myhomegrocers · 1 year
Traditional Fresh Home Made Sweets and Snacks in frisco,tx
Authentic Delights: A Selection of Freshly Home-Made Traditional Sweets and Snacks. Order now from MyHomeGrocers
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toshaliofresort · 1 year
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Drive to Toshali Sands Resort, Puri with your family for a perfect Dine in Experience at our elegant ambiance restaurant to taste the Delightful delicacies served at your table.
So, Book your table now to enjoy the delicious feast with your loved ones.
Visit: https://www.toshalisands.com/
Book your table, call: +91 9937003223
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Delicious brekkie, with our home más fresh tortillas, salsa verde chilaquiles, #chilaquiles #chilaquilesverdes #chilaquilesaustralianos #mordialloc #bayside #casey #melbourne #freshmade #madebymexicans #foodtruckaustralia #foodtruck # https://www.instagram.com/p/CmsY-vuvmVf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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williechou · 2 years
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前陣子朋友聽到我要去玉井玩, 紛紛推薦了這家義式冰淇淋, 這天我跟朋友去了枯水期的蝙蝠洞, 結果沒有什麼水, 只看到湖面髒髒的, 然後那小瀑布的水量也是稀稀落落的, 只能說我們來錯時間點, 遇上素顏的蝙蝠洞。 接著我們轉戰玉井市區, 來吃冰, 消暑一下! 在夏天,冰品就是正餐啊! 甜點當然也是要吃冰, 這次沒有找以往來玉井必吃的芒果冰, 而是來試試不一樣的義式冰淇淋。 我第一支選了三個口味, 分別是黑可可+紅心芭樂+十八天, 第二支則是 比較有特別的是蛋黃酥 第三支則是 到玉井一定要吃的芒果, 跟日本乳酪。 朋友則是吃了黑可可, 另一個我就忘了(哈 |18天 入口就滿滿的啤酒香氣, 沒有酒精的苦味。 老闆說是採全酒下去製作, 所以吃起來真的很爽! 一圓我在畢氏酒精遲遲無法吃到的十八天! |紅心芭樂 紅心芭樂味道明顯, 香氣十足, 很像直接把芭樂打碎做成冰沙, 但是多了一點淡淡的奶香味, 還有一點芭樂特有的酸味, 所以吃起來還是非常清爽 |黑可可 |比利時巧克力 這兩個口味放在一起介紹, 我個人覺得比利時的巧克力風味更為豐富, 整體吃起來的味道跟香味層次比黑可可多了一點, 但不是說黑可可不好吃, 而是黑可可的可可趴數更高, 更能吃得到可可的苦香氣, 是更純粹的可可味道。 而是他們呈現的風味就是不一樣, 不然幹嘛分那麼多種, |蛋黃酥 吃起來有蠻明顯的鹹蛋黃 , 沒有太過於強烈的味道, 但也沒有到吃不出來, 但我客人很希望老闆可以挖好後, 在表面撒一些鹹蛋黃碎, 感覺這樣吃起來或更有口感, 還有驚喜感, 然後鹹蛋黃控的我會更愛! |日本奶油乳酪 奶味明顯, 但是不過甜也不膩口, 至於酸味部分, 我是覺得不明顯, 也喜歡, 但喜歡程度不到前三名。 |芒果 超好吃的, 沒有我害怕的那種市面上芒果製品的藥水味, 清爽口感, 充滿了芒果的酸甜香氣, 夏天一定要來嚐嚐這口味。 而且老闆不只冰淇淋自己做, 連脆餅部分都是自己來, 不是叫跟廠商叫貨的, 整隻冰淇淋都是自己手工做的, 你說? 能不吃嗎? 加上每天口味都不一樣, 而且口味多變, 每次來都可以吃到不一樣的口味, 是一家值得再訪的店家啊, 只是他離善化好遠啊~ #光芒果子 #台南美食 #玉井美食 #玉井冰店 #義式冰淇淋 #手工義式冰淇淋 #手工脆餅 #gelato #北極是吃貨 #特殊口味冰淇淋 #鹹蛋黃冰淇淋 #水果冰淇淋 #巧克力冰淇淋 #酒精性冰淇淋 #乳酪冰淇淋 #poptainan #pop玉井 #popyunmy #summerfood #freshmade #homemade #handmade (在 光芒果子 Sunny Mango) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgssYR4Pk9W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nathabit123 · 2 years
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Do you remember grandma drying Orange Peels🍊 under the sun ☀️? You remember her mincing it into a nice scrub - that go to scrub for all skin woes! 😊😊 Wonder why? . Orange is a great source of Vitamin C for glowing skin🌟. But its benefits do not end here. ➡️ It's Anti-aging properties boost collagen production and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. ☺️#antiaging ➡️ It's Anti-microbial properties prevent acne and scars on skin. 🍃 ➡️ It's Natural Exfoliating properties remove dead skin cells and regenerate new skin cells. #naturalexfoliation ✨ ➡️ It's Anti-oxidant properties fight against free radicals and protect from sun damage. ☀️ #skinprotection . Made with orange peels, orange🍊, pure oils, kokum butter🧈, and spices our Cold Processed Exfoliating Orange soap 🧼 is here to provide you all of the above. . The nourishing butters and iils with absolutely no chemicals ensure thorough cleansing & exfoliation, without stripping skin’s natural oil. . Goodness of nature in its purest form 💚🤍. . Visit our website to shop and explore more 😊😇(Link in bio and story). #naturalsoap #handmadesoap #orangesoap #orangepeels #skincleansing #nathabit #freshmade #puresoaps #yehmerihabithai #myhabit #ayurvedicsoaps https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJgwvYvMM7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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despairforme · 9 months
*Sends to Nnoitra a huge box filled with freshmade cookies of different types and tastes. There are some fortune cookies as well*
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Holy FUCK? Was it his birthday or what?! ( - No, that wasn't for another two months ). What the hell was this huge sweet-smelling box doing on his doorstep? Had he managed to actually win one of those "subscribe to our newsletter for a chance of winning food"? No way! Nnoitra bent down excitedly, grabbing the large box with both hands. Then he backed into his apartment, awkwardly closing the door. He'd forgotten all about why he'd even been on his way out.
Once seated on the couch, he was quick to open the box. He'd pretty much been able to smell that it contained something sweet. Freshly baked cookies??? FINALLY the universe was bringing him some good shit! There were so many different kinds that he was almost overwhelmed for a moment. It was like a fucking pop-up bakery in the middle of his livingroom. He grabbed the nearest cookie. Chocolate-chip, he'd guess. Time for a taste.
Was he going to eat everything in the box in one sitting? Of course.
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ellerywithablog · 9 months
crossfaded, tearing ravenously at a freshmade loaf of challah sittin in the window well as the horses get fed below shanah tovah all 💕✨✨✨♥️⭐️♥️☺️🐎✨⭐️🍎🍏✨💕🍎✨🍏💕✨☺️🐎🐎⭐️🍏✨🍏♥️🐎
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thornedswan · 1 year
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Handmade and freshmade, so very cute.
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rapidpricer · 6 months
Leveraging New Data Sources to Improve Retail Pricing
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Technology and data have become more and more important in determining business strategies, causing a seismic shift in the retail sector in recent years. Because their products are perishable, retailers, particularly those in the fresh produce industry, face particular difficulties. To optimize profitability in this industry while guaranteeing customer satisfaction and reducing waste, pricing strategies must be constantly optimized due to their high sensitivity. Retailers now have access to powerful tools that can completely change how they approach pricing and customer engagement thanks to the emergence of a wide range of data sources and cutting-edge technologies.
Retailers often find it difficult to determine the right price for fresh produce. There are many variables that can cause price fluctuations, such as supply and demand, weather, and transportation expenses. Fresh produce also has a short shelf life, so merchants must exercise caution when pricing their goods to avoid losing them to deterioration.
Several new data sources have surfaced in recent years that can assist retailers in raising the price of their fresh produce. Expiration date, motion sensor, time temperature, in-store traffic detection, customer behavior, Universal Product Code (UPC) databases, food hygiene rating, image classification, and demographic shopping purchases are some of the data sources used in these analyses.
Retailers can gain a better understanding of their customers' needs and preferences, the factors influencing the demand for fresh produce, and the expenses related to selling fresh produce by utilizing these new data sources. The prices of fresh produce can then be set with greater accuracy and competitiveness using this information.
Here are some particular instances of how retailers can enhance their fresh produce pricing through the use of new data sources:
Using Data on Expiration Dates to Determine the Best Prices:
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Figure: Examples of Fresh Produce Dashboards (Source: Freshmade, SiFoodSoftware)
For example, Walmart creates "Best If Used By" labels for its fresh produce based on expiration date information. Customers can identify products that are safe to eat and still fresh with the help of these labels. Walmart plans its discounts and promotions using expiration date data as well. For instance, when fresh produce is about to expire, Walmart might give discounts.
Using Time-Temperature Datasets to Improve Pricing and Quality Assurance:
To maintain fresh produce's quality and increase its shelf life, ideal storage conditions must be maintained. Time-temperature datasets can offer insightful information about the storage and transportation conditions of goods. Retailers can ensure transparency and establish customer trust by offering discounts or promotions on products that have undergone suboptimal temperature conditions by incorporating this data into their pricing strategies. Additionally, based on the product's freshness, this data can help retailers adjust prices in a way that keeps quality standards high while still being competitive.
For example, Albertsons Companies tracks the temperature of its fresh produce while it is being transported using time-temperature data. Moreover, Albertsons makes use of this information to spot any possible issues with its storage facilities.
Making Strategic Pricing Decisions by Optimizing In-Store Traffic Detection Data:
Pricing strategies must be customized to maximize sales and improve customer satisfaction, which requires an understanding of customer foot traffic and behavior within retail establishments. Retailers can identify popular product categories and peak shopping hours with the help of in-store traffic detection data, which makes it easier to implement dynamic pricing during periods of high traffic. Retailers can enhance revenue and improve customer engagement by adjusting pricing to stimulate demand and optimize sales through the analysis of customer behavior patterns.
For example, Kroger determines which aisles in its stores are the most popular by using data from motion sensors. After that, Kroger arranges its highest-margin items in these aisles using the information provided. Additionally, Kroger tracks customer traffic patterns throughout the day and week using data from motion sensors. The staffing levels and store hours are optimized with the help of this data.
Customization of Customer Experience via Demographical Purchase Data:
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Figure: Examples of Customer Analytics Dashboards (Source: Fiverr, SlideTeam)
For example, Amazon recommends products to its customers based on information about their behavior. Additionally, Amazon sends its customers personalized emails and promotions using this data.
Using Image Classification to Improve Pricing and Product Placement Strategies:
Retailers no longer have to worry about managing product placement and pricing within their stores thanks to image classification technology. Retailers can optimize product displays to draw customers in and sway their decisions to buy by analyzing photos of products and customer interactions. Retailers can also dynamically modify prices in response to customer engagement with particular products by combining image classification with pricing strategies. This increases sales and facilitates effective inventory turnover.
For example, Kroger tracks customer traffic patterns in its stores using image classification technology. In addition to identifying popular products, Kroger uses this technology to deter theft.
Using Food Hygiene Rating Datasets to Improve Food Safety and Price Transparency:
Upholding food safety regulations is crucial for establishing credibility and trust with consumers in the fresh produce industry. Retailers can openly convey that they comply with strict food safety regulations by incorporating Food Hygiene Rating Datasets into their pricing strategies. Retailers can boost sales and foster brand loyalty by providing customers with confidence through the display of food hygiene ratings alongside product prices.
Furthermore, by guaranteeing that only the best products make it onto the shelves, this integration promotes proactive quality management and improves the overall customer experience.
For example, food businesses can access food hygiene rating datasets published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in the United Kingdom. Retailers can utilize this data to find food establishments with excellent hygiene ratings and purchase their fresh produce from them.
Utilizing Universal Product Code (UPC) Databases to Transform Retail Pricing:
With the help of the Universal Product Code (UPC) Database, retailers can simplify pricing and inventory management by accessing a vast amount of product data. Retailers may precisely track product sales, keep an eye on demand patterns, and modify prices in real-time to reflect changes in the market by utilizing UPC data. Retailers can enhance sales and profitability by implementing competitive pricing strategies that align with customer preferences, optimize product assortments, and make well-informed pricing decisions with the help of this data-driven approach.
For example, when customers scan their loyalty cards at the checkout counter, Walgreens uses the UPC database to look up product information. This enables Walgreens to give customers individualized promotions and accurate pricing.
Voice of the customer (VoC) data to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales:
VoC data can be used by retailers to distinguish between price-sensitive and non-sensitive customers. The development of focused pricing strategies can then be done using this information. For instance, in order to entice price-conscious customers to make a purchase, a retailer might offer discounts or promotions. VoC data can also be used to determine how much consumers are willing to spend on various goods and services. Setting prices that are both profitable and competitive can be done with this information. VoC data can be used to track how valuable customers believe something to be. The retailer can utilize this information to pinpoint areas in which its value proposition needs to be strengthened. For instance, a retailer may discover that consumers do not think a particular good or service is worth the additional money, so they are unwilling to pay a premium for it.
For example, Amazon creates customized pricing recommendations for customers based on VoC data. VoC data is also used by the business to track client satisfaction with pricing. Walmart determines the price elasticity of various products using VoC data. Additionally, the business develops pricing strategies for both its online and offline channels using VoC data. Target analyzes customer perceptions of value using VoC data. Additionally, the business develops pricing strategies that complement its brand positioning using VoC data.
Next-generation Retail Pricing Strategies:
Retailers are constantly being provided with new tools and solutions by the rapidly changing retail technology landscape, which allows them to improve the overall customer experience and rethink their pricing strategies. Incorporating cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, AI, and machine learning can improve the efficacy of data-driven pricing in the fresh produce industry. With the help of AI-powered algorithms, retailers can proactively modify their pricing strategies to maximize sales and profitability by analyzing complex datasets, identifying pricing trends, and predicting customer preferences. Additionally, blockchain technology promotes trust and accountability between retailers and customers by providing increased security and transparency in pricing transactions. Retailers can gain a competitive advantage in the market and position themselves as leaders in the field of data-driven retail pricing by adopting these new technologies.
Optimizing Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Goods with FreshMart: FreshMart, a well-known supermarket chain with a focus on fresh produce, used customer behavior analysis and expiration date data to drive its data-driven pricing strategy. FreshMart increased overall sales by 12% in just six months while reducing product waste by 30% through dynamic pricing adjustments based on customer demand patterns and product shelf life. The effective application of data-driven pricing increased customer loyalty and trust while also improving profitability.
GreenGrove - Improving Product Openness and Client Involvement: Premium organic food retailer GreenGrove used Image Classification and Food Hygiene Rating Datasets in their pricing and product display strategies. GreenGrove's customer base was made to feel authentic and trusted by giving them clear information about food safety ratings and displaying product images in an eye-catching manner. This strategy increased customer engagement by 20% and retention by 25%, demonstrating the beneficial effects of data-driven pricing on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
With the ever-changing retail landscape, the conventional approach to retail pricing has been redefined by the integration of various data sources and state-of-the-art technologies. In the fresh produce industry, retailers must leverage data to optimize pricing strategies, reduce product waste, and improve customer engagement. By utilizing Expiration Date Data, Time-Temperature Datasets, Customer Behavior insights, and a host of other data sources, retailers can make well-informed pricing decisions that not only increase sales and profitability but also cultivate enduring customer loyalty.
About RapidPricer
RapidPricer helps automate pricing, promotions, and assortment for retailers. The company has capabilities in retail pricing, artificial intelligence, and deep learning to compute merchandising actions for real-time execution in a retail environment.
Contact info:
Website: https://www.rapidpricer.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rapidpricer/
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sofu4world · 7 months
[9/21/2023] fried tofu <3
guys I'm so happy I got fuckin tofu and I fried it and ate it with basil and white pepper and it was sooooo SOOOOOO GOOOD NFIUFNWNDWN I love tofu so much seriously I ate like a whole block in one sitting it was so good and I almost started eating a second block but I restrained myself. I literally bought 7 blocks of tofu from Buford Highway FM I'm so glad they sell fresh tofu it's so dang good and affordable and nfwnaoenfewnflnw. I also got their freshmade soy milk so now I'm gonna wash down this block of fried tofu with soy milk + cereal. I love soy so much. soy is love soy is life heart emoji x100000000000 my love for it knows no bounds <3333333 srsly the basil and white pepper took it to another level u guys have to try it. fresh fried tofu is literally top 10 deadly sins bc it's so good you'll commit any crime to have it it's so powerful I love it so much
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culinarynyccom · 1 year
Cooking Classes in NYC For Kids and Teens
New York City is a culinary mecca, with its famous restaurants, amazing bakeries, decadent desserts and fabulous ice cream. It's also home to some of the best cooking classes around, where aspiring chefs can sharpen their skills and try their hand at dishes like fresh pasta, sushi and cupcakes.Looking more visit https://culinary-nyc.com/.
These classes can be the perfect way to rekindle your love for cooking, or it can be a fun way to try something new. From dabblers to serious home cooks, there's a class for everyone!
Whether you're looking to sharpen your cooking skills or learn more about another culture's cuisine, these cooking classes in NYC will teach you the basics. From knife skills to how to make sushi, if you're an aspiring chef, these courses will have you preparing a meal at home in no time.
Kids' Cooking Clubs in NY
For the littlest chefs, these cooking classes are the perfect way to learn the ropes of the kitchen. They range from daytime caregiver-and-me classes for toddlers and preschoolers to evening drop-off sessions with an adult for bigger kids.
What to Expect: This Soho-based culinary school has a series of one-time workshops and weeklong camps for kids 8 to 12 (tweens and teens opt for the adult options), with themes such as regional cuisines and dim sum. A highlight is a "Make & Take" class, in which budding chefs learn to prepare a full-scale dinner for five.
Murray's Cheese & Culinary Studio
For anyone with a love of cheese, this Soho-based cheese shop and culinary studio offers plenty of opportunities to pick up the skills of a master cheesemaker, including a weekly class on mozzarella making. They have a small but well-stocked storefront and also host an annual artisanal cheese-making festival in June.
YCA: Queens Culinary Arts Academy
A Soho-based culinary school for tweens and teens, YCA's classes focus on stage-by-stage instruction to help students grow their skills and build confidence in the kitchen. They offer single-session and semester-long workshops that explore various themes and cuisines, including an upcoming session focused on Chinese New Year.
Claim to Fame: This upscale culinary studio is all about teaching kids how to become more aware of their food's cultural significance. The Soho location's spacious, modern space includes two fully equipped kitchens that overlook the Empire State Building and an outdoor garden, as well as a large library of books about different cultures' food traditions.
The classes are geared toward students of all ages, but they're especially popular with children. Younger participants can join a parent-and-me class or an evening session where they can bring their friends to enjoy the fruits of their labors, complete with snacks and a YCA chef hat.
Freshmade: Everyone's dream kitchen
With a huge, double-oven kitchen, elevated ceilings and room for everyone to chop, stir and create delicious dishes, this Soho bakery is a great place to take the kids for a special date night or fun, family cooking class. There's a library wall with kids' cookbooks and a waiting area stocked with stuffed play foods and crayons to keep little hands busy while they're in the kitchen.
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culinaryparty · 2 years
Daily Cooking Classes in NYC For Children and Adults
If you're looking for some daily cooking classes in NYC, there are many options available for children and adults. Many classes focus on getting kids involved in the process and creating a fun environment for everyone involved. Instructors encourage children to ask as many questions as they want and are willing to help with any problems. Kids will be able to learn new cooking techniques and try new recipes, too.
Cooking classes near me
If you're looking for Cooking classes near me for children and adults, there are plenty of choices. Freshmade NYC offers group and private classes, and kids' cooking parties. Their classes emphasize healthy eating habits, with menus that are predominantly vegetarian, but occasionally including meat. Green Apron Kitchen offers classes for both kids and adults that teach the basics of cooking from scratch. They offer discounts for four-class packages.
Cookspace, a non-profit located in Williamsburg, offers a variety of cooking classes for children and adults. Its "Cook the Book" series takes inspiration from popular cookbooks and combines them with fun and educational activities. It also hosts "Kitchen Table Conversations," where thought-provoking creatives hold discussions on cooking techniques. Some classes are more advanced than others, and others are perfect for beginners.
My Cooking Party offers private and group cooking classes, as well as birthday parties. The classes are held in a renovated loft, and the location is ideal for birthday parties or special events. Owner Liron Meller holds classes in the kitchen and has trained at London's Le Cordon Bleu cooking school.
Daily cooking classes in NYC
If you're looking for cooking classes for children and adults, you've come to the right place. There are a wide variety of different classes available throughout New York City. These classes will teach you how to prepare a variety of delicious meals, and they'll also help you improve your cooking skills. These classes are great for children and can help you encourage healthy eating by encouraging your kids to participate in the process.
Freshmade offers private cooking lessons, group cooking classes, and kids' cooking parties. Their classes promote healthy eating habits and teach kids to prepare vegetarian meals. They also offer discounts for four-class packages. Another option is the Green Apron Kitchen, which offers cooking classes for kids. The curriculum focuses on seasonal, locally-sourced foods.
Best Cooking classes near me
If your child is prone to picky eating, enroll them in one of the best cooking classes in NYC. Regardless of their age, kids who take part in the cooking process will be much more likely to eat what they prepare. A kid-focused cooking class will help them broaden their culinary horizons and introduce them to a variety of different dishes.
Kids can also participate in adult cooking classes. The Milk Bar, Instagram's favorite bakery, offers classes that teach kids how to make cake truffles and decorate cookies with food coloring pens. They can also sign up for the "Supper Club," where they can take over the dinner duties. The bakery also offers a weekly cupcake club for kids, a special one-off class, and even a date-night class.
The Brooklyn Cooking School is another great option for cooking classes. The Brooklyn location includes a kitchen for teaching young kids, a kitchen for adults, and a cafe. The instructors teach not only how to cook, but also about the cultural context of food. This class is an excellent way to get the kids interested in cooking and learning about healthy eating habits.
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jobssok · 2 years
Burt’s Bees Toothpaste, Natural Flavor, Fluoride-Free, Purely White, Zen Peppermint, 4.7 oz, Pack of 3
Burt’s Bees Toothpaste, Natural Flavor, Fluoride-Free, Purely White, Zen Peppermint, 4.7 oz, Pack of 3
Price: (as of – Details) Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.28 x 5.91 x 1.73 inches; 1.06 Pounds Item model number ‏ : ‎ 192539000818 UPC ‏ : ‎ 192539000818 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ P&G ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09KP3JMH6 Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA Experience the refreshment of Zen Peppermint toothpaste which will leave you clean and freshMade Without: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Triclosan & Parabens, Artificial Flavors…
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bikeorbob · 3 years
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Pasta Bolognese @pazzosrb is Superb! After a long day of work nothing beats a bowl of Pasta! #italianfood #pastbolognese #pasta #freshmade #food #foodporn #foodie #foodphotography #foodpics #santarosabeach #30afoodandwine (at Pazzo Italiano SRB) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcuZKDLaBo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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milfadvisors · 3 years
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Q: Want to know what my new favorite soup is? 🤔 A: The kind we made last night! 💯🔥 We should probably be on a #CookingShow together- IJS 👩🏻‍🍳 It was #CarrotSoup from scratch, made in the #instapot, but I also added #zuchinni, #onion, #garlic, #Tumeric, and #MisoBroth for a delicious flavor and smooth, creamy texture! 🥕🥒🧅🧄 Then, Leila whipped up another amazing #homemade #piecrust and we did an #OnionCheesePie (slight difference from the last #OnionPie we made- this time using #CreamCheese instead of #SourCream) which turned out incredibly good! We also whipped up a bowl of #freshmade #hummus from #chickpeas and added onion, garlic, #BlackPepper and #olives! 🫒 I woke up still full from last night. Lol. I’m just glad that I’ve got a kid who loves to cook with me, and that her #tastebuds are just as creative as my recipe ideas 🥰 #MILFmeals #cookingmom #KidChef #OnionQuiche #Carrots #onepotmeals #creativecooking #kissthecook #naturalingredients #ThatsWhatsForDinner (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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hippie-homestead · 4 years
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It's been a busy week and weekend here at the homestead so far. Processed the first batch of tomatoes down into and amazing spaghetti sauce. This is the finished jar after all was said and done. Last night I started some apple butter in the slow cooker. It was finished this evening so I was able to can it up and also shared a jar with our neighbor. Next on the list to make is a ginger pear butter. I wish I could say the pears were from our tree but ours is still a baby tree so it will be a few years before we start to see fruit on her. #garden #gardening #homestead #homesteading #urbanfarm #microfarm #canning #preservingtheharvest #preserving #applebutter #spaghettisauce #freshmade #homemade #yum #yummy #homegrown https://www.instagram.com/p/CFWRXxQACuY/?igshid=1mopmez502jy7
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