#female tav x kar'niss
karniss-bg3 · 8 months
i know you usually don't tackle female!tav x kar'niss but if you had to give it a shot... just something wholesome maybe? esp since the Absolute is feminine-coded all throughout the game, the overtones could be there for kar'niss to see a kind good-aligned femme!tav as a goddess to worship all for himself. maybe just a scene of her tending to his wounds or arachnid peculiarities as a drider—i.e: maybe he molts and the process is painful but she helps him through it with comfort and grace?
Where had he gone? Morning light had broke and there were no signs of her eight-legged companion. Tav crawled out of her sleeping bag to survey the area with mild concern etched over her face.
She surveyed the area, her ears coming to perk as she caught the sound of shuffling from a nearby cave. Unafraid she advanced toward the noise, casting the light cantrip in an effort to shoo away the darkness. She’d come to find a figure huddled at the back of the cavern, curled in tight against the rock face in an effort to make himself as small as possible. She frowned while she carefully stepped closer, willing the lights nearer to get a better look at him. She noticed signs of damage along the abdomen of his lower half, the flesh knotting and bunching up unnaturally over the carapace.
“Gods, what’s happening? Are you alright?” She’d ask while trying to wander closer.
“Don’t!” He retreated tighter against the wall wanting to maintain the greatest distance between them. “This is not for you. Go away.”
She could sense the fear in him, the pain. His leg at the far back of his body lifted and curled in a vain attempt to scrape over his molting mound with pathetic results. He snarled in frustration, planting his hands against the wall, his torso slumped. She wouldn’t be intimidated able to see he was in need.
“I’ll be back,” she said, darting off.
In a few moments she returned with pack in hand, placing it down nearby to root around for supplies. Kar’niss’ eyes narrowed as he watched, a deep reverberating trill vibrating within his throat akin to a growl. Tav heard the sound for what it really was, cries from a wounded animal who didn’t know how to ask for aid. She pulled a bottle of light gray paste from her bag, unscrewing the lid and giving it a sniff to make sure the contents were still good. It smelled medicinal, a sharp tang of bitter roots and sap combined to make a potent salve. Satisfied with her test she rose and approached Kar’niss once more.
The drider reared up in response, his pedipalps rising and extending outward in a threatening manner while his two front most legs stamped into the ground with defiance.
“S-Stay away…!” Kar’niss panted, a panic starting to bubble within him. Every woman he’d ever trusted had inevitably hurt him, betrayed him in some way. Used, abused, and discarded when his usefulness had run out, why would Tav be any different?
But Tav was different, even if he could not yet see it. She held up the jar so he could get a better look. The contents were boring, bland and unimpressive in appearance, hardly what one would think could fell a drider.
“It’s medicine, Kar’niss. It will help ease the pain, allow you to heal faster. See?” She used two fingers to scoop up a dollop of the paste, applying the portion onto her own arm and rubbed it in like lotion. Once done she extended her arm so he could see for himself. It looked perfectly normal. Her flesh didn’t melt away, bubble or boil from the application, nor did it turn any unusual colors. The scent was so strong that he got a whiff and his head jerked back in response to how it tickled the inside of his nostrils.
He still seemed hesitant about what was on offer. That is until another pang of pain ripped through his body, his entire frame quaking in response. His expression twisted and teeth grit in anguish.
“Hnnng!” He tried to turn and reach back to touch the pained segment but he couldn’t reach, his spine unable to twist at such an angle. His brows furrowed, his attention returning to Tav who tried so hard to offer him help. With his lips pressed into a thin line a slow sigh spilled from his lips. “You may...apply this medicine. But do not linger!”
She smiled at him. “Thank you. It...might sting a little, but far less so than what you’re enduring now.”
Tav approached his side to get a better look at the damage. It did seem he was molting and only midway through, suggesting this would be a long day. The carapace that had fallen away left tender pink flesh behind, exposed and vulnerable during this stage of the process. She’d first snap away the dead skin that still clung to him, knowing better than to peel beyond that. This process couldn’t be hurried it needed to continue at the pace it was destined to go. Still, she could at least be rid of the excess and provide him relief from the weight.
Kar’niss was on edge throughout, watching over his shoulder at the ready for the flash of a dagger, the buzz of threatening magic, anything she could do to strike at him. None of that would come to pass. Instead with the removal of the discarded carapace she now had access to the fresh skin below. Her fingered dabbled into the salve and applied a coating over the surface. Despite her warning about the inevitable sting, Kar’niss scrambled and backed up into the corner, a monstrous screech echoing throughout the cave.
Tav backed up quickly and held up her hands. “Easy, easy now. Shh it’s alright.” She cooed, her voice maintaining a delicate hum to keep things calm.
A sheen of sweat trickled over Kar’niss’ face along with the threat of tears in his eyes, heavy exhales of breath pushed between his clenched teeth. He was on the verge of snapping at Tav once more until he felt something unexpected; Relief. The salve started to work it’s magic over the affected area. A cooling sensation crept over the sensitive skin leaving behind a pleasant tingle, effectively numbing the nerves from further assault. He blinked in stunned silence. Her method not only worked but it stopped the pain rather than enhancing it. He glanced at his rounded back-end with a firm look of contemplation, his abdomen lifted and issued a cursory wiggle. His gaze then darted back to her, his savior, the anger steadily fading away.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” Tav smiled and screwed the lid back onto the jar. “It should stave off the pain for at least a few hours, I’ll need to apply more after that. At least now you know what to expect. We can remain here until the process finishes. I’ll keep an eye out, guard the cave and bring you something to eat. How does that sound?”
Kar’niss bobbed his head in a quick nod, still a little taken back by this new revelation. He rubbed at one of his arms to self soothe, struck by a new wave of thoughts he didn’t know how to process yet.
“...Thank you,” he whispered.
Tav stepped closer and rested her fingertips on one of his pedipalps, another gesture that brought him great shock. “You’re welcome. Remember I am here for you, okay?” Their eyes met briefly which made something inside his chest flutter, wild and free. His lips trembled enough to where he jerked his gaze away, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
“I won’t be gone long. Let me know if the pain returns,” Tav said. She’d then slip away to give the drider his space, smiling at him over her shoulder until her silhouette faded from the cave entrance.
Kar’niss looked on in an effort to process it all. He lowered himself to the ground to rest while the pain was quelled, glancing back from time to time where the medicine had been applied. Steadily a slow, lopsided smile tugged at his scarred lips, a warmth growing inside of him unlike any he’d known before. He looked to the cave entrance, watching and waiting, for her to return.
“My Queen.”
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kaykebitez · 3 months
A Sonnet of Spiders (Astarion x Tav x Halsin) + Kar'niss Platonic
Rating: Mature Category: M/F, M/M, Multi/Other Pairings: Astarion/Halsin/Tav; Dammon/Kar'niss Status: In Progress Chapters: 15/? Word Count (So Far): 59,764
Named Tav (Baldur's Gate), Drow Tav (Baldur's Gate), Bard Tav (Baldur's Gate), Family ReunionsFound Family, POV Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Exploring Tav's Past, Character Study, Drow Culture (Dungeons & Dragons), Driders (Dungeons & Dragons), Canon-Typical Violence, Body Horror, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, POV Tav (Baldur's Gate), Flashbacks, Transformation, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Amnesia, Act 2 (Baldur's Gate 3), POV Kar'niss (Baldur's Gate), Memory Loss, Past Relationship(s), Past Tav/OC Relationship
“And you?” the drider said, his voice gravel and disdain. “What are you?” There was the briefest hesitation as his many eyes regarded Phaere, then dropped to the lyre that was still clutched in her hands.
“…aside from a dark minstrel." Astarion noticed how Phaere’s shoulders tensed at the term. “One who truly appreciates the beauty of the lyre.”
Astarion heard her take a breath, but before she could speak, he watched as she practically folded in on herself, the tell-tale sign that her mind and parasite had connected with the drider’s.
Then the connection broke, and Phaere stumbled forward. Astarion and Karlach both moved simultaneously, stepping forward to catch Phaere by her arms as her legs gave way and her lyre clattered to the ground.
“Are you alright, darling?” Astarion asked in a hushed whisper. He could hear her heartbeat this close, a quick and steady thud-thud-thud of… something like fear? “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Phaere lifted her head and audibly swallowed.
Or: A formerly lolth-sworn Drow bard comes face to face with her past. And she must make a choice. READ ON AO3
Snippet of Chapter 1 under the cut:
“That’s that, then,” Kansif said, seemingly unbothered by Phaere’s cold demeanor. “Simply pluck a tune, and our guide to Moonrise will come scuttling.”
Scuttling? Astarion raised an eyebrow, but was distracted when Phaere lifted the lyre and started to play. She turned towards the vast darkness behind the camp as her fingers plucked the strings in a haunting melody, her eyes drifting shut as she played. Astarion wanted to close his eyes and listen, truly listen, but he was transfixed on her form as she played. He could feel Karlach tapping her foot next to him, sense how Shadowheart wanted to sway to the music even as she stood rigidly rooted to her spot. Even the goblins and the half-orc seemed transfixed on Phaere’s performance.
But then, Astarion heard it. Scuttling, right on cue. He snapped his eyes to the darkness ahead of them, just as a growling, guttural voice broke through the final notes of Phaere’s song.
“Ah yes, I hear them, your majesty. Calling us. Their god and their guide, together.”
Out from behind a twisted tree trunk stepped a hideous creature. Eight spindly legs on a giant thorax, topped with the upper half of a man coated in an armor-like chitin. His face was pale, with two regular eyes colored a deep blood-red, practically glowing in the light of the moonlantern he carried. His other eyes scattered across his forehead and cheek were black as pitch, blinking in a syncopated rhythm as he stepped closer, regarding Phaere with a curious tilt of his head.
Astarion might not be well-versed on Drow, but he knew a drider when he saw one.
“By the Gods. One of Lolth’s abominations,” he breathed. Karlach gave a low whistle, and Shadowheart made a noise of disgust somewhere in her throat. 
Phaere simply stood stock-still next to Astarion, her eyes now transfixed on the drider as he approached. He looked as if he’d been in the wilderness for ages—his skin and chitin coated in a layer of dirt and grime. His hair was unkempt, snow white falling over his shoulder in messy waves, similar to Phaere’s at first glance, especially after a particularly bad fight. However, Phaere’s locks held more of a bluish tint, and were a whole lot softer to the touch than this creature’s hair looked—
Now was not the time.
“Greetings, in the Absolute’s name,” said Kansif, earning a sneer from the drider. “You have been charged with—guiding us…” Kansif looked down and away, the drider’s visage likely uncomfortable to look at for too long. Astarion couldn’t blame the poor sod, honestly.
“New flesh for you, my queen,” the drider hissed. “But, who are they?” He was looking over his shoulder as if speaking to an invisible presence, the look on his face flashing between stone-cold clarity and a haze, as if he were going somewhere else for the briefest of moments.
“Looks like he’s madder than a hatter,” Astarion murmured. “Absolutely lovely.” He wheezed a bit as Phaere elbowed him in the ribs, although there was a slight twitch of her lip. So she had found that funny. She wasn’t looking at him, though, her eyes still trained on the drider, her ears twitching as if she was listening to him hard. Astarion couldn’t quite read the look on her face, which was… unnerving, to say the least.
The last time he couldn’t read her easily was when they’d “rescued” and then promptly murdered the True Soul Nere, another Drow that Phaere had toyed with for a few minutes before giving into her rare flashes of anger.
Come to think of it, any time another Drow was involved—and the drider had definitely been a Drow once upon a time—Phaere simply… shut down.
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worldseer · 6 months
Indulgence of Sweetness (Kar'niss x AFAB!Tav)
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Warnings/Content: AFAB! Tav, Spoilers for BG3, NSFW, monster fucking, oral (female receiving), breeding kink, detailed description of genitalia, detailed kissing, Kar'niss is a giant spider person, OOC(?)
Word Count: 3k
Masterlist: Coming soon! Author's Note: Caved and decided to put this on here to show that I can in fact make good content. I wrote this for fun mostly on a Discord server. And I spent too much time thinking what it would look like, if you catch my drift. I also tweaked a few things about it so it's easier to read and more cohesive. Enjoy the filth! Tags: @oharahive (comment to be added to taglist)
The darkness of this place was suffocating, dreary, and unkind. From what you heard, just beyond the darkness lied monsters eager to kill, maim and eat. Kar'niss, the strange and broken man he was, was able to be convinced to come with your party with the protection of his lantern. He unnerved you at first, the exoskeleton and long thin legs that carried his drider body. It was uncomfortable to look at them for too long. His speech and personality was also concerning, since he spoke in a broken sort of form and rarely referred to himself. It revealed his mental state, how he was. . . not all there. But he was still definitely there. He was. . . strange. But you had to admit, a part of you was curious about him. You had heard of driders, what they did and how they came to be. A part of you wanted to know more, but you kept your prodding questions to yourself. There's no easy way to suddenly ask all about a creature's culture and anatomy after all. . . especially when they seemed like touchy subjects.
Time still passed in this dark place, and shadows grew darker as a form of night swallowed the lands. With his lantern to protect, Kar'niss thought it best to settle for a makeshift camp. The others didn't seem too enthused, but there was a difference between sleeping on rough dirt and being torn apart by terrible creatures. Besides, who was going to argue with the drider who had lived most of his life in this place and remained unscathed?
Stress left you frustrated, naturally. With how this whole quest was going, it was no wonder that you needed some form of relief. Seeking sleep was of no use, your mind was far too active. Tiring yourself out wasn't useful either, considering that most of your muscles throbbed with pain and soreness. No, nothing was working. You needed something to help calm your mind. . . and your gaze moved down to the sleep trousers you wore. "Fuck. . . maybe just one will help," you mutter to yourself, pulling your pants off and shivering as you were exposed to the chill in the air. You were already getting wet, as if your body agreed that this was the best form of stress relief you could perform at this time. Or maybe your body was trying to give you a sign that you needed to find someone to take care of your needs. Your fingers circled your clit slowly, your breath catching. Gods. . . it had been a while since you last got off. And you were too cowardly to ask anyone in your party for a "favor". . . especially now. They'd all likely complain that in the middle of a dark land was definitely not the time and place to get it on. Your hand would do for now. It worked before. . .
A shuffling outside of your small tent snapped you away from the daze of pleasure, and a familiar hissing voice moved in the air. "A sweet scent. . . a sweet, succulent scent in the air. . . is it a gift, your Majesty? A gift for us?" Kar'niss quietly whispers. A clawed hand touched the tarp of your tent, and you scrambled to pull the blankets of your bedroll over yourself. The same clawed hand moved the tarp, and the hungry expression of Kar'niss came into view. However, his expression dropped as soon as his many eyes trained on you. "Oh. . . True Soul. . . Apologies, to you and her Majesty- I smelled a sweetness. . . Have you smelled it?" he says, his voice quiet and tentative now. You blinked a few times, "Uhm. . . Not that I know of." If he was referring to what you thought he was, then this turned into a much more awkward situation that you first thought.
Kar'niss turned his head, his long spider legs moving him forward as he sniffed the air. A shaky sigh left him as he closed his eyes, his form trembling. "The scent. . . it lingers most here. . . fills the air. . . so so sweet, just like her Majesty. . . oh so sweet. . ." he whispers, almost looking to be drooling now. His pedipalps twitched with what looked to be excitement. Kar'niss seems to disregard the invasion of privacy, seeking with his nose the source of the "sweet scent" he speaks of. His legs lower himself, moving closer to the ground. . . and closer to you. He inhales deeply, his face close to the blanket that was covering your indecency. His eyes finally open, and they move to be trained on your face. "It comes from you. . . True Soul. . . The scent. . . oh please, show me what smells so delicious, so sweet and pure~. . ." he purrs, almost begging with a pleading expression. It's. . . oddly cute, and alluring. You figure it's time to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Perhaps this was best to never tell anyone. . . take it to the grave, so to speak.
With a shy tone, you say, "I was. . . tending to some self relief and. . ." You move the blanket, exposing your still wet pussy. Kar'niss looks absolutely stunned, eyes now zeroed in on the slick folds and your clit peeking out. A growling sort of exhale leaves him. ". . . True Soul . . . you. . . smell. . . so. . ." he says, lips twitching and hands reaching out for you. However he stops himself. "What am I. . . what is. . . what is happening to me? I feel. . . hungry. . . but. . . not for food or blood. . ." he asks himself. Rarely he had ever referred to himself til now. It was as if his mind was clearing, or perhaps some long lost instinct brought back some sanity. How funny, that exposure to a wet cunt could bring back sanity to a man. "Forgive me- I shouldn't be here. . . you seek rest, True Soul. . ." But before he leaves, you find yourself grasping his arm, an arm that is defended and tough with a grey exoskeleton. He pauses, looking at you with surprise. ". . . You can stay, Kar'niss. . ." you whisper, and you see Kar'niss' eyes move over you. He swallows, and finally rests his spider body on the ground of the small tent. He takes up half of the space, but you don't seem to mind his proximity. Kar'niss looks at you with cautious eyes, silently asking permission and confirmation. It was almost cute, and you just nodded to reassure him again.
Maybe it was lust, a need for touch and attention. Or maybe you were curious of the drow drider. What ever the reason, you wanted him here and wanted see what he would do. Kar'niss let out a sigh as his eyes move to look at your pussy again. "It has been. . . long since. . . I've seen. . . such a quim like yours. . ." he admits, his hands reaching for you again. Warm, tough exoskeleton presses against your calves as Kar'niss gently grasps you, as though he was hesitant to touch, like he could corrupt and taint you. He continues, "So long since I . . . felt the wetness. . . the warmth. . ." He leans closer, clawed hands almost pulling you towards him and his eyes moving to look at your face. The many eyes of Kar'niss are dark, but you can see his irises are a rich brown in color. He stares for a moment, then his gaze moves down to your lips. His lips part, scarred and dry, "So long since I have. . . tasted another. . . Can I. . . May I taste you, True Soul?" His breath is warm against your skin, a stark contrast to the chill outside. His eyes move to yours again, and he looks as though he may beg and plead just to kiss you.
Curiosity mixed with need and loneliness was a cocktail of emotions that you never expected to feel, especially now with Kar'niss. But hey, you live life once, right? You wordlessly nod, and a shuddering breath leaves Kar'niss. "Forgive me-" he whispers, then presses his lips against yours. It's. . . surprisingly nice. His lips were a bit dry, but he was careful. Tentative, even. As though he didn't want to overwhelm you with his neediness. His hands moved to your shoulders now, pedipalps grazing the skin of your legs. After a moment, he pulled away but not far. His nose bumped against yours as he whispered again, "More. . . please let me have more. . ." A slick, blackened tongue moves from the inside of his mouth, wetting his lips. In a moment of boldness, you flick your tongue against his. Kar'niss growls lowly, but you know it's not to threaten. It's want. He takes it as an invitation (which it was), and pushed his tongue past your lips. He tastes bittersweet, like the darkest sort of chocolate or cranberries. A lingering taste of iron could be tasted as well. What surprised you most was that his tongue was dexterous. . . and long. It swirls around your own, making your mouth feel full as he seems to try all he can to navigate your mouth and taste every flavor it had to offer. The mingling taste of your spit and his was dizzying. He barely let your tongue move into his mouth, likely to make sure he didn't accidentally bite or cut you with his sharp teeth. When he finally moves away, a "Hah~. . . " sort of sound left him as he exhaled. His tongue was still slick with saliva, and hung low slightly past his chin. Something that could only be described as lust filled his many eyes. His tongue moved again, licking a stripe up your throat. "More. . . I want more. . ." he purrs, and trails down your body. Wet saliva created a sheen on your body as he tongue moved over your warm skin.
You didn't stop him, especially when he hoisted your thighs over his shoulders, and pressed his face into your folds. He inhales deeply and groans loudly. He stays there a moment, inhaling your scent over and over as if he can't get enough of it. "Oh yes. . . So perfect and sweet. . . I need this pussy-" he growls, and you nearly scream from the feeling of his warm, wet tongue pushing right into you. He laps and devours, claws careful not to break the skin as he holds you still. His tongue explores and fills your greedy and wanting warmth, soft and whining moans leaving Kar'niss as he tastes you. It's as if you're the best thing he's ever tasted. . . His tongue eventually pulls back so he can lick through your folds. Kar'niss pauses, clawed thumb pulling the hood of your puffy clit back and grinning. "Ah. . . So pretty. . . wonder what this will make you do if I just. . ." he whispers, and begins to suckle on your clit. His eyes close and he moans with you, cycling between licking and sucking on the tender bud. The sounds of slurping and moaning are so lewd and loud that you're surprised that no one has woken up or heard it. But then, he suddenly pulls away when you're about to cum and looks ashamed. You would've complained, had you not noticed his expression first. ". . . Why. . . why do I feel so. . ." he whispers, and then grunts. Kar'niss covers his face with his hands as he pulls back, and you notice a slickness between two plates slightly above where his pedipalps were. A hidden slit, as it were, where a heavy slick bubbled and leaked. Was that. . . precum? Kar'niss suddenly looks embarrassed. "Don't look at me! Don't look at my shame! I didn't mean to-" You move forward, pulling Kar'niss' hands away from his face. "Whoa- hey! It's alright. . . what's going on?" you ask. Kar'niss looks away, one of his hands moving to attempt to hide his face once again, "I'm. . . aroused. . . I want to. . . I want to breed. I need to. . ." "Breed?" "Yes. . . breed. . . My kind gets very. . . excited when we are uhm. . . Sorry, True Soul . . . I do not mean to overwhelm you, especially with. . . carnal desires." "Oh . . Are you holding yourself back?" "Quite literally. . . I. . . know my anatomy. . . intimidates those who are. . . not my kind. . ." " . . . Show me." Kar'niss looks startled, "W-what?" "Show me how aroused you are. . ." With a shaky inhale, there's a squelching noise and you look down. From the hidden slit, what you can only assume is his cock moves out at a sluggish pace and stands proud. It's almost sticky looking, with precum beading and running down the shaft. The head is pointed, and the shaft curves with slight differences in thickness. It's long, just like his tongue. . . and grey in color. It's pretty, in an odd way. For a moment, you wonder how it tastes . . . and if it would all fit. It twitches in the cold air, seeking attention from you. Kar'niss looks away, his hands covering his face in shame. Before he says anything bad about himself again, you grasp his cock. A choked gasp leaves him as you experimentally pump him. Precum dribbles continuously from the tip, coating your hand in mere seconds. It's stickier than whatever is keeping his cock lubricated, like warm caramel. You lift your fingers to your mouth and taste it, and Kar'niss looks like he may implode from the sight in front of him. Sweet. Like pure melted sugar. You look at Kar'niss, deciding it would be too cruel if you didn't allow him to indulge his desires and leave him hard. He doesn't seem like the type to just- go and deal with this himself. . .
"Do you want me?" you ask, and Kar'niss nods silently with a great eagerness. You move closer to Kar'niss, and his arms wrap around you. He's warm to the touch, warmer than you expected. His pedipalps guide your legs to wrap around his "hips" as he "sits" on the ground, his cock touching the inside of your thigh. Another shaking breath leaves Kar'niss, "Let me breed you, True Soul. . . please. . . I can't hold myself back. . . I promise to be gentle, to be good, just please. . ." Oh he was too cute. . . You move so the tip presses against your opening, and Kar'niss lets out a strained noise. It's a slow stretch, but due to the lubrication on his cock, it feels nothing but natural and painless. Smooth, the entire way down. You take him, and his cockhead hits perfectly against your cervix. He moans, "Oh Gods- oh my-" He gasps before speaking again, "MMMMmmmm. . . I need to-" Kar'niss holds you like a vice, and his pedipalps act like another set of arms, guiding your hips as he thrusts at a slow pace. It's like he's afraid to pull out and be too far away from being buried in your warmth, almost grinding instead of actually thrusting back and forth. He huffs and puffs, his face pressed against your neck. "So. . . warm. . . so. . . tight. . . Hah~! Mmm . . . Forgive me, True Soul, forgive my selfishness. . . I don't deserve such a perfect pussy to breed-" he whispers against your skin, his pedipalps guiding your hips faster. Your orgasm washes over you with surprising timing, but he doesn't stop. Instead, he growls lowly as you clamp down on him. "More- more- gotta prepare-" he mumbles, his sharp teeth brushing over your neck. His grip tightens as he thrusts faster, gritting his teeth now. You're surprised he's going so fast and not yet cum, especially since he seemed to have been going through a very long dry spell.. He whines, growls, gasps, every kind of erotic noise tumbling out his throat. It's primal, instinctual, and natural for him.
His sounds mix with yours, and he shakes as he continues to fuck you hard. A second orgasm comes and goes quickly, and you're overstimulated as he brings you a third. It's only then as you clamp and gush on him for a third time that his hips finally stutter. "Have to. . . make sure. . . your quim. . . takes me well. . . must. . . satisfy. . . my love. . ." he groans, then thrusts harder. You're too far gone to understand what exactly he means by that. All you want is him, nothing else mattered. His sharp teeth dig into the soft flesh of your neck, keeping a grip on you. After a moment he pulls away and licks over the mark he made, looking proud of himself. "Yes. . . mate. . . finally. . . mate. . ." he coos, the words quiet as he nears his climax. It's overwhelming, but all the more rewarding when he finally cums. It triggers your fourth orgasm once he cums, and it only seems to intensify his own orgasm. His mouth opens in a silent scream at first, then an almost broken, crying sound leaves him as his cock throbs inside of you. It throbs several times, each time filling you with a rush of hot cum that definitely needed to be spent. A satisfying and comfortable warmth fills you, so much so that you fear it will leak out. It feels thick inside you, slightly heavy; it's oddly satisfying to feel inside you. One of Kar'niss' hands moves behind him as he gently pulls you off of his cock and down on your bedroll once more. A sticky, white and gooey substance covers Kar'niss' hand once it's back in view, and he spreads it over your spent pussy. "Don't worry . . . it's only my webbing," he mutteres, taking note of your confused face. You twitch as Kar'niss pushes the strong webbing slightly into your core, plugging his cum inside of you. He lathers the rest over the opening of your pussy and looks satisfied. "There. . . Now it's sure to take. . ." Take . . . wait a minute! Take?! You didn't even think about that. . . was it possible? You couldn't ask now! You'd have to ask Gale later- Your thoughts were interrupted as Kar'niss tenderly kissed your forehead. "Thank you, my love . . . Rest easy, you're tired. . . I will protect you from harm, as your mate. . ." he whispers, and quietly leaves your tent. You momentarily wonder if now Kar'niss would keep you here forever. You knew what "mate" implied. . . Hopefully you didn't end up breaking his heart by the end of all this. . .
~ Bonus: "So first you lick a spider, and now you fucked one? . . . I'm starting to think you have some spider kink." "I was horny and stressed, Gale! And he was very endearing!" "You slept with a drider. A horny. . . drider. That is something that happened. . . Look, I know we're friends, but know that I am extremely worried about your decision making." ". . . Also I think he made me his mate-" "I- What- TAV!"
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BG3 Matchups! & Headcanons
My Askbox is Currently Only Open for Baldur’s Gate 3 Headcanons/Matchup Requests.
BG3 Match-Up Rules Are: Give me a personality description of either you or your Tav/OC. What are they like? Their best attributes? Worst attributes? Hobbies? Likes/dislikes? Preferred gender result, or if you’d like one of each gender. And if you’d be open to a poly or monogomous answer. For matchups, the limit is one per preferred gender (so max. you could get per matchup would be two).
To copy and paste my answer from an ask, here are the Rules for Requesting BG3 Headcanons:
I’d say max requests per ask is one. Like if you want two headcanons, submit those separately.
Max. characters per request can go up to 6, but expect the more characters included, the shorter the answers per character to be. So you ask for headcanons for Gale, I might give you 3 paragraphs whereas if you ask for Gale, Wyll, and Shadowheart, I may only write 1-2 paragraphs per character in that answer.
Any kind of reader is cool: male or female or gn!reader. Can use the terms afab or amab if you'd prefer as well.
Rn the BG3 characters I’m open to including Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Wyll, Halsin, Minthara, Raphael, and Kar'niss. (I feel I have the best grasp on them personality-wise. However, if you really want someone outside of this group, submit your ask anyway, and I'll see what I can do but I can't guarantee I'll fulfill the request and that if I do answer it won't be OOC lol.)
I’ll do pretty much any topic as long as it fits within the source material. I'm a grown-ass woman who's been in fanfiction for going on over a decade so very little in fiction surprises or repulses me at this point.
Yes, poly ships x reader are totally encouraged! (Love me some poly ships!)
I’m pretty open and very inspired by BG3 rn lol, so I’ll pretty much answer any matchup you send in.
WIPS/Progress Updates:
Currently, I have 8 Asks for either Matchups or Headcanon Scenarios in my Inbox
4 WIPs as we speak
1 long-form WIP unrelated to asks but it's basically a threesome between Reader x Astarion x Halsin and I'm only a few thousand words in but I need to get it out of my system because picturing it is driving me insane lol (ya gurl thirsty af okay?)
My Other Works:
Here's my current Masterlist. It's mostly Castlevania and Monsterf*cking at this point.
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mel-0n-earth · 4 months
BG3 February Writing Challenge: Day 3
Day Three (SFW): First encounter with their love interest (LI)
Link to the original prompt list
[Again, I'm using this writing challenge as an excuse to develop some ideas I had for a Kar'niss x Tav fic. I wrote a bit about my OC Tav in my fills for Day One and Day Two.]
Shadows crawled and swirled and gripped and strangled like so many vines in a gossamer jungle of night. Yes, as did sun bring forth seed from soil, so did shadow draw the Lady’s deeds into fruition. Yet Kar’niss could not thrive in such darkness as did his Lady, no. No, no, no—it was his Majesty’s light that guided him through throngs of gloom and rot to seek out followers anew, to lead the acolytes to her temple atop the moonlit tower. He would do as she asked, for as long as she asked. What more had he than her voice like molten gold in his fractured mind?
She spoke to him now—whispers crawling like spiderlings, or more aptly, wriggling like a worm. Lead, it said. Lead them to the tower. And pleased he was to appease his Mistress.
Then a shadow, a flicker in a corner, leaving a trace like the smoking wick of a snuffed candle. Something was here, waiting, watching. For whom? Or what, for that matter?
The Lady bristled.
“’Ere, web arse, something moved up there,” the goblin said, voice crunching like tiny bones. “Want me to drag it out?”
A glimmer, a flash in his mind, like branches of lightning connecting in the sky and driving earthward in a shower of spark and dirt. Then, a figure where shadow once was, a sole figure standing defiant amidst the gloom—no, no, not any soul. True soul.  
Such a strange sight to decipher in the dark—neither male nor female, drow but not drow. Such an oddity would be lost in the rank and file of Menzoberranzan, swallowed in the limen of their placelessness. A rancid giggle escaped his throat, cackling, keening.
“Such a strange servant you have chosen, my Queen. Yet even drow have folded in your dark. How have they survived? Where is their lantern?”
A raised brow, a downturned mouth, reading, measuring, deciding. And yet, unafraid. Strange to see, so very strange.
“The Absolute guided me here,” they declared (such assurance to their voice—warm, regal even. Even if Kar’niss could not decipher their place in the grand design, yet it seemed this one knew it well, wore it like a mantle). “She said I was to take yours.”
Oh, how his mind spun with that. Loyal he had remained, yet loyalty hardly bore the same weight as survival—such a word, survival, the Underdark had brought him to loathe it.
Survival—he’d said once before, in another life. One loses something when their existence is reduced to such a trite notion. Why survive when I could live?
FOOL, fool he was. The spider bitch had not liked that—no, not at all. Blessed was he to stumble into his Majesty’s light. Better off he was crawling on eight legs on the surface than on all fours before the noble Houses of Menzoberranzan.
Yet her voice was silent now. Surely, if she objected, his Lady would say so? Was he to take her silence as acceptance? A confirmation of truth? It seemed so…
“Very well. If it is your will, they can have it.”
A glint in violet eyes, pale and glowing in the dark, like quartz in dark stone, a precious thing born of the very earth. Once, he might’ve written a song about such a lovely thing, plucked it from the vestiges of his long-shattered lyre—no more. That fool was long dead, back bowed and broken to beastly form. Only the servant remained.
“Good,” their voice came once more (no, not a mantle—more a sovereign’s ring, to be honored with a gentle hand, a touch of lips, a gesture of gratitude for having briefly brushed with such splendor). “You may go now.”
A pit formed in his stomach, large and cavernous.
“Go?!” the goblin screeched. “Whatcha mean go?”
“We can’t go without you,” the orc pleaded. “The shadows would tear us to pieces!”
Kar’niss hesitated—only for a moment. Then, a snarl, a drawing of brows, anger brewed with confusion to boil in his belly. “This is not her Majesty’s will,” he hissed, all seven eyes burning in his skull-cage.
The not-drow’s eyes narrowed, striking him like a holy beacon in the dark. “The Absolute wants you to go,” they hissed, serpent-like, deadly and exquisite in equal measure. “Now.”
The voice did not sound as his Lady’s did, yet it struck a similar chord in his fractured mind—reason in the madness, harmony among the discord, beauty amidst ugliness. He would bow to it. He would obey.
“If it is her majesty’s will—”
“You can’t be serious!” the brute fool of an orc shouted. “You know what’s out there!”
Righteous anger blazed through him, devouring sense in its wake. The words fell sharp from his tongue, like daggers buried in a corpse. Did they not see? They were under their Lady’s scrutiny. This was a test—one he did not plan to fail, for he had already suffered the full extent of his failures. “If it is her majesty’s will,” he seethed, throat bubbling with delirium, “Then we. Shall. WALK!”—
--a blinking of many eyes, their fragile figures kaleidoscopic in his vision, copies upon copies of doomed and daunted faces regarding him with disbelief. Yet he would not be swayed. They had spoken—his Majesty had spoken—
“She will protect us,” he said, voice wrapping around his own fear like a child’s blanket. “She must.”
He cast aside his Lady’s light, and crawled stumbling into the choking dark.
As the shadows slit him open, boring their tendrils into the last dredges of his sanity, he felt life slip from between his clawed and blackened fingers. Close, so close was he to his death, his salvation. It would all be over soon, the Lady’s shadows would consume his disgraced form, and silence would settle over the scattered fragments of his mind.
But it seems he would be granted no such mercy. Instead, a voice came to him, slithering and familiar.
I’m not done with you yet, my pet, the Spider Queen crooned from out the Demonweb. It would be far more fun to see how thoroughly they might break you.
Kar’niss’s eyes went wide, and a scream tore his throat as the shadows dissipated and his body began the process of slowly, agonizingly, knitting itself back together.
The fool’s journey, it seemed, had only just begun.
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
Gods and Goddesses usually have some type of portfolios attached to them. I love the idea that last anon had with your femme!Tav helping out Kar'niss molting... What about any events after that moment? What kind of Goddess do you think he would see Tav as? It's interesting too how every deity he has worshipped has also been feminine coded---if Lolth demanded cyclical strife and the Absolute demanded utter subjugation to feel her embrace...
What would he see that good-aligned Tav as? A goddess of mercy? A martyr? A saviour?
OoOOoo y'all out here feeding me filet mignon. *rubs hands together*
A good-aligned female Tav would be a radiant force, a beacon of brilliant light shining across a dark and stormy sea. Kar’niss is trapped in a violent monsoon, assaulted by ferocious gales and unforgiving rains, scarcely treading the water that holds him hostage. Kar'niss has no shortage of dark clouds brewing above, a swirling miasma of trauma and abuse that follow him around anywhere he goes. At first she would struggle, running into invisible walls at every turn. She may even witness Kar'niss being swept away by the tides of his own self-loathing, bashed against the jagged rocks of the shoreline, so close to salvation yet always just out of reach.
She would be the only one who could provide a lifeline to prevent him from being swept out to sea by the torrential waves slated to drown him at a moments notice. Little by little she would pull him closer to safety until the line inevitably comes under pressure and snaps, yanking Kar'niss away mere inches from grabbing her outstretched hand. This push and pull would be a constant point of contention between the pair. It would become easier to find compromise as Kar'niss learned to trust her incandescence to be a good thing rather than another woman poised to strap a yoke around his neck.
Until one day after months of strife and struggle, Kar'niss breaks free from the cyclone of doubt and conjures every ounce of strength he has left to reach for that hand of mercy. His palm claps into her own to hold on for dear life, the sea threatening to take him back at every turn. She yanks him away from the whirlpool he'd been trapped in for so long, dragging him to sandy shores where he might know true respite. The thunderous clouds that had suffocated his vision for eons finally part and reveal a beautiful landscape once obscured from his sights. Rolling hills of green, lush fields of wildflowers, towering oak trees thick with supple leaves, things that had been there all along but he could never see. Exhausted, worn down yet relieved, he finds the courage to look up at his savior, the one who never gave up on him even when all hope seemed lost.
From his lowered position on the sand he sees her. She is not shrouded by the crimson tendrils of Lolth, nor is she consumed by the dark violet fog of the Absolute. Rather, she is bathed in golden light, aided by the rising sun over the horizon. Her expression is warm and inviting, her touch is delicate and gentle, her honeyed voice akin to an angelic choir, unworthy for the ears of mortal men. She is salvation incarnate, mercy untold, love everlasting. Her very aura radiates warmth and security, hypnotizing him, drawing him to her like a moth to the flame. Her glowing silhouette burns into his retinas to cement her as his new Goddess, his only path to ascension and acceptance.
She has done the one thing neither Lolth nor the Absolute dared to—love him. She loved him without strings, she loved him without the demand for subservience, she loved him regardless of his misshapen form, she loved him through his trauma, and she loved him when the storm was at it’s worst. Her beacon never flickered, never waned, never threatened to extinguish even through the heaviest downpour. Her strength motivated Kar’niss to find his own, to pull himself from the riptide that thrashed him around his entire life. Kar’niss would follow her to the ends of the earth and back again. His sweet nightingale of benevolence and truth.
His Majesty.
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karniss-bg3 · 9 months
Hello and welcome!
My name is Adrian and I've been writing for 20+ years. This is a fan blog for the drider in Baldur’s Gate 3, Kar’niss. You can expect to find fanfiction, art, theorycrafting and general praise for the character. There may also be other BG3 related content mixed in. If you have arachnophobia or are generally freaked out by spiders this may not be the space for you. I am 30+ and this blog is for adults only. Minors please do not interact.
My Writing Tag: This contains all of the fanfics I’ve written as well as writing advice speckled throughout.
Answered Ask Tag: This tag has all of the asks I’ve answered which may cross over with the writing tag. This can include theorycrafting and drow lore.
Ko-Fi: This is available for donations if folks are so inclined and this is completely optional. I do want to stress that all content on this blog will remain publicly available in perpetuity absolutely free of charge! I just enjoy having other folks to geek out with about Kar’niss, no paywalls necessary.
AO3: My AO3 account has all of the writing I've done for the blog mirrored over there. If you prefer another format other than tumblr that is a good alternative.
Please read on for my rules and ask box preferences.
Ask Box Status: Open
Writing Prompts/Requests: Closed
-This blog contains spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3! I try to tag these as best as possible but I can’t guarantee someone will be able to avoid everything. If you are worried about spoilers I highly encourage finishing your first play through before following.
-While this blog tackles adult themes I don’t write hardcore NSFW content. Suggestive themes are fine but anything that is aggressively sexual won’t be replied.
-I don’t write torture fics, please don’t request these. Injuries, wounds or something that could happen in battle are fine.
-Make sure to include request type (see below) if you’re seeking a specific response. If they aren’t present then I will default to the closest answer I feel is being implied. For example, if you want a writing prompt but don’t include the request type, I may default to an OOC answer.
-All prompts are written as close to the characters personality as I can manage. I try to keep things realistic but there are times I’ll go off script for fluff purposes.
-I typically write either male! Tav x Kar'niss or gender neutral! Tav x Kar'niss. I am not the best at writing female Tav's but if the request inspires me then I might be able to. Just keep in mind it's not my typical flair. If no gender is specified then I will write in gender neutral terms.
-I try to respond as fast as possible. Writing prompts can take time to get to depending on where the inspiration level is at the time. I appreciate your patience.
Request Types:
Writing Prompt: Add this to the start of your ask if you wish for me to write a fanfic on the subject requested. If no gender is specified I will write in gender-neutral terms. Prompts/Writing requests are currently closed.
IC: Add this to the start of your ask if your Tav is speaking to Kar’niss directly and he will respond. These replies will be shorter than fics. If no gender is given for your Tav then the response will be as if they were gender-neutral.
No request type is required for general questions or statements.
Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or comments please send me an ask or message. I appreciate your continued support. Let the drider army rise!
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How many characters can we request for scenarios or headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader, etc? Which characters of Baldur's Gate 3 would you do? Are there any topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc? Do you do poly ships x reader? What are your rules for match ups? Thank you in advance!
I'd say max requests per ask is one.
Max. characters per request can go up to 6, but expect the more characters included, the shorter the answers per character to be.
Any kind of reader is cool: male or female or gn!reader.
Rn the BG3 characters I'm open to including Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Wyll, Halsin, Minthara, Raphael, and Kar'niss.
I'll do pretty much any topic as long as it fits within the source material.
Yes, poly ships x reader are totally encouraged! (Love me some poly ships!)
Match-Up Rules Are: Give me a personality description of either you or your Tav/OC. What are they like? Their best attributes? Worst attributes? Hobbies? Likes/dislikes? Preferred gender result, or if you'd like one of each gender. And if you'd be open to a poly or monogomous answer.
I'm pretty open and very inspired by BG3 rn lol, so I'll pretty much answer any matchup you send in.
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