#fuck cdu
lexa-el-amin · 7 months
"Das ist aber trübes Deutsche-Einheit-Wetter heute. So wie gerade die politische Lage, so ist das Wetter." - passende Worte meines Onkels
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kutyozh · 5 months
it's so convenient for them. they want easier and faster removals while at the same time making naturalisation harder. so refugees and immigrants will 1) not come to germany (not gonna work. war still exists) 2) stop protesting (more likely to work, but could result in the opposite) and who in germany gives a fuck about palestine except for . palestinians. so if they can't protest anymore bc they risk being removed from the country - then the liberation movement here in germany is going to suffer immensely.
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tambourineophelia · 4 months
I don't know how to grasp what a fever dream we are living in, there's news of a secret meeting of far right people, from politicians (including from CDU), extremist activists to rich investors, planning how to essentially cleanse the country of who they consider "not belonging", meaning migrants, refugees, poc, and people who "supported migration", after taking power
and our chancellor reacts with a NOTES APP SCREENSHOT POST ON INSTAGRAM
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pulledrounder · 4 months
"it doesn't matter if i vote red or blue, it's all the same" i can assure you the people of Ukraine and everyone who's trying to fight the climate crisis among others don't feel that way but yeah go ahead and fuck over the rest of the world by not voting
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Really McLovin' my current voting options in Germany:
- Nazis
- Nazis but I don't want to admit it
- Playing 5D Chess with time travel (aka trying to strategically vote to out-play all the Nazis so that they cannot get a majority even with a coalition.)
Stay tuned to find out if we set a new record and get the Nazis elected by '24 instead of '28 this time! :D
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the-fandom-journal · 1 year
ok. leute aus berlin, wählt bitte nicht die AfD, weil ihr enttäuscht über Lützerath seid, nur weil da “Alternative” drin steht. ok? die sind rechtsextrem und rassistisch. ok!
(Kontext: hab gerade eine Grafik gesehen, in der die AfD 15% hatten, wenn jetzt gerade gewählt werden würde (Umfrage))
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electrosquash · 1 year
We got freezing o'clock and the Jobcenter's NOW pulling tricks to get out of paying gas bills alsdhfahksdfhlk
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genderjester · 2 years
There's a special place in hell for ppl who keep arguing to lower hartz IV & punish the ppl relying on it for missing job center appointments
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paskariu · 2 years
FYI no matter where you fall on the political spectrum you can still be a selfish asshole
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writteninspring · 2 years
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pride in my city is always super late, anyways, have a selfie
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scentedluminarysoul · 7 months
Oh no, the CDU/CSU defenders have entered the chat...
Jokes aside, yes, I'd count CDU as far right. Just because AfD is worse, doesn't make CDU better. Merz, anyone?
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skleftist · 1 year
Die Einzigen, die heute im Netz über Gendern reden ist die CDU. Nicht ein paar, sondern jeder CDUling, der sich irgendwie zu Großem berufen fühlt, hat irgendetwas gegen Gendern ins Netz gerotzt. Da fragt man sich, ob diese Personen mittlerweile die gleiche Trollfabrik wie die AfD unter Vertrag haben. Inhaltlich gibt's da mittlerweile genauso wenig Unterschiede wie im Handwerklichen.
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nasahq · 2 years
what about weidel and wagenknecht
guys i cannot stress enough how little i know about politics in my country
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politikwatch · 2 years
Gazprom erwirtschaftet milliardenschweren Rekordgewinn – trotz Sanktionen
Dank kräftig gestiegener Preise für Öl und Gas hat der russische Gaskonzern Gazprom im ersten Halbjahr einen Gewinn von rund 41,5 Milliarden Euro eingefahren
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electrosquash · 9 months
Can y'all believe the Bundesrepublik Deutschland. is starting to survey the broadband rollout. In 2023.
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