inbarfink · 9 months
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Episode 34 - Kangaskhan's Lullaby
Finally, the Safari Zone! Ash gets excited by the variety of Pokemon available to capture and tries to catch a Chansey! But the Chansey turns out to be a disguised Officer Jenny with a rifle, hunting for poachers. Turns out, this is still the Pokemon reserve. Catching Pokemon is still illegal. Whoops.
To nobody's surprise, the actual poachers are Team Rocket, here to steal a herd of Kangaskhan. But the main story actually concerns a little boy named Taro/Tommy, raised by the Kangaskhan. The reserve knows him as Tarsan/Tomo, an obvious reference.
As a Kangaskhan-centric episode, it's only fitting that this one revolves around the parent and child dynamic. Tommy's parents have come to retrieve him after his dad accidentally chucked him from a helicopter five years ago. He struggles to recognize them and refuses outright to go with them.
Surprisingly, the parents get the memo. When Team Rocket returns with a Kangaskhan mech to attack the herd, the boys parents seemingly sacrifice themselves to take out the mech, only to reveal themselves in Tarzan outfits of their own. They decide to remain here in the Pokemon reserve with their son, to avoid splitting his family.
This was a ridiculous episode, but it ends on a sweet note.
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goronska · 1 year
My OCs - Merahtua and Garura
To shed some light on Merah's past let's talk today about her parents.
(they never got much attention illustration-wise, so just enjoy their royal picrews ;D)
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Merahtua [in her late 50s, she/her, pansexual/demiromantic, Vermillian]
The ruling queen of Vermillion. Stylish, but as the ideal of female there - rather cold and useless. She comes from a long line of royals, all her female predecessors Traced by the Red Goddess. Her Trace can be found on her ribcage, on the right side. She is very religious, because since being crowned, she has very close ties with the goddess Ubisi. Many times she bantered whatever she had, to have things her way. Most extreme sacrifices include her physical womb to make sure Merah will never get Traced or harmed by Ubisi and slicing away a slave's hand (which is forbidden by law, any physical harm to servants / slaves is not only fined heavily, but get you improsioned or enslaved yourself) to offer his pain together with her OWN LOVE to her daughter to try to heal Merah from her memory loss and brain damage.
She confides the most in Setia, her right-hand slave, and later, when Garura dies, she even frees his and appoints her new husband and king of Vermillion.
She would also do anything, and that means absolutely anything, to keep her subjects happy and the kingdom peaceful and stable. Marrying an ex-slave included. Merahtua loves only one thing more than her country - her daughter. When she is introduced to Sydney as her future mother-in-law, she absolutely is opposed to the whole idea and is outraged by the possibility of her daughter working abroad in a pub, but once they get married in secret, she embraces not only Sydney, but also becomes best friend with her mum (Life) and her freshly adopted daughter Jennifer, looking out for her and preparing the girl to take over the throne with all her might.
She generally would put her own desires third to Vermillion and Merah, and she would never speak about it again, just bottle it all up. However, if she doesn't like something and it's not connected with the wellbeing of her daughter or the kingdom, OH, you are in DEEP trouble.
Garura [in his late 50s, he/him, heterosexual, Vermillian]
Our favourite palace malewife and househusband. Raised in Vermillion he was always the one to be the caring parent, good in sewing and makeup. He was the one mostly raising Merah as a baby and toddler and a little girl. With age, understanding how he is bumping his head against the glass ceiling and losing any shred of influence or power he had, he starts losing it from desperation. He becomes moody, pushes people around and generally opposes to everything his daughter or wife say.
After finally lashing out and physically attacking his step-granddaughter Jennifer, whom she expect to replace him too soon for his liking, he's been sedated by the palace medics, and then Setia prays to Eodum, The Demi-God of Time, to fast forward him a bit. One night Eodum brings him almost 20 years forward, making him die of old age in his bed within a night.
Naming Fun Fact: People in Vermillion don't have surnames, just names. Merah is Indonesian for Red Merahtua is Indonesian for Crimson. Garura is Hausa for Deep Red. Cultural Fun Fact: Vermillion as a country has been in detail created and described in the RP it's serving, but the royal pair is a good example of how it's appropriate for men to rather sport long hair, while women mostly have practical, short cuts.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
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Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
“2 monsters with the same Type and Attribute, but different names Any battle damage your opponent takes from battles involving this card is doubled. If this card is sent to the GY: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of ‘Garura, Wings of Resonant Life’ once per turn.”
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masked-vee · 3 months
Chapter 3: Help Wanted
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Mouse quickly trotted to catch up to their new rescuer. Looking back every once in a while, to make sure that they weren't being chased.
"What's the deal with those guys?" Elizabeth huffed.
"Just an aggressive pack of Mightyeena. They love picking on small weak Pokémon like you." The Poltchageist said.
"Excuse you, we're not weak!" Elizabeth snapped. "We couldn't fight back because the leader was playing dirty."
"Some leaders are like that." The tea caddy sighed. "And that's why I prefer to be alone." They open the door to their cottage and stands aside. "After you." Mouse silently pads pass the Poltchageist and entered the home, followed by the housekeeper. The Eevee pauses to admire the interior of the cottage. Crystals and herbs hung from the ceiling.
"Wow... this is your home?" Ellie asked.
"Yes, I grow and dry herbs to sell for medical needs in towns." The Poltchageist said. They took a bundle of herbs down to grind in a mortar and pestle.
"We never properly thanked you for helping us. Or even introduced ourselves." Elizabeth said. "My name is Elizabeth, by the way. And this is my friend, Mouse." Mouse signed 'thank you'.
"Pleasure to meet you two. I'm Lavender Tea. And, don't " Lavender said. The Poltchageist fills their carrier with jars of herbs they've grounded up. "So, where are you two headed? And where's your parents little Eevee?" The Eevee looks around, then points to themself. "Yes, you."
Mouse looks away. "They... The kid doesn't have any parents." Ellie answered. "If anything, I could be considered their mother, but there's only so much I can do to help them."
"I see... Well, what do you two plan to do?" Lavender asks.
"We would like to find someone to help us." Elizabeth said. "Although we can normally take care of ourselves just fine, we do need help figuring out how things work here, since this land is new to us."
"There's a town not to far from here, I can take you two when I'm finished with this next few batches." Lavender explained.
Mouse looked around the cottage and sniffed the burning incense that filled the room. Plants growing on the window sill. The walls soft with moss.
"So, you live here by yourself?" Ellie asked.
"Yep. Living off the grid is much better, for me at least, because there's no expectations put on you, and the only thing you need to worry about is forest ruffians." Lavender said. the Poltchageist poured the grounded herbs into a small glass jar. "Let's go, to Baram Town." They pick up the basket filled with herbs and lead the duo out of the house.
When the trio reached the town, Mouse's muscles were tense as they passed the town entrance. So many Pokémon gathered in small groups, each one tending to their own group of friends, catting amongst each other. Deciding what jobs to take on, arguing over food preferences, and laughing in conversation.
"So, what do we do here?" Elizabeth asked.
"We make a flyer to get the Eevee into an apprenticeship somewhere, or would you rather settle with a foster family." Lavender said. "So, Are you looking to get into a rescue team, shop stalks, or just look for foster parents?"
The Eevee and hilt just looked at each other. "We'll take the rescue apprentice thing." Elizabeth answered.
"Good." The Poltchageist wrote stuff on a poster paper, and stuck it to the bulletin board.
It reads:
"Young masked Eevee looking for rescuer apprenticeship. Meet me at Garura's Cafe."
"This way." Lavender Tea lead Mouse and Elizabeth to a cafe. "I'll keep watch until you two get picked up by a rescue team. But until then, I'm afraid this is were we part ways."
Mouse looked with shock under their mask. "Wait... You-you're not coming with us?" Elizabeth asked.
"No, I have my own place in life. Like I told you, I'm an solo herbalist." Lavender explained. "If we ever cross paths, don't be afraid to say 'Hi', or buy one of my remedies." They pick up their jarred medicine and hovered over to a booth, that was in eyesight of Mouse's seat.
Mouse and Ellie just sat there, chatting, waiting for their new job.
I wonder how how the princess and everyone else is doing...
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iridawn · 9 months
You have asked for blorboverse question, so, I descend, bringing the silliest of blorbo questions!
(BFS) How many episodes into the G Gundam watch did it take for Lillie to start doing the Shining/God Finger shout alongside Moon? What part of Zeta gave Irida the Big Brainworms? Same question for Dawn, in regards to the Sazabi.
(SBS) What is Barry's team? Who in that team is entirely on his wavelength and who is just, like, "yeah, this is my trainer, he sure is Like This." We know Moon has seen G Gundam, but, has this Dawn also gained a healthy appreciation for all things Char Aznoble?
"blorboverse" is a fantastic term LMFAO
I'd say it took until about... the Guiana Highlands, around when Domon is doing his training arc. The very first time they did it in unison was when Domon does that Shining Finger onto the Devil Gundam. Moon was beside herself with joy, that's how she knew Lillie *got it.*
Irida's brainworms with the Zeta Gundam stems from her enjoyment of MA modes in general. I imagined a young Irida watched the start of Gundam Wing, saw the bird form, and went ":O", which helped draw her into MA modes as a whole. Zeta stood out to her as a powerful option, especially with it's association with stars (because she was obviously interested in space), and just how it moves about.
I'd clock in the final fight Kamille has with Yazan, with the Biosensor, but even just general space fights got her interested because of how the Zeta moved around. She pondered about using such a mobile suit to explore deep space, and... well, the Choros was born a few years after that, with her finally getting the courage to do her own paint job, especially after being hired at a hobby store. (Emmet and Ingo were very willing to offer their advice - they may not build Gunpla, but they know how to fucking paint.)
As for Dawn? A combination of seeing her mom kick ass in the Garura as well as the big fight the Sazabi has with the Nu Gundam solidified it in her mind. Her mom showed a very excited kid Dawn a lot of her previous matches, and seeing the Sazabi move around so freely, dealing devastating, heavy blows, really stood out in her mind, and it looked cool. Combine that with seeing all of the strong options available at the Sazabi's disposal, Dawn was hooked. (Especially after a CCA watch. She really enjoyed seeing it do that cool upwards kick.)
Of course, she still started with the Dom Empert at first - her mom had suggested it as a simpler start and helped her customize it to her own playstyle. She would use a Sazabi in casual matches, but it was definitely a bit too far out of her reach at first... but as she got better, so too did her prowess in that suit. And, while she loved the Dom Empert, noticing a need for a power boost (and also wanting to move to one of the suits she really liked), the Sazabi Empert was born.
Barry's team is, I imagined, pretty similar to the one he's got in-game. His final team would probably look like this, really:
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Barry's Torterra is absolutely on his wavelength. That's his starter -- despite Torterra being a slower Pokemon, he absolutely understands Barry's battling style and everything along those lines. You wouldn't think Torterra is so slow with how they fight. He's kind of like a big puppydog, showering his trainer with affection and very excitable.
Rapidash and Staraptor are also on his wavelength, similar to Torterra. They're both quick and nimble Pokemon, fitting his more impatient attitude and generally being able to get in and do heavy damage fast. They know how to play fast, keep up with his speed, all of that. They're in-sync with him. Staraptor and Rapidash share this oddly intense bond of friendship, seemingly having more respect for one another than anyone else on Barry's team. Maybe even Barry himself... (but they don't hate the others or anything, they simply have this unspoken eternal bond to one another. Nobody knows why, really.)
Heracross and Floatzel are a bit more reserved, but they still love and respect their trainer. They find a mutual bond in one another in perhaps how over the top Barry can be. It's not uncommon for them to just give the "hey, you seeing this shit too?" look to one another while Barry goes on and on about something. It's all out of love, though, and they still can fight and keep up with that faster pace.
Snorlax doesn't pay much mind to anything. As long as he's fed, he's happy. If Barry needs to pull out a trump card, he loudly promises Snorlax a giant feast of a meal if they can clutch this out, which immediately wakes it up and seemingly makes it even more powerful. (Of course, he does follow up on it, even if they lose. Maybe that's why he keeps fining Dawn...)
SBS Dawn hasn't seen anything Gundam related yet, she was always more into shoujo/magical girl stuff. Your Cardcaptor Sakuras, your Symphogears, and the like. (It's a smaller love for her, but one she still enjoys dearly.)
That being said, I'd imagine during their trip to Alola, Dawn passed by a store and went "...Woah, that thing looks cool," when looking at the RG Sazabi in the window. Didn't pay it much mind, though.
(Moon introduces her later, and she definitely doesn't get AS into it as her BFS counterpart, but she absolutely thinks Char is cool as hell.)
thank you very much!!! these were fun to answer LOL
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0verstepping · 1 year
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wtf is this guys build. 1 maxx c, 1 ash, 1 imperm, 2 scream, 1 super poly, ishizu traps, single shaddol + poly to hard make winda, only 2 bystial, ridiculous amount of generic spells, SLASH DRAW??? This has to be the worst 40 card variant i've ever seen lmao. Not to mention this ED. No garura, no zeus, no sprind, GIGANTIC????? time thief AND dugares??? way to many 4s, you cant do that shit with this current ban list.
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Dyna Base
Level 4 EARTH Machine Effect Monster (0 ATK, 2100 DEF)
If your LP are lower than your opponent's: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using this card you control and other monsters from your hand or field as material. You can only use each effect of "Dyna Base" once per turn.
Dyna Tank
Level 7 EARTH Machine Fusion Effect Monster (? ATK, 2100 DEF)
1 Machine monster + 1 Dinosaur monster Gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the Dinosaur monster used for its Fusion Summon. You can only use each of the following effects of "Dyna Tank" once per turn. When a card or effect is activated that targets this 1 card on the field (and no other cards) (Quick Effect): You can target 1 other card on the field that would be an appropriate target; that card or effect now targets the new target. If this card in its owner's possession is destroyed by an opponent's card: You can Special Summon 1 Dinosaur monster from your GY.
Put the dinosaur on the tank. When the tank is destroyed, the dinosaur gets back off. Pretty wild.
Dyna Tank isn’t the only card Dyna Base can summon. Here is a full list: 
Dyna Tank (Machine + Dinosaur)
Garura, Wings of Resonant Life (2 monster same type & attribute, different names)
Mudragon of the Swamp (2 monster same attribute, different type)
Blaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird (Machine + Pyro)
Ignition Beast Volcannon (Machine + Pyro)
Panzer Dragon (Machine + Dragon)
Pair Cycroid (2 Machine with same name)
Chimeratech Overdragon (”Cyber Dragon” + 1 or more Machine)
Cyber Eternity Dragon (”Cyber Dragon” monster + 2 Machine)
El Shaddoll Shekhinaga (”Shaddoll” monster + EARTH)
Elemental HERO Gaia (”Elemental HERO” monster + EARTH)
Elemental HERO Brave Neos ("Elemental HERO Neos" + LV 4- Effect monster)
Invoked Magellanica (”Aleister the Invoker” + EARTH)
Millennium-Eyes Restrict (”Relinquished” + Effect monster)
Time Wizard of Tomorrow (”Time Wizard” + Effect monster)
Sprind the Irondash Dragon (”Fallen of Albaz” + Effect monster special summoned this turn)
Metalfoes Adamante ("Metalfoes" monster + ATK 2500- monster)
Metalfoes Crimsonite ( "Metalfoes" monster + 2 ATK 3000-  monster)
It can also summon Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment (3 monsters with different names) and Guardian Chimera (3 monsters with different names, at least 1 each from hand/field), but Trish only gets its effect if summoned with all dragons, and Chimera only gets its effect if summoned with a spell effect.
You can normal summon this monster because it is level 4, but you can also special summon it if you have less LP than the opponent. Here are some generic-ish cards to help accomplish that:
Upstart Goblin
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
Extra-Foolish Burial
Instant Fusion
Ready Fusion
Instant Contact
Chicken Game
Performage Trick Clown
Herald of the Abyss
Cosmic Cyclone
Psychic Eraser Laser
Solemn Strike
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning
Ichiroku's Ledger Book
Also certain archetypes frequently use cards that cost life such as P.U.N.K, Vampire, Qliphort, Exosister, D/D, and Dinomorphia.
I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be a Dinomorphia card. They are a dinosaur-type archetype that is involved with fusions, often have lower LP than the opponent, and whose main deck monsters would trigger on being summoned by the tank’s destruction.
The other thing I think you could use this card for is in a World Legacy deck. This card can easily summon Trishula or Chimera which are level 9s to be a target for World Legacy Monstrosity to summon two more level 9s from deck, then make something like World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy, or Laevatein, Generaider Boss of Shadows.
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luffyneet · 1 year
[Creation of dimension from everywhere edition] #creation #dimensions #winxclub #fategrandorder #dragonballinfinity #dbz #beerus #race #garura #fyp #fypシ #fypage #fup #fupシ #fupage #viral #new #chosen #news ] not made by me only pick genes
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sunglasses-kitaro · 4 years
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115-kangaskhan · 3 years
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It’s been a few years since I’ve posted photos of my Kangaskhan collection. Well!! I’ve gotten a LOT of merch since then and I am cataloguing everything in my collection on its own website! You can either click the image above, or click here to enter THE SAFARI ZONE
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musashi · 5 years
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goronska · 1 year
My OCs - Eodum (the Demi-God of Time)
The biggest whumper in my OC set, yet for all the good reasons… Illustrated by picrew.
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EODUM the Demi-God of Time [age mentally a teen, but exists for around 30 years, he/him, sexuality unknown but seems to have a thing for men, mostly found in the realm of Inbetween]
Eodum is a hurt child of two mothers, out of which one was divine and the other royal. His beginnings can be traced to the time where queen Merahtua, after giving birth to Merah, bargained with goddess Ubisi to not get her daughter Traced. The price was simple, but high - no more children for the queen. And to make sure it is so, Ubisi literally tore out her womb (regardless of later healing, this was the most painful and humiliating experiences in Merahtua's life).
The womb in question got used by Ubisi to, as always, satisfy her curiosity. The experiment in question was: Can I create life? The answer is basically no. Only Life can create Life from scratch in this canon, but Ubisi matched part of her DNA with the one from the queen and by some sort of godly parthenogenesis created Eodum, who grew in a bodypart suspended somewhere in the Inbetween.
Emerging from that cocoon was practically an independant little boy with purple skin, a mess of black hair, Ubisi's strange, magnetic eyes and horns. And this is where the Red Goddess lost interest in the experiment and left Eodum on his own.
Eodum's main power is controlling the time and its various aspects. But if he wants something spectacular, of bigger scale, he would lose all his power for several days. He can also regulate his size a bit, appearing as small as 160 cm to almost 5 m if he wants to be more intimidating. Yet, his emotional developement is very… stalled. He still acts like a little brat and only recently came into interactions with more people.
It started more or less 2 years ago, when Setia discovered the way to reach Inbetween and met the demi-god for the first time and they came up with a plan, involving, among other things, finishing the rule of the mother who left him behind (Setia is still not fully aware, Eodum is half-sibling of Merah). Main goal: be nothing like her. So instead of being rather fair, but vengeful and sinister, he wants to become benevolent and use his power to mostly reverse any harm done.
He quickly realizes that he cannot control his power well enough for such purposes yet, as he badly disfigures a few trees in the Inbetween. Setia offers himself up for practice, because they both realize, if Eodum actually saw how the damage had happened, he could reverse it with less problems. Honing of Eodums skills quickly escalates - from easy bruising and a prickle to a finger to draw blood, into full-blown torture sessions Setia agrees to suffer through for the sake of future gains. We are talking fractured bones, 3rd degree burns and worse. The man is then healed and promptly sent to bed back in the palace to rest. Never has the world witnessed a stranger dynamic.
Upon Eodum fast forwarding king Garura to his death (the boy doesn't care about political stuff nor death), he is discovered back by Ubisi and Life and the two beings have a huge fight over motherhood, ending in Ubisi sending him off to Merah and Sydney to look after him. As his power is drained by the Garura ordeal and other stuff, he is… grounded in Ireland for around two weeks.
Shocked he will have no slaves like Setia at his disposal to practice, he domesticates a rat from The Silver Arrow and is seen often just exploding the rat into pieces and then reverting it back again with his sheer power, like an instastory boomerang video. The rat gets also a name, which is famously You Bitch Shit (because Eodum finds it hilarius that if you say it quick enough it almost sounds like Ubisi), starts having a nest in his mess of a hair and goes with him everywhere, docile and curious.
Actually, the visit becomes a blessing. That's the first time the demi-god experiences love, especially from Merah, and gets taught the extent of his abilities by Aoibhin, the local druid lady from the woods. And also its limits - he is heartbroken finding a dead hedgehog in the forest which he cannot bring back (he later has the idea to make hedgehogs and rat his holy animals, masssanger between him and people). This and interfering with what other gods did.
Humbled, he gets back to Inbetween and Vermillion only to discover Setia is now forced to become the next King, caring more about Adam than Eodum, but also Eodum's first Temple being erected on the ruins of Ubisi's Temple in Allaine, a small city far from the capital. He makes sure to perform his first public miracle and one night promptly fast forwards the building to complition, much to awe of his soon growing number of believers.
The battle for his believers has just begun. But will the rebels of Vermillion honestly back him up when his Key Hour comes? And does he really know any other way of showing his affection than hurting the beings he love beyond recognition and then patching them up again?
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theplayerking · 5 years
Images from Episode 1 of Pocket Monsters
Here are some images from episode 1 of Pocket Monsters.
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langainfinity · 5 years
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Part [ 1 ] 2 [ 3 ]
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smilingperformer · 5 years
I feel like I don’t actually need to rewatch subs tonight. I’ll rewatch the ep again with subs tomorrow or something :D Just so I can make sure I did remember the dialogue correctly.
So yeh, watched the first episode of new Pokeani on official Pokemon Youtube channel, man did it feel great. I was meant to talk about Pichu’s story today anywho, so the official subless rewatch is good enough! No screencaps this time around, not feeling like it XD And youtube vid has imprinted japanese text on the left top corner so lol
So. Where to begin.... maybe by the fact that Pichu is freaking adorable? D: AAH krhm. So. No info was given on how Pichu came to be or whether it was recently born or anything, but it was explicitly said to be alone in the forest, with no friends and all. And then, by chance, Dogas/Koffing cause Pichu to slip down a cliff, with a softish landing to a Garura/Kangaskhan. Pichu dear was spooked thou, might have been first time he saw one? Then the baby Garura decides to have a chat with Pichu, and eventually once its time for the Garura heard to get going, Pichu at first just looks at Garura in confusion, but then the mother Garura decides to, well, basically adopt Pichu as her own lol. It’s so cute, and I’m glad Pichu ends up becoming such quick friends with the baby Garura. They skip on months ahead to the day when Gou and Koharu’s camp happens, and Pichu’s still part of the family. That is so heartwarming, to see Garura take in a Pokemon as her child without any question. Such a motherly Pokémon, I think I gained new love towards this Pokémon ♥
Pichu and the baby act like such brothers and honestly, it really reminds me off how Pikachu always took care of Togepi, Nebby and Larvitar/Yogiras for example, and how it was such a brother to the likes of Pochama, Dedenne, Kibago/Axew and ofc, Bebenom. Like, that trait seems to carry over from this life he had with Garura family and that is just so..... so awesome to see!
I find it quite amusing how Pichu did sort of meet Gou first before Satoshi, but it was in a way where both Pichu and Gou just saw the same event of Mew saving Garura’s child (which is probably why Pikachu would be protective of baby Pokémon! :D), so not like, really meeting up. But they were in the same area and Gou and Koharu most def did look in the direction of Garura’s family. Didn’t seem like Pichu ever laid eyes away from his family so, no point in thinking theories of Pikachu remembering someone like Gou from the past. :D Just neat how the fate between Pikachu, Satoshi and Gou was so close to happen all those years ago, yet didn’t. :D
Why does Pichu end up leaving the Garura family then? How did it end up becoming Satoshi’s Pokémon if it enjoyed its life with the two. Well. The time skips on ahead, saying it’s been several years, and both Pichu and Garura’s child have grown. So... Mama Garura is now having trouble carrying two big children. And it shows, Garura is visually exhausted, and it shows in Garura’s child as well, both seeming down, like the overweight is affecting them both. Pichu clearly cares for the two, and it tries to get off, but being the motherly being Garura is, just won’t let Pichu go. So Pichu then... leaves.... during the night.... while they sleep ;___; Without a word! GOSH that’s touching, he knows Garura’s health is on the line if he stays, gooooosssshhhh I love this so much.
Then it becomes so emotional and every freaking time Pichu starts evolving just as it says Pi-KA-chu is so damn beautiful, awesome, and awesome narrative. It valued the friendship it had with Garura family so much. And he seemed so freaking happy to have become a Pikachu ;V; Silently farewelling the family, as he runs off.
Then I guess weeks pass until Okido caught him and he became Satoshi’s Pokémon, it wasn’t shown so it’s still up for people to make guesses or headcanons on. A shame, but it’s fine. I do find it possible there could be another ep down the road actually focusing on how Okido ended up catching Pikachu, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Like, all in all? I loved this backstory of Pikachu, as we now know he was indeed a Pichu before becoming a Pikachu, and had a happy life until his surrogate family’s health was in line, and it decided to leave them for their own sake. Pikachu you are so wonderful AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Sniff... I’m gonna go play some Pokemon Sword now, I think I caught Pikachu yesterday (perfectly a boy), gonna see if it’s Hardy like Satoshi’s Pikachu is because i god DAMN want to catch a Pikachu like him now... damn it lol
Anywho... be sure to support the official upload of the new series, as they do intend to continue this trean with each new episode every week. Do remember, they’re temporary uploads, to make up for possibly missing an episode on sunday’s airing. I’ll put official japanese Pokemon channel to source tag so it’ll always work!
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