twomanyideas · 2 years
The Prince's Bride
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A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404
Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 Pairing:Sting x Rogue AO3 | Ch 1
Summary: Sting's life is turned upside down when he learns he'll need to pick a bride at a ball to celebrate his eighteenth birthday. Things become even more complicated when a stranger at a new bakery makes him rethink everything he thought he knew about himself.
It's been 84 years...
Kidding. It's been about 4 months since the start of this project. But here we are with our entry for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022!
We were very excited to get to work together again, although this time it proved a bit more challenging than usual, if only because it seems we've lost the ability to come up with smaller ideas. So while this isn't the story we originally set out to write (more on that one later) we hope you still enjoy this first chapter! If you do, don't be too shy to leave us a comment. They make our day!
Art by @oryu404, please don't repost or use without permission. Reblogs, though, are totally fine and very much appreciated!
And lastly, big thanks to @ftguildevents, and all the mods and wonderful participants of this event!
Sting walked into the castle’s dining room looking forward to a large breakfast, only to find the room empty. Had he missed breakfast? He didn’t think he’d gotten up that late. 
“Where is everyone?”
“The Queen requested breakfast be served in the garden today, Your Highness. I was just coming to get you.”
He turned to find Yukino, his mother’s handmaid, standing behind him.
“Oh thank god, I thought I was going to starve.”
“Always so dramatic,” Yukino giggled, “Although, you better hurry before your father eats everything.”  
Sting’s eyes widened as he realized this was a definite possibility. He thanked her and took off for the garden at a brisk pace, wanting to get there before her prediction could come true. 
The castle gardens were beautiful in spring, full of colorful blooms that scented the air with their fragrance, although at the moment the smell of bacon overpowered everything else. 
“Sting, over here!”
His father sat at a table underneath the arbored trellis and Sting hurried to join him, especially as he was piling more food onto the mountain that already sat on his plate.
“Hey, are you planning on leaving some for the rest of us?” Sting grumbled as he heaped eggs, bacon, slices of bread slathered with butter, pieces of cut up fruit and pancakes on his own plate and promptly began to eat.
“You should have gotten here earlier. There were these fantastic pastries from some new bakery in town.”
“You didn’t leave me any?!” 
His father just shrugged, looking annoyingly unrepentant. “I was hungry.”
Sting was about to start a rant when he was distracted by the sight of his mother talking to a group of people he didn’t recognize. It was hard to miss her excitement with the elaborate gestures she was making, pointing to different parts of the garden and the castle, all while smiling from ear to ear.
“What’s she up to?” he asked, mouth full of pancake. “And more importantly, should I be concerned?” 
“Well, you know your eighteenth birthday is coming up soon.”
“Yeah, so?” 
“What do you mean, so? Don’t tell me you don’t remember what happens on your eighteenth birthday?” His father stopped to peer at him and shook his head with a smile. “Of course you do. You had me going there for a moment.”  
“I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about,” Sting said, feeling the apprehension build inside him.
His mother had always made a big deal about his birthday, so much so that it had become a national celebration of sorts, complete with town wide fairs. He used to love the attention when he was younger, but once the girls in town started acting crazy around him, the lavish events had become a source of dread. 
What could she possibly have in store for him for his eighteenth birthday?
The answer came much sooner than he was ready for, as his mother noticed him and headed over to the table. 
“There you are!” she said, practically beaming at him as she sat down to join them.
“Here I am,” he agreed, scrambling to think of a way to convince he‌r he’d prefer a small gathering to pretty much anything she had in mind.
“Isn’t it exciting?! I’ve been waiting for this since the day you were born. It’s going to be such a magical evening!”
There were hearts in her eyes as she talked about the flowers she wanted and the performers she was going to hire, going on and on about the different things she had planned while somehow not giving him any actual information about the event itself.
“That all sounds lovely, but you know what would be nice? What if we just had a small party? I could invite some of my friends from town…” He tapered off when he saw the looks on his parents’ faces, a mixture of disbelief and mirth.
“Oh, you!” His mother tapped his arm playfully. “We can’t possibly do that. Well, maybe we could on your actual birthday, but we couldn’t just cancel the ball. It’s been a tradition since anyone can remember.”
“I’m sorry, did you say ball? As in with dancing? Cause I don’t do that.”
But his mother wasn’t listening, she was too busy giving his father The Look. The one that always made Sting feel like he should be elsewhere. And, of course, his father was returning it. 
“Do you remember your ball, Weiss?” 
“Of course I do.” His father grabbed on to his mother’s hand, holding it between his as he stared into her eyes. “It was the best night of my life.”
“Mine too.”
“Oy, can we get back to my ball? You know, the part where you explain why it’s so important we have it?” Sting insisted before they got too lost in their little bubble.
“What do you mean, why is it important? It’s where you’ll pick one of the girls from town to be your future bride!”
It was rare for Sting to be glad that his mouth was empty, but he was certain he would've choked on his food at the word bride. “Hold on a minute, you expect me to marry some random girl? Have you seen how they get around me? No, thank you.”
“This ball has been a family tradition for many generations. It’s one of the ways we show our commitment to the town. It also happens to be how I met your mother.” 
Now that Sting thought about it, he could vaguely remember his parents talking about their first meeting. He'd never cared much about the details, like there being a ball, but he’d always loved the part where his dad recalled laying eyes on his mom for the first time and feeling a “spark,” instantly knowing she was the one.
Now that he was older, the idea both intrigued and terrified him in equal measure. As nice as it sounded, he had no idea how he was supposed to know if someone was the “one”.
“Well, couldn’t we start a new tradition? Plant some trees or something?” 
“Don’t be silly,” his father said. “I know the idea can be a little scary at first. I remember how terrified I was when my parents were planning mine, but it’ll all work out, you’ll see. You have a good head on your shoulders. I know whoever you pick will make you as happy as we are.”
Sting wasn’t as sure of that. He’d given exactly zero thought to the idea of finding a girlfriend, let alone getting married, even though there were plenty of beautiful girls who had showered him with their attention. It just wasn’t something he was interested in yet. 
“We’ll have to talk about this later,” his father said, halting Sting’s protests before he even had time to voice them. “I’m about to be late for a meeting.” He got up and kissed his wife on the cheek, looking at the breakfast table one last time and grabbing a couple of strawberries before he headed back inside the castle.
“Does it really make you that unhappy?” His mother asked, looking crestfallen by his lack of enthusiasm, and he didn’t have the heart to tell her how he felt. Not now that he realized how important the entire experience was to her.
“I’m sure it will be fine. You just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”
She immediately brightened at his response, and he spent the rest of breakfast shoving the food around on his plate as he half listened to his mother prattle on.
Maybe if he basked in it, her excitement would be infectious enough for him to catch it too.
After hours of listening to his mother's side of the story of the night his parents met, and following her around the gardens as she shared all her ideas for the stupid ball with him, Sting deemed it safe to say he wasn't going to catch her excitement. At all. In fact, the more he heard, the stronger he felt the urge to sneak away during the night and live a hermit's life somewhere in the countryside. No ball, no bride, no problem.
Except he knew ‌he could never do that to his parents, not to mention he was pretty sure he'd die within a few days, from something as embarrassing as eating poisonous berries. 
So that wasn't an option, but he could sure as hell escape more of mom's planning and hide out in town for the day. He took off as soon as a servant came over to ask his mother’s opinion on something.
His frustration eased the closer he got to town. It was already mid-afternoon, which meant some of his friends would be done with their jobs for the day and be free to get a drink with him at the tavern or something. He headed for the town plaza, knowing it was the most likely spot to find them.
The plaza was as busy as usual, so no one paid him any mind, but his friends easily stood out in the crowd. He watched with an amused smile as Natsu sat on a bench arm wrestling Gajeel while bickering with Gray.
“If you don’t stop paying attention to your little girlfriend, I’m going to wipe the floor with you,” Gajeel taunted.
“Call me that one more time, and he won’t be the one you have to worry about,” Gray said, sounding as grumpy as usual.  
“As if you could,” Natsu snorted, “I could beat you blindfolded and with one arm tied behind my back. So could the Princess, for that matter.”
Sting noticed that for once Gray didn’t complain about being called Princess, but he figured the guy had finally realized it was a losing battle. The more he protested, the more Natsu would do it to annoy him.  
“You care to put that to the test?” Sting interrupted, not giving Gajeel a chance to respond, “Cause I think I might have some rope on me.”
“Sting!” Natsu said, overpowering Gajeel in one quick move and getting up to greet him. “You’re back!”
Sting winced at hearing his name said so loudly. He glanced around furtively, trying to gauge how much attention Natsu’s outburst had attracted. A group of girls waved at him when he looked their way, immediately dissolving into giggles and squeals when he gave a half-hearted wave back. He’d probably be okay for a few more minutes, but he should really move somewhere indoors soon before anyone else noticed him.
“That’s cheating. I wasn’t ready!”
“Let it go, man.” Gray said with a shrug. “It wouldn’t have made much of a difference, anyway. He always wins.”
It didn’t seem like Gajeel had any intention of letting it go, so Sting bumped him on the shoulder before things would escalate further. “I tell you what, since I was the one to distract you, how about I buy you a drink to make up for it?” 
“We can get a drink later. First, you gotta try something from the new bakery that Gajeel’s uncle opened up while you were away. Wendy works there.”
“Oh yeah, my dad mentioned something about that earlier. Not that I got to try anything,” Sting pouted at the reminder of the morning's betrayal. “Bastard ate it all.”
“Sounds like someone else I know,” Gray said, giving Natsu a meaningful look.
“Right? My dad does that all the time, too!”
Gajeel scoffed at the response, but he already seemed to be in a better mood. “Are you ladies going to stand here and chat all day, or are we going to the damn bakery?” 
“Funny you should say that…” Sting shoved him forward, having noticed one of his admirers–a particularly persistent one–coming closer. “Let’s go! Lead the way!”
Gajeel grumbled about the rough treatment, but he got moving and as soon as Sting saw where he was heading, he felt like an idiot. The new bakery was in exactly the same place as the old one. Of course it was. Had he really been expecting there to be two bakeries in a small town?
“So, uhm, how is your uncle liking Saber?” he asked, wanting to get back into Gajeel’s good graces, now that his escape was imminent.
“He seems to like it, but he hasn’t seen how harebrained the royals are yet.”
“Oy! In some kingdoms, you could get beheaded for saying something like that, you know.”
“Yeah?” Gajeel said, opening the door and ushering them inside, “Too bad for you, this ain’t one of them.”
Sting was about to joke he could always change that when he caught his first whiff of baked goods. 
“Smells good, right?” Natsu smiled at him knowingly, “Just wait ‘til you taste them.”
And without another word, he dragged him towards the counter. Not that Sting minded, because by this point he was practically drooling in anticipation. He had barely enough time to notice Gray and Gajeel heading towards a small sitting area before being distracted by a display of baked goods, many of which he didn’t recognize.
Everything looked so delicious he couldn’t decide what to try first, and when he heard footsteps approaching from behind the counter, he figured why not try them all?
“Can I help you?” the deep voice of a man addressed him. Definitely not Wendy's, so Sting looked up, assuming he was about to meet Gajeel's uncle.
“Yeah, I'd like one of–” 
He fell silent, surprised to come face to face with a guy who looked to be his age. He had hair as black as licorice, tied back in a high ponytail, and skin as fair as cream, but it was his eyes that held Sting in a trance. They were the most beautiful shade of red he’d ever seen, reminding him of the dark cherries that grew in the castle’s garden. He couldn’t help but stare into them, his order completely forgotten.
“Yes? One of what?”
Sting blinked at the question, trying to make sense of this feeling that had come over him. He could tell the guy was getting annoyed by his lack of response and he tried to pull himself together long enough to order, but he couldn’t seem to put words together to save his life.
“Hey Rogue, get him the Natsu special,” Natsu said, coming to his rescue. “And, same for me.”
“Seriously? There’s someone else who eats like you?” Rogue sighed. “I’ll be right back with those.”
“Let’s go sit down. It’s going to take him a while to grab everything,” Natsu said, walking over to their friends’ table and taking a seat next to Gray. 
Sting stared after Rogue for a moment longer before joining his friends. He tried to join their conversation, but every few minutes his eyes strayed back to the door Rogue had gone through.
“Were you starved during your winter holiday or something?” Gray raised an eyebrow at him.
“He means you haven’t stopped staring at the kitchen door since you sat down,” Gajeel pointed out, “Are you that hungry?! Cause I can light a fire under my cousin if you want, I doubt my uncle wants the Prince to pass out at his bakery.” 
“What?! No, I’m fine, I was just thinking about something.”
And he was, or rather, someone. 
It was exciting to have someone new settle in Saber. They were a pretty small kingdom, and it wasn’t often that new people moved here. But now they had, and Sting had made possibly the poorest first impression ever.
He couldn't let that slide, especially considering he was bound to see a lot of the guy given he was Gajeel’s cousin. Plus, he loved pastries, so he was sure he’d be a regular here.
He’d just have to try harder. He knew with just a little effort on his part, he could get Rogue to like him.
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thewritingstar · 2 years
Everything Changes
Super excited to post another fic for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 for @ftguildevents 
Please go check out the super cool art that @wolfcry77 made. Im in awe at the absolute talent that went into the piece and I hope that I did the artwork justice.
Artwork Here  Go check it out :) 
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy some Nalu :) 
Pairing: Nalu 
TW: Mentions of blood, fighting, losing an arm 
The mission was going horribly wrong.
It had been a grueling ten days of non stop searching and putting together clues as if they were some type of murder mystery.
“Come on Natsu, pay attention.” Lucy scolded him for the tenth time today.
He was beyond exhausted and he could tell from the amount of yawns she was trying to hide, she was getting there too.
“Luce. We have been at this for hours, can’t we just take a break or have one of your spirits solve it?” Natus complained…again.
The blonde rolled her eyes and shut her book. “I can’t just make my spirits do our dirty work.”
“They battle for you.” He smirked and dodged a book being tossed towards him.
“That's different! This-” She gestured to the books and maps. “This is what we are being paid to do. If we find out where their base is then we can find them. Simple.”
“It’s not simple, we haven't figured it out yet.”
“No, I haven't figured it out yet. You’ve been drooling on a cookbook for almost an hour.”
“See! Even the books say we should eat.” He tried.
Lucy exhaled and shifted through some more papers. “Why don’t you go grab lunch and then bring some back for me. I’m not really hungry right now and I feel like a breakthrough is going to happen.”
Natsu stood and shrugged. “Fine but if you don’t find anything in an hour, you are taking a break.”
“Whatever.” She replied and continued to read.
He found his way out of the library and towards a row of shops they haven't gotten a chance to explore yet. Not only was this mission boring and taking too long, something else had started to irritate him.
He was told that this would be the time that symptoms of his problem would surface. As long as he stayed calm and collected, he would have no trouble keeping whatever was lurking in his body at bay. That would have been easier for someone who could stay calm but his eagerness and tendencies to jump the gun on things wasn’t helping him much.
What also wasn’t helping was going on a solo mission with Lucy. Happy was called to help Carla and PantherLily on another mission and while he had no doubt that Lucy could hold her own, having a flying cat with them was always reassuring.
Natsu chose a random deli from the shops and grabbed whatever was the most appetizing while getting Lucy something of her own. He picked up a few dessert items knowing that she had a bit of a sweet tooth and since she had been working non-stop reading and searching for answers, he was sure a brownie or cupcake would put her in a better mood.
The sun was high in the sky and beating down on him by the time he reached the library again. A strange twinge in his hand caused him to look down and he almost panicked when he saw that his nails looked much longer and much sharper to his dismay.
“Shit.” He said to himself and dropped the bag of food next to Lucy before shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Natsu you’re never going to believe this! I found their base! Or well, clues to it. I am assuming that this location is where they are hiding and if we leave now, we can make it there by sundown for a surprise ambush.” She pointed to one of the maps that had a dense forest area and certain rocky formations.
“These mages focus their magic on nature and their ability to change the layout of the areas around them. They have been known for smuggling expensive cargo and stealing from wandering guilds. They can get away with this because they can alter the pathways of the trees and cause it to become like a maze.” Lucy continued.
“Great so now we get to go get lost in a bunch of trees.” Natsu jokes.
Lucy patted him on the back. “Well if worse comes to worse you can start a forest fire.”
“Fine by me.” He shrugged.
“That was a joke, please don't burn down any trees. I don’t think our planet can handle it.”
“I am making no promises babe.” He winked, causing her to smile.
By the time they reach the edge of their location, the sun has started to set. A mix of oranges and reds fill the sky and he knew that if they weren't here for business, Lucy would beg him to take him to the tallest hill so they could watch it together.
Natsu follows Lucy as they try to memorize their surroundings. He was starting to get antsy and his head washed over with the same twinge as before.
“You okay?” Lucy called from behind as she heard him grunt.
Natsu squeezed his eyes shut trying to ignore the way his stomach curled as if he were on a train.
“Do not think of trains right now.” He scolded himself.
Slowly he raised his hand to the top of his head and pulled back quickly. “Uh Luce you go on ahead, I’m going to, uh, the bathroom?”
“Alright but don’t take too long.” She said not bothering to turn around as she was busy drawing her own map.
Quickly he ran behind a tree and put his hand up to the top of his head. Two small bumps were emerging from his scalp.
“Horns?” He whispered with concern. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
He didn’t feel as if they were that big yet so he fluffed up his hair and hoped that his height advantage over the blonde would be able to conceal them. Quickly he caught up to Lucy as they found a clearing in the middle.
“I don’t remember this on the map?” Lucy said.
“Maybe we missed it.” He suggested.
“Or maybe, they know we are here.”
The forest floor rumbled and all of a sudden they heard a group of voices.
Five men approached them, each staring the pair down with an evil hunger in their eyes.
“Looks like we have some fresh meat here.” One says.
The feeling of a good fight didn’t sink in with Natsu as it usually does. He needs to stay in control and not let his new powers take over. They are clearly outmatched by numbers but they don’t seem that big of a threat. It wasn’t long until they began, all clearly on the same page that one team will win while the other will lose.
The battle starts the way it always had. A small stand off. Natsu and Lucy on one-side, determination coursing through their veins while the ones they were trying to defeat looked down on them like they were some kind of bugs. Usually it was Natsu who ran head first into battle. He could claim the first strike and set the tone for the entire team, but not today.
He was silent and still. His fists that were usually up and ready to blast an inferno of flames, were at his side waiting. Just waiting. Lucy's side glance made him shiver but he couldn’t meet her eyes. No not now.
Lucy turned to ask him something but he refuses to even let her get closer than she already is. His feet take off and now he’s letting a ring of fire do the talking.
He can hear her voice call out to her gates. Feel the way she commands power and respect with every attack. And he can smell her intoxicating scent more than he used to.
“Ignore it.” He whispers to himself.
“Let me play.” Something inside of him stirs and he chokes down a cough.
It can’t happen again. Not now. Not ever.
But it's been harder and harder to keep whatever hellscape inside him at bay.
His thoughts disappeared as he looked at the scene. Out of the five dark mages, four had been taken down and Lucy was up against the last on her own. He should help her. He should keep his distance though.
“She's strong, she can do it.” He says to himself as he takes a step back. Maybe he can get a grip and control the beast before it gets any worse.
“Open Gate of the-”
Natsu froze in his tracks as a scream rips through the forest. The sound turned his blood into a boil.
He turns to face the dark mage, to see Lucy kicking his ass, but the scream came from her. His eyes shoot wide open as he stares at the scene before him.
Lucy’s face twisted in pain and a hand around her neck stopping the scream. Lying on the ground with blood dripping is her left arm. That man just ripped Lucy’s arm right off.
And suddenly he can’t breathe.
He watches as Lucy's body hits the ground. Her scream belts from her lips and something within him snaps.
No amount of breathing or trying to relax could help the beast take over. He feels the small horns spike up and his skull rings with a thunderous pain. His nails turn to full claws and he knows that his normal pointed smile has sharpened tremendously.
It’s as if the world had faded to black and all he can see is red. There's no time for thinking as he lets out a roar of his own and an inferno of flames surrounds him.
“I’m going to kill him.” Natsu yells, his voice significantly deeper. And all control he thought he had is now lost.
Dead. Dead. Dead.
That's all he can hear as he grabs Lucy in his arms and places her safely down.
“Natsu-” She calls but he doesn’t have time to listen.
Instead he charges towards the man. He wants him dead with his blood on his hands. He grabs the man by the shirt and throws him into the air with his new found strength. Using his flames, he blasts into the air to meet him and then throws the man down towards the earth.
“FIRE DRAGON ROAR!” He screams with everything in his lungs. The flames are a mix of bright reds and yellows as they cover the man and some of the trees.
He grabs the man who is slightly burnt and punches him with everything he has. The man cries and pleads but he wouldn’t hear it.
“Can you fix her arm?” Natsu questions the man as he holds him up towards the sky by his neck.
The man chokes out a response that doesn’t satisfy him.
“So you rip off her arm and expect mercy from me? Is that what I’m getting at?” Natsu tightens his grip. “I don’t even think hell is enough for you.” He spats and drops him, not giving the body a second glance.
He walks over to Lucy staring at her shaking figure and lost arm. Natsu lowers himself to her and wraps her shoulder with his scarf.
“Natsu, the blood. It will ruin-”
“Don’t.” He pleads and tries not to have tears form in his eyes. “That doesn’t matter right now. We need to get you to a hospital.”
“I-okay.” She doesn’t try to fight him.
Instead he picks her up and begins to walk to the city. Her head rests against his shoulder and she's trying to stay awake.
“Stay with me Luce.” He whispers and he can feel his horns and claws shrink back down.
“Natsu.” She hums.
“Are we going to talk about what just happened?” She asks.
“I think we just need to focus on getting you the care you need.”
“That's not what I asked.” Her voice slurs.
Natsu sighs. “I know. Maybe later though.”
It had been three days since Lucy was admitted into the hospital. There was no sign that magic could replace or fix her arm and he had left it in the woods anyways.
The entire time she was in the hospital, Natsu was outside waiting for her. His leg would bounce with anxiety and he could feel his horns pop out slightly before retreating back in. everything he could say to her about what happened was playing in his mind. He wasn;t sure what to say or how to go about it.
What girl wants to know that her boyfriend could turn into a psych demon thing at any given moment? The last thing she needed was to worry about the freakshow he was becoming. He just hoped that the transformation wasn’t permanent.
It was night time now and he found a bench in front of the lake behind the hospital. He wasn’t sure what to do when she got out and he knew that she would be let out soon but he couldn’t face her just yet.
He needed to clear his head. The water felt cold against his skin as he made his way into it, ditching his pants and shirt at the shore. It was a small city and he was sure no one was around and he couldn’t care either.
Even in the moonlight, he could see his reflection. It was his normal self. Wild pink hair with fairly sharp teeth but normal enough that it didn’t worry him. His guild mark was the only marking on his body and a sigh of relief left him as he stared at the water.
He closed his eyes for a moment and felt a pulsing feeling run through him. When he opened his eyes again, the reflection was the same. Normal Natsu. However, his nails had sharpened and he felt the horns appear again, this time the pain wasn’t as bad.
He didn’t know what to do.
He wanted to go back to the guild. He wanted a signal or a sign that he was alright. He just wanted peace and most importantly he wanted Lucy to be okay.
“Natsu?” He heard her voice behind him.
Quickly he turned to see Lucy standing there. She was out of the hospital gown and in her normal clothes. She waved at him with a smile.
But he couldn’t smile back. Anxiety rose up inside of him as he realized that he was still in his demon form.
“Natsu.” Lucy called him. She had a relaxed expression on her face. “Don’t make me come in there.”
He felt like a dog that had just gotten scolded as he walked out of the water and to her. He felt her eyes travel around his body and he didn’t want to hear what she had to say. He didn’t think he could take it.
“Relax.” She tells him. “It’s only me.”
He meets her eyes and realizes that what she said is true. Lucy was one of the few people he trusted his life with. A person whose entire heart, soul and being he wanted to share with her.
“I can’t explain why it happens, it just does.” He says.
“Could be because you were raised by a dragon.” She points out.
“I haven’t gotten a chance to ask but maybe.”
Lucy stared at his horns. “Do they hurt?”
“At first but I think the more they appear, the less they hurt.” He then looks towards her side where her arm is missing. Guilt flooded his body and he could feel tears rising.
She follows his eyes to her side and bites her lip. “I’m trying not to dwell on it right now. I could have died.” She says as tears form in her eyes.
In a second, his arms are around her pulling her to his chest. “I’m sorry Lucy. I should have protected you, I should have-”
“I don’t blame you Natsu. Never have, never will. You didn’t do this to me and it's not the end of the world. After all, I’ve always been an adaptable person.” She smiles into his chest. Lucy pulls away to look up at him. “Your horns are gone.”
He notices her fingers are back to normal too. “I think you just calm me.”
Lucy places her palm against his cheek. “You could never scare me, Natsu. No matter what this new look part of you is, I love it just the same as before. Nothing could change that. I won’t look at you differently.”
Her confession made his heart warm and he felt more relaxed than he had in days. “I don’t deserve you. How did I get so lucky?”
She kisses his cheek. “I think you have good taste is all. Now I don’t know about you, but I am craving anything but that hospital food.”
“Then we better get you something good.” He says and holds out his hand.
They intertwine their fingers hoping to find a restaurant still open during the night. As a child the thought of this moment terrified him. A new form of power that he couldn't automatically control was not something he desired. However, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have Lucy by his side to not only be there for him, but to love him all the same.
Perhaps a missing arm and some horns was all it took to make them realize that the most important thing to each of them is each other. No matter the battles they faced, everything would be worth it as long as they were together through it all.
I hope you enjoyed :) 
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Unwinding in Your Arms
Series: Fairy Tail
Rating: M-ish. 
Pairing: Laxus x Freed
Setting: Canon compliant
For my other choice, I selected this incredible picture because honestly, this is one of my favorite pairings. So in the hope of doing this artist justice, Freed and Laxus take some time to enjoy themselves...Rating is for heavily implied themes. 
The usual ruckus in the hall was as familiar as the footsteps approaching. Freed doesn’t have to turn to know who it is; the way the air feels heavy and his hair shifts slightly is answer enough. “Laxus.” The name comes as a soft sigh moments before he feels him against him; a familiar weight that has his lips curving upwards.
“Freed,” comes the low murmur. There is the slightest hint of alcohol that tells him he was definitely relaxing which is a nice thing for him and very well-deserved.
“Taking the opportunity to indulge a bit, I see.” 
“Mm, sometimes it’s allowable or is that against the rules, too?” 
At that, Freed can’t help the soft laugh. “I suppose not. At least not in moderation.” 
“Mm, dunno if that’s something our guild is particularly known for.” 
That draws a soft chuckle from between his lips before he murmurs, “Perhaps not but considering that you are upright and speaking is a good sign.”
“A very good one,” Laxus murmurs, “Though I am pretty sure that celebrations aren’t really your thing, either. So why don’t we maybe move this party somewhere more private?”
His lowered tone has Freed’s stomach tightening and a warmth filling him that has nothing to do with any of his own drinks. The blond had a way of reducing him to this without trying too hard. And he knows it and uses it like the weapon it is. “Laxus…” 
“Mm, c’mon now,” comes the low coaxing, “You could use some attention right now and don’t lie. You have been the strong captain for way too long. So let me show you how appreciative I am of what you bring to the table.”
“I’m happy to be of help,” Freed responds immediately, “I don’t need…ah…L-Laxus!” The interruption of his remark by the nip at his neck has him shuddering even as his head tilts allowing more access to him. 
“Needing, wanting, and deserving are not the same,” comes the murmur against his skin that has heat prickling along his nerves, “And I know how much this would not have been possible without your expertise.” 
“W-was a group effort,” comes his correction though his tone is breathy and low and he’s sure color is creeping along his skin more noticeably.
“Maybe but I think we’re passed a group commendation so c’mon and let me show how proud of you I am. How much pride I have in you personally.” 
He knows what Laxus is alluding to and his flush and the rising want in him speaks of his own willingness but it’s never come easy for him to relax in some ways even with Laxus. He’s always held himself to such stringent rules. “I…” 
“You are horribly bad at just letting someone take care of you,” Laxus chuckles before he leans and nips at his neck against, “So just let me call the shots, Rune-caster. You know you are safe with me.” 
“Never safer,” comes the immediate agreement. 
“Good, so c’mon now,” Laxus coaxes, “Nothin’ is gonna go wrong if ya let yerself relax. Promise, Freed. Ever and Bix are safe, I am safe, the guild is safe.”
“Pretty sure that should be enough,” he sighs. 
“Hey, none of that,” Laxus rebukes but gently before nipping again drawing another sound from low in Freed’s throat, “Yer particular and ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.” “S-sure about that?” 
“Absolutely,” Laxus responds, “So let’s go.” 
Freed lets himself be escorted back to a familiar apartment and then into Laxus’ room. The door is barely closed before Laxus’ mouth is against his and his body pressed against it. And it’s all it takes before his eyes are fluttering and he’s making soft sounds of delight low in his throat. Heat suffuses along his body at the familiar taste of Laxus mixed with the alcohol he’d been drinking. Laxus’ magics might burn things faster but for Freed it’s enough to have him a bit lightheaded. 
Laxus breaks the kiss with a grin. “Have to say; best damn sight is you flushed and relaxed,” he murmurs before fingers move downwards, “though maybe with a lot fewer layers.”
Freed flushes but allows him to tug the shirt up and over his head. The desire to tell him not to let it wrinkle follows but he chooses to just let it be, deciding that for now it was alright to be a little messy. Laxus kneeling definitely gives him a better focus and he watches him work on removing his footwear lifting each leg as the other instructs. It’s something to see the other on his knees; a sight that takes Freed aback just a little bit. “Laxus…”
It earns a soft chuckle as the blond moves the items away against the wall. “I told you to let me take care of you and I meant it so relax, okay?” 
“I know who you are. I know better than anyone which means I know that you are in need of some pampering and I happen to like that thought very much so you are going to let me do that.” 
Freed swallows. “You know it’s not easy.” 
“Of course I know. You work so hard keeping everyone else safe and happy. Well, I’m here to do that for you. Took me way too long to figure out just how lucky I am to have you in my life. I will not make that mistake again.” 
Freed wants to correct him or at the very least assure him that the past was in the past and it should stay there but Laxus rises and picks him up before he has a chance, a soft sound of surprise escaping instead. “So, tonight you are mine and I’m going to love and pamper you until you are too exhausted to do more than sleep.”
“If I agree will you still be with me when I wake up?” 
“Don’t have obligations to anyone but you so yeah kind of the plan there, Rune-caster.”
Freed leans and cups his face before kissing him softly, sweetly. “Very well, Laxus Dreyer, I accept your terms and conditions.” 
It earns a low laugh. “Good, would hate to have to tie you up to make you compliant though don’t think you would mind that all that much.” 
Freed would be offended but he’s too focused on being laid on the bed and the feel of Laxus’ fingers just beneath the waistband of his pants. His hips shift upwards without much prompting which is a bit embarrassing but he’s always seen himself as too eager in some ways when it comes to the blonde before him. The approving grin eases that somewhat before those fingers would dip into the final layer and Freed shudders before pressing closer letting himself rub against his fingers. “Fuck do I love how much you want me, Freed.” Freed swallows at that before he manages, “I always want you. Sometimes, I wonder if that’s half the problem.” 
“Nah, means you have spectacular taste,” he murmurs as he slowly drags the items down letting Freed see the look of heated delight that follows and the way the blond’s tongue darts out. “Hell, I’m the lucky one to have you splayed like this whenever I like.” 
Freed swallows because he can tell that Laxus is being honest. There were no secrets between them in this room. That was the promise made. That they could be themselves with each other. Even if no one else saw who they were fully and completely; they always would. This was their safe space made especially for Freed who tended to hide more than he allowed anyone to see of himself. “You know that I’m far too willing when it comes to you.” 
“Oh, I know. Makes me the luckiest guy in all of Fiore.” He follows this with leaning to kiss him because he knows Freed will add on that it wasn’t a compliment and he’s not about to listen to it. Not right now. Not with the adrenaline that had been pumping hours prior has turned into a familiar heated desire that rose when he was around this man alone. No, he wasn’t going to let hangups get in the way of the heat between them. Not tonight. He breaks the kiss to pepper them along the male’s cheek and down his jaw and throat, nipping intermittently knowing just how to keep his attention on him. Sucking at a particular patch of skin right by Freed’s Adam's apple draws a soft sound as he squirms and Laxus knows he’s losing his control.
And it is definitely a beautiful sight for the blond because he knows that the rune mage had a clear preference for being in control and composed at all times. So being able to take his time and watch him fall apart in bliss is a sight that he cannot help the need to see this through. So it’s a slow disobing as he moves along the other keeping Freed pliant and shivering beneath him. Letting him think too much or focus would only have him becoming embarrassed. Laxus had to make him pliant and hungry before he’d relent. 
“Laxusss…” he sighs at a particular spot that has heat coiling through him. Laxus grins and repeats a few times just to have that repetition and him squirming and pressing closer. 
“Sounds like ‘m doin’ somethin’ right,” he murmurs against hot flushed skin. 
“Something,” comes Freed’s breathy agreement, “Th-though I wish you would do something right lower down.” 
Laxus gives a fanged grin. “Is that so?”
“Y-yes,” comes Freed’s husky agreement, “That is so.” 
“Suppose I should do as my captain says?” 
“W-would do well to keep me happy.” 
Laxus’ fingers slide down to lightly stroke along the pants at his inner thigh. “Mm, now there is an idea; keeping my very strict, rule-keeping rune mage happy. Wonder how that looks…” 
Freed’s lips purse though the light drag of Laxus’ fingers over his covered groin has him arching with a panted whine and a low, “L-Laxus!” 
“Freed,” he cannot help teasing as he watches the response feeling a surge of possessive delight. He could not help how fantastic it was to see Freed splayed, his hair coming undone and his skin flushed with want. “You seem to miss how enthrallin’ ya are when your like this. I can’t help the fact that you make me the happiest guy when you relax, when you beg me to touch you, taste you, take you apart. I like this disheveled needy side of you that only I get to see. So let me savor that, okay?” 
Freed worries his bottom lip because it’s not easy for him to allow himself to just feel for the sake of it, to be vulnerable and honest with his feelings. However, he knows how good it feels and how good Laxus likes to be to him. “Okay,” he manages, “Just, you know, try to keep me distracted. You know how I am.” 
Laxus chuckles. “Oh, I know. You are particular and composed which makes the best thing when I can just make you lose all of that and just want me. So you leave that to me, okay? Leave yourself in my hands. I’ve got you.” 
There is no hesitation in Freed as he gazes at him. “I know you do. I’ve always trusted in you, Laxus, I always will.” 
The blond gives a fanged grin. “Good, because I intend to make it worth your while and leave you needing a day or two in order to recover from me.” 
“Just…” Freed sighs and flushes, “Try not to leave marks that the others can see. I do not want to set up runes because someone has to tease me for them.” 
Laxus grins. “No truly visible marks? No problem. I can do that. Anything else?” 
“Just…see if you can get me to forget my own name.” 
“Ooh, okay. Challenge accepted, Runecaster. Challenge accepted.” And Laxus never intended on doing anything or taking on anything without winning. It wasn’t in his nature and they both knew this.
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bisexualninjafae · 2 years
Beach Mission Madness
Here is my second entry for the FT Reverse Big Bang 2022 hosted by @ftguildevents . This story is accompanied by some amazing art by @pokeprism14 which you can see here:
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sandwitchstories · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet Characters: Erza Scarlet, Jellal Fernandes, Makarov Dreyar Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Mentions of other characters - Freeform, Implied/Referenced Sex, Nudity, Manipulation, Romance, Established Relationship, Tower of Heaven Arc, Childhood Trauma, The magic council - Freeform, not the Erza you know, they really do love each other, Plotting, Rakuen no Tou | Tower of Heaven Arc, Angst, Angst and Romance Summary:
Erza Scarlet is an incredibly strong mage. She is devoted, capable, beautiful and deadly. She is haunted by a past of horrors, but stands strong beside Jellal as his right hand, and his lover. The only question is...how far is she willing to go to make their dreams a reality? Hey everyone! Here is my second entry for @ftguildevents Reverse Big Bang of 2022! In this universe, Erza never left the Tower of Heaven as a child, she was never a part of Fairy Tail. I was partnered with the wonderful and talented NemesorPrime (Daitwo) and lucky enough to write for this stunning artwork right here! It came out SO GOOD! I want to give a HUGE thank you to my friend and beta reader @nalufever !  By my side through middle of the night rewrites and anxiety over all the words! lol! And I want to thank the mods once again for all their hard work. It was a great experience all around, I can’t wait to do it again! 
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raptorbox · 2 years
When Lucy is hit by a spell that makes her cold from the inside-out, Erza steps up to help her through the night. Lucy struggles with both the effects of the spell and her crush on Erza.
Pairing: Lucy/Erza Rating: G Words: 2950 Tags: Sharing a bed, Caretaking, Getting together
my piece for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022! a day late but
based on the art by @curiouswren right over here!
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Hi!!! I participated in the reverse bang hosted by @ftguildevents! I was partnered with @sheltered-uno, whose art you can find here!
You can find my story on AO3 or FFN, whichever you prefer! Enjoy!
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Beach Mission Madness
by Cupcakes_and_Nightmares
There is a mission at Akane beach. What happens when team Natsu plus Juvia take the mission? They take care of business and take some time to enjoy the beach. Just some fun fluffy fun.
Words: 2415, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Charle | Carla, Happy (Fairy Tail), Wendy Marvell, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Plue (Fairy Tail), Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail Guild
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster & Lucy Heartfilia & Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser, Juvia Lockser & Erza Scarlet, Charle | Carla & Natsu & Gray & Happy & Lucy & Wendy & Erza, Lucy Heartfilia & Juvia Lockser
Additional Tags: Missions, Day At The Beach, Fun, Friendship, ftrbb2022
Source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39311337
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I posted 1,769 times in 2022
That's 216 more posts than 2021!
16 posts created (1%)
1,753 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 857 of my posts in 2022
#fairy tail - 281 posts
#bnha - 129 posts
#one piece - 107 posts
#naruto - 86 posts
#writing tips - 35 posts
#dragon age - 34 posts
#shameless self-promo - 21 posts
#black clover - 17 posts
#mairimashita! iruma kun - 17 posts
#gratsu - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 62 characters
#shameless promo of the fanart my fic for ftrbb2022 is based on
My Top Posts in 2022:
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a late submission for Gratsu Weekend 2022 titled Warmth.
Read it on AO3
13 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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another fic for Gratsu Weekend 2022. Read it here
15 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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my new gratsu fic Emergence
18 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Of Immanence (and how to find the way beyond)
My Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 entry is here. Ekid provided the beautiful and amazing art.
title:  ​Of Immanence (and how to find the way beyond) pairing: Gray x Natsu rating: M (angst, angst, angst hence M) word count: 6k relevant tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort link to full fic on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39128193 link to art: https://ftguildevents.tumblr.com/post/684910663446953984/entry-from-rellanokid-on-instagram-this-art summary:
The foray into the Alvarez Empire leaves Natsu and Gray transfigured and mentally scarred: one exhibiting a horn, a wing, and scales; the other grappling with a murderous voice sweet-talking him into killing his best friend.
While Natsu falls into the darkness of his own making, Gray is left to navigate being the optimistic and cheerful one.
He fails the cheerful part though, and while optimism has never been his forte, he does what he can. The alternative is quite dreadful.
immanence - the state of being within or not going beyond a given domain; existing or remaining within, inherent; restricted entirely to the mind, subjective.
here’s the excerpt, read the rest with the link to ao3
Something is wrong.
The magic aura surrounding E.N.D. suddenly grows stronger, curls tighter around it, and the demon freezes in its tracks. Gray watches with interest brimming under his skin. It’s almost like deep inside he wants a fight; it’s a compulsion stronger than he’s ever felt. That same amalgamation of feelings guided him to Natsu—to E.N.D., and now, as though he has tasted the forbidden fruit, he can’t stop.
The demon’s face clears from the insane anger that was present just a moment ago. It’s just Natsu now, but Gray doesn’t buy it. E.N.D. is the strongest and the most cunning Etherious, the one that hid among them for a long time, and Gray will stop it once and for all.
“Gray,” the demon whispers in a ragged tone that doesn’t really suit it. As though being stoked, the flames of the fiery aura of magical power snap and burn brighter. E.N.D. falls to his knees.
Gray’s pretty sure the demon is acting, but if not he welcomes the opportunity to take the bastard down. In a corner of his mind, something screams at him that it's Natsu making that confused expression, that it's Natsu who's groaning in pain, but he ignores it. He makes himself stay away—at the distance where he won’t be easily overtaken, even if his stomach churns with a dreadful feeling he can’t really name at the moment.
Natsu’s waistcoat is already in tatters, sleeves missing, waist panels uneven, though the black fabric around his back and shoulders seems to have fared much better than the rest. As the demon hunches down, Gray can see something protruding from its back, and the cloth seems to be speared from inward out. A darkish…growth? Gray thinks, shell-shocked. It’s red and pulsing and seemingly growing in front of his eyes. What the hell—
He snaps to attention as E.N.—Natsu lets out a blood-curdling cry, curling into himself as though he’s in pain.
There has been something heavy winding in Gray’s chest for some time now, like a container being constantly being filled and filled and filled, only for the contents to burst out and smother him with a laden weight when he heard his best friend scream in agony.
Fuck it! He’s halfway to Natsu’s side before he registers the thought. He skids to a halt, barely balancing over the dry, rocky landscape, and drops to his knees.
“Pain on the scale from one to five!” he barks.
Despite Natsu’s eyes being unfocused, he does reply weakly, “Three and a half.” A cough wrecks his stooped form. “It’s weird, I never felt something like that.”
And that’s an understatement of the fucking year considering Gray has yet to identify whatever the bloody hell is growing from Natsu’s shoulder blade. Was he hit by some spell? Or is maybe Natsu’s magic acting up?
Before he can even list all the questions he has, Natsu is curling into himself again, groaning and thrashing about. So Gray places his hand on his lower back as though that would help him.
It would be very easy to kill him like this.
The thought is unbidden, foreign—like it doesn't fit his mind. It’s loud as though a voice spoke. Gray recoils. A chill goes down his spine. Can he even trust his own mind? He’s currently somewhere between confused, scared, and horrified, which doesn’t help the agitation rolling through his body for not being able to help Natsu in any way.
Natsu freezes then shouts incoherently, his limbs flail over the ground, and it ends up dislodging his hand—and then there’s a scaly, veined, dark red wing (a wing!) unfurling right in front of Gray’s widened eyes.
Tense seconds crawl by as he looks from the newly formed appendage to Natsu who pants loudly, then back at it. Nothing is normal about what just transpired, but considering Natsu is a dragon slayer mage that wields an ancient type of magical power, unexpected should be expected. Gray cannot explain how exactly it came into existence.
He strokes Natsu’s back in a sort of a soothing manner, though it seems to be more of a reassurance for himself that Natsu is there, alive and breathing, and Gray isn’t sure what to think anymore.
Something feels odd. But then again, this whole situation is peculiar. A soft whimper calls Gray’s attention back to the base of the wing, and he realizes what struck him as odd.
His right hand is perfectly camouflaged against the inky clothing of Natsu's waistcoat because it is still black—scratch that, his whole arm is fucking pitch-dark. He blinks once, twice, and activates his devil slayer powers just to have that same black leathery skin light up with white markings. When he powers it down the markings go but the skin stays the same.
Yeah. Fuck. That officially makes today all kinds of messed up.
He startles when Natsu cries out again, this time clutching his head. Considering Gray’s not in any kind of danger beyond potentially having tough luck trying to match clothing color with his complexion in the future, he ignores his own predicament and ambles around to bring Natsu into a hug.
See the full post
22 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Legend’s Fairy Tail fics Master list
1. A Sham
Wherein Gray, tired of Juvia's advances, gets Natsu to agree to be his fake boyfriend. As with every ridiculous idea, things don't really go as planned.
Gray x Natsu; rating - T; multi; 17k
I love this story so much because it was the first time I experimented with my writing and finally found the voice that fits me. 
2. Fruitful exhibition
Gray is a closeted exhibitionist and gains a voyeur while training in the forest.
Gray x Natsu; rating - E; oneshot; 4,6k 
my first gratsu ‘porn without plot’ fic, I was really proud when I wrote it lol
3. Emergence 
A Fusion AU written for day 1: prompt create of Gratsu weekend 2022
rating - T; oneshot; 1,6k
Can be read as both gratsu and brotp fic, there’s not much shipping though.
4. On a Dare
“Wyverns are like little brothers to dragons.” “Oh, shut your trap or I’ll shut it for you. Permanently.” “What are you going to do?” Gray asked, barked a short laugh, then shifted to look Natsu directly in his eyes. “Kiss me or something.” Natsu did kiss him. Gray should’ve known better than to challenge him.
Written for day 2: prompt challenge of Gratsu weekend 2022
Gray x Natsu; rating - T; oneshot for now, plan to add one more chapter; 1,8k
5. Warmth
Wherein Gray and Natsu have a tradition of helping each other relax.
Written for day 4: prompt tradition of Gratsu weekend 2022
Gray x Natsu; rating - E; oneshot; 2,1k
6. Of Immanence (and how to find the way beyond)
The foray into the Alvarez Empire leaves Natsu and Gray transfigured and mentally scarred: one exhibiting a horn, a wing, and scales; the other grappling with a murderous voice sweet-talking him into killing his best friend.
Written for Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022
Gray x Natsu (mostly brotp); rating - M; oneshot; 6k; relevant tags: angst, hurt/comfort
This is one of my favourites, so go ahead and read if you haven’t already.
7. Of Acceptance (and learning to trust completely)
*continuation oneshot of Of Immanence Natsu and Gray take their relationship to the next level. All it takes is a bit of trust, sinful whispers, and sharp teeth.
Gray x Natsu; rating - E; oneshot; 4.6k; relevant tags: porn with feelings, blood, biting
I had so much fun writing this one since from starting Of Immanence I already wanted to tell this part of the story as well.
See the full post
33 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Bound Together
Series: Fairy Tail
Rating: G
Pairing: Gajeel x Freed
Setting: Magic!AU 
For my part in the Fairy Tail Reverse bang; I chose this stunning image of Gajeel and Freed and this is what came of it; Freed is a prince in a land of magic where some partnerships are based on magics binding them together. I hope I did this artist justice because their work is spectacular!! 
*~* Freed tosses with a low sound before curling on his side feeling the sweat beading and sliding down his skin. His fingers clutch the sheets as he shivers before the desire to throw the blankets off scorches along his nerves. In all his years, he can’t ever remember feeling anything like this; hot and miserable and sick. The blankets are more suffocating than anything twisting and keeping him captive. He had to get out of that bed. It’s a fight to get untangled and then onto his feet. Stumbling on shaky legs he navigates the twisting corridors nearly by memory and ends up outside in the chilly night air. A few feet has him staggering and then dropping onto the cool grass with a low sound of discomfort It’s only when he feels vibrations that he realizes that someone has come upon him and he is too out of it to even wonder if this was how he died when a hand touches his; a cool hand and something wild and hot settles. His vision slowly returns and he gazes up into red eyes that seem more alarmed than relieved. “Shit,” the voice says, “This…this ain’t good.” His vision dims and Freed is unconscious before he can fully register what was said. It’s the waking up that has him more concerned; a slow state like the honey that was often served with bread at meals. But finally, he blinks upwards and it takes him a moment before he realizes that this is not his room. Nothing here is familiar so he jerks upwards. “Whoa, take it easy for ya hurt yerself.” The warning comes from a voice both familiar and alien and Freed shifts his attention to a dark haired male sitting beside the bed. It’s the red eyes that are familiar. “Wh-what…who are you?” “Gajeel Redfox,” comes the bemused response, “And apparently ‘m yer Match.”  Freed blinks a few times. “My…But royals are not…”  “Well, hate ta be th’ bearer of bad news but ya are. Apparently.”  Freed is still trying to wrap his mind around this before realizing that not once has this stranger used his title. While that was a breach of protocol there is a strange sense of pleasure that comes with not hearing it. “Is that why I felt so ill?”  “Yeah, that was yer magic. Didn’t seem ta like th’ palace. Who woulda thought?” Freed’s lips curve at the words. “You should be careful of how flippant you are.” “That so?” the stranger asks as he rises before stepping closer and reaching out. His hand doesn’t even connect before Freed feels something spark along him. “What’re they gonna do, execute me? ‘M bound to ya. Would not end well in that case.” “Where am I?” “Servants quarters,” comes the response, “Figured it wouldn’t do ta make a big deal outta it.” “Except I’m pretty sure the palace knows I am gone and…” “Your personal servant knows,” Gajeel interrupts, “As do yer father’s advisors who are gonna wanna see ya.” Well, at least it wasn’t his parents. Not yet. Freed can only imagine how that conversation will go though he has to think that him not being their firstborn would not make this into a mess. However, he’s very sure that it will be a mess. Things here often were no matter how much Freed disliked that. Chaos was not something he enjoyed in his life, however, something tells him that he’s got nothing but that from the wild-haired stranger who was now his partner. *~*~*~*~*~*~* “Hello, highness.” Freed isn’t sure that he likes the tone leveled at him. It was soft and almost too kind. He’s pretty sure it’s not followed by anything pleasant. “I have a feeling you’re about to say something that I do not want to hear aren’t you?” “Well, that depends on how you see it.” Freed’s lips purse a moment before he slowly sinks into a plush seat. “Just tell me the truth.” “The truth is, plainly, that you are Matched whether or not your parents will agree or like it very much. There is nothing that can be done. You will be married to this Gajeel Redfox.” Freed closes his eyes a moment. “I do not see my parents taking this at all well. But at least I am not the heir to their throne or they might really have a meltdown.” “I am sure that would definitely not please them. But you are the first ever and perhaps they will see that as a good thing.”  “In the end,” Freed says quietly, “It doesn’t matter how they see it. Matched partners are bound regardless of position or gender.” “Yes, that is pretty much where we are. But you know that they will bluster. So I wanted to have this conversation so that you will let us handle your parents.”  “I can…”  “Whether or not you can, Prince Freed, is not the point. The point is that you don’t have to. This is our job. Let us do it.” *~*~*~*~*~*~* “You are a prince! There are obligations that you are supposed to fulfill!”  “I am a prince,” comes the easy agreement before would come, “but I am not the heir. And do you have such little faith in him to…”  “That is not what we are saying!”  “Well to be fair,” Freed says dryly, “that is exactly how it comes off.”  “Freed Justine, you are not going to just march in here and declare that you are somehow matched with…with…” Lips curve upwards as he waits for the spluttering to continue before murmuring, “Is it that my match is male that disturbs you or that he is a gladiator?” “He is not worthy!” Freed walks calmly across the room though there is a storm in blue eyes. “His magic and mine say otherwise, you realize.” “This has to be a mistake, a plot. I’ll talk to my advisors and…” “I already did that,” Freed interrupts, “You think that I wasn’t as offset as you are? We spoke on the matter and there is no plot. There is no dark magic at work. We are Matched. There is nothing else to be done for or about it. You both know the laws as I do.” “We can change them!” Freed shakes his head. “No, not in this. This is how it has been and it works. Gajeel and my magic are entwined. There is no other recourse than…marriage.” “What will the people say?” Reputation. That was their concern. Freed had suspected it would be which is why he had to be sure before he told them. This was not a usual situation in a royal household. The advisors had told him that much when they gave him the news. And warned him that it might be tricky going forward.  Tricky. That would be one word for it. “Whether or not they approve is not the point in this; I cannot change it and neither can Gajeel. You can have all the doubts and fears you want, as do I, but there is no changing the facts as they stand. Everyone would only be served by adjusting as I will have to.” He gives a tight-lipped smile before adding, “Or would you prefer that the first Match within a royal family ends in death because of disapproval? I believe that might be more of a scandal than this.”  *~*~*~*~*~*~* “Yer Highness.” The title has his shoulders tensing a moment before the teasing quality registers and Freed finds himself huffing slightly. “You are the only person who can make that an insult, you realize. And that could earn you a death sentence.”  “Uh huh,” comes the bemused response, “‘Cause I’m sure that’s how it’s gonna end.”  Despite the earlier jibe, Freed’s lips curve upwards at the edges. “I suppose you do have a point but you could pretend that titles come easier to you.”  “Why? I know how much sycophants irritate ya.”  Gazing over his shoulder at the dark haired figure who by all accounts should not be here like this, Freed’s gaze softens somewhat. “I did make mention of that, did I not?”  “Mmhmm,” comes Gajeel’s murmur, dark eyes filling with mirth, “A coupla times. At least.” “Sounds about right,” Freed consents after a long moment, “So what brings you to me?”  “I can think  of a few thin’s,” Gajeel remarks as he settles against the side of the throne with a grin, “I mean considering that we’re partners figured ya could spend some time wit’ someone who ain’t tryin’ ta see how big of a vein can appear on yer pretty forehead.” “My parents will not be gone long.” “Yeah, I know. I’ll be gone ‘fore they return. Honestly, how long is this song an’ dance gonna go on fer? They know our laws.” Freed shakes his head and chuckles before murmuring, “Oh, they are very good at avoidance.” “‘M sure that’s helpin’ thin’s.” Freed shifts so he can gaze at the other before reaching to lightly brush a knuckle. “I know that this hasn’t been exactly a great time for you and I am sorry. If I could…” “Yer not the problem. Ain’t ever been. ‘S this whole goddamn ideal of what makes one worthy that makes my head hurt. I mean have ya met have th’ royal twats who…”  “Language, Gajeel.”  “Language is what it needs ta be. I’ve seen the idiots they’ve paraded through here. Ain’t a onna of ‘em who ever learned who ya were beyond th’ title.”  “That’s just…”  “Don’ tell me that’s jus’ the way it is. Ain’t ever a good partnership that way.”  “Well, most royals aren’t magically-inclined so it’s not like that’s how we choose. I am the first in a very long time and no one was prepared for it.” “See, that’s another thin’: how is it that only the royals in these places don’t? Doesn’t it make it seem…sorta unbalanced in that way?”  “That’s…” Freed’s voice trails off into another sigh and he leans back against the throne, “It’s probably for the best , don’t you think? The king has enough power over the people. Can you imagine going up against one with magic?” “Suppose that would not end well,” Gajeel surmises before adding, “But would not have this goin’ on.”  “It won’t be forever because even they can’t avoid it no matter how they truly think about it.”  Gajeel snorts softly. “Yeah, suppose they can’t. Though they seem to wanna think they can.”  Freed gives him a softer grin. “Well, can you blame them? You are quite not what they would have ever expected for a partner for me.”  “And what about you? Did ya ever have an idea?”  Freed is quiet before he murmurs, “I don’t think I want to answer that.”  Gajeel laughs. “Oh, that is more an answer than you think, highness.”  “Freed. It’s Freed, Gajeel. Learn to use that would you?”  “I know what yer name is. I jus’ like th’ look of annoyance ya flash. Yer scrunched nose is really quite cute.”   *~*~*~*~* “Yer morons.”  “Gajeel,” Freed warns though the familiar thrum of the other’s almost wild magic curls and crackles around his own.  “Well, they are,” Gajeel retorts, “That they ever thought…”  “Their thinking doesn’t matter,” Freed retorts, “Focus and let’s get this finished. We didn’t get them out here for a conversation.”  “Suppose we didn’t,” he responds bemusedly, “but it’s a first when yer wantin’ violence, ya realize.”  “They attacked us, attacked you,” comes Freed’s terse response as his flickering magics show his irritation, “There is no other option at that point.” “And everyone thinks ‘m the bloodthirsty one,” Gajeel chuckles as his sword forms: large with broad spikes; a wild magic just like the man who used it, “You do know it takes more than this to actually put me at risk, right?”  “It’s not about that,” Freed retorts as his own blades slimmer and more elegant form as well, “No one endangers those I love, threatens them with death, and lives.” At that, Gajeel gives a wide, toothy grin. “Well, then, yer highness, let’s show ‘em just who they are dealin’ wit’ yeah?” For the first time, his expression matches the deviant smile on his partners. “Let us,” he murmurs, “It shall be the last mistake they ever make.” 
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nalufever · 2 years
Raging Shoes
Here’s my second piece for the Fairy Tail Reverse Bang of 2022!! Thanks to my beta readers @impracticaldemon and @sandwitchstories
READ on A03   or   Fanfiction 
or even here on tumblr ~ Created after inspiration of the lovely fan art of @bbitterpink <<see fab art HERE>> @ftguildevents @fairytailevents
Bickslow incites violence at the best of times and the worst of times. In fact, at ALL times. 
It wasn’t unusual to wake up disheveled, sweaty, and with random bruises for the Rajinshuu tribe. But, it was unexpected after a day of celebration. Getting wrecked should happen after fighting pirates, mermaids, or pygmy goats. Now that had been super strange, but goats are almost as lethal as llamas and twice as evil.
Evergreen groaned and pushed lank hair out of her eyes, snagging a few tendrils on the nose pads of her glasses. She hissed in disgust and winced, involuntarily snapping her head back as bright light threatened to burn out her retinas. The motion meant her hair yanked her glasses higgelty piggelty from her face, as she raised an arm. She cursed and then moaned as her words echoed in her throbbing brain, crashing around what had once been prime thinking real estate. The only coherent message was a fervent, “Never again!”
“Shut up with the morning screeches, would ya?” Bickslow not so playfully slugged Freed’s shoulder. “You look fine to me.”
Electric green hair and blazing eyes glared at the oblivious Seith, silently and murderously trying to convey an eternity’s worth of ire and disgust. When Bickslow’s head didn’t explode, Freed took several calming breaths and managed to sound marginally less homicidal. “Nobody in their right mind ever cares what you think, Bickslow. NOBODY. EVER.”
“Pfft. How is it after a party you always make it obvious you were never breastfed?”
“Do I have to zap you again?” Laxus frowned and crossed his heavily muscled arms across his chest. Normally he’d look damn intimidating with this maneuver. The bright yellow sunflower dotted shirt on a swirling field of purple and green he wore was clashing with the lumberjack red plaid jacket. And then there were the khaki green cargo shorts. He turned and settled his ominous gaze on Bickslow, his voice gruff. “We banned that word.”
“Only because I said that you looked like you’d be able to feed a boatload of ba–”
Freed combined an angry sigh and a self-pitying groan as he clapped his hand over Bickslow’s stupid mouth, trying to stop his teammate from immolation. His conscience knew he’d be rewarded for this good deed, but as Bickslow struggled to continue his ill-advised words, the trapped souls wearing wooden shells began to stir and protect their master. Pappa and Puppu pummeled Freed’s kidneys, with Peppe yanking Freed’s hair, and Poppo making strafing runs from the ceiling that barely missed the top of Freed’s head. Pippi flew into Freed’s ankles over and over.
Bickslow smirked, licking his lips as Freed gave up and released his grip over his mouth. The Seith faked a cough to cover his laughter as he watched his friend frantically wipe off all the slobber from his unlucky hands. It was so funny to watch the normally neatly coiffed and groomed man search frantically for a towel, a handkerchief, even a clean bit of shirt - and find nothing useful in the remnants of their tornado-struck hotel room. 
Freed settled for wiping his offended fingers on his upper thigh and then yelped. Instead of his usual well cared for and classically styled outfit, he was wearing… corduroy. Worse, he was wearing corduroy lederhosen. The knee-high socks were a nice argyle, but the velvety rows of the short pants were now wet from spit and clumpy from whatever powder the dark lords had seen fit to douse him - and his teammates - with; Laxus, Bickslow, and even the dolls were coated with a dusting of white powder.
“I never thought you’d need to be reprimanded like Bickslow, Freed.” Laxus rubbed his head, trying to soothe the ache now making itself known from under his scar. He shook his head and fine dust flew all around the room, he inhaled a small portion of the white substance and sneezed.
Both Bickslow and Freed grabbed onto one another, expecting lightning to fry them where they stood. Nothing adverse happened.
Bickslow sniffed the air like a hound dog and grabbed at Freed’s arm where a particularly large portion of white powder was still lodged. He licked it, taking another portion as Freed displayed his disgust. Smacking his lips noisily, Bickslow leaned closer to Freed’s face. “Did we do karaoke last night?”
Laxus stopped shaking the white powder from his coiffure and odd collection of clothes that weren’t his. Trying to keep his dignity - of which he obviously did not know what he looked like - he sampled a small portion of the white powder on his forearm.
The dolls zoomed over to a giant beige sack and flew it around the room. They crashed into the ceiling fan and upended the bag, sending the rest of the contents down in a blizzard of white.
“We did!” Bickslow began to cackle, “Pour some sugar on me!” and his dolls began to chant along with him; the refrain: ‘Sugar on me! Sugar on me! Sugar on me!’
A good five minutes rolled past before the cloud of sugar settled and Freed, Bickslow and Laxus stopped coughing.
“Where the hell did we get such a big bag of icing sugar?” Laxus began to look in earnest around their room, not overly bothered by the wreckage. Crooked paintings and weird splotches of wet weren’t that unusual. It was the scattered garbage and empty food containers that were the most unsettling. Ever never allowed food to be wasted - and - she didn’t let them get cheap food. Nothing but the best for the best team was always what she said(and Laxus knew he was the absolute best indeed). While fast food was satisfying during a bout of drinking - that only happened on trips without Ever.
Brain cells finally clicking, the three men shouted, “Where’s Ever?!” with Bickslow’s dolls echoing, with more glee.
From out of the bathroom crawled a short, stocky man, wearing a designer tank top, linen trousers, flip flops, and Ever’s glasses. “Why the hell are you so loud?!”
Ever took stock of her situation. She was somewhere up high. She was under the noon sun, and wearing some kind of discount outfit except for her shoes. Those at least were a stunning pair of crystal-studded peep-toe pumps. Partially reassured by the high style of her footwear, Ever walked to the edge of the gravel-coated rooftop. She surveyed a normal townsfolk scene. People were walking about running errands, carrying purchases - meeting, greeting others. The sun was horridly bright. At least she was wearing somebody’s sunglasses even if her regular glasses were gone.
At the edge of the building, the breeze from being up high was strong but still humid. Her dress, a long maxi dress Ever would never normally be caught dead in - it clung damply to her legs. “Why is it that I always wake up like this after a bender? Was I a freaking bird in a previous life?” Her thoughts grumbled a bit more and she considered her options as her memories from last night filtered into her consciousness. She looked down at her feet again. Nice shoes, but not her own - not her favourite pair. How had she come to wear these? She tapped her toes.
“Chill dudes!” Random guy peered at the mages, squinting and making faces as he couldn’t focus properly. He pushed up his borrowed glasses and smiled broadly. “Better! What the hell did you give me?”
“Us, give you?” Freed looked at Bickslow and then Laxus. “We didn’t give you anything!”
“I might’ve.” Bickslow shrugged. “I’ve been known to share and share alike.” He slapped Freed’s shoulder. “Learn to relax, dude!”
A giant cloud of icing sugar came free from Freed’s clothes and all the men in the room started coughing again.
Laxus stomped over to the door, yanking it open and gesturing. “Let’s go find Ever.”
Journeys start with the smallest step. One at a time; from the beginning, you never know if it’s going to be an epic event or a prosaic walk in the park. And it’s always the smuggest of people who point out that it’s the trip together, not the final destination that makes it worthwhile. Smug, smug bastards.
><><><><><The Day Before><><><><><
Another job was put to rest and the Raijinshuu were celebrating back home in Magnolia, enjoying the imagined adulation of the rest of their guild. Ever took out her compact and checked out her flawless appearance one more time. Freed toyed with his drink, taking a small sip, enjoying the tang of bitters. Laxus breathed deep, drawing in a lungful of smoke from his cigar and blowing out a large floating circle. Bickslow tipped his head back and downed his third or fourth tankard of beer, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Disgraceful.” Ever snapped.
“Slovenly.” Freed agreed.
“Ease up,” growled Laxus. “Can’t we have one peaceful celebration?”
“Yeah. Stop being so snooty.” Bickslow raised his arm and signaled Mirajane for a refill, flipping the woman a coin. “Can’t a guy just enjoy being a guy?”
“More like a pig enjoying being a pig.” Ever tossed her head, almost snapping Freed in the eye with her errant tresses. “Freed would never be as crass as you.”
“Yeah, so?” Bickslow rolled his eyes and snorted. “Freed isn’t your typical guy. He’s not even what I’d consider a guy.” His voice turned scathing, very out of character for the customarily laid-back seith, “He’s,” he drawled the next thing he said, “alllllllllllllll kiiiiiinds of -”
Laxus’ eyes visibly sparked. “Consider what you say next very carefully.”
“What?!” Faux indignation and then a smirk was showcased on Bickslow’s face. “All I was gonna say, was Freed’s all kinds of a gentleman! Ain’t nobody as rigid and upright as Mr. Justine.”
“Thank you.” Freed sighed and shook his head. “I know this comes from a good place in your heart, and you’re doing the best you can with relating to actual live humans.” He held up a hand to forestall Evergreen’s sure-to-be impulsive retort against the perceived slur on himself. “I am considerably humbled you consider me to be a true gentleman.”
“He said you were rigid and uptight!” Evergreen snapped, disdain dripping from her voice. “He’s loose and low-down!”
“Upright.” Laxus blew a long stream of cigar smoke out of the corner of his mouth. “He said upright and he’s jerking you around like always, Ever. Bickslow enjoys pushing your buttons.”
“Somebody’s gotta mess with Ever.”
“Just ignore him.” Freed patted Evergreen’s well-manicured hand, stilling her twitching fingers with a good amount of pressure. “He’s always been a rabble-rouser and will always be such.”
“Thanks for the compliment!”
“You’re incorrigible!” Ever sneered, yanking her hand that was now a fist from under Freed’s grip, shaking it at Bickslow’s smug face. “Why do you have to be so impossible?”
“I’m quite sure I don’t know what you are getting at, my dear.” Bickslow affected a posh accent. “Quite sure.”
“How about I get you another drink?” Laxus stubbed out his cigar and rose to his feet. “You’ll feel better with a fifth of your favourite poison inside of you.”
“I will have nightmares about your chosen words. Nobody desires to think of anything residing within Ever’s body.” Bickslow shuddered. “Nightmares for myself, I declare!”
“Shut. Your. Rotten. Mouth.” Freed pounded his fist on the table. “You are picking up the wrong end of his words on purpose and we all know it!”
“I don’t ever want you to think of me and my body!” Ever glared, furious. “Ever. You are forbidden, do you hear me? Forbidden from ever, and I mean, ever -”
“Nobody would dare disrespect you, you know that, right?” Freed pushed back the urge to punch Bickslow in the eye - after all, there might be a chance to give him an accidental clout during the next fight their Thunder Tribe enjoyed. “Bickslow is merely exercising his natural joie de vivre, his urge to spout silliness, his -”
“Well, I do enjoy exercising my joie de vivre, but I never expected you to bring that up in polite company!” Bickslow rose from his seat and gestured crudely at his nether regions, his arms flinging backward after, smacking the returning Laxus who held the new drink which was vital to restoring Ever’s good graces.
In slow motion, the alcoholic elixir fell out of Laxus’ hands, spraying a veritable fountain of liquid into the air and over the whole of the Rajinshuu tribe, but mostly culminating in a very wet and very distressed Evergreen.
“My hair! My dress! My shoes!” Ever’s voice gained an octave with every syllable. “My god! I’ll murder you, Bickslow!”
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” All of Bickslow’s babies flew overhead and chanted in an eerie sing-song, giddy with sheer joy for spreading trouble. “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Me? Laxus dropped your drink!” Bickslow held his hand over his heart and did his best impression of a wounded fawn. “I would never stop you from getting drunk, I prefer you wasted.”
“Fine! I’ll murder you and him both!”
“That makes no sense!” Freed brushed the fragrant drink from his scarlet suit lapels. “Laxus only dropped the drink because Bickslow hit him.”
“What kind of dragonslayer can’t dodge a little ole seith? Seems to me that if he really cared about your well-being, Laxus would’ve brought you a gallon of booze, not just a teeny tiny drink.”
“A triple isn’t tiny,” Laxus grumbled to himself, “and it was expensive.”
“Quality, not quantity. Just because you drink beer by the gallon -” Freed’s indignation was cut off by the sheer impudence of Ever snapping her fan into his face.
Ever glared at all of her teammates. “I’m mad at everybody.” She stomped her foot, splashing herself with more booze and that made her more upset.
“Why are you mad at me? I merely pointed out Bickslow is the main perpetrator.” Freed grabbed Ever’s fan. “Quit it.”
“It was an accident!” Laxus couldn’t help the subtle whine in his voice, “I’m exhausted.”
“These are my best shoes and now they’re ruined!”
“So? They’re just shoes, why you gotta rage over something you can buy more of?” Bickslow snickered, “Rage-a-holic.”
“Shoes are life!” Both Ever and Freed shouted.
Laxus groaned. If they weren’t careful, all of the jewels they’d just earned would go to waste. His teammates had that look - the one he’d seen too many times; the look that said, ‘One more teeny tiny thing is going to set off a bomb.’
“Shoes, schmooze!” Bickslow giggled. “So angry raging about shoes!” 
Always and ever connected to their master, the flying tiki dolls repeated Bickslow as best they could. “Raging shoes!  Raging shoes! Raging Shoes!”
And thus the fuse was lit; what minutes ago had been a celebrating, happy, and pleasant team became an angry mob of screaming, hair-pulling, and unsportsmanlike ankle-biting hellions.
“I’ll show you rage over my shoes!” Ever yanked her fan free of Freed’s grasp, only somewhat accidentally hitting Laxus in the gut before slamming it over Bickslow’s helmeted melon, repeatedly as the poor seith was held in place by an equally irate Freed.
“My boots are soaked too!” Freed elbowed Bickslow. “Respect the footwear!”
Laxus rubbed his stomach, sighed, and reached over towards Bickslow, intending to pull him out of the fray. “That’s enough!”
Bickslow’s brood of dolls continued to chant, diving and swooping over the Rajinshuu tribe until Peppe struck Laxus’ hand a glancing blow. This was followed by Poppo and copied by Puppu, each knocking the same spot, aggravating the bruise Laxus had sustained during their mission. Pappa and Pippi flew down to hover over the table - closer to the new tankard of beer that had been sitting unnoticed through the argument. Mirajane, being no dummy, had set it down fast and returned to her vantage point to observe from behind the bar.
“You owe me new shoes!” Evergreen whacked Bickslow again. “My hair is ruined too!”
Bickslow asked, “Do you want shoes or a new wig?” He hunched his shoulders, doing his best to evade the now powerful pummeling blows of Ever’s fan.
“My hair is not a wig! How dare you!” Ever shrieked, “And these shoes are one of a kind! They’re special!”
“Must you rage over your shoes?” Bickslow snickered, “Raging shoes!”
Freed, who hadn’t shown suicidal tendencies before, started laughing. “He’s got you Ever, raging shoes suits you.”
Quick as a mongoose Ever turned on Freed. “You have an abnormal love of footwear too!”
Taking offense to how poorly their master was being treated, Pappa and Pippi hoisted the very large mug of beer, flying overtop the lawless melee.
“Ouch! Dammit! You’re nuts!” Bickslow tried to twist out of Freed’s grip, stepping backward and maybe stepping viciously on the man’s foot. “So much rage about shoes!”
Completely furious, Ever dove at Bickslow, knocking him and Freed over - and tripping Laxus who was on the bottom of the thrashing pile.
“Oh shit.” Mirajane couldn’t help herself but watch avidly as the perfect storm came to a head. The cute and devilish dolls were pouring the beer over the fighting group of mages. “Gramps is going to be pissed.”
“Oi!” Wakaba could ignore most things when he had better things to concern himself with - like a full beer for example, but he’d finished his drink, and his cards were quite crap, to be frank. “Keep it down!” He turned around to glare at the four-alarm circus behind him and his gambling cohorts.
Macao rolled his eyes and sighed. “Never mind what the Rajinshuu are doing, do you wanna get whammied with a lightning strike? Do you ante up or fold?”
Gildarts grunted and ducked as a single black boot came sailing over their table as they were trying to play a semi-friendly game of poker. “This is getting ridiculous.”
Cana was of two minds; on one hand, she hadn’t enjoyed a pub brawl in months, and on the other hand, her actual hand of cards was deplorable - and since Wakaba had no control over his tells, she knew his cards were just as terrible.
Max leaned against Laki and took hold of her hand. “You’re special to me, and I wanted to ask you-” A long purple coat with fuzzy bits trimmed all up and down itself sailed to land over the couple. “Ack!”
Reedus was pretty happy with himself. He’d just landed a very considerable commission to paint a series of portraits for an ungodly rich idiot, um, no, patron. Tonight was the perfect time to celebrate with food and several beverages. He smiled at his waitress as she set down his drink and platter of deep-fried goodness. “Thanks, Lisanna.” Reedus took a long satisfying gulp. He then picked up a chicken wing, inhaled how delicious it smelled, and closed his eyes, preparing to enjoy the fruits of his labour. A black leather boot (Freed’s) sailed high into the air and then arced down to bash poor Reedus in the back of the head, mashing his face into the very hot chicken he was attempting to eat, smearing lots of sauce over his face and scattering most of his food onto the table and floor. “ARGH! Blargh! Ugh!”
Erza raised her shot glass, clinking it against Lucy’s, Levy’s, and several others, high in the air. “Cheers!” It had been over a month of sobriety and tonight was party night. Normally she was the voice of reason and kept things from getting out of hand, but even she needed chances to blow off steam.
Gray elbowed Natsu and jerked his head over to where the Rajinshuu were uncustomarily creating a disturbance. “Looks like they’re trying to start something.”
Natsu looked over and back to his group of Nakama. “Anything they can do, we can do better.”
Evergreen’s ornate hand fan came whirling at lightspeed toward Erza and her friends, bonking Natsu upside the head, smacking Gray under his eye, and coming to rest in front of Erza.
“Shenanigans!” Erza gave a war-whoop, scooped up the fan, and used it to point at the scuffling Lightning tribe. “Vengeance shall be ours!” She lept to her feet and pulled Levy with her free hand. “Charge!”
“Gramps is gonna have kittens,” Mirajane shifted into her Helphas form. The whole guild was fighting - and logic dictated, why fight’em when you can join’em? She grinned and giggled to herself. They’d just have to find another insurance company.
Several things happened at once - Erza smacked the broad shoulders of Laxus with the fan, Reedus removed the remains of his feast from his face and took hold of the boot, Laki and Max disentangled themselves from Laxus’ purple coat, and Cana held the other troublesome boot.
Like electrons caught in a magnetic field, the Fairy Tail guild bar patrons truly had no choice - it was time to cause shenanigans.
Reedus was still a bit befuddled from the massive clout of the boot that seconds ago had been a missile - but it was pretty darn apparent to him that it was the Rajinshuu who’d ruined his celebration. The boot he held was immaculately clean and well-maintained, it had to belong to Freed.
Laki and Max looked at each other, looked at the coat, and over to the scuffling mages in the center of the bar.
“I’m gonna start zapping any minute!” Laxus thrashed ineffectually on the bottom of the pile. “Don’t think I won’t! Why the hell did you take my coat?! You are all gonna fry!”
Needing to make a big gesture, Max said to Laki, “Are you okay? I’m going to tell the Rajinshuu how rude they’re being!”
He took the coat and ran over to the scuffling mages - and Erza and Levy who were also tussling. Erza lost her tug of war with Ever for the fan as Max arrived at the melee and so snatched the coat from Max, using it to try and suffocate Bickslow. In seconds the fray expanded to include the rest of Erza’s group.
All it took was a sly wink from Cana. Wakaba threw his cards down and shouted, “Time to teach you punks a lesson!”
“I was totally winning this card game, and now we’re gonna kick your asses!” Cana hoisted the boot. “C’mon Macao, Gildarts, let’s get’em!”
Makarov watched from the upper walkway on the third floor. He considered wading in and stopping the brawl but instead shrugged and went to have a nap in his office. He’d have to change insurance companies again, but he’d had the foresight to up the policy last week, so this time he could do a really nice remodel. And, since it was too late to stop the havoc, he might as well dream about new construction. “Damn kids!”
Fighting is hard. It’s exhausting and painful. But oddly, sometimes it's fun, and that’s what the Thunder Tribe was having. Fun. Their private fight had expanded to catch all of their guildmates at the Fairy Tail bar. And whether or not it made sense, everybody was pushing, shoving, hair-pulling and carousing.
Laxus laughed and it proved infectious, spreading to Ever and Levy who were now playing tug of war with a boot. Ever was laughing because if Laxus was in good humour, then he’d forgive her earlier transgression of turning his shirt into stone and crushing it into pebbles. Levy had a bit more prosaic reason for her giggles - Gajeel had just gotten smacked in the face with a table. Yeah, a whole table - and the look on his face. Tee hee, priceless.
Erza let out a full-throated chuckle. Tonight was excellent! Fighting was fun, even play-fighting at the guild. “En Garde!” She waved the chicken wing liberated from Redus’ abandoned food and rushed to parry Freed’s hastily secured boot - that he’d been trying for close to ten minutes to put back on his foot. “You shall pay for interrupting my celebration!”
“Yours? I was unaware that you had sole command of the calendar.” Freed used his boot as if were a proper saber, slashing to block Erza’s poultry deflection. “We had just as great a need to party.”
“Your words sound like regret.” Erza pressed herself close to Freed and her mad eyes conveyed her conviction. “I’ll show you how to party.”
The whole of the guild was reveling in the particular chaos that always ensued with the minimal magic use type fighting; the hair-pulling, open-handed slaps, and ridiculous insults exchanged. Every person inside the building was involved; from Happy assisting Natsu to Romeo providing backup for his dad Macao. Gildarts did his best to restrain his chaos magic, Cana did her best to consume unattended drinks as she battled various Nakama, and Mirajane did her best to observe everybody’s interactions and remember any valuable gossip.
“Take that!” Natsu delivered a weak (by his standards) slap upside Gray’s face. Earlier he’d been fighting with the ice mage - but now, now was different. A very different story. As the tide had turned - so had he. “Hope you choke!”
Gray glared, the most cutting sneer he could manage. “Hope you strike out with Lucy!”
“How dare you! Then I hope Juvia realizes what a douche you are!”
“Die, bitch!” Gray had crazy in his eyes now. It was on; there were certain things you didn’t joke about - and Natsu had crossed the line.
Cana tossed back another unattended drink - there being many in the guild as most of her guild members were too busy playfighting each other to consume their beverages. “Laxus, why you gotta be so dumb?”
“Excuse me?” Laxus tilted his head this way and that, trying to make sense of what Cana was saying. Her conviction that he was dumb was pretty unfounded. He was the leader of the best team, and had the best powers. So he tried to think a little deeper about her words. “How am I dumb?”
“Let’s see,” Cana rolled her eyes and prepared to lie out her butt, “You’re naked from the waist up and if you flexed I’d be distracted for sure, so yeah, not that smart, are ya?” Oops. That was too close to the truth. “Um, ignore that.”
“Not gonna be able.” Laxus regained his usual superior smirk. “So you’re some kind of voyeur?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Cana resisted the urge to run her itchy hands over those luscious pectorals. “I consider myself a connoisseur.”
“A pervert by any other name.”
Cana shrugged. The time for lying was well and truly gone. But there was always time for distractions. “Look! Over there! A flying monkey!” She pointed and Laxus turned to watch - completely unprepared for the hard shove and chair Cana smashed (as lightly and considerately as she could) over his back. “Back to the battle!” Cana laughed and sprinted off to find more drinks.
As fast as shit fell to pieces, each group of mages fighting came to a certain level of calm. Instead of trying to beat each other senseless, they began enjoy their fisticuffs. Most importantly, they turned down the destruction of their actions into mild shenanigans.
Max and Laki had been tussling with Vjeter (not knowing exactly why) but battling with vigor because that’s how Fairy Tail was - when some sudden epiphany got them taking it easy.
Bisca had been about to smash her fist into Reedus’ guts when Alzack gave her a subtle head shake and so she instead shoved him over with merely a fifth of her power. The sudden calm washing over her mind had her questioning all her previous actions.
Erza wanted to howl her victory over her foes. But a small, tiny and nagging feeling made her reluctant. There was something wrong, but what? Oh, this wasn’t a full battle over a rival guild - this was only an altercation within the guild. Time to dial back hostilities. She bayed her opinion with a small general amount of animosity. “Repent!”
Mirajane was having the time of her life! The chaos! The smack talk between friends she’d overheard would fuel the gossip tank for weeks! The fervent fighting of her guildmates! The damage to the bar! The insurance claim was sure to be legendary. A small amount of concern befell the barmaid, and she stressed until she came up with the perfect solution. “Free drinks all around!”
Mira smiled sweetly and re-filled Ever’s giant margarita fishbowl glass with draft beer. “And then what did Levy do?”
“She got smacked upside the face with one of Freed’s boots when Gajeel’s face was smashed with a table, so she used her light pen to destroy the boot.” Ever giggled. “Those were limited edition boots! Freed is gonna have kittens!” She took a sip of her drink. “Did you change recipes? I don’t taste much tequila in this.”
The bubbly barmaid echoed Ever’s giggle. “You drank all the top-shelf stuff an hour ago. Don’t worry, you love beer once you’re shit-faced, doncha?”
Evergreen nodded, very distracted by noticing Lucy’s footwear. Her head swiveled to follow the blonde on her way to the restroom. “Those are so nice!”
Always happy to talk shopping, Lucy paused once she recognized the admiration. That was not the usual attention she garnered from Ever. “They were on sale!” She felt a pang from her bladder and quick-stepped on her way, but over her shoulder, she offered, “From Stedman’s on Maple Street!”
“Bickslow, Freed, and Laxus owe me shoes. Idiots ruined my heels.” Ever pouted mutinously. “I spent an ungodly amount of jewels on these -” she hoisted her foot onto the top of the bar, knocking over only three drinks to do so. “And now they’re ruined. Ruined!” Her voice cracked. She took another deep sip of her drink (fully half), burped, and wiped her lips with the back of her hand. “I need to go to Stedman’s. I can’t go around without impecc-, imppec, bad bootwear, no.” She triumphantly said, “Footwear!”
“Yes.” Mirajane nodded, unwilling to stop the trainwreck Ever was now captaining. “You should totes go and get new shoes!”
“I do owe you.” Bickslow agreed graciously. “Let’s go now! And we can get a new shirt for Laxus!”
Freed, who’d been lamenting his own ruined clothes sat up straight on his barstool. “Who’s replacing my poor boots?”
Laxus, always the bestest of friends, laughed. “You were gonna replace your old ones anyway. Just buy new and don’t cry.”
“Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Don’t cry!” chanted Bickslow’s babies.
“We gotta go now!” Ever pounded her fist on the bar and tossed back the rest of her drink. “Onwards to the sales!” She kicked off her ruined shoes and pointed her fist to the exit. “Let’s go!”
Mira watched the Lighting tribe stagger to their feet and follow the ultra inebriated Fairy Queen. To Lisanna she said, sotto voce. “Bet you tomorrow they don’t even remember tonight.”
Lisanna flat-out laughed. “As if I’d take that fool’s bet. We all know what they’re like.”
“Tee hee!” A sudden thought occurred to Mira. “D’you know of any new insurance companies?”
Ever pounded her fist on the storefront door. “I need shoes!”
Bickslow’s babies whirled around Bickslow’s head. Their anticipation was almost palpable. For once the harbinger of calm, Bickslow curtailed them - and their incipient chanting of ‘raging shoes’ was halted. Instead, the normally confrontational mage smirked. “We all need shoes and new clothes!”
Laxus made eye contact with the poor worker who was sidling toward the door with the intention to lock it. All he had to do was sneer and the man visibly gulped and gave up, instead, opening the door wide. “Welcome to Stedman’s.” Sotto voce to his coworker he complained, “I wanted to get done work early.”
The Rajinshu tribe sauntered inside and surveyed the small but elegantly appointed shop. Ever and Freed made a bee-line for the shoes, Laxus got distracted by the display of shirts, and Bickslow, ever the opportunist, made friends with the worker who’d done his best to lock them out of the store. “So, d’you know of any after-hours party bars?”
Strutting like rock stars, the Lightning tribe exited Stedman’s. Ever wore her new shoes and dress like they were straight off the runway in the best of fashion magazines. The maxi dress was maybe not what she’d normally wear - but she was lit - and drunk Ever did happen to agree with any salesperson who told her she looked fabulous. Who wouldn’t? The peep-toe pumps were delightful. Laxus wore his new lumberjack shirt with pride and Freed practically preened in his new lederhosen. Bickslow wore an ensemble close to his old clothes - and kept snickering to his new bestest friend, Lloyd - who happened to know of an excellent after-hours bar that was actually his own home.
After draining the very impressive bar that Lloyd had amassed, the new friends staggered from Lloyd’s house. They headed to the hotel room. The group had made a tradition of taking the first night back after a mission at a motel. It was more fun. Even though they spent a bunch of time together working, the lightning tribe did love relaxing with each other. No matter how much they might annoy each other at the same time.
“Is that a karaoke bar?” Lloyd pointed to a neon-lit sign. “I totes need to sing!”
“I’m the best.” Ever giggled.
Laxus grunted. He had a pretty good buzz on - and with at least one more drink he’d be able to live through anything Ever wanted to sing.
“Not as good as me.” Freed insisted. He was a little confused as to why the guy working at Stedman’s was still with them, but he was happy enough to keep drinking.
“Yaaaassssss!” Bickslow was thrilled. He hadn’t made mischief in almost twenty minutes so he was itching inside his skin. “I know the perfect song!”
The band of super drunk mages and one merchandiser staggered out of the karaoke bar. Lloyd was willing to bet he’d never top this experience - ever. He shuddered. That girl, Ever, Evergreen - oh, his poor ears… The dude with green hair was a great singer, and the blond guy with attitude was decent. But Ever, oh, her off-key singing made his ears want to vomit. At least Bickslow knew how to party.
Lloyd grinned at his new best friend Bickslow. That guy knew all the ins and outs of people like he knew their secret souls or something! He’d been able to jolly each person along and get them to do everything he wanted and all without the group figuring out they were being played. Lloyd had seen terrible customers at his job all the time, and a few decent people, but Bickslow was a force to be reckoned! 
The burly blond guy hadn’t wanted to sing at all, and in fact had been a bit of a grumpy pants. But all Bickslow had to do was infer that great leaders always sang the first song - and then he’d acted like it was his own idea to sing. Bickslow told the guy with green hair, oh yeah, Freed - he’d bet good money he couldn’t hit all the high notes. And then Freed was giving the performance of a lifetime. Too bad that woman Ever couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. At least she having fun, you could tell by the less mean looking smile she wore. As a stroke of genius, Bickslow had set his weird flying dolls to sing harmony for her. Then, got them to sing louder and louder, drowning some of her terrible off-key singing.
Ever tripped on an uneven piece of the pavement…maybe. Or perhaps she was drunk and unsteady on her feet. “No! Not my new shoes!” She grabbed at Freed’s shoulder and used him to balance. “Don’t move!” Ever wobbled as she bent over to peer with major concern at her footwear. “You guys move too fast.”
“Nah, you’re too slow.” Bickslow snickered.
Ever glared at Bickslow and then Laxus. She opened her mouth to complain.
Laxus winced and before Ever could get any words out, he spoke. “Enough. We’re calling it a night. Everybody plays nice or else.”
Freed stopped trying to force Evergreen’s fingers to let go, shoulders slumping in defeat instead. “Yes, of course.”
Bickslow smiled angelically as his babies sang and flew around Ever’s head. “Play nice! Play nice! Play nice!”
Lloyd couldn’t help himself. He looked at Bickslow’s unholy glee and then at Ever’s furious anger, at Freed’s subservience and Laxus’s bossy face. He laughed, he chuckled, he guffawed - so long, loud and hearty - he ended up wheezing, rolling around on the sidewalk.
“I don’t have to put up with this!” huffed Evergreen, her eyes turning squinty. She pouted. “I’m outta here!”
“Don’t go away mad, just go away!” Lloyd wanted to blame Bickslow as the bad influence behind those snarky words - but he’d always wanted to say that to somebody - and right now was the only time he could without being fired. You only live once, yeah? Oh shit, Ever looked a bit shocked. Had he been too mean? “Wait a minute!” Not even really knowing what he was doing, Lloyd rushed over to Ever’s side and stopped her from leaving. “Sorry, dunno what got into me. Let’s be friends.”
Ever crossed her arms and gave Lloyd a long considering look. “Then we gotta exchange presents.”
“Take my shades.”
“And here’s mine.”
Lloyd did not notice the rest of the gang flinching at this - but disaster was averted as Ever promptly used the sunglasses.
Ever preened at her reflection in the nearby storefront. “I’m still leaving. You guys deserve each other. Ta!”
“You heard the woman, let’s go.” Bickslow took one of Freed’s arms and one of Lloyd’s. “I need my beauty sleep.”
Laxus looked happy he hadn’t been manhandled. “Yeah, you do.”
“Shhh! Be quiet!” Freed admonished the empty bottles and the one bottle they were still busy emptying.
“Dude, it’s weird that you’re talking to inanimate objects.” Bickslow objected, “Stop it, willya?”
Lloyd giggled, playing more with the mostly empty sack of powdered sugar they’d stolen as the group had walked from the karaoke bar.
Laxus didn’t say anything, mostly because he was already passed out. He had a large capacity for drinking. But he had been powering through his drinks fast all night. And overproof booze drunk straight up will wreck a person - especially when Bickslow makes your drinks double strength.
Everyone fell asleep, or passed out as in the case for Laxus.
Ever was pleasantly drunk. Fully drunk. Okay, shit-faced. She loved everything right now. Everything. Tonight had been so much fun! A new friend, new glasses, new shoes and a kick-ass dress! Shopping was amazing. She should go back to Stedman’s soon. Evergreen stumbled off down the road, her subconscious moving her feet, taking over her route, heading to her favourite night view of Magnolia, to the top of the highest tower. Ever watched the twinkling lights and finished her night by drinking the last of the stash of drink in her purse.
><><><><Ungodly Early in the Morning - well, even Noon is early after a night of drinking, yeah?><><><><><
Ever felt wretched - but not so terrible she couldn’t muster up her control over her magic to summon her wings and fly down from her perch at the top of Magnolia. She figured she’d slowly wander over to the motel and meet up with her team. Again, she lamented her supposed previous life as a bird - why else would she always end up sleeping high atop the tallest building and towers? But such was life - working jobs, relaxing after jobs, drinking and waking up in odd places.
Laxus exited the motel, his gaggle of friends and the extra person, whoever he was, trailing behind. He knew all of Ever’s favourite haunts. Each and every one of them, but his nose was the best at detecting her location. He carefully slapped his clothes free of excess icing sugar and then inhaled deeply. Ah! To the north.
Lloyd followed Bickslow and Freed at a bit of a distance. He should probably go home soon - but this was the most interesting night-slash-day party-afterparty event he’d ever stumbled into. EVER. Who knew what else might happen? Certainly not him.
“Yo!” Bickslow sighted Ever who was plodding towards them. “You look great.” He made sure to smile wide and gesture two thumbs up. "You. Look. Fabulous.”
Lloyd ran over to Ever and greeted her like a long lost friend. “Long time no see!”
Ever vaguely remembered this guy from last night. But where? Oh, shopping. Stedman’s! She allowed the man to hug her - afterall, she could use his employee discount to buy more shoes. “Hi, um…”
Helpfully he answered, “I'm Lloyd, your new bestie.”
Ever made noncommittal agreement noises and looked at her teammates one by one. They all wore rumpled and unusual clothing. She couldn’t contain herself any longer. “Laxus, what’s up with your clothes?”
Laxus fiddled with the lapels of his red lumberjack jacket, then rubbed his poor throbbing forehead. “The usual.” He glanced at Bickslow and sighed. “We celebrated after a job, wrecked the guild and went afterhours partying.”
Lloyd added, “And found your new bestie.”
Bickslow’s dolls chanted, “New bestie! New bestie! New bestie!” flying large circles overhead.
“That’s…great.” Ever’s stomach growled. “Let’s get coffee and food.”
“Excellent idea.” Freed already looked much happier. “Just what we need.”
“Oh! Hair of the dog!” Bickslow pointed to a nearby tavern. “Let’s have breakfast mimosas!”
Laxus grimaced. “Never again.”
Freed had full-body shivers of revulsion. “Never again!”
Ever repeated herself. “Coffee and food! No booze!”
Bickslow ignored his team’s negativity and opened the door to the tavern to usher them inside. “Let’s just see where the day takes us.” He grinned as they all trooped inside and sat at a table together. Bickslow pulled out a chair for Lloyd to sit, and confided to the man, “They always say ‘never again’ but it’s always again and again.”
Lloyd nodded. “Yup! Never again until the next time!”
Pappa, Pippi, Puppu, Peppe and Poppo agreed. “Next time! Next time! Next time!”
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bisexualninjafae · 2 years
Here is my fic for the FTRBB 2022 event hosted by @ftguildevents.
The is a awesome piece of art that goes along with this fic which was done by the insanely talented @wolfcry77 which you can see by clicking here:
I'd also like to thank my friend @igneel0229 for all his help with editing and fixing the stuff I missed going over it myself.
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sandwitchstories · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Erza Scarlet/Mirajane Strauss Characters: Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Original Characters Additional Tags: Lesbian Erza Scarlet, Lesbian Mirajane Strauss, ftrbb2022, Ghosts, Haunted House, Canon-Typical Violence, Ghost Hunting, Erza blushes a lot, Mira likes to tease, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Girls Kissing, Lesbian Character, Adventure, on a job, wlw, Lesbians Summary:
Mira asks Erza to go on an important job with her. Neither woman knows just how important this job will be, in more ways than one.
"But learn that to die is a debt we must all pay." Euripides ____________________________________________________________
Hey everyone! Here is my first piece for @ftguildevents Reverse Big Bang! I hope you enjoy my story based off this lovely, fun artwork by @dykemirajane :) I want to thank her for being such an awesome team mate and human! Major thanks to the mods running the event, this was a lot of fun! I hope you have as much fun reading this one as I did writing it!
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