deadlifeseries · 2 years
Y'all remember the second episode in season 2 where Masterson snatches Sentinel's body, and when Fanzone tries to arrest the bastard Powwel comes in like "I'm achtually, there's no charge you can arrest him on🤓".
Well I can name something:
Filing a false police report, he kinda admits to the fact that the false decepticon sighting was reported by him. The "I do not sound like a ma'am"
Theft, since Powwel decided that alien robots don't have rights(fucking racist), Masterson still stole Sentinel's body, so he did commit theft. We could even consider it grand theft auto, if we're willing to objectify Sentinel a little (which i totally am).
He should've been arrested. >:(
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isnotfound · 6 months
as a girl it is my God given right to be a misandrist corpse that smells of death and vanilla body spray
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slima11 · 9 months
Fem!Kuamo EX
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I love aggie :3
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hotcoward · 10 months
what is a femoid?
am i a femoid?
did i become a femoid?
can a man be a femoid?
would he be a sirmoid?
or a mamoid?
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funishment-time · 7 days
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
this is entirely a good faith question: why can terfs not use moids as a response to incels who oppress women using femoids, but queer people can and do reclaim slurs used against us in our oppression? thank you if you answer (in regards to this post https://www.tumblr.com/genderkoolaid/714779055410577408/is-this-supposed-to-be-a-good-reason-for-using)
For one, "moids" is like. Very heavily racist. "-oid" was a common suffix used in race science, as a way of describing different races (mongoloid, negroid, caucasoid, etc.). It is deeply entrenched in the language of white supremacy and eugenics. The reason why misogynists use it is because those misogynists are also racists.
With queer, the point in reclaiming it is "yes, we are weird freaks, and we love being weird freaks- being a weird freak is a good thing." Reclaiming things like dyke, fag, tranny, tend to both be a way of coping with the trauma of those words, as well as describing the ways that oppression shape our identities (a lot of people identify as dykes or faggots specifically as a way of communicating an identity that exists in opposition to, and within the context of, homophobic society). These are terms we are using to self-describe as a way of empowering ourselves and depowering queerphobes
With -moid, they are taking purposefully negative language that was created for oppressive purposes and using it to... dehumanize groups of people. And they accomplish the goal of... sounding like fucking nazis.
And maybe, just maybe, the way they use nazi language and nazi memes (like soyjack shit) is part of the reason they have so many white supremacists in their communities. If you walk into a bar covered in swastikas and iron crosses, and the bar serves a number of nazis, the white goyische woman bartender telling you that actually they are reclaiming nazi symbols isn't gonna make you feel less like you are in a nazi bar.
edit: I wanna say that people shouldn't shame anon for asking this!!!! It's important to have a good understanding of WHY certain things are reclaimable and some things aren't, even if it seems obvious. Shaming people for asking these questions means that the only people giving these questions answers are assholes. Genuine, good faith questions shouldn't be shamed. Anon wasn't defending this behavior, they were asking a good question on why it's okay to reclaim some things but not others. Not asking questions to deeper your understanding means relying on whatever anyone else tells you to be true.
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radelenagreco · 5 months
i'm #newtoradblr i've spent so much time these past two weeks scrolling through radfem blogs i knew i had to make an actual radfem side of tumblr blog for my own sanity. the way i "peaked" is kinda funny 3-4 months ago i liked a radfem post without realizing and all of a sudden i had other radfem posts recommended to me by the algorithm and i was so annoyed because i was very anti-terf etc but for a couple days i read through a bunch of radfem blogs and it was actually such a relief to encounter FEMINISM not some watered down version of it but i felt guilty due to 5+ years of conditioning (and also because i had a nonbinary friend sitting right next to me in class as i was doing this) and i also didn't like the prominent use of the word moid? but anyway, 3 months later, i'm not sure why but the mra nature of the trans movement has grown so much more apparent to me i have like three mutuals who are trans men on my other blog and i would find myself rereading the few feminist posts i would reblog/write because these people are literally reblogging shit like "don't think like a terf. men aren't your oppressors, they're your friends/neighbors/brothers/fathers. if you think that any man could harm you you have been fooled by terf rhetoric" like actual morons/meninists. anyway two weeks ago i saw a post made by someone i knew was a radfem on my twitter tl and i don't know why i knew i was ready i went through her blog and through many others and now here i am.
#still dislike the word moid i know it's in response to 4chan people saying shit like femoid but it reads too much like a racist slur for me#to be cool with people saying it#i don't mean it reads like a racist slur towards men i mean it's way too reminiscent of the word negroid#it really made me think people were right about radical feminism being a gateway to being a conservative because...it literally feels#racist to me lmao i don't think i'll ever like it#gonna go follow the few blogs i followed on my main + others now#and i was actually always pretty radical in my feminism i was never what one would call a libfem i just wasn't A RadFem because i was into#the whole trans thing#it's different when you're not on tumblr/not exclusively interacting with trans people on the internet. people taking such an issue with#feminism and claiming that its most basic aspects (men oppress women) are transphobic and terf rhetoric is really only a thing on tumblr#and in those circles it's especially different when you're not talking in english#and i'm pretty sure everyone i follow on twitter supports trans people but the mra nature of trans right activism just has not hit them the#way it has hit tumblr they're still very normal about feminism it's actually so nice to go there and say i hate men with no caveat#the only people who would bother me if they came across my tweets saying that would be: cis men misogynists and people on the far right in#general#crazy that on tumblr it's the most leftist people i'd have to worry about hahaha...#ipost
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crowley1990 · 9 months
Reading the book Men Who Hate Women about the different groups in the online manosphere and the real life harm they cause and I’m seeing a lot of similarities with online terf spaces and it’s like wow, they really are a cultish hate group that cause real harm.
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ciderjacks · 2 months
anytime there’s a female liberation movement anywhere in the world it’s like you people all just animorph into anti-sjw conservatives. It’s fucking bizarre.
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radioconstructed · 2 months
⌖ Having a man OFFER to cook for you SOUNDS endearing until he SHIRKS ALL FOOD SAFETY GUIDELINES! The WHIPLASH at watching a GENTLEMAN who's otherwise CHARMING decide to CUT RAW FISH and put the knife BACK IN THE CHOPPING BLOCK!
⌖ My good man, you don't like your gals TALL, you like them SEPTIC! This fellow CHEAT-CODE'D every COVERT DEATH-FEEDERISM FETISHIST'S game plan! This fellow said I WANT TO FEED YOU DEAD. HERE'S SOME SAM OR NELLA
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tibiamariner · 1 year
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walked around w/ my gf last night :3
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isnotfound · 6 months
split screen girl interrupted and doki doki literature club while listening to ok computer lets fucking go femoids
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slima11 · 7 months
Fem Kirb EXE comics
Havent posted on here for a while
so ima just post soemthing i did
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Kuamo by me (slima11)
Lost Dee by Cosmic Ember 7
Sock and Mawl by VeryLonelyBear
Eggby by Nendotendo
Cropple Foo by NGH
and special thanks to BLOCKDOG for adding the "my balls itch" message.
I don't know why I made a story for this thing.
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baphometaverse · 1 year
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claudiasjessies · 9 months
I understand that tv emulates like society, the changes, politics and such. But my god i would love for them to stay away from inc*l speak
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jerek · 1 year
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clenching my damn fists trying not to respond as both a wrathion kinnie and an insane turbobitch
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