#flint controls the weather etc etc
do you think that at the end of 2x10 when they were destroying charlestown and silver was screaming in the hold getting his leg cut off james (who had no idea that was happening) thought the screaming was inside his own head?
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falseficus · 1 year
bro it’s not even funny I get addicted to tumblr too easily so I literally switched to reddit like. a week ago. I’m serious she’s straight up controlling fate to pull me back in at this point
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laufire · 1 year
(I don't fully remember how I phrased this the first time before your inbox went kaput, sorry if it's a lil different lol) RE: Yellowjackets. Do you think there's Something in the wilderness, or the survivors are all just losing their minds? Do you think the show will eventually explicitly reveal a supernatural element, or continue to walk that "are they crazy or haunted" vibe? And do you think it ultimately *matters* whether or not there's Something out there?
The thing here is, I don't want an explicit confirmation that there is Something Supernatural going on in the wilderness, and that obviously makes me a biased spectator.
I like this grey area ("are they going crazy or haunted" lol); I don't know if it can be sustainable in the narrative in the long term, but I like that, even if there are instances that go a bit past coincidence and repeating patterns (participation/non-participation in The Rituals) that construct a cohesive narrative in favour of a haunting, on the other side of the coin there's a rational explanation (sleep deprivation, mental disorders, trauma, the unique environmental conditions Misty keeps pointing at, etc.). Sometimes I enjoy stories that are mostly grounded in reality except for a dubious "but what if...?" that is, in a way, the narrative (or the characters making use of it) as a force pushing forward or creating a web that traps the people in it, so to speak (Black Sails is another show that arguably did this, with Flint and Silver as "narrators", Skeleton Island, Miranda's haunting, Silver's musings about Flint controlling the weather... xDD).
As long as the plausible deniability is maintained we can say it doesn't matter which of the answers is true. But if the Supernatural is ever confirmed, there's a risk of diminishing the weight of the girls' decisions, especially those of a crueller nature. The Circumstances would still be pushing them in one or another direction, but those don't have a "personhood" of their own the way The Wilderness, as its own independent thing haunting them and influencing them, arguably would.
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yaytomhiddlestonyay · 6 months
capitalism/growth ideology is bad, neoliberalism is bad, austerity is bad, AI is bad, and the future is bad
this is bleak
the luddites were, in general, right
and so were all the people who would have chosen to live simply and peacefully in the distant past
how do we stop this from going any futher
it already went too far a long time ago
Yes fine i know that technology has enabled scientists and psychologists and anthropologists and doctors and dieticians to study human functioning and needs faster/more,
but but...... to have a similar level of good useful knowledge/results/outcomes for human, animal, planet wellbeing in many ways, we could have instead just....
....just not had capitalism and greed and technology and violence disrupt and destroy and degrade and assimilate healthy cultures + systems + lifestyles in the first place
fuckin borg
I suppose.... I suppose a lot of changes bring good as well as bad
Why can't we get our shit together and just codify a bunch of human, animal and planet needs and givens that have to be super carefully protected, like much better/deeper than we currently do or ever have, and include human diversity and community and concepts like in that in a big way,
and then in advance just always disallow any changes or developments to impact those givens, or disallow them to be used in ways or settings that impact those givens...
I suppose maybe i am overlooking/dismissing an obvious human need/maybe human culture/anthropological need
desire for ever-expanding knowledge
and maybe other ones that i can't understand that much or be sympathetic to if i'm not an inventor or engineer
if we could just make the perogative for change and 'advancement' not be greed or profit or growth, and disallow it to be used for that and disallow those things a fair bit, and disallow negative impacts on people or animals or the planet
maybe that's the way
I wonder if tribal elders and sages and wise men and mystics and, well, teenagers and stoners and artists and poets and weirdos, have had this same discussion from the beginning of time
from rocks and flints and implements
to standing upright and carrying stuff
to fashioning objects to carry stuff and alter the environment and use resources and and.......
I hope you're all happy with the back problems and spine problems and neck problems and foot problems from standing upright and carrying stuff.
absolute madness
did i just end up back at tao/yin/yang/duality/alan watts/ lore and mythologies and prometheus and pandora and icarus, and whatever the opposing stories of those were... Are we so dumb now from our technology and our destroyed cultural functions that I dumbly wasnt taught this unsolvable paradox/conundrum via tribal lore and mythology already, instead everybody has to annoyingly and exhaustingly get there on their own
either that or do the bothersome treadmill of seeking money or success or blah blah
what if we finally did fuck up the fundamental nature of humanity and human culture
i would give anything to know all the lore and mythology of any sustainable & humane tribal cultures, and compare it with that of early cities, capitalist/growth civilizations, etc
what if knowledge retention and growth drive is fundamental to humans and human needs
that wish for enough resources for all young, and ease and comfort instead of struggle
and at its problematic level, i guess overemphasis to a problematic degree on abundance, excess, security, control, etc
what if every bird and insect and creature's biology & DNA is constantly desperately trying to evolve towards getting enough resources to raise all young well, instead of losing some, and a magical desire to not be at the mercy of weather conditions or rain level or....stuff, and getting the best mate/gene mix possible, and the best health of you and your kiddos, to go further and better
and the only reason they arent causing havoc in the process is brain's less developed, can't oppose thumb, can't make good implements, can't stand upright and carry stuff.
Well I mean...... nature is kind of horrible
I guess they kind of do miserable havoc
maybe a somewhat alternative to that struggle and certain unpleasant things was tools, agriculture, knowledge, and setting aside resources and land and .... 🙄
and maybe an alternative to watching your offspring struggle was....
marriage, passing down property/wealth, amassing armies or strongmen & building better weapons to beat other assholes, honing knowledge, gathering more and better resources to do this.....
oops accidentally invented civilization/growth/capitalism
OK fine i forgot about birth control
and probably a few other things
But those are EXCEPTIONS
0 notes
soiruntotheriver · 4 years
On the subject of Silver
It’s come to my attention that there’s a lot of theories about John Silver’s motivations floating around out there. I’m a relatively new member of the fandom so forgive if any/all of this has been said, but here’s my two cents on the subject. 
When we first meet Silver he seems to have one main motivation: Survival. As subsets to that category one could say he also would like to Get Rich Enough To Never Worry About Going Hungry and Not Feel Feelings Too Much, Thanks. He endeavors to achieve these things through whatever means necessary, abandoning pride, lawfulness, and any sense of guilt to do so. That is not to say that he doesn’t care about anything/anyone else, but his own survival supersedes pretty much everything. He can justify this, in part, because he sees the world in shades of gray. He would consider himself a realist, but is actually a bit of a pessimist. Life has revealed itself to be chaotic and cruel, so much so that John cannot imagine that there is any meaning behind it. And even if there is some grand purpose, my god it must be horrible, so yeah no thanks. Silver would rather have faith in nothing except himself because it’s the surest way to not get hurt and/or die horribly. This outlook sounds dour but it probably felt very freeing once he’d gotten the hang of it. I’m sure John convinced himself that he was dancing through life, though really he was only kinda sneaking through it. 
Now I think our boy would have carried on his merry way, manipulating and thieving until he got a share of the treasure, before disappearing off the face of the earth. IF. IF. He hadn’t met Flint. And, subsequently the crew members he befriended, Madi, etc. But it started with Flint. That magnificent, crazy bastard. 
At first, Flint was just the most likely means of securing the treasure. Silver saw a dauntless, conniving, ambitious, intelligent, commanding, dangerous, ginger sexpot, honed in on dauntless and dangerous, and decided that Flint had the makings of a powerful, but very much temporary, ally. That was the plan. 
Unfortunately for Silver, somewhere along the way, he started to get sucked into Flint’s orbit. He wasn’t a believer, not yet, but he did start to enjoy the push and pull of engaging with his equal in both intellect and will. And maybe he began to be seduced a little, despite himself, by the feeling of belonging as a member of a crew, by being one half of a partnership, by being able to stand alongside such a strong and intriguing character as Captain Flint. He begins to feel valued and, horror of horrors, connected to something. But then Flint’s priorities shift. And he not only lies to Silver about it, he also attempts to manipulate Silver’s loyalties by reminding him that, outside of the crew, he doesn’t matter/no one gives two shits about him. Yikes.
And so we’re back to every Silver for himself, just the way it should be. The only goal is the gold. Fuck everything else, Captain Flint especially. Except, oops, it looks like there was some collateral caring left over because when faced with the choice between avoiding danger or betraying the crew, Silver surprises everyone (including himself) by choosing the crew. He looses his leg in the process, along with his independence and a good chunk of his self-esteem.
This is the point where it starts to become clear that the Silver we met at the outset of this story is being unmade in a number of significant ways. He is obliged to depend on others, he no longer has access to the freedoms he once enjoyed, he must find the strength to weather the grueling pain of his injury, he has to reconcile with the fact that he’s opened himself up to others (i.e. Muldoon) and thus to a whole slew of complications (ew feelings). This is also where he begins to align himself more definitively with Flint. 
So we see Silver becoming resilient in ways he hadn’t had to be before, redefining his identity, setting goals that benefit others besides himself, taking on more responsibilities, and falling a little in love with his Captain. Even if you’re tracking this as a platonic relationship, you’ve got to admit that shit got heavy and weirdly intimate. Just saying. 
Eventually, somewhere between postulating that Flint might be a god who controls the sea and earning Madi’s regard, we witness the full metamorphosis. Silver has been brought to a place where he can imagine that Flint’s determination, ingenuity, and righteous fury, combined with Madi’s vision, resolve, and uprightness, might be sufficient to rally the numbers and amass the resources needed to achieve the impossible. Hell, for a second, he even believes in himself.
Yes, for one brief shining moment in time John Silver’s whole world-view teetered as he considered how beautiful life could be if only wars like theirs could be won. If only lending his support to the two most important people in his life didn’t mean clawing down a road paved with nothing but endless exhaustion and fear and bloodshed. If only he was capable of truly loving and being loved in return.
But, alas, a rock met a hard place, dissenters rallied against the cause, parties worked to divide steadfast partners, one of Silver’s loves was presumed dead, each side double-crossed the other, trust degraded. For Silver, it was reality reasserting itself, and he was left wondering what in the hell he was going to do with his two very stubborn idealists. One so angry, so committed to vengeance against the society that had killed his beloved and named him a monster, that his only recourse was to burn it all down. And the other, fiercely brave, principled, and responsible for the liberty and well-being of a whole people. Flint and Madi would never stop. They would fight and die for what they believed in. For Silver, who had never been given any reason to believe in anything so lofty as freedom from tyranny, it must have seemed like an incredible waste. It must have also been terrifying to be hurtling towards a future where two such bright, beautiful souls would undoubtedly be extinguished. What was John’s life, without them? What kind of world would it be if they were not in it?
So our desperate, lovesick, cynical idiot did what he felt he had to do - he took their choices from them, betrayed their trust, and forfeited his right to remain in their good graces (while also realizing one of Flint’s greatest desires i.e. the destruction of ‘Flint’, which is to say nothing of the reunion with Thomas if you believe that’s how it really went down). Silver did all this even though it surely meant that he’d earn the disdain of one or both of the people he cared deeply about, and he explicitly states that he did it anyway because at least they’d be alive to hate him. 
Did Silver make perfect choices? No. Was his love unquestionably pure? Absolutely not. Was he potentially short-sighted, too controlling, and a little bit of a coward? Yeah, maybe. But he was also a traumatized, complicated man who was experiencing perhaps the closest thing to love he’d ever felt in his life. His final acts were ones of helplessness and hopelessness. To say that he didn’t care, that he wasn’t invested, is absurd to me. I think Silver deserves empathy and I think he deserves forgiveness every bit as much as Flint does. 
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Miranda “Barlow” and James “Flint”
So recently I saw this gifset and was like oh fuck yeah do I have feelings on that!! and then I realized that I could save a ton of wordage on the dream meta post if I did a separate meta on Miranda’s role in creating the Captain Flint persona. So this is that post. 
We talk constantly about how James changes his name to become “Captain Flint”, but I feel like sometimes we overlook the fact that Miranda also changes her name. Now it could be argued it would be necessary to avoid detection as Thomas Hamilton’s wife, but wouldn’t James’ name be just as connectable to anyone who might be looking? Certainly to Alfred or Peter. If we argue that James changed his name solely - or mostly even - to separate himself from who he was in London, isn’t it possible to argue the same for Miranda? That “how unrecognizable the woman I am now would be to the woman I was then” ?
(Also it feels significant they both reveal their ‘real’ names to Abigail in the same episode.)
A lot of times Miranda gets characterized as this passive person, who sits back and sort of lets things happen, but in reality I think she is much more an active participant in her life. She marries Thomas - and whether or not she knew he was gay at the time, she builds herself a life that suits her - having the freedom to sleep with who she chooses, build alliances, etc. And she does actively try to protect and discourage Thomas and James from their plan when she sees it’s become to dangerous - even before James returns. And she is the one that decides to leave Thomas behind in favor of saving herself and James. For all that she is a woman raised in English society where she has very little actual power, Miranda grabs it and fights for it, her own self-preservation and self-fulfillment, wherever possible.
(And in Flint’s dreams when she mouths -I’m asking you to come with me so that I can save your life- isn’t that exactly what Miranda asked of him in London? And the second time, when they are below in the hold with death she adds - I have come upon some information which changes things for you - while standing next to a personification of death with a book on the table. Perhaps a throwback to when they found out Thomas was dead, in some way.)
Further, in Flint’s dreams, when Miranda has the whole “When I first met you you were so unformed. But then I spoke and bade you cast aside your shame, and Captain Flint was born into the world.” speech that is a direct reference to her role in creating “Flint” from James’ subconscious. (and i’m not SUPER gonna touch on this because this is much more important in regards to the dream meanings, but in that speech Miranda is pretty much a direct stand in for the persona of Flint himself. And it is only after James “leaves her behind” he goes through a radical shift towards finally being able to move on from revenge and really focus on what would actually make a difference to the people whose lives he would be affecting. On not burning England to the ground, or asking for a pardon - but simply seeking “her departure from my island.” (which, god, amazing delivery on that line. Fucking shivers.)
Miranda has a deep connection to everything James does as Flint. Although the crew is wrong in saying she is a which that controls him, the truth of it - like that Flint controls the weather - is closer than one might think on first watch. (And Black Sails loves to play with this, how close to the supernatural can we bring our characters while still staying within the bounds of reality. VERY 16th century of them.) She wanted revenge, and she was willing to use James - “Flint” - to get it. Burning the coast, too, wasn’t truly “his” idea - he was acting on Miranda’s last words. And perhaps other things, too, were done because of Miranda’s urging.
While Miranda doesn’t control James Flint directly she has a heavy influence on what he does because the anger that drives “Flint” is as much hers as it is James’. She is not only his co-conspirator, but his confidante, his tether. Even as James does the actual deeds, Miranda is there supporting him and driving his actions, justifying them because they line up(at least initially) with what she wants. And I think it’s interesting that (in a similar manner to Silver, and ... that’s a whole other post, Miranda’s similarities to Silver) when Miranda disagrees with him it causes an identity crisis that starts to unravel “Captain Flint” at the seems throughout the rest of the show.
When Miranda is talking to Eleanor she says “I know their(Captain Flint’s demons) names. I was there when they were born and I know what they whisper to him at night.” While Miranda doesn’t really seem to understand exactly why James feels the need to fight, she does understand why “Flint” needs to. 
And I also think that James and Miranda probably kept each other in that cycle - one feeding off the other’s grief in ways they couldn’t control - partially because in the end they needed such different things to resolve them.
In dealing with that trauma and grief and loss of losing Miranda, of losing the other half of who Flint has been all this time, he is able to move on from the pardons, from antagonizing the coast, from getting ‘revenge’ on England for the deaths of Thomas and Miranda and starts focusing on true liberation - working towards a goal where he truly could walk away from “Flint” and all the carnage he has caused and find his own personal peace. But he can’t do that without reconciling Miranda’s control in Flint that he became responsible for when she died.
And to that end I also think about what Madi says to Silver. That to go to those depths, one needs a partner to pull them back out. James has always had Miranda - even if she was just on Nassau - to help him carry the burden of Flint. When Miranda dies Flint loses that and so of course he goes off the deep end - the tags on that post I think say it best: and that’s part of why he sort of drowns in the persona#the ‘monster’ borne of their rage and grief is too much for one person alone to hold up.
(And I could go into a whole OTHER thing about how he finds that again in Silver and later in S4 in Madi - and how when Madi ‘is dead’ Silver starts to descend into those very same depths - how Flint sees it, how he tries to be the tether for Silver like Silver was for him - “I told you I’d see you through this” - and how Silver, instead of clinging to it like he had done to Miranda, instead of at least letting it keep him afloat, cuts the tether loose when he sends Flint to Savannah AND alienates Madi for fear of it fraying later on and that is when he truly becomes the Long John Silver from Treasure Island just as James “becomes” Captain Flint earlier. I could....but maybe another time because this is already long enough lmao.)
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medusinestories · 4 years
Black Sails Confinement Challenge - Prompts
Here it is! The list of 50 prompts to inspire confined fic writers to write about confined characters. Here’s how I broke them down:
The General (G1 - G25) prompts only contain ideas for settings and sometimes simple plot ideas. They can be used for any ship or character. Please fill these prompts as closely to the general idea/mood as possible.
The Specific (S1 - S25) prompts tend to be more detailed and contain a ship request. If you choose a specific prompt, please write the ship/main characters requested in these prompts, whose names you have been bolded for your convenience.
Tomorrow I’ll be posting a form to let authors claim prompts. Prompts can be claimed anytime during the challenge but prompts are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis (this list will be updated to reflect which prompts are currently claimed). Specific prompts can only be claimed once. General prompts may be claimed several times AS LONG AS the writers are working on different characters/ships (they will be asked who they plan on writing in the submission form). There is no deadline or minimum length, but authors must make some progress within one month of claiming the prompt (ie, at least an outline and a few paragraphs). Prompts for which the author has gone radio-silent or made absolutely no progress in one month will be put back up for grabs. Authors can fill as many prompts as they like, on the condition that they claim one prompt at a time and finish each prompt before starting working on another.
As always my inbox or PMs stay open if you have any questions about this challenge!
And now, without further ado, let yourself be inspired by these prompts and choose your favourites (1 main, 2 backup) for signup tomorrow! (write down the FULL code, fx G5 or S22)
GENERAL PROMPTS (any ship/character)
G1 Place: inside a whale Reason: the whale swallowed them Mood: banter, done with this shit, crack-y
G2 Place: a subaqueous lab Reason: the inaccessibility of the lab Mood: UST and a tinge of horror Extra: the heater is malfunctioning and they have to huddle for warmth
G3 Sexy times feat. character 1 being tied up and waiting for character 2 who's left them alone for a while.
G4 Place: a safehouse  Reason: they're in witness protection  Mood: sexual tension, banter, funny?  Extra: Character 1 is in witness protection but hates it, thinks it's unnecessary and is trying to leave. character 2 is personally responsible for their safety.
G5 Place: at the Oglethorpe plantation Reason: fear of disease Mood: bittersweet
G6 Place: a part of the ship Reason: punished by the crew Mood: cracky, ust. Extra: there is only 1 hammock
G7 Place: an elevator in an office building Reason: it broke down, nobody's responding and it's Friday night Mood: banter, arguing, enemies-to-friends-to-more? Extra: one of them isn't feeling well because of a medical condition (can be claustrophobia) but is trying to hide it
G8 Place: at the top of a Ferris wheel Reason: power cut Mood: funny, bickering
G9 Place: a supposedly haunted house Reason: the door is mysteriously stuck Mood: creepy, funny, possibly UST/smutty
G10 Place: a closet/wardrobe Reason: they're hiding from someone Mood: ust/smut
G11 Place: a tent Reason: it's pouring with rain Mood: first time, smutty
G12 Place: a store (grocery, book, clothes, you decide) Reason: they got locked in after closing Mood: funny, cracky, fluffy
G13 Place: a ship Reason: becalmed Mood: angsty, delirious, desperate
G14 Place: Miranda's house Reason: someone is sick/wounded Mood: angsty, hurt/comfort, confession (no death please)
G15 Place: mysterious Aztec/Mayan/Inca ruins Reason: they were looking for the Eldorado and got lost/trapped in the ruins. Mood: adventure, friendship, maybe hurt/comfort Extra: there's a jaguar lurking about
G16 Place: the Otherworld (heaven, limbo, hell… you choose) Reason: the last thing they remember is getting hit on the head. Mood: thoughts about the Afterlife. Could be as dark or as cracky as you like. Extra: The Good Place AU?
G17 Place: a library Reason: someone dared them to stay in after closing time  Mood: fun, cracky, adventurous
G18 Place: two houses far away Reason: quarantine Mood: longing, lonely, horny, smutty Extra: they're writing/texting/talking on the phone to keep in touch but It's Not Enough and it's driving them nuts
G19 Place: a steampunk Jules-Verne-ish submarine Reason: there's a giant squid outside Mood: spooky, adventure
G20 Place: a lighthouse Reason: a terrible storm with crashing waves Mood: intense, passionate
G21 Place: a cabin in the middle of nowhere Reason: zombie apocalypse (or other supernatural invasion/pandemic) Mood: horror, tension Extra: Character 1 arrives at the cabin after having fled the monsters, thinking it's empty. It's not, and Character 2 isn't all that happy about the intruder.
G22 Place: Skeleton Island Reason: marooned or left for dead Mood: spooky, angsty, paranoid
G23 Place: a hut on Maroon island Reason: Hurricane Mood: ust, angst, comfort
G24 Place: the Fort in Nassau Reason: they took the fort but now they're besieged Mood: bickering, going stir-crazy
G25 Place: a room in the brothel Reason: they're hiding from someone/something Mood: pining, ust Extra: everyone is having sex around them but they're not (yet) and it's driving them nuts
SPECIFIC PROMPTS (specific ship/character)
S1 Ranger trio is stuck in space prison and have to try to escape ft. Space ship Captain Vane, Anne with blaster shooters (or maybe a lightsaber if it’s a star wars au) and hacker Jack. Mood: Funny.
S2 Thomas and Silver are stuck in James' flat... without James. They're stuck there separated from James until the shelter in place order is lifted (pick your poison - pandemic? Bad storm? Dangerous escaped convict on the loose?). Sexual tension ensues.
S3 Inspired by S4: Madi and Eleanor are confined together in the hidden cellar of Miranda's house when Spanish troops are invading the island (and this time they don't get assaulted/killed). Unresolved sexual tension, unresolved sibling-like rivalry. Bonus: just some angry ✂️✂️✂️ 
S4 Eleanor is imprisoned in England and thinks about Max. Mood: angst, broken heart, angry.
S5 Silver is stranded at Miranda's house, could be with or w/o the captain. Reason: suspect outbreak on the Walrus, Silver can't go back on board, Flint doesn't want his map wandering around Nassau. Mood: funny, smutty, up to the writer.
S6 Israel Hands + character of your choice. Place: a ship, in a locked room Reason: misbehavior? crew shenanigans? Mood: writers choice.
S7 Utley pisses off a superior officer and gets locked in with Flint. Place: the cell in the fort. Mood: ust, smut!
S8 John Silver and the companion of yr choice. Place: an island. Reason: marooned by a pissed off crew. Mood: up to the writer (not too tragic?)
S9 Flint is stuck on shore and runs into someone he knew (and liked) in his old life. Place: a terrible tavern or a room above. Reason: too stormy to return to ship. Mood: friendly to smutty? I just want Flint have a little bit of happiness.
S10 Miranda comes to meet Flint but gets stuck at the brothel as things get dangerous on the streets. Reason: some kind of unrest, riots. Mood: fluff or smut or anything as long as Miranda is not miserable.
S11 Modern au first meeting Silver & Miranda. Place: Elevator. Reason: breakdown. Mood: up to the writer.
S12 Muldoon is sick and no one knows what with. Silver is worried and Flint extends a rare offering of comfort.
S13 It's 1721. James and Thomas are still incarcerated at the plantation but at least they live together in a separate little cabin. With smallpox spreading from Boston to the rest of the colonies, Oglethorpe shuts down work for a few days and has everyone shelter in place.
S14 Silver showed up on Flint and Thomas' doorstep and the reunion isn't going well. Just when Silver is about to leave in a huff, they get stuck indoors (b/c weather, plague, authorities looking for Silver, etc) and Thomas is stuck with Flint and Silver's angry/awkward UST. He knows the only way to resolve this is in bed, and starts dropping less-than-subtle hints. 👉🏻👌🏻 Mood: funny, smutty.
S15 A scientific research station in space (Solaris AU but with a happy ending!). Flint is sent to investigate a space station after receiving some weird reports. Silver is one the few remaining members of the crew. An incident make them unable to leave without some major repairs. Angsty, slow burn, where Flint slowly accepts to move on after the death of Miranda&Thomas. 
If you're not familiar with Solaris (book or movie) check wikipedia but: the space station is doing research on a mysterious planet covered with an ocean; but that ocean gives the crew some strange "side effects". Their secrets/fears/guilt take a material (often human) form. Flint sees Miranda (or Thomas, or both, as you prefer) for example. As Flint learns to deal with the loss of his loved ones he grows closer to one member of the crew, Silver.* Their bond help them break from the planet's melancholic influence, give them motivation to repair the station and finally leave together. *That could be a great opportunity to write about Silver's (probably very dark according to the BS writers) past!
S16 Silver / Flint - modern era, fake dating for some reason, now they're stuck together for a long time. Place: Somewhere travel related like a hotel room. Reason: quarantine like we're in now. Mood: angsty, UST.
S17 Flint's cabin on the Walrus. Silver is recovering from the leg amputation and discovers Flint has locked him in the cabin. Mood: angsty, angry, fluff if you want?
S18 Flint and Silver captured by the Spanish and Flint learns the truth about Silver’s past. Place: The plantation. Reason: Took control but hit some problems. Mood: Hurt/comfort or angst with happy ending.
S19 Silver & Flint reunion fic – they are stuck together in the room because of the snow and there is only 1 bed. Place: an inn. Mood: UST
S20 horror movie au (not really scary) silver & flint spend the night at a scary cabin after reading one too many ghost stories. Reason: someone locked the keys in the car and there's no signal. Mood: cracky.
S21 Silver and Flint in a magical au get stuck together by either a spell gone wrong or a curse and they find this frustrating in every possible way but have to get on the same page to reverse it.
S22 Flint and Silver are neighbours, but haven't spoken before. They both have gardens and can see each other through gaps in the fence. During the lockdown (because of a disease), Silver and Flint become aware of each other in close proximity but separated by the garden fence. So begins an odd flirtation involving sunbathing and topless gardening and water fights. Mood: Sexual tension. Flirting. Maybe voyeurism?
S23 Place: a house with large backyard (probably farmhouse?) Reason: Snowstorm for a week. Snowstorms happened and they had blackout in the house. Silver doesn't like darkness and he keep clinging to Flint. Flint doesn't like Silver's but he had to because Flint doesn't remember their house (floor plan, I mean) and ended up spending their time in other bedroom. Mood: sexual tension, confession, first kiss and first time.
S24 Silver and Flint bicker about emergency prep and then make up. Place: modern apartment. Reason: some disaster.
S25 Silver is talking to Flint, Flint is avoiding De Groot and so Silver finds himself manhandled into a very small compartment he'd never noticed on the Walrus. Mood: silly, ust
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soapberryspringsrpg · 6 years
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Forbidden Fruits
Hello Berries! The nights are getting longer, the air is getting crisper, the lattes are getting pumpkin spicier so you know what time it is. Time for the third ever Soapberry Springs writing prompt!
This prompt is meant to appeal to that part of many of us that once devoured cheesy romance books, thrilling over cliche after cliche so long as the right people ended up riding off into the sunset together. To play along, please choose one of the scenarios under the cut inspired by the brave harlequin romance writers and their specific books. 
You are free to change genders and names, of course; the only two things that must remain as posted are a) the title and b) the plot.
As always there is no time limit and no due date. Players are welcome to write self-paras, blurbs or novellas, poetry, chatzys or threads, to edit graphics, make playlists, etc. All creative takes on the theme are welcome and encouraged! 
Select below from prompts!
Feyness By E.S. Carter In this dark and sexy story, Faye’s cruel, powerful father forces her to marry wickedly gorgeous Cole. She’s convinced that Cole is pure evil — and he’s determined to break her…
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7 notes · View notes
constanzeofficial · 6 years
do eat / pray / love next
In electrical wiring, a light switch is a switch most commonly used to operate electric lights, permanently connected equipment, or electrical outlets. Portable lamps such as table lamps may have a light switch mounted on the socket, base, or in-line with the cord. Manually operated on/off switches may be substituted by dimmer switches that allow controlling the brightness of lamps as well as turning them on or off, time-controlled switches, occupancy-sensing switches, and remotely controlled switches and dimmers.
Light switches are also found in flashlights, automobiles and other vehicles.
Wall-mounted switches
Switches for lighting may be in hand-held devices, moving vehicles, and buildings. Residential and commercial buildings usually have wall-mounted light switches to control lighting within a room. Mounting height, visibility, and other design factors vary from country to country. The switch mounting boxes, or enclosures are often recessed within a finished wall. Surface mounting of enclosures is also fairly common though is seen more in commercial industrial and outbuilding settings than in residential structures. These light switch boxes (a pattress box) are designed to house and mount the switch(s), protect the wiring and contain any heat or fire. Each kind uses some form of a plastic, ceramic, or metal cover to prevent accidental contact with live terminals of the switch. Wall plates are available in different styles and colours to blend in with the style of a room, also available in weatherproof varieties for outdoors. These covers are usually quite easy to mount.
History, culture, and style
Two light switches in one box. The switch on the right is a dimmer switch. The switch box is covered by a decorative plate.
The first light switch employing “quick-break technology” was invented by John Henry Holmes in 1884 in the Shieldfield district of Newcastle upon Tyne.[2] The “quick-break” switch overcame the problem of a switch’s contacts developing electric arcing whenever the circuit was opened or closed. Arcing would cause pitting on one contact and the build-up of residue on the other, and the switch’s useful life would be diminished. Holmes’ invention ensured that the contacts would separate or come together very quickly, however much or little pressure was exerted by the user on the switch actuator. The action of this “quick break” mechanism meant that there was insufficient time for an arc to form, and the switch would thus have a long working life. This “quick break” technology is still in use in almost every ordinary light switch in the world today, numbering in the billions, as well as in many other forms of electric switch.
The toggle light switch was invented in 1917 by William J. Newton.[3]
As a component of an electrical wiring or home wiring system, the installation of light switches is regulated by some authority concerned with safety and standards. In different countries the standard dimensions of the wall mounting hardware (boxes, plates, etc.) may differ. Since the face-plates used must cover this hardware, these standards determine the minimum sizes of all wall mounted equipment. Hence, the shape and size of the boxes and face-plates, as well as what is integrated, varies from country to country.
The dimensions, mechanical designs, and even the general appearance of light switches has changed slowly over time. Switches typically remain in service for many decades, often being changed only when a portion of a house is rewired. It is not unusual to see century-old light switches still in functional use. Manufacturers introduce various new forms and styles, but for the most part decoration and fashion concerns are limited to the face-plates or wall-plates. Even the “modern” dimmer switch with knob is at least forty years old, and in even the newest construction the familiar toggle and rocker switch formats predominate.
The direction which represents “on” also varies by country. In the US and Canada, it is usual for the “on” position of a toggle switch to be “up”, whereas in many other countries such as the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand it is “down”. (In multiway switching, the correspondence between a single switch’s state and whether lights are on or off depends on the state of the other switch[es] in the circuit.)
The switches may be single or multiple, designed for indoor or outdoor use. Optional extras may include dimmer-controls, environmental protection, weather and security protection. In residential and light commercial lighting systems, the light switch directly controls the circuit feeding the lamps. In larger lighting systems, for example warehouses or outdoor lighting systems, the required current may be too high for a manual switch. In these systems light switches control lighting contactors, a relay that allows the manual light switch to operate on a lower voltage or with smaller wiring than would be required in the main lighting circuit.
In the UK, putting 13 Amp BS1363 sockets on a lighting circuit is discouraged (although not outright prohibited), but 2 Amp or 5 Amp BS546 outlets are often put on lighting circuits to allow control of free-standing lamps from the room’s light switches. In North American site-built and mobile homes, often living rooms and bedrooms have a switched receptacle for a floor or table lamp.
The contacts of a switch are under their greatest stress while opening or closing. As the switch is closed, the resistance between the contacts changes from almost infinite to almost zero. At infinite resistance, no current flows and no power is dissipated. At zero resistance, there is no voltage drop and no power is dissipated. However, while the contacts change state, there is a brief instant of partial contact when resistance is neither zero nor infinite, and electrical power is converted into heat. If the heating is excessive, the contacts may be damaged, or may even weld themselves closed.
A switch should be designed to make its transition as swiftly as possible. This is achieved by the initial operation of the switch lever mechanism storing potential energy, usually as mechanical stress in a spring. When sufficient mechanical energy is stored, the mechanism in the switch “breaks over”, and quickly drives the contacts through the transition from open to closed, or closed to open, without further action by the switch operator. This quick-break action of the switch is essential to a long life for the switch contacts, as described in Holmes’ 1884 patent.
While the contacts are separating, any electrical energy stored in the inductance of the circuit being disconnected is dissipated as an arc within the switch, prolonging the transition and worsening the heating effect on the contacts. Switches are commonly rated by the current they are designed to break, under specified voltage and power factor conditions, as this is the most stringent limitation.
The arc that results when the switch opens erodes the switch contacts. Therefore, any switch has a finite life, often rated at a given number of cycles of disconnection at a specified current. Operation outside of its specified operating capacity will drastically shorten the life of the switch.
To combat contact corrosion, a switch is usually designed to have a “wipe” action so that the contacts are cleaned. Large switches may be designed with a supplemental replaceable contact that closes and opens before the main contact, protecting the main current-carrying contacts from wear due to arcing. The contact area of the switch is constructed of materials that resist corrosion and arcing.
Many higher current switch designs rely on the separation arc to assist in dispersing contact corrosion. A switch designed for high-current high-voltage use may become unreliable if operated at very low currents and low voltages, because a non-conductive oxide layer builds up without an arc to disperse it.
Two kinds of sparks may occur during switch operation. On closure, a few sparks, like those from a flint-and-steel, may appear as a tiny bit of metal is heated by friction to incandescence, melted, and thrown off. On opening, a bluish arc may occur, with a detectable “electrical” (ozone) odor. Subsequently, the contacts may be seen to be darkened and pitted. Damaged contacts have higher resistance, rendering them more vulnerable to further damage and causing a cycle in which the contacts soon may fail completely.
To make a switch safe, durable, and reliable, it must be designed so that the contacts are held firmly together under positive force when the switch is closed. It should be designed so that, regardless of how the operator manipulates the actuator, the contacts always close or open quickly.
In the construction of many small switches, the spring that stores the mechanical energy necessary for the snap action of the switch mechanism is made of a beryllium copper alloy that is hardened to form a spring as part of the fabrication of the contact. The same part often also forms the body of the contact itself, and is thus the current path. Abusing the switch mechanism to hold the contacts in a transition state, or severely overloading the switch, will heat and thus anneal the spring, reducing or eliminating the “snap action” of the switch, leading to slower transitions, more energy dissipated in the switch, and progressive failure.
Variations on design
Vintage push-button light switches
The push-button light switch has two buttons: one that closes the contacts and one that opens the contacts. Pushing the raised button opens or closes the contacts and pops out the previously depressed button so the process can be reversed. Push-button switch reproductions are available on the market today for vintage or authentic styling.
The toggle mechanism provides “snap-action” through the use of an “over-center” geometry. The design was patented in 1916 by William J. Newton and Morris Goldberg.[3] The switch actuator does not control the contacts directly, but through an intermediate arrangement of springs and levers. Turning the actuator does not initially cause any motion of the contacts, which in fact continue to be positively held open by the force of the spring. Turning the actuator gradually stretches the spring. When the mechanism passes over the center point, the spring energy is released and the spring, rather than the actuator, drives the contacts rapidly and forcibly to the closed position with an audible “snapping” sound. This mechanism is safe, reliable, and durable, but produces a loud snap or click.
As of 2004 in the United States, the toggle switch mechanism was almost entirely supplanted by “quiet switch” mechanisms. “Quiet switch” mechanisms still possess a form of snap action, but it is very weak as compared to its predecessor. They are therefore equipped with larger, high-quality contacts that are capable of switching domestic loads without damage, despite the less-positive action.
Illuminated switches incorporate a small neon lamp or LED, allowing the user easily to locate the switch in the dark. Household illuminated switches were introduced in the mid-1950s.
Single-pole illuminated switches derive the power to energize their in-built illuminating source (usually, a “neon” lamp) from the current passing through the lamp(s) which they control. Such switches work satisfactorily with incandescent lamps, halogen lighting, and non-electronic fluorescent fixtures, because the small current required for the switch’s illuminating source is too small to produce any visible light from such devices controlled by the illuminated switch. However, if they control only compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and/or LED lamps, the small amount of current required to energize the lighting source within switch also slowly charges the internal input capacitor in the electronic ballast of the CFL or LED until the voltage across it rises to the point where it produces a brief discharge through the CFL. This cycle may repeat indefinitely, resulting in repetitive brief flashing of the lamp(s) (and the light inside the switch) while the illuminated switch is in the “off” position.
An alternative design to the toggle switch is the rocker switch. Large switches of this design are commonly known as “decorator style” in the United States.[citation needed] Switches of this design sit almost flush with the wall plate, and are activated by “rocking” a flat, broad lever, rather than pushing a short protruding actuator up or down.
In Europe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and India this type is near-universal, and toggle style switches would be considered old-fashioned.
In Australia and New Zealand, a small rocker switch is almost universally used, in the form of a 16 mm (0.63 in) switch mechanism, which is mounted from behind into a wall-plate—attaching via mounting lugs, as shown in the photo on the left. A slightly larger “cover plate”, supplied with the wall-plate, or additional to it, then clips over the assembly, as an additional insulating barrier covering the deep set wall-plate mounting screws - which are “deep set” to prevent inadvertent human contact. The “cover plate” can be removed without the use of tools, such as when wall painting is required.
While larger “decorator” style switches are readily available in Australia, the advantage of the smaller mechanisms is that wall-plates are available to mount from one to six individual switch mechanisms, or other correspondingly sized “mechanisms” - such as dimmers and indicator lights - in the same space as one (or two) switches of larger design could be mounted. Since the mechanisms are small, they can also be mounted into “architrave” plates, for mounting in positions where it is not possible to mount a “standard” sized wall-plate. An example is shown in the picture below on the right. All of the switch mechanisms have no exposed metal parts requiring grounding (earthing). While switches, wall-plates, and cover plates from different manufacturers tend not to be interchangeable, switch mechanisms of this type have been available in Australia since 1971.
The keystone module system for extra-low voltage electrical jacks (patented in 1995) is somewhat similar in appearance to these modules, but the design of the keystone mountings are different, and keystone modules can be removed without a tool. (A similar system, but with bigger switches, is used in Italy.)
As shown in the disassembly photo, the switch actuator pivots in two holes in the sides of the plastic switch body. An actuator bar slides in two grooves inside the actuator, pressed down by a compression spring into a notch in the common contact bar. The common contact bar is free to rock on a small diameter rod, welded to the common terminal. However, because of the pressure applied by the compression spring, the common contact bar will always be held against one of the two contacts.
When the actuator is moved, mechanical energy is stored in the compression spring until the actuator passes its mid-position. At that time, the common contact bar is forced in the opposite direction by the compression spring, acting via the actuator bar, thus breaking the connection with the existing contact and making connection with the other contact. The common contact bar is made of copper, with an inlay of harder contact metal on the underside. While it is free to move the required distance lengthwise, it is constrained from moving sideways by the construction of the molded plastic body.
The screw terminals are hollow and allow up to at least three 1 mm (CSA) wires, twisted together, to be inserted to a depth of up to 10 millimetres (0.39 in) and secured with a set screw. The contact terminal set screws are installed at a slight angle to allow easier screwdriver access after the switch mechanism has been installed into a wall-plate - before fixing the wall-plate to the wall. Also shown is a “loop” connection terminal. This terminal plays no part in the action of the switch but, because there is available space, it is provided as an insulated terminal for joining other wires, if required (such as the neutral wires). Each Australian rocker switch mechanism is actually a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) Switch, also known as a “two-way switch”, and has three terminals.
A switch of basically the same design is also used on Australian power outlet wall-plates. It is now extremely rare to find any other type of switch in Australian homes, although the Australian Wiring Standard AS 3112 does not forbid other types. While many variations of Australian designs and cover plates are available, some designers and renovators may import UK- and European-designed switches when they desire a particular finish. However, while standard Australian wall mounting plates have the same dimensions as those used in North America, they have different dimensions from those used in the UK or Europe.
Switches (and other mechanisms) of this Australian design series are currently available in the UK (and other countries), together with wall-plates appropriate to the mounting standards of the countries concerned. [6]
For a short time, Australian rocker switches were exported to the United States in the 1980s. Although the switches had adequate ratings for usage on 120 V circuits and had advantages of compactness and distinctive appearance, they failed to establish themselves in the American market.
Where lighting circuits must not be accidentally switched off, for example, corridor and restroom lighting controls in public buildings such as schools, a tamper-resistant switch may be installed. These require a key to operate and so discourage casual or accidental operation of the switch. [8]
Voltage class
In North American commercial and industrial lighting installations, lighting installed on 480Y/277 V 3-phase circuits uses voltages higher than the rating of common 120 V switches.
Mercury switch
Mercury light switch from General Electric c. 1960, 120V 15A
Before the 1970s, mercury switches were popular.[according to whom?] Their cost was more than that of other designs, but they were totally silent in operation.[citation needed] The switch actuator tipped a sealed glass vial connected via flexible leads, causing a drop of liquid metallic mercury to roll from one end to the other. When it arrived at the contact end, the drop of mercury bridged a pair of contacts to complete the circuit. Many of these switches were also equipped with a neon lampconnected across the contacts, and thus in series with the electrical load. This caused the indicator to glow faintly when the switch was off, as an aid to finding the switch in a dark room.
Although the glass vial was hermetically sealed, concerns about the release of toxic mercury when the switches were eventually damaged or disposed of led to the abandonment of this design for new products.[citation needed]
Pull-chain or pull-cord
A light switch combined with a light socket is sometimes installed in basement or utility areas of homes. The switch is operated by a pull chain or cord. It is also possible to have the cord-operated switch separate from the light socket, which is particularly common in British bathrooms. Until 2001, UK wiring regulations required that all bathroom switches were operated by pull cords.
Dimmer switch
A dimmer switch, properly called a dimmer control, contains a solid-state circuit to allow changing the brightness by reducing the average voltage applied to the lamp.
Electronic switches
In principle, it is easy to design silent switches in which the mechanical contacts do not directly control the current, but simply signal a solid-state device such as a thyristor to complete the circuit. Many variations on this theme have been created and marketed. “Touch-plate” devices can be operated by touching or merely waving a hand near the switch. Touch switches have no moving parts and electronically switch the light circuit. As of 2006 these remain specialty items. Electronic switches provide flexibility in terms of different interfaces for their operations, such as touch plates, soft-touch controls, pressure or light sensor based control, interactive touch-screens (which are widely used in aircraft for lighting control), and others.
Public buildings such as hospitals frequently save energy by using motion detector switches, also known as occupancy sensors. The occupancy sensors can also be used in residential applications such as in bathrooms, garages, and hallways.[10]
A wireless light switch provides remote control of lighting using a hand-held transmitter. While the controlling device may be a unit dedicated to this purpose, increasingly such switches may be controlled by the technology (such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) now found in smartphones.
Wired remote control of lighting switches is also possible using, for example, X10 signaling over the power wires.
Multiway switching
Main article:
Multiway switching
Two or more light switches can be interconnected to allow control of lighting from, for example, two ends of a long hallway or landings at the upper and lower landings of a flight of stairs. Multiway switching is done using special switches that have additional contacts.
Old tumbler switch made up of Bakelite
Earlier switches were made of porcelain in the surface-mounted version and operated as a rotary switch with a rotary mechanism. Later, more durable Bakelite was used. Today they are made of modern plastics. In some cases, especially in hospitals and other public facilities, exposed parts of light switches are made of antimicrobial materials such as copper, for infection control.
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asapresearch · 3 years
Growth Rates in para Aramid Fiber and Lumber - USA Vs Europe
Industries are investing in the development of new products, processes and methods to increase productivity, while reducing costs and improving quality. In this context, para-aramid fibers are an important development in the area of fiber industry. This product offers increased strength and durability, as well as greater elasticity and flexibility, when compared with other fibers of similar use. Although it is a relatively new product, it has already found extensive applications across many industries, especially in construction, automotive, marine and transportation. For these reasons, this article will focus on para-aramid fibers, with a view to highlighting the advantages they offer.
Application Research In the context of global market demand, application of para-aramid fibers is increasing in parallel with the rise of global supply. Applications in the construction industry include bridges, gantries, balconies, gazebos, fencing, column and flooring systems, etc. These applications require strong, flexible and wear-resistant materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions. In fact, all the aforementioned applications are adversely affected by harsh weather conditions, which reduce the life of both the materials and the infrastructures they support. Fiber reinforced polyester is a material that meets all these criteria and is used in most construction applications across the north America. However, in order to meet growing demands in the industrial sector, manufacturers in the north America are seeking more stringent quality control standards and tougher, less toxic formulations that can sustain long-term exposure without compromising performance.
The development and testing of para-aramid fibers for construction requirements have resulted in significant gains in the areas of: energy savings, improved structure integrity, improved durability, etc. These benefits are not only directly related to the global market, but also to sro (specialized shearing) technology. In the past, sro aramid fibers were only considered for construction purposes as the fiber type was limited to the need of short staple fibers. However, with the advancements in sro technology, the incorporation of aramid into fiber chain architecture has gained significant merit and is now utilized in a wide variety of applications.
The tremendous potential and the competitive edge of para-aramid fibers research were recognized and utilized in the commercial and industrial sectors due to their fire retardant properties. The unique fire retardancy of the fiber allows it to withstand heat up to 300 degree Celsius, which is close to the temperatures experienced by traditional lumber and plywood. The development of para-aramid fibers predicted period of stable and sustained global market growth, with significant contribution being contributed to the global fiber market growth in North America. Although preliminary analysis and forecasts for future prospects indicate a possible slowing down of the para-aramid fiber market growth in North America, certain areas of the country have been observed to experience an increase in the presence of para-aramid fibers due to strategic planning and development plans adopted by the various stakeholders.
There is an anticipated increase in the demand for raw materials which can be used to manufacture furniture, building materials, carpeting, flooring, decking and other outdoor constructions. It is projected that in the next decade, the aramid fiber market will continue to grow significantly in both absolute and relative terms, as a result of increasing globalization and a resulting increase in the export of American wood products, which are mainly used for the manufacture of synthetic wooden materials, flooring and decking components. The wood fiber industry is primarily based on the utilization of virgin pulp wood from North America, which is primarily used for the manufacture of high quality hardwood flooring components. Although there is a rapid increase in the use of virgin pulp woods, due to their increased stability and superior thermal properties, the popularity of the laminates and plasters will likely continue to rise in the coming years, especially as a substitute to laminates and tiles.
The United States Department of Forest Service, via its Forest Products Division, has released several study reports and forecasts regarding the trends in lumber markets and the expected growth rate in the para-aramid fibers market over the next decade. Based on these studies and projections, the division projects an increase in the import cost of the United States in the next five years. The projected growth rate in the para-aramid fibers market is approximately 3% per year over the next five years, which is slightly higher than the growth rate in the domestic market. However, due to the significant benefits derived from the use of aramid fibers in the manufacture of flooring products, particularly in the residential and commercial sector, the projected growth in the domestic market will be significantly less than the growth rate observed in the commercial sector.
The report forecast global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation.
The report offers detailed coverage of Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application.
Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) :
Part 1:
Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region
Part 2:
Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc.
Part 3:
Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography
Part 4:
Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 5:
Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 6:
North America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 7:
South America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 8:
Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 9:
Market Features
Part 10:
Investment Opportunity
Part 11:
Market Segment as follows:
By Region
Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia]
Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland]
North America[United States, Canada, Mexico]
Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa]
South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies
Alien Technology
Zebra Technologies
Inksure Technologies
Avery Dennison
Flint Group
Impinj Incorporation
Market by Type
Authentication Technology
Track and Trace Technology
Market by Application
Cosmetics and Prsonal Care
Global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Anti-corrosion and Corrosion Resistant Coatings Market
Global Anti-aging Products Market
Global Anti Vibration Rubber Mounts Market
Global Animal Hormones Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
Growth Rates in para Aramid Fiber and Lumber - USA Vs Europe
Industries are investing in the development of new products, processes and methods to increase productivity, while reducing costs and improving quality. In this context, para-aramid fibers are an important development in the area of fiber industry. This product offers increased strength and durability, as well as greater elasticity and flexibility, when compared with other fibers of similar use. Although it is a relatively new product, it has already found extensive applications across many industries, especially in construction, automotive, marine and transportation. For these reasons, this article will focus on para-aramid fibers, with a view to highlighting the advantages they offer.
Application Research In the context of global market demand, application of para-aramid fibers is increasing in parallel with the rise of global supply. Applications in the construction industry include bridges, gantries, balconies, gazebos, fencing, column and flooring systems, etc. These applications require strong, flexible and wear-resistant materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions. In fact, all the aforementioned applications are adversely affected by harsh weather conditions, which reduce the life of both the materials and the infrastructures they support. Fiber reinforced polyester is a material that meets all these criteria and is used in most construction applications across the north America. However, in order to meet growing demands in the industrial sector, manufacturers in the north America are seeking more stringent quality control standards and tougher, less toxic formulations that can sustain long-term exposure without compromising performance.
The development and testing of para-aramid fibers for construction requirements have resulted in significant gains in the areas of: energy savings, improved structure integrity, improved durability, etc. These benefits are not only directly related to the global market, but also to sro (specialized shearing) technology. In the past, sro aramid fibers were only considered for construction purposes as the fiber type was limited to the need of short staple fibers. However, with the advancements in sro technology, the incorporation of aramid into fiber chain architecture has gained significant merit and is now utilized in a wide variety of applications.
The tremendous potential and the competitive edge of para-aramid fibers research were recognized and utilized in the commercial and industrial sectors due to their fire retardant properties. The unique fire retardancy of the fiber allows it to withstand heat up to 300 degree Celsius, which is close to the temperatures experienced by traditional lumber and plywood. The development of para-aramid fibers predicted period of stable and sustained global market growth, with significant contribution being contributed to the global fiber market growth in North America. Although preliminary analysis and forecasts for future prospects indicate a possible slowing down of the para-aramid fiber market growth in North America, certain areas of the country have been observed to experience an increase in the presence of para-aramid fibers due to strategic planning and development plans adopted by the various stakeholders.
There is an anticipated increase in the demand for raw materials which can be used to manufacture furniture, building materials, carpeting, flooring, decking and other outdoor constructions. It is projected that in the next decade, the aramid fiber market will continue to grow significantly in both absolute and relative terms, as a result of increasing globalization and a resulting increase in the export of American wood products, which are mainly used for the manufacture of synthetic wooden materials, flooring and decking components. The wood fiber industry is primarily based on the utilization of virgin pulp wood from North America, which is primarily used for the manufacture of high quality hardwood flooring components. Although there is a rapid increase in the use of virgin pulp woods, due to their increased stability and superior thermal properties, the popularity of the laminates and plasters will likely continue to rise in the coming years, especially as a substitute to laminates and tiles.
The United States Department of Forest Service, via its Forest Products Division, has released several study reports and forecasts regarding the trends in lumber markets and the expected growth rate in the para-aramid fibers market over the next decade. Based on these studies and projections, the division projects an increase in the import cost of the United States in the next five years. The projected growth rate in the para-aramid fibers market is approximately 3% per year over the next five years, which is slightly higher than the growth rate in the domestic market. However, due to the significant benefits derived from the use of aramid fibers in the manufacture of flooring products, particularly in the residential and commercial sector, the projected growth in the domestic market will be significantly less than the growth rate observed in the commercial sector.
The report forecast global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation.
The report offers detailed coverage of Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application.
Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) :
Part 1:
Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region
Part 2:
Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc.
Part 3:
Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography
Part 4:
Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 5:
Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 6:
North America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 7:
South America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 8:
Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 9:
Market Features
Part 10:
Investment Opportunity
Part 11:
Market Segment as follows:
By Region
Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia]
Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland]
North America[United States, Canada, Mexico]
Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa]
South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies
Alien Technology
Zebra Technologies
Inksure Technologies
Avery Dennison
Flint Group
Impinj Incorporation
Market by Type
Authentication Technology
Track and Trace Technology
Market by Application
Cosmetics and Prsonal Care
Global Anti-counterfeit Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Packaging Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Anti-corrosion and Corrosion Resistant Coatings Market
Global Anti-aging Products Market
Global Anti Vibration Rubber Mounts Market
Global Animal Hormones Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
0 notes
pir8tedaddy · 7 years
RULES. repost, don’t reblog. tag ten. TAGGED: no one TAGGING:  @invxne @jackrxckham @trucidavit @oftheranger @blacksailsandredhair (But I think you might have done it?) And anyone else! 
FULL  NAME. Edward Teach (Sometimes Thatch)  NICKNAME.   Blackbeard. Dadbeard AGE.   38 in 1718 (When he actually died) BIRTHDAY.   Unknown ETHNIC GROUP.   British NATIONALITY.   English LANGUAGE / S. English SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Bisexual (There’s actually history books detailing Teach’s gay lovers) ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Married 9 times in canon (14 historically)  CLASS.   Unknown HOME TOWN / AREA.  Bristol CURRENT HOME. Ocracoke Island PROFESSION.   Pirate (Believed to be a Privateer prior to joining the account)
FEAR / S. Being forgotten ASPIRATION / S.   [Honestly don’t know] POSITIVE TRAITS.  Intelligent, Caring [Fight me. The man cares for Vane, and in history he ransomed a load of Charlestown people in order to get medicine for his crew], Determined, Philosophical
NEGATIVE TRAITS.  At times insane, holds grudges. ZODIAC. Unknown TEMPEREMENT.  Choleric SOUL TYPE / S. Leader, Educator, Thinker ANIMALS. Lion VICE HABIT / S.  Sometimes allows his emotions to control him. FAITH. Unknown. GHOSTS? No AFTERLIFE? Yes REINCARNATION? No ALIENS? Unsure POLITICAL ALIGNMENT.  Neutral. ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION.  EDUCATION LEVEL. University
FATHER.  Unknown MOTHER. Unknown SIBLINGS.   Unknown EXTENDED  FAMILY.   Unknown NAME MEANING / S. Means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weard "guard".
BOOK.  Dante’s Divine Comedy MOVIE.  The Shawshank Redemption 5 SONGS.  You Don’t Own Me - Grace, Keelhauled - Alestorm, You Know My Name- Chris Cornell, I Giorni -  Ludovico Einaudi, River Flows In You -  Yiruma DEITY.   Unknown HOLIDAY. Christmas MONTH.  June SEASON.   Summer PLACE.  His tent on Ocracoke, good memories. WEATHER. Sunny and warm, but not super hot. SOUND.  The sound of waves hitting the shore. SCENT / S. Books. TASTE / S.  Coffee [Modern Teach loves his coffee. That man makes the Starbucks employees cry] FEEL / S.  Soft blankets. ANIMAL / S. Kitty cats!  NUMBER.  9 COLOR.  Burgundy
TALENTS.  Convincing men to follow him, Making efficient tactical plans quickly BAD  AT. Staying alive. Seriously. TURN  ONS.  Intelligence and the strength to back it up  TURN  OFFS.  Physical weakness HOBBIES.  Reading, Writing, Cartography  TROPES.  No clue, that’s too complicated. AESTHETICS.  Antique Books, ships, the sea, fabulously complicated coats [But not as bad as Rackham’s]
MAIN  FC / S. Ray Stevenson ALT  FC / S. - OLDER  FC / S.  - YOUNGER  FC / S.  VOICE  CLAIM / S.  -
Q1.   if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about? A1.  I would love to write a film about Edward Teach (Not Blackbeard), we see so much about him as Blackbeard, as the mad pirate. I think it would be pretty cool to have a film that explored what made him into that man. So it’d almost definitely be a biographical film. No idea what I would call it, that requires brain cells that I don’t have.
Q2.   what would their soundtrack / score sound like? A2.  Anything by Alestorm or some types of Classical Music
Q3.   why did you start writing this character? A3. Because Teach’s character in Black Sails was bloody amazing. He was totally different from the usual variations of Blackbeard, he was shown to be more of a man and less of a monster. 
Q4.   what first attracted you to this character? A4. His beard. That thing is the most majestic beard in existence.
Q5.   describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5. The lack of factual history xD It drives me mad that we know so little about him!
Q6.   what do you have in common with your muse? A6.  We’re both mad. Seriously. If you ask anyone from the Black Sails Fam they’ll tell you the same thing.
Q7.   how does your muse feel about you? A7.  Teach would either maroon me or kill me because I’d have pissed him off somehow. 
Q8.   what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with? A8.  Charles Vane (his smol pirate son), Anne Bonny, Jack Rackham (He totally does not approve of him), James Flint, Mary Read, Miranda Hamilton etc
Q9.   what gives you the inspiration to write your muse? A9.  So much whiskey and horror films.
Q10. how long did this take you to complete? A10.  LIKE 2 WEEKS?!
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ana-yanka · 4 years
Leather tanning
Regia Anglorum: Leather Working
Authored by: Roland Williamson
"The Ice Age was survived largely due to the ability to skin with fine flint scrapers and preserve pelts and hides. Skins will soon rot and fall apart unless they are preserved in some fashion. Smoking and stretching them is one way to temporarily stave off the inevitable rotting of the flesh. The next improvement is to rub fats and in particular the brains of the hapless animal into the hide to soften and make the leather pliable. [...] The skin could have an oily substance like tallow (animal fat), egg yolk or dubbin which is a mixture of fish oil and tallow rubbed in to its surface. It could also be treated by rubbing salt, brain or potash alum into the surface to produce a very pale leather. Both these methods were quick and easy but if the leather got wet the oils or minerals could be washed out and the leather would begin to carry on the rotting process.
The use of Oak bark as the basis for tanning in Northern Europe lasted until the beginning of the 20th century, when the work of two Americans helped to speed up the process from two to three weeks, as opposed to the older method which could take a year or longer. Augustus Schultz the chemist and Robert Foerderer the sales end of things, developed 'chrome' tanning (using not surprisingly chromium salts). Because of the speed of manufacture, this method soon eclipsed the traditional process, almost killing off any of the tanneries who tried to remain faithful to the baths of tannin.
It is recognised the world over that tannin based leather production makes a superior leather of the highest quality. [...]
The production of leather from animal hides was a time consuming and dreadfully smelly process. So much so that tanneries were often situated far out of town for reasons of air pollution rather than health. Leather only works as it does not hold water in its pores [...] If water somehow remains in the skin, the collagen protein fibres will begin to break down and rot. The hides of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and deer, and perhaps horses, were all used. Once the animal was slaughtered, the skin was removed and the first job was to remove any excess bits of flesh and fat. In order to do this the hide was soaked and pounded and placed over a wooden beam where it was scraped with a special knife. If the hair on the skin were to be removed, urine, quicklime or wood ash was use in solution into which the hide was steeped and then rubbed or left to soak into the wet surface. This loosened the hair and allowed it to be scraped off with a tool today known as a 'scudder'. The hide was then washed to stop the chemicals affecting it further. At this point the hide is now technically a pelt, and it is now that it is judged as to what purpose the pelt should be put to. The more thickness, the more likely it is to become harness etc.
After the hair and fat had been removed, the tanner had to prevent the pelt from stiffening or rotting in one of several ways, as up to this point, it is white and very slimy and should be referred to as raw-hide. If removed from the steeping pits, the raw-hide would begin to dry rapidly and shrink, the properties of which were useful for some tasks.
Some of the pelts were then removed from the 'liming pits' and placed into vats containing a nauseous brew dog dung, chicken and dove droppings which 'fluffs' open the pores in the skin due to bacterial action and neutralising the lime, a process called 'bating' the leather. This makes the leather soft and pliant, and suitable for such things as clothing. The amount of bating that the leather underwent, controlled how flexible the hide was to be. The pelts will them spend a few hours in a pit containing ammonia, once derived from urine, de-liming them further and them from here they go into the pits holding the tannin liquor. The weather and the volume of new bark affected the strength of the liquor and was always judged by experience. In turn, the number of pelts and age of the liquor determined how long they should spend in the pits soaking, all of which were certified by the tried and tested method of dipping your finger in and tasting it. The pelts were hung over a pole in the case of a deep pit or stacked in layers in a shallower clay lined pit and soaked in this mixture of water and crushed oak bark (the prime source of the tannin). There were several pits through which the pelts were rotated, each containing an increasingly stronger strength solution. The tannin is relatively a weak solution, and time alone is the only way to work it right through the structure of the leather. The action of the tannin is to preserve, driving out the pelt's water content which makes up 70% of the pelt's weight, and coating each and every one of the collagen fibres with tannin. Tannin helps the leather to resist the effects of heat, decomposition by water and attack by all manner of organisms.
The bark was sourced from ideally trees felled as the sap in them was rising in the spring months, which also made their stripping easier as well. The strips were cut into lengths around the two foot mark for ease of handling, before being dried and then ground down and mixed with water. Elm, Willow and Alder are also good sources of tannin, but Oak has for a very long time been the traditional choice.
The pelts are handled about once a week, and make their way through the first series of pits in about three months. They next go to the layer pits to sit for ten months or so with layers of crushed bark between them. Cords are tied to the corners of the pelts so that they can be lifted to judge their progress, and moved from time to time. Only after this, are the pelts pulled out and strung out to dry and scrubbed, a process now done by large centrifugal drums to rid the leather of any water.
The finishing of the leather began with applications of traditionally Cod oil being applied and rubbed in with a thick wad of sheepskin. This helps to keep the leather supple, protects against the atmosphere [...] A thousand years ago, all this had to be done over a smooth beam with a series of tools by a man who became known as a 'currier'. The hardest part was to trim the leather to a single thickness, producing a lot of 'suede' waste. The leather then had to be polished with bone tools on it's outer surface, and extra applications of Cod oil rubbed over the hide. For a really fine finish, the currier might spend hours per hide, and is a very skilled and onerous task. The applications of Cod oil are there to replace natural skin oils that are lost due to the caustic nature of the tanning process. Only after many hours of finishing the surface, was the leather ready to be used.
At this point, the leather can be further enhanced by staining with liquor from other tree barks such as alder, possibly plant dyes or more Cod oil and extra 'slicking' with bone tools, and to act as a final layer, a blend of  mutton fat, tallow (unhelpfully, technically any kind of fat, even vegetable fat), and yet more Cod oil darkening and preserving the surface.”
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