#fastest skater
mildlysedat3d · 4 months
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chunkletskhl · 1 year
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Andrei Svechnikov winning the 2023 NHL All-Star Game fastest skater contest!
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cawnecny · 1 year
Hey now, you're an all-star!
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Players assignments for the 2023 all-star skills competition have been announced!
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
breaking news: quinn hughes has won the 2023 nhl fastest skater event
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starscelly · 5 months
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comphyjost · 4 months
technically barzy still holds the title so <3
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That gif of mackie still has me in shambles. It’s the cutest thing ever
listen i am absolutely frantic about it. the gif is amazing and perfect and i am SO happy to have it but i have also spent a lot of time dissecting the moments immediately before and after. here’s a breakdown:
mackie bids for dom’s attention with a playfully disgruntled expression:
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dom accepts the bid, nuzzling mackie back into a smile:
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now we’re all smiling!
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joeyisourranger · 1 year
cale said i am the best defenseman. bitch
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sethjarvy · 1 year
kevin hayes accuracy shooting lmao
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toffoliravioli · 1 year
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pyotrkochetkov · 2 years
what did they say about the all Star game here? I can't understand shit
the guy he's next to tells mat that someone told him mat is the fastest skater in the NHL and he asks him if that's true. mat, being the bashful little shit he is, starts saying that there's a couple fast guys in the league. then the guy says "we're gonna go off the all star game." referring to when mat won the fastest skater competition as if saying that mat really is the fastest skater in the league to which mat agrees 😛
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it’s the way i’m taking the skills comp so seriously 🫠
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thedissociatives · 4 months
ok that's enough for tonight see u tomorrow for the actual game
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azsazz · 21 days
Out of Order
Hockey!Azriel x Figure Skater!Reader
Summary: You're running late from practice and the women's showers are out of order. In your haste to make it to class, you utilize the men's locker room while they're on the ice, only to find out that their practice has been cut short as well...
Warnings: Smut (oral, m receiving). Steamy (haha, get it?).
Word Count: 3003
Notes: This would prob never happen but it’s my world and you’re all living in it 😏
Belongs to the Shut Out & Penance world
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mutter, staring at the sign hanging over the showers in the women’s locker room. It reads Closed for Maintenance. You’ve completely forgotten that the showers weren’t going to be in working order this week. You hadn’t been paying too close attention when your figure skating coach told you about it before the weekend hit, still too stunned thinking about Azriel when you’d run into him on your way to where all the coaches’ offices are housed. 
It hasn’t been a great start to the week. Your alarm went off late, you spilled the horrible coffee you’d managed to make whilst brushing your teeth—no harm there—and you split your leggings after a tumble on the ice. Now, you’re going to be doubly late for class because Coach Vanserra had wanted to talk to you about your routine after practice.
And now this.
Clicking your phone on, you check the time. Yup. You only have fifteen minutes to make your way across campus to class, and you’ve only just stopped sweating from the vigorous run-throughs of the jump you fell on during practice this morning. Anything to get the routine perfect, even if it did mean receiving a few cutting glares from the hockey players who were loitering around for their own practice. The chain reaction of you being late meant that the Zamboni flooded the ice late which meant that hockey practice started late.
Late, late, late.
You would totally skip class too, if it weren’t the one that you were struggling the most in. The Teaching Assistant even allowed you to meet with her before class today to go over the outline of your mid-term, and you really need to do well on it.
“What do I do, what do I do?” you wonder aloud, staring at the bright neon sign. You don’t have enough time to make it home, but—you groan as the idea pops into your head. 
The men’s locker room.
There are showers in there. Ones that probably work, too. 
Fuck, you really don’t want to do this. 
But you have no choice, you’re not spending the day walking around classes a filthy mess or smelling like sweat.
You duck out the door with your things, your bag slung over your shoulder, towel draped over your arm. Your shoes are clutched in your free hand as you duck your head, walking faster. Passing the rink just to make sure the hockey team is still out on the ice, you exhale softly, only allowing yourself a fleeting look at sex on skates.
Azriel is fast. Probably one of the fastest forwards on the team. He slides across the arena with a grace that rivals your own, and you’re impressed. Maybe he’s taken a few figure skating classes of his own. If only you could ask.
Quickly, you make sure that the coast is clear before ducking into the men’s locker room. It doesn’t look much different from the women’s locker rooms, with added urinals. It’s muggy even though it’s early, from the male figure skaters taking showers of their own. There’s a lingering scent of stale sweat in the air that makes your nose wrinkle, but you can push through that if it means you get the shower you so desperately need.
You halt, listening for any noise. Nothing. The locker room is perfectly empty.
You hustle to the back of the room where the showers are located, claiming the one furthest from the door. If someone does come inside, they likely won’t take up the empty shower next to you. Something about bro code and urinals, Cassian once mentioned. You pray that it applies to showers, too.
The walls separating each shower come up to your shoulders, and there’s a pair of swinging doors that keep the area enclosed. The water pressure is incredible, much better than in the women’s showers, and you groan as you step under the hot spray. Your towel is hung on the rack, your bag the furthest from the water as you can manage without getting it wet or being seen by anyone that might come your way.
You scrub your hair quickly, and when you turn around to wash the shampoo out, your eyes connect with a very familiar—and very heated—pair of hazel ones.
Holy fuck, this can’t be happening right now. His dark hair is damp with sweat, clinging to his perfectly tan skin. He’s sans shirt, and when your gaze quickly flicks to below the door, notice that he’s not wearing any pants, either.
Your heart pounds in your chest. He’s not supposed to be in here. You’re not supposed to be in here.
“What are you doing in here?” You exclaim, voice pitching high with your nerves. You slap your arms across your chest, even though you know he’s gotten an eyeful of your breasts from his vantage point, way taller than where the doors end.
“What are you doing in here?” He bites back, and the roughness of his voice makes the warmth pounding against your back converge between your legs. Fuck, he’s so attractive. His throat works around a harsh swallow, and you have to clamp your legs together stifle the throbbing.
Azriel watches you shift on your feet uneasily. Tracks you with his dark gaze like you’re a trapped animal and he’s about to pounce.
You kind of like this look on him.
“The women’s showers are out of order and I’m late for class,” you hastily reply, cheeks burning bright. You don’t know why he’s in here or if the rest of the team is seconds from following, but you need to get the fuck out of here right now, go bury your head in your pillow and potentially never return to the ice rink ever again.
This is utterly humiliating.
Azriel opens his mouth to respond, but before he can, raucous laughter and crude jokes fill the space as the rest of the team enter the locker room. Your heart falls to the floor, swirling around with the soap that’s still running from your hair, and slipping down the drain.
Before you can protest, Azriel’s shoving himself inside of the stall with you, uncaring that you’re completely naked and shouldn’t be here. He presses himself up against you and you slip, but he’s righting you, pulling you into his chest where you can feel how very interested he is in this debacle.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You exclaim, and it’s hard to keep your voice from shouting frantically like you want to.
The air becomes a thousand times hotter. You can barely breathe with him pressed up against you like this, turning the both of you and hiding you from the view of his teammates. Your heart still races in your chest, both because your fucking crush is pressing his naked torso up against yours and with the fear that one of his teammates will take notice.
“It’s either I see you naked, or the entire team does,” he whispers, huskily. “And no way in hell am I letting that fucking happen.” He growls and something like pleasure skitters down your spine.
You swallow roughly, “Good call.”
“Practice ended early,” He tacks on, answering your previous question.
“I gathered,” you breathe, but it holds none of the heat that it normally does when you talk to any of the hockey players. Especially Cassian. “You were out there for like, five minutes,” you whisper-shout. You can feel how red your cheeks are, and while this may be mortifying, Azriel’s hard cock pressed into your stomach only adds to your already heightened emotions.
You wonder what he’d do if you got down on your knees right now.
“It’s been an hour,” he responds, and you hold your breath when the water of another shower turns on. Azriel drags you under the spray with him, making it look to his teammates that he’s showering instead of hiding the figure skater they’ve been arguing with for ice time all semester. “Coach wanted to keep us loose for the weekend. We’re supposed to change and watch film.”
Fuck, maybe you were staring for longer than you thought.
You can’t focus. Your entire mind needs rewiring because all you can think about right now is how Azriel’s bare skin is touching yours. How he towers over you, how he’s staring down at you with a heat that rivals a thousand wildfires. Actually, he’s staring a little south of your eyes, right at your—
“Hey,” you snap softly. Your arms are still tucked tightly over your chest, and you hope you’re not experiencing a nip-slip right now. “Eyes up here, asshole.”
Azriel’s smile nearly makes you slip.
“Can’t help myself,” he defends, and this is the most animated you’ve ever seen him. Out on the ice he’s all broody and serious, head strictly in the game. It’s hot, but this side of him, cheeky and smug, might even be hotter. “You’re fucking gorgeous. Can you feel how hard you make me, baby?”
Gods, if he doesn’t shut up right now, you’re probably going to do something you’ll regret later, like grab his hand and slide it right between your—
“Dude,” Cassian’s voice bellows and you duck closer into Azriel’s chest. Each ridge of his impressive muscles contract as he freezes up and despite your heart feeling like it’s about to pound out of your chest, you can admit that this is thrilling. The thought of being caught in here, surrounded by built hockey players, naked with Azriel, makes your core twist with pleasure. “Since when do you have a pink towel?”
You wince. Of course, he can see where the towel is hung on the rack, the dude is massive.
 Azriel lies easily, “Yeah, some chick left it over at my place and I brough it to return to her later.” It sounds like something he’s done before. A bite of jealousy hits you hot and harsh at the thought of him doing this with anyone else.
You clench your jaw, but as if he can feel the way you tense, his large hands come to rest on your hips, soothing across your skin. Fucking fuck.
“Used? Nice one, Azzy,” Cassian laughs and nothing more is said while he returns to his own shower.
Azriel eases slightly, the motion making his abs relax. You want to lean forward and lick over them, but now is nor the time nor the place.
You really need to get the fuck out of here.
There’s no way in hell that you’re going to make it to class, dammit.
You hear more showers turn on, and Azriel removes his hands from your hips to reach behind you for the soap you have on the shelf. You watch him as he squeezes some of the shampoo into his hands before scrubbing them through his black hair. He’s like a fucking dream come true, and his cock still hasn’t gone down from where it’s pinned between the both of you, only the thin fabric of his boxers keeping you and it from meeting.
A droplet of soap falls onto your face, and you flinch, but don’t move. You’re not sure if you can, because your limbs are seized up with nerves. You’re not sure you want to.
Azriel rinses his hands off, slowly bringing them to your face. He wipes the droplet away with his knuckle and the feeling goes straight to your core.
“Azriel,” you breathe, but are promptly interrupted for a second time.
“Hey, man.” It’s Rhys. “You ready to kick the Sea Lion’s asses this weekend?” The water turns on in the shower directly next to you and in your haste to shuffle closer to Azriel, your arm brushes up against his cock and his hands fly out, gripping you firmly to keep you from squirming.
Oh. He’s enjoying being in this shower with you as much as you are.
A smirk makes its way onto your face that makes Azriel’s glorious hazel eyes narrow in distrust.
Reaching carefully behind you, you snag the bottle of conditioner from the rack and press it softly into his hand. His brows furrow in confusion as he answers his team captain. “Yeah, dude, Tarquin and his team don’t stand a fucking chance.” He almost chokes when you slide down to your knees in front of him.
“Damn straight,” Rhys says, while Azriel pleads you with his eyes. You’re not sure if he wants you to stop or keep going, but you hook your fingers into the waistband of his boxers and tug anyway.
His cock springs from its confines and the bottle in Azriel’s hand drops, ringing loudly against the floor.
“Shit,” he says, but it’s tight in his throat, like he can’t even get the words out. If someone catches on, he’s screwed.
He leans down to pick up the conditioner bottle and you frown as his cock is pulled from eye-level.
“What do you think you’re doing, pretty girl?”
You lean in close, sliding your hands up his muscular arms, enjoying the way his thick, dark eyelashes flutter under your touch. “Just enjoy, Azriel,” you whisper, your breath casting over his lips. He could grab you by the back of your head and tug you into the kiss he’s been wanting to since the first day you showed up at the rink, snarking at the team for going over their time. His cock jumps at the thought of those pursed lips wrapped around his cock. “And wash my hair while you’re at it.”
“Fuck,” he groans softly, but you pull away before he can rock into you and claim your mouth. He’s been crouched down for too long, anyway, so he rips himself from you, pushing to his feet.
“What do you think about Tarquin?” you hear Rhys ask, but you’re already reaching forward, taking Azriel in your hand. He jerks immediately and when you look up at him, he’s already shooting you an apologetic look, and then another that tells you he isn’t going to last very long.
You like the idea of that. Having this power over him.
He’s hard and smooth in your hand. You watch eagerly as a bead of precum drips from the tip, but it’s washed away by the water still cascading down his body, to your disappointment. If you’re going to be waterboarded, you’re thankful that this is how it’s going to go.
Azriel’s response is choked when you finally wrap your lips around the head of his cock, teasing his slit with the tip of your tongue. The flavor of him bursts on your tongue as another drop of precum follows, and you almost moan before remembering where you are. To keep the noise from coming out, you sink further onto his cock, cutting off your airflow.
“He’s good, but he’s no match for Bloodshed over there,” Azriel answers, and his hand falls to your head, fingers burying into your hair. You can feel the cold of the conditioner and if you weren’t enjoying yourself too much by bobbing your mouth up and down his cock, you’d be worried about the amount he’s using.
“Yeah,” Rhys says. “Their goalie is decent, but our offense is better.”
Azriel hums in response and his other hand finds your face, cupping it and guiding you just the way that he likes.
You take advantage of his help, lathing your tongue across any skin that you can find, reveling in the feeling of it all. Your legs are clenched so tightly together, your clit aching for release. You’re on edge, but you’re terrified of making any noise. You really can’t be found in the men’s locker room like this.  
“Dude…” Rhys trails off, and the suspicion in his voice makes you falter, but Azriel’s still guiding your head, trying not to fully say fuck it and jerk his cock as deep as he can go. “Are you fucking jacking off right now?”
“Yeah,” Az answers, because he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. He’s still going to protect you, but his hips are moving, his tip hitting the back of your throat but not pushing any further, so you don’t choke. “So, if you’d kindly fuck off, that’d be ace. We’ll talk at film. Tell coach I’ll be late.”
Rhysand’s answering chuckle rings throughout the stalls when he cuts the water from his shower. “Enough said, Az. You’re fucking sick, but I’m out.”
As soon as Rhysand’s out the door, Azriel’s picking up his pace, gasping out that he’s going to release and trying to pry you off his cock like the gentleman he is.
Too bad you want his cum in your mouth.
You curl your fingers into the meat of his thighs, urging him to stay inside.
“Fuck, baby, you’re fucking perfect,” he groans before he releases himself. He’s all heady and musky, and you swallow him greedily, not letting a single drop escape. Gods, you need to stop acting like this, but around Azriel, you can’t help yourself.
He helps you to your feet and ducks down to capture your lips in a heated, desperate kiss. Your hands find his hair, clutching to him as his tongue traces the seam of your lips, silently asking for permission. You grant it to him, and the kiss turns hot and needy, like he’s been wanting this for a long as you have.
You’re breathless when he pulls away, chest heaving, but your gaze stays locked on his, especially when he sinks to his own knees.
“What are you doing?” you pant, planting your hands on his shoulders, your nails digging deliciously into his skin.
“Returning the favor,” he says, like it’s the simplest answer in the world. He taps the inside of your tingling thighs. “Why do you think I told Rhys to tell coach that I’m going to be late? C’mon, pretty girl, open these legs for me.”
Hockey!AU Tag (will be tagged for any hockey fic, no matter paring):
@whyonearthisyourusernamethi-blog @going-through-shit @crazylokonugget @lilah-asteria @girl-who-writes-stuff @moosemahboi @sherayuki @lyinginameadow @acourtofatboydreams @blackthorngirl @shadowsingercassia @evergreenlark @hannzoaks
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Winners [MV1]
Summary : Max decides that it's finally time to put rumours to rest and share your relationship with the world.
Pairing : Max Verstappen x Ice Skater!reader, Reader x OC
Word Count : 0.8k
Faceclaims : Isabella Flores and Ivan Desyatov
Max Verstappen Masterlist
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Max was jealous to start off with there was a connection between you and your partner -Luca- but that was just something that he learned to deal with over time. He started to understand that you put your life in Luca’s hands every time you stepped out onto that ice. If Luca dropped you wrong or if you fell wrong, that could be everything over for you, and he learned to accept that.
Everyone had warned you about not falling in love with your partner, and that was never exactly a problem. You tried it once, but the connection wasn’t a dating connection. It was a trust connection. 
Finally, your competitions and Max’s races finally lined up - Miami - it allowed you to visit a race, and Max visited one of your competitions. Luca decided to join you because there was nothing better to do. 
Walking into the paddock laughing with Luca, Max passed you with a couple of members of the Red Bull team. He reached his hand out, and you took it. He pulled you forward with a smile. His arms wrapped around your neck to hold you close. One hand sliding down your back and into the pocket of your jeans 
“What are you doing, Max?” You whispered, looking up at him. 
“I think it’s about time we share all of our relationship with the world and not just the part we were planning on” Max replied, and you looked up at him, eyes wide. 
“You want to go public more than just dating?” You asked as he took a step back 
“Yeah, I left a little surprise in your back pocket. GP and Rupert are waiting for you in the garage. They’ll get you both sorted” Max walked away, and you turned back to Luca and started walking. Your hand reaches into your back pocket to see what Max had left in there. Your engagement ring.
Max had proposed a few months ago, but everything about your relationship was private. Only people close to you knew about it. 
“You’re doing that today?” Luca exclaimed, hand resting on your lower back as he led you into the Red Bull garage. Slipping the ring onto your left ring finger, you nodded 
“Max decided it was time, and if he’s ready, then we’re doing it because I’ve been ready for months” You smiled. GP greeted you with a hug as the SKY TV and F1TV cameras panned into the garage. Luca and yourself showing up on the TV with your names written in the bottom of the screen as Rupert handed you both a pair of headphones connected to the radios that also block out the noise for when the race starts. 
Luca’s hand stayed protectively on your lower back until Max came back into the garage. Max wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your head with a smile 
“I need to go get ready. I’ll see you before I get into the car” Max explained
“Luca make sure she’s safe” Luca nodded
“Obviously, wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt her” Max hummed in response to Luca and walked away to his driver's room. Luca and yourself walked over to the VIP corner bit they had and sat down. 
It felt like forever until Max kissed you before getting in the car watching the race in person was terrifying. Max made his way up the grid from P9 to P1, also setting the fastest lap. His trainer walked over after the race 
“I’ll take you down to the podium Y/N. Luca, you coming?” He asked as you got up 
“Made a promise I’d keep her safe so I’m coming” Luca laughed. Luca’s hand rested on your waist you kinda leaned into him as Rupert led you both down to the podium. Surprisingly, even while being in the public, eye crowds were the worst thing you’d ever come across. 
Standing at the front of the barrier, when Max got out of his car, he jumped into the arms of his team before moving along to greet you. His hands rested on your jaw as he leaned forward and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss before he pulled back 
“You did so great love” You smiled, holding his hand 
“I’m so glad you’ve finally been able to come to a race” He smiled 
“You get weighed and that trophy so we can celebrate later” You pushed him away as he laughed turning to the podium before you knew it the Dutch anthem was playing through the speakers the team cheering for Max and Checo during the Austrian anthem. Walking back to the garage, cameras were now focused on you and Luca after your helmet kiss with Max. 
Getting into the garage, Max pulled you into a sweaty champagne covered kiss one with true meaning this time. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his rested around your waist, pulling you closer to him 
“Looks like we’re both winners here” He pulled away, referring back to you and Luca winning your competition the other day. Winning felt great, but nothing would ever feel better than being able to be in public with Max sharing how much you truly love him with the world. 
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yourusername Just a couple of winners this week. I love you so much, Max, and I'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with you. Luca, I have the most respect for you being able to deal with us over the last week.
There's nothing more I want in this world than to continue skating and spending the rest of my life with you and start creating our future even with Luca as our adopted son.
tagged : maxverstappen1, LucaSkating
Liked by maxverstappen1, LucaSkating, redbullracing and 2,283,192 others
View all 392,239 comments
maxverstappen1 : I love you so much, Schat. We're gonna be a power couple winning all these competitions with our adopted son nearby
↳ yourusername : Baby, you're gonna make me cry
landonorris : Congrats to the couple. Never thought I'd see the day where Max settles down
redbullracing : Looks like we need to get you and Luca a Red Bull sponsor now
↳ lucaskates : Please, please sponsor us. I'm begging
user3 : Wait? So, Y/Nca aren't really a thing?
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A/N : I might write a part two if anyone's interested in it. My only problem is that I know nothing about ice skating and only had this idea from the movie I was watching. But if it's requested, I'll do it.
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