#gecko boy reads homestuck
cyber-corp · 9 months
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Homestuck is the modern man's Communist Manifesto
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yumikat · 7 years
rip here we go bois. was tagged by @kwamimusings (yeh bud) i’m very canadian so i changed all the “favorite”s to “favourite”
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 like 2 because i’m lazy amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: let’s go with Yumi
Nicknames: see above. idk y’all can make nicknames or smth??
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Height: 6′4″-ish
Orientation: i sexually identify as an attack helicopter (jk i’m straight)
Ethnicity: chinese
Favourite Fruit: i would kill a man for an orange slice. vitamin c flows through my veins. 
Favourite Season: winter. snow. yes.
Favourite Book: ohhhh boy. i will still have to say the original pjato series, though harry potter and lunar chronicles are really good. 
Favourite Flower: what. 
Favourite Scent: this will sound weird but i like the scent of my friends. also butter frying smells reaaaaally good
Favourite animals: cattens are life. though wolves and marine life are pretty cool too. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: sauce me my tim hortons iced capp
Cat or Dog Person: did i say i love cattens because cats are my life
Favourite Fictional Character: there’s a lot of those. let’s go with homestuck characters - tz, dave, vriska, roxy are up there. 
Dream Trip: ??? uhhh hiking the lotr scenery in new zealand or driving up to the northern territories to stargaze with mes amis
Blog Created: octoberish 2015?
Number of Followers: 134
What I Post About: whatever’s on my dash + my art. (typically homestuck, voltron, ml, and dumb posts)
Do I get asks on a regular basis: naw son
Aesthetic: stuff that is aesthetic is like really nicely lit photography with good contrast levels, but my aesthetic is like idk neons/pastels/rainbows and crap. i guess idk. 
right so i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to do the next part but i’ll just put a cut right here because it’s getting long
Rules: Write 92 rules about yourself, then tag 25 people. who even knows 25 people
LAST ___:
Drink: watermelon juice at a hot pot place Phone Call: probably my mom????? Text message: i don’t have a phone but last IM thing would be a group chat with some girls from church Song you listened to: no idea let’s say the heathers soundtrack Time you cried: i teared up for logan
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Dated someone twice: “Kinda need to date someone once to do it twice.” -aaron Been cheated on: “Again, kinda need to have ever been in a relationship in order to be cheated on.” -aaron Kissed someone and then regretted it: “Can’t regret it if you’ve never kissed anyone. (Insert picture of guy tapping his temple here)” -aaron (haha single squad) Lost someone special: no, luckily Been depressed: i don’t get affected by much so no Gotten drunk and thrown up: i’m. underage. 
LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLOURS: turquoise is a blessing to this planet, maroon is pre nice, black is the colour of my soul but it doesn’t count, so there are certain shades of pink that are pretty nice, even though i’m a non-conformist. 
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU _____: Made new friends: ya bud new girl in the ib fam and some kool kids here on tumbs Fallen out of love: *insert joke about the bitterness of school* Laughed until you cried: @mrs-linny-universe remember that post with the googly eyes Found out someone was talking about you: no...? Met someone who changed you: i think everyone you meet changes you, because if you never met them then you would be a different person completely and the path of your life would have diverged (is that enough bs yes it is let’s move on) Found out who your true friends are: what does that even mean it sounds omnious Kissed someone on your Facebook list: wat. (actually, yes. i peck my friends on the cheek all the time)
GENERAL: How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them. i keep getting friend requests from friends of friends in edmonton and it confuses me because do i know you? no.  Do you have any pets: i had a crested gecko named charlie but he died Do you want to change your name: no? What did you do for your last birthday: i think a movie with my friends.  What time did you wake up: 9:30am here, 6:30pm back home. heck yeah time zones What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping lol i only slept 3 hours during the 20-something hour travel time. 
Name something you cannot wait for: for ib to be over and for hiveswap to come out When was the last time you saw your mother: she’s beside me right now hi mom What is something you wish you could change about your life: i never really thought about it?  What are you listening to right now: parents/aunt/uncle/grandparents chatting Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah man. every time i see him i say hi to him but he’s neurodivergent so he never really replies Something that is getting on your nerves: vpn is slow but it’s better than not talking to my friends for 2 weeks.  Most visited website: email and tumblr Elementary: classified High school: classified, but it’s a private school and we have hoodies with our uniform which is pretty nice College: i’m still in high school rip Hair colour: black. i’m asian.  Long or short hair: got a pixie cut a few months ago, i always grow it out really long and then chop it off again Do you have a crush on someone: i guess??? What do you like about yourself: arty art Piercings: naw son  Blood type: idk but mosquitoes love me and i hate mosquitoes Nickname: we’ve already established this Relationship status: married to @seokgis​, in a side relationship with @thelifeditch (jokes i’m single) Zodiac sign: we’ve already gone over this Pronouns: she/her  Favourite TV show: idk i guess ml or voltron for animated and stranger things for live action? i don’t think about this much.  Tattoos: underage lol Right or left hand: right
FIRST ____: Surgery: naw son Piercing: lol Best friend: first bestie i remember is this girl named sharon back when i was like 3-7 i think.  Sport: mom forced me to do swimming but i really liked skating before i was too inflexible Vacation: does immigrating to canada count, bc then i think it was the time my friend dz and i went to capilano Pair of trainers: i think this means either bike trainers or what british people call runners but i still don’t get what the question is asking so sure?
RIGHT NOW ___: Eating: just ate an orange. they are my lifeblood Drinking: i literally never drink liquids it’s so bad for me (but yeah i just drank some oj and i’m laughing because i didn’t even realize) About to: sit here and waste time on tumblr, maybe do some tok, probably sleep because we’re going to leave for the airport at like 3-something-am for the chinese tropics or smth Listening to: we’ve done this let’s move on Waiting for: i live in the moment. *snickers and breaks down in laughter because the real answer is i have no idea* Want: sleep, maybe? i always want to sleep. also, like aaron, i would like a hug.  Get married: like i said, i’m already married (jk i’m still in high school, but yeah i would like to get married in the future) Career: “your high school career is very important” - said no one ever (or maybe it’s everyone ever, who knows)
WHICH IS BETTER ____: Hugs or kisses: hugs Lips or eyes: eyes  Shorter or taller: like think is for ppl im interested in right. taller, then.  Older or younger: older would be less weird? Nice arms or nice stomach: arms? i ain’t spending time looking at ppls’ stomachs Sensitive or loud: what.  Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: lemme just ask WHAT ARE THESE QUESTIONS
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Kissed a stranger: naw song lol Drank hard liquor: what defines hard liquor, because i’ve sipped some like really high percentage alcohol but i don’t drink. Lost glasses/contact lenses: rip my contact lens just fell out of my eye once.  Turned someone down: um i don’t think so? Sex on first date: SHEILD MY INNOCENT EYES YEESH I’M 16 I PREACH ABSTINENCE Broken someone’s heart: idk about broken, but maybe Had your own heart broken: nope :) Been arrested: i’m too young for this Cried when someone died: no one really close to me has died so no Fallen for a friend: haha everyone i’ve fallen for has been my friend
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ____: Yourself: yeah? Miracles: if i didn’t i would have to not believe in Jesus (awkwardly phrased but i think you get the picture) Love at first sight: if you see someone and you just “fall in love” then that puts love lightly. i think that love is something really serious and needs to be developed.  Santa Claus: i’m too old for thi-- JUST HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS JINGLING Kiss on the first date: depends on who Angels: yaaa. again, comes with my faith (i hate phrasing stuff like this because it makes it sound trivial but i honestly don’t know how to say it)
OTHER ____: Current best friend’s name: i have several Eye colour: brown Movie: oooooh boy. i love lotr but i’m also that one person that loves every single movie, even the ones that every say sucked. proof: i absolutely loved suicide squad. i’m also a cinematography nerd but i just fangirl over the shots and never really think about them lol
okay i tag everyone who read this to the end and the people who i mentioned earlier because i’m really lazy 
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cyber-corp · 9 months
i think gamzee would sound like shaggy with a vibrato filter permanently applied to his voice
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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Dirk what the actual fuck
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cyber-corp · 8 months
An actual summary of Homestuck Act 6's intermissions
by someone who’s a page away from Collide
Let’s do this lightning-round style.
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After breaking through the fourth wall on the ship and getting the Gift of Gab (lol), John and Jade prepare for a three-year-long voyage to meet up with the gang, with Davesprite, Nannasprite, and a variety of other faces in tow. They write a letter for the crew.
The Monarch (previously the Mendicant) and the firefly buddy (I've forgotten their name) plead for the Vagabond's life. She takes him to the trolls and kid's rendezvous spot.
The trolls finally meet up with Dave and Rose, who have indeed reached God Tier. Half-dead Sollux and GT Aradia show up as well. They plan to host a "funeral" for Sollux, who is just sort of watching in disgust.
After Karkat's bucket-human-troll-sloppy-fueled breakdown from John's letter, the Vagabond, and the firefly show up, and the gang sets off through the Furthest Ring.
Intermission 2
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Hussie, who was taking care of Spades Slick after he fucking killed the world by shooting Snowman, is shot dead by Lord English. I'm sure he'll show up later though. They always do.
It's been about a year in between the intermissions. While Rose explains what the Scratch did, Karkat attempts to explain the troll love quadrants to Dave. They draw dicks, fight, Dave wins by a mile through the suplex
Meanwhile, John, Jade and friends play the Ghostbusters II MMORPG, which is hilarious that that is even a thing in the first place. Jaspersprite sings a birthday song for him, Jade gets dogmad, which causes John to black out.
After getting harrassed by an eepy Roxy, John encounters Meenah (the best character!!!!!) for the first time. He takes a trident from her and wakes back up.
In a dream bubble, Terezi meets Aranea (second best character!!!!), who offers her to heal her sight. In another dream bubble, Hussie proposes to Vriska with a ring. Because of course he does.
Intermission 3 (and some other stuff)
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Aranea invites Jake to Meenah's dream bubble, where she finds quite a lot of fighting happening. After telling a story of the Condensce, Jake embarrasses himself by attempting to wallop Meenah. He wakes up after getting whacked, but Brain Ghost Dirk sticks around.
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After a "quick" game of Meenah Quest, we get a glimpse of what John and Jade are up to; watching Con Air baybee!!!! Except John has a big freakout over hating the movie, hating Davesprite, and passes out. What a guy.
PM and Noir are locked in chase before they enter a bubble of Jack's own massacre of the Battlefield, before John awakens and fights him. Rose shows up for a brief second and John uses his cool-ass windy powers as well.
After the battle, John wanders into a desert, finds a ring, and finds Tavros (wHO DESPERATELY WANTS THE RING,) and Vriska. She shares her plan to find a treasure that'll defeat Lord English.
After another game of Meenah Quest (where she unsuccessfully gets no one on her team), we go back to the meteor, where Rose drinks and forgets her date with Kanaya (best couple. fight me) and then falls down the stairs. They warned her, dog.
John wakes up with the ring, soyjaks, and the intermission ends.
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Dave and Karkat intervene Terezi, who is a massive wreck because of her degrading romance with Gamzee and letting Aranea heal her eyesight.
John, Vriska, Aranea, Meenah and Aradia find a big green cave in a dream bubble, where they also find a juju. It's the Homestuck House! John sticks his hand in it, his arm appears throughout multiple points in the comic, and then voops out of reality completely. He has an INTENSE STAREDOWN with Caliborn and wakes up on LOMAX, Jake's planet.
I don't usually do this but
(skips many, many important bits and pieces)
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Vriska comes back (thanks to John's time shenanigans), plans out everything to come and verbally abuses her ghost self, Dave and Dirk have a feelings jam, dead pre-retcon Terezi and Ghost Vriska rejoice in facing the end, and everybody just about gets ready to
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This has been by far one of the most bonkers pieces of fiction I have ever read, and nothing gets me more excited than to see all of it come together and wrap all of it up, I hope. Also Caliborn and Calliope are one of the best "Jekyll/Hyde" characters I've seen in a long while!
Whatever lies on the other side of that hyperlink, I sure hope it'll be good.
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cyber-corp · 8 months
Gecko Boy's final thoughts on Homestuck
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God fucking damn.
I'm not exactly sure what I expected from this webcomic when I downloaded the Unofficial Collection. I maybe expected a couple of bonanza moments here and there, but nothing more.
I think from Page 137 when I watched the SBURB loading screen did I think "This might be something special.", but it wasn't until "[S] Enter.", when John jumped through that portal and Sburban Jungle kicked into gear that I went "This is more than just a webcomic, isn't it?"
From there it snowballed into a spiral of craziness that I don't think I've ever seen from any webcomic, or any piece of media for that matter.
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From the ectobiology bullshit, to Con Air being an essential plot thread, to Andrew Hussie's self-insert being a character, to John Egbert being teleported into a bizarro parody of his own life written by the main antagonist, to motherfuckin Trickster Mode, Homestuck never ceased from whacking me in the hemidick with surprises.
So to answer why I originally started reading Homestuck; do I understand why everyone on Tumblr went feral over it a decade ago?
Hell yeah dude. This shit's bangin.
I really enjoyed it. The music (lookin at u toby!!!!!), the art, the writing, the small bits of gameplay, everything adds up to create an experience that can only be understood through the internet. If we were to send one piece of media to represent the internet, put Homestuck on a fucking thumbdrive or something and launch it.
It definitely isn't perfect (glaring at that word count), but if you're real far into the internet, then go read Homestuck. An absolute blast from beginning to end.
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Kinda want more though. Maybe I should check out what happens after the ending. Sorta like...maybe something that serves as a conclusion for what happened?
like an
epilogue? ;)
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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When it comes to taking advantage of website-based conventions, Homestuck keeps continuing to surprise me. The top picture was initially just a banner used for keeping in line with Doc Scratch's theme for the original website, before becoming an alternative angle for the story taking place.
I really hope they do more or some variation of this in future. Or not, it could make it more difficult to read.
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cyber-corp · 9 months
Tonight in the Alphaverse...
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Jane has the absolute worst birthday possible and gets fatshamed(?) by Caliborn (i didn't think she was that fat but i might be missing something)
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Roxy is teleported and KO'd to Derse by GCat, meets her weird mother-child counterpart in a dream bubble but succumbs to anti-sleeping mayjjks before anything happens
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Dirk quite literally snaps at the Auto-Responder shades before deciding to throw him into the kernelsprite, realising someone (honk) already decided to sprite him with Equius and combines them with the shades anyway
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And Jake screws himself over everyone by being dumb and talky.
So none of them are really having the best time at the moment.
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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This panel unironically goes really hard.
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cyber-corp · 9 months
A """summary""" of Homestuck: Act 6 Part 1
by someone who's glad they've gone back to basics for a bit
Let's (for a brief, fleeting moment) start again nice and simple.
It is the 11th of November, 2011 and today a young girl named Jane Crocker is excited to play the alpha for a game that comes out today called SBURB. How fun!
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Jane here is heiress to Betty Crocker's baked goods empire (as mentioned previously in Nannasprite's story), and there is also set to be a major rebranding initiative happening today as well. She likes baking, detective stories, as well as the occasional jape.
But look out! There's another guy! His name is Jake English, and he's quite fond of action-adventure flicks, guns, and blue alien chicks. Fucking freak he is.
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Jake is currently helping/pestering Jade, his ectodaughter/dead grandma who is set to give it to John (Jake's relations with him is yet to be revealed), before realising that it'll need a bit of uranium to be finished. He only can get it through a boy called Dirk Strider, (unfortunately), and his Brobot which just so happens to be the only source of uranium on the island that Jake lives on.
Before he pesters Dirk, Jake gets a message from someone (presumably a troll) named UU. They essentially tell him "hey!!! go for it!! i believe in yoU!!! also this event is extremely important timeline-wise, so dont screw it Up!!!!"
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Jake attempts to get to Dirk about uranium, only to get the equivalent of an AI-based answering machine, much to his dismay.
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He then heads out of the island's forest (with the dread of the Brobot lingering) and into the open. He witnesses the beautiful fauna on display.
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Too beautiful for comfort.
Jake attempts a getaway, before being swarmed by a large swarm of fairy bulls! Whatever shall he do now? But not to worry, because a certain BrotherRobot has come to rescue!
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He then immediately gets his ass kicked royally, (complete with Tensei's amazing score) and blacks out. He has a dream about someone who kinda looks like Vriska???? But isn't really??? Maybe it's one of the prophecy people that Doc Scratch was talking about??? Or undead Vriska??? idk man.....
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He tells Roxy Lalonde about this, who panics because everyone in the group is attracted to Jake in some way. He is a harem protag, apparently.
Anyway, while Jane has the most relatable moment in all of Homestuck by awkwardly confirming her and Jake's 'friendship', Brobot tears out its own heart, then blows itself up, giving Jake the uranium he needs. He also confesses to Jane that he and Dirk would be a good couple!!!!
The Alpha Gang have proved themselves to be superior to the Beta Gang by being gay.
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Jake is last seen in this chapter heading down the frog temple, presumably to finally send that package.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Jane!
So CrockerCorp undergoes its big rebranding, changing its symbol to a fork instead of a spoon, which will have very big implications later on.
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After UU pesters her about the nature of the game she will play, she continues to look out the window, to no game yet in her mailbox.
While pestering a ditzy girl named Roxy Lalonde, she just so happens to notice that her mailbox flappy thing is up, meaning the game is finally here! She dons a shitty disguise to confuse her dad (which is the same as John's dad), and, with the help of Dirk's robot bunny Lil Seb creating a massive hole in the wall, she lass scampers out of there.
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She opens the mailbox, which then proceeds to fucking explode, knocking her out and sending her to Prospit, where Jack Noir ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵏᶦˡˡˢ ʰᵉʳ ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᵐᶦᵗ before she wakes up.
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I think at this point I am completely past the point of no return and have no choice but to cosplay as Gamzee with nothing but grey Sharpie. Other than that, Homestuck continues to keep itself fresh and interesting through established lore (probably from a page you don't even remember because you were too distracted by Karkat yelling).
Even more excited to see where this goes!
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cyber-corp · 9 months
It’s 🎱/🎱today, so I guess that means happy Vriska Day? Or unhappy Vriska Day? Depends how you feel about her
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cyber-corp · 6 months
Hey I've been away for a bit, am I remembering right that you were journaling your experience reading through homestuck? Did you finish? What did you think? Favorite quote?
Hello, welcome back!!
Yes, I finished Homestuck, and I absolutely loved it. I think it's one of the most unique pieces of media I've ever tuned into, and I'd recommend it to anyone who's up to the task of reading it.
Favourite quote though? Hmm...
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This whole exchange is an absolute goldmine, and it's one of my favourite Pesterlogs in the entire comic.
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Jade Harley suffered the most in Homestuck because she had to sit there and watch two Karkats yell at each other for presumably 20 minutes.
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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killing jack noir and strangling him and killing him and mURDERING HIM VICIOUSLY UNTIL HIS STUPID FUCKING SNARL TURNS INTO NOTHING AS HE DIES
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cyber-corp · 9 months
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completely unrelated to my current conversation but whAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN VRISKROS????????
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cyber-corp · 8 months
hey gecko. whats the updated and somewhat final scoop on fave characters
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I once said that "Homestuck is so difficult to read because it's so difficult to pick a favourite character." And maybe I don't need to, because (for the most part) they are all so well-written and sometimes downright hilarious.
But come on.
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come ooooooooon <33
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