self-esteem. These lead to secrecy, social withdrawal and, for many, #alcohol or #drugmisuse. To be misunderstood lifelong is to be blamed lifelong. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com The grim reality of #suicide in Australia In Australia, #suicide is a leading cause of death. In 2019, #suicide accounted for two in five deaths among people aged 15-17 years (40 per cent) and more than one in three among those aged 18-24 years (36 per cent). Understanding #suicideprevention should be among the nation’s most pressing issues. Identifying #trauma starts with #behavioral observations and proceeds with the opportunity for individuals to tell their story — even if that story is fractured from disordered thinking. People need people. Our capacity to listen is an imperative determinant of wellbeing. It must be achieved without judgment, for often redemption is needed: forgiveness in addition to sympathy and empathy. In the last decade, I have written more than 500 articles on Australia's #suicide crisis and #suicideprevention. Until my recent retirement, I supported hundreds of #suicide-affected families and thousands of critically vulnerable individuals. I remember the screams and outpourings of #suicide-affected families. I remember #children lost to #suicide as young as nine. We need to lead with listening, civility, courtesy and kindness. We should hear and read the stories of those lost, so others aren’t. Let us be fearless in telling these stories, for in the telling of such stories, better ways forward will be reinforced. What makes for unhappiness and happiness needs to be understood. Human beings are inherently courageous. Society can be muddled-minded and get in the way of its collective best self and community reckoning. Understanding one another, contextualising, understanding unfairness, helping others and being there are profound steps.  #Child #suicide rates are the highest they have ever been and we know #bullying is a factor in at least a quarter of them. #Child #sexualabuse is an abomination prominent in many of these suicides. I remember a father who found his son hours after his #suicide. The father lay his son down and cradled his body through the night until responders arrived in the morning. I remember the distraught family of a young man who only a week before his #suicide had run into a burning house and rescued a young mother and her baby. Let us understand one another, equally. If you would like to speak to someone about #suicide you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Gerry Georgatos is a #suicideprevention and poverty researcher with an experiential focus. He is the national coordinator of the #NationalSuicidePrevention & Trauma Recovery Project (NSPTRP). You can follow Gerry on Twitter @GerryGeorgatos. Read the full article
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Chocs dans la consommation des grandes chaînes de restauration
Chocs dans la consommation des grandes chaînes de restauration
De Giorgos Lampiris Une pression au niveau de la consommation réelle et en termes de volume de produits vendus est observée dans les grandes chaînes de restauration. Un tel exemple est Grigoris, qui, selon son directeur général, Vlassi Georgato, subit actuellement des pertes en termes de volume de ventes de produits d’environ 10% par rapport à l’année 2019 comparable, qui était également une…
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leanpick · 2 years
Gerry Georgatos: Government must hold the line on commitment to end native logging
Gerry Georgatos: Government must hold the line on commitment to end native logging
More than half the world’s forests have been destroyed ‘or irreparably degraded’. We are surviving on 40 per cent of what’s remaining. There are less than four billion hectares of forests left.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Interview with Sidney Powell 7.14.22 (Full Episode)
Follow Debbie Georgatos! WEBSITE: http://americacanwetalk.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AmericaCanWeTalk
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dimitra-st · 4 years
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#photojewelry #jewelry #jewellery #jewelryphotography #jewels #rings #ring #ringphotography ##georgatos #gold #goldring #photooftheday #photography📷 (στην τοποθεσία Chalkída, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFjs_MChR4X/?igshid=1w27zy030nqlp
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axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review XXXIII (federal 2022): Social Justice Independents (WA Group K)
Running where: WA
Now that I have reviewed all parties registered with the AEC, it is time to turn my attention to the independents standing for the Senate in WA, as this is where I am voting. First up is Group K. This is Social Justice Independents, and on their website they claim they have five candidates. The thing is, only two appear on the ballot: Gerry Georgatos and Megan Krakouer. Georgatos has made a name for himself as a campaigner for issues such as Indigenous suicide, homelessness, and disability. Krakouer is director of the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project. The website seems to have been updated little since last year; they are on the ballot but how seriously are they campaigning?
Georgatos has previously stood for the Greens and the Wikileaks Party—and it turns out he’s the one responsible for the Wikileaks Party preferencing the Nats ahead of tireless Wikileaks supporter Scott Ludlam back in 2013. Pages on his personal website are often quite out-of-date (the “time of writing” on the Wheelchairs for Kids page is January 2016) and the site features some of his own comments in quotation marks as inspiring words (they’re clichés). His bio page features this line: “Gerry has launched one project after another, and is now establishing the National Critical Response Trauma Recovery Project.” (I assume this is an early name of the centre Krakouer directs?) This does not inspire confidence in me: it’s one thing to launch a lot of projects, but I know many people who start a whole heap of things and finish few or none of them. Maybe Georgatos is a great guy and I'm being completely unfair but I’m not getting the best vibes from my scouting of half-completed websites.
The platform of the Social Justice Independents emphasises “no one left behind”. Its policies focus on Indigenous infrastructure, incarceration, and suicide prevention. They want a Commonwealth Human Rights Act, a large increase in Australia’s refugee intake, and a universal living wage (not clear to me if this means a universal basic income or a job guarantee). They back the campaign to raise the age of criminal accountability from 10 to 14. The policy page is, though, bullet points and motherhood statements, and on things like the environment it’s very vague stuff about wanting “the planet put first”.
I feel like I should be more sympathetic to this grouping than I am. Perhaps I’ve drawn the wrong inferences. Maybe I’m just cynical after reading lots of websites of truly awful parties. But I thought I’d leap at a party advancing the sort of left-wing goals I can get behind, and I’m not. My recommendation is more based on how bad most of the other options are than anything else.
My recommendation: Give Group K (Social Justice Independents) a decent preference.
Website: https://socialjusticeindependents.com.au/ and https://www.gerrygeorgatos.com.au/
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pattikg · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Used Great Game of my Life book by George Georgatos✔️.
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - Too Often, #Stigma-Based #Bullying Ends In #Suicide
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By Gerry Georgatos  Australian #youth are increasingly diagnosed with #anxiety and #depression (Image by Amir Hosseini | Unsplash) The national conversation we need to have is of the grimmest reality — #suicide is the leading cause of death in Australia’s #teenagers and #bullying plays a large part, writes Gerry Georgatos. *CONTENT WARNING: This article discusses #suicide #STIGMA AND #bullying are pernicious, pervasive and destructive. #Stigma is at the origin of #bullying. In understanding this premise, we can begin to go forward in the right direction. The bullied are not the problem. If being me offends you, then I am not the problem. The oppressor is at the heart of the problem, the root and the original sin. I’ve often argued that we should stop examining the oppressed and instead examine the oppressor. The oppressed are blameless. For oppressors, the imperative is self-reflection. Everyone is entitled to redemption. It is more important to treat the bully – not only the bullied – if we are to eliminate #bullying. Punishing a bully is often akin to #bullying the bully. Does it work? Often, #bullying begins in the home The family of origin will best serve us all if it is a firmament of fairness, in terms of inclusiveness and equality. If #children do not learn about discrimination, then when older, they are more likely to foment and exercise discriminatory misbehaviours. #Stigma-based #bullying relies on distinct misbehaviours, such as diminution, favouritism and exclusion. These are precursors to cognitive narrowing, leading to negative #behaviors being played out. Punishment reduces the range of cognitive activity in a child’s mind — #stigma is demonising. Family members can turn on one another where love is not equal. The diminished are less resilient to #sexualharassment, homophobic epithets and #racial slurs. As time passes, the impact of such demonisation becomes cumulative and increasingly hurtful. Seemingly endless hills which need to be climbed appear steeper. #Stigma and #bullying are not limited to their fervent rapaciousness in wider society, or in #schools and workplaces, or are the works of ideologues alone, including politicians and instruments of the state. #Stigma and #bullying can be first formed within the firmament of family — the family of origin or close-knit extended families. #Parents can favour some of their #children. Prejudice is when people form an opinion before becoming aware of and understanding relevant information. Prejudice can also stir up emotional responses such as fear or anger towards people who are being stigmatised. Rising child suicides should alarm all of us I remember a father who found his son hours after his #suicide. The father lay his son down and cradled his body through the night until responders arrived in the morning. I remember a 13-year-old, consigned as the family’s "black sheep", who took her life because she no longer wanted to live. She believed she was less loved and often loathed. She made many attempts to end living. I remember a 14-year-old, also contaminated with the belief she was the family’s "black sheep". Her siblings turned against her, playing out a parent’s pronounced misjudgements of her #child. She ended her life, without any previous warning. Who among us does not believe love is boundless? It is the greatest fulfilment, you or I or any #child can have. In this illusory world, contemporarily a hard and fast fact is that #mental unwellness is on the increase. We know far too many people battling #mentalillness. The rate of #suicide in Australia is increasing and is targeting young lives. Far too many #teenage Australians know of #teenagers who have died by #suicide. It is not just a #youth #mentalhealthcrisis but also an #adult #mentalhealthcrisis. Untold suffering can lead to #mental unwellness The majority of the strongest people I know are people battling – and many who have beaten – chronic and acute #mentalillness. Most of these people have endured various forms of #bullying, mobbing, invalidations, censorship by omission and voicelessness. But they also comprise the majority of Australia's #suicide toll. Many were at their wit's end, having been blamed lifelong. Their souls, once battlefields, pitted against the misjudgements of others, beginning with family, transformed into minefields of prejudices and cruelties in the wider world. The grim reality is that there are relatively few turn-to supports. Usually, there are family and friends. While there is living, it is never too late to validate those you have demonised or excluded. It is never too late for particularly family-of-origin members to adjust their conduct — the stillness you can bring to the souls of those you have tumultuously affected is a boundless gift. Too often, #stigma-based #bullying ends in #suicide The national conversation we need to have is of the grimmest reality — of #suicide as the leading cause of death of Australia’s #teenagers. Australian #children and #youth are increasingly diagnosed with #anxiety and #depression. The majority go on to adulthood battling them. I remember far too many young ones and #adults describing the memories of wounds, aged so young, where they should have been carefree. Those battling mental unwellness and living with socioeconomic struggles are less likely to access support — mostly because they cannot afford it. The lowest quintile of income base comprises the most significant proportion of Australia’s suicides. Suicide hits the poor and disadvantaged There have been more suicides so far in 2019 than this time last year. The wellspring of the soul must be filled by the undivided love of family so that the murmurs of the wider world – cruelties and wickedness – can be offset. Setting a loving example can be our greatest legacy. We continue to exist in our #children, their #children and also with friends. The bully cannot bully someone who cannot be bullied. One should not punish where love can do better. One should not criticise where love can do better. The breadth of literature on the connection between #stigma and #mentalillness is now indisputable. #Stigma breeds a dark, damp mural of cognitive and psychiatric disorders. It breeds a hypersensitivity to the opinions of others of oneself. Hence, follows toxic and divisive feelings of shame, embarrassment and low #self-esteem. These lead to secrecy, social withdrawal and, for many, #alcohol or #drugmisuse. To be misunderstood lifelong is to be blamed lifelong. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com The grim reality of #suicide in Australia In Australia, #suicide is a leading cause of death. In 2019, #suicide accounted for two in five deaths among people aged 15-17 years (40 per cent) and more than one in three among those aged 18-24 years (36 per cent). Understanding #suicideprevention should be among the nation’s most pressing issues. Identifying #trauma starts with #behavioral observations and proceeds with the opportunity for individuals to tell their story — even if that story is fractured from disordered thinking. People need people. Our capacity to listen is an imperative determinant of wellbeing. It must be achieved without judgment, for often redemption is needed: forgiveness in addition to sympathy and empathy. In the last decade, I have written more than 500 articles on Australia's #suicide crisis and #suicideprevention. Until my recent retirement, I supported hundreds of #suicide-affected families and thousands of critically vulnerable individuals. I remember the screams and outpourings of #suicide-affected families. I remember #children lost to #suicide as young as nine. We need to lead with listening, civility, courtesy and kindness. We should hear and read the stories of those lost, so others aren’t. Let us be fearless in telling these stories, for in the telling of such stories, better ways forward will be reinforced. What makes for unhappiness and happiness needs to be understood. Human beings are inherently courageous. Society can be muddled-minded and get in the way of its collective best self and community reckoning. Understanding one another, contextualising, understanding unfairness, helping others and being there are profound steps.  #Child #suicide rates are the highest they have ever been and we know #bullying is a factor in at least a quarter of them. #Child #sexualabuse is an abomination prominent in many of these suicides. I remember a father who found his son hours after his #suicide. The father lay his son down and cradled his body through the night until responders arrived in the morning. I remember the distraught family of a young man who only a week before his #suicide had run into a burning house and rescued a young mother and her baby. Let us understand one another, equally. If you would like to speak to someone about #suicide you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Gerry Georgatos is a #suicideprevention and poverty researcher with an experiential focus. He is the national coordinator of the #NationalSuicidePrevention & Trauma Recovery Project (NSPTRP). You can follow Gerry on Twitter @GerryGeorgatos. Read the full article
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Independent candidates may be our only shot at helping the environment
Independent candidates may be our only shot at helping the environment
Our governments should be ashamed of decades of neglect in scaling back carbon and methane emissions. In the upcoming Federal Election, we must vote to erode monopoly politics, writes Gerry Georgatos. To expand on Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago 1918-56 — governments lie. They know we know they are lying. Still, they continue to lie. Governments lie, religiously. So, it…
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leanpick · 2 years
Gerry Georgatos: Home ownership now out of reach for most Australians
Gerry Georgatos: Home ownership now out of reach for most Australians
Unless Australians have their home paid off by retirement and have at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings, they’ll live their last stretch of life struggling.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Allen West 6.16.22 (Full Episode) AmericaCanWeTalk Published June 16, 2022
Be a victor, not a victim.
Our nation is in jeopardy and calls for everyone to stand up on behalf of truth and liberty.
•Sponsor Reception with a special guest on Friday, October 14, 2022
Guest Speakers Gordan Chang, Sidney Powell, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeter, Kevin Freeman, Frank Gaffney, Dr. Mark McDonald, Reggie Littlejohn, Dr. Richard Bartlett, Jason Issac, Tina Peters, Sam Faddis, Evan Sayet
[Liberty and American Brotherhood are the foundations of our Land.]
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fatehbaz · 4 years
“Average” residents of Western Australia will be harshly punished and imprisoned for being outside during pandemic, but mining and other industrial-scale resource extraction workers are generally exempt. Could there be a certain demographic in Western Australia that faces globally-significant and disproportionate rates of incarceration and harassment?
“Electronic devices will be used to track COVID-19 cases in WA: Western Australia is ramping up its efforts to stop isolation breaches and keep the community safe during the COVID pandemic.” SBS/NITV. 1 April 2020. “The Emergency Management Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Bill 2020 will allow authorities to make an individual who fails to comply to self-isolation rules wear an electronic device or direct that an electronic device be installed at a person's residence. Anyone who fails to comply or removes or interferes with the electronic device without a reasonable excuse faces a penalty of a $12,000 fine or 12 months' imprisonment.”
Can’t be outside, unless you work in resource extraction industries:
“Concerns over COVID-19 data tracking in WA amid FIFO postcode confusion.” ABC Australia. 8 April 2020. Excerpt: “Concerns have been raised about the true number of COVID-19 cases in Western Australia's mining hub because of the way the Government collects data. The Pilbara region's thousands-strong force of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers has been deemed essential in order to keep the economy moving.”
“Presently, one in 12 of Western Australia’s Aboriginal adult males are in prison and, from a racialised lens, this is the world’s highest gaoling rate.” [Gerry Georgatos. ”The shocking truth of Australia’s Indigenous incarcerated.”  Independent Australia. 1 May 2018.]
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“Western Australia incarcerates the Aboriginal peoples of its State at 9 times the rate of Apartheid South Africa.“ [Gerry Georgatos. “Aboriginal incarceration rates.” Creative Spirits. February 2020.]
“What you cannot get away from is that the rate of Indigenous imprisonment in Western Australia is far greater than anywhere else in the country [...].“ [Bob Debus. “Aboriginal incarceration rates.” Creative Spirits. February 2020.]
Text and graphics from Creative Spirits. “Aboriginal incarceration rates.” February 2020.
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Vast majority of Aboriginal-exclusive land titles are located in Western Australia. [Map by ABC Australia.]
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votenet-blog · 5 years
Inside Texas Politics (12/23/18)
Inside Texas Politics (12/23/18)
Author: Jason Whitely / Source: WFAA
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Inside Texas Politics began with Democratic U.S. Rep.-elect Colin Allred (TX-32). Rep.-elect Colin discussed his reason for supporting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for House Speaker. He joined host Jason Whitely and Bud Kennedy from the Star-Telegram.
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Ross Ramsey, co-founder and executive editor of the Texas Tribune, joined host…
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Pros and Cons of Alcohol
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Firstly, We will talk about the cons and how it affected you in what ways. Drinking can cause liver cirrhosis (Santoros, 2017). Drinking is fattening because of how much calories alcohol has, a few drinks will not affect much but if you are too hard on it your weight will start gaining a lot (Vrabel, 2017). Drinking too much can increase your blood pressure and harm your heart muscles. Lastly, Alcohol makes you lose your consciousness and can make you do inappropriate things like driving, can cause a car accident, and in some cases might have a higher temper than usual that leads to a fight. Now that we have been discussed a lot of bad things about Alcohol, I will talk about some cons that many might not know about this. The first thing that people might not know is that Alcohol can reduce heart disease if you drink less than three standard drinks per day (Contributor, 2019). Other pros from the research show that people who drink occasionally tend to reduce type 2 diabetes by almost 25% (Contributor, 2019). Light drinking can help boosts up your brainpower  and drinking moderately can help prevent cognitive decline (Georgatos, 2019). In the end, Alcohol is not bad if you know the limit of drinking it but if you do not have the limit, it can causes you a lot harm.
Vrabel, J. (December 20, 2017).  Drinking alcohol: The health pros and cons. https://www.considerable.com/health/alcohol/drinking-alcohol/
Contributor, KJ. (July 30, 2019).  What are the Pros and Cons of Drinking Alcohol?. https://krishijagran.com/health-lifestyle/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-drinking-alcohol/
Santoso, P. (December 6, 2017).  What are the pros and cons to drinking alcohol?.  https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-pros-and-cons-to-drinking-alcohol
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