#fatty Bolger is important to me okay
frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Headcanon Marathon
Meg suggested I write this all as a bullet point list instead of copying the chat this time; which is probably a good idea considering the workload here LOL
On the night of 5/4/23, we here at the Fig Tree Discord Server got together and headcanoned:
Primrose Gamgee is a redhead like her mother
Prim was born deaf
Prim and her brother Bilbo are thick as thieves
Signing doesn't come naturally to Bilbo, but he tries his hardest, and Prim understands him anyway
Goldilocks may or may not be named the way she is because Sam wanted to name a daughter Galadriel but Rosie wanted the hobbit version so they compromised
For the first like four years of her life Goldi thought she was named after a flower like her big sisters and was very confused why her parents laughed when she asked to plant goldilocks in the garden
Frodo later comforts her like "it's okay they can't plant Frodo either" and that got her giggling like crazy
She decides dandelions are goldilockses and is delighted when they show up in the yard
Sam is not
Actually Sam is just fine with this because hobbit lawns encourage natural biodiversity and also dandelions are good in salads
The Gamgee family is a big loud singing household
The Sound of Music, but it's Bag End
Fatty Bolger has three daughters and no other kids
One is Athelas, nicknamed Addie
Addie got sick when she was young and lost most of her hearing
Addie is best friends with Prim Gamgee
Addie and Prim hang out all the time and, in addition to being fluent in SSL (Shire Sign Language), they also constantly make up their own nonsense signs so that no one else can understand them
Another Bolger daughter is Azalea, nicknamed Azzie
Azzie and Addie are very close in age
(Not sure if we reached a consensus on who's older, but I feel like Azzie is older)
Azzie is a natural storyteller; she gets it from her dad
Since she tells her stories with both her voice and her hands it's somehow more spellbinding
She discovered puppet shows at the age of 3 and a half and was instantly hooked
When she's older, she makes her own puppets
Puts on puppet shows for her family
They don't have any talking, just Action, and Addie loves the action best
She used to put on shows for Baby Heather before she was ambulatory and got quite offended once Heather was old enough to crawl away
The youngest Bolger daughter is Heather
Heather is a good deal younger than her sisters and is spoiled rotten but she's the sweetest thing
Heather is constantly hungry and always eating, and yet she stays Very Short
She's perfectly healthy and round, just Smol
Mental image: Four girl hobbits (Prim, Addie, Azzie, and Heather) in a blanket tent, signing rapidly to each other, and no words can be heard but an unending stream of giggles
They're having a sleepover and Fatty has to keep coming in to tell them to be quiet. Heather and Azzie promise they'll hush, but Prim and Addie don't realize how loud they're being and it just sets the other two off all over again.
Azzie hears the story of Beren and Luthien from Prim's dad (very important he is, he's the mayor, you know!), and she sews her own puppets and puts on a show of it
The Beren puppet has a hand that's held on by a button
Once (don't ask me how) Aragorn and Arwen get to watch Azzie's Beren and Luthien show
They have nothing but positive reviews
(Even if Baby Heather tried to eat the wolf puppet halfway through)
Arwen is delighted and wants to help Azzie make some beautiful blinged out elvish puppets with gems sewn into them
Azzie never uses them but they are kept in a glass box and TreasuredTM
Fatty likes to wrestle with his friends' sons, since he has no boys of his own
Addie, however, is a tomboy and WILL go at it with her father if given the chance
Addie and Frodo Gamgee got in a fight once. For fun. She's four years younger than Frodo, and bby Frodo had to suffer a lecture from his no-nonsense dad, but Addie got off easy and Frodo still holds a bit of a grudge lol
He still thinks she's cool tho
(To which I suggested: "ship??" and got at least one eyes emoji, so there's that)
Prim is neither the best friend who's always talking Addie down, nor the best friend who's constantly hyping her up, but the best friend who hangs back like "I won't stop you but you should NOT"
Secretly Prim likes tending wounds
She has a makeshift vet office in the backyard
Bby Bilbo brings her his dragon (it's a lizard named Smaug)
(I suggested the lizard actually be a skink but the jury's still out on that one)
The Gamgees do not have pets, as a rule, but many animals and pet bugs are either smuggled or wander in
Rosie like "where's my best pot??" too bad now it's the home of Pippin's grasshopper
The Tooks, on the other hand, have lots of pets and very absurd ones too
Real conversation between Goldilocks and Rosie: "But Ma, why can't I play with the snake?" "Because it's poisonous. If it bites you, you will die." "But Faramir has a pet snake." "Faramir has a what now"
When they're older, Faramir and Goldie end up being that super weird couple with exotic pets and no kids for a very long time
"Ma when we get married we'll have snakes" "No Goldi" "Ma Faramir said so" "SAM call off the marriage" "They're seven, love—" "Call it off"
Mental Image: Estella is a fantastic baker. She's in the kitchen at Crickhollow or Brandyhall with a mess of little girls—her nieces and daughter(s)—all around her, talking and signing instructions, and no one is listening to her, and there's flour EVERYWHERE, and she's getting exasperated but simultaneously loving it
Elanor, being the oldest of a TON of younger cousins/relatives, is sort of the de facto leader on play dates
Get all the Gamgees, Brandybucks, Tooks, and Bolgers together, and Elanor can be seen holding a stick over her head like a general's baton and leading this veritable army of hobbit children down to the Party Field
Elanor was pretty uninterested in romance when she was young—too busy doing other things to get fussed about boys, and her standards were too high for most of them anyway—until one day she met Fastred and she came home and said, "Ma, I've found him", and whaddya know she had
(Still undecided whether they met because Elanor was in Greenholm for some reason or Fastred came to Hobbiton on business with his father, but either way Elanor and Fastred didn't meet until towards the end of their tweens)
When Sam tells stories he adjusts them for the ears of kids
Merry does not
Not even a little bit
(Unless Estella is nearby in which case he's gonna get an earful)
"Hey, kids, wanna hear about the time I killed a demon??"
Estella from the other room: "MERRY NO"
He's a bad judge of what's too scary for kids
He tells the story of their adventure with no filter at all
Sam tries to teach the kids lessons through the stories and that love conquers all
Pippin adds his own little bits and pieces every time he tells it until his version and the OG are nothing alike
At one point Legolas had wings (when Gandalf asked him to bring down the sun on Caradhras) and Gimli ate rocks
Gimli has actually eaten rocks
It was on a dare and he doesn't want anyone to know
Pippin had no idea; it was just a lucky guess
One time the kids asked Gimli if he actually ate rocks and he's just nervously sweating and wondering how the heck they know that
Pippin is shocked to find out he was actually right about this when he was just talking out his butt
(Legolas has also eaten rocks on a dare but we all knew that already)
The oldest kids get together sometimes—Elanor, Frodo, Boromir, and Faramir—to talk about their parents and try to understand what they went through
Faramir Took talks about how sometimes his father refuses that he get near any sort of fire
He'll be playing in his home by firelight while Pippin watches from the doorway, muttering to himself I'd never, I'd never, so fiercely that little Faramir looks up in innocent surprise and asks what he's talking about
And Pippin has to leave the room before he starts to cry
(Deep down, Pippin is sure Denethor loved his son too)
(And the Palantir haunts him to this day)
Boromir Brandybuck confesses that he's heard his dad cry out in his sleep some nights and he's scared to ask his parents about it
Boromir: "My father is a Knight of Rohan and Master of Buckland, a brave Traveller. He's never afraid." Elanor: "...He might be." Boromir: "No."
Merry's laughing in the face of fear mentality has an unintended effect on Boromir in particular. He wants to be his father; he wants to be fearless; Dad makes it look so easy!
Estella overhears once and has to explain the difference between fear and cowardice
The first time young Faramir goes to Gondor with this family, and poor little Goldi doesn't go, Rosie is struck with the sense of waiting her baby must be feeling
"He's my best friend ma" "I know, love" "It's far"
Rosie thinks, well, at least Goldi knows where he's going and when he's coming home again
When Theodoc's AccidentTM happened—the one that broke his feet and crippled him—the doctors were all telling Merry that Theodoc will live. All the pony did when it fell on him was crush his legs.
But Merry thinks they're lying. No, he is SURE that they are lying, because that's just how Theoden died. Crushed beneath his horse. They were both destined to die this way.
He cursed his son the moment he decided to honor the king who was like a father to him.
There he is, having a panic attack right there while the doctor is in with Theo, like "I killed him, I killed him, I killed my son—"
(And Pippin is the one who comforts him; Pippin, the one who has nightmares sometimes about burning with his Faramir)
The Travellers all talk about Gandalf differently
Sam waxes eloquent about his fireworks
That's all he talks about
Pippin laughingly and affectionately exaggerates how cranky Gandalf always was
"Once I rode on a horse with him" "Ooooooo"
"Didn't he call you a fool of a Took?" "NO that is what he called Merry but he is always caught up in his wizardry that he sometimes forgets that Merry unfortunately isn't a Took"
(Cue the distant, insulted Brandybuck noises)
Merry is the only reliable source of information, but only if you catch him in the right mood; otherwise he'll only mention the smoke rings Gandalf would blow
Merry has a killer Gandalf impression. Chomping on the pipe and everything
Bby Bilbo gets all his Gandalf info from Merry and Sam is Very Offended
(However, Sam owns Bilbo Sr.'s book, so that earns Bilbo Jr.'s trust back)
Frodo has had it up to HERE with fireworks, so he flees with his little brother to listen to Uncle Merry
They ask about Gandalf, and Uncle Merry goes "ah yes, brilliant fellow, a real grump. gorgeous fireworks—" and Frodo about tears his own hair out
(Merry is doing this on purpose. He knows how Sam gets about the darn fireworks.)
Frodo: "We have one last option. We have to go to Uncle Pippin."
Bilbo: "Do you trust everything he says? He once said that Mr. Legolas had wings."
Bilbo: "Mr. Legolas doesn't have wings."
Frodo: "How do you know that?"
Bilbo: "I don't want to talk about it"
(Legolas loves being called Mr. Legolas, but only by little hobbits)
And then there's the one about the lullaby Sam uses for his kids, but I'm saving that for a future fanfic ;-)
Brandybuck Kids: Theodoc (Theo/Trotter), Periadoc (Perry), Eomer (Merry?), Juniper, Madoc, Boromir (Rory), Eowyn (Wyn)
Took Kids: Faramir (Ferry), Simbelmyne (Minnie), Beregond (Berry), Sable
Bolger Kids: Athelas (Addie), Azalea (Azzie), Heather
General credits to @invisiblewashboard, @writingvalkyrie, @grondds-and-roses, and the illustrious Meg, you absolute madlasses X'-D
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garden-ghoul · 7 years
fellowship of the bloggening part 2
“I am out of my mind impatient to get to rohan and it’s probably going to take MONTHS I hate this”
Frodo has been dragging his feet, but what’s a couple months after seventeen years? He’s trying to figure out how to leave non-suspiciously, how to not leave at all, where to go, he is all over the place. He’s REALLY excited to go to Rivendell. So he buys a house in Buckland and sells Bag End to the Sackville-Bagginses (ugh!). Everyone thinks he’s downgrading to save money, even Merry, who helped him buy the new house. I think it’s very sweet that in his internal monologue he considers Merry & Pippin & co “his young friends.” Because honestly they are probably about half his age.
‘Whatever happens to the rest of my stuff, when the S.-B.s get their claws on it, at any rate I have found a good home for this!’ said Frodo, as he drained his glass. It was the last drop of Old Winyards. ...
‘Our last meal at Bag End!’ said Frodo, pushing back his chair. They left the washing up for Lobelia.
Sorry I love Frodo being petty to the Sackville-Bagginses (ugh!). So Frodo, Sam, and Pippin set out at sunset, because they like walking in the dark. Cute? As they leave they hear Some Creep asking where Frodo has gone. Secretly a Nazgul, I’m sure. They sleep under a tree and immediately upon waking Pippin starts loudly telling Sam to get water ready for a bath?? Okay is he just your servant, Mr Took? Don’t be an asshole. Anyway the next day the Nazgul passes them on the road; everyone is stirred up. Here we get a lot of loving description of the English Shire countryside and a travelling song Bilbo made up. It’s the one Pippin sings for Denethor in the movies, but it’s rather less serious, I think, than they made it seem by picking the most serious bits.
Then world behind and home ahead, We’ll wander back to home and bed. Mist and twilight, cloud and shade, Away shall fade! Away shall fade! Fire and lamp, and meat and bread, And then to bed! And then to bed!
ALSO he always pluralizes hoof as hoofs, not hooves. argh. So the Nazgul comes back, but is almost immediately chased away by a bunch of elves singing about Elbereth Gilthoniel (presumably it is Song, in the magic sense, because the hobbits can all understand them; I think it’s funny that they’re using Song to amuse themselves while travelling). From this Frodo concludes that they are high elves... but isn’t that Eldar? Elbereth is her Sindarin name, and like... literally all the elves speak Sindarin now...
In any case, he happens to be right, because the leader of the elves is Gildor ben Finrod (hahaha that naming convention sounds dumb with elf names). I didn’t even know Finrod had kids... as I recall his heir was his nephew, Orodreth. Yes I’m just here to pick apart continuity snarls that Tolkien didn’t manage to fix. ANYWAY the elves are kind of jerks, they think hobbits are too dull to associate with... until Pippin asks them who the black riders are, at which point they get scared and invite our heroes to stay the night with them. Only after the hobbits have started to fall asleep do the elves eat. Frodo tries to soak up as much Sindarin as possible (the elves think he’s adorably precocious, I don’t like them); Sam afterward remembers it as “one of the chief events of his life,” despite the fact that he is going to save the world later. Sorry what
The perfect title for a chapter that starts right after Gildor gives Frodo some truly scary and cryptic warnings!
‘Did you ask about the sniffing?’ said Pippin.
‘We didn’t discuss it,’ said Frodo with his mouth full.
‘You should have. I am sure it is very important.’
‘In that case I am sure Gildor would have refused to explain it,’ said Frodo sharply.
Good old Gildor! I think Pippin’s right, though. Probably the fact that Nazgul can smell the Ring bodes p ill. We also get a bit of a glimpse at why the elf party is one of the main events in Sam’s life; it has totally changed his views on elves, and on the world, in a way he can’t quite put into words yet. It’s so jarring, the way Tolkien treats Sam like a dog one moment and the next “It did not sound like the voice of the old Sam Gamgee that he thought he knew. But it looked like the old Sam Gamgee sitting there, except that his face was unusually thoughtful.” Make up your mind, Johnald. Are servants people, or not?
Our heroes decide (after much arguing) to go overland to Bucklebury rather than by the road, to be harder for the Nazgul to find. Amusingly, one finds them almost immediately but is, I guess, unwilling to get off its horse to follow them down the bank. Maybe the horses evaporate if you get off them, it would be so inconvenient. He’d have to call Mordor for another one, and Sauron gets so mad if you ask him for a new horse.
Our heroes have a talk and some dinner with Pippin’s old friend, Mr Maggot, who unintentionally terrorized Frodo as a lad for stealing his mushrooms. It turns out the Nazgul have been asking around here, too, but Maggot saw them off. He graciously drives our heroes to the ferry, where they find Merry waiting for them, and gives them a parting gift, a large basket of mushrooms. And so the shortcut to mushrooms was being polite and friendly! A shame they cut that from the movie, it’s a nice morel.
Our heroes make it to Frodo’s house at Crickhollow, where Merry and their other friend Fredegar ‘Fatty’ Bolger have drawn three baths! And they have dinner, including the enormous amount of mushrooms they received as a gift. As an aside, Tolkien notes that hobbits love mushrooms more than anything else. Puts me in mind of badgers or pigs or some other woodland creature that loves to snuffle.
Merry reveals the fact that they all knew all along that Frodo was leaving the Shire, because he’s really not a very good actor. Unexpectedly, they all want to come with! Well, they are young, and they seem to thirst for adventure. Unlike Frodo, who is terrified, they seem to think it’s pretty fun. And yet...
‘But it does not seem that I can trust anyone,’ said Frodo. Sam looked at him unhappily. 
‘It all depends on what you want,’ put in Merry. ‘You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours - closer than you keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo.’
So they plan to be away into the Old Forest by first light. Fredegar is afraid, but Merry assures him it’s pretty safe during the day “when the trees are sleepy and fairly quiet.” Woo! Ominous! Are there ents in the Shire? Fredegar promises to wait for Gandalf, while our heroes go into
I wasn’t gonna do another chapter but this transition was too good to pass up. Merry tells our heroes a little of the history of the Old Forest: at one point it tried to attack the Hedge that marks the border of the Shire, but hobbits made war on it and cut down and burned a great many trees. Since then it has been even less friendly, but during daylight Brandybucks, at least, are pretty safe there. Frodo tries to sing a song, and the forest gets mad at him. Merry is apparently still cheerful, or a good actor.
They gradually realize that the forest is shunting them toward the Withywindle, the “center of all queerness.” Every time they try to veer north toward the road, they encounter great difficulty. Eventually they are forced to go right down into the river valley and walk along the river. But they begin to get very sleepy. I LOVE how Faerie this is. Sam is the only one who realizes something fishy is up, and has to rescue Frodo from being drowned by the tree. They realize it’s eating Merry and Pippin, and when they try to scare it by lighting a fire it threatens to kill them. Hostages! Frodo runs along the path, crying for help, and hears my favorite song in the entire entire:
Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow! Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!
Sorry these are just such merry sounds, I love them. I’ve heard some very strange things about Tom Bombadil, though. He sings to the willow tree and it releases Merry and Pippin, and then offers to let them eat at his house as thanks. Y’ALL DON’T DO IT. NOTHING GOOD COMES OF EATING FAERIE FOOD.
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dyingrabbit · 7 years
My Dog Ate My Homework
I went around looking for writing prompts, and I found this one here so I just went for it.
PROMPT: In an ironic twist, a dog really ate your homework. When you try to explain this to your teacher she says, “Come on, you can do better than that excuse.” Instead of arguing, you take that as a challenge and come up with an elaborate story as to what happened to your homework. Let us hear it.
My Response:
It doesn't take an English teacher to think up a proper essay prompt, but it takes an English teacher to assign one. I could sit at my desk for fifteen minutes and have five or six workable assignments devised. The trick was phrasing it so it sounded like it was important, but in reality be nothing but hot air. 
"Describe three key differences between Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and the film adaptation and how they relate to modern depictions of familial relations." 
Nobody wanted to read about this. I don't think my teacher even wanted to read about this. Nobody was dead enough inside to find anything about this prompt intellectually arousing. 
I wrote it though. I went through my motions and wrote it. I have a certain level of dignity, but that's because I stockpile it to use as currency whenever shit like this comes up. 
Last night I didn't have any left. 
Never have I ever been tempted to break into my Dad's liquor cabinet. That still holds. I wasn't tempted last night. I was forced by elements outside my sphere of influence to drink an irresponsible amount of cheap whiskey. There was no way in hell I would have survived without it. 
I stole away into the bathroom, whiskey in hand, to be alone while I proofread my essay. 
My process was thus: I had a robot read my essay aloud over my smartphone while I followed along with my hard copy and made edits as necessary. 
It went fine for a while. I think it did anyway, I don't remember a whole lot about what I scribbled in the margins. At a certain point I noticed the pages were getting wet with some unknown liquid. I looked up at the mirror. This proved to be a mistake. I was bawling my eyes out. Not because I was touched or because I was drunk, but because I was broken. I didn’t want to read this shit anymore. I didn't want to have written this in the first place. I didn't give a shit about how the To Kill a Mockingbird movie differed from the book. 
I continued crying as the robot in my phone uncaringly kept reading on. I guess I left the door open because my bulldog Fatty Bolger had entered to investigate the heart wrending sounds coming from the bathroom. 
I looked down at my beloved companion and found it impossible to convey with words how I felt in this moment. Not because I couldn't grasp it myself or because I was drunk, but because Fatty Bolger was a dog and couldn't understand what I was shouting at him. 
I left the bathroom to go to the kitchen as my phone was monotonously saying "...this contrasts starkly with how Atticus is personified as a..." 
I grabbed a sharpie and revised the title of my essay to read "Different Interpretations of Family Structure in To Kill a Mockingbird ME". 
I tore it into little pieces, grabbed a jar of peanut butter, and mixed the remains in. I spoon fed the mixture, bite by bite, to my dear old Fatty Bolger until it was all gone. Then I blacked out. 
"Alright, could you print it out again for me after class?" Asked my English teacher, Mrs. Hendrickson. 
Under normal circumstances, yes, I could probably do that. There wasn't anything critically wrong with the school printers or my ability to use them effectively. Unfortunately, beyond that, it was impossible for me to reprint this document. I could not do it. I'm sure the paper would've received a fine grade, but I was fresh out of dignity today, and I could hardly afford such a massive expenditure as this. 
"Ma'am, I do not have a hard copy, and I suspect I shall not have one for the discernable future. My dog has eaten it." 
This gave Mrs. Hendrickson a moment's pause as she regarded me from behind her podium. 
"Do you not have a digital copy you can use?" She asked, somewhat confused. 
I stood motionless, refusing to say a word. 
"Alright, make sure to talk to me after class, okay?" She concluded before attempting to move on. 
I didn’t have any dignity left, and that's a sword that cuts both ways. I stood on top of my chair and turned to face the back left corner of the room. 
Six months ago, Gary Holt, a classmate and a friend, had found himself at rock bottom after a teacher had asked him to evaluate the merits and shortcomings of a subjective writing style in 'The Catcher in the Rye'. Upon receiving the assignment, he'd immediately walked to the back left corner of this classroom and wrote a desperate and gut wrenching memoir in permanent ink. It had been painted over soon after, and Gary had been suspended. Those of us with good heads on our shoulders had it memorized. 
I stood at attention, raised my left arm in salute, and recited from memory: 
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I don't give a single fucking fuck. Please kill me now. Oh my God. Oh my God." 
A single tear streaked down my cheek as I attempted to stand atop my desk and recite the epic once again. I quickly found that the desk wasn't structurally sound enough, and decided to just sit down instead. 
The End
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Thoughts from the last few chapters
A Knife in the Dark
Ah okay phew Fatty Bolger is fine. Scarred for life, maybe, but alive. That’s the important thing.
Butterburr is such a simple man and a good host that even the potential of any of his guests getting hurt, regardless of whether or not they actually were, makes him go >8-O
Aragorn: “We’re gonna be delayed for three hours :-|” The hobbits: “Well at least we get breakfast!”
Tolkien brings the WHOLE STORY to a SCREECHING HALT to assure us that the hobbits’ ponies made it back to Tom Bombadil who eventually sold them to Butterburr and they lived happy lives ever after and I’m not saying Tolkien was a horse girl but Tolkien was a horse girl
One thing we missed in the movies was that ALL OF BREE comes out to watch the hobbits and Aragorn leave and if that isn’t small-town energy then I don’t know what is
Did Tolkien ever visit the American Midwest?? Because those Neekerbreekers sound a whole lot like the hellish half-cousin of cicadas. Not that cicadas aren’t hellish to begin with.
SAM DOES POETRY and we’re all very proud of him
Aragorn: *nerds out about Beren and Luthien* Me: *SNOOOOORE*
Ah yes, Thingol. King Thingol. Turin’s barely-there foster dad, Thingol. Dad Joke Man of Doriath Thingol. ….That Thingol?
Flight to the Ford
Sam stands over the wounded Frodo to protect him what a good lad ;-;
Movie!Frodo after being stabbed: *AGONIZED SCREAMS AND WHEEZES AND CHOKING* Book!Frodo after being stabbed: “Ow. Ow. Ooh mountains. Who built that? Can’t see my friends. Ow. :-/”
Weak and wounded as he is, Frodo knows immediately that Sam made up the song about the troll himself, and takes the time to say “well look at you go, I’m so proud of you :-D” they’re so frickin’ cute I’m dead
Frodo: “I’m not gonna leave my friends in danger!” Glorfindel: “Your friends would be in far less danger if you left! :-)” Frodo: “Oh :-.”
Thinking of the whole flight to the ford with the sound of bells constantly ringing on Asfaloth’s mane makes the whole thing simultaneously funnier and more dire. Here’s a beautiful house, bred in the joy and safety of an elven kingdom, decked out with bells because of course a jolly old elf would put bells on his horse, and now those bells are the only things screaming of joy and happiness and hope in a desperate fight to outrun darkness and death and despair. Kinda poetic, actually. But also DING DING DING DING DING DING DING
Frodo makes it across the Ford by himself! On horseback! Barely conscious! And sits up in the saddle and draws his sword and TELLS THE RINGWRAITHS TO GO BACK TO HELL! GO OFF FRODO, GET IT, KING!
Many Meetings
“A chat with Gandalf” ought to be an idiom for unwieldy amounts of exposition. Seriously, every time Frodo and Gandalf sit down to talk it’s like 5-7 pages of infodump.
Elves can do surgery. This is canon.
Frodo was partly transparent?? Wow. I wonder if that ever lingered in any way……
Elrond made the flood, and Gandalf added horses and boulders just because he’s ExtraTM.
SAM. IS. ADORABLE. But more on that later.
Tolkien: *waxes eloquent about Arwen* Me: *SNOOOOOORE*
Frodo was so surprised and delighted to see one of Bilbo’s old traveling companions that he sat up too fast and scattered all his cushions. And then Gloin helps him pick them all up again. This is the cutest darn thing.
Bilbo and Aragorn write songs together and Bilbo teases him about his love life this is adorable
The music literally cuts out when the Ring-thirst overcomes Bilbo. This is some big-picture movie stuff and I’m reading a book that was written over half a century ago.
Sam comes to Bilbo’s room to say it’s time for Frodo to go to sleep how homey and sweet I’m done
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