#fihn & tahlen
rhapsodyred-writes · 10 months
Florida Man birthday headlines:
Pick 5 OCs and enter their birthdays into Google (IE: "January 18 Florida man") and share the best headline for each of them, as well as a reaction from each OC.
Here you go!
Avlaroess, June 8: " Florida Man Dubbed the 'Diaper Bandit' Arrested Again"
Avlaroess looks up from the headline with a look of mingled disbelief and disgust on his face.
"Are you quite sure this actually happened? Perhaps this headline is a hoax of some kind?" He almost seems hopeful...
Toni, October 31: "Florida Man Arrested for Robbery Steals Oreos and Soda"
"That's it?" Toni almost seems disappointed. "This is tame." A pause. "...Actually that's the best part o' this, isn't it? It's not Florida-man crazy; it's actually kind o' normal. Which makes it unpredictable, doesn't it?" She chuckles to herself. "Florida men need to eat too, you know."
Fihn & Tahlen, May 20: "Florida Man with Gun Shoots at Florida Man with a Banana"
For once, both brothers seem to be in agreement - this is absurd and hilarious.
"Does he have something against bananas?" Tahlen asks, visibly trying not to laugh.
"There's gotta be more to it than that," Fihn says once he's fully recovered from a snort that almost took him out.
Alexei, December 18: "Florida Man Wearing Red Thong as Mask Kicked off United Flight"
Alexei blinks a couple times in confusion. "That is odd choice," He says finally. "Would not have been easier to just wear normal mask? I do not understand why thong is necessary."
Lillianna, November 12: "Florida Man Arrested After Drive-Thru Meltdown Over Lack of Lettuce"
Lillianna scoffs and shakes her head. "Some people have absolutely no sense of decorum. You know, you could replace "Florida Man" with "Karen" and it wouldn't be nearly as news worthy."
She seems upset, and she carries on muttering about "some people" for quite some time.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
What are 5 fandos favorite colors?
Kazurin likes a nice simple blue - the kind of blue you might pass over for a brighter or more vibrant hue when colouring.
Fihn & Tahlen can never agree on anything. Fihn prefers soft greens and Tahlen likes aggressive oranges (the colour, not the fruit).
Ghost is the kind of pick that brighter blue and pass over the more boring shades.
Dezyn is partial to Super Saiyan Yellow™, even though his own abilities manifest in a sort of bubblegum pink shade.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
I have a stupid ask!
Okay so you know what a selkie is? If not, it's a like... mythical creature where it's a person that comes from a seal, and they take off their seal skin which turns into a fur coat and they can go out and walk around.
Well! The thing is, if you take a selkie's coat they're unable to go back into the water, and then you two are counted as married. Blah blah blah.
How would they react to their selkie partner/whatever giving them their coat?
Not a stupid ask at all! Sorry it took so long!
You expect Xilixas to take it seriously, despite the way he jokes around. But when you offer him your coat, he just stares at it for a while, and there's a question in his eyes when he looks back at you. You can tell he doesn't think he's worthy of such an honour, despite the way he talks and the usual joking bravado he displays.
"Are you sure about this?" He asks.
When you nod yes, he takes it, but his hands are shaking. He nods, and you can see the nerves in the way he moves now.
"Okay." He sighs after a few seconds. "I won't let you down."
You know he won't. You wouldn't have given him your coat otherwise.
You're not sure what to expect with Tahlen, but you trust him, and you're willing to take a chance.
But when you try to give him your coat, he freezes and for the first time, you think you glimpse real fear in his eyes.
"What are you doing?" He asks, his voice carrying a dangerous tremble.
He knows what you're doing, and you tell him as much.
"No." Is his response.
You take this to mean that he doesn't understand, so you explain it again.
"No," He says again, shakier this time. "I don't accept."
He stares at you for a few seconds, his eyes like burning embers. "You don't know what you'd be getting into." His words are a caution, but you can't tell if he's referring to himself or some unseen danger.
You're not willing to let this go, but for now, you're willing to step down. With some time and talking, maybe you can figure out what he's so afraid of.
Perenia hesitates, meeting your eyes. "Are you sure about this?" She asks.
When you nod, she accepts your offer and your coat.
"Please know that I won't tie you to me." She says, and her eyes and warm and sincere. "You are free to leave whenever you want, if you want. But," She smiles and pulls you in for a hug. "Please know that I treasure your company."
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Does anyone play violin? Or some sort of string instrument?
Sykes plays a variety of instruments, stringed and otherwise. His favourite is the piano (which is a string instrument if you think about it), but he's also good with the guitar (acoustic, preferably) and the cello.
Xilixas plays the guitar too, usually acoustic, and usually for the purpose of serenading someone. It's been a handy skill to have, even if it doesn't always work.
Dani tried to learn violin for a while, but found she didn't have the patience for it.
Fihn and Tahlen are both making an effort to learn the guitar, Fihn leaning acoustic while Tahlen leans toward electric.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
14e for anyone who you want to hurt from your gaggle rn.
Tumblr media
I didn't want to hurt him, but it worked too well.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it? For how about the dragons? :)
Avlaroess has seen the ocean a couple times, but he's not terribly interested in it. Especially considering he can't swim, it would be a real shame to get tired flying over such a large body of water. He's not afraid of the ocean, he just...doesn't think it's all that exciting.
Salem never had a chance to see the ocean growing up, as his clan is from a land-locked area. But once he was the only one left, he began to travel and learn more things about the world around him. He quickly discovered he enjoys the beach, and he really enjoys sunning, even though he's an Ice dragon and it's not really necessary. He also really enjoys pranking tourists.
Fihn & Tahlen have never seen the ocean. They've lived most of their lives in captivity, being shuffled from cage to pen to cage for the amusement of traveling humans. Fihn would like to see the ocean, if only so he can fall asleep on the sand. Tahlen insists he doesn't care anymore.
Aquarios is from the ocean! He doesn't have many opportunities to see it from the outside, but personally he prefers to be in the water. Humans like to crowd up beaches near the ocean and make a lot of noise and leave their garbage everywhere. Not a fan.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
This may well have been the most zen room in the entire house. Beanbag chairs of varying pastel colours were strategically placed around a coffee table that held a single burning stick of incense. The walls were painted a calm green. Everything about this room felt peaceful, serene.
Poppy was a bit too tall to comfortably sit in the beanbag chairs, but they were doing their best - they and their brother had been invited after all, and it would be rude to refuse. Even ruder to complain.
Violet, on the other hand, was lounging in a giant lavender coloured beanbag chair as though he had bought it himself. His legs were stretched out and his hands were jammed into his hoodie pockets in the very picture of comfort and relaxation. But Poppy knew him well enough to know he was prepared in case anything went...weird.
"We're very glad you agreed to come," Fihn said from across the coffee table, in his own beanbag chair that seemed to be...deflating somehow.
"Are we?" Tahlen grumbled, crossing his arms.
Poppy was having a difficult time figuring out what Tahlen's deal was. Despite being - as far as they could tell - fraternal twins, Fihn and Tahlen's personalities were nearly exactly the opposites of each other. But they couldn't tell if the two of them were like that on purpose of if that was just how they were.
"Yes." Fihn's voice had the same calm, relaxed tone he'd used to greet Poppy and Violet, despite correcting his brother's sarcastic remark. "We are."
Tahlen scoffed. "I don't think I even want to be here."
"'s not my s-space but," Violet spoke up at last, and though his tone was lazy, there was an edge to his grin, "'m sure you're w-welcome to leave."
Tahlen looked taken aback - maybe he thought he was immune to snap-back in his brother's safe space. He was so taken aback that, for several seconds, he had no rebuttal.
Fihn chuckled softly. "Tahlen's not used to people standing up to him, you know." He spoke in a measured and slow way, each word carefully considered before it left him. "Maybe the two of you should hang out more often."
Violet brightened at that, the grin on his face turning genuine. "sounds like f-fun."
Tahlen didn't look as though he agreed, but he kept any opinions he had to himself.
"Anyway," Fihn sighed, turning his attention to Poppy. "How are you doing?"
Poppy was immediately uncomfortable with the shift in attention, but there was something about Fihn that kept them from panicking. He was just so...peaceful. Utterly unhurried, he was the perfect opposite of Poppy's own anxious self.
"Um," They started, unsure of really how to answer. "I Am, Um, Doing Alright!"
Beside them, Violet crossed his legs at the ankles, getting more comfortable - letting down his guard a little. He was relaxing. And if Violet was relaxing, then maybe Poppy could too.
"I Really Like Your Room!" They put some extra enthusiasm in their voice, hoping to mask any lingering unease.
Fihn beamed up at them. "Ah, thanks."
He patted the side of his beanbag chair, and Poppy realized why it looked like it was deflating; the soft impact of his hand sent several beads shooting out from a hole in the side. The beanbag actually was deflating.
"You're welcome here anytime, you know? I'd love to have you over more." Fihn continued to smile, and for a moment or two, Poppy felt comfortable.
It almost felt like home.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Reader has very thick thighs. Which ones would use them as pillows?
This ended up being pretty cute, I think.
Toni would love to lay her head on your lap, only as long as you don't mind laying your head on her lap sometimes. A little bit of give and take, you know?
Xilixas would use them as pillows no matter the size, as long as you're okay with it. He could lounge there with his head in your lap for hours, but he understands that you have other things to do. Just...maybe you don't have to do them right now?
Fihn & Tahlen both love to use your thighs as pillows, but they each have different ways of appreciating your softness. Fihn will hum happily and fall asleep within minutes, and Tahlen will lay down, get comfortable, and make a special effort to stay awake. He needs to make sure no one bothers you while he's comfortable. (But mostly he wants to make sure if anyone sees him being vulnerable, he's awake to defend himself.)
Jude would love to lay her head in your lap. She gets all comfy and she showers you with praise and affection - it's totally different from how she is with anyone else.
Ghost loves that you come with built-in pillows! Every time he catches you sitting down, you can expect to find him in your lap before long. Wherever you're sitting at that moment is where you live until he decides to get up or you decide to move him.
Dezyn loves naps, and since you're so soft...Well, he has a new favourite nap buddy. Hope you don't mind, and if you do, you might have to be firm.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
For any of them :3
if someone says "you want a kiss?" would they think of the candy, or a real kiss first?
Would you rather one over the other?
"You want a kiss?" You ask, hands behind your back.
"Oh," All casual friendliness disappears from Roxy's demeanour, changing to something much more sultry and mischievous. "You want to kiss me, do you?" She arches a well manicured eyebrow at you and taps her red-coloured lips with one finger. "Make sure you don't miss, then."
She closes her eyes, and you take a chocolate kiss from your hand and press the flat surface of it against Roxy's lips.
She seems confused, but when she opens her eyes and sees where the misunderstanding lay, she bursts into laughter.
"Ah," She says between giggles. "My mistake, love, but thank you for the chocolate."
Ghost perked up immediately. "Oh sure! I love kisses!" He holds his hands out eagerly.
You try not to laugh as you tell him to close his eyes. He obeys, but you feel like he's expecting the wrong kind of kiss, so you just kiss him gently on the cheek.
"Oh!" His light blue-grey eyes shoot open and he starts blushing and giggling his embarrassment immediately. "I thought you meant the chocolate, actually."
Fihn gazes lazily at you for a few seconds, though you can almost see something going on behind those calm green eyes. Whatever his thought process is, though, you're not privy to it.
"What? You got a kiss for me?" He smiles lazily and beckons you forward.
When he holds his hand out for what he clearly expects to be candy, you lean forward and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Before you can pull away though, he wraps his arms around you and holds you gently against him, humming softly.
"Oh, that was much nicer."
"Wh-What?!" Tahlen's face lights up with embarrassment as he takes a step back. "F- No!"
"Come on," You have to try and convince him it's not so bad. Especially when he's misunderstanding your intentions. "Just trust me?"
He looks more than a little inclined to argue, but steps forward again and turns his head to the side, so his cheek is toward you.
You step up and press the flat side of the chocolate kiss against his face, and his expression changes completely.
Tahlen chuckles softly and accepts the candy from you, but that second or two of soft laughter is all you get before he gets embarrassed and loud again.
"Specify next time!"
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Who would be open with poly and dating twins?
They're identical twins
Xilixas is poly, but he's a little nervous about identical twins. He's heard enough stories about one twin being mistaken for the other and he wants to avoid that as much as he can, but it's not necessarily for the reason you might think. He does want to avoid the relationship disintegrating because of a supposed lack of attention, or because he can't tell the difference, but that's not it. Twins might look the same but they are their own people, and he wants to make sure he can uphold that.
Fihn & Tahlen are twins themselves, and even though they're not identical, they are a package deal. They expect any potential partners to be willing to try poly for them, so it would be hypocritical if they weren't willing to do the same for another pair of twins. They'll find a way to be able to identify their identical partners.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
Hug me! For I am thin and tiny!
Fihn nods, blinking slowly at you. "Sure thing, friend," He says in a lazy tone, the corners of his mouth quirking up into a soft smile. He holds his arms open, but makes no move toward you, so you have to close the gap.
He wraps his arms around you gently and even rubs your back a little. He's soft against you, and his hold is loose enough that you can leave at any time. But there's something about him that's so relaxing. Fihn seems to exude an aura of calm that takes the day's stresses and smooths them over. If you're not careful, you might fall asleep.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
How would Avlaroess, Salem, Fihn & Tahlen, Aquarios and Perenia react to a dragon S/o? They look like this but have a human form too, just cause. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/24/30/31/243031f350dea2142afb3cc8a7723e2f.jpg
Lucky for you, all your choices except Perenia are dragons! They love it! Avlaroess loves having a partner who can go on flights with him. Humans are fine (because he can shift), but flying with a human is not nearly as enjoyable as flying with another dragon. Also, since he isn't great with social cues, being with them is less stressful! Human customs are so confusing sometimes...
Salem will brag about them. They're more than arm candy to him, but he'll parade them around like arm candy, especially since their multi-coloured scales complement his all-white scales so well. They're a beautiful couple, and he flaunts it.
Fihn & Tahlen will have to find a way to share them, being conjoined like they are (hard to date one without the other getting involved). Tahlen doesn't like sharing that often, but this dragon is so pretty, and he supposes he could make an exception...you know, just this once. And if they can get Tahlen to behave and be civilized, Fihn will be happy too. Fihn will like them for who they are - getting his brother to be nice is just an added bonus.
It doesn't make much of a difference to Aquarios whether his datemate is a dragon or not. He'll love them just as much either way! Unless they're a water dragon, or can handle being underwater, he'll have to be either on dry land or sitting half in the water to hang out with them.
Perenia doesn't have very strong opinions abut dating a dragon, just as long as they don't torch forests indiscriminately. Her home is the woods, and she takes it upon herself to care for the plants and animals that surround her. Though...those scales are very pretty and shimmery...
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
How would (Whoever) react to seeing their S/o being very flexy? Like able to put their legs behind their head and walk around on their hands type.
Personally I am a little envious of those people, but this isn't about me lol
Fihn & Tahlen are...concerned. Dragons are not meant to bend that way, and they had never attempted anything like that. Of course, being conjoined as dragons, pulling off something like that would have required a great deal of coordination, something Tahlen just doesn't have the patience for. As humans - or at least human-shaped dragons - Fihn can approach that level of flexibility if he's left alone long enough, but the balance needed to walk on one's hands?? Incredible. Once you can assure them that it doesn't hurt (much) to put yourself in that position, they'll relax. But until then, Tahlen will torture the both of them by looking up contortionist videos.
You can count Dezyn impressed. He's moderately flexible, mostly out of boredom. He's gotten himself into the habit of stretching when he's bored, and since he's bored so often...he stretches a lot. He hasn't reached near your level of flexibility though, and if he asks you to teach him how to do that, prepare for a difficult student. Dezyn has trouble focusing at the best of times, so it might take a while. Mostly he finds you impressive, though. What's that phrase? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
Toni is impressed too, but she can't reach anywhere near the level of flexibility that you have apparently mastered. If you invite her to stretch with you, she's likely to politely wave it off. She's built for power and brute force; the most finesse she uses in her day-to-day life is handling fragile beakers and vials. Being able to literally bend over backwards wouldn't help her much in her chosen profession, but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy watching you do it. Sometimes she'll watch you walk on her hands while the rest of your body is vaguely pretzel shaped and smile fondly. You're a weirdo, but she loves you.
Sasha is just as impressed with your flexibility - not only because she can't do what you do. She also knows that getting to that point takes a lot of work, especially if your genetics aren't predisposed to easily making the sort of knots you tie yourself up into. And if your genetics make you naturally more flexible than other people? She'll still find something to praise you for, and will encourage you to keep at it, if it's something you enjoy. Besides, stretching is healthy, right?
Beacher would like to be as impressed by your abilities as any other human (he's seen that some humans can make a living entirely on being flexible, as an entertainment act). However, since he doesn't have muscles, he can kind of...do whatever you can do, but more easily. The biggest difference is that he only has one hand to walk on, so that party trick is kind of out of the question. Still, he can tie his limbs up in pretzel shapes just like you, which kind of makes you kindred spirits, in a way. Huh, seems like your relationship is deepening.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Finding Fihn was easy enough, and thankfully, Tahlen wasn't with him - but that wasn't unusual. Despite them being conjoined as dragons, when they were human shaped, Tahlen tended to keep his distance from Fihn. Or perhaps it was because they were conjoined as dragons - Tahlen would need some alone time at some point.
Fihn was where he usually was. His room was chill and minimalist without looking bare. The walls were painted in serene colours and there were a few beanbag chairs around. Fihn was flopped in his favourite beanbag chair, which he'd apparently forgotten to ask his twin to repair; beans were spilling out onto the floor from a tear in the side.
Jamie wasted little time in flopping down in the beanbag chair beside Fihn, to Roxy's annoyance.
"Are you here to help or not?" She asked him, her tone a bit snappish.
Jamie shrugged. "Nah, I'm just here to have fun. Was getting kind of bored is all."
She sighed and turned her attention to Fihn, who didn't seem at all perturbed by this intrusion into his space - granted, they had knocked first.
"Do you know where Tahlen is?" She asked.
Fihn hummed, his eyes closing as he tugged on whatever mind link he had with his twin.
"He's in the kitchen," He murmured lazily after a few seconds of silence.
"Great!" Jamie sat a little straighter in his chair. "Are there any cookies left?"
Roxy damn near crossed the room to swat him, but Fihn chuckled good naturedly. "'Not many', he says."
"Does he see Salem?" She asked, trying to keep her tone even, despite her mounting annoyance with the assistant she hadn't asked for.
"No," Fihn answered, but the way he frowned immediately afterwards told her something wasn't right. He frowned in silence for a few seconds before opening his eyes and fixing his gaze on Roxy. "Scratch that. Besides some words I won't repeat, Tahlen said he did see Salem."
"In the kitchen?" She breathed.
Fihn nodded, the smile on his face turning wry. "Apparently he opened a portal to the kitchen, took the last cookies, and took the same portal back out."
"That mother-"
"Thank you Fihn." Roxy spoke up quickly, cutting Jamie off; she hadn't realized he'd be so upset about that, given the fact that solid food didn't do much to sustain him in his undead state.
Fihn chuckled again and nodded, slouching back into his beanbag. "Tahlen also said Salem winked at him." He arched an eyebrow meaningfully.
Roxy only needed a moment to process that, but her hands were clenching into fists and a growl was bubbling up in her chest before she was fully aware of it.
"Oooh!" Her voice was rough with frustration. Salem only had one reason to wink at Tahlen, and that meant he knew he was a wanted man. "He's toying with us!"
"Toying with you." Jamie offered his correction from the safety of his beanbag. "I'm just here to have fun."
If he was within arm's reach and sitting somewhere that wasn't expressly a no-violence zone, Roxy would have had no qualms about punching him. She settled instead for raising her voice.
"Figure out which side you're on!"
After thanking Fihn for his help - even though it didn't end up being terribly helpful - and apologizing for yelling in his calm space, Roxy and Jamie were left without any leads once again.
"I just thought of something." Jamie's voice was thoughtful, but Roxy wasn't in the mood to humour him. Still, he continued without any prompting. "Have you been to see Dani yet?"
"No, why?"
"I'm surprised." There was laughter in Jamie's tone. "The one person in this house who's as obsessed with pretty weapons as you, and you didn't even think to drop in for- Hey!"
Roxy didn't let Jamie finish before she grabbed him by the wrist and began all but dragging him in the direction of Dani's room. He was right, she knew it. Dani might not know where Salem was (or how to get him to hold still), but she might be able to give them a lead.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
If it's Christmas, and the reader gives them a test that shows that they're pregnant as a gift, which of your characters would be happiest about it?
This is wholesome, thanks!
This was the best Christmas gift you could have given Luna. She knew, obviously, that the child was not biologically hers. It was biologically yours though, which was good enough for her. She wasted little time learning all she needed to know about how to take care of you during the pregnancy, and how to take care of the child once they were born. She was so excited.
Fihn was surprised when you gifted him a pregnancy test, but his shock was soon overcome by glee. He'd always wanted to be a father, though Tahlen had insisted he wouldn't be very good at it, because of his lax nature. Still, he was determined to do his best, both to prove his twin wrong and to prove that you had made a good choice with him.
Violet was so overjoyed you could swear you saw tears prickling the edges of his sockets. It was an unorthodox Christmas gift - he'd gotten you what seemed like half a paycheque's worth of stuff. It was all stuff you could use, either around the house to make life easier or for yourself - things like fancy bubble bath and your favourite sweets. He loved to spoil you. And with this one simple gift from you, he felt just as spoiled. He was going to be a dad. He wasn't sure if it would be possible, but it was! This was his favourite kind of surprise - when things went right.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 2 years
So! This one might be a little strange but I cut my hair! :D
It wasn't that long but now it's just a little past my ears.
And since this is an ask, I want to see... how would (your choice) characters respond to their S/o who used to have waist long hair cutting it to be like a pixie cut? (The reason they did that was so they could donate their hair. My mom did that once)
They'd all be really proud of you!
Dani thinks you look super cute with your new hairstyle! Isn't short hair so much more freeing? You don't have to worry as much about it tangling or getting in your face. And, of course, she's so proud of you for donating it! Someone out there is going to be so happy to have that hair!
Xilixas loves how you look, but also how you act. It's almost like cutting your hair has given you a new kind of confidence, and he's into it. He knows it can be weird to adjust to such a drastic change in hair length, considering he used to have pretty long hair himself, so he'll be happy to help you out. This might include reminding you that you don't need that much shampoo anymore. Of course, he's never been more proud of you than when you told him where your chopped-off hair is going.
Avlaroess needs a while to adjust. Actually, he almost didn't recognize you when you came back from your hair appointment. He'll miss running his fingers through your long hair, but what he loves most about you isn't your hair as much as your personality. He loves you. He will adapt to your short hair, and love you no less for it. He thinks very highly of your choice to donate it, as well. It's for a noble cause.
Fihn is excited for you, in his calm, subdued way. The two of you match now, isn't that great? Tahlen, on the other hand, is a little put out. You two matched before you cut your hair, so he feels a little...left behind, in a sense. Rationally, he knows that wasn't your intention. Both of them think it's pretty cool that you donated it.
Dezyn does a double take when he sees you post-haircut. You're...so different now. He knows you're the same person, but you look way different. He hadn't really realized just how much hair you had until it wasn't there anymore. He needs a bit to adjust to the change, but he'll be the same Dez the whole time: little regard for personal space, frequent naps, often misplacing things. Functionally, nothing changes. It goes without saying that he's proud of you for donating it.
Briar is a little disappointed, actually. Your hair is too short for her to play with now. She'd really enjoyed braiding it up with ribbons before, but now she can't anymore. It's a bit of a blow, but she'll get used to it. Mostly she's just glad to have an s/o who is as kind and giving as you are.
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