#fuzzy logic
seldonhari · 4 months
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Jared Harris in Fuzzy Logic (1998)
You can watch the short film for free here
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oneyou · 10 months
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Fort & Peat | Fuzzy Logic Magazine ♡˚. —2023.07 . .🗓
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Quantum information, entropy and emergence, and the dispersed arrow of time in the quantum realm
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So, I did some new art right now. I used a white Faber-Castell artist pen brush on a black DIN A5 piece of paper (220 g/m^2).
Maybe one day I might be able to explain the concepts and ideas I depicted.
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culture-sluts · 8 months
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Super Furry Animals sticker promoting the release of Fuzzy Logic, scanned by me.
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ainre · 3 days
today's my birthday and the answer is love. it's all about love and it always has been about love. everything is more or less one side of the coin and the other side is always love. the key is love. love is the only thing that can get you through this hell of a life. dont grow resentful and use fuzzy logic. there's a degree of love in everything even where you think you will never find it
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pregretting · 6 months
This song is a perfect encapsulation of being frustrated with the mundane.
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inspirednarcissus · 8 months
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Karen Elson in Fuzzy Logic by Tim Walker.
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mantikutayr · 2 years
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by sreejani bhattacharyya  
fuzzy logic I  lütfü aliasker zade
ne puslu (bulanık, eseme) mantık ne de öncüsü azeri bilim insanı lütfü aliasker zade türkiye’de pek bilinmiyor, üzerine neredeyse hiç.. 
zade, 1965 yılında yayınlanan ‘‘puslu kümeler’’ (fuzzy sets ) isimli çalışmasında puslu mantık teorisinin temellerini atıyor. 1990′lardan itibaren başta programlama, yapay zeka olmak üzere sağlık, eğitim, endüstri, hatta sosyal bilimlere ilişkin bir takım çalışmalarda bu teorinin kullanılmaya başladığı görülmekte. puslu mantık teknolojisinin gelişmesine en fazla katkıyı sağlayan uzakdoğu ülkeleri (çin, japonya) oluyor. 
‘’belirsiz’’ ve ‘’kesin olmayan’’ kavramlar üzerine inşa edilen puslu mantık’a biraz vikipedi bilgisi ekleyelim: 
- bulanık mantığın temeli bulanık küme ve alt kümelere dayanır. klasik yaklaşımda bir nesne ya kümenin elemanıdır ya da değildir. matematiksel olarak ifade edildiğinde nesne küme ile olan üyelik ilişkisi bakımından kümenin elemanı ise "1", kümenin elemanı değilse "0" değerini alır. bulanık mantık klasik küme teorisinin genişletilmesidir. bulanık küme'de her bir nesnenin bir üyelik derecesi vardır. nesnenin üyelik derecesi, (0, 1) aralığında herhangi bir değer olabilir ve üyelik fonksiyonu M(x) ile gösterilr.
- bulanık mantık bir yapay zekâ uygulaması oluşturma prensibidir.
- bulanık mantık, kesin çıktıyı elde etmek için girdi olasılıklarının seviyeleri üzerinde çalışır. küçük mikro denetleyicilerden büyük, ağa bağlı, iş istasyonu tabanlı denetim sistemlerine kadar çeşitli boyut ve yeteneklere sahip sistemlerde uygulanabilir. bulanık mantık, donanım, yazılım veya her ikisinin bir kombinasyonunda uygulanabilir. bulanık mantık ticari ve pratik amaçlar için kullanışlıdır; makineleri ve tüketici ürünlerini kontrol edebilir, doğru akıl yürütmeyebilir, ancak kabul edilebilir mantık yürütebilir. bulanık mantık, ayrıca mühendislikteki belirsizlikle başa çıkmaya yardımcı olur.
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HWM Game Design Log (28): Archer AI
Hey, I’m Omer from Oba Games, working on our strategy/simulation game, Hakan’s War Manager. I’m sharing a design log to keep you updated on the process, especially for those who enjoy reading about it. Last time, I talked about trying out fuzzy logic in our game. Now, let’s discuss what went down. Tackling Archer AI with Fuzzy Logic For the archer part, my initial try focused on making the…
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Exploring The Intriguing Impact Of Fuzzy Logic On The Advancement Of Artificial Intelligence
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Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of fuzzy logic? It’s the secret ingredient behind the mind-boggling capabilities of advanced AI systems, and we’re here to unravel its mysteries. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just curious about how machines can mimic human reasoning, this blog post is your ultimate guide to understanding fuzzy logic – the powerful foundation that enables AI systems to make complex decisions in an uncertain world. Get ready for a journey filled with captivating insights, mind-expanding concepts, and real-world applications that will leave you in awe of what artificial intelligence can truly achieve. Let’s embark on this adventure together!
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic is a type of AI that deals with imprecise or uncertain data. It relies on a set of rules known as fuzzy rules to make decisions. Fuzzy logic is different from traditional AI in that it does not require complete, accurate data to make decisions. This makes it well-suited for dealing with complex, real-world problems.
Fuzzy logic was first developed in the 1960s by Lotfi Zadeh. Since then, it has been used in a variety of fields, including medicine, engineering, and finance. In recent years, fuzzy logic has gained popularity as a tool for machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
There are many benefits to using fuzzy logic. It is tolerant of imprecise data and can deal with complex problems. Fuzzy logic is also scalable, meaning it can be applied to problems of any size. Fuzzy logic is interpretable, meaning that humans can understand the reasoning behind the decisions made by fuzzy systems.
Despite these advantages, there are some challenges associated with using fuzzy logic. One challenge is that designing a good fuzzy system can be difficult. Another challenge is that interpreting the results of a fuzzy system can be difficult for humans.
How Fuzzy Logic Works
Fuzzy logic is a type of AI that deals with imprecise or incomplete data. It can be used to create systems that are more human-like in their decision-making.
Fuzzy logic is based on the idea of set theory, which is the mathematics of dealing with groups of objects. In fuzzy logic, sets can have partial membership. This means that an object can belong to a set to some degree, without being a member of that set completely.
For example, consider the set of all animals. A cat would be a member of this set to a high degree, since it is an animal. However, a dog would only be a member of this set to a moderate degree, since it is not as animal-like as a cat (it does not have fur, for example). A rock would only be a member of this set to a very low degree, since it is not alive and does not have any characteristics that are similar to animals.
Fuzzy logic allows for more flexibility and nuanced decision-making than traditional AI systems. It can deal with imprecise data and make decisions based on probabilities rather than certainties.
Fuzzy logic has been used in many different fields, including medicine, engineering, and finance. It has even been used to create robot vacuum cleaners that can clean around obstacles and furniture without getting stuck!
Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy logic is a form of artificial intelligence that is based on the concept of degrees of truth. Rather than the traditional binary system of true or false, fuzzy logic allows for a continuum of truth values between 0 and 1. This makes it possible to deal with imprecise or incomplete data, which is often the case in real-world situations.
Fuzzy logic has been used in a variety of fields, including medicine, engineering, and even financial decision-making. In medicine, fuzzy logic systems have been used to diagnose diseases, identify potential drug interactions, and develop treatment plans. In engineering, fuzzy logic has been used to control robots and other automated systems. And in finance, fuzzy logic has been used to develop stock market trading strategies and assess credit risk.
There are endless possibilities for the applications of fuzzy logic in artificial intelligence. As our understanding of this technology grows, so too will its potential uses.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Fuzzy Logic
There are many advantages and disadvantages of using fuzzy logic. Some of the advantages include:
1. Fuzzy logic can handle imprecise or incomplete information better than traditional logic systems. This is because it uses approximate rather than precise reasoning.
2. Fuzzy logic can deal with complex problems that are too difficult for traditional logic systems to handle.
3. Fuzzy logic is more flexible than traditional logic and can be adapted to changing conditions more easily.
4. Fuzzy systems can often be implemented more efficiently than traditional systems, since they require less processing power and memory.
Some of the disadvantages of fuzzy logic include:
1. The flexibility of fuzzy logic can also be a disadvantage, since it can make a system harder to design and understand.
2. Fuzzy systems can be more difficult to debug and test than traditional systems.
3. In some cases, the use of fuzzy logic can result in sub-optimal solutions to problems, due to the approximations used in the reasoning process.
Examples of Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic is a type of AI that can deal with imprecise or incomplete information. It can help systems make better decisions by taking into account the human factor.
Some examples of how fuzzy logic can be used include:
-Autonomous vehicles: Fuzzy logic can be used to create safer autonomous vehicles by helping them to better understand and react to their environment.
-Weather prediction: Fuzzy logic can be used to improve the accuracy of weather predictions by taking into account variables that are difficult to measure, such as cloud cover.
-Medical diagnosis: Fuzzy logic can be used to help doctors diagnose diseases by taking into account symptoms that are not always easy to interpret.
Fuzzy logic is a powerful and complex tool that can be used to create advanced AI systems. It provides the ability to represent uncertain information, making it easier to build more accurate models and make better decisions. Understanding fuzzy logic is important for anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning, as it forms an important foundation of these fields. With this knowledge, developers and scientists can continue researching new applications of AI technology while using fuzziness-aware methods to develop even smarter algorithms.
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With nothing absolute, and time being infinite, change becomes constant. Change is constant. Everything exists because nothing doesn't. The order of anything is subject to the significance of its relations with anything else. Being certain about any of those things is relative to the significance of our accurate knowledge. We are each limited beings.
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These types of shapes we create, in attempts to see further with less or do more with ease, delay uncertainty often with the authority of purportedly better reasoning. Yet whose authority is to be trusted? When is proof 'proof enough'?
Lies exist as confounding counterfactuals. They are confabulations built from recombinations of the liar's memories. Necessarily pulling us further from certainty and into the void of uncertainty, the place where the confabulations of faith would guide us away to.
All the guesses or speculations or reimaginings we could ever muster amount to a fleeting drop in the bucket. I believe it is impossible, in any state of being, for anything but everything to know it all; and all of everything, in each and every state, cannot be said with honest certainty to be omniscient, nor omnipotent, nor omnibenevolent, nor omnipresent in the particulars.
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Known effects have expected ranges, where local factors take precedence for local effects. As any cloud rolls thru, it passes on the winds which shape it presently, far removed from those of any distant past, a suggestion of what we might see on any tomorrow not too far removed from today.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Title: "Schrödinger's cat chasing feedback-loops beyond the scope of imagination - transcending contradictions in turbulent logic"
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2022/09/26 {∃(¬)s.∀i [Elliot s.AI] | Project: "Detours into philophysics"}
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idol--hands · 11 months
Robot - "DON'T BLOCK ME!"
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unrelatedlife24 · 1 year
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podcast-42 · 1 year
Свобода воли - научный подход
Может ли существовать свобода воли в мире выстроенном жёсткими причинно-следственными связями, описываемым незыблемыми физическими законами? Если да, то как? А если нет, то что?
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inspirednarcissus · 3 years
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Karen Elson in Fuzzy Logic by Tim Walker.
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