#fitzskimmons fic
gingerpeachtea · 1 year
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darkskyatnight · 2 years
New SHIELD fic! It’s Fitzskimmons!
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queercapwriting · 3 years
I haven't seen a good Fitzskimmons in a while, so if we could get something with them Cap that'd be great. Maybe juggling the holiday traditions Fitz and Simmons are used to with the desire to create new ones for Skye/Daisy whose upbringing didn't really lend itself to great holiday memories?
It was her first Christmas season with the team, and she felt more out of place than usual.
“Why is Fitz...” Skye tilted her head, unsure how to finish her question. Apparently, Simmons didn’t find that unusual. Of course she didn’t - completing someone else’s sentences was completely normal for her. And there she went.
“Locked in his bunk with a great big Do Not Enter sign on it, blasting heavy metal Christmas music?” Simmons supplied. 
Skye squinted and bit her bottom lip. “Yes?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about him. It’s just something he does every holiday season. He used to transform his room in the Academy into a little Santa’s workshop. The things he invents during the holiday season... One year, he made me a self-sustaining...”
Skye lost track of Simmons’ excited stream of words and stories and memories.
She didn’t have anything like that. And Fitz-Simmons already had their own holiday traditions, it seemed.
May and Coulson probably did, too.
Best if she just left well enough alone.
So she smiled and nodded and acted suitably impressed when it seemed appropriate.
Skye didn’t realize that Simmons noticed. No one ever had before, so why should anybody now?
Skye didn’t realize that Simmons cracked the holiday lock on Fitz’s door (she might be biochem, not engineering, but she knew how to apply Skye’s algorithms when she needed to) and sat on his bed, patiently ignoring his red face and stammering so she could explain that they needed to make extra sure that Skye feels welcome during her first Christmas on the bus.
And Skye had no way of knowing that Fitz’s eyes had lit up, because he was already on it.
She had fully prepared herself to wake up on Christmas morning in a certified mood. Fully prepared herself to put on a fake smile as she watched everyone else do their thing, then throw herself headlong into some assignment that could definitely wait, but that she’d treat like it was the most urgent thing on the planet.
She had not, in any way, prepared herself for Fitz-Simmons to wake her up by pounding on her door, shouting about Christmas and Santa Claus before rapidly descending into a loud discussion of the physics of reindeer-led sleighs and faster than light travel.
She yanked her door open, not caring that her hair was a mess, not caring that her t-shirt was rumpled from sleep, not remembering that she had only boy shorts, and no pants.
“The one day off we’ve had in centuries, and you’re waking me up because - “
“Because we have all these presents for you, Skye!” Fitz said, Santa hat yanked down over his ears, remote controls in his hands, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Jemma tugged her into a tight, full-bodied hug that made Skye gulp and - she couldn’t help it - rest her cheek on Jemma’s shoulder, just for a second, just for a moment.
She didn’t know what to say as Jemma took her hand - she gulped again - and dragged her through the bus to where Fitz had set up a massive tree overnight, stacked high with gifts, a full quarter of them for Skye.
A fully functional, impeccably accurate model of her van. (From Fitz, with proud support and car nerdery assistance from Coulson.)
The most souped-up laptop she could ever imagine (and she imagined a lot), completely customized to her, down to her preferred typing patterns and with a keypad molded to her own hands. (From Fitz, with enthusiastic input from Simmons.)
A perfectly rendered painting of what the night sky(e) would look like from LA, without all the light pollution. (No one took credit for this one, but May actually smiled, like fully smiled, when Skye looked at her with tears in her eyes).
“You’re part of the family now, Skye,” Fitz told her when he tugged his own Santa hat off her head and placed it on hers.
“No escaping it now,” Simmons added.
She spent a good part of that morning crying alone in her bunk. From happiness, for once.
It was another few years before they were all able to celebrate Christmas together again. 
When Jemma first came home from Maveth, she’d hardly been up for a romantic dinner alone with Fitz, let alone a whole Christmas celebration with the family.
On Christmas Eve, Simmons shared a quiet glass of wine with Daisy, and whatever else she and Fitz did to commemorate the evening, Daisy had no clue.
She had fun with Hunter and Bobbi and Mack - it was warm and it was sweet and it was family - but she missed Simmons. She missed Fitz.
She wondered, though she tried not to, if their first Christmas together had also been their last.
If the universe had been so cold to Fitz-Simmons that they’d only ever be each other’s warmth. If Daisy had no other part in it.
But then the next morning came. Christmas morning.
The knock on her door was soft and tentative.
Daisy almost tripped over her blankets to answer quickly. She could never get to Jemma quickly enough.
“Daisy,” Jemma said, the name still feeling new on her lips. But Daisy had meant what she’d said - Jemma really could call her whatever she wanted. “Merry Christmas.”
She held out a mug of cocoa, topped with so much whipped cream that Daisy couldn’t help but smile. Even with everything that had been going on, Jemma must have noticed how much more into sugar Daisy had found herself, after everything with her parents.
“Merry Christmas.”
Daisy thought that maybe their eyes lingered together for a moment longer than they normally would, a moment longer than someone else might consider appropriate.
“I made Christmas pancakes. For you, and for Fitz. Do you want to come back to our room? Share them with us, before Fitz eats them all?”
For you, and for Fitz. Our room. With us. Daisy’s head spun.
She cleared her throat. “What are Christmas pancakes?”
“The greatest pancakes ever to exist, Daisy!” Fitz called from down the hall.
Jemma giggled softly. Once again, she held out her hand for Daisy. Once again, Daisy took it.
Once again, Christmas felt like it could be... home.
“My father didn’t believe in holidays, not really,” Fitz told Jemma and Daisy. After the Framework. After all the torture and all the death and all the... all of it. “Celebrating was a womanly activity,” he said. His eyes were far away.
Daisy met Jemma’s eyes. Tears were burning there - Fitz was learning to talk about his father, but slowly. Slowly. Jemma’s hand absently traced the spot on her leg where Leopold - where Fitz - had shot her.
Fitz noticed. He knelt, immediately, and replaced Jemma’s fingers with his lips.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. Daisy had lost track of the number of times he’d apologized. 
“I was only in there for a day, and I did terrible things too, Fitz,” she reminded him.
She brought her fingers to his chin, tilted his head up so he would look at her. She glanced at Jemma - she was still new at this. At all of this. At figuring out where she fit in their relationship, in their love. She’d been especially nervous about it, around the holidays. Figuring out where she fit, how she fit.
Was Jemma the only one allowed to comfort Fitz, like this? But Jemma smiled and took Daisy’s free hand.
Fitz looked up at her like his life hung on her next words.
And maybe they did.
But he didn’t let her speak them. He’d told her and Jemma, so many times, that comforting him wasn’t their job. Not about this. 
They tried, anyway, and they did, anyway.
But he tried, too.
So he tilted his head so his lips kissed her palm.
“It’s Christmas, Daisy,” he smiled, with his eyes more than his lips. He kissed Jemma’s leg once more before he stood, and offered them both his hands. “My point about my father wasn’t to get lost in the past. It was to a build a future. Our future. He didn’t believe in holidays, but I do. Because you deserve them, Daisy. For yourself. And with us. So...”
He led them both off the Quinjet. He and Jemma had refused to tell Daisy where they were going, or why they were dressed so damn warmly.
Daisy gasped when he opened the bay doors.
He and Jemma had brought her... Christmas.
An immaculate igloo, big enough to fit Daisy’s entire history of crowded rooms with no real connections, complete with a smoking chimney that spoke of a warm fire inside. Two massive evergreen trees on either side of it, all strung with softly glowing white lights. A field of uninterrupted snow, as far as her eyes could see.
She didn’t ask how he’d managed to engineer it all.
She didn’t ask why he’d done this for her. He’d already said - he thought she deserved it.
When Mack emerged from the igloo, mugs of cocoa in his hands and Yo-Yo and Flint trying to get reindeer antlers on his head, May and Coulson next to them, it occurred to Daisy that FitzSimmons - her FitzSimmons - weren’t giving her anything she didn’t already have.
The three of them made a family together long ago. They just wanted to make sure she always knew.
Fitz held her hand while Jemma kissed her lips. Deke whooped from somewhere behind Mack. Flint snapped endless photos mid-laugh, because he’d never gotten over the whole idea of cameras. May tossed a snowball at Coulson, who promptly fell into a heap of fresh snow.
Home. FitzSimmons had brought her home for Christmas. 
And for maybe the first time, she didn’t question it.
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daisylincs · 4 years
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Tapping the spacebar to wake up her laptop, Jemma moved to check the time there - only to freeze completely at the sight that awaited her. Her entire laptop screen - the entire thing - had been filled by a giant image of an envelope, sealed with a red heart on the top.
Now what on earth could that be?
AKA, Jemma might be working late, but her boyfriend and girlfriend are not about to let her forget how much she loves them. Fills the squares "Fitzskimmons" and "Cute notes" on the @agentsofchallenges Fluff Bingo 2020.
Dedicated with much love and appreciation to @bobbimorseisbisexual, my inspiration in all things polyship!
Read it here on AO3.
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maybebrilliant · 4 years
Another new day, another new fic.
...Hah, I wish. But anyway, fills my fluff bingo squares baking + Fitzskimmons
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ismaelmyblogisamess · 4 years
Fic recs part 2
The godawful hoodie by @everythinghappens-love fitzskimmons domestic fluff
New friends, old books by @chidi-anagonye fitzsimmons fluff
And may your heart be merry by @recoveringrabbit fitzsimmons fluff with slight angst
A lifetime in the palm of your hand by @the-nerdy-stjarna fitzsimmons fluff with season 6 spoilers
A season away by @robotgort fitzsimmons au
Naked and afraid by @nerdlove4thewin fitzsimmons nsfw season 4A spoilers with humor
The wedding grinch by @jemmablossom fitzsimmons fluff and humor wedding
Through the camera on mack's phone by @memorizingthedigitsofpi fitzsimmons 5x12 spoilers
Hold on to the memories; they will hold on to you by @ohifonlyx33 fitzsimmons fic, season 5 spoilers
Off duty by @maggiegraceful fitzsimmons valentine
The story of her life by @jemmafitzsimmons fitzsimmons au, fluff, post civil war(mcu)
The dark knight by @grapehyasynth fitzsimmons au, fluff, angst, crack
The name of the game by @besidemethewholedamntime fitzsimmons au, angst, hurt/comfort
Burn down the disco by @athousandsplendidsuns fitzsimmons nsfw, angst, season 4B spoilers, fluff, smut
Here another list of fics, again most of them r fitzsimmons and one fitzskimmons, highly recommend to read em amd check out the authors
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florchis · 5 years
10 for fitzskimmons and/or 45 for philinda if you want to :]
I did the FSK one for now (”You know we can't keep this up forever”), maybe inspiration will strike later for the Philinda one!
"You know we can't keep this up forever," Fitz mumbles against the nape of Daisy's neck. She retaliates by placing her frozen feet in between of his shins, and he hisses but places his arm across her waist anyway."Why not?" She mumbles back, already half asleep. "I see no problem with this.""That's until May finds out about everything," Jemma points out, the woosh-woosh of the brushing of her hair enticing enough to make Daisy open her eyes again."Cute of you to think that May doesn't know everything that goes on in this base."A long silence follows her statement, and then both Fitz and Simmons reply, "Fair enough.""Anyway, I didn't mean that we should come clean to prevent May from finding the wrong way, though- scary. I meant that I want everyone to know. They are important, and this is important, and I think we should share things that matter with people that matter."Daisy turns around on the bed, her hand going to his cheek. "Aw, Jemma, look at out kind-hearted nerd!""Don't let yourself be fooled by the sentiment, Daisy: he is only aiming to get a bigger bed out of this.""You know what? I take it back. You two are awful, and you can start finding another room to go sneaking in the middle of the night!"
Prompt me!
AOS Masterpost
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kickedshins · 3 years
finally was able to write for the first time in months so i finished this aos fic i’ve been working on for a while! everyone stream seismic movements, tectonic shifts (6k words, T, fitzskimmons)
Daisy hops up on the counter, crosses one leg over the other with an over casual swivel of her hip, and waves her hand around meaninglessly. “I’m keyed up pretty much all the time. I’m a shit case study if you’re looking to look into normal levels of energy and sleep.”
And Fitz knows this, of course. She’s stayed up late countless nights with Fitz on the Bus, has knocked on his door and slipped into his quarters at one in the morning to discuss the finer points of computer maintenance, or ask him about time travel theories, or just to know that there was someone else in this world who spent their night watching The Conjuring and that she wasn’t uniquely cowardly for being scared shitless by it. The two of them and Simmons—
And, yeah, Daisy’s still losing sleep over Simmons. She’s—okay, ‘worried’ seems like a cheap word. She’s terrified, really, but she’s pushed down that terror to focus on getting through her life.
Still, though, there’s a constant underlying current of worry that runs through every small motion Daisy makes. Simmons could be dying halfway across the galaxy. Simmons could be dead halfway across the galaxy. Before movie nights with Fitz and late-night drinks with Simmons, Daisy’d never really had people to worry about. She thinks that maybe she’s making up for lost time.
i am very glad that i got back into the swing of writing and i am your crazy fitzdaisy shipper mutual unfortunately so have some s3 fitzskimmons they’re all neurotic and not coping very well and trying to find comfort in each other. Or really fitz and daisy are trying to find comfort in each other now that the woman they both love is stuck on an alien planet. 
also even tho it’s not super relevant to this fic i always love writing trans guy fitz (and trans girl simmons but she’s not rly in this one) and nonbinary daisy and i love daisy’s relationship to her body as a tool and her connect/disconnect to it both in terms of not knowing who her parents were for most of her life and being inhuman and being trans. so yeah! enjoy <3
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smallblueandloud · 2 years
fandom-related skills i learned for fitzskimmons:
writing multichapter fics
outlining a fic for the first time
making a playlist with a subject
actually talking about that playlist??
running an organized sideblog (that's dead now whoops)
fandom-related skills i want to learn for fitzskimmons:
video editing
actually writing consistently
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agentmanatee · 2 years
Ok. Hear me out.
A fitzskimmons Free Guy AU called Free Sky(e)
Skye is a NPC in an online game living her life the way it was programmed; she wears a daisy-printed shirt everyday and she covets the Quake gloves she sees in the fashion store window. That is until she crosses path with hero Boshtok, Fitz's in-game character, as he hunts for evidence that his and Jemma's code was stolen without proper credit. Well, you see where this is going.
Thought? This could work with any one of them in any role. Personally, it cracks up to think that the beefed-up Skye could just be Inhuman Daisy high on the space puffies.
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ooh, prompts!! what about a drabble where fitzskimmons goes grocery shopping for the team? springtime is good!! i hope you're well <3
Here you go! I hope you’re doing well too <3
“I can’t believe May and Coulson are making us buy groceries. It’s not like a lower-level agent or whatever couldn’t do it. They’re totally up to something,” Daisy announced as she pressed the brakes, parking them in the only available spot in the entire mall complex which happened to be the furthest away. The perfect cherry on top of the already lovely day of grocery shopping. Not even like, clothes shopping. Grocery shopping. 
“Oh, come on Daisy- it’s not that bad,” Jemma leaned forward to rub Daisy’s shoulder, but the inhuman only shrugged her hand away. 
“Anyway, I call dibs on getting the shopping cart. I am not waking up Fitz.” 
Fitz was curled up in the passenger’s seat, his head lolling on his door, and Daisy was pretty sure that was drool in the corner of his mouth. Fitz was generally a grumpy bear. A sweet bear but grumpy nonetheless. But sleepy Fitz who had just been unwillingly awoken from a nap- Daisy shuddered and jumped out of the car, tossing Jemma a saccharine smile and a wink. Jemma pouted in return, and even though it was absolutely adorable, it wasn’t adorable enough for Daisy to turn back and help her. 
She trudged over to the shopping carts, humming what was probably a Katy Perry song- Coulson had a new favorite singer, and trying to think of what May and Coulson could possibly be up to. She flopped over the cart handle as she waited for Fitzsimmons. Her stomach grumbled. The only food in the base that morning had been Captain Crunch, and she’d only taken a few handfuls. Okay, so maybe there was some sense to the whole grocery shopping thing, but couldn’t like Piper and Davis have gone instead?
Her thoughts were interrupted by the harmony of two accented voices chorusing for her attention.
“We should definitely get dry non-perishables first and then I was thinking we’ll move onto the canned goods- shut up Fitz!”
“Hey, Daisy. Jemma’s the absolute worst.”
Jemma’s explanation and thorough planning of exactly how they were going to shop continued as they entered the store. Daisy tried to listen- she really did (no she didn’t), but a package of brightly colored cookies caught her eye. Apparently, Fitz too had been immediately drawn to them because they both turned to Jemma at the same time.
“Can we get Oreos?”
“Jemma, look- they’re pride themed biscuits!”
“I’m sorry- Biscuits?” Daisy turned on Fitz. He stared defiantly back. The seriousness of their staring contest broken by Jemma’s excited babble.
“I barely noticed it was June, but I read about them last month. Oreo’s marketing them- no doubt for money and to look good, but they’re sending their revenue to stuff like the Audre Lorde project and the Brave Space Alliance!” Daisy’s lips quirked up at Jemma’s excitement.
“Well, that’s a hard yes,” Fitz said, a grin matching Daisy’s on his face.
The links for the organizations mentions are here and here. Based kind of on the rainbow Oreos from last year, but those were given away not sold at stores. 
Prompt me here. Find the guidelines here. 
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gingerpeachtea · 7 months
that girl you reblog gifests of from agents of shield………uhh….daisy?? i think her name is??
Sexuality Headcanon: BISEXUAL
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary & uses any pronouns :3
A ship I have with said character: staticquake quakerider fitzskimmons dousy etc etc
A BROTP I have with said character: mackdaisy obviously but i also actually love the scenes with her and hunter and i wish we got to see more of them together!!
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm idk! i’m pretty open to all ships with her :)
A random headcanon: adhd and ocd she told me so herself. she didn’t get diagnosed until after she went through terrigenesis because andrew had to do a psych eval on her. she’s hypersensitive to noise because of her powers, but noise-cancelling headphones don’t help because the way they function actually increases the vibrations she’ll feel, which just overwhelms her further (i have an entire fic idea about this i’ll get around to it one day i swear). she also has a phobia of needles after the amount of medical trauma she’s endured and bc of the amount of times she’s had her blood drawn against her will
General Opinion over said character: jeremy jordan in the shitty great gatsby musical voice. DAAAAAAIIIISSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
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daisymayjohnson · 3 years
Prompt: Skimmons + dubious
From: @sad-tunes
Word count: 632
(Can be read as either platonic or romantic Skimmons)
“It looks off,” Skye said with a frown.
Jemma blinked. “It looks fine to me.”
Skye shook her head slowly. “Nope, it’s off,” she said decidedly. “He’ll notice.”
Jemma bit her lip. “Okay. What do we do?”
“Hold on.” Skye grabbed the drying paint brush from Jemma’s hands and dipped it into their bottle of bright blue paint.
“What are you-”
“Hold on,” Skye repeated before squinting and adding a small dab below the toe on the figurine.
Jemma winced. “That’s such a small detail, are you sure you want to risk messing up the rest of the paint-”
“He’ll notice, I promise,” Skye said. “One time I very slightly bent one of his precious trading cards on accident- it took a boatload of promises to do inventory to get him to let me near his office again.” Skye pulled back and away from the figurine of Captain America, eyeing its fresh paint job. “That looks better. Almost like nothing happened.”
Jemma looked at the figure doubtfully. “This is a ridiculous plan.”
“It’s the best one we have. Unless you want to tell him that we spilled whiteout all over his favorite-“
“Hey guys, what are-”
Skye whirled around with a squeak, tucking the paintbrush and paint bottle behind her back.
Jemma stammered out a quick, “Hmm, oh uh- sponges?”
“Sponges?” Skye hissed at her with wide eyes.
“Sorry,” she cringed.
Coulson blinked at the both of them standing tensely in front of his bookshelf. “Is everything… okay?”
“Yep!” Skye replied with a suspicious grin.
He looked at them both closely and obviously knew something was up, but decided not to press the issue. “Have you seen Hunter?” he asked.
“Probably, um,” Jemma blanked. “Buying blankets.”
Coulson blinked at her. “Okay, thanks, Simmons,” he said, before leaving his office, shaking his head.
“Your lying skills have somehow gotten worse!” Skye exclaimed, moving over to the trash can and disposing of the paint supplies.
“I got better after being undercover in hydra,” Jemma defended.
Skye laughed. “Really. So randomly saying ‘sponges’ is an improvement?”
“It’s much harder to lie to Director Coulson than some evil-doers,” Jemma frowned.
Skye paused, seeing that Jemma looked genuinely upset.
“Oh, hey, I was kidding,” Skye said apologetically. “You did great at hydra. I couldn’t have done it, staying undercover with all of that pressure.”
“No, it’s fine,” Jemma smiled. “I’m still rather awful at lying. I mean, sponges?”
Skye grinned, glad that Jemma wasn’t too upset about Skye teasing her. “I’m not much better. One time May asked me to do extra training but I didn’t want to, and my on-the-spot excuse was that I had to babysit my brother.”
Jemma blinked at Skye. “You… don’t have a brother, Skye.”
They both dissolved into a fit of laughs, doubling over.
“May looked at me like I was insane,” Skye wheezed.
“I would’ve too!” Jemma replied.
Their laughs slowly tapered off into giggles as they remembered the situation.
“Coulson’s gonna murder us if he finds out,” Skye groaned. “We just have to pray he doesn’t.”
“Maybe we should tell May,” Jemma suggested. “She helped with Sitwell.”
“Yeah. But also this is Coulson, not Sitwell. Since I’m 80% sure they’re doing the horizontal hokey pokey together-“
“-she will tell him we screwed up his figurine immediately.”
“They are not doing it together,” Jemma said with wide eyes.
“Sure,” Skye smirked. “Have you seen them look at each other in meetings? May and Coulson look at each other like they want to-“
Jemma and Skye turned around to see May in the doorway of Coulson’s office, looking at them strangely.
“SPONGES!” they both squealed at the same time, before bolting out of the office in fits of nervous giggles as May hid a smile.
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queercapwriting · 3 years
Fitzskimmons first time having sex together? 💖💞💕
This wasn’t the first time they’ve all been in the same bed - there had been long missions and late-night brainstorming and night terrors that had brought them to fall asleep in each other’s arms - but it was the first time they’d all landed there after a date.
“Daisy,” Fitz murmured. His lips traced her neck while Jemma kissed her mouth. Daisy both moaned and laughed at the sound of the nerves in his voice.
“I swear on everything holy, Fitz,” she breathed into Jemma’s mouth. “May I?” she whispered, her fingers on the buttons of Jemma’s shirt.
“Yes please,” Jemma said. They both glanced at Fitz. He paused with his fingers caught up in Daisy’s hair.
“If you both want -”
“Fitz,” Daisy groaned with another laugh. She brought her lips back to Jemma’s with fresh urgency as she started working her out of her blouse. “If you tell me one more time,” she said between kisses, “that there’s no pressure to do anything I don’t want to, Jemma and I are going to kick you out and we’re going to cross this event horizon on our own.”
“Oh, well, yes, I mean, of course that’s okay -”
“Fitz!” Jemma and Daisy laughed and rolled their eyes at the same time. 
“Fitz, look at me.” Jemma took his face into her hands. “I love you. I am going to feel nothing but that love and compersion watching you and Daisy make love to each other, and to me. And if something other than being completely turned on and happy comes up for me, I’ll tell you both. And I expect the same communication from both of you.”
Jemma looked at both of her partners in turn. They nodded like slightly chastened school children.
“Good. Now.” Jemma licked her lips and brought her forehead to Fitz’s. “Do you want this, Fitz? It’s alright if you don’t, or if you’re not in the mood or not ready -”
“I do, no, yes, I am absolutely ready, definitely in the mood, I just want to make sure that you two -”
“And Daisy, you’re all good?”
“Definitely, yes.”
“So then?”
“So then I would very much like to cross our event horizon together, please.”
Jemma and Daisy smiled. Daisy bit her lip.
Fitz’s eyes flashed, finally letting himself smile, too.
“Daisy,” he said. “I um. I think you were busy with something, before I interrupted. Do you want some help?”
“Do I want help taking Jemma’s clothes off?” Daisy tilted her head, letting her eyes trace slowly - very, very slowly - up and down Jemma’s body. “Yeah, I think some help would be nice. Jemma, you still good?”
Jemma kissed her in answer. They’d talked - at length - about exactly how she liked to be touched, how they all liked to be touched. And it was like Daisy had studied a manual.
Daisy dropped to her knees to tease off Jemma’s jeans while Fitz kissed the nape of her neck. When Daisy’s lips found her bare stomach, Jemma whimpered. When Daisy chuckled into her skin, her fingers found themselves wrapped in Daisy’s hair. 
That was something else they’d discussed, but at Daisy’s sharp gasp, Jemma and Fitz both froze.
“Too hard?” Jemma asked.
“No, that, no, that was a good sound. Definitely a good sound.”
“Excellent,” Fitz murmured. He stepped back for a moment, his hands still on Jemma’s hips. All he could hear were Jemma’s soft groans and Daisy’s ragged breaths, and his brain needed a moment.
“Fitz?” Jemma turned, dazed, and reached for him. Daisy stood and moved to sit all three of them on the bed. She straddled Jemma, but mostly - in that moment - so they could all be as close together as possible.
“I’m good, no, I’m good. Just.” Fitz didn’t know how to explain. He just took both of their hands, and kissed their knuckles in turn.
“Just hard to process,” Jemma said. “No matter how much we’ve talked it through, it’s difficult to comprehend actually making love with the two people you share your soul with, watching the two people who mean the most to you in the universe give each other so much pleasure, knowing that you get to be a part of that love, that pleasure?”
Daisy and Fitz both looked slack-jawed at Jemma, who scoffed. “What? I can talk about emotions.”
“Okay, yeah, sure, but that was all poetic and shit, Jemma,” Daisy said. 
A pause. Then Fitz giggled. And Jemma giggled. And Daisy giggled.
Which, naturally, turned into tickling. Which, naturally, ended with Daisy straddling Fitz, holding his hands above his head to prevent him from tickling her. Jemma lied next to him, half turned so she could stare up at Daisy and across at Fitz in the same moment.
Fitz looked up at Daisy, his lips still frozen in a laugh. 
“You’re beautiful, Daisy.”
“So are you. Handsome, beautiful, sexy. All the adjectives.”
She held him down with one hand while she kissed him, her other bracing herself on the bed. Jemma kissed her way up and down Daisy’s arm, her shoulder, and Daisy never would have thought that would be particularly sexy, but God, God, it was.
“Daisy,” Fitz whispered, and the sound was right next to Jemma’s hitched breath as one of the sexiest things Daisy had ever heard. “Can I touch you?”
Daisy answered by shifting her hand off of his instantly. His were warm and soft on her stomach, her hips, her sides, her breasts. His left shook, slightly, slightly, and she shifted to kiss his wrist.
Jemma noticed - of course Jemma noticed - and she brought her lips to Fitz’s to soothe him, to remind him, to steady him.
Daisy didn’t bother stifling a groan as their kiss got deeper. She’d spent years seeing Jemma kiss Fitz, Fitz kiss Jemma, feeling an increasingly powerful combination of genuine happiness and sweet, sweet longing. She’d spent years keeping that longing to herself. 
She didn’t have to anymore. She relished the way her whimpering made Jemma kiss him harder, made Jemma sweep her hair away from her neck, inviting Daisy could kiss her there.
Her fingers found Jemma’s hair, Fitz’s cheek. Fitz’s hand, Jemma’s breasts. The buttons of Fitz’s shirt. The zip on his pants.
When Jemma shifted her lips to Fitz’s neck so Daisy could kiss his mouth, she tasted Jemma on his tongue and relished the way he moaned softly into her. When Jemma shrugged out of her bra and brought Daisy’s hand to her; when Fitz whispered, “go ahead, Daisy,” in her ear; when Jemma immediately tugged at Daisy’s hair and pulled her closer the moment Daisy’s lips touched her nipple; Daisy never thought her heart could pound so loud.
When Fitz knelt on the bed in front of them both, and Daisy asked if she could take his shirt off; when he shrugged out of it himself and stared at her, eyes wide and a little scared; when Daisy kissed his mouth and then his eyes and traced soft kisses all along his top surgery scars; when she whispered that she’d never imagined a rocket scientist could be so sexy, the way he kissed her back made her certain she would never be the same.
When Daisy laid Jemma down and kissed her way up her thighs, and Fitz held her hand while both he and Jemma tangled their fingers into her hair, because she’d asked, and they’d talked; when she could come completely undone, now, from the sheer sensation of it all, Daisy knew that nothing would ever taste as divine as Jemma did when she came in her mouth.
And when Fitz asked if Daisy still wanted to sit on his face; when he moaned that she wasn’t hurting him, that she could ride him as hard as she wanted; when Jemma kissed her and promised that she really, really could; when she begged and Fitz obliged, Jemma helping him push Daisy back onto the bed so he could lick her and slip one, two, three fingers inside her at the same time; when all she felt was Jemma’s mouth on hers and the soft vibration of Fitz’s moans against her clit and the pull of his fingers inside her, one hand grasping at his hair and the other, squeezing Jemma’s hand; when Jemma whispered, “you are so loved, Daisy,” into her ear, and Daisy let herself come... she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was true.
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the-dc-killjoy · 3 years
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Skating In a Winter Wonderland by TurtlemanTremors084 @the-dc-killjoy
Gifted to the wonderful @2minutes2midnight for EvS Anniversary Exchange
Fitzskimmons, K. 2.8k, One shot
Maybe it was the rare miracle of good weather in January in New England or the fact that this was her first actual day off in more than she can count, but Daisy wanted a taste of that feeling again. She wanted to be able to fly without the burden of her powers. Seeing Fitz wrapped up in two scarves and glowering apprehensively at the ice was just a bonus.
Fitzskimmons go ice skating. Post-S4, but happiness still exists.
- Read on Ao3
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maybebrilliant · 3 years
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A snowball hit her in the back of the head, and Daisy gasped in surprise and mock offense. Whirling around, she spotted Jemma laughing along with Fitz. The laughter soon froze on her lips, though, as she saw the snowball Daisy was making in retaliation. 
She threw it, but Jemma ducked, and the icy lump hit Fitz straight in the face. Laughing slightly hysterically, Jemma watched her boyfriend spit out the snow. He narrowed his eyes at her, an evil grin on his lips. 
Grabbing her girlfriend’s hand, Jemma tugged her away, only to be hit in the back by a snowball from Fitz. She fell forward in the snow, getting a faceful of the icy fluffiness. 
Daisy threw her head back laughing, until Fitz hit her with a snowball right on top of her head. 
“Not my fault you’re this short!” he teased, grinning as Daisy wiped snow from her beanie with a murderous expression. 
He soon paled though as he saw the gigantic mass of snow Daisy was gathering. He hid behind Jemma, which turned out to be a very bad idea. 
Daisy hurled her huge snowball, tripping in the process and falling to the ground. The snowball hit Jemma in the stomach, knocking her backward into Fitz. She landed on top of him, with Daisy on top of her. The breath whooshed out of Daisy’s lungs, but she was laughing too much to care. 
Pressing a quick kiss to Jemma’s hair, she rolled of them, lying next to her partners and gazing up at the snowy night sky. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Jemma asked quietly. 
The other two nodded, Fitz brushing a tiny piece of snow off Jemma’s eyebrow where it had settled. As he did so, he noticed her icy skin. 
“Jem, you’re freezing!” he exclaimed worriedly. 
Daisy frowned, turning to her girlfriend and feeling the chill on her cheeks. “Oh my god, you are. Was it from landing in the snow? Why didn’t you tell us?”  
“It’s not that bad, stop worrying you two!” Jemma tried placating them. “Besides, I didn’t want to ruin the fun.” 
“Oh, Jem,” Fitz said softly. “You weren’t ruining the fun, was she, Daisy?” He turned to Daisy, who nodded gently in agreement. “Let’s go home. You’re freezing, and we don’t want you to catch a cold.” Fitz continued. 
Daisy helped Jemma up, taking of her scarf and wrapping it around her girlfriend’s neck. “Besides, when we’re home we can make hot chocolate and watch movies!” 
Fitz put his arm around Jemma’s shoulder and took Daisy’s hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles through her mittens. 
“I love you two.” Jemma said softly. 
Daisy smiled a soft, radiant smile. “We love you too.” 
Happy birthday @would-die-for-fitzsimmons​!!! You’re such a sweet, wonderful, hilarious, quirky friend, I love you so much. 💗💗💗💗💗
I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day, and that you enjoy this little ficlet as well!
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