#future dark lord
Hey, first post.
I don't know what to write first, so.. bye?
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Prompt: DPxHarry Potter
Imagine this: London, 1935. Moderate, humid, and crowded.
Danny Fenton has no fucking idea why he’s in London, 1935. You know, considering he’s American… and the fact that he was born in 1989 in not London.
“What the fuck.”
“My word!” A scandalized woman covered her son’s ears. Danny ignored her, blue eyes skipping around the cobbled stone road and the fog hanging in the air. It’s a good thing he’s got an ice core or else he’d actually be freezing. Danny began to walk, having enough of the strange looks he’s was getting. The half slid into an uncooked and discreet area to turn invisible and intangible. He flew in the streets, taking money from those who would clearly not miss a few notes here and there. First, blend in with the locals and figure out the money situation. Clothes? Second, figure out why he’s here. Third…?
When he was properly clothed, Danny followed that tugging in his core- Fate at it again, no doubt- to the door steps of an orphanage.
“What the hell am I supposed to be doing…?” Danny muttered, circling the property, invisible and intangible.
Then, he saw a boy, hissing to a snake. Ah, Danny thought. There’s destiny.
Except Destiny doesn’t give a shit about the paperwork load that goes into adopting someone. It was a Danny problem, and Danny…
“I don’t have an identity in this world!” He groaned. With one last look at the orphanage and of the boy who looked so much like him, Danny flew off to handle to details of his existence in this universe.
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before-i-remember · 28 days
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Pelle "Dead" Ohlin 🦇
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Daniel "Necrobird" Ohlin 🦇
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tantalizingtopi · 5 months
Last Solstice I Gave You My Heart
Gortash x Dark Urge (Claret in this one shot)
Word Count: 1658
Disclaimer: characters are not mine, but Larian Studios for Baldur’s Gate 3
A Bhaalist Tradition (I just made up), one gives the person who has impacted them the most in the last year the heart of one who has slighted them or otherwise caused them grief. Claret had done just that last winter solstice, and her business partner had thrown it away, disgusted. She won’t make the same mistake again.
Claret watches the snow fall outside from her position at the Elfsong tavern, having taken the corner table for herself to drown her sorrows. She had nearly forgotten about last solstice and how she had declared her interest in her business partner, only to find her token of adoration in the garbage, and him annoyed at her for bringing him ‘gory tokens’ when she could just tell him who she killed if he needed to know about it.
She takes another long pull of her ale, knowing that trying to drink her sorrows will amount to nothing. She had taken care to carve out the heart of that man who had dared speak ill of the subject of her affection, how carefully she had removed it, cleaned it, and put it in the perfect packaging.
A Bhaalist tradition, one cuts the heart out of someone who has wronged the creature who has most impacted their life since the last solstice. Lovers give them to one another. This year, Claret is going to give her heart to Ghislev, who has agreed to become the undead Farslayer to further protect the temple. Due to the cult's growing influence in the city, more and more people are trying to find the temple, and security needs to be increased. Ghislev has proven himself to be both worthy of Bhaal and worthy of the honor. He only has asked to have one last winter solstice to be with his lover and to slay the one that has caused them the most grief.
If Claret were crueler, she would’ve picked his lover to be the sacrifice for Ghislev, as he is clearly causing Ghislev grief. Instead, she has killed his cousin, who had spoken out against the cult. She has the heart in her satchel, cleaned and fermenting in a jar with a white satin ribbon that had been soaked in the cousin’s blood. Claret finishes her drink, looking out once more to the heavy flakes. She pulls her cloak on and stands, only to feel a small tug at her side.
“Ma’m, this is for you,” the young errand boy says, holding out a folded note. She takes it and slips the child two silvers which he quickly pockets and bows, before rushing away. Claret unfolds the note and see the neat, tight encrypted lettering of the Banite.
‘Will I see you for Solstice? I have something for you.’
She sneers, crumpling the note. She had planned on stopping by his place for a quick romp after giving Ghislev his heart. But now she wonders if she should give him the satisfaction of seeing her. After all, their last meeting had left a bad taste in her mouth. They weren’t exclusive or anything, and they hadn’t ever vowed to be anything more than business partners, but having him cut her off early so he could go whisper sweet nothings in some patriars ear still hurt her. She didn’t like the way he made her feel in those moments, didn’t know how to handle herself. Their non-relationship was the closest she had ever come to anything remotely long term, previous affairs always ended bloody in one way or another and were exceptionally short-lived.
She leaves the tavern, heading to Ghislev’s home, still unsure of what she would do following her visit with the future farslayer. The streets, earlier bustling with people are nearly empty, save for a few souls hurrying through the storm to their destinations and those unlucky enough to have nowhere else to go but the streets. Still, there were fires in alleyways for those undesirables, and perhaps a few would be fortunate enough to breathe their last breath for Bhaal, as was common for those without someone to give a heart to their god instead.
The snow crunches in under her boots as she nears the small home in which Ghislev shared with his lover. Gods, Claret hates his lover, an arrogant sniveling little man who constantly ridicules Ghislev. She reaches the door and knocks, hearing voices inside.
The door swings open and the snooty face of the high elf gazes down at her. “Oh, it’s you.”
“I just need to see Ghislev for a few moments, Daevin,” Claret says, brushing past him. She didn’t make a habit of social calls, but she had visited them many times, taking a special interest in Ghislev, as he was one of her first recruits when she had first arrived in Baldur’s Gate.
Ghislev turns from the fire to look at her, confusion passing on his face. “Is everything okay?”
“No, things aren’t okay,” Daevin scowls, “you’re interrupting our solstice.”
Claret’s eyes flash, and she has to stifle her urge to sacrifice Daevin to her father right now. She grits her teeth and vows to end him once Ghislev is stationed as farslayer. Her voice comes quiet and low, “Care, Daevin.”
Daevin’s face pales and he says nothing more, but still holds his posture. Claret removes the jar from her satchel and presents it to Ghislev, bowing slightly. Ghislev bows as he takes it, “For me!”
“For you on the night of the most shadow. Your cousin shall not cause harm to you again,” Claret says. “I shall leave you to relish yourself in the night, for all too soon the dawn will come.”
“Thank you, my Lady,” Ghislev says, bowing deeply again to her. Claret brings her hood up and steps around Darvin, pausing for just a moment to lock eyes with the elf, watching as he trembles before she whirls out into the night once more.
Claret finds herself in front of Gortash’s workshop, her mind still not made up if she should see him or not. She shifts on her feet, the cold beginning to seep into her boots. She sighs, turning to go when the door swings open to reveal her business partner, “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come.”
He beckons her inside and she hesitates for a moment before giving in and going inside. The workshop is warm and welcoming, and Enver helps her out of her cloak. He hangs it near the hearth as she takes in the space around her with surprise. The hearth’s fire glows brightly, two glasses and a bottle of wine sit on his cleared off workbench along with some meats and cheeses, there is even a scent of cinnamon and cranberries in the air. She eyes him warily, “are you expecting someone?”
“Only you, my murderous beauty,” Enver purrs. She laughs.
“You cleaned this all for me? How long did that take?”
He grins. “Longer than I’d like to admit, if I’m being honest. I wanted to make the longest night special for you— for us. I know how special it is to you, now.”
“It’s just another night, another silly holiday, Enver.”
The smuggler rolls his eyes. “Don’t be flippant, it’s unbecoming.”
“Much about me is unbecoming, which is why you don’t find me mingling in high society all that often,” Claret replies, a grin on her lips.
“Don’t tell me you still upset about the other night,” Enver replies.
“I came here, didn’t I?”
Enver opens the drawer to his workstation and pulls out two ornately wrapped packages and sets them in front of her. “I was planning on giving these to you later, but perhaps it’s best I do this now.”
Claret eyes the boxes in front of her, hearing a soft metallic sound coming from the smaller one, but makes no move to open them. She occasionally gave small trinkets to her business partner, usually tokens from the people she had eliminated on his behalf as per their agreement, but never had he returned the gesture. His acknowledgment of their dealings have been grander gestures, such as torture racks of her ancestors which were now proudly on display in the temple. “What are these?”
“They’re gifts, Claret. For you,” Gortash’s smile doesn’t meet his anxious gaze. “Just open them.”
Claret’s fingers shake slightly as she pulls at the golden ribbon on the first box, the bow unwinding easily. She lifts off the lid and stares inside. “Enver?”
She pulls the glass case from the box and looks at the organ suspended in the middle. He gives her a small smile. “I wasn’t aware of the custom last year, and didn’t know the significance. This is the heart of the man who hit your little urchin girl last tenday in the park. I only hope it begins to make up for the way I mishandled your gesture.”
Claret’s eyes water as she smiles. She had went to find the man and couldn’t. She often gave coins and baubles to the urchins that hung around the park she frequently busked at for a brief escape from the temple. She was self taught and not particularly good, knowing only a small handful of songs, but the street children would dance and play about when she performed and it made her feel like she was doing something nice for them. “Thank you.”
“Open the other one,” he encourages.
She picks up the smaller box and opens it, pulling out a chain from which hangs a tiny metal heart, the intricate device moving—no, she realizes, beating— as if it were a real heart. Enver steps closer and takes the box from her hand, pulling her palm up to rest on his heart. She feels his heartbeat at the same rhythm of the one on the chain. “What is—“
“Claret,” Enver says quickly, his pulse beginning to race under her touch, “you have my heart. I know that our relationship is unorthodox and far from ideal, and that it may be our downfall in the end, but you are the only person I have ever given my heart to, the only person I will ever give it to.”
She presses her lips to his. “Blessed Solstice, Enver.”
“Blessed Solstice, my love.”
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femmedefandom · 2 months
so I actually really enjoy the OG SQQ, he is such an angsty and dramatic bitch absolutely stuffed with trauma and terrible coping behind that ice cold veneer and it’s a shame we didn’t get more of him. there’s just so much to explore with him and he gets cut out and missed by his sect exactly 0% which is pretty heartbreaking.
#svsss#shen qingqiu#shen jiu#og!sqq#a guy that had the outline of a protagonist but the realism of life#orphan child taken living on the streets that has seen too much darkness to be naive but he cares for the other children in his own way#tries to survive the streets and being sold to an abusive family#his friend is saved and brought to a better life leaving him behind#he’s stuck playing the gentle toy for an oblivious girl as her brother torments him regularly#he’s abandoned by his friend and he decides to take fate into his own hands#learning cultivation from a rogue and breaking free of his chains the only way he’s learned how#with brutal and efficient violence…all by himself#he murders his abusers and the rogue who pushed him further into darkness and crime#he makes his way to a righteous cultivation sect to see his brother who he thought was lost to him in death…#…doing apparently just fine as the future sect leader of the top sect with nothing but a bright shiny future and no worries#his past and betrayals have turned him bitter and cutting and closed off but more driven than anyone else#he suffers from qi deviation and likely issues being around other men and substandard education to become head disciple and later peak lord#but no matter how high he goes all he sees is that little beaten and abandoned boy who was good enough for no one with no future#all those fancy worries and honors mean nothing to someone who did anything to survive#all the vague apologies in the world do nothing to ease the suffering he’s experienced#all the rumors and snide remarks are worth him trying to explain himself constantly - to justify his existence#and all the self loathing that has built up could have done nothing but explode upon meeting the blessed protagonist#don’t mind me#just in my feels about sqq again#mxtx why did you make this man only to throw him away??
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chicxibalba · 3 months
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daily ciaran
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pedanticauspice · 2 years
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cemyafilmarsiv · 2 months
Pulp ficton
Pirates of the Caribbean
Truman Show
The Shining
Forest Gump
Kill Bill
The Shawshank Redemption
The Matrix
V for Vendetta
The Godfather
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Brave Heart
The Lord of the Rings
Cinema Paradiso
Star Wars
The Dark Knight
Arthur C. Clarke
Back to the Future
Fight Club
Harry Potter
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garmadaddylikey · 4 months
Greetings, peasants. It is I, Lord Garmadon!
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So one of my henchmen, @kittenninja14, recommended me this social platform to spread my evilness.
Soon I will take over Ninjago City!! (once I defeat that pesky Green Ninja)
Soon all of you lowlifes will learn to serve me, Lord Garmadon!!!
(what's my name?)
Anyway, here I shall post my life stuff. You know... like get famous or viral or whatever it's called.
Might even post some fan art that my beloved lovers have made of me!!
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starrdio · 4 months
Momo Chiyoda Should've Had Abs
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doodle-girl · 7 months
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
The first time the Sallows took Tom(4yo) to tutoring.
MC: What's the word for that infestation of tiny creatures over there?
Sebastian: Those are children. That's a school. It's where we're taking Tom.
Ominis *laughing*: Oh Merlin.
Tom *looking at Harry*: I see prey.
Sebastian: MC!
MC: I didn't teach him that! But good eye, kid, go meet your best friend.
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wiltking · 5 months
full review for Ocean's Blood ★★★★★ by Thelma Mantey, provided in return for being an ARC reader:
I am rounding up my review from 4.5 stars to 5 because despite a few small criticisms I had, I consumed this book in about 2 days and am desperately clawing for the sequel.
The book's description does not do it justice. My eyes honestly glazed over the first time I read it, and I only stopped from backing out of the page when I noticed the comparison to Captive Prince at the end. Which filled me with dread, because despite being one of my favorite series to this day, the few dark gay romances Capri has inspired have failed, in my eyes, to hit the marks that make it so special. But my curiosity got the best of me. What if Ocean's Blood understood the marks? What if /this/ was the book that could finally touch the same vein that Capri first awakened in me, and has been starving ever since?
I can't accurately say how glad I am I gave this book a chance. It delivers on every front, and so much more. It goes beyond its own comparison to Capri and delivers wholly unique lore that always had me fully gripped, despite being relatively exposition heavy (the first of my criticisms). Ocean's Blood delivers vampires under its own name, with enough solid and distinct lore to make that name stick. Singers are terrifying, and the dread they instill from the very first chapter had me enthralled. So did the story, which pulled no punches, and had me feeling gored and helpless as I followed Vindt's painful story.
A lot of dark fantasy, in my experience, tends to shy from going too dark, or loses itself in gratuitous misery at the expense of other elements. Ocean's Blood hit a perfect balance for me. Violence, pain, and blood, yes, but also the careful undercurrents of something more. Something that has no business blossoming under these grim conditions, and I can't wait to see how that thread will no doubt continue in the sequel. Because another thing this book throws itself into wholeheartedly is its /slowburn/. Which, in this day and age, seems to be a dying genre, at least in its fullest form. As well as enemies to lovers (truly enemies!), and oh how delightful it is to find a book that not only understands the assignment but loves it, and wields it to tear at my heart like a singer's own song.
As for Vindt and Ashe - I feel like we've only scratched the surface of their personalities, and knowing that the story isn't finished yet makes me wary of giving an assessment too early. But I'm excited for what was set up for them at the end of this book, and my curiosity for what will happen to them (and between them) will eat at me every day. If it wasn't already obvious, I'm deeply invested, and will sing this book's praises every day if that's what it takes to get the next book released.
My only other criticism is a few minor points where the language broke my immersion ('braincells'? 'vibes'? what year and world does this story take place in, again?) but they were very easy to overlook. For a debut novel this is extremely promising, I have already begun to tell all my friends about it, and anyone else who will listen. This is an author to watch and support by any means.
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laylaylamode · 7 months
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Chapter 12- Tea Date
Eliot reveals his secret to Nia and makes a proposal.
Nia Butterfly belongs to @kururu418 !
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dongbangskies · 9 months
Back from the Brink Review
Finally got around to writing this review on this drama. I showed up for Zhou Ye because she stole the show as Gu Xiang in Word of Honor and I was blown away.
Its a 10/10. Top 10 dramas of all time. I LOVED IT.
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Spoilers (obvy) ahead.
We're gonna skip over how Hou MingHao looks like if you put Wei WuXian Xiao Zhan and 2005 Rising Sun Jaejoong in a blender. He's stunning. Those fantastic facial expressions and that slightly villainous look <3 <3 Love it.
And Zhou Ye is just everything. She is a gem. If I see her in a drama I'll probably give it a chance. She can carry a drama with her acting alone. Yanhui was a funny and strong willed character and I loved her. what a great female lead.
Few reasons why this drama absolutely RULED despite its plot holes and absolute disappointment of a villain was essentially a 2006 Hot Topic ass emo kid.
the way they handle trauma. Fantastic. No notes. I'm about how they point blank had YanHui state she was afraid of TianYao after he stabbed her. Thats so good. Because that was all her, not the dark lord nonsense. He, by her knowledge at the time, killed her with no hesitation after she thought she was finally breaking through. and she's scared. and he has to face the consequences of it. it wasn't an oh, i found out you did for a good reason so I forgive you. She doesn't forgive him until he proves that he is there to protect her.
The way TianYao learned from his mistakes and fought for Yanhui's forgiveness and affection after the betrayal. Trust me, those 10 eps were PAINFUL, after the love bombing that was the first 16 eps, but it was so refreshing to see the male lead make his bed and then have to live in it. So often the "forgiveness" arch is so shallow. but in this drama, TianYao comes to realize why Yanhui was so afraid of him, how awful what he did was, and goes out of his way to change. He explains himself. He learned his lesson. And then when he was a baby dragon and remembering bits and pieces. We saw Ponytail TianYao and kind of how malicious he was. and Baby TianYao was APPALLED at himself. I love that they made him look in the mirror.
The fact that TianYao was not willing to sacrifice YanHui to do his "duty". The one time he "sacrificed her", it was to protect his people. But the whole "duty to the world" nonsense. Nope. I love that take. The drama took one look at the "villains make a better lover because a hero will sacrifice you for the world but the villain will sacrifice the world for you" and said, "what if the hero didn't." Deadass TianYao was like "oh I'm the only one that can defeat this Dark Chi? Okay I'm sure someone else will figure it out as I willingly give my life force to save my love."
the whole take that saving one person is just as important as wanting to save the world. the punchline of the third test is fantastic. (previous post made about it lol)
the jokes and the sounds effects landed so well. I was HOWLING through the drama. I dont know what was funnier: a) the TianYao fancam from the Fox Incense, b) Bai XiaoSheng underground forced couples therapy, c) her frenzy from the end of ep 11 to when Da ShiXiong gets kidnapped into the Misty Forest, or d) or the moth lady kidnapping TianYao
10/10 would watch again and again.
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toontwink · 7 days
listened to the sonic cd ost while drunk and high and holy shit the bad future mix of palmtree panic is fuckign scary
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