#finally some good fuckin' food
onionninjasstuff · 8 months
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liverpool-enjoyer · 4 months
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a very special guest came to training today!!!
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
finally aedan can die like i want him to: ripped to shreds by the masses for being a piece of shit
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sages-of-hell · 2 years
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tenebriism · 8 months
"Xingqui?" The name leaves Aether's lips breathlessly as he's, at last, able to turn and get a proper look at the younger man. How long has it been since the two of them had last crossed paths? Probably at one of the Lantern Rites - and from what Chongyun had told him, the mischievous bookworm had taken his leave from Liyue Harbor sometime after that. After catching neither hide nor hair of the young man for over a year - and likely much longer than that - it would be an understatement to say that he's surprised to meet up with his friend in the midst of a fight with the Fatui.
And now that the dust has settled, their opponents left either prone on the ground or having retreated, Aether finds himself able to give the other boy his full attention. With a grin spread across his face, the Traveler finds himself rushing forward to throw his arms around the younger, a laugh leaving him as he pulls Xingqui into an elated, good-natured embrace.
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"Gods, what're you doing here?" he asks, pulling back so that he might get a better look at his friend. His hair's grown, Aether notes, and he looks... well, a little less like a young nobleman, with a flicker of experience apparent in those golden eyes. Even so, Aether is still able to see that familiar sparkle that Xingqui's always been known for.
While this rumor involving his sister had turned up nothing, there was still something to be said for being able to reunite with another of his companions instead. "Chongyun said that you'd left the harbor, I... where've you been?"
Life on the road hadn't been EASY, not that he'd expected it to be, and yet . . . he wouldn't trade it for anything, even the COMFORTS he had been used to back at the family estate. Though he'd been pampered, day in and day out, by staff hired specifically to tend to his every whim and need, nothing could compare to the liberating breath of fresh air he'd drawn when, first, he'd escaped Liyue's borders. No longer did he feel weighed down by his family's expectations, or the tedious schedule that felt more like shackles around his legs. The wealth and teachings afforded to him in his youth were cherished, certainly, as was the relentless martial arts training that had enabled him to seek and retain SOME manner of independence over the years, but since
Now, he could be FREE . . . even if it meant learning how to properly survive on the road, and tend to things HIMSELF, instead of ringing a bell and waiting for someone to do it FOR him.
Mondstadt was his first destination. Appropriate, given the point of this entire life altering journey. The land of wind and freedom, where people oft traveled in search of an understanding of what it felt like to live life for the sake of living. Here, with the help of his dearest friend, Albedo, Xingqiu had learned a wealth of things that, for once, did not deal with commerce, or formal tradition, or academic studies. He'd learned what it meant to be a knight, an adventurer, and even a bit of ALCHEMY on the side, but most importantly, he'd begun to learn who XINGQIU himself was, outside of his family's reputation.
Of course, he hadn't come here merely to escape the jaws of his family line and slack off. Nay, no matter how much wealth filled his pockets and pouches, and how EASY it would be to simply purchase lavish accommodations and relax, Xingqiu STILL wanted to, somehow, be of use. To prove he was more than just the spoiled son of a wealthy guild manager. As such, to feed his adventurous temptations, he accepted commissions, here and there, when he wasn't helping out Albedo in Dragonspine or around Mondstadt, or teaching the school children how to read, write, and dream. When he'd caught ear of a rumor that the missing sister of the famous Honorary Knight of Mondstadt had been seen nearby, he'd set out IMMEDIATELY in hopes of helping said Honorary Knight.
The Traveler, after all, did so much for Teyvat. It was about time someone did something for him.
. . . even if it ended in a RUN in with him, but to Xingqiu, it was a blessing. A very favorable outcome, even despite the lack of PROGRESS, in regards to his missing sister. " Oh--- T-Traveler ! " He stiffens, not used to being hugged like this ( not even by Chongyun, and even less, by his family ), but he's just as elated to see the Traveler as the Traveler is to see him.
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" Chongyun is correct; I finally left Liyue. No more lessons, no more meetings . . . I regret not having rebelliously escaped sooner, in fact ! " He BEAMS at the older man, before gesturing downwards towards the sprawled out bodies on the ground, " I know you could have handled yourself just fine, but you will have to forgive me for stepping in all the same and stealing your thunder. I saw you and could not deny myself the opportunity to fight at your side for the first time in archons only know how long. "
Even the way he speaks sounds far more refined than prior, when oft, he would zone out from an important conversation in favor of getting further into his current choice of literature, only to jump back in with a half-assed response. Now, he retained eye contact. Listened with eyes AND ears, and did not respond merely for the sake of responding, but rather, to fully contribute.
A young boy, Xingqiu was no more.
" My only regret is that the rumors were not true, but I suppose I should have known better. Still, it is better to investigate falsities than it is to, potentially, miss out on a truth, correct ? "
@ironbloodcd ;; ღ
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nohr-selphias · 1 year
Tell me why dwarf wardens hit so different
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pipulp · 1 year
does anyone care about the new fall out boy album. cuz i care. so much
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honeybakedhams · 1 year
i got nothing in particular to say about it but i love how casually queer a day of fallen night is
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slaanxsh · 1 year
I feel like Slaaneshi daemons would have a field day with folks on the spectrum with sensory sensitivities
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pingvin-king · 2 years
me, re-reading chp37 for the 100th time this week
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violeteyedkiller · 2 years
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^ full of screams
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halsiin · 1 year
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lxvvie · 2 months
Couples Shit with Simon Riley, Lovably Pissed Grumpy Cat Editon:
cw: alcohol and alcoholic consumption
If you thought sober Simon had grumpy cat tendencies, drunk Simon is on another level of grumpy cattiness, complete with the way he'll look up and squint his eyes in catty judgment every time you cease to stop scratching his scalp. Fuck you stop for, lovie?
Simply put: Splooting and snoring. On you.
Simon getting the munchies after a night out and snacking on your favorite snacks, y'know, the ones that don't (lovingly) hold a candle to his? Simon confesses that actually yeah, you do have good taste in food and you're the reason why his taste buds aren't so shitty anymore. The food choices are just one more thing to lovingly bicker about, sweetheart.
Your big bear of a soldier being a bit more talkative than normal while pissed. It's not uncommon for you two to be laid up, staring at the ceiling, and conversing about life. One time, Simon pensively revealed that "Mum and Tommy would've liked you and Pa would've been jealous..."
Similarly, Simon confessing all these life plans he had in mind for the two of you, what he'd do after he left the military, how you two would spend the rest of your lives together, travel, and annoy the Cap'n. Maybe. More than likely. OH, and he can finally stay naked all day and sleep in with you. This being said from the bathroom where he's taking the longest piss known to man. Oh, Simon. ❤️
Hand holding. Drunk Simon really loves to hold your hand. Loves to intertwine your fingers and compare the sizes. Gushes about how soft yours feels compared to his. Always talks about how you two "fuckin' fit" and if he could, he'd hold your hand forever.
Drunk texting you like crazy. Even when he's right beside you. Simon wants you to know that he loves you and that your ass is better than any pillow he's slept on. Er, thank you, Si-bear.
Speaking of drunk texting, remember when he let the fellas know he's a missus now? Yeah, he also spoke of the wedding plans. The Cap'n would give him away, Gaz would be the best man, and Johnny would be the flower girl but because he's, y'know, Soap, he'll just spray bubbles or some shit instead of throwing petals. OH, and that he really wants a Spring wedding but whatever color they choose for said wedding, please don't pick the color purple because it's overrated and washes him out. Huh???
After Simon suggests you two adopt Soap, he comes home with a drunken Johnny in tow and introduces him like he just got him. From somewhere, you guess. Simon goes on and on about how you two have to be good "role models" for Johnny as if he isn't a grown man who had good role models growing up. The picture you snapped of them cuddled up together on the couch (that you later shared with Gaz) sleeping the alcohol off was worth it, and Simon would much rather you and Soap not talk about it. Ever. ("What we have is special, Lt.—" "That'll fuckin' DO—")
Simon telling you that, as your missus, he, too, will wear a wedding band. On his cock. Because you love his cock and you love him. OH, and because he won't lose it when he's deployed. They don't call it a cockring for nothing, lovie.
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erwinsvow · 2 months
drunk rafe nd shy!reader talking when he starts telling her all about his dark twisted plans of marrying her and getting her pregnant, that she’s going to be his forever. <3
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"you need to sleep, rafey," you hum, trying to keep your boyfriend upright while you get him inside tannyhill.
topper had been sweet enough to drop the two of you off before heading home, knowing that you would have trouble driving rafe's truck. you had to remember to thank him tomorrow, maybe bake him some brownies, since you remembered those were his favorite last time you made them.
"wha' i need is you-" he slurs back, and you giggle. rafe never gets drunk like this, and he's usually always composed. the extra shots at the end did him in—the boys were celebrating something that didn't make much sense to you.
"what you need is an advil and some water. and greasy food tomorrow morning, don't worry, i'll make some for you."
"i know y'will." you try to sneak in, remaining as quiet as you can while you guide rafe up the stairs. you're sure everyone's asleep and though rafe's family seemed to really like you, you don't want to make a bad impression. rafe's being loud, and you pray no one wakes up while you get him into his bedroom.
finally finishing the journey up the staircase, rafe gets on his bed, struggling to untie his laces. you can't help your smile, the laugh spilling out. you never get to see him like this.
you hurry over, dropping down and taking the laces into your hands, untying them quickly. rafe kicks off his shoes and sits up on the bed, opening his arms to you. you know you should go and find the bottle of advil, but you can't resist, crawling into his lap and steadying yourself by holding onto his arms. he looks right into your eyes, something that always makes your face burn.
"you're a real good girl, y'know that?" rafe says, words a little less slurred. you smile and nod gently, at a loss for words. rafe's hand comes up to touch your jawline, holding you there a little tightly, but not painful at all. "really. mean it. you're so perfect."
"rafe-" you protest quietly, entire body flushing with a wave of heat. you're used to all kinds of praise for him, it's really commonplace for the two of you, but this feels different—feels more intimate, maybe because you know he's in the state of mind that makes you say everything you're thinking.
"no, i mean it. you're perfect for me. you always listen, always do what i say. how'd you get like that, hm?"
"i don't know," you mumble. he's drunk, so you think he won't remember. "you bring it out in me."
"good. you're so good." you smile, resting your head against his shoulder, eyes shutting while you inhale his scent. "m'gonna marry you as soon as i fuckin' can." your eyes shoot open, a laugh bubbling to the surface.
"no, really. maybe i should knock you up now, make sure no one gives us any problems."
you pick your head up, looking back at your boyfriend. he seems to be in his own world, lost in his thoughts.
"that sounds good. knock you up and then marry you, and then it'll jus' be me you and the kids forever. that's right. perfect. gotta get on that." you listen with wide eyes and parted lips. even in his drunken state, he wonders if he scared you this time.
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nxuvillette · 5 months
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synopsis: it’s just a situationship. those usually don’t lead to much, right?
❥- including : michael kaiser, oliver aiku, sae itoshi
❥- note : first bllk post !! i’m slowly getting back into it, so i hope you all enjoy <3 ! reblogs are appreciated !!
content warnings : nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, rough sex (kaiser), some degradation (kaiser), spanking (kaiser), car sex (sae), birthday sex (oliver), mentions of food (sae), use of pet names (baby , princess , good girl), creampie (all), friends with benefits, mentions of hookups, mentions of alcohol (oliver + kaiser), dacryphilia (kaiser), praising.
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your little friends with benefits with kaiser had begun over six months ago. you and him were both at a party on new years and one thing led to another, and you ended up head first into his mattress with his cock deep inside you. you both promised it would be a one time thing, but one time turned to two, three, and eventually four times.
he was the one who proposed the idea of having a little “thing.” he said you could both call it off at any time and you weren’t exclusive to each other. it didn’t sound like such a bad idea anyway. it was just mindless fun with pleasure mixed within, right?
kaiser was so fucking great in bed. whenever you two would link up, he would make sure you were shaking by the time he was done. he loved seeing the reactions your body had whenever he did something to it. you were so addictive. there were even a few times he would skip practice so he could go and fuck your brains out. if anything, you were the best workout he could ever ask for. your sweaty bodies clinging to each other afterwards was better than any drug he could ever try. he wondered where the hell you had been hiding all of this time.
tonight was a bit different, though. 
kaiser had hit you up later on in the evening. it was a bit odd since you recalled him telling you that he had a game earlier in the day. you shrugged it off, but that changed when you stepped into his nice apartment and noticed how his demeanor was different. he seemed pissed off. you could just tell from his facial expressions and how he carried himself around. 
when you both reached the bed, kaiser was a lot rougher than he usually was. your face was shoved into the pillow and your ass was sore from the amount of times he had spanked you. his pace was set quite quick as well. his balls smacked your puffy clit with every thrust, and he seemed to be taking whatever was wrong out on you. 
“fuck.. yeah, that’s right, take my fuckin’ cock..” he grunted, his fingertips dragging up your spine. “stupid fucks saying i can’t score.. wait till they see what i’m scoring every night..”
you whimpered when kaiser’s palm made contact with your ass cheeks again. a harsh slap filled your ears, making your pussy clench slightly around his cock. “k-kaiser..” your fingers curled on the sheets below you. 
he smirked, taking a fistful of your hair to yank you upwards towards him. “yeah..? you like when i fuck you like a good little slut?” he questioned. “you’re so fucking beautiful.. god, i’m gonna make you cum so hard..”
kaiser then took hold of your hips, slamming his cock into your aching hole. he could feel your pussy twitching around him, signaling you were close to your climax. he wanted to make you a fucking mess. he was the only guy that could make you see stars whenever you finally came. that’s how he knew he was good enough for you. 
“kaiser, kaiser! i’m gonna cum!” you cried, tears forming at your lash line from how intense the pleasure was.
he clenched his teeth when your cunt spasmed around his dick. you squeezed him so tightly that he hit his orgasm as well. his cum leaked into your walls, filling your womb nicely. 
kaiser then flipped you over so you were now laying on your back. sweat trickled down his body and along the blue rose tattoo that covered his neck. “wanna go for round two..? i got a lot more i wanna do to you, baby.” he grinned.
you started seeing oliver right after your birthday party which was at one of the clubs in your city. your friends surprised you with a fun evening of drinks and dancing. it was what you needed. 
your friend caught oliver staring at you the entire night. his dual colored eyes never left your body and the way it swayed on the dance floor to the music that vibrated around the club. he was with two other guys and he didn’t seem to have a single care about what they were talking about. he was solely focused on you and your friends were trying their best to make you talk to him. you denied it a few times because you thought a guy as hot as him was probably looking at someone else, but you were wrong.
after a few drinks, you gained the confidence to walk over to him when he was by himself. he introduced himself and he seemed a little surprised to see that you came over yourself. he almost thought for a moment that he would have to be the one to get up and make a move, but he thought it was hot of you to come to him.
you two both ended up going into one of the back rooms inside of the club. oliver’s cock was bullying your walls and he had your legs over his shoulders. your pussy hugged him perfectly, and he knew damn well he was gonna like you. there was just something so alluring about you that he couldn’t get enough of. you had to be his dream girl because there was no way that you didn’t come to him for a reason.
oliver kissed you sloppily. he tugged on your lower lip with his teeth and smirked when you moaned into the kiss. “fuck.. you like that, angel? look at you.. the pretty birthday girl getting fucked by me..” he grunted while he felt your cunt clench slightly around him.
your arms were snaked around his neck. his back was covered in scratch marks that irritated his skin, but he paid no mind to them. all he could focus on was you. “y-yes! yes! fuck! ‘so good, oliver!” you threw your head back as he kissed at your g-spot.
he toyed with your puffy clit, drawing you closer to your orgasm. hearing his name come from your lips sent him into a focus that he could hardly pull away from. you were so gorgeous. you took him so fucking well. “come on, baby, cum on this dick.. i wanna see it messy.” he cooed, kissing your lips. “be a good girl for me.. yeah?”
you nodded eagerly and your thighs began to tremble when your high finally crashed over you. oliver couldn’t help but groan when your pussy clamped around his cock, milking him of what was left in his balls. his head went backwards when he felt his orgasm hitting him like a truck. he had such a tight grip on your thighs that it surely would leave a mark the next day. 
oliver sighed, chuckling at how fucked out you looked compared to an hour ago. “i wanna see you again.. maybe i’ll give you another gift for your birthday.. yeah?” he winked.
you and sae had been hooking up for several months. the two of you met at a restaurant you were serving at, and he had slipped his number onto the receipt he used to tip you. you were a bit shocked at such an action, but nonetheless was he a hot guy you wanted to know more about.
sae was rich and he was very charming. he would make your cheeks burn whenever he flirted with you, and he got you anything you wanted. there were times you would be randomly surprised with flowers or small chocolates. your roommate thought you had a secret admirer, but you knew full well who was behind that. it was cute and you honestly loved it. sae made you happy and you were very attracted to him.
he suggested hookups because neither of you were sure about serious relationships at that moment. you were fine with that and so was he. sae did so many amazing things to your body. he would drive you crazy. there were even a few instances where you sent him videos and photos of yourself in skimpy lingerie or a nice audio where you’re moaning his name. sae fucking loved it.
sae had been away playing soccer for the past month. he finally returned home and you were so excited to see him. the second he pulled up to your building, you ran out and climbed into his car without a single thought. smelling his familiar cologne and seeing that red hair you loved so much brought back so many memories for you.
eventually, you both went to an empty parking lot and escaped to the backseat of his sleek car. you were sitting on his lap with his cock pumping into you at a quick pace. your tits bounced in his face and his hands squeezed the fat of your ass while you rode his cock. he missed you so fucking much. he hated the idea of jerking off because you weren’t there to make him cum as well. seeing you again was like a breath of fresh air. 
“sae..! right there!” your nails dug into the skin of his shoulder blades. 
he let go of your nipple with a sudden ‘pop’ sound. he loved hearing your pretty voice call out for him. “yeah..? shit, look at you..” he groaned, watching as your pussy gripped his cock. 
you pressed your forehead against his, capturing his lips in a soft kiss. his palm came to cup your cheek, feeling how warm it was. he was so close to getting to his climax. you always made him so weak. there was something in the air whenever you came around, and it was drawing sae in. this was unlike any little “thing” he had before. 
his pace rapidly shifted and became very fast. skin slapped against another and your vision went white every time sae reached that button inside of you. “sae! i’m gonna c-cum!” you cried.
sae wrapped his arms around your waist, bouncing you on his cock. “f-fuck.. me too..” he groaned, throwing his head back onto the headrest. he couldn’t help but slam your hips onto his cock to push you deeper into him. you were so cute and perfect.
you inhaled a sharp gasp when that knot in your belly snapped. a creamy white ring circled sae’s cock, making noises come from your dripping cunt. his cock twitched at how much cum came out of him from just that one orgasm. he had to lay back for a moment to catch his breath. 
you slumped against his chest, panting. you felt so tired, but you didn’t want to move. “can we stay like this..?” you titled your head to look at him.
he nodded, smiling softly at you. “of course..”
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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