#follow ups
shoggothkisses · 2 months
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@sleepless-rants hi!! the 'Pierro as Irmin' theory is old stuff that i thiiink started back in the chasm but may be older than that?? it stems a lot from the myth/s of Irmin (Germanic epithet for Odin) surrendering an eye to Mimir (God of Wisdom) so that he could be allowed to drink from the Fountain of Cosmic Knowledge
all of the statuettes carried by the black knights of Khaenriah are bearded and one-eyed, resembling both Irmin (of myth) and Pierro
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of course this isn't to say I'm touting a 100%, "Pierro IS King Irmin" hypothesis around to people
in fact i strongly believe that Teyvat operates under the Hermetic "as above, so below" philosophy, which also continues as "as within, so without."
the reason that I think similar figures and events keep popping up around Teyvat, following similar paths, is because they're deliberately following the dictates of Fate that have already played out on the grandest, macrocosmic-est level.
Dottore may not be literally Loki, and Pierro literally Irmin - but they're unconsciously(?) playing those roles on a lesser cosmic level.
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bruhstation · 2 months
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you’re just like the rest of them
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black-quadrant · 7 months
y’all remind yourselves your account is your space. you’re not a performance. you’re not annoying by being yourself. if people aren’t into it they can leave. you’re not obligated to please anyone, especially at the cost of your personal expression. the worst thing you can do for your online enjoyment is to filter or censor yourself.
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aholefilledwithtwigs · 3 months
I once had a landlord offhandedly mention that his mother had set this house on fire before. He and his wife lived on the first floor, and i rented the third.
Apparently his mom didn’t like his wife. So she set their house on fire. The house i was living in.
He assured me that everything was fine now and that this was years ago, just kinda laughed, smiled, and said ‘You know how moms are’
Yes. I know how moms are. I know how fucked up moms are as well. I have known many fucked up moms and fellow children of fucked up moms.
Attempted murder through arson is not typical mom behavior, even for a fucked up abusive mom
Oh, and his mother lived next door 🙃
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hellhoundlair · 4 months
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 3 months
Little reblog game thingy because I love making these (and want to show some love to my mutuals)! <3
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electricsocketman · 10 months
I think one reason Goncharov worked so well is that on tumblr you’re regularly being subjected to fandoms you’re not in and media you’ve never seen. I assumed the people i followed all just got really into some movie that I had no interest in and scrolled right past for a solid week before realizing.
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trashcattt · 1 month
the hat man
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hamletthedane · 4 months
I keep seeing ads for cotton candy flavored vape pods on tumblr and it made me wonder…
Why/Why not in the tags?
I’m interested because I feel like when I was in high school/college in the mid-10s, almost nobody smoked - even if you otherwise had some pretty hard vices. I think it was considered not really worth it for something with such a small buzz. But now, idk. Maybe the advertisers are right to target people here because it’s just that popular again??
(Reblog for a bigger sample size etc etc.)
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shoggothkisses · 2 months
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@maelkacapsalaki12 I BEG YOUR PARDON!???? I WILL SCREAM
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sliceofdyke · 6 months
dude your golden retriever boyfriend just fucking bit me
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ohnonotthehorrors · 7 months
Can I... talk about the theory that winners help craft the next game?
Because, and I really can not say this enough, it puts So Much into perspective.
Everything starts out Normal. Three lives, simple, cut and dry, there hasn't been a winner yet. No one to help craft the game. (And there's something to be said about how simple it really was. Not even a real expectation of the world becoming pvp or combative. No idea of the war to come)
Then Grian wins. The green killer, the man who vowed his first life to the one whose life he took. The next game the boogie man is born. A mechanic that allows and, in fact, demands, a green kill. People can trade lives back and forth, currency and debt wrapped up in one. (can we still be friends? Said the red partner. A life time later and reds are hostile, alone. Maybe it's an answer: No. Not anymore)
Scott wins this time. He refuses to play the game. He will not kill his team, he will love and he will do so fiercely and with all of himself. The next game people are attached through to their very souls. Every bit of damage to one soul is done to its twin. There is no boogeyman. (There is no way for a widow to be left without their love)
Pearl wins and she wins a blood bath. Spent the game draped in red, only wolves for company. Sitting in her tower, shivering in ice, maybe she wanted it to end. To see where it would. Limited life rewards you for killing, limited life has a clock tick tick ticking down, you always no how long you have. A curse yes, but a blessing too.
Now It's Martyn's turn.
And what a turn it is.
Keep your secrets, says the disloyal man, keep them well. Everything hurts, everything Matters, says the man fracturing with every loss. (What if we could love each other without hurting? Says The Hand, who never wanted to be coated in blood)
More importantly, Martyn has always seen the watchers below the surface. Now, they're right here in front of him. Something that could almost... be rebelled against, no? Something that someone else could finally point to and say: hey, hey isn't that familiar?
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tommyarashikage · 1 year
characters cleaning blood off their partner's face is just PEAK romance actually. bonus points if it's someone else's blood
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sirenetica · 26 days
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Worked on these during MCC
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
may do something unprecedented
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punkflame · 9 months
Humidex isn't temperature
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