#exurggations little back and forth A-A A-A and into Sky fucking LOSING IT and screaming???
kikuriki · 1 year
Fellas ngl I think my ideal Sky Mod combo (from a music narrative point specifically) would be
Wife Forever (Hard) > Sky (Hard) > Manifest (Hard) > Manifest (High) > Phantasm > Exurggation
The Wife Forever and Sky from High did not rly speak to me personally (her voice is just too different from High, its. Weirdly distorted in a not fun way for me. Probably ok as like bg accompaniment?? Or undertone) but I think Manifest High has a FANTASTIC transition to Boyfriend having the upper hand that would be sorely missed if you just had Manifest Hard to Phantasm and Exurggation, you feel? I will say that I think the musical narrative would be a better transition if Manifested Sky has a mix of Hard and High's voice+tone during the Manifest tracks and then changes to just Hard's singular voice after Boyfriend gets the upper hand in Manifest High, and that Boyfriend should have his normal voice until he gets the upper hand in Manifest High and then keep the tonal layering for the rest of Exurggation imo.
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