#gaming desk cable management
risingsunresistance · 8 months
feels weird to not have much to post, i feel like i basically disappeared off social media compared to how i used to post but. there is simultaneously so much going on (things that are boring/heavy and not fun to post about) and nothing at all going on (i have not been able to play anything very much and havent been watching anything besides random documentaries i stumble across), leading to me having nothing to say lmao
i did finally write down a bunch of hypixel worldbuilding headcanon junk instead of having it only be word-of-mouth between me and ark lol. only 1700 words, i can do better 👍 it was literally only about admin magic, what exactly it means to "hack," what a server is, and limbo kjgfhk. i might make a big post about the limbo section one day :]
#things that arent worth having their own post bc it's boring normal life stuff#I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!! i've only worked one day but i had a lot of fun#and i like my coworkers. im scared of tomorrow tho bc my manager who has been guiding me around isnt gonna be there#so second day in and im already on my own DFGHKJG it'll be fine.........#also I GOT MY DESK ORDERED LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO. SOON I WILL BE BACK ON THE GRIND I WANNA PLAY SKYBLOCK SO BAD#i've only been able to play on weekends or at ark's ;-; pain and suffering i need somewhere to sit#also fun fact. remember how the house was full of mold. well there was ALSO a gas leak for the past couple weeks#my existence is a miracle#im blaming all past behaviors on this. im normal now dont worry 👍👍👍#i think i already mentioned this but my snes power cable is missing and i need a new one Pain And Suffering#on the brighter side of my old games. i found by gbc! AND THE BATTERIES STILL WORK SOMEHOW LMAO#i can finally do a miserable gen 2 shiny hunt yippeeeeee#trying to find my gameboy copy of tetris attack but i dont see it anywhere 😔#uhhhh yeah that's about it i guess. been busy with sorting out work stuff and money problems and Everything Else#currently taking care of health stuff i havent done in years. time for dentist today wahoo#gonna try to get an eye exam soon. it's been like. a decade-#im not sure my vision is still 20/20 im having trouble reading some things digitally#billboards are fine. electronic ones are not those are just smudges#i dont know enough about eyes to know what that could be#chat
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zassafrass · 10 months
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Finally got my standing desk set up :)
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futurelivingco · 11 months
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Looking for a convenient solution to keep your desk neat and tidy? Our Cable Organizer Silicone USB Cable Winder is the perfect tool for managing your cables and protecting them from wear and tear. With its flexible and durable silicone material, you can easily wind and store your cables, keeping them organized and tangle-free. Say goodbye to messy and cluttered cables on your desk and hello to a clean and organized workspace with our Cable Organizer Silicone USB Cable Winder!
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delamu · 1 year
Top Cable Management Solutions for a Gaming Desk
Find the ultimate best desk cable management for gaming desks. Take advantage of bulk purchasing discounts and select from a variety of products suitable for various standing desks, including PC and gaming desks. Enjoy the convenience of free shipping and transform your gaming setup with the best cable management options available.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
How Many Detectives Are Needed To Sleep A Baby? || Jay Halstead x reader!
Cute and fluffy Jay, wife and baby + babysitter detectives
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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Summary: Intelligence unit takes care of Jay's newborn baby while he and his wife are in court. Turns out it is the most difficult case they have worked on.
-"You can't go in there". Platt muttered in a scolding tone to Adam, who wanted to go into the coffee room.
-"Why not?" He asked strangely.
-"Shhhhhh". Kim gave him a punch on his arm. -"Keep it quiet, you're gonna wake her up".
-"Ok, alright". Ruzek kept his voice low. -"What the hell is going on, girls?"
-"Halstead's baby is sleeping in there. Don't you dare to interrupt her sweet dreams, bro". Kevin said from his desk.
-"Look at her. You can see her smile even from here". Hailey said, peeking through the window.
Trudy and Kim followed her.
-"She's so lucky she didn't get her father's mad face". The Sergeant enquired.
-"What do you think she's dreaming about? She looks so peaceful".
-"What's going on? Where's Jay? Where's her mom? What is she doing here all alone?" Adam was losing it, increasing his voice volume once more.
-"She's not alone. We're taking care of her!". Hailey frowned.
-"Adam, please". Voigh silently got out of his office and rushed towards him whispering. -"Would you keep it down? I can hear your voice even with my door closed. Let the baby rest, she's only weeks old and already has seen too much".
The detective opened his arms in a defeated gesture. He had just arrived and didn't understand anything.
-"Y/N is testifying right now, we couldn't avoid it. She and her colleagues published the investigation under their names, so...I couldn't stop it. Jay is by her side. The baby is here for protection".
-"She really is a hell of a journalist". Upton mentioned with admiration.
-"And a very brave woman. We owe her a lot in this case". Hank stated.
-"You know? You would have known about this if you had arrived in time to work". Burgess teases Adam.
-"Is there any news about the trial?" Platt wanted to know, worried about you.
-"Not yet, but Jay said he'll be in touch". The boss stated. -"You know these trials take time".
They weren't conscious about it, but the whole Intelligence squad looked hilarious talking with whispers and walking in tiptoes as they went back to their workplaces.
Time passed and the girl was still sleeping safe and sound, until Adam decided to stand up to stretch a bit and stumbled with some cables on the floor. Naturally, the clatter woke up the little baby.
-"It had to be you, right?" Kim mocked her husband as she helped him stand up.
Hailey and Kevin ran to the coffee room as if they were running a race. It was him who got there first and held the baby girl.
-"There, there. Uncle Kev is right here". He tried to reassure her. -"I had siblings and took care of them when they were babies. I can manage another one".
But after a few minutes, she was still uncontrollable.
-"Ok, it's my turn". Burgess got into the game and took the baby off his partner's arms. -"I'm the only mom here, the only one who has a real daughter. I know how to do it".
-"What are you talking about?" Trudy Platt laughed. -"Makayla was already a grown up when you adopted her!" And she grabbed the baby to accommodate her in her chest. But the crying did not stop.
-"Oh, no. What are they doing to you, sweetie?" Upton grabbed her and laid her in her arms. -"I am her godmother, she knows me better".
The baby Halstead slowed down her crying, but she was still restless.
-"Well, how many detectives do you need to sleep a baby, hum? You don't know anything". Hank Voight gasped. -"Give her to me, I'll show you all". But as soon as she was in the arms of the boss, her crying increased. -"Oh. I've lost touch!"
Jay and Y/N were already at the bullpen, waiting in the stairs. They got in time to witness the fluffy scene.
-"Hey, guys? She's not a rag doll, you know?" Jay said laughing at the scene and his friends turned around with surprise. -"She just needs her daddy's arms''. He took his daughter to stroke her and almost immediately she calmed down.
-"That's not fair". Platt crossed her arms.
-"We brought you coffee". You smiled, leaving the box you were carrying on one of the desks. -"There's not enough caffeine when you take care of a newborn. There's one for each of you, just as each of you like it. Look for your name in the tags".
-"Geez, thanks!" Adam said gladly and balanced the table. -"I was denied entrance to the coffee room the whole morning".
-"I'm sorry". You turned red.
-"Don't listen to him". A chorus of detectives said.
-"She's really calm, it was no problem". Kevin asserted and everyone else agreed.
You approached your husband and as soon as you were in your daughter's sight, the baby started to smile and giggle, throwing little kicks into the air.
-"What? Why are you laughing so much, baby?" You raised your hands and freed Jay's arms. -"Come with mommy, sweetie".
Everyone stared at the scene with tenderness, especially Kim, whose eyes started watering.
-"You wanna hold her?"
She just nodded and took the opportunity.
-"How was the trial? Are you alright?" Platt inquiered.
-"Yeah, I mean it was really scary, but I think it went fine". Y/N hands started to shake a little bit, but she was fast enough to hide them in her pockets. Nobody noticed, except for Jay.
-"She did a great job". He hugged you by the waist, trying to secretly ease you.
-"I have no doubt about it, she already showed us how much of a badass she is". Hank smirked.
-"I will just be more comfortable if you stay in here at least until the Jury deliberates, or as soon as I can go home with you. It's just a precaution, I'm not being paranoid or something".
-"Yes, I agree". Voight followed the idea.
-"Sure. Whatever you think is better".
The baby yawned and stretched herself so adorably, that she caught everyone's attention again.
-"I should put her down to sleep".
-"Alright. Take my seat, Y/N. We don't know how much we're staying here". Jay pointed out.
-"C'me on, Kim. Give the baby back to her mommy".
-"If you need help with the baby or you get bored of these people around, I'll be downstairs". The desk Sergeant winked at you and you smiled back at her back.
-"She won't be bored. She has me here". Hailey pulled a face.
-"I'll take provisions just in case the little one takes the coffee room again". Ruzek rushed to the kitchen.
Everyone else rolled their eyes in a funny way.
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resowrites · 1 year
Bell Ringers - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry’s taken aback by a surprise revelation…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1230
A/N: *Sigh* Let’s see if this one manages to stay under tags lol If not then enjoy while you can!
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Bell Ringers - oneshot.
“Oh bollocks and arse.” Henry lowered the PC back onto the desk and stood observing it for a moment. “Well there’s nothing for it, I shall have to fetch Lady Cavill.” He plodded into the hallway, turning his head from side to side. “Ollie? Ollieee... where is she? Ollieeeeee...” Still no reply. “MRS CAVILLLLLL!” A minute or two later he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. “Hark, a woman draws near...”
“What you foghorn?! I was upstairs making up the bloody bed. And Mrs. Cavill’s your mum.”
“… Oh yeah, I never thought of that. And no you weren’t, you’re eating crisps.”
“I was taking a break.” Henry laughed.
“Well now I require your assistance.” He swept his arms toward the den.
“For what? Henry, I don’t have time for any naughtiness—”
“No, no naughtiness, though it’s a task of equal importance—”
“I can guarantee it isn’t. Now be gone, I still haven’t started dinner—”
“Alarming though that is, I really do need your help.” She groaned as Henry led her by the hand and into the den. 
“… Why’s your PC on its side? Did you slam a door too hard?”
“No, it went kaput while I was gaming so I tipped it forward to have a look at the wiring and a cable’s slipped down one of the shafts. I need you to try and fish it out.”
“What? Why? You’ve got small enough hands, you do it—”
“Whoa, hang on… did you just say I have small hands?” She stopped still, blinking at him.
“Well, not small exactly. More... slender.” Henry’s mouth fell open.
“Mmm.” She shoved a thick stack of crisps into her mouth.
“I... I don’t believe this...”
“I mean to be fair, the rest of you is rather large… so that doesn’t help—”
“No, don’t backtrack, have you always felt this way? Or did someone point it out to you?!”
“… I think the better question is how do you not know the answer to that?” His eyebrows almost hit the ceiling.
“Are you being serious?!”
“Oh for God’s sake, they’re not sideshow small—”
“No, just small enough for you to avoid saying anything for nearly ten years!”
“Well I didn’t want to rub it in.”
“Right, well thanks for all your help, don’t worry about dinner.” Henry picked up a screwdriver and began to undo the casing.
“Wow, are you that upset? Well I can’t leave you to starve, here have some Frazzles…” She held out the bag of crisps. “There we are, stick your little fingers in there.” He let the tool clatter onto the table.
“Okay, apologise please.”
“For what?”
“For this affront to my manhood.” She clucked her tongue. “No, I mean it. You have before you a man so masculine he could even impregnate himself, and all you can do is make blithe statements.”
“Do manly men say ‘blithe?’” Henry pursed his lips. “And I don’t know that fiddling with a computer best illustrates your point…”
“I’m not fiddling with it—”
“No… more like tinkering.” He tried to wipe the smile from his face.
“Say sorry.”
“No, you didn’t hesitate to tell me I’ve got a big arse, so why should I? Although now that I think of it, it probably just feels bigger cos you can’t get a proper grip.”
“Well carry on and it’ll be getting a smack.”
“Except I won’t really feel it will I?”
“Yes you will. Trust me.”
“Nah. It’ll be more like a slight pinch… which is fine as I’m used to a tiny prick.”
“Alright, out. Now.” 
“Why? You said you wanted my help?!” 
“Not anymore. Off you fuck.” Henry signalled towards the door.
“What? Are you pointing at something? I can’t tell.” He looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. “Oh darling, it’s really just a matter of perspective. I mean, if you took up the piano you could get really good...”
“Mm-hmm. If you’re gunna stick around hand me that duct tape.”
“What for?”
“Your gob. And this wire, come hold it for me.” She dutifully obliged, taking her time to look over his features.
“What? What flaws have you discovered now?”
“Were you after a list?” Henry tutted. “You know you really are making a fuss over nothing. You’ve got plenty of role models. What’s that Paul Newman film? Small Hand Luke?” He sighed.
“It’s Cool Hand Luke. Right, let me just align the casing and we’ll see if this bloody thing turns on.” 
“Righty-ho. Use both hands.” 
“Ollie, that’s your last warning.”
“Or what?”
“Okay, you asked for it.” Henry finished tightening the last screw and stood back to admire his handiwork. 
“… Oh my God, am I trapped in here? I can’t get my hand out!”
“Oh, that’s odd. Tell me, can you see these now?” He stuck two fingers up at her.
“Henry, let me out please—“
“Nope.” He pilfered the pack of crisps off the desk and made for the door.
“Wait! If you don’t let me out, who’s gunna do dinner?” Henry shrugged.
“I’ll get pizza.”
“But what about me?!”
“Well if you’re good I’ll bring you the crusts.” She sighed. “You could, of course, just apologise…”
“Nighty night, then.” Once again he headed for the door, this time stopping to turn off the light.
“Don’t leave.” 
“Why not?” Henry still hadn't turned the light back on and all she could hear was him munching away in the dark.
“… Cos it’s scary.” He chuckled.
“Then say sorry.”
“Okay, just turn the sodding light back on and let me out!” Henry did as he was told, though he held down the casing once it was finally unscrewed.
“Well?” She sighed again. “Come on, I know you’ve got it in you. Dig deep.”
“… I’m sorry Henry.”
“For what?”
“For making the observation—“
“Nope. Try again.”
“For saying you have small hands. Though true, it wasn’t my place to point it out.” He shook his head and began screwing the casing back in place.
“Okay, okay… you’re right. Size is subjective.”
“Yes, but we both agree my hands are massive, both in proportion to my body and generally speaking. As are my cock and brains. Correct?” She pursed her lips.
“… What about your balls?”
“Can’t we just meet halfway and say average?” 
“No, cos that would be untruthful.”
“Fine. Just let me out.”
“Ah-ah. Apologise one last time. God knows when I’ll get to hear it again.” She took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry…” Henry smiled and finally released her. “That you’re small.” She tried to dart around him, but he was too quick and lifted her into his arms. “PUT ME DOWN KNOBHEADDD.”
“Nope. Come on now, don’t wriggle! Stop, stop, stop. Shhh, you’re not getting away!” Though she certainly tried. “Shush now, there we are,” Henry rocked her gently back and forth, “if you needed attention all you had to do was ask for it.” She gritted her teeth.
“Henry I will bite you.”
“No you won’t. Gimme a kiss and I’ll let go.” She wriggled harder and managed to get one foot on the floor. Eventually, she wrestled free.
“Ha! You can’t even handle me with two hands!” She staggered her way to the door, breathless but triumphant. “Oh, and your feet are small too.” Moments later he was carrying her over his shoulders. 
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69
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localgremlinboy · 1 year
some more silly rogues’ headcannons I thought of! Thank you everyone for the validation on the last ones, it made me smile! :D
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- they all have a Minecraft server together that's utter madness! Riddler has perfected redstone and he makes puzzle riddle traps in game, it drives Joker INSANE. Ivy goes around planting giant trees and flowers without asking. And Bane has a nice little house and no one dares ruin it, it brings him so much joy.
- Scarecrow always has chapstick on him, it's mango flavored
- Riddler has a tamagotchi, he will cry if it dies. If you're the goon that has to watch it while he's in Arkham, be scared.
- Harvey still posts on his Twitter, Twoface has an invite only after dark account. He just reposts memes everyone else has already seen and overshares random personal information and middle school level poetry. Also Harvey & Twoface are currently in a four year long tweet war about an episode of Law and order
- Out of all the rogues, Joker owns the most shoes. He has a storage unit full of racks of different tailored costumes, shoes, and makeup. He wears an expensive french brand of makeup he has to ship to Gotham, and he doesn't do any crimes without wearing his lucky lipstick brand
- Scarecrow loves animal crossing, his island is decked out and Halloween themed. He hosts parties with the rogues on his island
- Riddler set up a VPN & free cable/wifi for all the rogues to use so they can stream whatever, but you have to answer a riddle to get the password. Joker hates it but he also needs to watch the new criminal minds reboot before Harley spoils it
- one time during a party, the rogues managed to convince a very drunk Harvey & Twoface to sing/reinact songs from phantom of the opera and later jekyll and hyde (Twoface is emotionally a theater kid)
- Harley and Twoface get really into murder podcasts together one time while in Arkham. Even after they all break out, they video call after new episodes drop to talk about it. One time they tried to do a podcast but it turned out Joker did the crime so like it wasn't much of a plot twist
- Harley streams her crimes sometimes & actually makes some sick side cash off it! Half the time her chat is just obsessing over her interactions with Ivy. Also Ivy is one of her top donors
- Catwoman is TikTok famous, she posts story times, how to do simple parkour and pick locks, and hauls from crimes. All of her money from sponsorships and stuff goes to charity (she gets sent a bunch of free cat food for her cats, it's awesome!)
- Joker scrapbooks, he did it for a gag originally but low key got into it and now he may or may not have a scrapbooking room. He tries to go to Michael’s incognito but like, everyone knows.. The employees are like “yo, the Joker is at the help desk asking about if we have batman scrapbooking decals? Do.. Do I ask if he wants to sign up for the rewards program? Is he allowed to sign up?” Yes he signed up for the rewards program
- Joker also often signs up for various rewards programs but when he doesn’t want their emails, he gives them scarecrow’s email. Scarecrow has a bounty for whoever stops the man signing up ALL his emails for the Chilies newsletter
- the rogues throw Harley a roller skating lasertag party, where they also learn Harvey can't skate to save his life. He's the dedicated party mom that's standing at the railing about to fall down while he cheers on the others doing tricks and he's in charge of everyone's coat at the table. Joker uses all of his tickets to buy bouncy balls and sticky hands. Catwoman is a god at laser tag, she nearly gave Scarecrow a heart attack when she dropped form the vents to snip him. At the end of the party, they all steal Harley the go kart that's worth like 10,000 tickets. Batman shows up to Harley doing donuts in the parking lot while all the other villains are fighting with sticky hands and bouncy balls
- Bane likes camping and takes all the rogues in hopes to get camping buddies, they all almost die out in the woods because it's a disaster but also he had a great time! The Joker brings a camera and the whole time is making dated Blair Witch jokes with Scarecrow, which Harvey doesn't find funny and not because he's scared of the Blair witch.. Riddler screams running off into the woods because of a bee "chasing" him, no one sees him until three weeks later when they remember that they forgot him in the woods. Clayface uses a survivalist persona/character the whole time they're out there but he knows nothing about survivalism, eating poisonous berries and telling them poison ivy is a healing herb. Ivy is probably the only one suited for camping and she has to make sure most of them don't die
- Harley collects pins! She has a pin board in her hideout. The other rogues give her pins they find/obtain around Gotham
- The Joker has spent 3 years trying to perfect confetti smoke bombs
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I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Characters: The Patron x Reader
Words: 2856
Content warnings: break in, stalking
divider by firefly-graphics and delishlydelightfuldividers
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At first, everything had seemed normal. The door had been locked and the hall undisturbed. But one step into the living room brought this illusion of peace to an abrupt ending. The glass sliding door that led out to the garden was wide open. On the floor between the sofa and the TV stand were a bunch of cables, the only sign left that there had been a flatscreen and gaming consoles once. Your thoughts immediately snapped to your PC, it had all your writing and important documents on it, and you basically ran towards your bedroom. The thought that maybe whoever was responsible for this could still be around didn't even cross your mind; all you cared about was checking if your things were still there – but as you had feared, the desk was empty. 
There were papers and pencils and random knick-knacks strewn all over the floor, drawers having been pulled out and turned over. You slowly stepped closer, looking down at the mess, the realisation that you most likely wouldn’t find any of your USB-sticks, external hard drives, or other storage devices among the chaos slowly settling in. Anything even remotely technological was gone. All your writing, years' worth of work, was gone.  
Everything you hadn’t managed or been willing to save online, at least. With all your older documents it hadn’t seemed necessary – you had it saved locally and on at least one other medium, that should’ve been enough, right? For your recent work, there had been persistent Wi-Fi issues keeping you from updating the cloud, and between uni and work you just hadn’t had the time or energy to keep running after the provider. 
You took a deep breath, trying to calm down and take a more rational approach to the situation. Panicking wouldn’t help. Not all your work was gone, after all. Sure, you had made quite some progress recently, having been hit by one of those mysterious bouts of inspiration, but you’d be able to rewrite it. Even if the thought hurt because you weren’t sure you’d manage to get it right a second time, that it would only feel like a weak copy. 
Then you remembered that at least some of it had only been copied to your PC from physical notes – sometimes, writing traditionally on paper helped you overcome a writer’s block, and especially in the last couple weeks the screen if both your PC and laptop had been daunting. The sight of the writing program had merely been a reminder of uni work and term papers, so you had been writing and taking notes in your notebook, along with the occasional sketch. Your bag hit the floor with a dull thud, and your hands were shaking as you unzipped it. But as soon as your eyes fell onto its contents, your heart dropped.  
No. It couldn’t be. 
You felt your throat tighten up, your chest constricting as fear and dread took over. The space that was supposed to hold your laptop and notebook was empty. Maybe your notebook had somehow slipped down, you head insisted, or maybe you had accidentally thrown it into the main compartment. Still, even turning over your backpack and emptying it of all its contents didn’t reveal anything new. Every single note, reference sketch, or silly scribbles had disappeared along with the book. 
Not only had your home been robbed, but someone had seemingly also stolen from you at uni. And finding that your wallet had remained untouched gave you a quite clear idea who was responsible. There had been a small group of more well of kids that had been harassing you for a few months now - yet there was nothing you could do. Even if you had evidence that they had taken things from your bag, the uni hadn’t cared about the bullying, violence, and stealing going on so far. Your case would hardly be different.  
Exhaustion hit you like a sledgehammer, yet you knew you should do something. At the very least you had to call someone about the broken door, right? Was it even broken? You hadn’t checked. 
You also probably needed to take pictures, keep notes on the exact state of the flat before tidying. Make a list of what exactly was gone, take inventory of what you had. And then... go to the police? Was this something they dealt with? Would they even take you seriously? Because they most certainly hadn’t the last time. 
When you had gone and asked for help with a possible stalker, they had sent you away, waved you off because you hadn’t been hurt or threatened so far. There supposedly had been nothing they could do. And even if that was true, they didn’t seem eager to investigate either. As you had been leaving the office, you’d overheard one man saying to another one how you should be flattered to have a secret admirer, and how women these days didn’t know how to take compliments anymore. 
Compliments were one thing, even anonymous love notes or whatever could have been acceptable – had they appeared in your mailbox or in front of your door, not your dinner table. Your secret admirer, or stalker, whatever you wanted to call him however had been entering your flat. Although, so far, he had only left fairly respectful notes and the gifts hadn’t been unusual or creepy. Except for the fact that he did seem to know your taste very well, even more than your friends or family, and certainly better than past partners.  
Either way, there didn’t seem anything you could do about the situation, and you didn’t want to risk angering him. You didn’t actually know anything about him after all, which made him and possible reactions to your actions unpredictable. Which also was part of the reason that, despite him not having shown any interest in your material possessions so far, you couldn’t deny he was the only person you were aware of who was certainly able to get in. Then again, he’d never left any evidence of having been there aside from his notes or gifts. This didn’t seem like him. Being a stalker was one thing, being a robber another. You sighed. 
Just then, a firm knock on the front door startled you, ripping you from your thoughts. For a moment, you just stood there, frozen in the middle of your bedroom, before shaking the momentary shock off. It would hardly be the people who’d broken in coming back to introduce themselves, and although it wasn’t typical to knock instead of ringing the doorbell, it wasn’t completely unheard of. Maybe a neighbour had seen or heard something and come to check on you. 
As you approached the front door, you spotted a white rectangle on the floor; a folded piece of paper that seemed to have been pushed through the gap between wood and laminate. You picked it up before peeking through the peephole, but you couldn’t see anyone in front of your door. Still, you opened the door to properly check if there was someone in the hall, but it was completely empty.  
Stepping back into the flat and gently closing the door, you unfolded the note. Both the manner of delivery and the wording were strange and unusual, there was no greeting or signature, but the handwriting was unmistakable. Your secret admirer, your “Patron”, had left you a message: 
Do not call the police, I will take care of it.
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Against all reason and logic, you had done as the note had told you. You still had taken pictures and written down what had been taken, but nothing more. Cables had been pushed out of the way, the desk tidied, and you had gotten a new notebook from your ever-growing collection, before taking a shower and nap. By the time you'd woken up, it had already been dark outside, so you had plopped down on your sofa with some snacks and watched a film on your phone. Things could have been worse. 
The next morning, you did your best to pretend nothing had happened, pointedly ignoring the empty spaces on your desk and the living room wall. If by the time you got home from uni nothing had happened, you’d go to the police – even though you weren’t sure what exactly you expected to happen. All the note had said was that your secret admirer would “take care of it”. But when you entered the kitchen, you were surprised to find a bottle of your favourite drink, along with some pastries and chocolates on the counter. When you stepped closer, you noticed an envelope as well, but that wasn’t what made your breath hitch and heart skip a beat. 
Slowly and carefully, as if scared it would disappear, you picked up the notebook, covered in stickers and patches, a colourful chaos with only a marginal degree of system. You were almost hesitant to open it, almost expecting to find the pages blank or missing, but on first glance it seemed like everything was just as you had left it. Finding it here, in your kitchen, along with other gifts, meant that he had been inside your flat while you had been asleep, but you didn’t care. Nor did you want to know how or where he had gotten it. Sure, there was a chance that maybe it had been him who had stolen it only to heroically return it, but the idea seemed bizarre. The most important thing was that you had it back. 
You considered leaving it at home to make sure it was safe from your bullies, but you didn’t want to part with it. Instead, you got the padlock you usually used when travelling and locked the zippers of your backpack together. For a moment you wondered if you were overreacting, but then again, who cared? It was keeping your wallet safe as well. And the notebook, no matter how silly it might have seemed to outsiders, was one of your most important possessions. 
You filled a glass and grabbed the pastry back to go and have breakfast, then remembered the envelope and picked it up as well.  
My dear muse,  
Good morning, I hope your breakfast tasted wonderful and you had time to enjoy it immensely.  
I apologize for being so vague. I should have told you about what I was intending to do. I understand that my letter might have spurred unwanted feelings of dread because of that. I apologize yet again. 
However, I hope having your notebook back in your possession has given you some peace of mind. 
Concerning the rest... I will need a little more time to attend to the "other matters." I should have everything sorted by the time you return from your classes.  
If I am not able to recover the rest before you come back from university, I promise you I will bring them tomorrow.  
Have a nice and safe day, my darling.  
~ The Patron 
The letter was written in the usual style, which was more of a comfort than you had expected. Still, it was somewhat cryptic and left you a little puzzled, but you shrugged it off. You’d leave him to do what he’d planned – it's not like you could stop him anyway – and you’d see the result in the afternoon. It was almost the same as always, just that you usually didn’t receive any prior info or notification. 
Another thing that deviated from the norm was the fact that you left a note in return. Nothing special, just a simple “Thank you” on a sticky note. You felt somewhat unsure about it and almost threw it into the trash, but you forced yourself to put it on the table, right in front of the vase holding the most recent flowers he’d left you. It was just a tiny gesture of gratitude, there surely could be no harm in that. And you were grateful, more than words could express, so a small note was the least you could offer, right? 
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Throughout the day you were pleasantly surprised that you didn’t run into any of your bullies. You didn’t even catch a glimpse of them, which was more than alright with you. They could be dead in a ditch somewhere and you wouldn’t shed a tear – and you doubted anyone else who’d been terrorised by the group would be too bothered. Then, towards the end of your last lecture, the rumours started. The lecturer tried to keep everyone’s attention, but people kept whispering to each other, and the group chat was blowing up, so the class was dismissed about fifteen minutes early. 
Despite trying to keep your curiosity in check and stay out of the gossip, you couldn’t help yourself when one of your fellow students ran up to you and asked if you’d already heard “the news”. You shrugged, “I haven’t heard or read anything yet, class just ended and the chat’s a freaking mess. I don’t think I’ll be reading through over 500 messages.” 
The other girl, Cailin, if you remembered correctly, snorted and replied, “Yeah, I get that, I’ve given up on that as well. But the general gist is the following: first of all, the resident ‘Alphas’ and their girlfriends claim to have been attacked yesterday after classes. However, they also claim that they don’t know by whom, and can’t describe this ‘attacker’ either. Plus, they weren’t injured or anything. Just had their shit thrown into the stream.” 
“No fucking way,” you said, mouth stretching into a grin, “For real? Has karma finally caught up to them?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” Cailin continued, bouncing on her feet, “Y’know how like half of their relationships are set-up and like some kind of ‘arranged marriage’ type of stuff? Turns out that apparently Charlotte has been cheating on dear Johnny for... the whole length of their relationship. With anyone and everyone. Their parents are not happy. Then we have our self-proclaimed king Zack who’s been found with drugs on him, plus in his room, so he’s now being investigated by the police and his parents are threatening to disown him. Naturally, this is throwing a bad light on the Queen Bee’s family – and it does most certainly not help that someone leaked info and files that supposedly prove administration has fudged some grades in the past. It is suspected that they may have either been bribed or blackmailed. Either way... lots of shit is going down right now and I’m not sure if we’ll be seeing those guys again any time soon.” 
You smiled, genuinely and flooded with relief, “So maybe there is justice in this universe after all?” 
Cailin returned your smile, “Seems like it. And so far, they’re not getting too much sympathy from people around here.” 
“Serves them right,” you said, adjusting your backpack, “I really should head of now though, gonna miss the bus otherwise.” 
“Alright then, see you around,” Cailin replied and waved at you as you were leaving. 
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Seeing your flat in basically the same state as you had left it the day before left you feeling both amazed and slightly unsettled. Somehow within the last six hours, “The Patron” had managed to return and install your TV, consoles, and PC. Everything undamaged. There was no a sign they’d ever been gone, or that someone had been in your home. You approached your desk slowly and sat down, looking at the computer screen like you’d never seen it before. Reaching for the on-switch was muscle memory, and the PC started without a hitch. You must’ve spent an hour at least just checking your documents and images, and miraculously finding everything as it had been. 
Again, the thought that “The Patron” had been behind the whole thing all along and that it was just a ruse to get into your good graces, but it just didn’t feel right. You wouldn’t say that you knew the guy or that you understood the way he was thinking; if anything, this had only brought up more questions. From being an anonymous, mysterious “secret admirer” who never really interacted with you in a direct manner, he’d turned into someone you now knew actually and actively cared about you as a person, in your everyday life. He had personally fixed an issue just as it had come up, he had most likely personally knocked on your door and left a note. 
He had been so close and actually let you know, even if it was only due to the special circumstances. 
Then you remembered the post-it you’d left and jumped up to almost run to the dining table. Your sticky note was gone, replaced by one simply saying:
At your service.  
Up until this day, you hadn’t had any desire to meet the mystery person stalking you. Even though the notes and gifts had been nice, it still had left you with an insistent sense of unease. But now, despite being completely unreasonable and irrational, a part of you wanted to have closer, more personal contact. Maybe you’d leave him a note again tomorrow. 
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The Patron is @solmints-messyocdiary's OC, she's also the one who wrote his letter
taggedy tag-tag: @bluecoolr @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @visceravalentines @probably-a-plant-thing @rottent33th @the-pinstriped-hood @cyanide-latte @goldrose-star @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor
as always, if you'd prefer not to be tagged or you want to be tagged, please let me know <3
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minimalism-fox · 5 months
I have a new computer, and while I am transferring every possible file I can onto it, including the ones @canyouhearthelight left on it (thanks for the copy of Citadel), I am also tidying my office space even more so that any gaming accoutrements don't look out of place or like clutter.
As of yesterday, I have a simple headset hanger and a simple white silicone tray to sit the stand and my controller in. They sit atop a boringly white shelf just out of reach while I type. It's by design, really. I'm very accident-prone and would really rather not repeated knock off stuff off.
The shelf directly behind me has my Horizon Zero Dawn lego Tallneck figure and my pre-order bundle Tremortusk on display. No, not the Regalla edition, just a plain one in snow. Our cat loves to scritch her face on its tusks.
Next major item will be a new desk chair, since mine is a rolling stool that does nothing for posture. Next small but rather involved project is cable management. My desk sits away from the wall, mostly plugged into my fiance's GPU battery thing.
I wouldn't mind adding some wall piece from each game I finish. So far, it's just the two Horizon games, but maybe Alan Wake, Quantum Break, Control, and AW2 will join sometime in the future. Maybe even the newer God of War games, who knows? Little trophies for dedicating my focus, a difficult achievement for my ADHD, as reminders of things I can in fact do.
I think my files are finished transferring and I am going to do the scariest tech thing I ever have to do: wipe the device and retire it. It's served me well, and I'm grateful my big sis handed it down to me, but it keeps having wake issues. It can't update to win11, and the screen is really too small for me to use without several digital desktops. I could repurpose it as a calendar, but i can use my new computer for exactly the same thing.
Goodbye little Surface, you were well loved.
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leam1983 · 1 year
My EDC for Work
I mostly work remote now, but there's still some days that see me head back into the office. My EDC tends to vary depending on what's on my schedule.
a Google Pixel 4XL w/ 128 GB in storage space. Basic comms, mobile file storage, music player, notes.
a Flipper Zero module, which is attached to my keychain and allows me to wipe and clone office-related RFID tags. It saves me on having to walk down to the locked and secured actual cloning machine, with Management having needed a while to come around to my using it. I also use it to control our conference room's projector, seeing as the actual remote is always misplaced. It lets me into my office and allows me to spook my non-tech-savvy EV-using colleagues seeing as Toyota doesn't individualize keyfob NFC signals. I also use it to control our garage door and to head inside the apartment. Oh, and it's also my dedicated IR remote for the media center.
two SanDisk Compact UltraFlash USB drives at 128 GB apiece. One is my Ventoy drive and is crammed with every single OS the office needs, from Linux Mint for the Call Centre to Windows Server 2020, as used by the Art and Production teams, with several variations in-between and a few bootable utilities, such as GParted, Hiren's Boot CD, FreeNAS and Proxmox. Both of them are molded to my keychain using little Sugru putty hoops. The Executive pool being beyond all salvation, I also pack a hacked Windows 11 image file that I've modded to be just a little bit more flexible than the commonplace Tiny11 ISO that's accessible online. Allowing sixteen year-old computers running on spinning rust to function off of a modern operating system has at least allowed us to acclimate the older ends of the Accounting department to modern standards. Unlike the actual Tiny11 ISO, I've kept the authentication suite because y'can't really run homebrew Windows images in an office setting legally if the resulting installation can't phone home...
Admin Days:
my Razer Blade 14 laptop and its associated dongles, running off of Windows 11 Pro. I edit campaign-related documents, review project files and sign off on our dealers having fully-assembled digital care packages packed with everything they'll need to get their sales off the ground. I also confirm the proper placement of documents that will need to be accessible for our Printing associates later. Everything IT takes place there, except for what relates to the Call Center. My laptop allows me to Term into our four server stacks if our checklists detect that something's missing, and to visually report on what needs to be transferred. To do all this, I also pack...
a TP-Link USB-C to RJ45 adapter, which is foldable and takes about zero space in my laptop's bag. It works like any other built-in hardline access point.
a no-name collapsible Cat5 Ethernet cable
a small bean bag. This one actually stays in-office, but I take it out from underneath my desk when I know I'll be watching the local network or mothering file transfers for more than twenty minutes. I am not spending half-an-hour standing up in the hot aisle, no sir.
Call Centre Admin Days:
my 512 GB Steam Deck. It's a couch gaming platform at home and a Linux Terming station at work. Going Linux-to-Linux is much more intuitive for me than loading Windows' Linux tools, seeing as it gives me a complete GUI I can use to guide less computer-savvy call agents through common procedures. It virtualizes a barebones-basic Linux Mint install that I can boot up and peer through if some colleagues report weird bugs or VoIP-specific issues, and I can use it for remote takeovers if things get too complex and require that I actually dig in to fix an issue.
my Steelseries Arctis 9 headset and USB emitter. I'm technically obligated to use wired audio peripherals at work, but Management soon realized I had too many side-jobs to take care of at work to really make the use of anything wired practical on the long term. They're plugged in if I have to lend a hand and make a few calls, but typically operate wirelessly. Everyone at the office knows to ping me on 3CX if I'm working within range of my desk, and to text or message me if I'm not.
On-Site Implementation:
my Google Pixel Slate. This old croaker's really useful when I'm dealing with non-tech-savvy salespersons who need a walkthrough of a campaign's documents or who want a demo run of some of our VR and WebGL content offers. It's a decent notepad on its own, and it comes with its own dongles. It's the PC I'll use to access any dealer's infrastructure and confirm with their Sales Director and Financial Controller that everything's above-board and ready to go.
That last one is the least-frequent of my tasks, seeing as Management knows not to send a cripple halfway across the province on his own. They let me implement campaign materials and check for head offices' go-ahead only for local dealerships, some colleagues of Walt's are scattered across the province for the rest.
All of that sort of informs why I took the Brain Gremlin as a persona, as I'm technically able to crater the company that employs me if I so desired, and could do so during personal or business-related trips.
Failing that, I get to fuck around with our presenting hardware if I'm bored, I can wreak havoc with my fellow geeks' radio-powered desktop toys, and have been known to pull an April Fools on my boss by using my Flipper Zero to put his shelf-mounted radio receiver on his least-liked station without opening the door.
Because Razer are incompetent buffoons that long ago made it clear they had no vested interest in supporting the use of Open Source operating systems, and who made it a requirement to use Windows Update in order to get absolutely anything to work on the Razer Blade 14.
If it's any consolation, I use WSL to run Kali Linux on top of my Windows 11 install on my laptop. The way it's set up, you'd swear it's just a productivity and light gaming machine up until I mouse over to and click on a blank spot in the upper border. Kali's own GUI then drops down.
As to why I'd want to attack or breach my own employer's resources? Having an in-house pen-tester is a lot cheaper in this economy.
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
I am sitting at my computer desk (which is close to extremely empty right now) with nothing but my gaming/graphics/srsbzns machine (no peripherals for professional life or hobbies connected; not even my game controller). All of the other stuff is neatly laid out on the other part of the L-desk. Everything cleaned of dust, etc. (including monitors).
Realizing that this is the first time IN AGES that I can just sit and quietly THINK through how to organize all of my digital stuff (cable management -- cough cough cough. that towering pile of rugged-case portable harddrives for photo/video/etc on the go, cables to things that make me go hmmmmm).
And then grab my tape measure and figure out what kind of desk shelf I could get that would organize the mess.
And then maybe even -- leans forward, dramatically looks left and right -- Order Those Items. So they arrive. On my doorstep.
While I'm at it, add in a few small cozy aesthetic(tm) purchases. To make this space -- wait for it -- inviting.
And then add a few -- omg -- GamerGrrl Touches.
And finally consider counting down a short number of days, like maybe a week from now, when I unbox and set up certain video game character action figures. One purchased after I moved all of my office home. Others that have followed me around for years -- even decades. (Like my original Bandai FFVII figures from 1997 which have followed me across many timezones).
Even think about how I might decorate the wall in the computer desk area (below the wall-anchored bookshelves above the computer desk).
The possibilities.
The fact I finally have headspace to think about it all now that it is all cleaned out.
Hm. What goes into this space?
One might think that after moving all my workspace home a few years ago I would have made everything 100% to my liking but, ya know, I just didn't have the opportunity to do so because life was special and these past three years (wait, is it really three? counts on fingers to make sure...fuck) have been the ANTI-GIFT that keeps on giving at max speed.
Sort of like that I Love Lucy ep at the chocolate factory. :C
aka, my pet project for 2023.
(hmmm. how to create just the right soft cozy glow in this portion of the room?)
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
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no one here knows how cracked my setup used to be. like this is all slick and dandy but originally i had no desk so my computer and video game monitor were placed on the same cardboard box my pc case CAME in. yes i bumped it all the time. yes i spilt an entire can of Arizona on my keyboard because of it WHILE streaming. so my dictionary is pog dont diss it. You Don't Know What It Used to Be. and dont even get me STARTED on the cable management for that shit
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rocohen20 · 2 years
I just feel like I have to rant about it to someone, and considering the fact that non of my friends or family are fans of hockey I guess this is the perfect place. 
I live 7 hours ahead of north america, so naturally most of the games are at 2am/3am in my timezone. In previous years when I was at highschool and such I had less obligations and could’ve afford to view more games live. However, right now the games I see the most are weekend games because those are the ones who start at a reasonable time in my timezone.
I mostly watch Stars games and Flyers games, so I was excited to see the Flyers-Bruins game at 8pm. I even cleared my schedule in order to see that game. Where I live there’s hardly any snow year round, so sports such as ice hockey are basically non-exsisting in my country. The only channel that maybe would be on TV that broadcast any of those games is a foreign sports channel. The one that do broadcast them now is not part of my family’s cable deal (and a month from now my parents are going to cancel our cables anyway). So literally the only option for me to watch any games are by going online.
I know that there are different officials streaming services that I could pay and watch from them, but I don’t think that the price would be worth it for the amount of games that I would be able to watch. And also I know that even for the people who do pay for them, there are problems from time to time. So, that’s why I’m basically only watching from a free stream online. The few previous years I used to see games from the website nhl66 and another one that used the same server. However, since the beginning of the pre-season I found out that those websites do not work anymore. 
Since then it was really frustrating, because even if I read about all kind of different sites that I could use, non of them worked for me when I tried them. Which bring me once again to today’s game. Finally I tried some website that I used once before. It worked however it didn’t show me the bottom line with all the different options (such as going back to live, unmuting the serving, etc.). That meant that I couldn’t change the game into full screen. And also what aggravated me was the fact that only the home server was loading fine, the away server was full of pop ups that wouldn’t go away. 
All of those things meant that by the time I finally managed to watch the game, it had already begun, I had to watch it with the Bruins’ coverage and I had to enlarge the screen by the setting’s option and put the focus on the game’s part of the page. 
I could’ve ignored all that if it hadn’t meant that now I was pissed off and without the ability to concentrate on the game.Plus, I don’t know about you but what of the things I loved the most about nhl66 was the fact that it was commercials free. I don’t live in North America, I don’t need to see their commercials. I would use those time offs to read fan-fictions on my phone or a physical book if I didn’t mind keeping my desk lamp on. But in this site there were commercials, and it made it harder for my already distracted and pissed off self to get any reading on. 
During the first intermission I went to my brother’s room to complain about all the things I mentioned above. I knew that he couldn’t care less, but I just needed to let someone know. When I came back to my room it was towards the end of the first intermission, so of course it was the perfect time for the server to get stuck. I didn’t really trust this website and I wanted to mess with him as little as possible. But after good few minutes that the server was stuck with the three laoding dots on the screen, I hit the refresh botton. It worked and it did load the page once again. The second period was at the 16 minutes mark and I couldn’t unmute the server. That was the final straw and when I decided that watching the game would not be in my cards tonight.
I know that most of the people who started reading this post gave up half-way through (if they even started reading it). But I had to get it off my chest. Because tonight was just a pre-season game. But if this kind of things would happen in the regular season it would just suck. Hockey is my happy me time. I hate being this frustrated over something I wanna do for fun. And it’s not like I’m planning on watching that many game anyway in the upcoming season, so it’s just sucks! 
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standing-desks1 · 2 days
Design Features That Boost Productivity and Health
Ergonomic Office Desks: Design Features That Boost Productivity and Health
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In today’s fast-paced work environment, an ergonomic office desk is more than a piece of furniture—it's a cornerstone of productivity and health. As we spend increasing amounts of time at our tables, the importance of ergonomics in office design has never been more crucial. Here’s how the right features in an ergonomic office desk can enhance both your work output and your physical well-being.
Adjustable Height: One of the most significant features of an ergonomic office workstation is its ability to adjust in height. This adaptability allows users to alternate between sitting and standing, reducing the health risks associated with prolonged sitting, such as cardiovascular disease and chronic back pain. Height-adjustable tables cater to the natural posture of the individual, enabling them to work comfortably without straining their body.
Adequate Desk Space: The size of the table plays a critical role in maintaining an organized and efficient workspace. An ergonomic desk should provide ample space not only for your computer, but also for documents, supplies, and other tools you need to access regularly. This helps reduce clutter and minimize the physical effort needed to reach for items, which can lead to muscle strain over time.
Integrated Technology: Modern ergonomic desks often come equipped with integrated technological enhancements such as built-in USB ports and cable management systems. These features help maintain a clean and organized workspace, preventing wire clutter that can cause accidents or distractions. Furthermore, having easy access to charging ports and data connections keeps essential tools within arm’s reach, optimizing workflow efficiency.
Wrist and Arm Support: Proper support for the wrists and arms can significantly reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. Ergonomic workstations often feature rounded edges or padded wrist rests, which help maintain a natural alignment and reduce pressure points. This is particularly important for those who spend many hours typing or navigating with a mouse.
Customizable Components: The ability to customize table components, such as the position of shelves and drawers, enhances both comfort and functionality. By arranging these elements according to personal preference and frequency of use, workers can minimize unnecessary movements, thereby increasing comfort and efficiency throughout the workday.
Aesthetic and Material Choices: The material and overall aesthetic of an ergonomic desk should not only be functional but also pleasing to the eye. Choosing a table with a visually appealing design and materials that reflect the overall office environment can boost morale and contribute to a more pleasant and productive workspace.
Investing in an ergonomic office desk with these key features can transform your work experience, leading to improved productivity and a healthier work life. Such tables are designed to accommodate the natural habits of users while promoting a workflow that minimizes discomfort and maximizes efficiency. Whether you’re updating your home office or outfitting a corporate space, ergonomic desks are a smart choice for modern professionals.
Read more articles about game computer desk here at - http://eggzack.com/article/2024-05-30-creating-custom-desks-for-epic-battles.html
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ayush1303 · 16 days
Making Your Devices Connect: USB Extension Cable
In a tech world USB extension cables are very useful when it comes to computer usage and connectivity. They're like long cables that help your devices connect to each other better.
These cables are very useful since they can serve many different kinds of functions. They make it simple to organize wires and keep your desk clean. One big benefit of a USB extension cable is that it helps you keep your workspace clean. With many devices like printers, external hard drives, and cameras, managing all the cables can be difficult. An extension cable helps you keep things neat and organized.
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USB extension cables are like a best friend for Gamers and people with home theaters. You can connect controllers, headsets, and streaming devices from your couch or gaming chair, making things more comfortable and fun.
Choose Cadyce for premium extension cables. So, the next time you need to extend your connection, keep your USB extension cable accessible.
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osysfurniture · 16 days
Luxury Office Workstations in Singapore That Impress Clients Instantly
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Creating an impressive office space can be a game-changer for your business. As someone who understands the importance of first impressions, I know how crucial it is to have a workspace that not only functions well but also exudes luxury and professionalism. Here, I’ll share my thoughts on the best luxury office workstation Singapore that are sure to leave your clients in awe.
Why Investing in Luxury Office Workstations Matters
In Singapore, where business is competitive and client expectations are high, having a luxurious office workstation can set the tone for your brand. When clients walk into a well-designed office, they immediately feel your commitment to quality and attention to detail. It's not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an environment that fosters productivity and success.
Key Features of High-End Office Workstations
When I was choosing an office workstation in Singapore, I focused on several key features that make a workstation truly luxurious:
Premium Materials: Look for workstations made from high-quality materials such as solid wood, metal, and glass. These materials not only look sophisticated but also stand the test of time.
Ergonomic Design: Comfort is paramount. Ensure the workstation offers adjustable components, supportive seating, and adequate space to move around.
Integrated Technology: Modern luxury workstations often come with built-in cable management systems, wireless charging pads, and other tech-friendly features.
Customizability: A luxury workstation should allow for customization to suit your specific needs and style preferences.
Top Luxury Office Workstation Picks in Singapore
Exquisite Designs by Office Design Companies in Singapore
Singapore is home to some fantastic office design companies that specialize in luxury workstations. They offer a range of designs that can be tailored to your unique taste and requirements. One such office design company Singapore that caught my eye provides bespoke solutions that blend functionality with high-end aesthetics, perfect for making a powerful statement.
Must-Have Features in a Luxury Office Workstation
When selecting a luxury office workstation in Singapore, here are some features I found particularly impressive:
Integrated Storage Solutions: Efficient storage keeps the workspace clutter-free, enhancing both appearance and productivity.
Advanced Ergonomics: Adjustable desks and chairs that promote good posture and reduce strain.
High-End Finishes: Glossy lacquers, polished metals, and rich wood veneers that elevate the overall look.
Creating a Cohesive Luxury Office Environment
Beyond the workstation itself, the surrounding environment plays a crucial role in impressing clients. Here's how I approached creating a cohesive luxury office setting:
Incorporating Elegant Office Accessories
Complement your luxury office workstation with high-end accessories. Think designer desk lamps, stylish stationery, and upscale organizers. These little touches can make a significant difference in the overall feel of your office.
Lighting That Enhances the Ambiance
Proper lighting is essential. I opted for a combination of natural light and sophisticated lighting fixtures to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Dimmable options and LED strips can add a modern touch while ensuring the space is well-lit.
Artwork and Decor
Investing in quality artwork and decor adds personality and sophistication to your office. I chose pieces that resonate with my brand's identity and create a visually stimulating environment.
Where to Find the Best Luxury Office Workstations in Singapore
Finding the perfect luxury office workstation in Singapore can be a daunting task. Here are some recommendations based on my experience:
Visit Showrooms of Renowned Office Design Companies in Singapore
Many top office design companies in Singapore have showrooms where you can see and experience their offerings firsthand. This is a great way to get a feel for the materials and craftsmanship.
Explore Custom Options
Consider working with a designer who can create a custom luxury workstation tailored to your specific needs. This ensures you get exactly what you want in terms of design, functionality, and aesthetics.
Online Marketplaces and Specialty Stores
There are also several online marketplaces and specialty stores in Singapore that offer a curated selection of luxury office workstations. Be sure to check reviews and product descriptions carefully to ensure quality.
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