#fortnite era
undinoble · 1 year
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[FN] The past lives within her
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zojirushiwaterbottle · 10 months
Fortnite Wilds friend group dynamics because friendship ALWAYS wins
Rian: the party animal WHILE ALSO being the therapist friend. They’re here to have a good time while making sure everyone else is having a good time also
Relik: the hot-headed friend. Canonically he has beef with people, idk what happened but he’s definitely out here arguing and fighting and all that
Era: the mom friend. My girl’s out here being all mature and wise and stuff, good for her. She just simply Has Her Life Together (she’s still definitely an overthinker though)
Trace: the chill friend. He’s just got those chill vibes yk. Inner peace, brah. He goes with the flow in life except if it has to do with smart, important stuff like the Apparatus. Then he’s a certified Intellectual™️
Lorenzo: the flirty friend. He just has that W rizz and can’t keep it to himself. He got a degree in quantum rizzics and likes to share it with all his friends. So charitable of him fr
Mariposa: the jokester. She’s tough and all but she’s definitely making everyone laugh. She’s just a silly gal. I think she’d be known for her humor in wrestling also
Also tbh all of them are so smart that none of them really fit under “the smart friend”. All of them are the smart friend. They definitely have, like, at least two brain cells among themselves. Good for them
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essentionesque · 10 months
Alright so Era currently lives rent-free in my head so I'm gonna gather all my thoughts and connected dots and make them brief-
"Like every Era before me, I never walk alone." "My ancestors beckon me toward my destiny." "Every Era has her purpose."
Of course the time theme is also obvious but the blurbs from her loading screens and her unique emote suggest that she is able to regenerate into a different incarnation of herself (or her "ancestors" so to speak).
She retains all of her memories from the time she has been each ancestor and, if Ancestral Shift is anything to go by, she can willingly become any of her past selves and then back to her present self. This also implies that she has been around for a very very long time.
Again. Fortnite-brand Time Lord.
Protector/The Island
Given that she's connected to time both in theme and in story, it makes sense that she would this sort of person. Her character blurb outright says it.
"Era, like every Era before her, has sworn to protect the island. By studying her ancestors' memories, she hopes to help the explorers understand the mysteries of Rumble Ruins."
Unfortunately, since the Era we see used to be a Looper at one point before escape, she has trouble with recollection...
"I need more time. These ancestral memories I am accessing are… muddy."
I do see her as someone who wins their very first match due to how long she's lived and thus how knowledgeable and experienced she is. Probably ends up winning by doing nothing (no kills + keeps running and avoiding people + last opponent gets lost in the storm/takes fall damage/etc).
Her Original World
Every Looper is taken from their world and then trapped within the Loop. Era is no exception. So what would her original world be like? I have ideas (protector of Earth and time with her own team helping her throughout the ages)... I doubt time travel would be involved there (at least invoked by Era herself) but anything in that area would fall under trying to keep up a stable time loop (troublemaker gets caught by Past!Era and gets sent back to the present so that Present!Era can take care of them properly since she remembers being Past!Era)...
I already have a full setting ready and I wanna RP her here... But my issue is gathering icons of her... I'll make a separate post regarding that at some point.
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stray-dude · 6 months
i almost forgot to share this.. so now that i have a pc i get to see the funny lighting bugs like this, and for some reason the specific skins we had made it look really cool i think
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hanavbara · 2 months
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the tortured poets department 🪶🤍🖤 #TaylorSwift
prints available!
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beezii · 1 year
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unearthed this meow skulls drawing from my screenshots that I lost the main file to
maybe its for the best
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ezhrndle · 7 months
guys i thought kelsier in fortnite was a joke
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no way this is real
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R.I.P. Barty Crouch Jr, you would’ve loved GTA and Fortnite
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mossflavouredbaby · 3 months
⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️ !!!!
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undinoble · 11 months
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Hi guys! I'm opening comms for character art and illustrations on Ko-Fi!
You can check more of my art below and on the link, my focus is to draw loose characters but I'm open to make full scenes!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
Here are some of my illustrations to showcase my style!
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sandwormhabitat · 6 months
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i like to think that between act 1 and act 2 they got up to some gaming tomfoolery. fortnite tomfoolery to be exact just because it would be funny
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zojirushiwaterbottle · 10 months
Fortnite Wilds headcanons because idk they deserve headcanons as a lil treat:
Rian: bi. Everything about her screams bi also non-binary I think she/they pronouns
Relik: cishet tbh. Maybe questioning though, I wouldn’t rule that out
Era: demi. She’s so involved with time and stuff that she really can’t bring herself to like anyone unless she has a deep bond with them
Trace: gay. He just is, I don’t make the rules ALSO I think non-binary or agender he/they pronouns
Lorenzo: pan. Bro has that ultimate rizz yk “I just think everyone’s hot” -him probably
Mariposa: ace and lesbian. She LOVES women but wrestling is as far as she’ll go with physical contact
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essentionesque · 10 months
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So long as it's a version of her that never became a Looper, I can see the two of them getting along.
AKA: I have come to the conclusion thanks to scattered bits of lore that Era is Fortnite's version of a Time Lord minus the full-on time traveling. The Loop doesn't count under that.
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thesitcomarchive · 7 months
Meanwhile, on Scadrial
Wayne is convinced someone has swapped out his lucky hat for an indistinguishable copy that he insists just doesn't feel the same. Wax agrees to go and see a marriage counsellor after an argument only to discover Steris herself is the therapist. Elsewhere, Kelsier is sure he's having better luck than usual after coming across a certain piece of clothing.
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