#fence: striking distance
happygirl2oo2 · 14 days
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They were having a night chat outside when this happened. Aiden has officially stopped functioning.
[Inspo, and thank you @elena-illustration for the generator I'm having a blast with it]
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fainemone · 10 months
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the look on aidens face when he realizes Harvard as a date with a GUY.
He knew he never had a chance because he assumed Harvard liked girls, but the fact that he might like guys too?
Having a crush on a straight person is heartbreaking but at least you know its not because its YOU, its just because they aren’t attracted to your gender.
But if you crush on another queer person, you know that you ARE an option. They could be attracted to you, but they arent. at that point, its not your gender identity, its you. they just dont like you.
silly wording because i SUCK at it but hopefully i got my point across?? idk
this thinking is also slightly based off of fence: striking distance aiden’s thoughts
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greeneteens · 2 years
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coyotepuppyy · 7 months
fence fandom hot take, apparently
listen. idc what anyone says. the novels aren’t that bad. i fucking loved the tiny snippets of wholesome nichoji. i loved the slow burn with haiden. it wasn’t even poorly written. i feel like a lot of people get hung up on it not being entirely canon, or just that it disrupts the flow of the comics or whatever else.
but they’re still good books, and tbh i’d pick that as canon harvard and aiden so quickly. i loved them both so much and i love how the books actually gave insight on aiden and harvard’s feelings and thoughts, as well as seiji’s, not just nicholas’s / a general perspective.
anyways that being said now that i’ve finished everything besides redemption, i need fic recs :3
gimme some fluffy haiden or nichoji pining or smth to hold me over while i wait for all the parts of redemption to come out together, since i can’t figure out how to read it without spending money (bc i don’t wanna spend the money twice)
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aurorawest · 4 months
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Bargain of Blood and Gold by Kristin Jacques - 3.75/5 stars
Reminiscent of Jordan L Hawk's Widdershins series, but with vampires and werewolves. Also takes place in Maine, which isn't a very common setting. Unwittingly, I bought the second book in the series months ago, and I realized as it got to the top of my TBR that I didn't have the first book! I had to scramble to order it and I was happy I enjoyed it since, obviously, I already have the second book.
Ander & Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa - DNF at pg 2
Captive Prince by CS Pacat (reread) - 5/5 stars
Prince's Gambit by CS Pacat (reread) - 5/5 stars
Kings Rising by CS Pacat - 5/5 stars
I think I loved these books even more on my reread.
Gravity by Tal Bauer - 4.25/5 stars
Probably my favorite hockey romance that I've read.
The Modern Mythos Anomaly by Juniper Lake Fitzgerald - DNF at pg 132
I actually liked the story, the characters, and the writing in general, but this book just needed another few edits to slim it down a bit.
Lose You to Find Me by Erik J Brown - 4.5/5 stars
Leeward by Katie Daysh - 4.5/5 stars
The blurbs on this book are hilarious, because they're all like, tall ships people, and then Mackenzi Lee, hailing it as a lovely queer historical romance. This was a really lovely book and I'm excited for the sequel. Also hoping for more kissing in the sequel since this was a serious slow burn.
Riley Weaver Needs a Date to the Gaybutante Ball by Jason June - 3.75/5 stars
Starseer by Katya Hernández - 4/5 stars
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala - 5/5 stars
I loved this book so much!! Oh my god. Super funny, very romantic. It revolves around cosplay which is of course a special interest of mine.
Northranger by Rey Terciero and Bre Indigo - 4.5/5 stars
Flying Without a Net by EM Ben Shaul - 2.75/5 stars
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley (reread) - 5/5 stars
Striking Distance by Sarah Rees Brennan - 4.75/5 stars
I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. The graphic novels were good but changing to a novel format allowed for much deeper characters. Surprisingly devastating and also really funny.
The Old Haunts by Allan Radcliffe - 4/5 stars
The Gay Best Friend by Nicholas DiDomizio - 5/5 stars
Main character is the best friend of both the bride and the groom, and everything surrounding the wedding becomes a train wreck beginning on the weekend of the bachelor party, when the bride asks the MC, Dom, to keep tabs on the groom for her. As someone who is extremely conflict avoidant with friends but not family and romantic partners, I heavily related to Dom. There's also a romance that I really loved.
Romance Languages by AJ Truman - 4.25/5 stars
I think this was my favorite of the South Rock series. It deals with some more difficult topics—Julian's self-loathing over his body image is heartbreaking (and relatable), and Seamus's guilt over the way his gambling addiction hurt his ex was very well done. I'm a sucker for stories where a character learns to ask for help, not to mention difficult parent-child relationships, and this had both. I also appreciated Julian's arc re: sex and virginity.
Darkhearts by James L Sutter - 5/5 stars
Another bandmates-in-love treasure, with a twist—the main character, David, left the band right before they got famous. He ends up falling for one of his ex-friends/bandmates after they reconnect. The author is a musician himself, and it definitely shows (in a good way). I'm really a sucker for The Burdens of Fame, which this book definitely had, but there's actually a really good arc for David and how he deals with his jealousy and resentment over being left behind. Plus he wants to be a carpenter rather than go to college, which was cool.
Brute by Kim Fielding - 4.25/5 stars
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian - 5/5 stars
What can I say about this book? Why was it so lovely? Why did it make me feel so much? Why can I not rate things higher than 5 stars? It's a million stars in my heart. Aside from just being a gorgeous mid-century America m/m romance (my favorite), this one features an Italian-American main character. The stuff with Nick's family was spot-on. I just loved this book. I felt like I was wrapping myself in a big, comfy, historical gay romance blanket.
Drowned Country by Emily Tesh - 5/5 stars
The sequel to Silver in the Wood. Had a very mythic and sort of folk horror vibe. This one is from Henry Silver's POV instead of Tobias Finch's and takes place two years after Silver in the Wood, which is time that Henry has mostly spent sulking in Greenhollow Hall, sans Tobias. Really highly recommend this duology. Emily Tesh is a treasure.
The Alchemy of Moonlight by David Ferraro - DNF at pg 11
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bichobolitach · 2 years
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They drive me crazy
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nichoji · 1 year
My friend asked me to post this here because she loved it! Hope you like it too <3
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applesandbannas747 · 11 months
Sarah Rees Brennan's additions to the Fenceverse were peppered with classism, ableism, biphobia, and racism (what else can I call the erasure of Eugene's Filipino heritage?), but one aspect of it that's at once more subtle and more obvious is Coach Sally Williams's inappropriate behavior with her students, and I need to talk about it. Fence is marketed toward a young adult audience--kids who have teachers, maybe even teachers like Williams...and, hopefully, who know to report teachers like her to someone.
Let me make clear that my condemnation of Williams as a predator is only relating to the novels. In the comics, she's fantastic and badass and caring. In the novels, she takes it too far. There are several instances of her being what I'd call a shitty teacher throughout the novels, but there is a moment in Fence: Striking Distance where she sexually harasses three of her students. Can you think of when?
If you thought of the punishment she issued to Seiji, Nick, and Eugene for failing in a trust fall exercise, you would be correct! I want to be entirely clear here; there is no question of whether that was sexual harassment against her students. It was. Definitionally, it was. That's not up for debate. Let's get into why and fill in some context that makes the whole scene even more disturbing.
Williams issued a punishment to three of her students which involved them stripping. Asking students to undress is in itself sexual harassment (unless you're a chemistry teacher telling someone to get their ass in the 'i fucked up' shower but that's basically the only exception). It is inappropriate and unacceptable for a teacher to demand their student take off their shirt. Williams does. And then dresses them in raw steaks to send running around the woods. Their punishment isn't running. Their punishment is humiliation. And she's made it a sexual thing by disrobing them and dressing them so specifically and strangely. This isn't having them put on a little dunce cap and do jumping jacks kind of thing, this is a bizarre setup that, while not written as a fetish, can certainly be read that way. For whatever reason, Williams decided to have them wear raw steaks and the only real explanation is for her own pleasure--amusement, the characters and readers are supposed see. And the readers are meant to laugh along at this strange humiliation utilizing the partially naked bodies of minors.
Let's talk a little bit more about the raw steaks. The purpose of them seems to be humiliation, and if that's where Williams derives pleasure, perhaps my next points satisfy her goal intentionally. Either way, being made to strip and wear raw meat against their bare body is bound to be a massive trigger to people with sensory issues, body image issues, and eating disorders. The unique blending of unpleasant sensory, nakedness, and food would feel gross to anyone forced to abide by this punishment, but for people with pre-existing issues, it multiplies tenfold. And it is similarly disturbing in a new way to consider those who do not eat meat being forced to wear raw steaks around their necks. There are so many people for which this punishment would be even worse than you'd think at first glance, and it can absolutely be read as part of Williams's design. If you saw reports of Willimas in real life, wouldn't you assume this was intentional?
Another thing to note here is the needless escalation of the punishment to the crime. Eugene's meant to catch someone in a trust fall but turns to try and catch someone who's actually falling--Nick and Seiji being the reason and the faller in question. It is for this crime that they are punished. And, yeah, good time to talk about how your behavior can cause real harm to others (hell, it's a great metaphor for trying to learn in a rowdy classroom--reacting to the rowdiness/trying to calm it and sacrificing the thing you were doing to manage it), but an appropriate consequence would be an apology from each to Harvard. It was not a malicious or intentional attack and didn't warrant a punishment at all beyond natural consequence. Williams took this opportunity to enforce a major punishment that is entirely unrelated to the behavior nor is it beneficial to fencing the way running suicides is. Why change the terrain to the woods? And if you want to argue for the woods, I'll even give that to you. Why require bare chests and raw meat? Those conditions in no way add anything but humiliation. And, arguably, to Williams's pleasure.
I know it's 'not that deep' -- or rather, I know it wasn't meant to be. I know that this scene was not crafted with the intent to frame Williams in such an unsavory and upsetting light. I know that to assign intention behind the sexual harassment may seem presumptuous. But if this was happening in real life? Those intentions are almost guaranteed, even on a deep 'unknown' level to the teacher issuing such perverse and power-proving punishments. It doesn't matter if it wasn't written to be that deep, it has some seriously gross undertones.
Bottom line is that Williams used her power over children who were under her charge and protection to have them undress and endure the press of raw, bloody meat against them as they ran through the woods. That's not funny. That's sexual harassment.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 year
Baby Nicholas Cox being introduced to his older (barely) half brother Jesse Coste
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FENCE by @c.s.pacat and @johannathemad and @sarahreesbrennan
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seijikatayama-stan · 2 years
I know the comic is from Nicholas POV so we don’t really talk about this much but Seiji is literally the main character of a romance novel at this point like my mans is just trying to fence and now he’s in a love triangle with two half brothers— that’s some Hallmark shit right there
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happygirl2oo2 · 7 months
but happy Halloweekend 2023 from me and Haiden dressed as the current IT couple also known as Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce :)
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**Clarification: this sketch was made as a combination of the Fence characters Harvard Lee and Aiden Kane, in their original style as drawn by Joanna the Mad in the Fence comics, combined with online pictures taken of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. While the idea for the combination was my own and the process of making the idea into a pencil sketch was done by me, the rights for the characters and the art style they are drawn in belong to them, and were not intended to be used in anything other than what is considered fair use.
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fainemone · 10 months
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nichoji as the silly dogs >3<
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sukimccarthy · 1 year
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cynosurus · 9 months
One of the favourite lines my brain likes to quote to me:
Seiji Katayama, world's most unexpected class warrior
from Fence: Striking Distance by Sarah Rees Brennan
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smallbirdy · 10 months
I'm a bit sad bc just realized that the fence novels are not canon, as it's quite obvious bc they don't fit anywhere but they have some very cute scenes (the thing about seiji's watch, nicholas saying that being friends with seiji is like winning gold and others), so those will be canon for me
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bichobolitach · 1 year
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Seiji’s milkshake really does bring all the boys to the yard…
Its been a while since I did anything fence related 😭 I teased Massimo and disappeared off the face of the earth immediately. I got my hand injured in january so I’ve been on a break til not too long ago and I remembered him,,, he’s funny I swear
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