#fatgum x candymaker!reader
Fatgum x Reader
Three hundred follower special.
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That is insane!!! Holy crap you guys!! Over 300 followers? I was surprised at 200, you have no idea how psyched I am!
This story took a LOT of time and I am so mentally exhausted over it. I love it, but I also never want to see it again. Lol! I am in LOVE with the idea of reader as a candy maker and I will be playing around with that idea in the future.
TW!! :
Abuse, voice shaming, personality shaming, toxic relationship in general (not Fatgum), not explicit depression.
Read at your own risk.
Stay safe, I love you.
Here are some people who inspire me! @princ3rae and @random-mha-thoughts and! @blossominglark
There are 3196 words to read below the line!
“Do you ever stop talking?” Those words were thrown around carelessly with no intention of helping you to become a better person, yet you answered them.
“Why,” you mulled over the question. “I guess I just got excited, I’m sorry.”
“God! It’s fine, just stop talking around me okay? Loud noises give me head aches.” You nodded at the seemingly innocent request. You could trust them. They were your best friend.
— — —
It became harder and harder to talk out loud, the words of your closest friend bouncing through your head.
— — —
“Excuse me?” You tapped your friend’s shoulder lightly.
“What!? I’m trying to tell you about my last trip to the mall and you keep interrupting me! Can you just shut up for five minutes and let me tell you something I’m excited about?” You were stunned by their words. How could you be so selfish? Of course they were telling you something important! Why do you talk so much?
— — —
Boiling sugar was poured onto a metal table for it to cool. You pulled out your “sugar scissors” as you called them, and cut seamlessly through the hot sweetness.
The candy shop’s workers were quiet, the only speaking was done by the families on the other side of the glass. The taffy stretcher named “Chelsea” was whirring in the background noise as you used a metal rod to fold the cooling candy in on itself. You used your gloved hands to stretch the heavy blob into a flatter square.
One of the interesting things about this particular candy shop was that the candy was made without fake flavors. Most taffy makers make a white base then add the flavors and colors, but your family’s shop made candy from real ingredients like chocolate and mint leaves; vanilla and pecans. It was hard work but you had plenty of helpful hands to make it easier.
The door of the shop rang, big footsteps trailed in but you didn’t look away from the sugar you were lifting onto the hard candy roller.
Cries of, “Fatgum! Fatgum!” had you looking up from cutting the candy canes.
The pro hero Fatgum stood in front of the register, now surrounded by children reaching up at him, trying to hug him or be picked up. The big man waved happily at the children and gave autographs to the parents. When his big eyes reached yours, you quickly averted eye contact and looked at the work of cutting and twisting the blue and green canes.
Soon the excitement of a hero slowed and Fatgum was finally able to open his mouth to order.
“I want whatever that beautiful woman over there is making.” His words made you look up to see who he was talking about; your sister or maybe even one of the other employees? But when you lifted your gaze, his finger was pointed at you.
Twelve candy canes, fifty-eight salt water taffies, and three bags of caramel covered pretzels. You didn’t mean to memorize the order but it was one that soon was etched into your brain. Fatgum started visiting your father’s candy shop more often and you saw the tall man’s smiles more often as well.
He ordered the same thing every time and it fascinated you, why didn’t he get tired of the same food all the time? And more over, how did he eat it all so quickly? He was getting close to two visits a week buying the same things!
You walked into the back room and started putting on your uniform. Your thoughts wandered to your best friend and the stories they would tell you. It made you mad that you interrupted people too much. Your mind stopped the avalanche of self destruction when your dad walked in with a towel around his neck.
“Hey, pumpkin, I want you working register today.” He used the towel to jokingly whip you and you backed away with a fake gasp.
“How dare you hit me! I’ll have to show you who’s boss!” You ran up and grabbed his back, trying to pull him down to your height. You giggled as your dad grabbed your arms and pulls them off of him.
“Why do I have to work register?” You asked after the excitement died down you turned to the old metal sink jutting out of the wall to wash your hands.
“We’re down a couple employees and I need a smiling face to cover for ‘em.”
“Who’s out?” You asked, curiosity taking over your other senses.
“The twins. Their grandparents just passed in a plane crash and they needed to be with their family.” Your dad loved his employees, he had a big heart. You wouldn’t be surprised if he gave the sixteen year olds paid time off.
“That sucks,” you sighed, tying your apron on as you walked into the front room, “I’ll have to make them a warm meal then.” You nodded to yourself and stepped up to the cash register.
It was once again quiet as the loud whir and clanking of Chelsea stretching a batch of “Chocolate Marshmallow Supreme” filled the noiseless void.
“Welcome to UA Sugar-High, how can we go beyond plus ultra to make something sweet for you today?” You asked kindly to the old man in front of you.
“What a nice young woman, may I please have a small bag of salt water taffy? My grandchildren love it, you know?” His shaky hands held out the amount of money and you excepted it with a kind smile.
“They’re lucky kids to have such a kind grandfather.” You smiled and handed him his change.
The coins fell straight through his fingers and you gasped, opening the divider in the counter and crouching to grab the money. A large hand was placed over yours and you looked up to see a shrunken Fatgum.
He blushed brightly and handed you the amount he picked up. You stepped behind the counter again and smiled to both men.
“Thank you.” You handed the old man his change and bag of candy.
“What can I get for you, Fatgum? Twelve candy canes, fifty-eight salt water taffies, and three bags of caramel covered pretzels?” You joked lightly, your smile was as fake as it always was but underneath, there was slight happiness that a pro was taking interest in you. It felt nice to prove your best friend wrong. You did amount to something.
“Hi, actually, today I was wondering… what time do you get off work?” His hand scratched at the back of his neck while he waited for your answer.
You were stunned. You never thought he was actually interested in you. “Umm, I just-I just got here but I’ll be off at four o’clock.”
“Great! May I,” he paused, thinking over his choice of words, “walk you home after a small stroll?” His blush reached passed his ears and he continued to cup the back of his neck.
“I-uh-I suppose it would be alright,” you mentally punched yourself in the face for stuttering over your words and wasting the pro hero’s time.
“Amazing! Thank you.” He looked at the candy behind the glass. “Can I have some pumpkin fudge?” He asked quietly.
“Of course, sir!” Your smile wasn’t fake this time as one of them employees packaged up a block and handed it to you. “Here you are.” The tall blonde smiled and gently grabbed the paper bag from you.
— — —
Throughout the day you couldn’t forget the fact that THE FATGUM asked you on a date. Though, he never specified it was a date… it wasn’t a date was it? That’s it! Now it made sense. He just wanted to thank you for the candy. Or ask how you make the candy. Or walk you home to murder you!!!
You had to calm yourself down so you didn’t have an anxiety attack. You knew you were overthinking things again, yet you couldn’t help but to deny that it was a date.
You hung up your apron and wiped off your face with cool water from the little sink. The constant heat from the candy rollers’ fire and the boiling sugar always made you sweaty.
You stepped out the back door and into the cool air. Your brain swirled with a calmness before your phone rang.
“Hello?” You asked extremely quietly.
“Oh my God, (Y/n), you’re so fucking loud!” You could hear the irritation drip from their mouth like poison. “Anyway, I wanted to ask if I could grab some cash from you? I’ve really been struggling lately and I don’t have enough money to cover a trip to the store.”
You knew your friend’s ears were extra sensitive to noise from their quirk, how could you be loud and hurt them?
“What store?” Your voice was barely a whisper. “Last time I gave you money, you spent it on clothes for yourself then never paid me back.”
“What, you think I don’t have enough money for food? No I can pay for that, I just need money for the mall.” They we’re so entitled… but you just wanted them to be happy.
“Actually, I need to make a meal for a couple of the employees that lost some family members, I can’t spare any money this week if I want to eat.” You remembered you had to make the twins food and desperately hoped that your best friend would understand.
“Well then just don’t eat this week. It’s not that big of a deal.” Their words hurt but you knew they were right. You could handle not eating this week.
But you didn’t get to eat very well last week either… it hurt to know you weren’t anyone’s first priority. You wished you would’ve told your father about your best friend a long time ago but it was too late.
You opened your mouth to give in when a large gentle hand pulled your phone from your ear.
“This is (Y/n)’s boyfriend. I’m going to have to ask you to stop asking her for money. She obviously said she can’t. You need to respect her boundaries.” Fatgum looked down at you sympathetically and hung up on your friend.
“I’m sorry I overstepped my boundaries. I just couldn’t stand seeing you look so distraught.” Fatgum held out your phone, and you gently took it. It was difficult to tell if you were okay with him hanging up on your best friend but maybe he was right.
“I’m not sure if I appreciate it but thank you for helping.” You felt like you were meant to explain the situation to the tall man. “That was my best friend, they wanted my money again… I should’ve just given it to them I suppose, I ate last week so it wouldn’t have been a problem!” You smiled up at him and his heart clenched. Your relationship was not okay… but he wasn’t close enough to intervene on the toxicity that was brewing between you two. And a week ago? That’s the last you ate?!
You tried to smile but you were too tired.
The winter sun was setting and your body finally told you it was cold as a shiver rolled over you violently. Your teeth clanked together and your ears felt numb. “I need to grab my coat,” you whispered before spinning and swinging open the mesh back door.
The wave of heat and the smell of hot sugar reached your face making you feel warm. You opened your locker with a quiet click and pulled out your hat, gloves, and coat.
When everything was set, you stepped out of the still swinging door and felt the cold nip at your skin. Breaths came out in puffs of vapor as you both strolled through the crunching snow.
“Can I take you some place to eat?” You looked up at the blonde’s words.
“I suppose that would be alright. I’ll pay though.”
“Absolutely not. I was the one to invite you, I will be the one to pay.” You both argued about the payment before Fatgum led you through the front door with a gentle hand on your back.
The red carpet and the silk tablecloths made your arguments falter. Large eyes squinted in a smile as they watched your bewildered expression.
“I’ll pay.” The tall blonde stated. His yellow sneakers padded to the hostess stand and spoke with a hushed voice to the short woman.
She nodded excitedly and led you both through the restaurant and into a private room. You were thankful for that; having an anxiety attack while people stared at you was not how you wanted to spend the evening.
A menu was placed in front of you with a fake smile that you knew all too well about.
“What is fresh?” Fatgum asked the little woman.
“Our wagyu was brought in yesterday but our fugu came in early this morning.”
Fatgum looked at you expectingly and waited for you to order.
“May I just have miso soup?” You asked kindly and shut the menu.
The woman nodded and wrote it down. She looked up expectingly to the tall man; who, even in his shrunken form, his legs barely fit under the table and his broad shoulders make it difficult to sit in such a narrow chair.
“I’ll have the wagyu with whatever side you recommend, and we would like a full platter of takoyaki.” He thanked the girl kindly and you both watched as she left the room.
“Taishirou. Please. I want you to call me Taishirou.” He smiled down at you, making you shift in your seat and blush deeply.
— — —
The date went surprisingly well, you ate, laughed a bit, he walked you home, and you had never been on a better date. You leaned against your closed door and sighed deeply, your heart racing so loud you figured your neighbors could hear it.
“Even your heartbeat is loud.” A voice from your living room scoffed. You gasped and tried to open your front door, maybe Taishirou was still outside.
You could only jiggle the handle before you were ripped away from the door.
“Are you kidding me, (Y/n)? You’re pathetic. A date? Since when has anyone thought you were worth their time? Never. I bet you that guy was just pitying you.” You were dragged by your hair into your small living room, although you could barely call it that. There was a singular couch with nothing on the walls and no tv. You couldn’t afford it.
Your scalp felt like fire was inching down to your neck. You could do nothing, you were in shock. Your best friend finally let go of your head and slammed their foot into your stomach.
“Do you really think anyone would want you as a friend? You’re far too loud and you obviously don’t know how to be considerate to others. You didn’t even give me the money I needed.” The blows to your body made you cry in agony but before more whimpers could leave your mouth, your “friend” placed tape over your mouth and nose, completely shutting you up.
In normal circumstances with them, you would just lick around the tape so you could breath but your mouth was dry, you couldn’t BREATHE.
Again and again you were chastised and hit. And… you couldn’t help but agree. You weren’t worth it. You weren’t worth the pain you caused your friend and family, you weren’t worth a date or food, you weren’t worth living. As long as you died by your best friend’s hands, you would be okay.
You slowly excepted the black and white dots that shrouded your vision and let them over take your mind as it dropped into static.
— — —
Taishirou left your door with a pump of his fists. He was so psyched about the date that he could hardly contain his glee. He walked slowly down the hall of your apartment building as he thought over the night and you, and your beautiful eyes, and face, and body- nope! His thoughts are pure and will be until you’re ready!
His steps faltered when he heard your handle jiggle, it was unlocked and he thought you were trying to get back out to see him.
He walked back to your door and waited outside for you to open it.
You didn’t.
He heard a hushed voice but didn’t move.
He did start to move when he heard a Yelp and a slap.
He really started hustling when he heard muffled hits and kicks as cry’s suddenly stopped.
Taishirou pulled out his phone and hit the panic button, immediately sending his address to a few close friends and the police department.
He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. Out of desperation, he kicked open the door and was met with the sight of you, blue in the face, on the floor, slowly dying; and an extremely pissed looking person beating the shit out of you.
Taishirou, quickly picked you up and ripped the tape off your face, and checked your breathing. When he determined that you were now breathing, although raggedly, he tackled the abuser and pinned them to the floor.
He grew in size and absorbed the prick in a matter of seconds.
Heavy breathing filled your small apartment as the blonde man panicked. His date almost just died. His date almost just DIED!
— — —
You blinked the grogginess away and looked at the white room around you.
A hospital? Why were you in— oh. That person, that vile creature! Surely you didn’t have to deal with them after that stunt, would you?
You silently prayed that your ex-BFF went to jail and maybe hell, later. They may have been right about you, but people don’t attempt to murder someone, fail, then expect to be forgiven so easily.
You put up with their bullshit for years. Never again.
As you fumed in your hospital bed, the door to your room slowly creeped open revealing a very tired looking Toyomitsu Taishirou. His entire demeanor relaxed when he saw your figure, awake, and sitting up.
You looked up to see Fatgum standing over you.
“Where is that offspring of a bitch that tried to fucking murder me!? I’m going to blow out their fucking eardrums!!!” The anger in your screaming voice slightly surprised the tall man but he calmly explained the situation.
“They’re in jail. They will be for a very, very long time.” He said gently, sitting in a chair next yo your bed.
He told you how he found you, that he captured the abuser, and that the police came. Afterwards he calmed you down with a couple stories of his hero work and comforted you with his words.
It was good to hear someone talk to you without evil intent. It was good to hear someone speak and have an actual conversation with you.
You felt heard. You felt loved.
His voice was like honey dripping down the side of a bowl. Or sweet candy being rolled for some lucky person to eat.
He was like sugar.
I’m so sorry this was so rushed, I’m like actually so tired and I can’t stand not posting. My mental health has taken a bad drop and I’ve been trying and failing to pick up my broken pieces.
Thank you for understanding.
@katsukichu @axidthot @darlingely @totally-not-bakus-hoe @arminlator @sad0ni0n @blossominglark
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Forest library Masterlist
Forest Request list!
Forest series list!
Y/n = sister, series
Kaminari Denki
x chubby reader
x chubby reader// Swimming Through Honey// lots of tw //hard angst
Bakugou Katsuki
x chubby reader/ movie date
x chubby reader/cooking
x reader in America/ bulletpoint
x reader drawing. that’s all that’s on this one.
x pregnant reader/ really cute
Bakugou’s triplets art/really cute
x pregnant reader/ part two
x knight!bakugou/reader//swords👁👄👁part 1
x knight!bakugou/ chubby!reader//no swords part two!
x pregnant reader // part three
x knight!bakugou / chubby!reader// part three
x knight!bakugou / chubby!reader// part 4
x knight!bakugou / chubby!reader// part 5
Kirishima Ejirio
x forgetful reader
x reader/ roadtrip (could be triggering???)
x chubby/chef reader part one
x chubby/chef reader part two
x chubby/chef reader part three, last part
x platonic!reader/first day of UA
Kirishima working out// sketch
Todoroki Shoto
x murderer reader / terrifying 
x tall reader/ bulletpoint
x reader going through a mental health drop/ bulletpoint
x dead reader/ very sad. two endings
x male reader// bulletpoint
Hanta Sero
x reader/ cute
x insecure!chubby!reader / ALL THE FLUFF
x chubby reader. Dimples// it’s about his dimples. Super cute.
Shinsou Hitoshi
x chubby reader / lil bit of angst
x reader going through a mental health drop/ bulletpoint
x reader in America/ bulletpoint
x reader with ADHD
x chubby/depressed reader
x tall reader/ bulletpoint
x tall reader/ bulletpoint
Iida Tenya
He’s too polite. x insecure reader//angst and fluff! 200 follower special!! 
Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fatgum
x candymaker!reader // angst// 300 follower special!! XD
No ship fics
Best friends with Kirishima
Vigilante!reader / part one?????
Vigilante!reader / part two!!!
Bakugou x reader / bedtime
Bakugou’s triplets
Bakugou after a workout
Kirishima working out// sketch
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