a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
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Chuang Zhao's depiction of the newly described Fujianvenator is everything
and the volcano is actually accurate for once!
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knuppitalism-with-ue · 9 months
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Results from the #paleostream!
Fujianvenator, Uruyiella, Sinopa, Scalarites
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unexpecteddinolesson · 2 months
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Fujianvenator is an anchiornithid avialan from the Late Jurassic of China, whose discovery gave important insight to the evolution of birds. It had proportionately long legs, with the tibia twice the length of the femur. This suggests it may have been a strong runner, and possibly had a terrestrial or wading lifestyle. Fujianvenator was a small dinosaur, weighing about 640 g. As an avialan, it was almost certainly covered in feathers, though it does not seem likely to have been capable of flight.
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the-paleoraptor · 9 months
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A quick little sketch of the recently described avialan Fujianvenator prodigiosus from the Jurassic of China !
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dinodorks · 9 months
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[ Fujianvenator prodigiosus, illustrated by Mr. Chuang Zhao. ]
"One hundred and fifty million years ago, a young, bantam-sized, bird-like dinosaur became mired in a swamp in what is now southeastern China, and succumbed. Its fossilized remains, unearthed in 2022 and named Fujianvenator prodigiosus, show it to be one of the earliest bird-like dinosaurs to date from the Jurassic period. The researchers describe their discovery in a paper published today in Nature. “This is really a weird animal within the group of birds,” says Mark Loewen, a palaeontologist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, who was not involved in the discovery. The creature had oddly lanky legs and might have lacked the ability to fly. It also doesn't seem to conform to the accepted bird-evolution story. Although dinosaurs were largely extinct by 66 million years ago, therapods, the three-clawed, hollow-boned group that included Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus rex, had started to evolve into today’s birds. Many palaeontologists consider the first bird to be a 150-million-year-old feathered dinosaur called Archaeopteryx, fossils of which were found in Germany. But this study adds to mounting evidence that by the time of Archaeopteryx, dinosaurs had already diversified into different kinds of birds, Loewen says. Hailu You, a palaeontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and one of the co-authors of the paper, says that in the Jurassic, bird-like dinosaurs might have been occupying different ecological niches. “Early bird evolution is complicated,” he says. Fujianvenator’s fossil lacks a head or a complete tail, but its body and limbs show a medley of traits similar to those of other bird-like dinosaurs, such as the relative lengths of the fingers, and details of the pelvis and vertebrae. But it didn’t have many modifications that would contribute to flight."
Read more: "‘Weird’ dinosaur prompts rethink of bird evolution" by Jude Coleman.
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new-dinosaurs · 9 months
Fujianvenator prodigiosus Xu et al., 2023 (new genus and species)
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(Type specimen of Fujianvenator prodigiosus [scale bars = 20 mm], from Xu et al., 2023)
Meaning of name: Fujianvenator = Fujian hunter [in Latin]; prodigiosus = bizarre [in Latin]
Age: Late Jurassic (Tithonian), 149.9–150.2 million years ago
Where found: Nanyuan Formation, Fujian, China
How much is known: Partial skeleton of one individual including most of the trunk and limbs.
Notes: Fujianvenator was an early avialan, a group of mostly flight-capable theropod dinosaurs that also contains modern birds. Most members of this group, including modern birds, have short tails, but like other Jurassic avialans, such as Archaeopteryx and Anchiornis, Fujianvenator retained the ancestrally long tail found in most other dinosaurs. It had unusually long lower legs and feet for its size, not just for an avialan but for a theropod of any kind, which may suggest specialization towards a running or wading lifestyle.
In addition to being a newly named dinosaur, Fujianvenator comes from a newly discovered fossil site, from which over 100 reptile fossils have been uncovered so far. Given that well-preserved fossils of Jurassic avialans are only known from a few localities worldwide, this new site has the potential to become a valuable resource for understanding the early diversity and evolution of these theropods.
Reference: Xu, L., M. Wang, R. Chen, L. Dong, M. Lin, X. Xu, J. Tang, H. You, G. Zhou, L. Wang, W. He, Y. Li, C. Zhang, and Z. Zhou. 2023. A new avialan theropod from an emerging Jurassic terrestrial fauna. Nature advance online publication. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06513-7
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makairodonx · 9 months
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An impression of Fujianvenator prodigiosus
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haiii ur linocut work is litcherally soo beautiful especially the hatching work and its been inspiring me to try getting into stamp or printmaking if my body allows!!
quick question if u dont mind: how do u transfer the image to the lino itself? do u just draw everything backwards straight onto the lino or do u use something like carbon paper or transfer paper? i ask coz im primarily a digital artist and wanted to see if i could just use printing to transfer my digital lines to the lino to carve! i couldnt get any clear answers online and figured itd be better to ask an actual artist LOL AND SORRY IF THIS QUESTION IS CONFUSINGLY WORDED english is nawtttt my first language 😭😭😭😭 thank yew in advance!!
hi! ty first of all, it means a lot <3 i use carbon paper to transfer the drawing! i draw it digitally, then flip it (so i know the end result looks good), print it and trace it over carbon paper! i tried to transfer thru laserjet and acetone, but it didnt work as well :( id love to see what ur making if ur comfortable sharing!
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armatofu · 7 months
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 9 months
I love this new guy! I don't think it really makes us "rethink bird evolution", that's just sensationalist headlines, but it is really cool and important for understanding those early Paravians
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spectralpaleon · 9 months
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greenfrog04 · 9 months
A new avialan theropod from an emerging Jurassic terrestrial fauna
Published 6th September 2023
A new species of avialan therapod, Fujianvenator prodigiosus, thought to be one of the stratigraphically youngest Jurassic avialan from the Tithonian age of Zhenghe Fauna locality, China.
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Fujianvenator prodigiosus holotype and detailed line drawing
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Fujianvenator prodigiosus phylogenetics
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Life reconstruction of Fujianvenator prodigiosus, art by Chuang Zhao
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fujianvenator · 27 days
republishing coz i forgor 2 add an option 4 me 2 check results oops anyway Help lol do i stay w this url or go back to alagadda url
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hollowsart · 15 days
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the reddit does come to mind, but I don't have an account and I can't be bothered jdsfhhdsf but hey, if anyone wants to help ask the question there for me, by all means, please do!
I can provide crudely drawn artist renditions from memory and whatever descriptions of the games I can remember, too.
I've made a few posts before about a few of them that I can remember. 1 of which I actually was able to find again myself (Slackerman (pac-man, but with a business man/office aesthetic with coffee & donuts being what you collect))
so I can easily just grab those again.
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kaetinipang · 9 months
새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 시즌4 다운로드 1화~26화
새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 시즌4 다운로드 1화~26화 재방송 ott 추천 원하시나요?
새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 시즌4 재방송 링크 <
1화부터 26화까지 26부작 ott 넷플릭스 추천 가능합니다. 자막, 더빙 재방송 바로 시청 하세요. 캐릭터 이름은 티니핑, 사샤핑, 하츄핑 나옵니다. 새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 2화 3화도 괜찮습니다.
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오르도비스기 시대(4억 8,830만 년에서 4억 4,370만 년 전)의 턱 없는 물고기는 갑옷을 입은 피부를 따라 도배라고 불리며, 이들 중 대부분은 외부 갑옷만 보존한 화석으로 알려져 있다고 Dearden은 말했습니다.
Dearden은 “그들의 머리 안쪽에 대해 우리가 알고 있는 모든 것은 기본적으로 그 갑옷을 기반으로 하여 만들어졌습니다.”라고 설명했습니다. “이 외부 갑옷에 눈 구멍이 보이고, 눈이 두개골에 있는 곳이라고 가정합니다. 새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 시즌4 다운로드 1화~26화 하지만 우리는 그 안에 무엇이 있는지 실제로 아무것도 모릅니다.”
연구 저자들은 표본에서 10개의 연골 두개골 조각을 확인했습니다. 그 중 6개는 에폭시에 있고 4개는 암석 기질에 있었습니다. 비늘이 그 주위를 감싸고 있으며, 감각이나 혈관 구조를 유지하고 있는 관이 연골을 관통하고 있습니다.
화석에서 볼 수 있는 운하의 목적과 모든 연골이 물고기의 두개골 앞쪽에 집중되어 있는 것처럼 보이는 이유와 같은 두개골 진화에 대한 질문은 여전히 남아 있습니다. Dearden은 이 표본에는 보존되지 않은 머리 뒤쪽에 더 많은 연골이 있을 가능성이 있다고 말했습니다.
물고기에 턱이 처음 나타났던 시기도 아직 불분명하다고 그는 덧붙였습니다.
Fujianvenator prodigiosus의 생활을 새로운 쥐라기 육상 동물군에서 유래한 다른 수생 및 반수생 척추동물과 함께 재구성합니다. 놀라운 특징을 지닌 새와 유사한 공룡이 중국에서 발견되었습니다 그럼에도 불구하고, “이 화석은 척추동물 머리의 새콤달콤 캐치티니핑 시즌4 다운로드 1화~26화 진화에 대한 우리 지식의 공백을 메워준다”고 일본 오키나와 과학 기술 대학원 대학의 대진화 부문 조교수인 고생물학자인 로렌 살란(Lauren Sallan)은 말했습니다.
“이러한 격차는 턱이 있는 물고기의 오르도비스기 조상이 상대적으로 드물고 대부분 매우 얕은 바다에만 국한되어 있었기 때문에 부분적으로 발생했습니다. 해양 생물 다양성의 기원을 연구하고 이번 연구에는 참여하지 않은 살란(Sallan)은 죽은 후 에립티키우스(Eriptychius)를 포함한 초기 물고기의 잔해는 대개 파도에 의해 파괴되었으며 우리는 주로 조각을 발견했습니다.
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gaetaniu · 9 months
Il dinosauro del giurassico simile a un uccello possedeva lunghi arti posteriori
Ricostruzione in vita di Fujianvenator prodigiosus. I paleontologi hanno identificato una nuova specie di avialan (un membro del gruppo che comprende gli uccelli moderni e i dinosauri simili agli uccelli) da uno scheletro parziale fossile trovato in Cina. Questo dinosauro presenta un’insolita serie di caratteristiche morfologiche condivise con altri primi avialani e con dinosauri troodontidi e…
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