#geno x pale
sancest-shipper · 1 year
Can you draw Geno x Pale?
Geno get a gay panic and Pale is.... like always X)
It was nice to make it but I can't stop to imagine Reaper's reaction XD
Tumblr media
😭 Reaper come get your boyfriend !
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utmv-fandom-birthdays · 11 months
feel free to send me an ask with your sans and their birthday (Or just @ me or DM me) for a birthday wish OR anniversary of the creation of an au/ multiverse >:)
(especially if their birthday is in January, May, July, or September)
7th- Dancetale anniversary
16th- Horrortale anniversary
26th- Lusts birthday
2nd- Goth
9th- candy
14th- Greaser
27th- Slash
5th- Gradient
5th- Dreamtale anniversary
12th- Protector!Dream
13th- Fatal Error
15th- Blueprint
23rd- Molten!Dream Twins
23rd- Undertale Demo Anniversary
23rd- Underverse anniversary
1st- Classic
1st- Underworld
1st- Xshift sans
3rd- Epic
3rd- Temmie Chang
4th- Error
15th- ink
15th- Outer
17th- Swap/ Blue
17th- Pale and Template anniversary
20th- Fresh
10th- Killer
13th- Birdtale sans
26th- Pale
1st- lavender
4th- ccino
12th- Flare
13th- Raven
14th- Alpha Cross
20th- Figmentverse anniversary
23rd- Epic (again)
27th- Blocking
4th- Horror
6th- Geno
7th- Shattered Dream
17th- Gaster Sans
27th- Vanta Black
11- Reaper
15th- Undertale anniversary
1st- PJ
1st- Thistle
10th- Cross
10th- Jael Peñaloza
11th- Toby Fox
12th- Acrylic
17th- Underfell anniversary
21st- Underswap anniversary
31st- Deltarune anniversary
9th- Blueberror
10th- Horrormare (not the ship)
10th- Anxiety Sans
11th- X Gaster
4th (maybe) Reaper
12th- Ganz
12th- Aster
20th- Error404
21st- Dream
21st- Nightmare
24th- Christmas party au anniversary
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undertale-museum · 2 months
Comic - Fanfiction - Video
Honorable Mentions
[Last updated 13April24]
*several parts incomplete and need to make archival copies or link
1. Poetax Stories
Also @/theskeletongames
a. Bitty, Basic and Bara
Red, Blue, Sans
Bitty, normal, Bara size
b. How to Greet a New Pal
Red, Sans
Sans in Underfell, Red’s his captor/babysitter
2. New Map Stories
a. Unforgettable
Gaster, Sans
b. Unwelcome Reuinion
3. His Story
Ink (creator), origin story
4. Papyrus Asks About S3x
Papyrus, Mettaton, shitpost
5. Zu Stories
a. Trapped
Error, Blueberror, Core Frisk
Mature themes
b. Fallen Guardian
Cross x Shattered Dream, Dark Cream
Mature themes
c. Post Dark Cream
Cross, Dream, Aim (ship kid)
d. Aim
Aim, Ink
e. Studio
Cross Dream
Underverse actors
6. Xxtha Stories
a. Fellswap X
Sans-Centric / Papyrus-Centric / Parts
Fs!Sans, Fs!chara, Fellswap ensemble
b. Chancetale
Original AU, Sans is a magician
7. Grinning Kitten Stories
a. The Killing Kind / Tumblr
Geno—>Error x Reaper
b. Goth, Reaper
8. Horrortale
Chapter 3: context for Undyne/Alphys
Ch4 P2: Sans Enters the Lab
Ch4 P10: Body Horror Incoming
Ch4 P21: ch5 back to Aliza
9. Underlust Creator Art
Visual smut
10. Unu Stories
a. Connected
Template, Pale
b. Somewhere Else
Template, Error
11. Passive Nm story
Passive Nightmare, Nightmare, Reaper
Reaper x Error Comic
12. Throne
Dream, Cross, Nightmare, Killer
Suggestive, smut, Dream x Nightmare
13. Depressive AU _ Ink Sans
14. Tethertale _ Tenor Sans
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glamoureddreamer · 9 months
Don’t go
Undertale (Fatal Error x Reaper)
Warnings: being left(not breaking up though), mention of near death (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
Guys I swear this was supposed to be a smut fic but I think it’s just great on it’s own lmao so there might be a part 2. I feel like Fatal isn’t written about enough
I hope you all enjoy I hope you all have a great day! Remember to take care of yourselves!
The skeleton turns to face Reaper, who stared back at him with shock. Reaper’s soul was caught in his throat and he felt as if he was about to cry.
The skeleton could remember who he was, what they were, and their life together. However he was someone else now, Geno and Reaper's life together hardly mattered.
“Don’t call me that.” His voice was nearly glitched beyond recognition from the last time Reaper had heard it. He was just happy he had found his lost lover.
“My name is Fatal Error.”
Reaper sets his scythe on the ground and takes a few steps forward, making Fatal hesitant.
“Well…Fatal,” The name on his tongue felt foreign, he faintly wondered what happened to Geno to make him like this but he pushed it aside for he just wanted to hold him again.
“Your soul is-“
Fatal immediately summons a glitched gaster blaster, to protect his soul.
“You’re here for my soul?” Fatal sounded almost offended by the idea.
“What? No, I-“
“Don’t lie to me Reaper.” Fatal hissed out his name, despite the circumstances Reaper's soul leaped with joy that he knew his name. It meant a part of Geno was still there, there was hope.
“I know who you are, I know what you do. You are not, taking my soul.”
Reaper took a deep breath. “If you know me as much as you say you do, then you know I’m not here for your soul.
Fatal’s expression turned into one of shock before turning into one of anger. The gaster blaster started to glow with his magic.
Fatal scoffs, “I clearly don’t know you Reaper. Since you made a promise and broke it. Leaving me.. all alone in the void of the save screen.”
Geno was still in there.
“Gen-Fatal.. I.. it was not my intention to do you harm, to leave.” Reaper was much closer now, making it easier to understand the glitch.
Thankfully he didn’t seem defensive anymore just hesitant. Reaper could work with that, he could be patient.
“It doesn’t matter if you wanted to or not- you did anyway. I mean- do you know what it was fucking like?! Of course you don’t you had the ability to walk around any universe you wanted to while I was stuck in the save screen! It’s not even that which bothers me! What bothers me is you told me you’d come back but you didn’t and then Error came and tried to kill me turning me into…into this freak!”
Reaper and Fatal were within five feet of each other, Reaper could now see the pale tears leaking down his face. He felt guilt eating away at his soul.
“Fatal I’m sorry. If I could take it back I would, I never meant to hurt you. I loved you with all of my soul, my being. You were my everything. It killed me when you left, I spent countless days searching for you. Asking anyone if they’d see you.”
Fatal’s breath hitches and his expression soften. Reaper was in arms reach of him now and decides to take a leap of faith. He reaches out his hands and gently grabs his face before leaning in and pecking Fatal’s teeth.
Fatal’s eyes widen as Reaper melts into the kiss. When he pulls away Fatal was struggling not to break down and it showed. Reaper tilted his head down and set his skull against Fatal’s, he held him tighter.
“Please. Forgive me, my love. I am here now and I am not going anywhere.”
And his walls broke.
Fatal started to cry which was just a mess of broken glitches and incoherent words. Fatal shoved his face into Reaper's neck and clutched his robe preventing him from going anywhere like his life depended on it.
“Love, deep breathes it’s okay.” Reaper rubbed his back gently as he whispered words of comfort to him.
“Don’t leave.” Fatal managed to get out through his glitches and sobs.
“I won’t Fatal. Never again. I promise I love you.”
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willhelp-exe · 6 months
essay about the rus//sian-ukrai//nian war and the ongoing ga//za geno//cide and amer//ican zion//ists. feel free to ignore ive just been sitting on this since the escalation and if i didnt put it somewhere id explode. edited for cen//sorship because i was interaction-banned the first time i posted.
as a ukra//inian american i find some of the leftist rhetoric in discourse surrounding the russ//ian-ukrai//nian war absolutely disgusting because no matter how pro soviet development you are you cannot deny that 1. the soviet union no longer exists and treating rus//sia as anything but a capitalist imperial force exerting both soft and hard power around the world is deeply irresponsible 2. cultural homogenization under the soviet union necessitated cultural geno//cide, and this legacy reproduces itself to this day with the embedding of global neoliberal capitalism 3. soviet communism did not liberate soviet peoples from systems of racialized oppre//ssion under the soviet eth//nic paradigm .
but at the end of the day all of this discourse is inconsequential because ukrai//ne has the military backing of the most prolifically destructive empire in the history of the world and ukra//ine has not only the will but the means to defend her land, and should she lose this wa//r she will not lose international solidarity. systems of support will always be available for her people.
my debate partner is not the backed by the american w//ar machine, it’s some mar//xist-lenin//ist-mao//ist’s throwaway twitter account.
for this reason i literally cannot even fathom so called “isra//el activists” and “isra//el advocates,” even prior to the recent escalation of the ga//za geno//cide. at hillel summits they teach us how to win internet arguments and do//x people, because that’s what being an isra//el advocate means. they teach us how to online-argue for the right to exist of a country that already exists, that has for almost 80 years, as the largest beneficiary of american foreign aid in the world. this ridiculous circumstance has only been exacerbated by the sie//ge— this ‘w//ar’ is deeply unpopular, amongst americans, amongst israelis, and all over the world, and even then isra//el is to recieve billions in aid to continue carp//et bom//bing the third densest urban area in the world, displa//cing more than half of her people in the name of a so called second w//ar on ter//ror. what are you advocating for? what are you defending? your say is advocated for and defended by the american w//ar machine.
the extend of your so called activism is engaging in scripted comment section debates. like. lol. youre not a vict//im youre an upper west side born photojournalism major at nyu or columbia and you’ll never see w//ar on your own soil a day in your life. maybe in the us youre margin//alized along the axis of your juda//ism but if you’re white ashkenazi you cannot pretend the same applies under the isra//eli eth//nic paradigm.
your debate partner is an anti-w//ar activist, maybe pales//tinian (diaspora or otherwise), maybe an ally, possibly even a weird larper operating a sock-account, but she certainly isn’t backed by the american w//ar machine lol. as it stands now, her speech is as inconsequential as your so-called advocacy. to behave as if her speech is equivalent to a system of raciali//zed oppre//ssion is frankly ridiculous and we as j//ews should know better
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digital-template · 4 years
Thoughts on Fresh x Lust, Geno x Ink, Error x Nightmare, Reaper x Error, Lust x Killer, Dream x Pale?
Fresh x Lust: I’ve never heard of it and don’t know how that would work out but I like the thought of wholesome Lust comforting Fresh! <3
Geno x Ink: Hope, Hope for everyone and they smooch happily while living together uwu
Error x Nightmare: Meet the couple and you’re dead, but it will be the hottest thing you’ll ever see before you die.
Reaper x Error: NO TOUCH but then slowly getting used to it, then them finding out death touch doesn’t affect them so they hug and snuggles forever-
Lust x Killer: Emotions, learning to open up his emotions again and Killer’s full of life and everyone’s happi-
Dream x Pale: Interesting ship! Dream would love to help out this ‘Ink’, always trying to convince him on using vials like Ink and not destroy an AU. Dream would snuggle him 100% tho-
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lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
Oh, I had an idea for an ask yesterday, but forgot. Now I remember though! In a completely hypothetical situation, if the whole cast of Kingdomverse? were to get wings, what do their wings look like, and how do they react? And how fast do they learn to fly, if they are able/want to?
I just like wings, and this would obviously not be canon.
Oh this is really nice to think about! I love wings too, so I'm absolutely happy to do this. Though it might be hard for me to actually describe them... Let's give it a shot!
(NOTE: These descriptions are NON-CANON to Kingdomverse?, but if you guys like them, feel free to draw them! I might do so too, I like wings >w<)
I'll do the Royal Court last this time, so let's start with...
His wings would be on the larger side. They'd be a dark red with black and red speckles around his shoulders. He's freaked out when he develops the wings, but he thinks their hella cool. He has troubles with flying at first, and honestly even though the wings look cool, they're a lot of work.
They look cool, but Red hates the upkeep they require and the energy it takes to fly. He still likes flying though, he just won't do it often.
His wings are also on the larger side, but they're more lengthy than Red's. He's also developed what seems to be tail feathers! His have a similar coloration (A bit brighter base color), but the speckles are concentrated at the ends of the wings rather than around the shoulders. Edge is surprised when he gets his wings, but he doesn't let it show.
He practices flying in private, and he soon finds he rather likes how majestic his wings make him look. He doesn't much care for flying, he doesn't really need to go anywhere. He learns how to fly far quicker than Red though.
His wings are on the smaller side. They're a grey-blue coloration with a white ombré towards the tips of the feathers. He, for the most part takes getting wings in stride. Much like with his Guardsman training, he seems to just know how to fly soon after getting them. He's too lazy to do it that often though.
He likes his wings, they make good blankets.
His wings are lonngg! They also have tail feathers, but they're longer than Edge's. The underside of his feathers are a pale yellow at the center, turning more orange as they reach the tips, and the backs of his wings are just orange. They have the same light yellow color as a few speckles across the backs of his wings too.
Pyrus had a bit of a freak out when he developed wings. Why did it happen? It happened to you too Comic?! Is it a sickness?! Are we dying??? No he doesn't know why a disease would make them grow wings before they die, but it's an option!
He eventually calms down, don't worry. He has a little bit of difficulty learning how to fly, but with Comic's help he learns pretty quick! He loves flying, and will take any excuse to do it.
Lust's wings are also on the smaller side, but they're much more elegant. They have some pale purple, almost white feathers at the shoulders. His feathers lightly curl at the ends, and there are a couple longer feathers that come from the base of his wings that appear to be just decorative. His wings color is reminiscent of a purple sunset.
Lust is startled at having gained wings, but is immediately overjoyed. They're so pretty! Lust gets to work at making sure they have the perfect outfit to go with them. Lust has difficulties learning to fly, but eventually gets the hang of it. They love flying, but don't do it often.
Ardor's wings are the same length as Pyrus's, but also with an elegant flair. They're more pink than Lust's wings, and seem to have a cloud-like pattern across them. Ardor has long tail feathers that seem to have a rough heart shape at the ends.
Ardor is extremely startled when they see that they've developed wings. Seeing that Lust has also gained wings eases their worries a bit, but they're still nervous. He's too anxious about even having wings to try to learn how to fly yet. It takes him a while. Ardor doesn't want to fly.
Stretch's wings are the most similar to Pyrus's in shape, but in size they're the smallest of the Papyri. His tail feathers are also the shortest. His wings are colored like a flickering flame, various shades of orange and yellow melding together. The base of his wings at his shoulders are a more brownish color on the back, and the brown speckles across the back of his wings.
Stretch is similar to Comic, he's surprised but not all that concerned about having wings. Stretch learns to fly so he can encourage Blue to learn as well, though honestly he'd rather stay on the ground too. Flying is hard work.
Blue's wings are similar to Comic's in shape, but they're larger. They're a light blue with white stripes at the ends. The base of his wings are also white. Blue is startled when he sees he's gained wings, and goes to the Kings to figure out what's happened.
Blue... doesn't want to learn to fly. He's afraid of heights after all. He does try though! Stretch helps him with the basics, and he can get off the ground... but honestly the ground is nice, and he'd much rather stay on the ground.
Geno's wings are similar to Comic's in shape and size. His are a white color that fades to grey and then red at the tips. He's surprised about gaining wings, and can quickly tell they won't be any use beyond being decorative. His wings feel heavy, like weights.
Geno is unable to use his wings to fly, and his disappointment shows. Reaper is quick to comfort him, assuring Geno that he'll still take him out flying, wings or no wings. Geno will stretch his wings out on these trips now, and the feeling of the wind through his feathers is wonderful.
He's kind of relieved he can still be held by Reaper like this.
Reaper already has wings, so I'll just describe them. His are a deep pitch black with splotches of a dark grey on the undersides. They seem to almost fade to smoke at the tips.
Error's wings appear to be much more... sharp I suppose is the word? than the others'. They're black, and the very edge of his wings have three blue streaks. (I don't mean the tips of the feathers, I mean the ends of the wings, like when he extends them... Describing things is hard T^T)
The tips of his feathers have a faint red and yellow ombré, similar to his fingers. His and Geno's wings look rather similar actually, just different colors. (and a few minor detail changes for Error)
Error heads to the Kings immediately when he develops wings, and then goes to check on Geno. He learns to fly on his own, but he struggles with it quite a bit. He doesn't really fly much, since all his work is on the ground.
Ink's wings are white, and have a pale, cloud-shaped rainbow pattern towards the tips of his feathers. His wings are rounder than the others', and he also has decorative feathers like Lust.
Ink is excited when he sees his wings, and immediately starts trying to learn how to fly. He loves flying, and will also look for any excuse to do so. Sometimes he won't even wait for an excuse.
Dust's wings also have a sharp look to them. They're an ashy grey with an almost purple tint, and a white splattered pattern at the tips of his feathers. Dust has a mini-freakout when he sees he has wings. He's another one who heads to the Kings for answers.
Dust doesn't actually want to learn to fly, so he doesn't. He's fine staying on the ground.
Horror's wings are a grey color as well, and appear to resemble fog with their pattern. Mixes of various greys make them look smoky and cloudlike. His wings are also the largest of the Sanses. Horror is probably the most undisturbed about gaining wings. He does think to go and ask the Kings about it, but he doesn't mind them.
Horror can't fly either, unfortunately. Much like Geno, his wings are more like weights. He doesn't mind. They're fluffy and warm. He does learn, however, that even though he can't fly, he can glide. He figured it out when he was hunting. He's far faster on the ground now, using his wings as a way of getting short bursts of speed.
Cross's wings are white, and the tips have a black X pattern across them. His wings are almost as large as Horror's. His wings have a regal, almost angelic look to them shape-wise.
Cross is surprised of course when he develops wings, and is the first one to talk to Dream about what's happened. He learns to fly thanks to Dream, despite his initial nervousness about it. He flies whenever Dream wants to go flying.
Killer's wings are a deep, almost black, red. His feathers have a red ombré at the tips. His feathers look sharp, and his wings are sleek, built for speed. Killer is confused when he sees his wings, but shrugs it off and heads to Nightmare to see if he knows what's up.
He learns to fly with few hiccups, and rather likes it. He sticks to Nightmare most of the time, but with permission he likes to fly around a bit.
Dream's wings are in a word, magical. They appear to be made of pure light. He actually has four wings, two small ones on the bottom, two large ones on the top. The feathers seem to glow, and almost sparkle. When light touches them, they seem to reflect a pale rainbow.
Flying seems to come naturally to Dream, and he rather likes it. It's freeing. He encourages Cross to fly with him. Honestly, if Dream had wanted previously, he could have given himself wings using his magic. He'd never thought to do so, and it certainly wouldn't have been permanent. He couldn't have dreamt of making them this pretty either!
Nightmare's wings, while just as impressive, aren't as eye catching as Dream's. His are dark, shadow-like, and seem to be constantly shifting. He, unlike Dream, has six wings. His wings are much more... malleable than any other's. They can almost lay flat across his form like a cloak of shadows.
If he spreads his wings completely, it's then you'd notice their pattern. The underside of his wings seem to resemble the night sky, a galaxy of faint shimmering stars glittering across the feathers.
Much like Dream, flying comes naturally. Nightmare has actually given himself wings before, purely out of curiosity. They weren't as pretty as the ones he has now though, and he couldn't fly with them. Nightmare needs a bit of convincing from Killer to actually fly now.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
Writing Masterlist
since this is starting to get longer and longer, I figured I’d put a cut, just to save everyone some time when scrolling through my crap here :P
My other blogs, for anyone who'd like to know where else they can find me on this hellsite: @ohgodallthefandoms-backup (my main), @zlamina (only animal stuff), @skelesinners-r-us (my nsfw skeleton jester/daycare attendant blog), @ask-the-riders (an ask blog for the riders of the apocalypse), @skellies-art (the place where I put all my doodles), @pareidolia-artprompts (a random art prompt blog where I post visual art prompts), and @radical-superstar-daycare (a special blog I made for Daycare Attendant!Fresh, Sonnie (Sundrop!Conquest), and Lunar (Moondrop!Retribution). The newest addition to my blogs is @tsams-and-co-memes, where I post TSBS memes
Pareidolia-artprompts, ask-the-riders, and radical-superstar-daycare are on a hiatus of sorts rn. Just a heads up, ig
Link to my AO3 here
Link to my Redbubble here
Link to my Ko-Fi here
AU Skeleton Nickname Master List here
FreshDex link here
Choose Your Own Path routes
Baby Ducks
Continue Walking
One Last Attempt
Choose Your Own Path 2/CYOP2 routes
Walk a little faster
Unlikely Circumstances
Unlikely Circumstances (Part 1)
Unlikely Circumstances (Part 2)
Nep/Gill/Betta Related
In Deep Water
Betta x Reader ("face reality" prompt)
The Union
Congrats, You're a Dad!
UnderFell/MafiaFell(/MobFell) Related
To The Moon and Back (UF!Sans x Reader)
Light In The Dark (UF!Sans x Nyctophobic!Reader)
Family Secrets
Necro/NecroTale Related
Necro's story (part 1 of ???)
Touch starved (w/Necro)
Red Velvet (a father's day scenario w/Mal and Necro)
My Glitchy Daughter
HorrorTale Related
You Should Be
Distractions (HT!Sans x Reader fluff that very quickly becomes suggestive)
Eat You Up ("hunted down" horror prompt w/HT!Sans)
Nightmare/Bad Sanses Related
Alone (Nightmare x Reader (kinda sorta))
Nightmare's Puppets
A Way Out
Mother Void
Locked up and left behind (w/Nightmare and Mal)
Mistake/Accident prompt w/Cross and Error (comic)
No Strings On Me (puppeteer prompt w/Error and Nightmare
Little Hellion (Dadmare & baby Nyx)
Sleep Paralysis horror prompt w/ Sleep Paralysis!Nightmare
Abyss (Sleep Paralysis!Nightmare prompt continuation)
Overgrown - prompt w/Nightmare
Comfort food - prompt w/Horror
Rampage - prompt w/Nightmare
Fear of the Dark (Figment!Killer blurb)
I Am Dust And Shadow (Figment!Dust blurb)
Dream/Star Sanses Related
Locked up and left behind (w/Blueberry)
The birth of Yanberry (horror/angst prompt w/Shattered Dream and Blueberry)
Template (and eventually Pale) Related
Template's Offer
Spider Donuts and Scarves (a father's day scenario w/Mal and Template)
Mal Related
Mal to the Rescue/Error Gets Vibe Checked
Mal's New Attack
Mal and Geno - family fluff
Mal's Great Escape
The origin of a name (contains TWs)
And Then There Was One
Mal discovers she's pregnant
Mal meets herself
A Life Worth Living (CrossMare fluff prompt)
Cause of Death: Love (NightBerry angst)
Greatly Disappointed (NightKiller angst)
Slammed into a wall (w/ErrInk)
"Hang on, hang on, we're gonna fall off the bed/couch-" (fluff prompt w/ErrInk)
Mine ("til death do us part" prompt w/Dark Cream)
Never Speak To Strangers
Check Other Windows
Risky Business
Sure, but we need to make it fast - route
Apologize - route
Try the front door of the facility - route
Use the vent - route
Go into the daycare attendant’s room - route
Other Characters
Forum Deals With Flirting
Kisses, cuddles, and cocoa (UT!Papyrus x Reader)
Paps' Nightmare
That's how much I love you (Yandere US!Papyrus x Reader)
That's how much I love you [part 2] (Yandere US!Papyrus x Reader x Yandere US!Sans)
Info masterlist on my characters
Reasons To Not Mess With Mal or Betta
Kiss prompt masterlist
Headcanon voices/audio edits/voice claims masterlist
Little Thief (NOT AN UTAU FIC)
Here's a link to my nsfw smutfic masterlist, if you're at all into reading stuff of that nature
And here's the link that'll take you to a masterlist of stuff for the riders of the apocalypse :P it's both an info masterlist and a writing masterlist rolled into one, so ye
EDIT: if you have something you'd like me to write, feel free to send me an ask :) I'm not at all judgmental and I'll write just about anything. I'm even willing to take smut requests as well, if that's more your cup of tea :P (request smut stuff here -> @skelesinners-r-us)
((If any of the links don't work or take you somewhere other than where they're supposed to, let me know!))
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secret-time-is-here · 4 years
Double stitched - Rewrite
Finally did the rewrite :D
A lot of Double stitched is out of date and no longer canon in Dreamswap, so I’ve been wanting to fix it for a while... and now I will :)
Probably A LOT of the series will need some rewriting, better working with Ink, Dream, Blue, Nightmare- all the characters... And Underverse Error espically... because well, I didn’t really get to work too well with the canon of his character at the time-keep in mind I wrote this two years ago and finished the series a year ago-so After a while of thinking I started working on it and I’m super exicted to share it! :)
(For those that don’t remember, this is a little Errorcest, just a random idea of if UnderVerse Error got stuck in DreamSwap, and somehow I made it gay. I chose not to question it myself and just rewrite the story.)
Also, for once, I did do the glitching, and from now on will be trying to pre-write chapter so I can make it more accurate and go over mistakes, as well as do the glitching to make it a little more Error. There is a difference between DS!Error’s and UV!Error’s glitching though, but only slight, just enough so you can tell without me saying it.
Chapter 1
Previous(The original series) - First(Here) - Next
Groaning, the glitched skeleton woke up, body sore from fighting, bones creaking in protest, wanting more rest. Where was he? Last his buzzing mind could remember he was fighting Ink, then the stupid squid teleported him away from the near destruction of the Au they were in. He couldn’t have been teleported far… but his surroundings said otherwise.
Sitting up and looking around, he was in the Anti Void, but it didn’t feel like it. What was that damned place Core brought survivors to-wasn’t that place supposed to look like the Anti Void? This new place felt foreign, his magic somewhere in it, but different elements. More basic, not his destructive magic that came with his title as a god.
How far away was he teleported? The Anti Void was vast, but there’s no way he made it back to where he first entered, way back to when he was only a pathetic Geno variant.
Searching the space, he felt two more presences of magic, one that was near identical to the Cross he knew and another that felt like a toned-down version of Nightmare, the same amount of magic as that little insolent guardian Dream.
Why would Cross, much less someone with the same magic presence as Nightmare, be in the Anti Void?
Quickly, the destroyer opened serval windows, checking on the AUs, confirming if they were all still the same. They weren’t.
A large, near castle-like building with a “JR” logo plastered on its front sign, was in place of Nightmare’s mansion, a god-like human version of Dream judging by the crown, and a pretty normal-looking human Ink talking and possibly looking over the paper’s in the room he checked on.
When did Dream get so tall? Or get wings? His outfit was totally different too. The crown still sat perched on his skull, but he had the tunic he used to wear, just a different color-a plain brown, with a yellow flaming jacket over it. The cuffs and hood of which were fluffy. An odd trinket sat just under the fold of his collar too, what looked like an ovular spiked sun with a red jewel resting in the middle. He was also wearing basic pants and tied shoes, completely different from the normal boots and battle gear that the destroyer was used to seeing. His skin was almond, eyes blood shot with yellow-pupils a darker yellow to stand out, and hair dark blonde. Looking neat and kept, parted off to the side of his head.
Even Ink was different, dull colors instead of the vibrant ones the artist usually had. Dull grays, dirty browns and bronze colored his outfit. The only thing still vibrant about him being the being his colorful expression of boredom and the shiny “JR” pin on his paintless peanut brown scarf. It was weird. A simple black t-shirt, plain brown jacket with dark gray cuffs and hood, coin gray shorts, boring lace-up ankle shoes. Honestly, the only thing that looked the same was the paint stain on his cheek. 
Inks skin was reddish golden, darker freckles peaking out from underneath the paint stain and across his face. His eyes were still mismatched, one green and the other orange. His bright blonde hair was shaved on the sides and swooped over to the right, showing off the double gold piercings in his ears. Ash gray tattoos peaked out from underneath his shorts, curling and crawling down his calves with long bold designs. His paint brush had changed as well, barely noticeable from a distance, a long thin pole with a small long tuff of hair at the end, the “JR” pin hanging on as an accessory by some decorated strings.
The different Ink seemed to get fed up with the god-Dream and left the room, flipping the bird and showing off brown fingerless gloves as well.
“MaybE THIs Ink and I cOuLd gET aLOnG...” He chuckled, before moving his attention to the next window he had opened, surprisingly not far from the god-Dream.
Some version of Blueberry was there static and glitching, small white blocks littering his left eye. Just like Dream and Ink, his outfit was different too and he was also human. Instead of a tattered and worn bandana, he wore a long blue scarf, a long-sleeved half blue half spiked white sweater, plain pants, and blue boots. His skin was a pale vanilla, and eyes a light blue, matching well with his light fawn brown hair. Was he stalking the god-Dream?! Jeez, this was definitely not his multiverse.
Abruptly, not minutes after Ink left, Blue got out of his hiding spot and strutted into Dream’s office, the look on the Guardian’s face was priceless. Man, now he wants to see the little baby grandpa in his multiverse have an actually pissed face.
Deciding that the expression was too much, he scouted for any other’s he could recognize, swiftly finding  a human Cross and another human that looked like a purple version of the Dream he knew. At least this Cross looked a little less dorky, and less complicated outfit. That ridiculously big hood was gone, and he wore a simple black long sleeved shirt instead of a turtle neck, his scarf still wrapped around his neck but split off into two ends. Instead of X’s being extra accessories, they were actually in the design of the shirt and shorts, the shoes still owning a cross on each, the color changed to a pitch black. Still not a color in sight except the red scar that adorned his cheek and the single red eye that showed Chara was still very active in this world, the other eye grey.
His skin was quite literally white, as pale and plain as the AntiVoid. His hair was white as well, although a little duller, like a drop of grey mixed in with pure white paint. His hair was styled to meet together at the top, he couldn’t help but laugh at the fact it looked like a trimmed bush. Much like the Ink he had seen earlier, this Cross had piercings, a single black circle on the bottom of each earlobe.
“Nightmare!” This multiverse’s Cross yelled to the purple Dream, who innocently poked his head out of what was probably his room, “Did you put dye in my toothpaste?!” The destroyer just had to turn the window around to see- yep, purple-tinted teeth. At least this Nightmare seemed to be somewhat evil.
He couldn’t help but laugh, all the same, he was so… short. A crown similar to Dream’s sat snug on his head parting his bangs and the rest of his hair, but instead of curving in, at the middle sat a plate with a waxing crescent engraved into it. His skin was nearly the same color as the Dream he had seen before, just a tad darker, light purple eyes beaming through the shade of his untidy and mess bangs. This Nightmare also wore a tunic similar to the God-Dreams, but instead of a plain brown, he wore one that was black lined with white that was short-sleeved, and a torn-up purple scarf hung off his shoulders with a waxing crescent pin holding it together. Purple boots decorated his feet in contrast to slippers covered in tarry goo. They were completely different people at least from physical appearance. He had no clue about their personality yet.
Finally, he searched for one person specifically, where was this multiverse’s version of himself? Was he out giddily destroying AUs? Taking souls to add to his collection? Not even close, just being wimpy and knitting together some doll while sitting in a random OuterTale timeline.
Their outfit was terribly plain too, not that he was incredibly good at fashion, but he does have eyelights. Simple short sleeve hoodie, plain boring short scarf, boring red shirt, simple gloves, dark shorts, and high laced boots. His skin was dark like his own bones, this versions dark brown hair pulled back and braided into long dreadlocks.
Changing the window to a portal, he jumped out of the weird Anti Void and landed nearby the other, startling the skeleton some.
“WhO-O...?” They tried to start but was swiftly cut off.
“I gOt sOmE quEsTIOns, buddy.” His glitching voice explained, getting straight to the point, “I dOn’T knOw wHaT muLTIvERsE I’m In, oR hOw ThE HeLl I gOT HeRE.” He continued, noticing that there was another difference, their eyes. This multiverse’s Error not sharing the red back-drop, his left eye yellow, and the right red. Curved red rimmed glasses sitting just in front of them. The tear stains there but altered incredibly, a near electric blue flowing down his cheeks like cracks in glass “BuT I dO knOw THaT yOu’RE an aLTERnaTE vERsIOn Of mE and I nEEd answERs.”
The other Error stared at him, confused, they seemed to both have the glitching and error messages at least.
“Okay…? I guEss? Sit dOwn and I’ll tRy-Ry and hElp yOu, u-uh, OthER… mE?”
“NO fIGhT? JEEz, THIs muLTIvERsE Is wImpy and wEIRd.” The destroyer commented, sitting down a yard or so away from the other, haphephobia making it difficult to sit any closer.
“BEfORE any quEstiOns, wE shOuld pRObably gEt this namE thing sOrtEd, uh-” His alternate spoke, voice not nearly as glitchy as his. Suddenly, the other Error snapped his fingers, “YOu glitch mORE than mE! WE can call yOu Glitch- and I guEss I can gO by…” The other skeleton looked down at his hands, “...StRings.”
“ALrIghT, STrINGs, wHaT’s GOInG On In THIs muLTIvERsE? SO faR, DREam sOmEHOw gOT wInGs, Ink and I cOuLd acTuaLLy GeT aLOnG fOR OncE, BluE Is a sTaLkER and GLiTChy, NiGHTmaRE isn’t cOvEREd In TaR, CROss acTuaLLy sHOws EmOTIOns, and yOu jusT sEEm LIkE a wImpy LEss amazInG vERsIOn Of mE. And EvEryOnE’s Human.”
Strings gave him a confused look, especially on the part of them being humans, mixed with a glare for the comment.
“Can yOu Explain hOw yOuR multivERsE is?” The other Error asked through gritted yellow teeth, another shared trait.
“SuRE? Ink’s an emOTIOnLEss ass, DREam’s a usELEss prOTEcTOR wITH a babyfacE-but sTILL can be an ass and GeT In my way, BluE Is a dETERmInEd paIn In THe ass, NIgHTmaRE’s a smaRT ass, CROss Is aLsO an emOTIOnLEss ass, and Of cOuRsE, I’m awEsOmE and back tO dEsTROyInG AUs afTeR THaT squId bROkE OuR sTupId TRucE.” Glitch said simply, leaning back against the rocks and staring up into space, “In summaRy, EvERyOnE’s an assHoLE THaT GeT’s In my way, buT THe dRama Is beTtER THan UndERNovELa sO I can’T cOmpLaIn tOO much. Plus, wE’RE aLL skELETOns, wHITE bOnEs, ExcEpT fOR mE, and NIGHTmaRE I guEss.”
Strings hummed in reply, not fully happy with the explanation, mainly because of the destroying AUs part, but not wanting to fight at the moment. Leisurely, he started to get back to work on the doll he had started to work on before Glitch randomly appeared.
The destroyer looked over to the other at the sound of needles clicking fast, sitting back up as he watched Strings proficiently and easily knit away at the doll. His hands moving quickly, looping around and pulling more string from his eyes on occasion, method well-practiced.
“HeH,” Glitch let a chuckle escape, “nO maTTeR tHe muLTIvERsE, I can aT LEasT cOunT On OTHeR mE’s knOwInG hOw To knIT.”
“And hERe I thOught I was wimpy and lEss amazing, mR.EgO cOmplEx.” Strings joked sarcastically, smirking all the while. Slightly slowing his pace down to talk easier, he asked: “YOu knit tOO? DEspitE bEing an all-mighty dEstrOyER oR whatEvER?”
“Of cOuRsE I dO! BEsT pasT TImE, asIdE fROm UndERNOvELLa.” He smiled slightly, not used to doing it so carefree, only ever really smiling at the chaotic destruction of an AU.
Time went on like that, just them talking. Finding their few differences but mostly sharing their commonalities. It felt like hours had passed by in the blink of an eye when in reality, they hadn’t been talking for that long. Their conversation was abruptly stopped when a portal opened behind them, two figures running out of it.
“Night? CROss? What are yOu guys dOing hErE?” Strings asked, standing up and running over to his friends, Glitch watching awkwardly from a distance.
“You’ve been gone for hours!” Cross shouted, nearly lurching at strings before stopping himself. Strings, understanding what he was going for, slowly eased into hugging him, “We were worried… if Dream found you...”
“PlEasE, guys, I’m the OnE that busts yOu twO Out. I’m finE.” Strings assured.
Glitch, feeling left out, decided to walk over and get introductions out of the way.
“HEaRTfElt REunIOn, whaTevER, I’m kInda sTuck heRE and fROm a dIffEREnT muLTIvERsE, sO yEaH.” Glitch swiftly interrupted, standing somewhat near the group of housemates or whatever they were. Strings didn’t mention specifically what they were to him.
“SoRRy, GlItch. Night, CROss, this is Glitch- An ErROr fROm a diffEREnt multivERsE.” Strings gestured, not surprised when his counterpart didn’t accept the handshake from Nightmare and instead moved away from it. “Glitch, this is my NightmarE and CROss, my bEst fRiEnds, tEammatEs, annOying hOusEmatEs...”
“Rude.” Cross spoke up, but a small smile appeared with the comment, Strings rolling his eye lights to the stars, Glitch only nodding in acceptance.
“So… uh,” Nightmare tried to converse, “How different is your multiverse?”
Dreamswap, concept and outfits, all belongs to @onebizarrekai
Ink belongs to @comyet
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
Cross & underverse belong to @jakei95
Blue belongs to the community
Nightmare and Dream belong to the community
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zirkkun-uthcs · 4 years
Current Tag List
Character Masterlist || Rules & Guidelines || General HC Masterlist
The overall, general tags will be:
#uthcs headcanon #uthcs pin #uthcs reblog #undertale headcanon #undertale #submission #zircon answers (default ask tag) #ask game (for those posts like “send me X to hear about this!”) #not a headcanon #list answer (for a lot of characters listed for a prompt that doesn’t require much writing)
Based on the AU, type of ask/submission, I’ll use these:
#undertale au #deltarune #underswap #underfell #underlust #xtale #errortale #inktale #dusttale #underfresh #outertale #underlust reimagine #swapx4 #swap!underlust reimagine
#[INSERT AU NAME] headcanon
For ships, the tags will be formatted like:
#undertale x reader #[INSERT AU NAME] x reader
It would be too long to list all of the character tags, but for the most part, I’ll follow this format:
#[INSERT AU NAME] ! [CHAR NAME] (example: #underfell!sans)
Exceptions to this rule include: #error #ink #fresh #fresh!ink #template #pale
Characters that will have both kinds of tags: #cross / #xtale!sans #geno / #aftertale!sans
For list answers about collective groups, we’ll just have #all [INSERT CHARACTER NAME] or #all [INSERT AU NAME] cast.
As of right now, we’ll be tagging the following triggers, so please blacklist them if you have one of these. (Additionally, if you need something else tagged, please let me know!)
#blood mention // #death mention // #past abuse // #past trauma // #yandere // #yandere mention // #dark themes // #aged up character //
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diary-of-deadweight · 4 years
Being op isn’t all it’s made out to be.
Summary: you’re strong, hella strong, so strong that your aspirations of becoming a hero are dwindling until a bald hero makes his appearance.
Authors note: this is a BNHA x opm crossover fic that I’ve been wanting to write for a while but had to get some shit out of the way first, hope you enjoy this.
Ever since your were a child in kindergarten you always wanted to become as great of a hero as your idol, who didn’t live in Musutafu like most heroes but in a once populated town called City Z; it all started during recess just as Billy Beale, the class bully, followed by his nameless goons, was about to kick sand from the sand pit into your friend’s eyes for the hell of it, you stepped up to protect them by putting yourself between Billy and them as you punched him in the gut with your small chubby fist that sent him flying further then you’d expected.
Billy’s goons were left stood there, faces unsettlingly pale as they watched their group leader being punched harder then normal, scared stiff as identical dark patches expanded across their trousers from fright as they got laughed and pointed at for pissing their pants by the other kids in your class while you looked at your tiny hands in awe and shock as if they held all the answers you’ve been searching for, whilst also taken back at how much power they held without trying; that was when you found your calling to become a hero like your idol like many other quirk possessing kids across Japan and a hero is what you’d be even if the odds were stacked against you.
Even if you did get in trouble for engaging in a ,obviously, one sided fight and a scolding from your parents that were soon subsided by them not being able to be mad at you for long, especially when you were jumping up and down, waving your arms wildly screaming, “I HAVE A QUIRK! LOOK AT ME MOMMY, LOOK DADDY! I HAVE A QURIK!!”
Flash forward 13 years later and you were perched upon a wooden bench in a flowerless garden downtown just as a gust of early January air came by, making you involuntarily shiver in your heavily layered form as it brushed the honey brown leaves littering the street an inch across your peripheral vision as if it was playing monopoly with itself as a second draft of winter air ruffled the bare naked trees in the nearby area, the sounds of bustling city life just barely reached your ears, leaving you with a sense of serenity which was greatly appreciated while yet a tad unnerving thanks to your constant run ins with the League of villains that left you with less the pleasant memories and all within the spam of your first few months of attending UA none the less; they started out as nothing more then a dysfunctional group when they made their grand debut in the USJ in hopes of killing Allmight, only to find you, your classmates, Aizawa and pro hero 13 instead which lead to an all out brawl ,after standing around all stiff limbed and breaths being caught in your throats at the sight of villains somehow infiltrating a disclosed location; only to be bested by Allmight who finished off the nomu, with some minor help as you punched the brain dead bird monster off of an injured Aizawa and into a wall while knocking some lesser known villains off their feet by the blowback of the punch itself earning you some praises from fellow classmates and heroes alike which, at the time made you feel all warm inside, now didn’t make you feel as if you achieved anything really the more time that passed by and the more times you’ve ended things with a singular blow making you scream to the heavens, scaring off some birds in the process, “WHY DOES IT ALWAYS END WITH ONE PUNCH, DAMN IT!!!”
After the disaster that taken place in Kamino Ward, leading to Allmight’s retirement after giving all for one a farewell gift in the disguise of a knuckle sandwich and a unforeseen future that sent everyone in a blind panic to find the next symbol of peace meanwhile the villains lurking in the shadows took this as a blessing to wreak havoc, resulting in the percentage of villain activity to skyrocket more then ever before, unsettling the civilians even more then they already were came the introduction of the big three during a relatively calm day of school, well as calm as it could get, only for Mirio to offer a challenge to fight everyone in your class singlehandedly which peaked your interest greatly as you thought that you’ve finally found your match after defeating Midoriya, Bakugou and todoroki during the sports festival awhile back, coming out with your skin unscathed, your sports wear a complete mess of rips, punctures and burnt cloth that it was absolutely baffling to everyone in attendance, some believing that it all came down to your quirk being the solution and leaving it at that.
Turns out that not even the great Mirio Togata could take you down as you exhausted him easily with your unlimited stamina, insane durability at everything he threw at you and godlike reflexes, countering his attacks with those you’ve picked up from tv with your photogenic memory even if he switched strategies form time to time, all with a blank look on your face that left him struggling to figure out your next move as throughout most of the fight you just stood there with the patience of a saint. Needless to say that your ambitions of becoming a hero were at an all time low at this point as you found yourself becoming less and less committed to your craft to the point where even your most oblivious of classmates were starting to notice the dying fire within your heart, the loss of feeling such emotions as happiness, excitement, fulfilment, exhilarating among other positive emotions but most of all...you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt the heart pounding, adrenaline rush a fight could bring...you didn’t feel much of anything as you once did 13 years ago ever since coming to terms that you were practically unstoppable to overcome that you don’t think that even Allmight could beat you in an arm wrestling match!
Which all lead up to where you were now, sat upon that bench, now digging through your pockets for the class transfer papers just as a bald male in his 30s, dressed from head to toe in a orange jumpsuit, matching set of ruby red gloves and boots with a white cape that fluttered and swayed behind him in the breeze as he made a checklist of how his day went wrong which he spoke out loud as there was no one around to glance at him with concerning or creeped out looks “I lost sight of Genos, my phone is dead so I can’t contact him or nothing, on top of that,” he stopped his chatter to inhale air deeply into his lungs, “HE HAS ALL THE GROCERIES!!”
“Oi, old man,” you said just as you looked over your arm that was resting against the back of the bench, “mind keeping your thoughts to yourself, that would be greatly-“ your breath caught in your throat mid-way your rant as you got a good look at who you were unknowingly scolding, eyes widening as memories of your childhood flashed before you in snapshots.
A man stood before what looked like remnants of a monster dressed in a orange jumpsuit, red boots and gloves now stained with the monsters blood, white cape flapping in the wind, a shiny bald head complete with a deadpan face, after getting a little girl out of the crossfire of the monsters attack in record time, proclaiming to the self proclaimed vaccine man that he was a hero for fun before proceeding the kill him in one blow. The man you wished to follow in the footsteps of. The hero known as capped baldy...not really a name that screamed hero like names such as Allmight and Midnight but it screamed hero to you
“Oh my god...am I dreaming? Capped baldy in Musutafu!!!” You then squinted your eyes into slits as your voice dropped a octave “ you ARE capped baldy? Right?” He only grunted in response, not really expecting to find his first fan in...what did you say? Musutafu? Well...he was a looonnnggg way from home just for some sales shopping that might never happen again; You squealed for the first time in a long time since you were a child as you ran over to him within a blink of an eye, leaving him momentarily stunned as he regained his bearings as when you called him by his hero name that he became civil with overtime when he saw that there were other heroes with even shittier names then his own.
“I-I’m a massive fan of your work!” You began, already feeling yourself shake in the presence of your idol as you hoped that it wasn’t visible, “I’ve watched you fight monsters ever since I was a little child and from then on I’ve always wanted to be just like you when I grow up” you concluded as you peered up at him to notice that he had a shadow casted upon his eyes.
“Trust me kid you don’t wanna be like me...having a lot of power in your possession can only lead to a loss of many things, I don’t feel the thrill of entering battle anymore, my heart doesn’t pump as fast as it use to...I’m stuck in a constant state of melancholy.” he stated as he saw a lot of himself in you, when he was is middle school he wanted to be the strongest hero there ever was, then when he turned 23 he trained so Intensively that his hair fell out. He didn’t want you to wish upon the same fate that granted him the ability to incapacitate or straight up kill a being in one punch no matter how strong they are. He just couldn’t, you deserved better then that.
“That sucks because the second I turned 5 my quirk-“ He quirked a brow at the word, never having heard it up until now, “my power ,basically, when I punched this little asshole but ending up sending him flying further that I thought I would’ve...ever since then I’ve managed to defeat villains, students heck even heroes alike with a single punch that my ambition to becoming a hero has vanished chunk by chunk, piece by piece until nothing of it remained. It started to become less and less of a priority to me that I went and asked for a class transfer form hero course to general studies because it’s gotten that bad,” you paused as you felt the tears began to build up steadily within the corners of you eyes, inhaling deeply you asked the one question you’ve been meaning to ask him ever since you were little, “how do you cope with it?”
A silence hung between the two of you as a gust of air battered your frames, whipping your hair and his cape wildly before calming down once more, the sound of your heartbeat was just about the only thing you heard in the deafening silence besides yours and his semi-synchronised breathing, the rustle of trees and bushes; your hands began to felt more clammy as time passed on quicker and you swore you felt a bead of sweat trail past your temple, almost phasing out entirely until you saw the bald mans mouth move.
“Come again?”
“I didn’t, if anything I try to live my best life even with my overwhelming strength, I’m still looking for someone who I can take on without killing them in a single punch, I’ve met so many strong opponents who could easily surpass me yet I could still lay them out flat with out trying as if they’ve never progressed at all...but the take away from this kid is that even though you may be the most powerful person in the room doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there who will push you to your limits, so it takes months, years, decades, try and hold out until then even if your tried from the same thing from dusk till dawn. All you have to do is have patience, until then you can kick everybody’s ass to your hearts desire.” You both shared a chuckle at his finishing statement just a monotonous voice rang out from behind the caped baldy.
“Sensei! I’ve seen to have lost you awhile back and for that I apologise greatly for” the male bowed low, letting get a right good look at his synthetic blonde strands before he stood back to his full height, his eyes reminded you of Mina’s eyes as the whites of his eyes were completely pitch black, making his golden orbs pop out, his face was smooth as a babies bottom, his cybernetic body obviously went through some upgrades since the last time you saw him on tv,unlike his sensei, Genos was wearing some casual civilian clothes so he wouldn’t get spotted in public.
“Ah no need to be so...you, anyways we should better get back to city Z in case there have been any sightings,” Saitama said nonchalantly as he waltzed over to his companion, shopping in hand, before turning back to you with a minuscule smile upon his usually bland face.
“I hope to see you again someday kid, when we do we shall see who’s stronger, sound like a plan?” He rose a brow awaiting your response,
“Your on baldy and I’ll win for sure” he smirked at your eagerness before fishing his for something before whipping out a piece a paper from almost nowhere, scribbled something upon it before hanging it to over to you just as the pair took their leave.
You looked down at the price of paper which read:
‘You’ve got spunk kid, gimme a call someday when your feeling confident enough to spar. - saitama’
Below it was a combination of numbers you presumed was his number, a wide spread grin appeared on your face as you tried to control your excitement form leaking out and making you look like a right weirdo, you pocketed the slip of paper into your coat polecat before taking out the class transfer papers out of the other one, looking at the form you remembered his words.
“Even if it takes months, years or even decades...all it takes is a bit of patience” with that you tore up the form into pieces, tossing them up in the air like confetti, watching it fall to the sidewalk like fresh snow before making your way to school and bumping into a skittish Midoriya who asked about your change of personality and all you said was as you looked up into the grey cloud clad sky with a smile.
“I had an epiphany from an unlikely source”
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lordsalissoon · 4 years
Who are all of your shippchildren and combos (Do you have any combo??)? And Who are their parents?
Oh God, that’s will be a long answer 
Ok, I’ll tell the children I create, but some I gave to my friend @elementrysweet ​  so they belong to her now. And I have one who was given to me for @kairimazutakiblog I’ll tell who is this one! 
Let's do It then... 
From the Golden Trio (E!Error x C!Ink x P!Fell): 
Rainbow (Belongs to @elementrysweet ​​) 
Black Hole (I didn’t draw this one yet!)
Lovebug (Didn’t draw either) 
From E!Error x C!Ink 
(I really thought I have more original child from them ‘-’) 
From E!Error x P!Fell
From Scar x Amber ( @maria-ster ​ and @unpredictabletori ​) 
Silver (Hazel's twin sister, I haven't drawn them yet) 
From here, I didn’t draw any of the shippchildren, but I have ideas about them!
From Nightmare x Ccino 
Pan (I gave him to @elementrysweet ) 
From Geno x Reaper 
Pale x Template (Yeah, I know they’re not a thing, but I shipp them, sorry!!!! They belongs to @unu-nunu-art ) 
Fell Gaster x Swap Gaster (The Gaster gang by @bun-bunmuse ​ Sorry again) 
Red x Sci
Surt x Pan (My own characters... They’re not even canon... Why???) 
This is all my shippchildren... I’m wondering if I should do an ask blog for them... I have others shipps of course, but I don’t have shippchildren of them or they’re just on imagination... 
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shandycandy278 · 4 years
Nope! Although they’ll all definitely be written through AO3 first. I don’t think I’ll be able to share them all through Tumblr oof XD
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fnafoneshotsuwu · 4 years
Humanoid!Fem!Bonnie x Sister!Reader
Requested by Genos
[Y/N is a new night guard at Freddy's. She notices on her way in the Animatronics look human but still with Animal parts. Once she starts her shift, Bonnie and her 2 friends get active and Bonnie approaches the night guard (Here, It's somewhat known they move around, just not WHEN.) Y/N thinks about becoming an Animatronic. She actually gets up and approaches Bonnie on her way there, blushing and asking if she can join them. Bonnie mentions asking her and says yes. An hour later, Y/N has her suit built on her and she becomes Foxette, sister to Bonnie. Years later, 'Foxette' is treated like a queen by Bonnie, even having children built for her. ]
[I made a few adjustments to this, solely to make the story slightly longer, hope it wasn't an issue.]
It was your first night, you were.... Anxious.... to say the least. You've always liked the humanoid animatronics, of course, you visited the older pizzeria when you were younger. "The Good Ol' Days" you said to yourself, unlocking the doors and walking inside. The first thing you noticed when you walked in were the animatronics, they looked so... Real... But never mind that, you have a job to do.
You walked to the office, glancing back once at the female rabbit.
You were letting your mind wander, the animatronics have barely moved, it was alright.
'What's it like being an animatronic?'
'Were they once human?'
'Can,,, I become an animatronic?'
You mentally smacked yourself for that one, of course you couldn't, that's just silly.
Or is it?
Only one way to find out
You heard metal against metal clinking. Footsteps.
You peered down the hallway, seeing purple. Perfect.
You approached the walking animatronic, your face heating slightly. "Uh, erm, hi, I-I'm (Y/N), and I have a qu-question"
Bonnie tilted her head at you, furrowing her eyebrows "Yes?"
"Can I become an animatronic?" (Y/N) asked
"Why do you ask?" Bonnie asked you, confuted at your odd question.
"Oh- I-I was just wondering- eep!"
You let out a surprised yelp when your hand was grabbed and nearly yanked out of the socket.
Bonnie was pulling you down the hall. "Why of course you can! Let's take you to the Parts & Services room!" she cheered, still pulling you. There was no escape now, sucks to be you.
She picked you up and placed you on the table. "Okie dokie, before we start this, Are You Sure you want to do this?" Bonnie asked, looking intensely into your eyes.
You thought about it, do you really? I mean, it's not like you had much family, they haven't even talked to you in awhile. You could also live here rent free, and not have to worry about food, and you get to sing and play an instrument maybe. I mean, that's a solid deal right there. "Yes, yes I am. Do it"
"Alright, I gotta ask you questions first, y'know? We don't wanna find out your useless and have to terminate you" she grinned, while you paled. You did NOT want to know what she meant by terminated. Noooooooooooo thank you haha.
"Can you sing a decent amount? Sing a song real quick"
"Uhm, yeah uh-"
"Lady, running down to the Riptide, taken away to the dark side, I wanna be your left hand man. I love you, when you're singing that song and, I gotta lump in my throat cause, you're gonna sing the words wrong" You sang, it sounds up to Bonnie's standards "Do you like kids? Cause you'll be around a bunch of them, y'know?"
"Yes, kids are amazing creatures, most are at least...."
"Great, that's all really, what animal do you want to be?"
"Mmm, a Fox" you smiled, you loved Foxes. "A fox huh, we already have on of those, but I like ya kid, so I'll let you pass on that one" Bonnie winked, grabbing materials for the suit.
You fidgeted with your thumbs while she did, nervous.
"Okay, so, I haven't done this before, so were gonna go through the method me and the others went through"
Confused, you asked "What method was that?" Oh how you wished you didn't ask that.
"Brutally slaughter you and then stuff your body into a corpse, causing your soul to haunt the suit, and we just wait a bit for you body to decay enough that it doesn't smell!"
You paled "Wh-What?"
"I'll be back!" she said, and left.
You blacked out when you heard "Chica! Wheres the knives?!"
You didn't feel any of it, it was like sleeping, nothing hurt, but you couldn't feel much either.
Your eyelids opened, it was dark, with little light seeping under a doorway. You let them close again, falling under the same coma.
You heard clinking and woke up, slowly opening your eyes. You were met with pink eyes "Hi there! It's been about 10 weeks, at night we take you up to the roof to air out your suit, and I'd say, you're almost skin and bones at this point!" she chuckled "But we have to wait a little bit more before we can introduce you to the kids, we made flyers for your arrival, get those cash grabs y'know?" She winked "But yeah, don't worry, just go back to sleep again, I'll wake you up"
And so once again, you fell asleep.
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" Bonnie said, shaking you. "Wake up! It's time to get you ready!" You groaned lightly, your voice box working even after never have been used (to your knowledge, I mean, you came here on your first day dude, you have no clue). She took your hand and helped you up, and helped you walk a little. You've been sitting for nearly 3 months, so thats just a given. But you were thankful for it, y'know. She was very helpful it your times of dread and possessing a humanoid Foxy animatronic suit. That's a mouthful to say.
But anyways, back on track. It was night time, Bonnie was helping you walk and introducing you to the other gals. Like Francine (Freddy, for context), Chica, and Foxy. They were all very nice to you, but you got along most with Bonnie. You were like sisters!
Time skip a good while, like a year.
"Hey, hey Bonnie?" You approached your self-proclaimed sister "Yeah Foxette? Whatcha need?" Bonnie turned from whatever she was doing to face you. "Well, so you know, like. we can build animatronics and stuff? Or you can, I can't...." you mumbled that last part. "Go on" she urged you on. "And you know how since were all animatronics, and also all females, with no romantic interest in each other?" she nodded "Where are you going with this exactly?" You shushed her "Lemme finish! If it's no big issue, could you possibly, I dunno, build a child thing, for me...?"
"Holy fuck you did not need that much context for that" Bonnie gave out a hearty laugh "Yeah sure, give me a bit, I gotta find endoskeletons and all that." She gave you a smile and a wink, walking off towards the parts and services room, leaving you to hang out with your other gal pals.
Time skip once again, lets say like a week, that's reasonable?
"Heeeyyyyyy, guess what?" Bonnie bounced up to you. "What is it?" you asked, turning away from the oven. You were baking. "You know how you requested some fabulous robo-kids?" Bonnie said "Well there done"
You dropped the pan of cuppy-cakes.
Bonnie whistled, and two little fox children came into the kitchen. They. Were. Adorable. You squeaked and hugged them both, you were very happy. And after almost squeezing them to death, you hugged Bonnie to death, repeating thank you's over and over again.
You were happy.
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batneko · 5 years
flower language
a commission fic for @gnomeicecream!
an au where flowers tattoo themselves on your skin with each relationship you form (as well as having a “heart flower” for yourself), and Genos discovers an unusual side-effect. Slight difference from canon in that Genos has half his face flesh and blood from the beginning.
words: 1358 rating: g
There was a sprig of bluebells next to Genos' right ear. They were small and delicate, but bright indigo. Unmistakable.
“It's nice you still have that,” Saitama said, the second time Genos came to visit. It came out of nowhere, as Genos was taking notes on Saitama eating crackers. He must have remembered that Genos lost his family to the Mad Cyborg.
Saitama himself only had a handful of flowers. Genos had seen all of them, after all, when that poorly-thought-out blast burned away Saitama's clothes. He had the usual carnations for family, but also a red spider lily for loss, and a couple small jasmine blossoms for friendship that looked nearly withered. The cluster of white flowers over his heart were ones Genos wasn't familiar with. They were a little ugly, with narrow pointed petals and strange bumpy floret pods in the center.
Genos didn't ask about any of them, of course. That wouldn't be right.
“Who's it for?” Saitama asked, scratching his left cheek, mirroring Genos' bluebells.
“The doctor who rebuilt me,” Genos said, stiffly. “Bluebells for gratitude. I can never thank him enough for saving my life as well as giving it a purpose.”
“Huh,” Saitama said. His tone was odd, but Genos didn't question it. And after that Saitama let the matter drop.
The day Genos asked to move in with Saitama, a single lavender bloom appeared beneath his chin. This would have been notable since new flowers always were, but it was more about what the flowers were on than the fact that he had any at all.
Skin. Human skin. Soft and peachy-pale and new. It shouldn't be possible, it couldn't be possible, and yet there it was. Clear as day.
Genos fled to Kuseno's lab after making an excuse to Saitama, who barely acknowledged him. Kuseno, ever reliable, calmed him down and took some x-rays and cell samples. After a quick analysis he confirmed what Genos already knew.
“It's skin, and it's your skin,” he said. “Muscles and veins too. It's amazing how they've integrated with what was already there. Your bones and teeth are still my design, though. You won't have to worry about combat damage except for bruising.”
“But how?” Genos demanded. “My body is gone from the jaw down, how can skin and muscles just grow back?”
“How do flowers appear on our skin when we form new relationships? It's been studied for years but no one has found a biological component yet.” Kuseno smiled at him. “If you were willing, you'd make a researcher very happy by letting them study you.”
“Of course not! I have to focus on my mission!”
“Then,” Kuseno offered Genos a plate of crackers, “this shouldn't be a distraction for you.”
For the first time in four years, Genos ate with a tongue made of his own muscle. The taste was only a little different, Kuseno was good at his work. But it felt different. Especially when he accidentally bit himself.
Genos never asked if Saitama had acquired a new flower because of him. He was so distracted by the skin issue that he forgot about it, and when he remembered he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
The next time Genos saw Saitama's flowers was at the bathhouse. They went occasionally, when Saitama got the urge, and it seemed his new paychecks from B-Class had brightened his mood. Turned him generous.
There were three new ones. Something like a daisy, yellow and black, and a fat white hydrangea cluster. And a trail of blue morning glories up his left arm. Promises. Genos hoped those were for him, but he wasn't sure... The brightness of the petals reminded him of his core.
A few days after Saitama got another new flower (yellow chrysanthemum, no doubt for King), Genos finally got a third one. An orange lily bloomed on the back of his neck, and his skin once again crept further down. Saitama whistled when he saw it, and obligingly took a picture with Genos' phone so he could look.
“Aren't those for hatred?” Saitama asked.
“Yes,” Genos said. Everyone remembered that one.
“You fought Sonic yesterday, huh.”
“Yes I did.”
Saitama shook his head, smiling. “I don't know what I expected.”
That was when Genos made a study. Looked up books. Flower language wasn't exact, a lot of it depended on the person or the location or combination of the two. Black-eyed susans, Genos learned, stood for justice. Mumen Rider then, who Genos was fond of as well, but had only met once. Saitama had apparently taken to chatting with him when they saw each other on the street, and they'd become something like friends.
Hydrangea stood for pride, which had to be that shitty ninja. Genos tried not to be jealous that Saitama had a flower for him, since Genos did as well, but... The ninja was certainly prideful.
King's chrysanthemum was for friendship, and just as Genos had remembered the morning glories were promises. There was a trail of them, five or six, leading up Saitama's arm. All Genos had was that one small lavender flower for Saitama. The orange lily of hatred was ten times the size.
What did it say about Genos that the second-most important person in his life merited something so small?
Saitama grew verbena a week after that bossy Fubuki began coming around. Cooperation. It seemed ironic to Genos. Honeysuckle for generosity blossomed on the back of his shoulder after he learned the old man Bang had saved Genos during the fight with the centipede. Genos was so distracted by everything else going on, that it wasn't until he woke up in the lab the next morning that he discovered he'd grown the same.
The skin had crept down further. It was becoming downright distracting. Sometimes Saitama patted him companionably, and the warmth of his hand lingered for hours.
After the fight with the Monster Association Genos was rebuilt, once more, and once more he woke up in the lab to find a new flower. There was no mistaking this one. A sunflower, huge and fat, right in the middle of his chest. And there were more, chrysanthemum and verbena and black-eyed susans. And some purple lupine flowers that Genos didn't understand. All the people he'd come to know through Saitama. Through hero work.
He had skin now, and muscles, all the way down to his thighs. And... other parts, as well, that he had barely remembered in his years without them. He sat in the lab for a while with his metal knees pulled to his soft human chest, and... thought.
Sunflower. Respect and passion. Had this always been his heart flower? He couldn't recall. Those rather ugly white pointy ones that Saitama bore were edelweiss, he'd learned. They were early spring flowers, known for often being the first things to blossom between mounds of lingering snow. Courage and power. Perfect for Saitama.
Genos had them now too. To his great embarrassment, they'd shown up below his navel. Right above... well... There was no mistaking the meaning, that was for certain.
“You don't have to go back right away,” Kuseno said. “Think about things.”
“I will,” Genos said. “I am.” But he already knew the answers.
He asked Saitama to spar, once they reunited. If Saitama noticed the difference in his body he didn't say a word. And Genos was, just like before, hit with the knowledge that he could never reach Saitama's level. He would never be as strong as him. He would never...
The day was warm, and as Genos sat there lost in thought, Saitama unzipped his hero suit and peeled it down. There was the edelweiss of his heart. There, the handful of yellow, red, and white that represented all his friends and loved ones. The blue morning glories for his promise to Genos.
And, peeking out above his belt buckle, Genos saw the golden petals of a sunflower.
Genos took a breath.
“I want to... show you something.”
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