#fnf sky mod
kawaiiocto · 2 years
so i got one of MANY incorrect quotes...
Sky: "Hah! 69! You know what that means?"
Whitty: "What?"
Sunday: "That you're a child."
Kyns (me): "HOW'D YOU GUESS MY IQ?!"
I love incorrect quotes so much...and that's a fact.
(this is my sky btw)
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kikuriki · 1 year
Fellas ngl I think my ideal Sky Mod combo (from a music narrative point specifically) would be
Wife Forever (Hard) > Sky (Hard) > Manifest (Hard) > Manifest (High) > Phantasm > Exurggation
The Wife Forever and Sky from High did not rly speak to me personally (her voice is just too different from High, its. Weirdly distorted in a not fun way for me. Probably ok as like bg accompaniment?? Or undertone) but I think Manifest High has a FANTASTIC transition to Boyfriend having the upper hand that would be sorely missed if you just had Manifest Hard to Phantasm and Exurggation, you feel? I will say that I think the musical narrative would be a better transition if Manifested Sky has a mix of Hard and High's voice+tone during the Manifest tracks and then changes to just Hard's singular voice after Boyfriend gets the upper hand in Manifest High, and that Boyfriend should have his normal voice until he gets the upper hand in Manifest High and then keep the tonal layering for the rest of Exurggation imo.
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herotehdude · 6 months
I after not having a working laptop for a few months, im finally able to get back to the mod! I finally got to animate pikachus new sprite sheet last week (the old one feels too stiff and off model which I was really unhappy with)
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inkandpaintleopard · 4 months
I realized I somehow haven’t drawn the boys in their winter clothes yet so I did that just now
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May draw a follow-up comic about D-Sides Pump in the snow but he isn’t featured here cause I figured he would just be fine as is.
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ctheathy · 8 months
Faker Sky w/ Reader who likes giving her smooches in her ‘mask off’ form
Faker Sky x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Author's note: I really appreciate the uniqueness of this request <3 This form of hers doesn't get as much appreciation as she should, indeed ...
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Faker Sky/Reader [Romantic]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Nuh uh~ you have the WRONG post
Let's get straight to the point. The fact that you even have the guts to be around her in that form warms her heart like never before. For a long time Sky had felt to keep on her disguise around you, making her time spend in her true form as minimised as possible. A habit she gained especially after many were to run away screaming by just seeing a singular glimpse of her real form. She's still rather careless among the topic of exposing the true looks of a Lovecraftian Horror when it comes to others, but she noticeably becomes a bit more shy and perhaps even nervous showing this form to you; not wanting to scare you off with her inhuman features, no matter how sincere it makes her feel when she shifts into her truest form.
As soon as she knows you're not going to ditch her for the horrors of her true form, she'd become a whole lot more comfortable showcasing her appearance around you. She'd especially do so in order to hold you up without breaking a sweat, wanting to keep you as close as she can. But something she wouldn't expect was your intimate pecks to even increase when she's keeps the shape to her sincere species instead of the impersonation of Sky. And something that should be mentioned is that every time you gently connect your lips with her frame, she always seems to let out this tiny, soft purr ... Almost on instinct, even. You'll have her melting into a puddle and headbutting you.
Though she holds more animalistic mannerisms when in this form, Faker Sky is always still as gentle with you as it gets. You'll notice how she gets especially clingy whenever you give her a tiny kiss. Faker Sky practically starts behaving like a touch starved cat at that rate. She holds onto you and absolutely will not allow you to roam free for the next two hours, as in saying ‘If I want cuddles, I will get cuddles’. This shape of hers also happens to be a lot higher in strength and taller in height, making it easy for her to just keep you in your place. Despite her attempts to keep her touches soft, her embraces can be a teensy tiny bit suffocating due to her tighter grasp on you, feeling as if she is protecting you from the outside world. For sure giving it a sense of security aswell.
Long story short, if you're going out if your way to smooch her when she's roaming around in her actual configuration; you're going to have to deal with a cuddly and touchy Faker Sky for the rest of the day, no exceptions. She'd indirectly beg by continuing to rub her horns into your face, not stopping unless if you give her the attention she wants. You make her feel safer in her own skin and more open to embracing her true form instead of hiding it. She'd let out these little growls and continue allowing these purring noises to escape from her throat, which would usually only be audible when happy and among a comforting position.
And you ... you do know how to make her happy~
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classicstupidbox · 11 months
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Fnf sky
I feel bad for drawing her og design bc of the whole “drama” with the mod but she meant a lot when her mod became popular so I decided “f#ck it”
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mixel-martist · 1 month
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Solstice Sky
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A little ambush
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Sick BF: Ah!
Shirozu: Ah!
Sick BF: W-Who’s there?!
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Demon Lila Sky: Heh heh Hello Sick Boyfriend and brat~
Immortal Cherry Rose: Nice seeing you too again~ 😈
Sick BF: N-No! It can’t be….You two died! I remember I killed you Cherry Rose and I saw Convict BF go through your stomach and came out of it and D sides BF ate you up! How are you two still alive?!
Demon Lila Sky: Doesn’t matter, what matters is revenge!
Shirozu: *shaking* Mama! I’m scared!
Demon Lila Sky: Get the kid!
Immortal Cherry Rose: Okay~
Sick BF: Get away from them-
Demon Lila Sky smashed her hand to Sick Boyfriend’s stomach and pulled out the fetus.
Sick BF: a….a…..a…..*faints*
Shirozu: MAMA!
Immortal Cherry Rose: Woah! Now that’s Sick!
Demon Lila Sky: Thanks, Heh Heh I wanted to take the opportunity to get back at him for ruining my life.
Immortal Cherry Rose: What should we do with them?
Demon Lila Sky: Let’s take them with us~
Immortal Cherry Rose: Alright then.
Shirozu: *crying* Mama!
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selev-shirogane · 9 months
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ANOTHER SKY??????? DESIGN??????????
Well, I leave them here >< I think is pretty obvious on who is she inspired---
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pony-central · 1 month
Genderswap FNF Characters 1
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Soft Boyfriend (Bella Fairest)
Hellbeats Boyfriend
Convict Boyfriend
Cosmic Boyfriend
Player (FNF Logic)
Two other BF's I don't know
Suggest more characters for me to Genderswap.
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frozenaltarss · 2 years
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A collection of all my FNF art I did in 2021.
Literally, all of these are outdated (and some of them I even hate!), but I do like what I did with some of them. Additionally, there's more I could have put but the mods either didn't update at all or were canned. :')
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herotehdude · 8 months
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explorers of sky x friday night funkin Boyfriend reference for the Smiles Go For Miles mod
i wanted to make an effort to naturally add BF to the world of PMD2 rather than randomly shove him in there, so I tried to design how he would look as the human in the future of darkness. I imagine that you couldn’t really stay all shiny in a world like that so I tried to rough him up a bit as a result of the dangerous pokemon and (non-existent) environmental conditions. While he’s gonna show a decent amount of other emotions in the dialogue portraits, I still want to stay faithful to his canon characterization of “too dumb to not be confident”, so I kept his goofy little face :^)
and don’t worry, Girlfriend will also get some more attention later on!
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fatalgraft · 6 months
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yandere Faker Sky Headcanons
Faker Sky x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Author’s note : I’m slightly embarrassed to say that I wasn’t even all too sure who the character was at first, I literally had to search up the mod.😭 Believe it went quite alright afterwards, though =} I hope it meets up to your expectations, Nonnie~!
Rumours have been going around, to which the darling has heard of a possible creature wandering around the woods. But instead of fearing it for their lives, they have decided on concluding it as a lonely entity and wants to keep it company. But who could have known that such a simple and sweet act was the start of a threatening and vulnerable obsession starting to grow within the being.
Faker Sky/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Gender-neutral darling • Possessive+Predatory behaviour • Emotional dependency • Identity theft • Mass murder • Threats • Stalking • General toxicity • Guilt tripping • Gaslighting • Implied kidnapping
The “faker” part in her name isn’t made from scratch; if anything, her true self isn’t the cute and loveable female she tries to make herself out to be at all. Instead, she is a natural predator, which immediately indicates in having predatory behaviour aswell; she can be aggressive, unpredictable and showcase incredibly possessive mannerisms torwards the things she considers her own property. Which is why we shall stick with the implication that her true appearance would be her Eclipse form, keeping her actual self in the shadows to instead copy the identity of another, shapeshifting in order to fit into the crowd’s liking. But it wasn’t always like this. It wasn’t until you decided to take action upon the news.
You would have carelessly stepped over the owned property, the curiosity pumping through your veins and no thoughts having gone torwards the presumptions of the potential threat wandering around. Having no realisation over the potential danger could actually you have put yourself in. Having no realisation over the eyes who were slowly scanning over your form, much like a hawk would, with utter disgust. Or perhaps, you just didn’t care. Whatever it was, continued to be utterly unknown to the creature watching you, it having been a fine line between both massive confusion and irritation through the inconvenience. Surely the place didn’t look all that tempting for any mortal being out there. What was a human such as yourself doing here anyways?? The creature gritted it’s teeth in annoyance at the presence, she never liked humans much. And she could’ve quickly already felt her patience starting to run out, starting to make up a plan or ten for backup on how to get you out of the picture as rapidly as possible.
And that’s what slowly started creating all the difference.
That was the case until you had begun rambling about the events of your day, almost seemingly talking to thin air. You talked and talked, and the creature itself couldn’t do much more or less about it other than listen. You were a strange one, that’s to say the least. But she had strangely felt herself getting rather intrigued by the calm yet excited nature around you; she’s used to people feeling nothing but paranoid around the place, much less when the rumours had started to go around. So why are you being so peaceful about all of it? Are you truly that reckless to take the risk and spend your time in the woods alone with a rumoured threat running around like it’s nothing? She’s so put off by your confusing behaviour, and she just so happens to be caught even more off guard when you supposedly had left a handmade flower crown among the place, right for the taking. She remembers everything quite literally going in slow motion for her as you slowly had made your way torwards the exit of the woods, rotating your head back to the location for one last time and offering a gentle smile. “I’ll be back tomorrow!”
Over time she can find herself starting to look forward to your everyday little indirect meeting. She’s so used to having heard that humans are those who are judgemental, unfair and lying beings that are unconventionally weak in comparison to her own kind; an understanding darling who doesn’t show the slightest hint of fear is exactly what she desires out of the bunch! To which she honestly does not realise that her hatred torwards them would have much more gone torwards the fact that it’s all been created out of the mere assumptions that’s been made up for them instead of the genuine truth. But even so, she cannot help but feel mesmerized by you and your distinctive demeanour. Your unique perspective and her false beliefs has caused her to be completely hooked in no time
But another thing that started forming over time is how much she falls into extreme distress when her darling human takes too long to show up for the day, even an hour or so would be more than enough to have the entity searching around the place apprehensively for any possible clues for their non attendance. Which also makes the next point a massive cause of her behaviours worsening over the course of just a few weeks alone. One single day of absence causes the creature to feel both unimaginably anxious and betrayed, honestly making her incredibly selfish in a way. Made promises are taken to heart by the entity, and falling ill does not excuse you to disappear for an entire day without urgent reasonings connected to it!; in her mind, atleast. This usually causes her to plan a way to set down a trap or two for the next few days or so just so you wouldn’t be able to leave at the same time like you’d usually do. So surely expect a sudden tree to be blocking the exit when you’re trying to take your leave, or an unrecognisable trap hole to have suddenly appeared around the place out of nowhere. Your absence from the day before has been way too long for the creature already, you need to catch up on it.
In not all too much time she’d want to get to know you more through person. Having you just talk about your interests and daily experiences knowing she may not show herself, but how she’s always listening is lovely to her, but the both of you know you cannot remain in the woods for entire days at a time. She could start noticing herself starting to feel strangely empty, miserable even among all times you weren’t there with her. Your meetups aren’t enough to satisfy her anymore, which immediately worsens the already possessive feelings that were starting to bloom inside the entity. You blur her mind each and every time when you’re not in eyesight, thinking about what you’d be doing without her, if you’re thinking of her and most importantly; which disgusting beings would come in contact with you in the meantime when she’s not around. She’d come to realise that she wants to be with you on longer periods of the day, and unfortunately, she knows exactly how to get her way when she wants something.
Her shapeshifting technique comes in real handy with this one. Seemingly taking the lives of any original being to fit her own benefits, becoming close to you being the only motivation to her at this rate. She’d continue trying to get into your personal bubble in any of her disguised forms all she has to, not caring much for the consequences of the corpse count who were slowly starting to pile up. At first, there hadn’t been much luck when playing herself off as strangers, and she knew she’d have to take some different measurements in order to get to you. She’d stalk and stalk to try and get to know your personal likings as a person better in a few of her many impersonations, which would honestly remain the case until she found it. The perfect one to pose herself as. She wasn’t the “monster” everyone made her out to be anymore. Now; she was Sky. And no one would be none the wiser.
She feels slightly bad lying to you like this, walking around with some other’s identity sticking to her to fill up her own desires; but she’s positive you’d love her just as much like this-! She just isn’t ready to tell you for now, not yet. As for the behaviour in her disguised form, she finally gets to show you the love that has remained in the depths of her heart for such a long time. Using her cutesy behaviour in order to lure you right in and be as clingy as she wants to be. Surely now there also wouldn’t be many issues created if she’d go out her way to threaten those close to you in these forms. The main issue being how she doesn’t pay the consequences for any of her actions, making her all too much full of herself and overestimating her camouflages.
And who knows what she’ll do to you when given that opportunity.
She can, however, also become rather impatient when her efforts for the closure lack positive results. If you’re the kind to hold distrust torwards those who try befriending you out of the ordinary; well. You might have already just dug your own grave. She may become passive aggressive, pushy and even more disturbingly unpredictable when given this occasion for a little while. She’s incredibly assertive with her moves on you and could definitely be written off as forceful with anything she does, also being one to legitimately force herself into your comfort zone. You’d likely get scared off real fast due to how overbearing she can become at times, and because of this; She’s no better than just guilt tripping her way into your life either. Her seemingly innocent and childish nature being more than enough to easily convince those around you, turning them against your protests and gaslighting you into believing you’re the one in the wrong. But even if these wouldn’t cause you to just give into her attempts? You had always enjoyed your times right on the spot beforehand, so you’d leave her no other choice than to drag you back into the woods with her.
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buried-blu · 2 months
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Here’s some Gartic Phone art I did lolol
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