#fel magic
eepoxdraws · 1 year
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1, 2, 3, Action!
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
Dissonantia's Attempts at Immortality
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Dissonantia’s main goal is to avoid death. Originally, she had made a pact with a demon in order to gain the power to consume souls to extend her own lifespan, but since then she’s expanded her research to either reverse her own aging so that she can pass as a young woman again in human form or to become a creature that does not age at all anymore, thus freeing her from her dependence on souls.
What follows are her attempts at extending her lifespan, indefinitely or otherwise, taken from her notes on the subject.
Consumption of Souls via Fel Magic
Attempted: Year 65 BFW (Before First War)
Inspiration: Taught to her by Quzgup, the imp she made her first pact with.
Notes: “Well, it works to a degree. I stop aging, but that’s it. I just stop aging! I’m still old as godsdamn dirt! Whats more, without a regular diet of souls I’ll start to age again and die! Animal souls work okay for a few days, a couple months at most for the bigger ones… but if I want to keep going I need souls from shit that walks on two legs. That could get… awkward. Near as I can figure, human (or at least humanoid) souls keep me going for a few years each. Animals are a few months for big shit like bears to a few weeks or days for smaller stuff.
“When I start to ‘starve’ it feels like some sort of cold hole in my gut opening up… its pretty damn unpleasant to say the least. I try to avoid that by setting live traps around my house for animals. If nothing else, they’ll do until I can lure in some human or catch a hunter who wandered into the wrong part of the forest.”
Ascension to an Elemental Being via infusion of Elemental Essences
Attempted: Year 28 AFW (After First War)
Inspiration: During her early days with the Alliance she witnessed a Twilight’s Hammer cultist become an Elemental Ascendant during a ritual, becoming seemingly ageless.
Notes: “Well, it definitely makes them stop aging, but it also makes them susceptible to control from the four elemental lords, arseholes like Deathwing, or even bloody shaman! I’m not about to take immortality if it means I’m Therezane’s bitch for the rest of eternity!”
Consumption of Sha-Corrupted Souls to Induce Permanent Demonic Transformation
Attempted: Year 30 AFW
Inspiration: During the Pandaria campaign she discovered that souls corrupted by the Sha became much more potent, extending her life for twice as long as normal and even enhancing her demonic powers. The Sha themselves though were totally useless for this as they didn’t have souls to consume.
Notes: “Came close that time… but it wouldn’t last. I could turn into a demon on a diet of Sha-infected souls, but the side effects… Not to mention I couldn't change ENTIRELY back! Bleeding horns are still here. I don’t think they ARE going away! Oh Dareley is going to be a total arsehole about that…”
“Even still, its never going to happen now. Since we sorted out Garrosh the Heart of Y’shaarj is just so much beef jerky. There’s still sha lingering here and there in Pandaria, but nowhere near enough. Best just move on.”
Immortality via drinking Demon Blood
Considered: 31 AFW (Azeroth Calendar,) 2 IH (Iron Horde, second year, Draenor Calendar)
Inspiration: Meeting Gul’dan under the Dark Portal during the battle of Tannan Jungle and being able to observe, however briefly, his power as a warlock.
Notes: “I’d never considered attempting this before as drinking demon blood binds you to the will of the demon, for all the power it gives you. Like I said earlier, I don’t wanna be anyone’s slave. I did try some alchemy with Shalandrae’s help after convincing her that I was trying to find a way to undo fel corruption (I can’t believe she bought that) but… well… no dice. Either the alchemy failed to purge that effect or it worked too well and reduced the demon blood to a toxic sludge that would have just poisoned anyone who drank it.”
Immortality via Infusion of Azerite
Attempted: 33 AFW (first year of the Fourth Great War)
Inspiration: Azerite had recently been discovered and was the new great weapon. Everyone wanted it, everyone wanted to use it.
Notes: “Bloody fel that was a terrible idea! Week and a half of pure misery! Titan blood is the antithesis of demon blood and I’m lucky that it just laid me up in Boralus with stomach cramps and the shits instead of making me explode or something! Note to self: Pay bloody attention to the domains such power comes from next time. Titans are Order, Fel is Disorder. DO. NOT. MIX!”
“Addendum: I’m beginning to doubt that the Azerite actually was Titan blood… given what we found in Zereth Mortis it seems like whatever the fuck Azeroth is, it ain’t a bloody Titan. Remember this for later, may be useful in the future.”
Immortality via Regular Infusions of Anima
Attempted: 35 AFW
Inspiration: After entering the Shadowlands she discovered the resource known as Anima and that the  Venthyr were master manipulators of it. They share many attributes with the san’layn of the Scourge and are often hundreds or thousands of years old.
Notes: “FINALLY! Bloody fucking fel FINALLY! Anima, all this time trying to stay outta the realm of Death and it was the one place I’d find what I wanted! Anima was the key all along. Eating souls stops aging, but its like eating raw meat, not exactly great for you. By comparison, Anima is like a well cooked steak, much better for you and much more nutritious. So long as I have regular infusions, and I will thanks to what I got set up now, I’ll stay young forever!”
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shadowsuicune · 1 year
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Oh no I got art of my Demon Hunter
So I’ve been Getting back into WoW..and well since my Main classes are either Death Knight or Demon hunter..I figured I’d decide to stick to one for main as far as gearing and just dress the other one up...
so here’s Nythenya Dusksorrow, my Demon Hunter..Its skimpy since it was mostly a Tattoo Reference, His tattoos Draw Inspiration from ysera, and his former Life as a Druid before it all.
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kumapillow · 1 year
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⌒( ・・ )⌒ パタパタ
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warlordfelwinter · 6 months
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i don't have anything to say about this just. you know.
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mythical-art · 4 months
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Niobe transformed into the Weeping Rock (colour litho) by Artus Scheiner
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They say I'm not so good with circles. Or air. Or control. But I can still blast your ass to the end of days if you're not careful, so!
- Derivative High Fantasy Adventuring Duo
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whiskey-trio · 1 year
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Need to share these kaitos that fel ( @destructix ) drew, they’re so important
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posting these because i still love how they turned out
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lyssa-ink · 7 months
Happy blorbo blursday!! Your OCs are playing monopoly today! (Or some other similar board game.) Who goes mad with power, who starts threatening bodily harm, and who goes bankrupt within just a few rounds?
Fel is the bank, desperately trying to keep things calm. Lar was required to leave his sword outside the room before they started playing but when he pulled a card that sent him to jail he did burn it a little with magic. However he's still more chill than Niara and Faris who are engaging in monopoly strategy more intense than you thought possible. Anytime someone lands on someone else's property Fel readies herself to tackle an angry mage before they blow something up
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
Dissonantia's Lair
The location of the hidden lair of the Witch of the Blackwald would be worth quite a bit of favors or gold from Avalon and Savage United, but just knowing the location is not enough. Dissonantia has spent her career with Avalon securing her sanctum and arranging for several rather nasty traps and other dangers to befall any who try to follow her back, even going so far as to curse the very path so that any she has not granted passage to (only demons she has permanently bonded to via a demonic pact) will become confused and lost along the path, heightening their chances of stumbling into one of her traps.
Her sanctum resides deep within the Twisting Nether and is heavily defended, nevermind the fact that any who did infiltrate run the risk of encountering the worgen and her demon allies which would put their life and soul at considerable risk to say the least.
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A: Soul Shard Stockpile
Dissonantia is a firm believer of saving some resources for a rainy day and has been stockpiling soul shards ever since she regained her sanity in the early days of the Cataclysm. While she subsists on Anima to keep herself immortal and young she needs a soul to extract and refine the Anima from, thus the soul shards. Whenever her supplies run low she takes a shard to her hidden refinery in the Shadowlands and uses the device there to drain the anima from them for her consumption, the refinery acting as both wine cellar and torture chamber for her.
B: Body… disposal
Being in the Twisting Nether does have some perks, and Dissonantia makes use of them. While she consumes souls, the bodies don’t go anywhere and sometimes she needs to have her minions disappear one back to her lair. Sometimes she’ll use bits for her spells, but more often than not they get chucked into the lava pool surrounding her sanctum.
C: Dissonantia’s Cauldron
The centerpiece of her sanctum and one of her most important tools, the shimmering waters of her cauldron are used in a manner akin to a mage’s crystal ball, allowing her to spy on her enemies, namely the members of Avalon and Savage United, as well as Azeroth in general. She could spy on other worlds as well, but she has no reason to do so.
D: Az’arad’s Arsenal
Az’arad is Dissonantia’s Wrathguard and while he favors a double-headed broadaxe he actually has several to choose from. He keeps the spares here, sharp and ready to use at any time.
E: Dissonantia and Cennon’s arsenal
In addition to the last one, both Dissonatia and Cenoon make use of tools as well. Dissonantia has some scythes, daggers, staves, and other things to use as spell foci while Cenoon favors torture implements like whips, flails, and the like, or swords and daggers.
F: Dissonantia’s Throne
When she has nothing better to do, Dissonantia will simply rest here and plot her way forward. Next to the throne are what remains of two demons who used to call her sanctum home before Dissonantia claimed it for herself.
G: Portal to the Shadowlands
This is the portal that Dissonantia set up to take her to her hidden refinery in the Shadowlands where her Anima Supply is hidden. She spent great effort finding a secure and well-hidden location far out in the depths of the Great Empty and if one were to find a way to destroy it or the portal somehow she would be cut off from her Anima supply… and whoever did it would immediately be the target of the witch’s wrath. If you listen close, you can still hear the screams of the draenei soul she used to create it.
H: Dissonantia’s Bed
While she is a powerful warlock, she still has a biological body and such things do eventually require sleep. Her demons are pactbound to not harm her, though Cenoon has attempted a few times to seduce his way into her bed. He stopped when Dissonantia not only threatened to castrate him, but almost made good on her threat. Cenoon sulked for a week before Dissonantia dragged a virgin elf woman back to the sanctum to placate him. Cenoon found the elf’s eyes quite lovely, he still has them somewhere in the sanctum preserved in pickle brine.
I: Summoning Circle
Dissonantia has few permanent allies save for her three demons, but she established a summoning circle on the off chance she needs to make a pact with something else. Though lately the circle has seen some use. She’s been watching the Dragon Isles and feels she may need some additional firepower for that…
J: Portal to Azeroth
Dissonantia has established this portal in order to lead back to Azeroth. She has several exits/entrances established in various locales (a hidden grove in the Blackwald, somewhere deep in the Dread Wastes of Pandaria, a cave in the Borean Tundra, etc) but her favored portal is in a secluded cave in the Blasted Lands, the same one she performed the ritual to summon and bind Az’arad during the Cataclysm. Call her sentimental…
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emuwarum · 11 months
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Through gritted teeth “why yes, I do love drawing my oc species with weird anatomy”. Why do I do this to myself
why did I make this one subspecies so weird. Not enough I have to draw four wings in addition to claws, but I gotta connect the wings to each other and now there’s six of them cause this species partially split off a third set of wings?
they are fun to daydream about, not so much fun to draw
#Emu does art#so these are the new Linfel!#they run over savanna’s and big open areas#and use their wings to catch the wind and run even faster#they can’t really fly anymore but who needs to when you run That Fast#they are also one of the tallest of the Fel species#the shortest include Serinfel Aikfel and the small ones of Lafel#And then the tall Lafel (they’re two species with very different sizes but they both go by the same name) and these Linfel are the tallest#species#in the middle sizes you’ve got Anfel and the as of yet unnamed Fel species that are the relatives of Aikfel#another smallest species are the species before Aikfel. Who lived on the ice caps of Anla#and then when the great migration/evacuation to Aika happened they changed to adapt back to ravines and caves#and got somewhat bigger#because man those ravines on Aika are huge#huge enough for giant trees to grow out the sides#the cave Fel are the relatives of the ice cap ones but way tougher#a smaller wingspan than Anfel but same height and their wing claws are long enough to make up the difference#they are ambush predators and use magic to invisible on the ceiling#then drop down and big claw#the Aikfel are the same but instead of dropping#they make a big trap and then hang down from the ceiling#and the trap lines are attached to their claws so they can just pull and goodbye friend#if they’re old enough the wing claws don’t stop growing#so they just have big claws reaching on the floor and bam. multiple giant knives#I love my Fel
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year
The sun rises on a new day - golden fingers of light creeping along the lush greenery of the Isles bit by bit - a nervous lover's first gentle, exploring touches... and as it reaches me, it should alight the remains of a battlefield... and yet... all is silent save for the cries of the jungle's denizens.
The magma pit around which the Primalists conducted their business saves me from having to suffer the stench of rot, and death as I bask - as the cat that got the canary - in the pale light of dawn from which my family must have taken their name.
And I can't help but think that it's lonely.
I dislike that word, however - it lends the wrong sort of connotation to my situation in others' eyes - I say 'lonely', and what would another think? That I just... crave friendship, or a lover?
It's about more than that. Because naturally, yes - it is a lonely existence, mine. Not a one friend, and no one brave enough to do more than fetishize my darkness, and state of being - but even deeper down, past the superficiality of connection?
I am alone in who, and what I am.
Who can understand me? Who can understand what it is to wield the Light - something that is order, and hope and fulfills you...only to have that carved out in place of a magic that is the quite the opposite - a yawning void, a hunger, a buzzing of chaotic - often violent - need, and desire constantly in your head and under your skin? The only one who ever came close to understanding what it was like for me was Jericho - for who else knows the horrors of eternal hunger for the suffering of others like a Death Knight?
In the years that have passed, I wonder if he - like the Marquis that I fell prey to before - found a cure for his undeath. If he, too, shrugged off a state of being that I am now forced to suffer.
I was shrugged off, too.
I am utterly alone.
The Illidari are similar, sure - struggling against a quite literal inner demon (more than one, at that, oftimes) - but they are containers for demonic power... and I? I'm what - the thing they'll hunt, in time? I am not a container for a beast - I am the monster. Slowly, but surely, I change. I war with the inner darkness in a way they simply cannot understand - because at least their inner darkness isn't, actually, their own.
There are times I crave to just let the darkness take over - to win out, so I don't have to have moral quandaries between what I am, and what I'm becoming. Other times, I rail against it with every fiber of my being... but often find myself wondering why.
Why bother? Who am I fighting for, now?
I am isolated after all, in my darkness.
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warlordfelwinter · 6 months
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"To begin at the beginning, then..."
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necroarchy · 1 year
@thasdorah liked for a starter!
     “... You can’t be serious.”
     He could yearn for Sylvanas at sight of her.
     Little irked so easily as a creature drenched in some other’s darkness --- at least the Light-soaked idiots were consistent in their folly, determined to wallow in their self-righteousness ‘til the time came for him to drown them in it. But this. This was just… atrocious.
     “What next? Shall they summon up some festering prisoner to stand with us? Did Yogg-Saron ignore their call, and you were the best replacement on hand?”
     The Void bubbled thick around her, leaving a greasy taste in the back of his throat, the pit of his stomach. Vile. Disgusting. An utter, complete waste of ambition and intent ---
     “Never mind --- a few days, and I suppose the differences will be hardly notable.”
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nuttyspacecactus · 2 months
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So these are Paranormal MM Romance Urban Fantasy books by Fel Fern. I think someone must have recommended Venom because this isn't something I read normally. I don't care for romance and the covers are actually a turn off in many ways.
The dudes on the cover are bear shape shifters I mean get rid of the abs and add some body hair. It makes no sense to me how realistic the models are, but the characters in the book do have abs(maybe no body hair either). I mean I find a spectrum of guys attractive, but not gonna be sexually interested in them unless there is a connection. Demisexual issues...
I believe Fel is a woman and I can tell that by the first book. Venom is in the first and he isn't how most gay dudes would write him. Venom is a hot bear shifter that should be coming off Daddy AF. This means he is a stocky build with thick muscular arms and chest, plenty of body hair, and a belly. I don't see most gay dudes getting off on the character and I may be taking the bear too literally... Come on though... A gay bear shifter.
I dove headfirst into the first book, instantly devoured the second, and now I am starting on the third. They are pretty good despite my hang ups. There isn't much sickly romance and the sex is at a minimum; therefore, it works for me as well as the story being interesting. The first one reminds me of Twilight in some ways that most probably wouldn't understand... My mind is weird and makes connections when most people are like WTF.
There is one aspect of some of the characters that is weird AF and it's covered more in the final chapters. I mean I was laughing at the end of the first book because of the ridiculousness. Now I have gotten used to it and just gloss over it. I still think it's stupid AF, but it works for this fictional world where more people are gay than straight.
I have a free trial period of Kindle Unlimited, so I didn't have to pay for any of the books. The stories are good though in my opinion. I will be stopping at the third book, so I can move on to other stuff I want to dive into. These books have made me realize that I actually enjoy paranormal fiction. I knew I did because I read a few Sookie Stackhouse books and Soulless by Gail Carriger. I just didn't understand till now the extent that I enjoyed these books.
I feel like I enjoy books set in this world with magic and mystery. It gives me hope that beyond the shadows is something more than just going to work everyday for someone else. Hope that our world isn't this sterilized husk of its former self that has lost all of its magic. I do enjoy technology, but I feel like it isn't all good. My dream would be to have a Jupiter sized Earth that has magic, steampunk, Victorian era, and such. More of a utopia in some ways that people are loved and accepted.
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