#fr this came from me joking with my sister that I draw same make up on him
gartyontumlr · 6 months
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From joke to reality✍️🩵🧡
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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fanfiction-inc · 4 years
Baptism of The Fathers Betrothed (Chapter I)
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Series: Welcoming The Bride
Verse: Far Cry 5
Characters/Pairings: Joseph Seed/ Reader, John Seed, Jacob Seed, Faith Seed
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings:  Potential drowning, Baptist and Christian vibes, lots of religion, but lets be real, this is the Seed family! Induction ceremonies, family love.
Word Count: 2283
Summary: Joseph Seed has fallen in love and wants to marry the woman of his dreams. But what kind of process must that include to be fully his?
Link to Ao3 Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22995019/chapters/54978007#workskin
[Next chapter]
Silence among the church, soft reds, blues, yellows and so on filtering in from the stained glass among the windows all around. A clear of his throat, all eyes on him and he begins with the faintest of smiles that held his joy. This sermon was special, after all. He knew the intended audience would get such. “The Bible says we are to love one another. We are to hold them close, to savor their beings and we are to make them into one with ourselves if it is destined by the lord above and the man or woman before you. The message we hear, the message we read is simple. In the book of John, it is stated “For this is the message you have heard from the beginning: we should love one another", and in the book of Matthew, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" Now, I know love can lead to lust, and lust can be the worst among the sins, as is wrath, but my children, lust is not a sin when matrimony is in place.” He adjusted his aviators, a clear of his throat and his eyes fixated on the woman sitting in the second row behind the family pew. Her body was relaxed, gaze returning his own and smile big as always. Her smile was infectious, drawing his own to grow before returning to the sermon before him. 
“While love is a wonderful, warm feeling, it is not only a feeling. In fact, according to the Bible, love is primarily an active interest in the well-being of another person.” A single glance stolen to the front pew, the knowing looks giving an encouraging glint. He takes a deep breath, moving from behind the podium with arms outstretched before his congregation, those who looked on in awe. The colors of the stained glass dance over his bare skin, tattoos and scars glistening under such. The woman watched as he moved to stand before everyone in the pews, looking among them. “Or perhaps it is in the matrimony of a person. One allows their love to develop, to flutter and grow. If God had not made love an emotion, a feeling and so beyond...then why would he have made my love for my family? For you, my children, my congregation…” He looked to the woman, meeting those bright eyes. “My angel, (First name)?” He held a hand out to the woman, watching as her cheeks redden and she stands, taking the mans hand before he brings her own to his lips, gently brushing them against her knuckles. He lowered down before her, the room fluttering with a number gasps and shock when he sits before her on one knee, never letting go of her hand, the free one reaching back into his pocket and pulling out a small, velvet box. “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life….(First name), will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? My beloved angel that will walk hand in hand with me to Eden's Gate? Will you marry me, and become (First name) Seed?” 
She was frozen, watching those desperate eyes look on to her own behind yellow tinted aviators, his fingers moving to remove them and view hers with those blue eyes that had drawn her into his company. Those blue eyes that made her stay at his side when the conflicts with the Resistance began, that brought her into his service and kept her safe from harm the night they came for him. The locust in the garden. That smile she's woken up to from nights of staying over, the same smile that watched her take care of the children of his congregation and begin his teachings with the younger generation. She was his angel, his sweetened woman…”Yes.” He was now shocked, stammering. “W-Wait...Did you just say yes?” Her smile grows and with careful ease of getting down before him and careful of the dress she worse, she cupped his cheeks, forehead against his own. “Yes, Joseph...I want to be your wife.” His lips were against her own in seconds, the start of the clapping and cheers coming from the front of the church where his family stands, and soon the rest of the congregation cheering on the new couple before them. He separated from her lips, standing with her and slips the ring onto her finger. This was the start of it all.
The start of their new lives. 
Slow steps with joined hands and gentle exchange of glaces lead the way down the path to the lake below. The sun shines brightly through the tree branches overhead, creating an almost sort of glow to the future brides skin. A loving tone against her ear, her husband whispering such sweet words that leaves her in giggling fits that were followed by his own sounding chuckles. Each step was steady, each sway of their arms a gentle motion. Three months after the proposal, Joseph had grown impatient. He couldn’t handle the thought of the woman not being in his arms, in his bed with him or by his side as he gave his sermons. He couldn’t imagine them not being joined as one, and so he begged for the wedding to be sooner...For their family traditions to be done the day before. The generations gave was to the immersion of their family, his father immersing his wife, his grandfather before them his, so on and so forth. Now it was his turn...But he wasn’t the one to be baptizing her today.Slowly their steps draw to a stop when the waters graze the tips of their shoes, Joseph's finely polished leather shoes taking a turn to face the woman at his side, forehead resting against her own and eyes simply staying connected with her own. “My angel, my darling...Today you are to join our family, to finally be introduced as a true member, and tomorrow we shall make it truly official. We’ll be one, souls intertwined and together once the words “I do” follow...now I need your absolute trust. I need to know that you will be okay with this, that you will be fine with what is about to happen. Are you ready?” 
The woman lightly clutched the lapels of the mans suit jacket, lips gently turning up into that sweet smile that always brought him calm in his chaotic life. Those sweet eyes making his own smile grow and the words that made his heart flutter slipping out like honey from the wooden stir stick. “I’m ready to be one with you, Joseph.” A quick kiss was shared, gentle and innocent but wanting for more. They would just have to wait. Joseph stepped away from the waters edge to stand with his brother and sister, watching the younger of the group approach the woman, shoes already off but suit perfectly dry as he stands within the waters of the shore. They were far cooler than the hot summer air, but it was a relief to the body. John outstretched his hand to the woman as she cautiously took his own, white gown fluttering in the light breeze before flattening out as they went within the waters of the lake. He goes waist deep, hands supporting the shorter woman before him. Her abdomen was submerged beneath the cool waters, goosebumps littering her skin and heart beginning to hammer. His hand raised, water droplets falling from his fingers to her forehead, and a smile grows. “Lets begin. Today, we are here for the baptism of (First name) (Last name), a member of our wayward flock and soon-to-be sister in law of the Seed family. We shall go right into the ceremony, then we shall celebrate with our new sister as she has been bled of sin.” John allowed her closer to him, a hand placing against the back of her neck right on the nape, long fingers curling and holding her with firm fingers. His other hand eases beneath her legs, supporting her at the thigh as he tilts her back, aiding her in floating on the surface of the lake. His voice grows muffled due to the waters, but the shift of his gaze is what makes her heart begin to beat steadily. The night before, John had promised to not let her drown. Though he had a chuckle and smirk that followed, He was joking...right? Her pulse began to grow harder, fingers shaking among the water as his hands slipped from her body, letting her float freely. 
“Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." To meet our lord, you much descend among the depth and purge yourself of your sins. Among the water, you must declare then revoke them, and allow our lord among yourself. The waters will wash your sins, will clear your mind and leave you fresh for the acceptance of our lord and our family.” A brush of his fingers to clear her hair from her face and he brings a hand back to be beneath her. He placed one on the back of her head, his other hand moving from her face to her chest and placing flatly between her breast within the white dress. A glance to Joseph and a small nod follows. “Hold your breath.” The only warning sounding before he puts her beneath the waters, watching the bubbles rise and how her eyes close to hide from the particles within the lake. “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” So says Matthew. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;  one Lord, one faith, one baptism;  one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” So says Ephesians. You will be free of all past traumas, of all bad and return to the surface as the innocence you extrude. Be purged and be free.”
Within the next minute, she had began to panic, looking up to the man who kept speaking, who met her gaze with that grin and watched when she began to struggle. Her hands reach up to clutch at his wrist holding her chest down, trying to push up, to rise to the surface and yet he wouldn’t let up. Her nails began to dig, her legs began to kick and as quickly as her lungs began to fill with water, he brings her back up. “And so your sins have been purged, my child of God. Your past has been freed and you are within the love and acceptance of God...of us.” He held her close against his chest as she coughed and sputtered, clearing her lungs of the water that lingered and simply catching her breath as the small group clapped from the shoreline. Johns hand pats her back gently, free hand raising her to tilt her chin towards him and do the same as her soon-to-be husband does to her, that her new brother and sister waiting among the shore do when they accept the woman she has become. “Didn’t I say I wouldn’t let ya’ drown?” The softness of his voice, the sweetness within those blue eyes much like his brothers own and smile as bright as the moment someone successfully atones. “Lets get you back to the shore.” He helps lead her along, Joseph meeting then where the water touches the tips of his shoes and arms going around the soaking wet woman. She held onto him tightly, face buried away in his neck due to the way he held her. “You’re my perfect angel, (First name). All mine.” The whisper of his voice made the other shiver, kiss placed to the others temple before separating when the tallest of the brothers brings her smaller form into a bruising embrace, gruff voice fluttering in the air with a near appreciation of the smaller woman. “You’ve been welcome in this family before this moment, you know that, right?” He grinned. “This is just a measure...But welcome. We’re happy to have you.” In Jacobs mind, it was a breath of calm air in this family, the one normal aspect to it all. Faith damn near knocks the woman over when her arms envelope her, giggle sounding and joy bubbling up in the sweetest of ways. “Oh, I’ve always wanted a sister!” 
The path back up was steady, hands once again intertwined and shoulders bumping as they go on. His jacket was over her shoulders, keeping her warm as the sun began to set and the night air began to chill the area around them. Each step was quiet, each word sounding from the siblings as the pick on each other and tease the newly joined member. John approached at his brothers side, hand slapping down on his back and grin keeping in place. “So, you ready to marry her?” His voice whispered near his ear. An air of confidence floods Joseph as he looked to the younger Seed, smile growing as his eyes seem to damn near brighten. 
“Yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Tag List: @yancy-trash 
If anyone else would like to be added to the list, please let me know!
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exqui-thicc · 4 years
The Seven Seas Of Rhye (Queen AU) Chapter 1
Hi! Welcome to my new Queen fanfiction!
I hope you are gonna like it!
Freddie's P.O.V.:
I was in front of a lake, situated somewhere I didn't know. I was alone. I didn't recognize that place. I sat on the grass and then laid down. It was a starry night. Sometimes, I saw some shooting stars. Suddenly, I heard a noise. Like something had fallen behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. I began to be scared, wasn't I suppose to be alone? "Hello?" I tried. No answer. I turned back to the lake, saying to myself I was dreaming. But I immediately froze when I saw this dark distorted figure. I couldn't clearly see what it was, but it was terrifying. The thing approached me and began to stroke my hair. I was petrified, I didn't know what to do, I could feel my heart hitting my chest. "Come on, wake up, Freddie!" Said the thing in a wrong distorted voice. But I knew that voice, it seemed familiar to me. The figure began to shake me a little. And, then, I realized...
I slowly opened my dark brown eyes to see what was I thinking. My roommate Roger Taylor was waking me up.
"Come on, little groundhog, the Sun is already high in the sky~" He whispered with his soft voice that made me want to go back to sleep.
"Five more minutes, Rog..." I asked, groaning.
I heard Roger laugh a little.
"We are late Fred." He informed me in a serious tone.
Fuck! The University! I had completely forgotten! If the Sun was already high in the sky like Roger said, we were very late!
"The University, oh no!" I cried, jumped out of my bed, forgetting my sleep.
I ran to the bathroom, took a really quick shower and combed my long thick black hair.
"Roggie, why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked him as I ran to my wardrobe.
I took the first things I found, what wasn't in my habit.
"...Why didn't my clock ring ? Oh shit!" I dressed up in the most quick way I could do.
As I was going to put my school things in my bag and to leave the room, I realized that Roger was looking at me in a very amused way.
"Roger, darling, school began at 9:00AM, remember-" I didn't need to finish my sentence, I already felt really stupid.
Roger was still in pyjamas... We were in vacations... That's why my clock didn't ring! And it was 11:00AM!
Roger exploded of laughter.
"I'm gonna kill you!" I mumbled, feeling really shameful.
"Oh Fred, you should have seen your face! Totally falling into the panel." He giggled.
Roger is not gonna get away with this. I'm gonna make him pay what he had just done to me.
"Oh... You want to laugh, Taylor?" I innocently requested, as I slowly approached him.
"What-" I didn't let him finish his sentence: he was already tackle on my bed, with me tickling him.
"FRED- ST-STOP IT-T!" He stammered with his high-pitched voice, crying of laughter.
I didn't want to let him go, not after what he had done to me. An awful joke like that needs a punishment.
"OK-AH FREDDEH I P-PROMISE I-I WONT-T D-DO I-IT AG-GAIN! PLEAS-SE!" He begged, his baby blue eyes turning red.
What a pity! I reluctantly let go of him. He was fighting to catch his breath.
"I leave you this time, Taylor, but next time you do that, I'll kill you of laughter, understand?" I gently threatened him.
"Y-Yeah Fr-Fred!" He promised, big tears of laugh still on his face.
I collapsed on my bed, lying next to him. He looked at me. I looked at him. We began to do a look battle. My eyes began to burn, so I was going to close them, when, miraculously, a little dust landed in Roger's left eye. My blonde mate moaned and closed his two eyes at the same time.
"Loser!" I singed, very proud of me.
"I fucking hate you!" He laughed as he stroke his painful left eye.
Suddenly, the door of our room opened and my sister, Kashmira, appeared, looking at us weirdly. I immediately understand why.
"Roger, are you alright?" She asked, intrigued. "With these screams, I thought that Freddie was torturing you."
We both laughed. Yes, I was torturing him, but in a very soft way. But Roger answered Kash's question before me.
"No don't worry, actually we were working." What was he telling? Working? Seriously? With our postures we looked like we were doing anything except working! Roger was so stupid sometimes...
"Working?" Repeated my sister, absolutely not believing us.
"No, actually-" I began a sentence, but my blonde mate cut me off.
"Freddie needed to improve his arts' skills by drawing his best friend who was laughing... You know our facial features when we laugh are very complicated to draw-" It was clear for me, Roger was a very big idiot.
Kashmira rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"Whatever you two naughty boys did this morning, I just came here to tell my dear brother I was going to help mama at work today." She snapped.
"Nice holiday." I heard Roger mumble. Couldn't he just shut his mouth sometimes?
"That's alright, Kash!" I smiled. "Roger and me will probably go for a walk-" The blonde cut me off again.
""I" not "We", I didn't gave my agreement to go for a walk." He did a grimace. God I was going to kill him.
"Well, if you are seeking me, you know where to find me." Concluded Kasmira, as she left the room.
I thought that when my sister would left the room, Roger would get up and explain me why he woke me up. But nothing happened. He just began to lie under the cover of my bed and to fall asleep.
"God why didn't I have a bed as comfortable as yours!" He complained, as usual.
"I don't know, darling, I don't know..." I sighed, I didn't want to spend the entire day in my room, I wanted to go outside and to do somethings.
"Can I sleep here, tonight?" The blonde asked me.
"No." I retorted. "You don't know hard it was to get a mattress topper!" Shit! I shouldn't have said that!
Roger opened his big blue eyes.
"You have a mattress topper?" His face looked like he had seen a ghost. "HOW DID YOU GET IT? AND HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I DON'T KNOW THAT?" He yelled in a high-pitched that destroyed my eardrums.
"Hush! Roggie! People will really think I am torturing you if you continue to scream like that!" I whispered. All this drama for a mattress topper?
"I don't care! I want a mattress topper!" He was so childish sometimes. "Do you know how is it to have a fucking backache every times you get up?" Fuck! He was doing the terrible puppies eyes! I couldn't say no to puppies eyes! "You are not that cruel Freddie, are you?" He mimed a fake sobbing noise. That bastard! I couldn't say no to that blonde messed up thing.
"Okay, you win!" I sighed. "Tonight, you sleep in my bed!" When I said that he began to giggle in victory. Why did I say yes already? I was going to regret it.
He collapsed on his- my bed and began to roll himself into the cover. But, suddenly, he looked like he realized something. He got up from my bed confused and lifted the blanket. Shit! I have forgotten that... Roger found a paper that I have "hidden" here. Actually, that wasn't very personal. It just was the map of that place that Kashmira and I created when we were young. For a long time, I used to see it every night, in my dreams, so I have drawn it to remember it.
Roger took the paper with a very confused face. He looked up at me, his blue eyes looking at me in a weird way.
"What's that?" He asked, sounding a little bit scared.
I began to laugh. Sometimes, I really thought that Roger thought I was a satanist or something like that.
"You can open it, Rog. It's just a drawing!" I assured him. He looked at me with a fake suspicion gaze, as he undid the rope of the drawing. My blonde mate unrolled the drawing and looked at it deeply.
"Rhye?" He rode. "What's that?" He asked curiously.
"It's a kind of a Kingdom that Kashmira and I invented when we were young. And, sometimes, I've visited it in my dreams" I told him.
"In your dreams? How the hell can you remember the dreams you do wben you sleep?" He demanded. Sometimes, I was worried for him.
"You know, not everyone has a strange brain like yours." I informed him.
"How dare you-" I cut him off, sometimes, I wonder why we are friends.
"Hush, Blondie, your brain doesn't have the capacity to understand some things." I snapped, sarcastically. Roger did a fake sullen look. I began to stroke his back softly.
"Don't worry, it's alright if you have nothing in your brain..." I provoqued him.
"Shut up!" He yelled, as he jumped on me.
He tackled me on the floor and he looked in my eyes. After a few minutes like that, I decided to interact with my strange roommate.
"What do you want to do today?" I asked him. It was 1:00 PM, and it's been two hours since we woke up and we did absolutely nothing.
"Go for a walk." He retorted. What?
"I thought that you didn't wanted to-" He cut me off one more time.
"I changed of mind, I want to go outside." He got up from me and began to walk to the door. "Are you coming with me?" He demanded, his hand and on the door handle.
I began to laugh hard.
"What's funny?" Roger requested, feeling a little bit ashamed, without knowing why.
"You are still wearing your pyjamas Rog!" I cried of laughter without any control.
He looked at himself and realized it. Roger wasn't blonde for nothing. (A.N. : I'm sorry...)
"Oh fuck it!" He moaned, laughing.
Roger and I left the University and went for a walk in Kensington. During our first day of vacation, we usually go for a walk in Kensington Gardens. It was a tradition that we have created during our first year as roommates, in the University. The first of our first vacations, Roger proposed me to go for a walk in Kensington, for knowing each other better. We walked in Kensington Gardens a few hours and we became the two besties of the world. It has been two years that we are roommates, now. And I fucking thank the University for made me meet Roger. I really didn't know what could I do without him.
We entered Kensington Gardens and his daily beauty : his flowers, his trees and his green grass that made everyone want to roll himself into it.
In July, Kensington was under his best Sun. And it was more wonderful than the rest of the year.
Roger and I sat under a tree and began to relax ourselves. The University was finish and that was a big relief. I had my year with good grades, just like my blond mate.
As I was looking at the beauty of the landscape, Roger began to get up.
"Where are you going?" I asked him, sleepy.
"Seeking food. Do you want something?" He answered. I have just realized than I didn't have a breakfast and that I was very hungry.
"Yes, please Roggie, bring me whatever you want!" I laughed, answering his smile.
"I'm back in a few." Roger assured me, beginning to walk away.
When I was alone, I began to feel very sleepy and to slowly being taken away in my dreams.
I was in front of that lake, again. Roger wasn't there and I still didn't recognize the place. The distorted figure appeared again. It gave me his hand, but I didn't want to take it. I had a very bad feeling about it. Suddenly, a violent wind began to blow. "Be careful, Farrokh Bulsara, sometimes, wrong choices can create a disaster..." Said his strange voice. I didn't understand : how can this thing know my name? What was it? "Who are you? What do you want?" I wanted to know that badly. Why did this same thing comes visit me every time I sleep? Suddenly, the figure disappeared and I found myself alone in the dark.
I felt the bottom of my pants being pulled. I opened one eye to see a little cat trying to eat the bottom of my pants. It was so cute.
"Hi there, darling! Are you lost?" I asked to the little creature, as I began to gently pet it.
I looked up to the sky and I realized that the Sun had moved a lot. For God's sake! How many time did I sleep? Where was Roger? Why didn't he wake me up? That was weird.
I looked back at the cat and saw that he was pulling my jeans aggressively, like it wanted me to follow him. I got up and saw the cat running away.
I followed him, because I knew that it wasn't scared of me. If that was the case, it wouldn't have run in a specific direction, it would run everywhere and hide in a bush, like a normal cat.
The cat had me following him into the woods. Roger and I never went there, because we had always found this place creepy as hell. I hesitated to follow him, but finally I thought that if a cat brings me here, there was a important reason behind.
We walked through the woods for a long time and I still didn't understand why the cat was bringing me there. But suddenly-
"DON'T HURT ME, PLEASE!" That was definitely Roger! What was happening?
I followed the cat more quickly than before. The adrenaline made me forget how sleepy I was from my nap. I rushed after the cat, with my heart pounding in my chest.
Suddenly, the cat stopped running and I imitated him. There was a big abandoned park in the center of the woods. That was terrifying. I hid myself behind a tree and tried to identify Roger.
Not a long time after, I saw him. He was petrified. I looked in the way of his stare, and... Oh my God...
Was I dreaming or there were a big fucking ogre and with giant creatures? I would have asked my dear Roger, but, with the expression of his face, I had already understood. He was seeing the same things.
Then, everything happened too fast.
"HE IS THE ONE, CATCH HIM!" Ordered the ogre in a loud voice.
I wanted to scream to him to run with all my heart, but I didn't, I was too shocked for that. Roger was immediately tackled to the floor. Encouraged by seeing Roger in difficulty, the creatures ran to him. It looked like a fucking red ants invasion. They hung Roger's arms, legs-
"HELP! FREDDIE!" I heard him shout before the creatures put their dirty hands on his eyes, mouth and completely immobilized him. It was appalling!
"BRING ME HIS VOICE! NOW!" What? His voice? Have I missed an episode? Why did they want Roger's voice?
When I saw that big scary creature beginning to approach my poor terrified blond mate, who was trying to free himself from the creatures hands, I knew that it was time for me to act.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled as I stopped hidding behind my tree, without even thinking. I was stood with my hand on my hips, showing them I wasn't scared (even if it was the case multiplied by a thousand in my head). "OR I CAN ASSURE THAT I WILL..." Fuck! I haven't even thought about that, I was a freaking idiot. How would I fight an ogre which was actually ten times taller than me and an army of big red ants?
The ogre didn't even let me the time to finish my sentence. "CATCH HIM TOO!" It yelled.
Oh fuck! I didn't see that coming! Five big creatures were now running to me! I couldn't move, I was too scared for that. But when I saw this kind of big spider jumping on me...
"DON'T APPROACH ME!" I screamed. After a few seconds I realized that the spider wasn't there any more. Did I kill it? How?
I weirdly looked at myself, searching how did I kill this creature without even touching it. The ogre looked stupefied, but not as I was. I turned around to see that little cat from earlier being attacked by a creature. That made me angrier than ever. Why were they attacking a poor creature without any defenses like this?
I grab a stick and began to knock the monster out with all my might. What an injustice! Hurting a poor innocent cat like that! The cat stood up on his paws and began to purr when he saw me. That was maybe some recognition.
Suddenly, I felt a shadow above me. I was so busy with the cat that I hadn't heard the ogre approaching me. I had nothing to protect myself this time. He grabbed me by the arms and lifted me from the ground. It hurt so much! I moaned and clenched my teeth in pain, but also in fear. That ogre was so terrifying when we looked at him as close as I was. I first began to trying to free myself, but when I looked under me, I realized that it wasn't a good idea.
"I'M GONNA PUT YOU IN PIECES!" Exclaimed the terrible ogre, his voice reasoning into my ears too loudly, as it began to shake me in front of him. It was so painful, that I had tears which began to form into my eyes. My muscles were shouting to the ogre to stop.
It shook me and again, and again, and again, and again...
"AAAAAAAH!" I screamed in pain. When I screamed, a big light took form into my throat and attacked the ogre, which immediately let go of me, shouting.
Was I the one who did that again? I still didn't understand how. The ogre collapsed on the ground, unanimated. I felt exhausted as hell and I also didn't understand why. I jumped in fear when I felt a hand helping me to stand up. But, when I turned around, I saw my beloved Roger. How did he get rid of these creatures alone?
We jumped in each others arms and began to hug for two good minutes. "You're alright?" He asked me, worried. "I think that I am the one who just should ask that, Roger, what did you do to meet these things?" I answered by another question. "It's difficult... WATCH OUT!"
I had just the time to turn around when a big red ant jumped on me and tackled me to the ground. It began to pull my pants violently. So violently that he tore a part and ran away to the ogre, which finally got up, with the piece of my pants.
Roger helped me to get up, without looking away from the ogre. I did the same. It began to walk backwards, looking intimidated. "WE WILL MEET AGAIN, BOYS!" He assured to us, before suddenly disappearing with his creatures.
What had just happened already? I couldn't said to myself it was real because I didn't believe it. Suddenly I saw that Roger was staggering. "Roggie, are you alright?" I asked, worried about him.
"I don't know..." He quietly answered before fainting in my arms. What happened to him?
"Roggie..." I gently shook him, trying to wake him up, but without any success. I began to lift him and to take him in my arms. I'm gonna bring Roger back home... With the cat, of course!
"Farrokh, are you okay?" That was my father reaction when I told him about what happened to Roger and I. He wanted to bring Roger to the hospital, but I dissuaded him. I wanted Roger to tell me what happened to him when I was sleeping, first.
Roger was lying on our couch, still unconscious. I still didn't understand why he fainted.
"Papa! I know it's hard to believe it, but if I tell you that Roger was attacked by an ogre and big creatures that looked like red ants, which wanted to stole him his voice-" My dad cut me off.
"Farrokh, I don't know what Roger and you drank, but I can assure that what happened is not real!" He began to be angry. What scared me a little, relative to the ogre attack.
"Bomi, calm down, I can assure that our son looks very sober. Why would he invents something like that?" That was my mother, always here to calm the situation. I love her.
My father looked weirdly at me and then at the unanimated Roger next to me. "That's enough, boys!" He said, walking to the telephone.
I got up from the couch, trying to run after my father-
"Freddie..." My blonde mate called me with his sleepy voice. It was so cute. He felt that I wasn't besides him any more.
"I'm here, Rog, I'm here." I walked back to him and began to stroke his blonde hair, as he relaxed completely.
"Where are we, Fred?" He asked me, confused. Roger looked so disoriented.
"We are in my home, Roger, don't worry they can't hurt you here." I tried to reassure him. My blond mate immediately hugged me tightly and I did the same.
"Are you feeling any pain, Roger?" My mother suddenly asked.
"No, don't worry Mrs. Bulsara, I'm fine." He assured to my mother.
My father came back to the living room. "Oh, Roger you woke up." Papa casually said. "So, maybe you can explain to us what happen to Freddie and you, in a better way..." Why didn't my father believe me for God's sake! It was the authentic version, even if I couldn't believe it myself!
"No problem Mr. Bulsara!" Began Roger. "Actually, Freddie and I went for a walk in Kensington Gardens like we do every first day of vacations. We began to install ourselves under a big tree, when Freddie fell asleep. Realizing we didn't have any breakfast, I went seeking food, but the fast-food was closed. So, I was going back to Kensington Gardens, but I failed my way and found myself in the middle of the woods. After a few minutes of not finding the exit, I sat in a abandoned park, and that was when the ogre and his creatures attacked me." My blond mate debited all these informations in a few minutes.
"Okay, absolutely boys, it's okay, boys..." Responded my father, stunned, as he sat down on a chair, holding his head, like if it was about to explose.
"Papa, you must believe us, we are telling the truth!" I exclaimed, hopeless.
"Roger, do you want to call yours parents for telling them what happened and why you are here?" Gently, asked my mother.
"Don't worry Mrs. Bulsara, they are on a business trip, actually." Poor Roger. I knew his mother. If she found him telling a story like that, she was going to kill him verbally. "But, above all, you can congratulate your son for saving my life." He said with a wink. Oh no! How was I going to tell my parents that when I shouted, magic came from my throat? They were gonna think I was really mad.
But, instead of that, my mother smiled at me. "We are so proud of you, Farrokh. Finally, you see that boxing isn't useless!" I was so relieved, they thought that I have fought with my boxing skills. Even if I said that it was actually an ogre, which was ten times my size.
"No Mrs. Bulsara, actually he-" I quietly gave a small kick to Roger's ankle. I had been enough humiliated like that.
"I think that Roger and I will go to my room." I said, as I got up and pulled Roger by the arm, bringing him upstairs.
"Roger, what did you think? Telling my parents I have magic powers? They already think that I am crazy!" I got angry quietly, as my blond mate was looking at all the drawings on the walls of my room.
"You draw so well! You are so talented!" He exclaimed. Ugh.
"Roger are you listening to me?" I asked him, desperate.
"Freddie, if you want my advice, you should be very proud of you. Even if what happened is weird, you have saved my life!" He sat next to me on my bed.
"I don't know what to think about that..." I mumbled. "I still don't understand what happened and how I did... You know what... It never happened before." I quietly added. I was surely crazy, like my father said.
"Freddie... Don't listen at what your parents said." Advised Roger. So, he could read mind? "Fred... I think that I also did magic..." He confessed. That shocked me.
"H-How?" I asked, confused. He laughed when he saw my disturbed face.
"You know when the creatures tackled me to the ground?" I nodded "Well, while you were fighting the ogre, I don't know what I did, but I concentrated hard... And the creatures immediately released me..." He told. Incredible! If Roger was also magic, it was a big coincidence that we found ourselves in the same room at the University...
"Freddie, I think that I understand something." Suddenly said Roger. "Remember, I was very scared when the creatures attacked me and, after a few minutes, they released me. It was the same for you, I guess you were very scared when that ugly ogre lifted you by the arms..." He was right. If we really had powers, they triggered themselves when we were scared... Fuck! That was so weird!
My door slowly opened and Kashmira quietly penetrated the room.
"Boys, I heard what you were talking about and... I might be the only one who believes you..." Wow. Kashmira was talking to us in a serious way? What was happening?
"Kash, what do you mean?" I asked my sister, worried about her.
Kasmira looked at me and Roger. "Freddie, you know the drawings of Rhye we did when we were young?" She answered by another question, as she took her map of Rhye out of her pocket. "Well, first, I thought that I was dreaming, but, look at that boys." Kashmira displayed the map on the floor of my room. That was strange. This map looked really more detailed that the map we did when were younger. Then, she concentrated very hard and moved her hands above the map. Roger and I thought she was making fun of us.
But, suddenly the map began to have a reflect, like liquid water. That was clear, Kashmira was a wizard, exactly like us.
"Brilliant..." Roger said. "Scary, but brilliant..." He added, stunned.
"And take a look at this!" She quietly exclaimed, as she put her feet into the map, which really turn into a liquid thing. Then, all her body began to dug into the map.
"Kash!" I yelled in anticipation, my hand covering my mouth.
"Don't worry, Fred. You and Roger just have to do the same thing as me!" That was the last thing she said, before disappearing into the map. Roger and I looked at each other, swallowing difficulty.
"That's our destiny, Fred..." Said my blond mate before imitating what Kashmira did a few seconds ago.
When Roger had disappeared, I did the same thing. It was a so weird sensation. Like if I was drowning into quicksand.
When all my body passed the map, I collapsed into the greenest grass I have ever seen. I slowly looked up and saw Kashmira and I's dream world. There was the White Queen's castle in front of us and I could also see the Troll Mountains behind. It was so more wonderful than in my dreams.
Roger's eyes were widened. Even if he didn't know that place as good as Kashmira and I knew it, he seemed amazed by the landscape.
"That's wonderful I-" I tried to do a sentence, as I began to walk to the White Queen's castle. But Kashmira grab me by the wrist.
"Freddie, it could be dangerous to go further now, if someone sees us as the stranger we are, we will probably finish our days into a jail!" Kashmira warned me. She was right and we also couldn't left mama and papa alone, even if this landscape was the most beautiful of the world... Oh yes, I forgot, Rhye wasn't in our world. In our world, there only were works and University.
"And how can we leave this place, Kash?" Asked Roger.
My sister giggled. "Nothing more simple than to jump!" She exclaimed at the same time she jumped and disappeared into Rhye's sky. I reluctantly did the same thing. A few seconds later, we were back in my room.
"That's so fantastic-"
Roger was interrupted by a big noise coming from downstairs. Shit ! Mama and papa were there, what was happening. Kashmira, Roger and I immediately went down the stairs. And then-
"HERE THEY ARE!" This terrible ogre and his creatures were back! How is it possible? How did they found us? The ogre was looking right at a terrified Roger, who couldn't move any more, frightened by the fear. And above all this disaster, a new monster made his apparition and it was a blue troll, probably the most terrifying of all the monsters here.
When I looked closely to the troll, I understood how they found us so quickly. The troll had the part of my pants in his hand, and if we listen to what I rode when I was younger, the troll had a very good sense of smell. They arrived here because of me. God, I felt so stupid right now.
My poor parents were trembling like hell in each others arms. They didn't have the right to hurt them. But Roger seemed more reactive. He gathered all his courage and kicked the troll in the face.
The troll groaned in pain, as he held the part of his face where Roger had kicked.
"WHAT AN IDIOT! HURT BY A BLONDIE!" Got angry the ogre.
"Yes, but I'm not whichever Blondie!" Retorted my blond mate, in provocation.
That made the monsters entered in a big anger. "Freddie! Kashmira! They are too numerous, we need to separate them!" That was right. I didn't know that Roger could be smart, sometimes.
"I have a plan!" Proposed my sister. "Roger, you make diversion with the ogre, Freddie, try to get away the big red ants, and I will try to call down the troll, right?" We didn't have more time to think for another plan.
"Right Kash!" Roger and I said together.
I ran to the red ants. "By here, my darlings!" I coaxed them and they immediately followed me without any hesitation when I precipitated myself outside. Okay, nice, and now, what should I do to get rid of them? I didn't even had the time to think that the troll collapsed on the creatures. Alright then.
Then, I saw a saucepan with four legs made his way towards me. What was that? The saucepan adhere my legs from behind. I lifted the saucepan and found my beloved cat hidden inside.
"Nice armor, darling!" I giggled before put the saucepan back on the ground.
Exactly at the same time I was thinking that we were going to be okay, Roger crossed violently the glass of the living room's window, breaking it.
"Oh my God, Roggie, are you alright?" I ran towards him, there was some big pieces of glass embedded in his skin and he was bleeding a little at some places.
"Don't worry Fred, I'm alright-" The big ogre got out from the house, by destroying the door at the same time.
"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU, BLONDIE!" He yelled, looking excited. He grabbed Roger with his big hand.
"ROG!" I shouted in anticipation. Roger was literally squirming against the big dirty hand of the monster.
"HELP ME! FREDDIE! KASHMIRA! SOMEONE HELP!" Screamed my blond mate in fear.
"THAT'S ALRIGHT I'M JUST GONNA BRING YOU TO RHYE, LITTLE BLONDIE, SOME PEOPLE NEED YOURSELF!" No, no, no that couldn't finish like that! I couldn't leave that monster taking my best friend away like this, in front of my eyes!
"PUT HIM DOWN IMMEDIATELY!" Ah. There was Kashmira. "WE HAVE ALREADY PUT YOUR TROLL K.O., WE CAN DO THE SAME THING WITH YOU!" She yelled to the ogre. Wow. She beat a troll herself... With Roger, we were two and didn't even touch the ogre.
"WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO LITTLE ONE?" Provocated the ogre, laughing. My sister didn't break the eye-contact, when she leaned down to me.
"Sing, Freddie!" She ordered me. I didn't understand. Singing? Really? How can my sing destroy an ogre like that? "Come on Fred, don't ask any questions and sing your heart out!" I gulped, I really didn't know how can this help, but whatever, I made confidence to my dear sister.
"AY-OOH!" I yelled. That was weird. I felt something forming into my throat.
"Continue Freddie!" Encouraged my sister.
"DE DOH DE DOH DE DOH DE DOH DE DOH!" I felt the thing in my throat growing. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY-OH!" I shouted with all my heart and a shiny thing escaped from my throat and hit the ogre right in the chest. He stumbled a little before completely collapsing on the ground. It was incredible, if I had a magic power, it was... My voice?
With Kashmira, we helped Roger to free himself from the ogre grip. This time, he didn't fainted, but he looked very hurt, with the pieces of glass everywhere on him.
The ogre tried to get up, but without any success. "WE WILL MEET AGAIN, I PROMISE!" He assured to us, before disappearing with the troll.
This time, I think that mama and papa will believe me and Roger.
While mama and Kashmira were healing Roger, I had a discussion with my father, as we were cleaning the living room. He finally believed me, but was also really worried about me, Kashmira and Roger. He didn't want them to attack us again and I understood him, but now that I identified the origins of my power, I could protect myself a little bit better than before.
"And also Farrokh..." When papa began a sentence like that, it usually not good. "Kashmira told me that she found a portal to go to the kingdom you invented when you were children... And... She envisaged to go explore it with you and Roger." Oh my God! That was so great! I couldn't imagine it! I have always wanted to go to Rhye, but I didn't know that my sister had a free access to go there, without any limits! "Farrokh, I want you three to think clearly about the decision you will take, you saw it by yourself, there are dangerous things there and you could get hurt..." I began to get really worried about us.
"Don't worry, Mr. Bulsara!" Suddenly said Roger with bandages wrapped around some parts of his body. "I will make sure your two children are okay and don't make bad things." I wanted to explode of laughter. If there was someone who can't retain anybody to do that, it was Roger! He is usually the first to create the bad idea, where everybody get hurt.
"So, you are ready to go into our dream kingdom, Fred?" Asked Kashmira in a determined way.
"More than ever!" I assured to her.
My sister began to concentrate and to move his hands in a weird way. After a few seconds, a ball of light appeared and opened a portal to another dimension. My magic dimension. Rhye.
"Please children, be careful!" Cried my mother, as she threw herself in Kashmira and I arms.
"Don't worry, mama, we will communicate with you and papa as soon as we can!" She gently reassured mama
We all turned around, facing the portal.
"Ready Freddie?" Asked Roger.
"Yeah, let's go!"
Kashmira went into the portal first, then Roger and finally, me. Before going into the portal I waved to my parents, I was going to miss them so much. But, I left my body being carried by a big shiny magic tornado.
It was the beginning of a new departure...
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Birds ~ Stan Uris (part 1)
A/n: My first song prompt! Heard this and immediately thought of my bird boy. I tried to resist writing it bc I’ve already done a little series fr Stan but I couldn’t help it. Hope you enjoy! Also, y’all are aged to 17/18.
Anon: Pidge
Word Count (without lyrics): 3036
Song: “Birds” by Thomas Sanders ft. Terence Williams
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I don't wanna drive a fancy car today; I don't wanna ride in a red corvette. I don't wanna jog my Saturday away, but I don't wanna go home yet.
Shoulders clashed together and two pairs of eyes met, wide. “I’m so sorry,” one of the people gushed before pausing, a small smile on their face as their head tilted. “Eddie Kaspbrak?”
Eddie found a smile moving onto his face. “That’s my name,” he confirmed. “And you’re fine, you didn’t kill me.” They both laughed. “What’s your name.”
“Y/n,” was the answer. “We went to middle school together but... you probably don’t remember me.
Eddie felt guilty. “I... do not.”
The giggle that came out of the new face was cute and Eddie found himself liking this person. There was a certain energy. Something that drew him in and made him feel so comfortable and warm. “It’s okay. I was a really quiet, shy, awkward kid. I kinda sat in a corner and hid behind books from... everyone.” An embarrassed expression passed over their face. “I’m working on being more social. Making friends. Try to make high school better than Middle school.”
Eddie scoffed. “Heard it’s worse.”
Y/n smirked. “Challenge accepted.”
This human being was intriguing. Eddie knew his friends would like them. “Hey, want to come meet my friends? We’re just a bunch of Losers but it’s somewhere to start.”
Y/n beamed. “I would LOVE to.”
After that, Y/n became a Loser. The others all felt the same draw as Edddie had, and they were welcomed with open arms.
Stan thought they were fine in a passive way. He seemed to be the only one not super excited about his new friend that they had... Y/n was madly taken with him though. They thought he was so good looking and funny, more prone to laughing at his banter with his boys and his nonaggressive insults than to take offense to them, as if they already knew that Stan’s way of showing affection was through eye rolls and snarky comments.
Freshman year was filled with making memories and adjusting to the shift. Y/n kept their promise in accepting Eddie’s challenge when it came to high school being lame. For every bad thing that happened Y/n set a good thing. A hang out during he weekend or a game night in the middle of the week. Sharing jokes at lunch or bringing cool books and exchanging the worst pick up lines with Richie, making everyone laugh. That was the year went from stranger to friend, telling stories about their life and lineage since their family had been kind of wild. The Losers could tell some of them were fake, but Y/n never insisted they were real and told them for the pure purpose or entertainment. If anyone ever asked or pushed it, they would immediately tell if the story was real or not. Y/n lied a lot less than the average person. Probably because they were terrible at it unless they were telling a story.
Sophomore year was when Y/n stopped making it about their life and turned stories simply into that- stories. Fantastical and amazing and full of magic or horror or drama. They were more entertaining than ever, and Bill often would write down an outline of each story, giving the notes to Y/n and insisting they should write it. Y/n would claim the the same thing: “You write it, Billiam. I couldn’t sit down and organized my chaotic thoughts on paper. I change it based on crowd reaction and there’s so many plot holes.. you’d do better.” So Bill would write them. And, in return, he gave Y/n paper copies of each of the short stories he’d strengthened based off of her idea. Y/n collected them in folders and when Summer came, they left pages for covers and made an amateur book- Short Stories by Bill Denbrough and Y/n L/n. Those stories were told again and again until the other Losers could recite them, but without fault Ben and Eddie would ask for another story during each long stretch of nothing or when they couldn’t sleep at sleepovers.
Junior year was for Richie and Y/n’s insane duo. With Eddie and Y/n’s joking around and brother/sister bond and Bill and Y/n’s bond over writing and how Ben and Mike could rant about anything and Y/n would listen with endless, genuine interest, it was amazing to see Y/n not only be creative, attentive, caring, and genuine, but also be able to keep up with Richie. Y/n laughed at his jokes, as earnest to listen to him as they listened to Mike or Eddie. The two kept the mood light, continuing their constant exchange of jokes and pick up lines. Between Bill’s creative mind and Richie’s unwavering ability to always have something to say, the two boys and Y/n became really close as Y/n tied inside jokes into quick stories, letting Richie jump in with voice impersonations and dorky comments and the most wacky, random suggestions to throw the story for an insane loop. Bill, as before, took notes and wrote the stories at home in his free time, and a new volume was made- “Crazy Stories by Trashmouth, Sunny, and Big Bill.” That’s what they called Y/n. Sunny, because of their cheery disposition and the way they brought a new sense of life and a simultaneously bright and also chill atmosphere. A safe sort of feeling that was so warm and comfortable and felt exactly like home.
When Richie and Bill realized they had feelings for each other, it was Y/n who got them together. And then they got Ben and Mike together too. The summer after junior year, Y/n sat back and smirked as they successfully paired up their friends and watched love bloom.
One day, Eddie plopped next to Y/n. “You’re good at that.” Y/n looked over with their arms crossed and a questioning eyebrow risen. “Match making. Getting people together.” He chuckled. “Think you could help me out?”
Y/n chuckled. “I’ll definitely keep my eye out, Eddie Spaghetti.” Y/n rarely called Eddie that other than in joking, lighthearted moments like these. They had picked it up from Richie. “You deserve to be happy.” They winked and Eddie nodded, agreeing silently.
Two weeks later, Y/n pointed out a guy sitting in the park with a book on his lap. “The one in the purple shirt?” Eddie asked doubtfully.
Y/n shot him a look. “Yes, Eddie. Trust me. He works in the pharmacy, in the back. Sorting things and restocking shelves. He’s super introverted so it might take a second, but you two are a match made in heaven. Swear it on my reputation.”
Like magic, a few months later Eddie ran to his friends a few days before senior year began, ranting about the fantastic date he’d had the night before with his boyfriend and the kids they had and on and on- only Y/n stuck around to listen, laughing and beaming. “YOU’RE MAGICAL!” Eddie ended dramatically.
“I told you!” Y/n insisted.
Eddie looked around at the Losers. Stan and Bill were talking as Richie played with Bill’s fingers. Mike and Ben, not one for super affection while with their friends, were sitting close together and listening to the conversation about what they expected senior year to be like and what they had planned after, every once in a while giving input.
Suddenly he turned to Y/n. “What about you?”
Y/n seemed confused. “What ABOUT me?”
“Oh come on Sunny,” Eddie prompted. Y/n’s nose scrunched up at the nickname. They knew that Y/n wasn’t ALWAYS happy. No one was. They knew that Y/n actually got into a lot of arguments with their parents and had to deal with being the less favorite child compared to their younger sister who was perfect and pretty and for some reason everything Y/n wasn’t to their parents. That’s why Y/n was so accepting and attentive and caring- because they didn’t want anyone to feel alone or less than as they had. But the nickname had stuck more in appreciation for how hard Y/n worked to be the best friend they could be despite it all.
Still, sometimes it bothered Y/n the same was ‘Eddie Spaghetti’ bothered Eddie. They still used the nicknames though.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You have to like someone. Let me help set you up with someone!”
Y/n shrugged, suddenly not as into the conversation. Eddie was unsure what he’d said and why it had upset Y/n, but he promptly stopped talking. Y/n sighed, running a hand through their hair in habit. “There’s no one interested in me,” they settled.
Later, Eddie would talk about the odd interaction with Ben and the two would team up to figure out who Y/n liked, because Ben said that based on what they said, there WAS someone.
“Come ON, Y/n!” Eddie insisted.
Finally they broke. “Oh my gosh, it’s Stan!” Both boys stared at Y/n with shock. “I’ve tried everything I could think of, but no matter what I do every time I try and get especially close to him he just seems annoyed with me more than anything. Like how he’s annoyed with Richie but worse.” Ben and Eddie shared a startled look. That was bad. “I gave up. He won’t ever like me, I get it.” Their voice grew quiet. “But it won’t change that when he smiles my stomach twists and when he laughs my insides warm up. It doesn’t change that I wonder if his hair is as soft as it looks or think about holding his hand and marking him laugh or...” they shrugged, glaring into their lap. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t bring him to me and when I try to go to him, he gets annoyed.”
There was a pause before Ben scooted close to his friend, placing his hand on their shoulder. “We have one year left, and then we’re done with high school. You’ve been into him since freshman year?” Y/n nodded. “That’s three years, Y/n. Three years.” Eddie and Y/n both gulped, but Ben smiled. “You might be THE matchmaker, but I think you should go for it again. Try a different tactic. Don’t give up or stop trying. Stan deserves someone who’s as loyal and persistent as you. And you never know, maybe you’ll find a hole in that wall of his and make his life better just as we know you do for everyone.”
Smiling, Y/n thought about it for a second. A small smile grew on their face and they nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”
Ben and Eddie cheered, causing Y/n to laugh.
...but saying they would do it would be a easier than doing it. Succeeding would be even harder. But, Y/n was trying it seemed. Again.
Big sigh.
Today is not the day to jump out of a plane. I don't wanna parasail or play roulette. I don't wanna risk it all or go insane, but I don't wanna go home yet.
The couples in the Loser’s Club set up a group date as a last ditch hurrah before summer ended, leaving Stan and Y/n with nothing to do with their friends. Y/n took their chance, approaching Stan as the group broke up for the day. “Hey.”
Stan looked over and smiled a little, nodding. “Hello.” The small, slightly friendly, casual upturn of the corner of his lips was all Y/n could ever get from Stan and it was frustrating when the one person she wanted to see smile the most was all the only person they couldn’t get to really smile.
“So everyone’s going on that group date tomorrow,” Y/n began and Stan looked at then sideways, not wanting to partake in any such activities with his friend just because Y/n couldn’t be fine on their own. “Maybe we could hang out tomorrow? Not with the other Losers on the date, but just like... I don’t know, anything.”
Stan had planned to go birdwatching the next day so the idea of not going the one day he was sure absolutely no one would bother him was disappointing. But he was working on being more of a people person, so though hesitant, he managed a, “What did you have in mind?”
Y/n help hope rise inside of them. “We could go to a movie.”
Stan’s nose scrunched. “It’s supposed to be a really good day tomorrow, I don’t want to lock myself indoors for too long. Plus I’ve seen all the movies out that I’m interested in already.”
Touching their bottom lip, Y/n thought. “So then no arcade either.” Stan shook his head. “We could go to the Quarry,” they offered next.
That didn’t seem to please him either. “It’s not as fun without the whole gang,” he pointed out. And Y/n had to agree, he had a point.
“We could ride bikes. Like, race or just ride.” Even Y/n knew that was a weak idea. “Or go in a hike. Or have a picnic! Oh that would be so fun!”
A hike and picnic actually sounded like a great idea. Stan could see them walking, quietly their footsteps to see birds while walking, and then continuing to do so as they ate, making the smallest talk about buds and nature and other odds and ends things that popped into his head.
But even though he could see it, he knew it wasn’t realistic. No one was into bird watching- even the other Losers thought it was dorky. Richie teased him about it all the time. Y/n was too loud and impatient anyway and would probably scare all of the birds away. They’d want to tell stories or have long, constant conversation. Stan had always been annoyed with Y/n. The way they seemed to bond so easily with everyone but him. They were too loud and hyperactive- Stan was quiet. They could never get along like Y/n did with the others. For that reason alone Stan said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He didn’t know why he had such a wanting to keep Y/n away but he did. So whatever. He had his birds anyway.
Y/n deflated, completely out of ideas. They walked in silence for quite some time. House passed. Y/n’s turn passed, but they continued with Stan, trying to come up with something. Anything. They made a promise to Eddie and Ben to do their best, so no matter what they would.
After a few more weak ideas passed through their mind, though, Y/n slowly realized that they had been right- Stan would never go for them. They couldn’t even get him to hang out!
The pair finally reached Stan’s house and Stan turned to Y/n, an eyebrow raised in annoyance. “You coming inside with me too?”
Y/n stared at Stan for a really long time, eyebrows pushed together and hands on their hip. Now THEY were the annoyed one and it took Stan off guard. Y/n’s eyes were actually really pretty and the simmering irritation and swirling thoughts made this intense look in their eyes that was dark and alluring. They were... kinda cute actually.
Stan hated when his brain did this. Notice things about Y/n. Notice how good looking and easy to get along with they were. He hated how he was secretly so drawn to Y/n. He’d become antisocial and with all his friends pairing up, his favorite past time was just to block out the whole world and look at birds and pretend he wasn’t himself. Just a drifting cloud, watching and observing and taking notes. It was freeing, the quiet. It let him relax and be himself. It had gotten to the point that anytime he was around people he just felt... on edge. Like he was irritated simply by other people’s presence. So he avoided people. There was a kind of content that he couldn’t enjoy with people around and he didn’t want to let that go.
Except Y/n kinda made him want to. Made him want to think of a different kind of life with the one person he was sure was the polar opposite of the person he needed in his life that way.
Nothing too dramatic. Going on dates. Holding hands. Mindlessly playing with fingers and hair like Bill or leaning their shoulders together as one of them read like Ben and Mike. Someone to make you smile and make memories to bring smiles and conjure for lonely moments. Someone to kiss, maybe, if that was as good as he secretly wondered it was. Someone to BE with. He knew he was expected to find someone, eventually, but... he had time right? And no way in the world could Y/n be that person anyway!
It was a mantra he’d been repeating to himself since the end of sophomore year when Y/n had leaned over and kissed Stan’s cheek to congratulate him for passing his final exam. The little bubbles and heartbeat trips had added up to a picture Stan didn’t like in that moment, blaring a truth he had settled to simply ignore until they all went away. Until Y/n went away. But the feelings and the person who caused them still stayed. And, in moments like these, it was hard to keep that truth buried as deep down as he usually had them. It was hard to not admit it even for a split second just to himself...
Y/n was really good looking. Funny, nice, positive, caring. Thoughtful. Gentle. They were dedicated and hard working and fun and their teasing was exactly what made him go. They way they flirted seemed to appeal just to him.
He... he...
“Stan?” Y/n called. Stan blinked, humming as he was knocked from this thoughts. He realized he was glaring more deeply than he had been before, frustrated with himself. Y/n was frowning, probably think he was glaring at whatever they had said. “I said, if you hate all of my ideas, what do you do for fun?”
Stan’s heart stopped dead in his chest. Birdwatching. Birdwatching is what he did for fun.
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angelsd0ntkill · 7 years
Screw it, I’m gonna answer ALL THE QUESTIONS from the music ask meme.
1. A song you’re ashamed of liking: I don’t have one?? I don’t think??
2. Favourite lyrics: Kun multaan vanhan erämaan / Ajattoman, lohduttavan / Palaan kerran uudestaan / Älä jää mua suremaan (From “Lohtu”, composed by Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish and performed by various Finnish artists.)
Rough translation: When I return once again to the timeless, comforting earth of the ancient wilderness, do not mourn me.
3. Favourite band/artist: If I have to pick one, I’ll always say My Chemical Romance, because they’re so important to me and I’ve never loved a band like I love them. Other faves include Children of Bodom, Warmen, Billy Talent, Korpiklaani, Ensiferum, Norther, Nightwish, Lady Gaga, Marina and the Diamonds, Blackpink, 2NE1, Dalriada, Iron Maiden, and AC/DC.
4. Top 5 Favourite songs at this moment:
Spark by Warmen
Luontoni by Korpiklaani
As If It’s Your Last by Blackpink
Roppongi Rumble by Warmen
Somebody’s Watching Me by Warmen
Can you tell I fucking love Warmen...?
5. Latest song that made you smile: Not only did Alestorm’s “Fucked With An Anchor” make me smile, it made me laugh my ass off the first time I heard it. I know, I’m easily amused.
6. An overrated band: No offense but... the first thing that comes to mind is Turisas... Or, well, I don’t like using the word “overrated” -- it’s been used to drag my music taste too often, go figure -- and it’s more like I don’t listen to them much myself but I see (or used to see) so much hype for them and I'm kinda like “what”. 
7. An overrated song: ????????????
8. Latest song that made you cry: Oh, gods, it’s been so long. Several years, probably. Uhh ... “Make It Stop (September’s Children)” by Rise Against?
9. Artist/band that saved your life: My Chemical Romance. Yep, I’m one of those. ;) Later on, Michael Jackson did the same.
10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it be: Oh, jeez, that’s a loaded question. My first instinct is to see MCR one more time (preferably with them playing all my favourites from all their albums); second I thought of artists who are retired or dead (Michael Jackson, for example); third I thought of all my faves who I haven’t seen yet; and finally I thought of how thirsty I am to see Bodom again. I don’t know what I’d pick aaaaaaa
11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for you: “Who Made Who” by AC/DC brings back childhood memories because my Dad’s a huge AC/DC fan and that was the song my siblings and I liked best. Evanescence’s album The Open Door and MCR’s The Black Parade bring back memories of winter break in 8th grade when my sister and I hung out in my room drawing “manga” and listening to them on repeat. We grew apart fast after that, and it took years to reconnect properly, so it’s bittersweet. “Nemo” by Nightwish reminds me of road trips with the family, and a specific place we’d stop on our way to Lake Huron....
12. Saddest song you know: “Nothing to Lose” or “Saint Veronika” by Billy Talent, probably.
13. Favourite song to sing in the shower: Whatever’s stuck in my head at the given time.
14. If you played an instrument in grade school, what was it: I played the flute and the fact that there have been so many popular text posts about how flutists are assholes makes me sad.
15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your wedding: Not to, like, totally copy my old coworker or anything, but... “The Only Exception” by Paramore. Which would be bad because I’d be a crying mess. :^D
16. 5 Songs to have sex to: I’m a sex-repulsed asexual, my dudes.
17. One band you’d have get back together/bring back from the dead: *chants* M-C-R! M-C-R! M-C-R!
18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is it: Billy Talent’s Dead Silence.
19. A song that gets you through shit: The previously mentioned “Make It Stop (September’s Children)” is pretty good for that. So is “One Step At A Time” by Four Year Strong. I also listen to “Deep Inside” by Norther and “Roundtrip to Hell and Back” and “Towards Dead End” by Children of Bodom a lot when I’m having a shitty time, though I wouldn’t say they help me through anything. It’s more like they help vent the shitty feelings.
20. A song to shut everything out: “Hate Crew Deathroll” by Children of Bodom or “The Invaluable Darkness” by Dimmu Borgir.
21. A song that’s a joke between you and your friends: We’ve all been memelords since time immemorial, so any songs that are jokes between us are also jokes on the internet. The good ol’ Trololol Song and the Lonely Island’s “I Just Had Sex” come to mind. :P OH! “I Don’t Love You” by MCR is a joke between me and my sister. I don’t know how it happened, but we were like “I don’t love you, like I loved, that cake~” We, along with a mutual friend, also have an inside joke concerning “U Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer and Slade Minions from the Teen Titans video game, but that’s a bit too involved to get into, haha.
22. A song to jam out to at 4am: “Drink” by Alestorm -- WE ARE HERE TO DRINK YOUR BEER AND STEAL YOUR RUM AT THE POINT OF A GUN!!
23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time: “Roundtrip to Hell and Back” by Children of Bodom and “Deep Inside” by Norther
24. A song that calms you down: Maybe “Fear and Loathing” and “Happy” by Marina and the Diamonds.
25. A song that makes you feel alive: “Runaway” by Avril Lavigne, “The Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga, “This Is Home” by blink-182
26. If you could get any lyrics tattooed, which would you choose: Voitonlaulut soi ainiaan! (from “Victory Song” by Ensiferum) and I am not afraid to keep on living (from “Famous Last Words” by MCR).
27. What band/artist would you get your children addicted to at an early age: AC/DC (the legacy must continue), metal in general, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga...
28. Can you play any instruments, if so, which: Flute, as mentioned above. Tried to learn guitar and bass at different times, but nothing came of it. O:^)
29. If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it be: Probably Korpiklaani, they always seem like they’re having a blast.
30. CDs or Vinyls: CDs, but vinyls are cool, too.
31. 25 15 songs to play at your funeral: Gods, I’m gonna go full Edgelord with this, alright--
“Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC
“Highway to Hell” by AC/DC
“Haunt” by Bastille
“Tumman Virran Taa” by Ensiferum
“Last Breath” by Ensiferum
“The Longest Journey (Heathen Throne Part II)” by Ensiferum
“HIStory” by Michael Jackson
“Under the Water by The Pretty Reckless
“Turn Loose The Mermaids” by Nightwish
“Those Were The Days” by Leningrad Cowboys
“Thnks fr th Mmrs” by Fall Out Boy
“The Light Behind Your Eyes” by My Chemical Romance
“Meadows of Heaven” by Nightwish
“Lohtu” by various Finnish artists
“Kill All Your Friends” by My Chemical Romance
I guess some of those are acceptable/more on point/at least partly serious.
32. What are some song titles that you love?
“It’s Not A Fashion Statement, It’s A Fucking Deathwish” by My Chemical Romance
“LoBodomy” by Children of Bodom, because haha, that’s pretty clever
“Done With Everything, Die For Nothing” by Children of Bodom
“Fxxk Boys Get Money” by FEMM
“Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats” by Billy Talent
“Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck” by Anti-Flag
“All Men Are Pigs” by Studio Killers
“I Never Told You What I Do For A Living” by My Chemical Romance
“If You Want Peace... Prepare For War” by Children of Bodom
I think I’ll stop there so this doesn’t get even longer than it’s already gonna be. Shout-out to all the Children of Bodom songs with “Bodom” in the title, though.
33. If your life ended today, what song would you choose to represent it? Maybe “Into the Cave We Wander” by Gerard Way & Ray Toro.
34. Can you give me a 10 song playlist on ____. I’m picking “Songs That Are Titled What The Band/Artist Is Called (Or Close Enough)” to fill in that blank.
Children of Bodom by Children of Bodom
Arkona by Arkona
Dimmu Borgir by Dimmu Borgir
Wa$$up by Wa$$up
Norther by Norther
Korpiklaani by Korpiklaani
I’m Poppy by That Poppy
The Evil That Warmen Do by Warmen
Iron Maiden by Iron Maiden
Alestorm by Alestorm
35. A heart-wrenching song: “Chasing the Sun” by Billy Talent -- I can’t even tell you why exactly I find it heart-wrenching, like yes, it’s bittersweet and beautiful and the lyrics are kind of sad, but I don’t relate to it personally, but it hits the heart anyway??
36. A band/artist you’re proud of: Billy Talent.
37. A song that has a lot of meaning to you: “Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back” by My Chemical Romance
38. A song that reminds you of school: “Nights I Can’t Remember, Friends I’ll Never Forget” by Toby Keith. Despite the fact that I’ve never experienced anything like what’s described in the song, the general vibe makes me super nostalgic for my high school friends and by extension high school.
39. A song not sung in your native language: “BOOMBAYAH” by Blackpink (yay, KPop!)
40. An instrumental song: “Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity” from Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”.
41. A classical song: I can’t think of anything off the top of my head and I’m not gonna go look that shit up coz it’s already past my bedtime and I wanna finish this in one go.
42. A song with no percussion: “Romance” by My Chemical Romance (I think?)
43. Something you’ve heard performed live: “Run to the Hills” by Iron Maiden
44. Something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live: By MCR: This is the Best Day Ever; Our Lady Of Sorrows; Kill All Your Friends; My Way Home Is Through You; Heaven Help Us; Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back; Summertime; Ambulance; Gun; The World Is Ugly; The Light Behind Your Eyes; Kiss The Ring; Surrender The Night; Desolation Row; Fake Your Death; and Desert Song.
I’d also love to see Billy Talent perform “Louder Than The DJ” and “Big Red Gun” live, I bet it’d be awesome. Also, seeing some of Bodom’s cover songs would be neat.
45. A song from a band/artist that’s from your town/city/state/province: I mean, I live in a town in the region of Uusimaa and Espoo is in Uusimaa soooo... Children of Bodom? :D
46. A song made suddenly precious because of a special someone: I honestly don’t know how to answer this one.
47. A song made suddenly painful because of someone special: “The Zephyr Song” by Red Hot Chili Peppers was painful for the longest time because of the first person who broke my heart. :I
48. A song that demands lip syncing and a makeshift microphone: "Manicure” by Lady Gaga, “Party All The Time” by Children of Bodom, “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Warmen, and “Bang Bang” by Jessie J. featuring Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj just to name a few.
49. A song from a band/artist you met/know: Uhh, I’ve met two members of Arkona, so let’s go with “Yarlio”.
50. A song that you would rock at karaoke: “Piano Man” by Billy Joel
51. A song you can’t help but dance to: I don’t dance... :I
52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table: See previous answer.
53. Your 10 song stripper playlist: No.
54. Favourite Disney song: Probably “Son of Man” by Phil Collins (from Tarzan, and that whole soundtrack is awesome okay), though of course “I’ll Make A Man Out Of You” is one hell of a jam, as well.
55. A song that starts with the first letter of your name: “Jouni Jouni” by Korpiklaani
56. A song from an artist still alive: “Hajdutanc” by Dalriada
57. A song from an artist who’s dead: “En Oo Käyny Irlannissa” by Juice Leskinen. It’s one of my favourite songs but I can’t find it anywhere on the internet, nor have I been able to find the album it’s on. The only person I know who has a copy is my dad, and he lives in Canada. Fuck.
58. A song you love by an artist/band you hate: “Save Rock n’ Roll” by Fall Out Boy. Okay, I don’t hate Fall Out Boy (that much anymore) and I never had a good reason for hating them anyway but. Yeah.
59. A song you love with a colour in the title: “9 Shades of Red” by Hedley
60. A song you love with a number in the title: “1741 (The Battle of Cartagena)” by Alestorm
61. A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about: Everything by Stam1na, but especially “Muistipalapelit”, which is unfortunate because it’s also the only Stam1na song I like.
62. A song that needs to be played LOUD: “Päät Pois Tai Hirteen” by Korpiklaani; “Hate Crew Deathroll” and pretty much everything else by Children of Bodom; anything by Dimmu Borgir; all of Alestorm and Korpiklaani’s booze songs; “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” by My Chemical Romance; “Red Flag”, “Man Alive!”, “Surprise Surprise”, “Viking Death March”, “Devil in a Midnight Mass”, “Louder Than The DJ”, and “Big Red Gun” by Billy Talent.
63. A song that makes you think about life: “Song of Myself” by Nightwish
64. 15 Songs that get stuck in your head easily:
“Don’t U Wait No More” by Red Velvet
“Deus In Absentia” by Ghost
“Ruuminmultaa” by Korpiklaani
“Shinjidai no Saga” (Donquixote Doflamingo’s character song)
“Wooden Pints” by Korpiklaani
“Hello Bitches” by CL
“NiNaNo” by Minzy
“Hello Kitty” by Avril Lavigne
“Children of the Smith” by Blind Guardian (it’s so good I don’t even care)
“Bad Boy Good Man” by Tape Five
“Lying Delilah” by Warmen
“My Oh My” by Girls’ Generation
“Heathens” by Twenty One Pilots
“Drink” by Alestorm
“Whistle” by Blackpink
65. A song that you think everyone should listen to: "Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back” by MCR is definitely one, but I’ll never suggest it to anyone coz it means so much to me I can’t handle people hating it. :’) I feel like there are a few more that I listen to and go Everyone should hear this!!!! but I can’t for the life of me remember what they are...
66. A song that makes you want to fall in love: “Summertime” by My Chemical Romance
67. A song that makes you think about ‘him/her’: “Things I’ll Never Say” by Avril Lavigne; “You” and “Heart” by The Pretty Reckless; “Stand Up and Run” by Billy Talent; “Sight of the Sun” by Fun.
68. A song that you remember from your childhood: “Lintumies” by Freud, Marx, Engels & Jung
69. A song that reminds you of you: “Wrecking Ball” by Mother Mother; “World Behind My Wall” by Tokio Hotel; “Strange” by Tokio Hotel feat. Kerli; “Waiting for a Friend” by The Pretty Reckless; “They All Blame Me” by Warmen; “Terrible Things” by April Smith and the Great Picture Show; “The Escapist” by Nightwish; “Song of Myself” by Nightwish; “Rootless” by Marina and the Diamonds; and many more.
70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1? The closest I can think of is “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor, and even that isn’t something I’m ashamed of, like who gives a shit? I’ve got Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana on my mp3 player, I’ve got the Tales From Moominvalley theme song, the Teen Titans theme in both English and Japanese, loads of One Piece music from OSTs to character songs, I’ve got the Pussycat Dolls and Hilary Duff and Babymetal, Avril Lavigne’s been one of my faves since her first single dropped, hell, I just re-downloaded the entire Trololol Song completely unironically. Why should I be ashamed? I like it. :P
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