#fuck that cluster b blog that said otherwise
histronic-gizmo · 2 years
Remember that we support yanderecore in this house
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psychopathicfreak · 17 days
Hey just a question actually many questions lmao
So i know you are valentino, but specifically do you feel like a duplicate of him in real life, or do you feel more like the actual, hazbin hotel valentino?
Do you have memories from the hazbin hotel universe or just identify with the knes shown in the show?
If you feel like the actual hazbin hotel val, how do you think you got here?
I find it all very interesting but dont know if my questions are making sense...
Also, what/who did you identify with before hazbin hotel came out? Were you just yourself?
Are you plural or part of a system to your knowledge?
Do you have a name you use outside of tumblr, and if so, do you feel more connected with that one than valentino? Do you introduce yourself as valentino in irl social situations as well?
Sorry if this is a lot, im not trying to force you to answer all of them but i hope my questions make sense!!
I feel like myself and not like a copy of myself . I do not think I am physically in Hell or have wings attached to me, but I don’t think that changes who I am in mind and soul . I don’t feel like a different Valentino at all in that sense .
Considering that, I do feel as if the events of the show were real, but I don’t like talking about it in the way that others seem to . I know “ kin memories ” are what most bitches use to verify their identity, but I find it cheap and easy to lie about . I felt what some may call species dysphoria before I was familiar with Hazbin Hotel, and I would specifically want to be taller ( unnaturally so ) with red eyes, large wings, and an extra set of arms . I found it uncomfortable to be perceived as human from a very early age . It caused me genuine mental distress . I was also naturally drawn to, and worked in, the sex industry since long before knowing what the fuck a Vivziepop was . I first produced porn before I knew what sex was, and I got several others involved . Obviously, that ended horribly . It’s definitely part of why I’m so fucked up . My personality has been constant, at least for a very long time . I am emotionally unstable due to my BPD . My fear of abandonment ( which is also a BPD symptom ) also caused me to have a fixation on contracts and soul — bonding . I had intense mental breakdowns for years over not being able to own souls . I have family members who worked in industries and in spaces that clearly served as some sort of inspiration to Vivienne . I’ve always found it comforting because of the sense of familiarity . This shit is so deeply personal to me, and it’s tangible . I feel as if parallel experiences run so much deeper than alleged kin memories . I think someone can have a delusion of a memory or can lie about it, and I think that is what goes on a lot online because a lot of these bitches bare no resemblance to their alleged source . If you claim to be someone who is known for having a strong personality or several socially unacceptable characteristics, I expect for those traits to exist inside you and actually impact your experience . Otherwise, you’re just some bitch who had a dream . Yes, watching the show did feel deeply personal and like opening up old wounds, and there’s a lot I could say about it, including what isn’t shown directly on — screen, but I just don’t want to attract the “ h— hi ! I’m V . . . V . . . Vox ! 😣 Valentino, DNI ! ” bitches . I firmly believe most “ kinnie ” bitches are roleplayers, and if you claim to be Angel or I and have never worked in the sex industry, I 100% think you’re a LARPer .
I genuinely have no idea why I am here . I consider this to be a Double Hell of sorts considering how much I fucking hate it though !
Before Hazbin Hotel came out, I portrayed myself as broadly non — human ( I have since early childhood ) . I still owned this blog for a little while before, actually, and I mostly interacted with posts about being Cluster B . Like I said, I found being perceived as human to be distressing . I didn’t align myself with any specific “ character ” . I think that having several distinct identities while expressing that they are all you ( I’m not necessarily talking about systems here ), whether over time or at the same time, is the mark of a roleplayer or a confused bitch with no sense of identity outside of their hyperfixations . I would not take a bitch seriously if they claimed to be, for example, Velvette, and then claimed to be an entirely different bitch with an entirely different personality a year ago . These are the same bitches who are nothing without their alleged memories . I strongly believe many of them fake mental illnesses to seem more valid, aaand that pisses me the fuck off as someone who actually has to live like this .
I’m not plural / part of a system . I am not an “ introject ” or a “ fictive ” . It’s just me, and I consider myself to be the same bitch as I was before I watched Hazbin Hotel .
I do have another name I go by often, and I am fine being referred to by either that or Val ( entino ) . I have engaged in activities that have made it necessary to use an alias many times .
Your questions are very welcome ~ ! If I didn’t want to answer them, I wouldn’t . I’m not the type of bitch who would feel pressured into doing so, so there is nothing to worry about ~ !
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Do not try to engage this blog in any kind of discourse.
Things I believe that I will not debate:
Inclusionist. Aces, aros, people anywhere on either of those spectrums, bi/pan/poly/omni/otherwise m-spec, trans, nonbinary, intersex, split attraction model, and anything else that is not cisgender AND heteroromantic AND heterosexual AND perisex AT THE SAME TIME belongs in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Btw trans and nonbinary people(separating them because not all nonbinary people identify as trans) are still trans and nonbinary with or without dysphoria.
Also there is more than one way to have dysphoria. It's not all just hating your genitalia or secondary sex characteristics like breasts or facial hair.
Euphoria is sometimes a better indicator that you're trans than dysphoria.
Kink belongs at pride.
There's more than one way to be plural and more than one way to get there.
People with cluster b disorders are not inherently abusive, manipulative, or otherwise bad people. Get out of here with you "BPD is a red flag" and "narcissistic abuse" bullshit.
Mental illnesses are not insults. Fat is not an insult. Neurodivergence is not an insult. Disabilities are not insults.
Christians in the west, particularly in America, are not persecuted or oppressed. I know. I'm American and while I am currently pagan, I was raised Christian so I've seen the persecution fetish they have from the inside. They're desperate to be oppressed and persecuted, but in this country they are not, no matter how much they whine about it.
MAPs/pedophiles are not welcome here. Get out.
Antis are also not welcome here. Get out.
I don't give a shit what anyone ships or does with the fiction they consume. It's fiction. As long as no REAL LIVING ACTUAL PEOPLE are being hurt or harassed, I don't care. Do what you want as long as you're not hurting anyone.
I am firm in my positions, you will not change my mind, I will probably not change your mind, so just leave me the fuck out of it. If you come in here looking to start shit with me, I'll just block you. You have been warned.
I do not have a carrd and if yours is too long(more than 2 pages) or hard to read(because you picked a tiny ass font in pastel colors against a background that is also pastel colors or anything like that), I won't bother. If you have "read my carrd before interacting" I probably won't follow you. I also probably won't follow you if you're under 21. This is a side blog so I can't follow from it anyway.
That said, welcome to my blog.
You can call me Clem. Not my real name but it'll do. Not new to Tumblr, I've been here about a decade, but I decided to make a side blog where I can post about my physical and mental health.
I am nonbinary and my pronouns are they/them and fae/faer.
I am hella queer.
Possibly plural, still looking into that. Don't fucking come at me with syscourse. Sysmeds gtfo or get blocked.
Current mental diagnoses:
ADHD (not that this is a mental illness but it is an issue that stems from my brain being Different so I'm putting it here)
Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
Major depressive disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
Excoriation disorder (known as dermatillomania to some folks)
Current physical diagnoses:
Severe scoliosis (I don't remember the degree of the curves but I've got it in the upper and lower spine and it's worse in the upper part and there's also a twist in the middle)
Classic migraine
Possible future diagnoses that I'll find out with more doctor visits:
I think there was another one but I can't remember lol I'll fix this when I think of it
If you want to help me pay medical bills and shit, my cashapp is $QueerlyClem
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