aquariclione · 2 years
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[ID: 6 horizontal striped flag. colors from top to bottom are, magenta, pink, light blue, bluish-purple, purple, dark purple. end ID]
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girlact / femact - a gender that acts like a girl, or acts feminine, but in reality is not a girl or feminine in any way
if someone has coined this please let me know
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losergendered · 8 days
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ID: a set of 18 images in 9 pairs. each has one image of the listed centaurworld character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Horse from Centaurworld is a girlfail, girlfuck, transolar, genderalblanc, genderfaean, soflowic knight femme soldier with PTSD!
Her best friend Wammawink is a gigglegender, femact, meadowpreciparomic, anxiefem, delicaret, pinkcesscandi, ethererosic, convoheartic, sarpifaicorian, gendersylphet, futchgender, rivlerian, sapphoric, gastrafaeri pussycat chemme who uses she/her, they/them, yey/yem, lil/lily, and mae/mair pronouns! They have PTSD and hoard xenogenders to cope with their anxiety!
Zulius is a GNC, flamboric, crilxlygender, princeinfluencer, apollemian, hypertwink, raveziv, helifemme, femitransmascic, femprettyboy, torfemnic, turian bat/melodramatic twink! Hae use h♛/h♛m, cor/coroa, ro/rose, hae/hael, sie/sier, avi/avis, and no/noble pronouns!
Splendib is a high femme, pantherabutchis, kcttygender, femwaymasc, pantheric, solporcat, warsunial, lumisoul, royalvillainic, follifaeren, solahealine, castleconfettic, catzzzgender, cabaxygender, iridesdulcic, gaybitend bear who uses sol/sols, ti/tig, stripe/stripes, roar/roars, claw/claws, yawn/yawns, ae/aer, flor/flors, ir/irs, sta/star, and ro/royal pronouns!
Splendib and Zulius both have NPD, and are dating!
Glendale is a compliaro, lavenderian, intrafemmasc, justdoquoteic, gendermushthing, invinostaplaycore, egogender, acxygender, ontfille, alianeutre, whateverian maverique who uses any pronouns! _ has GAD, OCD, and kleptomania!
Chett is a neurodivergent, poly-het, boxyigender birdtaur with anger issues and undiagnosed PTSD and ADHD!
Comfortable Doug is a soft butch, nbiavir, oriwandic, unreloveian, neumaloumnine, foggyagin, dasoboy, aesonbimasc, crelloxigender, abandex, stoical, grossfreak, genderless transmasc, quoisexual, nebularomantic, dayoverian, trixic romeric thing who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, xai/xais, qt/qt, vey/vem, & spiri/spir pronouns! Vey have autism!
Durpleton is a hunkish, omnichromanite, jestericbell, sillyshowkidcorian, crezvaygender, chaokixygender, tooncomedic, sillygoofygender, autithing clutterboy! He is an autistic age regressor with ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder!
His son Stabby is a twistute, kiddiedraconic, pasclownbunplushic, sillylittlenic, nonbinary presquoy who uses hy/hym, ‘e/’im, si/silly, and fwu/fwus pronouns! ‘E is autistic, has PTSD and nighttime anxiety!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Hello ! I hope it's okay that I'm in anon.
I'm just wondering if there are gender identities (coined I mean) relating to being comfortable with girl words (i don't know how to describe this) and pronouns while still not feeling at all like a girl. I know it can be like that with any gender identity beside being a girl but it's a very specific feeling I have sometimes (my gender is fluid), so I'm trying to see if there's a word to describe the feeling.
Thanks and have a good day!
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(Girl/gal/woman/female)connec is a gender in which one feels connected with the girl/gal/woman/female label, but does not identify as one.
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Girlact / Femact is a gender that acts like a girl, or acts feminine, but in reality is not a girl or feminine in anyway.
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Agxrly (ay-girl-lee), may also be referred to as gxrly-boy/man; gxrly-nonbinary. A queer man or nonbinary person who uses traditionally feminine terms to refer to themselves :(girl / girlfriend, wife, queen, etc.) One might use these terms exclusively OR not, they might just refer to themselves as these words just for fun sometimes.
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Girlexic is a xenogender connected to the word girl and/or for people who identify as girls while not identifying as a woman or with femininity.
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Labelfem is a term for when your gender is not fem, female aligned, and/or feminine, but you are okay with and use feminine/female/female aligned labels and terms.
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femininehq · 4 years
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You are welcome back at any time with open arms !   If there are any issues,  do not hesitate sending a message/ask off anon into the main. 
MADCHEN AMICK is now an available FC  ( due to FC change ).
LEE BO-YOUNG is now an available FC  ( due to account not being sent in )
ELIZABETH HURLEY  is now an unavailable FC.
The hiatus page has been UPDATED.
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roraimabrasil-blog · 6 years
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Cultura de Roraima A cultura de Roraima apresenta forte influência indígena. Entretanto, é marcada também pela influência dos colonizadores, e também pelos mestiços que habitam e habitaram a região. O artesanato é um dos marcos centrais da cultura, num misto de Nordeste com povos nativos. A dança tem sua origem em grupos folclóricos de boi-bumba e citandas. Entretanto, são notáveis também grupos de dança clássica e moderna.
A Academia Roraimense de Letras representa a literatura do estado, que vê, na musica, o Movimento Roraimeira como marca registrada da terra.
O Museu integrado de Roraima, em Boa Vista, capital do estado, foi inaugurado em 13 de fevereiro de 1986.um museu público estadual e mantido pela Fundação de Meio Ambiente, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Roraima (FEMACT).
A dança em Roraima tem sua origem em grupos folclóricos de boi-bumbá e cirandas. Entretanto, são notáveis também grupos de dança clássica e moderna. A maior entidade cultural voltada ao ensino da dança clássica é a Escola de Balé Cristina Rocha, responsável pela formação de grande parte dos bailarinos e dançarinos que atuam na capital, Boa Vista. Na época das festas populares, há diversos grupos de dança regional em atuação, com destaque para os Cangaceiros do Tianguá, que têm coreografias baseadas em elementos regionais amazônicos música roraimense possui uma grande variedade de ritmos e harmonias. Sua origem remonta à variedade de etnias e povos que viveram e vivem no estado. Desta forma, há grupos de cantos indígenas e caboclos. Música regional é chamada Roraimeira.
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gaboninfoslive · 4 years
SOCIETE: Cérémonie de lancement de l’application mobile WANTO
SOCIETE: Cérémonie de lancement de l’application mobile WANTO
Soutenue par l’Ambassade de France au Gabon, l’ONG FEMACT a lancé officiellement à Libreville, le 24 janvier 2019 dernier, son application mobile WANTO : une nouvelle application numérique en faveur des jeunes relative à la santé sexuelle et de la reproduction ainsi qu’aux droits des femmes.
L’application WANTO a pour objectif d’informer, de sensibiliser et d’éduquer un public jeune à la santé…
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archtechulture-blog · 13 years
Tratamento de esgoto em casa
Em Boa Vista, Roraima, o sistema de tratamento de esgoto está em fase de ampliação e enquanto não fica pronto foi feito um by-pass que despeja os resíduos biológicos sem tratamento, no Rio Branco, o maior rio da cidade. De acordo com a Folha de Boa Vista, a resolução 357 do Conama, cita: "...os efluentes de qualquer fonte poluidora somente poderão ser lançados, direta ou indiretamente, nos corpos de água, após o devido tratamento..." e no artigo 25  diz que "...é vedado o lançamento e a autorização de lançamento de efluentes em desacordo com as condições e padrões estabelecidos nesta Resolução."
A Caer (Companhia de Águas e Esgotos de Roraima) informa que o lançamento de esgoto no rio é necessário para a ampliação do sistema de coleta de esgotos de Boa Vista e a FEMACT (Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente, Ciência e Tecnologia) declara que o estudo realizado pelo PCA comprova a capacidade de depuração do Rio Branco e que o lançamento de esgoto no rio será apenas até a recuperação da Estação de Tratamento. Pesquisadores dizem que não é possível comprovar se haverá ou não impacto e que o rio de qualquer forma sofrerá algum tipo de alteração química na sua água.
Vemos então um impasse em todas as direções, e seguindo o mesmo pensamento do fornecimento de energia, acredito que ao invés de reclamarmos do governo e ficarmos parados, poderíamos agir de dentro pra fora, ou seja, ao invés de aguardar o término das obras e ver o rio sendo contaminado, porque não cada um tratar o esgoto da própria casa?
Não tenho idéia do valor mas independente disso tenho certeza que vale a pena. O sistema de tratamento Family reduz a matéria orgânica presente no esgoto (DBO) de 90% a 96% deixando a água tratada e desinfetada, pronta para ser reutilizada para fins não potáveis, como irrigação de jardins, vasos sanitários, lavagem de quintal e automóveis, ou ser devolvida ao meio ambiente sem risco de contaminação ou poluição. Orçamento pode ser solicitado no site.
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allfresh-blog · 13 years
FemAct yaitaka serikali iwajibike mabomu ya Gongo la Mboto
yaitaka serikali iwajibike mabomu ya Gongo la Mboto:Mbali na wito huo, FemAct imetaka pia Baraza la http://bit.ly/eZ7WV8
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losergendered · 7 months
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ID: a set of 8 images in 4 pairs. each has one image of the listed muppets character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Gonzo from The Muppets Show is an autistic, hyperempathetic, nixpangi, gibberishstimmic, nindyne, genderqueer, transneumascfem, weirdbeing, chaostix, genderfunny, sillyesque, thingperspesque, fluxpercimale loserthing with ADHD and special interests in daredevil stunts, explosives, cannons, and performing, and he uses he/him, it/its, thing/thing’s, boom/booms, Gonzo/Gonzo's, and we/weirdo pronouns!
It is good friends with Kermit The Frog, an autistic, binonmanswitch, fem transmasc, frobloomgender, greenpresentic binary green-boy vernipondic, mosscoric, frogcoric, frogtix, darcian, fem 2 masc, gwanwynfluid, T4TW/T4TF, malewifemascic, transmasc gaybian with OCD and generalized anxiety disorder who's prone to explosive outburst and relies on Gonzo to calm ribbet down; he uses he/him, ao/aos, ribbet/ribbets, and hop/hops pronouns!
Kermit is married to Miss Piggy, a femmetalgender, girlbossfemic, femintire, masc transfem, loverighter, feingender, müllerian, cerisic, julietian, genderqueer femme, genderselkie, girlflux boygirl, femact, helianfemme, amorsiable, artdecoaesic, T4TM, binaryn’t gal with low empathy and BPD! She uses she/her, shi/hyr, fey/feir, and kir/kira pronouns, and her favourite muppet is Kermit! 
Kermit and Miss Piggy are raising their adopted nephew Robin The Frog, an autistic, transtidal, nocstuffic, adorafaun, parsummria boy with social anxiety, misophonia, and PTSD! They have a special interest in frog scouts and swamps, and they use he/him and they/them pronouns! Robin often refers to Gonzo as their "Auncle Gonzo"!
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femininehq · 4 years
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You are welcome back at any time with open arms !   If there are any issues,  do not hesitate sending a message/ask off anon into the main.
Dua Lipa, Ana de Armas are now available FCs  ( due to blog not being sent in )
Alicia Vikander is now an available FC.  Please UNFOLLOW @vicxcarlsscn​  ( due to no intro post )
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greedforher · 5 years
So Far, 2019 Gets A Big, Fat F…For FEMALE
What we see happening in our nation’s capitol is exciting, and if we women stay fierce and true to ourselves, we can change the world for the better. Especially if we call a motherfucker out for being a motherfucker.
United States (FemAct) – It’s not usually my modus operandi to crow about the achievements of women in a vacuum. Oh, there’s a woman named CEO of a Fortune 500 company? That’s fabulous, but let me break out the champagne when women helm 255 of those companies. While representation matters, it is meaningless if it doesn’t sustain real change.
Welcome to the new members of Congress, who only four…
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greedforher · 6 years
On the Edge, In Between, Off Kilter
We’re simultaneously unraveling and coming together. This piece beautifully expresses just that
(FemAct) – I’m feeling the surface tension between truths.
Yesterday, I picked my children up from school and bought them hot chocolate mix from United Dairy Farmers on the way home. We got the last box of plain hot chocolate, and there were no marshmallows to buy. I asked the cashier if she had any marshmallows in the ice cream bar that she could put in a cup and sell to us. She ended up giving…
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greedforher · 6 years
Tree of Life Synagogue Massacre and the Dangerous Roots of Anti-Semitism
History is peppered with various rulers inviting Jews, who had no homeland, in as citizens and then cutting them out when convenient.
United States (FemAct) – Before I delve into the mass murder by a terrorist at the Tree of Life Synagogue on the morning of October 27th, 2018, you need to know what I believe as a Jew:
My G-d is a G-d of vengeance, seeking justice and retribution. Healing cannot begin until the wrongs are addressed, and the ones hurt are held within their community’s heart. In this belief system, love is kind,…
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gaboninfoslive · 7 years
SOCIAL: Mise en œuvre du programme PISCCA – L’Ambassade de France accompagne l’ONG FEMACT dans le lancement de son projet
SOCIAL: Mise en œuvre du programme PISCCA – L’Ambassade de France accompagne l’ONG FEMACT dans le lancement de son projet
Dès le 13 octobre 2017, dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du programme PISCCA, l’Ambassade de France au Gabon, par le biais de son service de coopération et d’action culturelle (SCAC), a participé à une réunion organisée par l’ONG FEMACT, lauréate de l’appel à projets PISCCA. Cette rencontre a permis d’expliquer comment se déroulera l’accompagnement offert par les services de l’Ambassade au…
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