#firewall au
bridgyrose · 1 year
@wuyi1551 kinda gave me the idea of this with an au where Penny and Cinder end up as siblings. So... well... this was the result of my attempt.
“Can we keep her?” 
Cinder nervously pulled her arm close to her chest, nearly shaking as she watched Penny’s father look her over. Her hand went to the collar around her neck as she tried to hide the scars and took a step back, ready to run. Her heart started to pound in her chest and her eyes darted around as she looked for the best way out. 
“I’m not so sure,” Pietro said between coughs. “I have my hands full running the clinic and we need to make our way to Atlas again-” 
Cinder winced as she felt Penny pull her close, arms almost crush her in a hug. 
“She does not have anywhere else to go,” Penny said. “And her last home was not a nice place. She needs a new home and she could be my sister.” 
Cinder froze at what Penny had said, her heart pounding harder in her chest. A sister? A family? Someone who actually wanted her and not just use her? She looked down at the ground and finally spoke, her voice quiet. “I’ll be useful.” 
Pietro sighed and motioned for the two to come in. “We’ll figure things out. Now, lets get you a hot meal.” 
“Penny, wait up!” Cinder called out as she chased after Penny through the streets of Mantle. A smile crossed her lips as she jumped over trash cans and maneuvered around the streets without a care. “We need to get back home and train!” 
“We are training!” Penny called out as she flew in the air, landing in the street as she readied herself to fight a few grimm. “You’re still looking to get into Atlas, right? This is the best way we can!” 
“Arent we going to get into trouble?” 
“We will be fine as long as no one catches us!” 
Cinder rolled her eyes and grabbed her swords from her hips and slammed them into a sabyr that ran through the street. She hated when her sister ran off like this, but she knew that she had a point. With only a couple more years to go before she could apply to Atlas, she needed all the training she could get. She stopped in her tracks as she watched Penny use her blades to start toying with the grimm, her sister expertly weaving the dust-enhanced blades around the grimm until she could dispose of them. Her eyes widened and she started to rush as she watched a larger grimm come rushing towards her. “Penny! Watch out!” 
Penny turned and brought her blades to protect her from the oncoming grimm. 
Cinder stopped and dropped her blades as she watched Elm stop the megoliath in its tracks, her heart stopping as she watched the other Ace-ops start to make their way through the streets to take on the grimm. A chill went down her spine as she felt a hand grip her shoulder as a familiar voice calmly spoke to her. 
“You know the drill, Cinder.” 
Cinder slowly turned her head to look at Clover out of the corner of her eye and then sighed. “I… take responsibility for this one. Leave Penny out of it.” 
Clover sighed and held his scroll out to Cinder. “After the videos that were taken, I cant do that. General Ironwood needs to speak to both of you when you get back to Atlas.” 
Cinder nodded and turned to look at Penny as she watched Harriet cuff her and start walking her towards the airship. “Does dad have to know?” 
“No, but I think you’re a bit too late on that too. But you know the rules: until you’re a huntress-” 
“No weapons on Mantle streets without a license. I know.” Cinder looked down at the ground and took a breath as she tried to steady herself. “Lets get this over with.” 
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str4ng3rdanger · 1 year
red vs blue au list (any could be altered - i've finish the shisno paradox trilogy but just haven't thought about anything past s15 yet lol)
evocation au - temple recovers church before s15 and is trying to recreate biff with him. church's memory is struggling and so the conflict is increased as the events of s15 carry out and are even warped with this new added twist. it is VERY chuckerboose-centric.
doomsday au - (started as a shitpost au and is still treated like one as a result, but has had some intense lore created for it to the point that i am invested in the plot beyond jokes. characters are most out of character in this one as a result.) essentially, something goes wrong with loco's time machine in the s15 finale and when the portal opens things go horrible wrong, and some kind of explosion goes off that transports tucker and caboose to another planet with no way of getting off or contacting the guys for the foreseeable future. the planet happens to be apocalyptic as hell and caboose swore he saw church before the blast rang out ... it is chuckerboose centric ... and, due to everything being so hectic, they call it planet doomsday.
downloaded au - delta was able to make a backup of himself during the freelancer saga, so why couldn't epsilon with the right hardware? essentially, caboose was paranoid of losing church again at some point in s13 before the latter half of the season. they find an old smartphone and decide to have caboose use his engineering skills to reinforce it and also give it ability to run on solar power - then, they make a backup of church into it. come the s13 finale, they happen to have church still! only...he is hardwired into a phone and they don't know how to get him out of it without damaging him and/or losing him. chuckerboose-centric. (and so it's a slight comedic au i got from the idea of church inhabiting a phone to send texts to tucker and caboose from inside.)
firewall au - extremely underdeveloped, but stemmed from the idea of felix in s13 being too fed up with hargrove that he plans to steal epsilon to use the meta suit for himself to kill the reds and blues all for his sadistic gain. maybe even threaten hargrove while he's at it and get his reward anyway. of course, this alters a lot of the latter half of s13 around. in this au, felix lives his fall and continues to affect the plot later on. chuckerboose and lolix are the focused ships of the au.
lighthouse au - maine survives after the s8 finale and somehow, with the help of washington and the reds and blues, finds himself with the blues alongside his former freelancer friend. it is mainewash-centric (of course, chuckerboose is there, though) and spends the earlier parts of the au following maine as he recovers from everything that went on as well as him trying to be himself again. by the time we reach s10, i imagine he has a wavering self control when it comes to epsilon that is focused on, but all in all, this au has mostly good endings and maine somehow makes things 100 times better by being there. church lives. what more could you want
memory au - it's the good ending to evocation, which is also my main "church lives" au. chuckerboose-centric as a result, but the concept is that everything from their adventures settles down and the reds and blues try to readjust to living on a colonized planet (either earth or something resembling it). there are some more trials and tribulations and such in this au, but as promised, it is a good ending and by the end of it, everyone lives happy domestic lives nearby each other and they remain friends. ("memory ending" is used to describe scenes from the end of the au that are completely domestic with none of the au's ongoing plot involved.)
if any more get made i will add them :)
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candlecoo · 2 years
Alternate Izuku AU, Firewall; An AU where Izuku's Quirk, which comes out finally a year afterwards allows him to absorb flames, heat, and energy like sponge while converting the absorbed material into nutrients for the body. It is an always active quirk and due to the effects of his quirk his body, after exposure, is in peek physical condition though this is primarily due to Bakugo's HE spam. It is later discovered with training that Izuku can release the stored energy, this is discovered in the big match when Izuku uses he quirk to heat up his body to melt through the ice Todoroki created, Shouto loses the match whe he us knocked out by Izuku.
Izuku does not receive OFA and instead All Might winds up watching Kirishima use his quirk to save someone from a car after the brakes failed, this results in Yagi choosing Kirishima as his successor.
Izuku does well in the Exam but fails to meet the standards of the Hero Course by one single point, so off the fire sponge goes to Gen Ed and so begins his journey to be a hero.
- Izuku was not diagnosed as quirkless, though the doctor could not determine what his quirk actually was.
- so he goes a good amount of time not knowing.
- it wasn't until after Katsuki starts using his quirk on Izuku that the boy realizes what his quirk is.
- heat absorbtion, a quirk which allows Izuku to stockpile heat and fire in his body and convert it into energy, enhance his bodies capibility, create massive blasts of heat waves, or create walls of condensed heat.
- though most of it's abilities isnt discovered untill later on.
- heat absorbtion collects it's stockpile in multiple ways.
- by fire or explosions making contact with Izuku.
- by being near large heat sources such as open flames.
- by wearing heated jackets or blankets.
- and by being out in direct sunlight.
- each one stockpiles a different amount of energy, contact with fire being the most and sunlight being the least.
- for awhile Izuku thought that he could only use his stock pile to heat up his body, that is until he is attacked by a sludge villain and heats up to such a high temperature that he releases a heat wave blast for the first time and is able to escape and run away.
- causing him to miss a chance meeting with All Might.
- Izuku then decides to train the extent of his quirk at the manicupal beach and simultaneously clean it.
- and though he trained his hardest for ten months discovering parts of his quirk he never thought possible, he still fails the entrance exam by a few points.
- but he does get into the UA general education course.
- and makes friends with the ever reclusive Shinsou Hitoshi and promise to become heros together.
- Izuku does defeat Todoroki in the sports festival but he does still help him use his full quirk(cause we love to see the healing!).
- not sure if he wins the sports festival but Aizawa see's both Izuku's and Hitoshi's potential and trains them.
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jaybird-baby-boy · 11 months
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What if we were gay and computer programs? 💛 💚
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hallejr · 5 months
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Tiny lore blurbs under the cut
These guys are maethrai tree golems that Foxtrot made while researching plant based cybernetics. They're modular in a sense where the torso and head are their own entities. The head of both the ent and the standard are actually Growthsculpt bytes that have linked with a Pitcherlog Torso.
This species of malware are reptile/turtle like. They spend most of their days mining and blacksmithing tools, armor, and jewelry. Like the viruses of the Maethrai network, they evolved away from needing program hearts to survive.
The viruses of the Maethrai network evolved away from their violent ancestors after Healiebees provided an alternative to program hearts. These mycelium variants of virus compost detritus into fertilizer, and in general do um.. mushroom stuff I guess?
The original computer of the Maethrai network used to be a normal computer..yet one that was slowly dying out due to the conquest of corruptions. That was until the Healiebees and Hareballs arrived. With the Hareballs they brought life into the dying computer. They brought Maethrai trees and other flora. With the Healiebees, They brought medicinal honey that the corruptions could substitute program hearts with.
Healiebees are a species of insectoid bee known for their honey. How they arrived to the Maethrai computer isn't exactly known. The regenerative properties of this honey is sought after for medical use. If you were to say, lose an arm, Using this honey would allow you to regrow the lost body part. It can have some other effects if microwaved or mixed with other substances. Healiebee honey can also be used as an alternative to program hearts.
Hareballs are a species of plantoid similar to that of hollygrams. Like the Healiebees, they have a similar air of mystery to how they came to be. This species of plant seem to boost the ecosystems they're in. Similarly to how a luckyclover boosts other corruptions. These fluffy creatures may not be the brightest, but their terraforming abilites aren't to be ignored. With enough of them, you could turn a desolate wasteland into a lush landscape teeming with potential.
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madmanwonder · 2 years
When Oscar trying to hang with the boys for gaming night but his two girlfriends, Penny and Azula wants attention:
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bypass-firewall · 1 year
Firewall Poster
> Processing FireWallPoster.png
> Process complete!
> Opening FireWallPoster.png
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Creation: 5/14/23
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Swap AU Gordon ! ! by sweetmugs ! ^^
Im too much of a scaredy cat to tag so.
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When you look like you're about to fight yourself
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So yeah idk why but I thought it would be fun to draw Firewall and swap not getting along. Funky men not getting along go brrrr
Firewall belongs to me
Swap gordon belongs to @year2000electronics
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars Comic Covers for Issues #35-43
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Issue #35: “Starting Anew”: The Mighty Solars with Cherie, Montez and Pezlie staring at the sunset on top of a grass hill peacefully as the Wall People began to grow occupied by Earth-4z
Issue #36: “Rampage on Earth-4”: Macromanser trying to crush Qausarblast with her foot as Fung-irl and Starburst witness in horror. Inspired by this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgotten_One_(character)#/media/File%3AEternals5.jpg
Issue #37: “Pinball Madness”: Jesse and Monica getting attacked in a pinball machine as Pinball Brat watches down at them growling at them. Inspired by this: https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/69021/marvel_rising_omega_2018_1
Issue #38: “The Clock Strikes Midnight”: Parker transforming into Venus Tip for this first as an electric lime swirl appears around her.
Issue #39: “Danger in Blood”: Qourra attacking Nova as Cherie, Korvo, Terry, Phoebe, Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke stare in horror. It’s inspired by this: https://www.amazon.ca/Spider-Gwen-Vol-Gwenom-Jason-Latour/dp/1302907646#immersive-view_1695511578938
Issue #40: “Stolen” Pt. 1: The Mighty Solars and the citizens are surrounded by the Silver Spades as the baddies prepare to attack them. It looks likes this:
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Issue #41: “Stolen” Pt. 2: Qausarblast pointing up where the Silver Spades as Vil-Gil-An-T, Venus Tip. Starburst and Mighty Pupa looks up at in horror as they see Maverick of the Silver Spades looking down at them from far up the building’s window:
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Issue #42: “The Cavalry Has Arrived”: The Mighty Solars, along with their new members Night Saw, Trailblazer, Core Burn, Navigator, Balanight, Firewall, Sonar Woman, Blackhole and Fizzlepop, ready to fight side by side. Their pose looks like this:
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Issue #43: “Mighton Goes Crazy and Shit”: Mighton growing after the mind control device that looks like Bane’s device on him that is for his strength is put on him as the mad scientist laughs evilly and the background as a thunderstorm in the outside of the window. The cover is just like this: https://www.amazon.com/Pie-Rats-Revenge-Garfields-Force-Book/dp/081677207X#immersive-view_1695510804011
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
Parker belongs to @prospitdaydreamer
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would anything be able to get past tartarus and olympus's physical walls? idk this has been nagging at me for a whole
Tis all good!
Its a super slim chance that anything can get past either physical wall. A Virus would be incinerated on the spot, while a Program would be given a nasty warning burn. (Aside from some certain invulnerable ones we know.)
The only way I can realistically see something getting past the walls is if they're momentarily all down due to the Celestial Twins being out of commission or updated, of if one of them forgot to close a passageway to one of the universes. But they're so serious about their jobs that that's virtually impossible.
And while we're on this topic, imma derail and talk about how the Celestial Twins would know if something got past.
If something managed to get past the walls, no matter whatever they're doing or wherever they are, they stop and their primary objective is to get anything out. Doesn't matter if someone breached the wall or it's a portal, they'll know. Since the walls have been up, either one will know if someone got in, regardless of the method.
If the breach was accidental, and a relatively weak being, the Celestial Twins would let them off with a stern warning and then find a way to send them back wherever they went. If it's a Virus, it's killed.
If it was intentional, and the being is malevolent, then there's no questions about letting them live as light-hearted as the Celestial Twins are, they're still firewalls. Made and designed to protect anyone with the walls.
Even though it hasn't happened yet, Tartarus and Olypmus are in agreement that they would rather not see the others see how they are in their defense modes, because that's when they only have one objective on their mind; protect the MRU universes and their inhabitants by any means necessary.
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unknownchoatic · 7 months
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i was gonna post this a few days ago but forgor
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
*taps mic three times* may I humbly plant the seed of a band au??? This has been in my head like a fork stuck in a garbage disposal… lemme lay this out…
Starting strong we have Bradley on keys/ vocals (bc obvi), we have Bob on bass/back up vocals (when the bass is played correctly you don’t even know it’s there but when’s NOT there shits fucked to high heaven), Jake gives brass instruments (can’t explain this lol), Nat is on additional percussion/ harmonies (is known to be an absolute beast on the drums) and uhhh I’ll churn out the rest later lol
you MAY humbly plant the seed of a band au and I will humbly fucking READ IT!!!
okay but you're so right about Bob being on bass / backup vocals. like all of this is perfect to a tee (except I think Jake could also be like the really hot cocky drummer but I TOTALLY see brass too) but the Bob one takes the cake. underrated, talented, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, etc.
Bob would be like undercover hot and then a video a fan took from the front row where they zoom in on his muscular arms and all those veins and his flexed jaw and baby blues would go viral and Bob would be Daddy Of The Month. and it would bug the fuck out of Jake!
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slimmestslime · 5 months
funny au information NOW [launching furniture via telekinesis]
also your wish is my command. prepare for a wall
for things to make sense, i should give background on the spearheader of the au. aka, why the au even fucking exists. and once i do THAT then i’ll explain it so its not just. “ok how the fuck did this happen”
so to get it out of the way. i have this very particular oc, Tuppoi, whom i post abt on and off but ive never really explained. mainly due to the fact that if i were to explain her properly then any post would become the equivalent of the great firewall of china. but for au’s sake i’ll summarize what the fuck she is, how she do, and how she created another timeline. aka this au
tuppoi came from an AAHW cloning batch that uses fuckn, dna samples from prior to marshmellow madness when animals theoretically existed. there were 3 others in her batch but we’re only focusing on Fuckhead right now. her sample contained mostly lizard & skink dna, and some chromosome fuckery later, heres why she has four hands. some dissension shit later of “this job fucking SUCKS” and her technical brother was wounded in the crossfire of escaping, while also being slapped into a coma due to tuppoi’s own medical malpractice. she cant Medicbag. this caused her to want to revive him, so she put her talent of technical machinery to use and started to produce weaponry to raise funds to bring em back. this wasn’t enough though, so she switched to android manufacturing. many monopoly money later and she’s risen to the top where she can start asking around for those to revive her brother. which, smthn abt a fragmented S3LF later, she decides that she HAS to attract the attention of stygian in order to bring him back. monopolization and “fuckoff SQ” later, stygian arrives like the mercy from overwatch gif and revives her brother for shits and giggles then despawns (this is a pissass explaination but the visual works). this causes tuppoi to realize that death is a meaningless concept in nevada if you truly can just bring someone back from the dead, since she didnt fully believe it prior. and once she discovered what the fuck dissonance is (after one of her androids got killed), she got set on “resetting” nevada to its former glory, prior to the nexus’ downfall and prior to any improb drive activation. the “default of nevada” as she’d coin it.
so a fuckton of going back and forth between the SQ and purgatory shit later (the SQ deems her as a threat, and fuck i don’t blame them!) she opens a gate, nether portal, whatever to purgatory to let a very fucking dangerous thing out to scorch nevada. and with the help of her fuckass improb drive ipad infected with a null variable, which effectively bypasses the theoretical admin system of nevada (think like a pc), she completely reset nevada. though in canon she both succeeded AND failed due to an interloper completely splitting the process and causing her timeline to splinter off from the current, instead of completely resetting the nevada they resided in.
tldr, tuppoi is a fucking smug asshole and with the help of “i know too much for my own good”, she fractured reality because she saw the current reality as too easy, and went to make reality into her own vision.
okay are you still here. i didnt scare you off right. okay cool, so now about the au she successfully created and the shit you actually ASKED ABOUT,
the au Tuppoi created can best be summarized as “if cyberpunk 2077 took place in nevada, and if everything was a theoretical utopia”. everything is so technologically advanced that atleast every grunt has an augmentation of some sort. and where the SQ was trying to uphold the status quo of the machine, the SQ here is trying to completely break it in order to cause anarchy, out of sheer distaste under Tuppoi’s utopian and ever-so-subtle dictatorish rule.
a bit more context on to how the au was created, once tuppoi was slapped into the new timeline they were thrown immediately into when marshmellow madness was about to happen. so to prevent THAT and from a certain null integer spawning, with the power of her fuckass improb drive she completely deleted it. and since improb drives hadn’t even been conceived yet; it was freeroam for her to do whatever she wanted, to be perceived as a god and to shape nevada into her molding. and so her second course of action was to completely revoke The Maker’s admin role and to merge a certain fuckshit with The Machine, basically turning a degrading and almost deceased imac into a modern day gaming computer. so now, tuppoi has complete reign under nevada!
ok i fucking deviated BAH. morw about the au since this is not an exclusively tuppoi ramble even though she is keenly tied to it.
the au, the terminal au, named as such since. you can take terminal alot of different ways and also >computer terminal. grunts are effectively under a hivemind to stay “correct” and to follow their assigned tasks, their goals. much like actual madcom canon except the machine got fuckshit pissy about that not being followed. though here since every grunt is augmented, they’re hooked to the machine’s server which forces them to behave and not “act out of line”, making it VERY difficult to dissent, BUT. the SQ (which i probably need to rename huh) managed anyway from varying points;
doc being a super hacker and able to reroute past the machine’s connection, dei just turning off connection to the machine and doing the same thing for sanford— connecting to doc’s server if needbe for hacking purposes, and hank just. Well. Fucker is 80% bionic so he’s sort of relying off doc anyway, so he’s hardwired to doc’s server. really most of this can be summarized up to “me and the boys avoiding the school firewall”
jebus likely exists but not in the way you’d think, im still thinking about him but he’d be a savior in his own way, crackpot ate shit and died aka i dont even know if he exists considering in the au, nexus city didnt even get established, tricky i need to think about but he’d either be Mostly organic or Mostly mechanical, i cant tell. bro has to have a stark contrast somewhere and im still debating. employers only half-exist but their role isn’t “all-powerful overseeing gods”, its “forced into overseeing districts of nevada from their stations”, so every employer is forced to be the auditor since tuppoi does Not trust anyone. not even with creative mode she just Doesnt trust anyone, and she has no need to in hindsight.
phobos also doesnt exist. Shocking. or well, maybe crackpot&him could exist but they’d be so rewritten. maybe they’re a warhammer40k terminally online club idk LMAO.
feel like i should elaborate on both doc & hank’s designs so far but i think they’re self explanatory. doc has the Big Computer on his hip and is shaped like a hackerman, also has lightup sketchers cause he would. and he’d pull up his pc with holograms so that shit’s neat i think. also of course he’d be able to hack stuff, but his skills are Greatly Enhanced when his pc is on, at the tradeoff of him risking being discovered by tuppoi due to so many anonymous and heavily encrypted packets being sent to her server (the machine).
and hank is 80% bionic and 20%? mechanical, playing into the “this fucker is a MACHINE.” and the reason for him being so augmented so much, is that revival sort of Doesnt exist. yeah. death is fucking Permanent, and stuff like medicbags is a scarce find (can you tell tuppoi made this timeline.) so the only way to efficiently heal yourself is to augment yourself. Which is why hank looks like a fucking soldat on destiny steroids. and why he has that big fuckoff blade which can be replaced for other parts (but thats mostly to make him kill quicker) but by fucking god im not drawing them!! one of them is a railgun reconfigured into a rifle, and i’m NOT DRAWING THAT !!
but yeah. key takeaways;
— tuppoi (terminal) au is cyberpunk 2077 but nevada and everything is a utopia governed by Fuckshit Von Tupperware
— dissenters want reality fucked up and nuked because in every timeline they hate tuppoi (mostly true)
— tuppoi’s character arc is “i miss my brother -> “Reality is pointless and so is progression, it’s best if it was all reset and built anew under a more purposeful gaze.”
— i need to ramble about these fuckshits more so thank you for invading my home, throwing my furniture around like a gmod prophunt map, and asking for This
as a bonus heres terminal tuppoi & int i never posted because i forgor
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AI matrix
There's something wrong with me because I haven't written something with those words in so long. I have written a lot of AI stuff but I haven't even written out ai matrix. I'm a sham. I have been working on original stuff though! The AI has a name, but the poor guy does not yet...
He is good a returning dishes though, even if it drives the AI up the wall and into ****'s ear.
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micro-meltdown · 2 years
Idk if these count as art requests or art prompts but I think they're fun :D
Pick a random object in the room you're in right now (I.e Pencils, games console, blanket) and assign it to the character you think would most likely use it
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My clock hasn't been working in a bit, and I think he should fix it for me 💕
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