onenicebugperday · 7 months
opineon cosmoderus femoralis??
Nice :)
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na-bird-of-the-day · 1 year
BOTD: Aplomado Falcon
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Photo: David F. Belmonte
"This trim, elegant falcon once nested in desert grassland of the southwest, but it has been very rare north of the Mexican border since the 1920s or before. Recently a few have reappeared in New Mexico and western Texas, and there has been a major attempt to reintroduce the species in southern Texas."
- Audubon Field Guide
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[3/10,976] Abbott’s Starling - Arizelopsar femoralis
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Family: Sturnidae (starlings)
Photo credit: Adrian Binns via Macaulay Library
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beefjerkyposting · 6 months
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coolbugs · 2 years
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Bug of the Day
A gorgeous fire-colored beetle (Neopyrochroa femoralis) showed up at the light the other night, a new species for the yard list!
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triruntu · 2 years
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#479, an aplomado falcon for @wishingforthatlife.
Requests for birds are open, updates happen on Thursdays. [project tag] | [kofi] [commissions] Find me on: [twitter]
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ayanos-pl · 1 year
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sundevouredearth · 8 months
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aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis) by Kátia C. Oliveira
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poroskota · 2 years
Jenis-jenis Hernia: Bisa Terjadi Ke Siapa Saja, Di Perut, Pusar Atau Paha
Jenis-jenis Hernia: Bisa Terjadi Ke Siapa Saja, Di Perut, Pusar Atau Paha
POROSKOTA.COM – Hernia bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, baik orang tua, dewasa, maupun bayi. Hernia merupakan tonjolan yang terdapat pada tubuh ketika isi suatu organ keluar/masuk ke organ atau ruang lainnya. Jenis-jenis hernia bisa dibedakan menurut lokasi terjadinya hernia atau organ yang terkena, yakni bisa terjadi di perut, paha, maupun selangkangan. Dilansir Poroskota.com, hernia bisa muncul…
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herpsandbirds · 4 months
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Brilliant-thighed Poison Frog (Allobates femoralis), family Aromobatidae, Loreto, Peru
This genus was originally in the "Poison Dart Frog" family Dendrobatidae, but is now in a separate family, along with the Cryptic Forest Frogs.
They are not as toxic as the poison frogs in the family Dendrobatidae.
photograph by Alessandro Catenazzi 
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Thorny Cricket (Cosmoderus femoralis) from Kamerun
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carlottaragazzalove · 7 months
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Carlotta VS Alina!!! lo so non dovrei neanche provarci a fare questa comparazione con lei!!! la prima foto sono io dopo una giornata di estenuante lavoro e scarpe ormai da buttare sono vecchie!! la seconda é una modella formato max!!! di lei invidio solo i quadricipiti femorali!!! essendo una ciclista quelli sono importanti. buon Martedì cari Tumblerini Carlotta💖
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beefjerkyposting · 6 months
i’m eating beef jerky
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
What are your OCs most petty pet peeves? The one thing that really shouldn't annoy them, but somehow it just drives them up the wall?
Oooooh good one!!
Rae: She knows they're just trying to help, but... when she's in a foreign country to learn a language, and the locals hear her struggle with the new language and end up switching to English. It's a nice thought, but she's there to learn and switching to English means she doesn't get experience with the new language
Robin: I don't know how petty this is since it's really a legitimate concern... but people who learn she reads lips and proceed to over-enunciate and speak at glacial speeds, which is just harder to make sense of.
Madison: Cannot stand people taking her food. She does not share food. She will make food for others, she loves to bake and give out treats, but there's no "can I have one of your fries?" or "you can try a bite of mine if I try a bite of yours". She knows it's silly, but she was food-insecure for a lot of years while living out in the woods, so she can't bring herself to surrender any part of a meal.
Ophelia: She gets annoyed with how often the news tries to rebrand her as "the new Doc Ock" - she avoided that mantle out of respect to her father, her hero name is Argonaut and has never been Doc Ock, but it's hard to keep the news from using it to stir up drama.
Jasper: Used to get really annoyed at people's reactions to their natural Cajun accent, even to the point that they dropped the accent most of the time - you're in New Orleans, people, you're going to hear some Cajun folks! And their accent does not make them any less professional than people with a more Northern accent!
Katherine: Generally, a lot of typical artist's pet peeves related to her sketchbook - don't ask her to draw you, don't flip through her sketchbook when she's showing off one drawing, don't look over her shoulder while she's working... art is a very personal, intimate thing, and a lot of people don't understand that.
Quinn: People correcting her when she mixes her metaphors - it's a running joke with Billy, but irritating when it comes from anyone else. That, or people going out of their way to "accommodate her" in a way that just becomes pushy, and less helpful than just leaving her alone.
Kestrel: It doesn't happen often, but people making up Latin names for flora and fauna just to sound intelligent. Mixing up a few similar-looking species (eg. Falco sparverius vs. Falco femoralis) is an honest mistake, but they've run into people who will straight-up make up lies on the spot just to impress their friends, and it really grates on them.
Eris: It's hard to seriously annoy them, since they really thrive on conflict, but I think they get really tired of people being ignorant about regionalities and the history of land - the Middle East is not just one big patch of desert, neither is Africa, they have distinct regional climates and cultures and it's rude to assume they're all the same. Eris in particular has been mistaken for just about every ethnicity under the sun, with how ambiguous and "cradle of civilization" they (as an immortal) look, so they've experienced this from a lot of different angles.
Nikoletta: Any sort of hovering, or people who invade her personal space. Even if they don't actually touch her, and even if she doesn't have to be cautious about her shadow-touch, it makes her anxious and uncomfortable - and especially if they're standing behind her and she can't quite see them. She even asks Abner to stand behind her when they're out somewhere (like waiting in line at a coffee shop), because she gets so uncomfortable with strangers being right behind her.
(I know most of these are like... actually legitimate things to be annoyed about, but it's hard to think of tiny petty things to have as pet peeves and have it still be interesting)
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the-frog-blog · 4 months
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geosesarma · 2 years
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some fish and non-fish from the summer because northeastern winters are not good for finding creatures Hoplosternum littorale, a Callichthyid catfish introduced to Florida via the aquarium trade, VERY silly little things I love them Hyla femoralis tadpole, these guys hang out in tannic pools and swamps where that striking red tail also helps to blend into the tannic water and mess of leaf litter and pine needles Poecilia latipinna and Heterandria formosa, two ubiquitous livebearers throughout Florida, you can find them in just about any ditch. H. formosa has the honor of being the smallest fish native to North America, and overall one of the smallest known fish, with adults males averaging a whopping 2 cm (0.8"), and females generally larger at about 3.5cm ish (1.5") max
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