#fallout of darkness
victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout Of Darkness -- Turning “Publick Occurrences” Pro-Synth
Not that it’s exactly ANTI-synth to start -- as @theggning has pointed out in her excellent meta, In Defense of Piper Wright, Piper and her paper aren’t anti-synth as much as anti-Institute, but in a world where most people believe all Gen-3 synths are infiltrators who kill innocent people and take their place, the distinction can get blurry. That being said, I liked the idea Piper using her paper after she learns about the Railroad to try and help synths without compromising the Railroad’s operations, and here’s what I came up with for my own Fallout of Darkness AU along those lines:
-->Victor and Piper work together to rescue Nick after Victor learns of his disappearance from Piper -- once that’s sorted and Nick’s safely back on his way to Diamond City (Victor having to take care of some Minutemen stuff before he can catch up -- also, was that just an alien spaceship that went streaking across the sky??), Victor comments to Piper that she could have told him Nick was a synth (“I’m so used to him I kinda forget!”) -- and that he’s kind of surprised that Piper has a synth detective friend, after reading “The Synthetic Truth” and its tale of the synth that went haywire, and her implication Mayor McDonough is cut from the same cloth.
Piper: Hey, it’s not that I hate synths in general, just. . .every one of them that isn’t Nicky is a spy for the Institute.
Victor: Er -- do you know that for sure?
Piper: [now slightly concerned] Well, it’s the only kind anybody ever finds. . .
Victor: Well, fair enough there, but -- if Nick’s different, maybe others are too?
Alice: [from her sleeping bag, because it’s daytime] Also worth pointing out that being a spy for the Institute doesn’t necessarily mean that McDonough isn’t human. They could have just paid him off or blackmailed him or something.
Piper: [more concerned] Didn’t think about that. . .hmm. Might have to write a follow-up article.
-->Eventually Victor becomes a member of the Railroad -- I don’t know if Piper’s gonna be with him when he finds them (I’ve decided this happens after the stuff with Kellogg, because Amari’s a member and can point him there), but he definitely tells her about them -- and how they help synths escape the Institute because, for all the ones that aren’t super-loyal infiltrators and coursers, it’s a hell where they’re treated as slaves.
Piper: That’s awful! . . .and shit, articles like “The Synthetic Truth” don’t actually help them, do they? Damn it, how do I make this right without compromising the Railroad. . .
-->Piper decides the best course of action is to print another article, detailing what she’s learned from “an anonymous source” and actually sort of APOLOGIZING to McDonough (in the form of “if you are a synth who’s just trying to do the best he can, then I’m sorry I made your life harder. If you’re an Institute spy, synth OR human, I will kick your ass”). She also says that any synths who want to come to her privately to share their stories of their time in the Institute, or leave her a holotape or something, she’ll anonymously post their tales so people can see how the Institute is bad for everyone, even their own creations.
-->Desdemona is conflicted about this new story -- on the one hand, she does appreciate that someone is trying to help show synths are NOT necessarily the enemy; on the other, she is concerned about security and compromising operations. Victor assures her that he knows Piper intimately (in -- multiple meanings of the word) and that she would never knowingly betray the Railroad or her sources, and that if she likes, he can set up a specific “dead drop” location for any synths who want to leave a story for Piper. Deacon and Glory are both also for this plan, knowing that they have to be stealth, but the good publicity for their cause can’t hurt -- and since Deacon and Glory rarely agree on anything, this brings Desdemona around, and they set up a safe space for synth drop-offs.
-->And then, right after the meeting, Glory pulls Victor aside, slips him a holotape and says, “If your reporter friend really means what she says, she can publish that one first.”
-->Turns out it’s Glory’s own account of her life as an Institute synth. Victor passes it along, and Piper publishes a transcript before destroying the holotape. She also gets a few stories from the dead drop of synths explaining how bad it is down there, at least one admitting they hated it so much they’re not afraid of a memory wipe to just forget it all.
-->McDonough is of course furious and trying to put the pressure on Piper to reveal where she’s getting this info, so Victor gets her and Nat out of the city for a bit to hide out in a nearby settlement. And while the prejudice is going to take some time to properly die. . .it turns out that, like Piper herself, a lot of people are willing to at least rethink their ideas a bit when they learn that “synth” does not automatically mean “Institute spy” in all cases but Nick.
It’s a little rough around the edges, but I just like the idea of Piper helping get synth stories out there and showing the world that they’re NOT all infiltrators working for the Institute. It feels very her. :) I mean, she’d have to be super careful while doing it, but she has quite a few friends on her side to help in this universe. Including a vampire who can temporarily scramble actual Institute agents’ brains long enough for a reporter in trouble to make a daring escape...
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Charlie: “So this is what a full hotel looks like…”
Vaggie: “Think it’ll survive until Extermination day?”
Charlie: “I don’t know if I’LL survive to Extermination day.”
Vaggie: “Aww, babe.”
Charlie: “Seriously, who keeps ordering pizza??? We all already KNOW the cannibals will just skip it and try chewing on the poor delivery person!”
Vaggie: “My bet’s on Angel Dust. He’s not exactly thrilled the place got filled up with ‘shit smiling judgmental prudes.’”
Charlie: “Whyyy didn’t I remember the cannibals have a whole dress-code thingy?”
Vaggie: “They are being polite about it though.”
Charlie: “They keep eyeing Angel Dust’s exposed thighs like they’re chicken wings.”
Vaggie: “And if they wanted to eat him up in any other way, he’d be thrilled.”
Charlie: (growling) “Some of them keep looking at YOUR thighs as if they were-”
Vaggie: “Anything other than property of Charlie Morningstar?”
Charlie: “-Vaggie they want to TEAR YOU APART!”
Vaggie: “And they’re not actually trying it, which is polite, even if they’re still talking about how angels might taste whenever I’m in the room.”
Charlie: (pout) “You taste good.”
Vaggie: “Not like that, babe.”
Charlie: “How could the rest of you not taste good too??”
Vaggie: “Ask the cannibals. Meat flavors based on where the meat thing lived and what it ate, something something- What if angel steaks taste like artificial food coloring?”
Charlie: “I like those-!”
Vaggie: "I know." (laughing) “Maybe that’s another reason why you’re the woman of my dreams.”
Charlie: “Am I?”
Vaggie: “The one and only.”
Charlie: “You’d never… think about leaving me for someone else?”
Vaggie: “NO?”
Charlie: “Someone a little more badass maybe?”
Vaggie: “Not possible. You called heaven out for being total bullshit. In a song.”
Charlie: “Maybe someone you had an instant and deep connection with?”
Vaggie: “Like the woman that bandaged my eye socket and took me home with her and nursed me through physical and emotional hell all because she also thought sinners might be people worth caring about?”
Charlie: “Well what about someone who… is just better? At the whole. Everything.”
Vaggie: “Literally who. Who the fuck-”
Charlie: “Carmilla?”
Vaggie: “Car-hhhhHHH." (chokes)
Vaggie: "AHAHAHAHAH! Charlie! WHAT!?”
Charlie: “She’s cool. She’s one of those, those muffin things right? Angel Dust said-”
Vaggie: “A milf, sweetie. It’s milf and PLEASE also listen to Husk’s reality checks whenever Angel Dust opens his well meaning but dumb as shit whore mouth.”
Angel Dust: (distantly) “My HOT and SEXY whore mouth heard that, toots!”
Vaggie: (yelling back) “Then go stick a dick in it!”
Angel Dust: “I’m tryin’~”
Charlie: (used to this) (ignoring them) “So the whole private training battle song thing was, not a turn on for you? At all?”
Vaggie: “If I ever call Carmilla Carmine ‘mommy’ it’ll be because she just signed my adoption papers.”
Charlie: “Oh! Okay! Juuuust wanted to check.”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “Are you gonna ask about me and the head-to-heart I had with-”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “-because I was literally thinking about you the whole time-“
Vaggie: (smile) “That just took a perfectly non-worrying thing and made it sound bad.”
Charlie: “Is there a thing like a- an elf??”
Vaggie: “Aunt you’d like to fuck?”
Charlie: “Well not ME personally. But Rosie is very impressive.”
Vaggie: “You looked more impressed up in heaven.”
Charlie: “Huh? Heaven??”
Vaggie: “Nothing- never mind. I do actually have a lady-related question for you though.”
Charlie: “What does heaven have to do with- what?”
Vaggie: “I think I’m in love.”
Charlie: “WHAT!?”
Vaggie: “She’s ripped out my heart and I want to thank her for it.”
Charlie: “Th-thh that’s wait how when-?”
Vaggie: “Charlie.”
Charlie: “-y, yes?”
Vaggie: “Can we keep inviting Susan over, even after Extermination day?”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Susan.”
Vaggie: “Charlie please? Please? She's the granny I don't deserve and desperately need in my life. Please please please please-”
Charlie: “But, Vaggie- She HATES everyone!”
Vaggie: “I know!”
Charlie: “And she SAYS it!?”
Vaggie: “And it’s so fucking cool.”
Charlie: “She said you dress like a hooker!”
Vaggie: “Angel Dust was furious. I think he would’ve thrown a punch at her, in defense of hookers everywhere, if Husk hasn’t grabbed him.”
Charlie: “A LAZY hooker!”
Vaggie: “That one hit home and I’ll cherish it’s sting forever.”
Charlie: “She’s not NICE. She doesn’t even PRETEND to be nice like the other cannibals do!”
Vaggie: “Isn’t that great?” (grinning) “She’s like, the anti-Alastor….”
Charlie: (sigh)
Charlie: “I guess… being brutally, painfully, rudely honestly about your feelings is… not the worst thing someone can be.”
Vaggie: “YES! Can we adopt the creepy old mean lady?”
Charlie: “She can visit. We are NOT inviting her to LIVE here.”
Vaggie: (smiling)
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: (drooping) “…not unless she wants to.”
Vaggie: “Thanks, sweetie.” (kiss) “She never would. She hates us all and especially the hotel. Ask her and she’ll tell you, in detail, how all our decorating ideas are terrible and she’s only here to grab the free snacks, shove some angel leftovers in her basket, and then fuck off to her own perfect home back in Cannibal Town.”
Charlie: “So why scare me like that by asking? SUSAN in the attic! Ughghgh…”
Vaggie: “’cause it’s nice hearing you’d be open to it anyway.”
Charlie: “Mmrmph.”
Vaggie: “I like remembering that you’re like this.”
Charlie: “Whipped marshmallow.”   
Vaggie: "That Angel Dust again?"
Charlie: "Maybe."
Vaggie: "I've got a better word for you."
Charlie: "Like 'girlfriend?"
Vaggie: “Like amazing.”
Charlie: (snorts) (smiles) "Heh. Alright, flattery accepted."
Vaggie: "My wonderfully, adorably dramatic, heart stopping and breathtakingly passionate girlfriend, the most incredible person I've ever met, who-"
Charlie: (laughing) “Now who’s being a sweetie?”
Vaggie: “Charlie, I’m seri- whoah!”
Niffty: (lifting up floor board vaggie was standing on and peeking up at them) “Hey guys!”
Charlie: “Niffty!” (hug lifting vaggie to safety) “W- hi! Um! What is it?”
Niffty: “A bad day not to wear underwear!”
Vaggie: “And a good day to Die.”
Niffty: "I WISH!" (GIGGLES) “News from the hotel gossip line! S.O.S from Husk- he says Angel Dust and some cannibals are fighting over who gets to put the new pizza delivery in their mouths while Cherri’s taking bets and also shots.”
Charlie: "Shots of alcohol?"
Niffty: "Laser gun!"
Charlie: "Nooooo I thought we'd cleaned up everything after Pen's last inventing spree!"
Niffty: "Missed one. She keeps missing too. She fried the pizza."
Vaggie: "Instead of?"
Niffty: (GRINS) "The pizza delivery person!"
Vaggie: “Ugh. We look away for Ten. Minutes.”
Charlie: “Well that’s not- that’s not TOO bad! At least Sir Pentious isn’t-”
Niffty: “His corpse is in the lobby.”
Charlie: “-right. Okay.”
Vaggie: “Why is he a corpse in the hotel lobby this time?”
Niffty: “The cannibals accidentally ate his tongue while he was trying to show Cherri how long it was and then he choked while proving he has no gag reflect and can unhinge his jaws.”
Charlie: “Oh.”
Niffty: “The cannibals want to snack on him again but Susan keeps yelling at them about ‘crumbling standards’ and ‘back in HER day-‘”
Vaggie: “I love her.”
Charlie: “I’m right here.”
Vaggie: “You kinda love her too right now.”
Charlie: (pulls face) “She can come to dinner every other week. If we live. For now though, let’s just, um.”
Vaggie: “Go save the snake man?”
Niffty: “That man is DEAD!”
Charlie: “Resuscitate. We should go resuscitate the snake m- Sir Pentious.”
Niffty: (giggles) “And I’m gonna go order another pizza boy~” (scurries back under floor board)
Vaggie: “Wait, Niffty-”
Charlie: “Niffty! Are YOU the one who’s been-? Vaggie NO-”
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protosymphonette · 1 month
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i love being an artist because i can draw whatever i want
alt ver under cut
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his apron says "kiss the cook" in latin (if i declined it right... :P)
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memingursa · 11 months
Games that also deserve a house of leaves mod for various reasons
1- Fallout New Vegas
2- Darkest Dungeon
3- Doom (2016)
4- Minecraft
5- Resident Evil (take your pick)
6- Half Life
7- Grand theft auto 5
8- Portal
9- Any Fromsoft game
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Double Trouble
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, abduction, drugging, anal and other adult content and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You meet a strange pair of men while waiting on your friends. (plus-sized, short reader)
Character: Lloyd Hansen, August Walker
Note: This is for the dick(s) and nothing else.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like I love coffee and that’s a lot and probably unhealthy. Take care. 💖
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A droplet of cranberry tinged alcohol clings at the corner of your lips. You dab it away with your knuckle and flick away the moisture. You cradle the triangular basin of the glass as you admire the spectrum of alcohols behind the bar.
You tap a nail against the glass and drop your hand. You pick up your phone and check the latest message. Nadia’s last text alleges that their uber is stuck in traffic. You weigh the honesty in that excuse. You know her and Gemma isn’t a better influence. The two of them are chronically late.
You click your tongue as the bartender comes by, eyeing your drink. You’re not that thirsty. He smiles as asks how it is. You assure it’s good and go back to your tedious wait. If there’s one thing you hate in a person, it’s the lack of consideration that comes with being late. Yet it seems that all your friends suffer from it.
There’s not much to distract yourself with. You don’t want to sit there playing Wordle like some loser. If they could maybe plan ahead past their makeup you might not be the eternal loner. 
“This seat taken?” You’re startled by the question but at first don’t realise it’s directed at you.
The stool next to yours shifts and you look over at the man who perches on it. Shit. You pinch the stem of your glass nervously and clear your throat.
“Actually, I’m waiting for someone.”
“And what idiot is leaving a girl like you waiting?” He smirks beneath the thick bristle of hair above his lip. Not exactly your type.
“My friends,” you grumble, “you’re gonna have to move–”
He ignores you and signals to the bartender with two fingers. He’s unbothered as he puts in his order for a neat whiskey, pausing to angle slightly towards you, “you need a top up, baby girl?”
You consider him. He’s tall, built well enough beneath the black turtleneck, but his taste leaves something to be desired. His hair is neat and slicked back over shaved sides, and his blues eyes sparkle mischievously above finely chiseled cheekbones.
“Baby girl?” You scoff, “uh, no,” you drag your glass closer and scope out the bar, looking for a set of seats to move to. “Thanks.”
As you turn on the seat, a hand brushes your hip and the stool at your other side scrapes on the floor. You nearly topple from the height and twist to look at the man who’s claimed sentinel to your right. You get a look at his face and the mustache that trims his lip. Is this some sort of club? Did you not pluck well enough?
“Come on, sweetie,” the other man grabs the stool beside your thigh, and spins the seat to face the bar, “finish your drink. You look like you could use the company.”
“Um, no thank you, I–”
You gape at the second man. He’s even bigger than the first. His dark hair is slightly curled and a short stubble covers his handsome cheeks and square jaw. The cleft in his chin adds to his brutish allure and the strain of his shoulders beneath his jacket makes you gulp.
You go to swipe up your phone but the first man is quicker than you. He slides it out from beneath your fingertips and holds it away from you. You reach across him and the other man tugs your other arm.
“Hey, let go,” you hiss, “what are you doing?”
“We just wanna chat, baby?” The second man hovers his other hand along your lower back, “you can’t be sitting here all alone. You never know what creep will come to bother you.”
You snort. Really?
The first man, with the lighter brown hair, hums as he accepts his drink from the bartender. The second orders scotch as he tickles along your rear. You twitch and give a desperate look to the server but they only chuckle. Wait, does he think you know these weirdos?
“‘Where are you?’” The first man reads off your phone as he drags his thumb over the screen.
You look around as you catch the second man’s hand and struggle to keep him at bay. You don’t see your Nadia or Gemma. The place isn’t that big.
“‘Sitting by the fountain’,” the man clucks and peers behind him, “I don’t see no fountain.”
“Sounds like you’re in the wrong place, baby.” The hand pushes past you and squeezes your hip, “what do you think, Hansen? She’s got a bit extra back here.”
“Bit extra all over but you know I got a type,” the other man purrs then takes a long draw from his glass, winking at your scandalized expression.
“Pretty face,” the darker haired man comments as if you’re not even there, as if you’re a slab of meat or product on a shelf. “Sweet little mouth on her–”
“Wow, wow, alright, you creepers need to go. I’m not interested.”
“We don’t see anyone else lined up,” the second man latches onto your purse, “let us buy you a drink.”
“I have a drink. And I have friends,” you grasp at your phone but the first man, Hansen, keeps it out of your reach. “They’re waiting for me.”
“Looks like you’ve been waiting on them,” the man with his hand on your hip growls, “so why don’t you leave them hanging a bit longer?”
“I’m really not interested, alright?” You feel dizzy as you bat away his hand only to have the others land on your ass. “Would you keep your hands to yourself?”
You slap behind you and barely miss the man as he chuckles. He pulls back and thumbs at your phone. You whine helplessly and lean towards him.
“Gimme my phone.”
“I’ll give you your phone when you earn it.”
“Right, you two are fucked,” you utter, “keep it. It’s not worth it.”
“Walker,” the pervert with your phone says dully, “do it.”
You yipe as you feel a prick and slap your hand down on your thigh where the flesh stings. You look down as you press your palm to the hot flesh, a radiating pulse flowing through you. The other man, Walker, quickly hides the long nose of the syringe in his hand. Oh, what the fuck?
“Don’t get too worked up, honey buns,” Hansen spreads his hand across your back, “you’ll get yourself hurt.”
“You–” You bluster out, “what did you do?”
“It’s alright,” Walker coos as he rubs your arm, “you’re just gonna have a little sleep.”
“N-no,” the panic courses through you only to be hampered by a sudden wave of fatigue. You sway and plant your hand on the bar, “no, you can’t do this.”
“You gonna stop us?” Hansen chortles as he wraps his arm around you, “‘cause no one else is gonna.”
“I…” you begin then push the hell of your hand to your head as it swells.
“It’s alright, baby,” Walker taunts as your lashes flutter, “we’ll take care of you.”
“Ah, I think she’s waking up,” the voice slithers into your ear as your eyelids slit. “Doll,” fingers snap before your face and you murmur, your head lolling as you squint in the harsh glare of light, “there she is.”
A caress on your cheek makes you wince. You groan at the pain tugging in your shoulders and the heavy weight just behind your toes. You drone as you look down at yourself, your feet held wide by a metal bar attached to thick leather cuffs that buckle around your ankles. You peer up at your hands, each arm stretched at angle with your wrists bound to chains.
What is this? Where are you? 
Your eyes snap wide and you search through the haze. The cogs in your mind grind slowly as the recollection churns through. The men, two of them, you know them. Not truly but you recognise them.
You were at the bar waiting for your friends and they approached you. Then… the needle! This can’t be happening. It’s absurd. So ridiculous that it can’t be real.
“Come on, juicy,” the man with the sleek hair cut coaxes as he cradles your chin, his eyes boring into you as he brings his other hand around the back of your skull. He holds you steady as he smirks, “keep with it. Sleep too long and that heads gonna be pounding.”
“Who… who… why?” The questions bubble over and weakly fall from your lips.
“You don’t need to worry about all that,” he winks as his eyes descend to your mouth, “you were right, Walker, she does have a pretty mouth.”
“You’re always playing with your food, Hansen,” the other man appears behind him.
“Birds of a feather,” the one before you, Hansen, brushes up your chin with his thumb. You quiver and bat your lashes at him fearfully. “Ah, look at the sweet little pussy, she’s scared.”
"Stop…" your mouth is dry and clumsy as you try to speak.
"You really should be thanking us," Hansen drags his hand up to your cheek and gives a small slap, "my partner here was generous with his dose… just enough to dull the pain, sweet cheeks."
You murmur as he lets you go. Your head slumps weakly as you hang limply from your restraints. He moves back and they face each other for a moment, communicating with just a look.
You use all your strength to lift yourself on your toes, arms shaking as you try to support your own weight. Your meagre attempt collapses and you dangle once more, groaning as it jars you from shoulder to ankle. You whimper and throw your head back.
"Please," you breathe, "why..."
"Does it really matter why?" Hansen looks back at you as stretches his neck side to side, "it's not going to change what happens next."
"Who are you?"
"See, that doesn't matter either," he grins and glances at the other man, a few inches taller and even wider. "So, who's starting, Augy?"
"Don't call me that, jackass," Walker rolls his eyes as he removes his dark brown jacket.
"Was being polite, that's all," Hansen retorts as ge rolls his shoulders.
You quiver and furl your fingers to fists. You look along your left arm, then your right. You tug on one then the other. There's no escape.
"Baby," Walker frightens you as he nears, unbuttoning his tip button as his mouth keeps a firm line, "you don't wanna panic. It'll only make this harder."
"Don't know about you, but I can't get much harder," Hansen jokes lewdly before peel his black turtleneck over his head. He flings it and smooths his hair back into place with both hands.
"Charming," the other man comments as he stares you down and his fingers continue down the front his shirt, uncovering the thick hair along his chest and stomach.
You bite down as your eyes sparkles with tears. You sniff and try to bat them away with your lashes. This can't be real.
"Go on," Hansen teases, "big boy loves crying. Turns him on, doesn't it, August?"
“Lloyd,” The man closet to you, Walker, August, whoever he is, growls in response as he strips away his shirt. You smush your lips together and plead silently with your eyes. He tilts his head as he considers you.
"Since I won the toss," Lloyd comes around and drags his hand along your side as he circles to stand behind you, "I'll take the back."
You shudder as he drags his hand over your hair and presses himself flush to you. He might be shorter than the other man but he still towers over you. He inhales your sent as he tickles his fingers down your neck.
August reaches to his belt, sliding free a short blade from a sheath there. You wince as he raises it, showing the black steel before tracing it down the strap of your dress. He hooks it beneath and snaps it easily. The other is cut just as swiftly.
You dress slouches and Lloyd snakes his arms around to guide the fabric past your chest. You tremble as your strapless bra barely clings to you. He makes quick work of it, popping the hook free so the nude cups fall away.
August grips the crumpled dress with one hand and cuts up from the hem. He slices through and whisks away the fabric. Your skin prickles at your sudden nakedness, only the soft lilac thong left to hide in.
Lloyd runs his hands down your sides and claps against your ass, kneading the flesh as he purrs. 
“Tell me you didn’t wear these for a reason,” he taunts as he pokes his finger under the elastic of your thong.
“Not… for… you…” you eke out.
“Listen, toots, every part of you is for me,” he rebuffs as he pinches your ass cruelly. 
August trails the tip of the knife down your belly and slips beneath the thong. His silence is just as troubling as Lloyd’s slimy remarks. The disparity in their characters adds to your uncertainty. Neither can be bartered with as they work methodically at their mission; you.
The thong falls apart against the blade and you whine in horror. Exposed and helpless. You shake your head as you dip it to hide your face. The shame scorches your flesh and sizzles in your veins.
August sheaths the knife again as he steps closer. He frames your tits and hums, his large thumbs caressing the rise of flesh and circling your nipples. His touch sends a shiver through your ass Lloyd continues to grope your ass. Your toes slip on the floor as they crowd you.
The man in front of you watches as he toys with you, rubbing your nipples hard as a crack forms in his veneer, a dimple of amusement sinking into his cheek. He bends his head as Lloyd’s hands drag down your thighs and you peek past your hip as he gets to his knees. What’s going on?
August takes your bud between his teeth and suckles, tweaking the other as you cry out in surprise. You push your head back as fingertips dance along the back of your thighs and follow the creases below your ass. His nose tickles along your cheek and you squeak.
“Got me a whole buffet back here,” he snarls against your skin, his lips sending ripples up your back.
He presses his palms to your ass and spreads your cheeks. You whimper as August nips at you, his tongue swirling as a pluck tugs at your core. The storm of sensation has you off balance and shaking.
Lloyd leans in and you feel his humid breath against you. You wrap your fingers around the chains that bind you as his tongue flick along your puckered ring. Your head shoots up at the peculiar feeling. He laps more intently as he pushes his face further between your cheeks, holding you still as you twitch. 
August brushes his mustaches from one tit to the other, a flutter across the skin. He teases your other nipple as he did the first, fondling you with his other hand. He trails his fingers down your torso, dancing along your stomach and pelvis eagerly.
He dips between your folds and you gasp. He searched blindly until he finds your clit, toying with it as he sucks fervently at your chest. You moan as your insides twist.
Lloyd's tongue twirls and swipes all around, prodding at your hole as he drones hungrily. He shakes his head between your cheeks, the hair along his lip adding to the ticklish sensation. You puff out, little by little, weaving a finger into a link of the chain.
August follows the previous path of his hand with his mouth. He mirrors the other man as he gets to his knees. Your legs quake as his lips graze your pelvis and he nuzzles the trimmed triangle of hair.
He reaches his tongue down to meet his fingers. You murmur as you arch your feet, a cramp thickening behind your calf. He rolls his tongue around your clit as his hand trails back towards your entrance. His other travels along the front of his pants. 
To your horror, his fingertips slicken along your cunt. He pushes back and forth across your entrance and centers his middle finger. He eases into you with the thick digit, drawing another pathetic moan from you.
Lloyd drags his tongue along your cheek and pokes around your ring. You hold your breath as he circles it and presses against your hole. He pushes until you feel yourself opening then pulls back. He repeats the act several times, each time a squeak breaks free from you.
As he eases his fingertip inside, little by little, you quiver and let out a jittery whine. He gets to his first knuckle as the pressure in your core pulses.
August slides in and out of your cunt, a steady motion as your squeeze around Lloyd’s finger. Lloyd sinks deeper and you grit your teeth at the fiery intrusion. You hiss and huff, eyes rolling back as the duel of sensations battles within you.
You hear the soft clink of a buckle and the subtle whisper of a zipper. Your lashes part as August pulls his dick through the front of his pants. He grips himself, stroking his length slowly as he drinks you in. You feel his rhythm rock against you and it floods you with another swell of heat.
Lloyd tilts his hand, fucking your ass slowly with a single finger. It’s enough to drive you mad as your toes curls and your ankles bend against the bar. You whimper as your thighs knot and your nerves bounce off each other. 
August spreads his tongue wide, swiping it up and down as he rams his knuckles into you, faster, harder. You pant through your nose as you try to fight the building thrill as it blooms from your core and stretches in tendrils up your chest. 
They find a tempo, working in tandem as they work your holes. You can’t hold back any longer as the pressure snaps and red hot pleasure burns through you. You cum with a rolling shiver, twitching uncontrollably as your voice drones out mindlessly.
Lloyd rests his cheek against your ass and chuckles. He slips his finger out, a little at a time, and smears it along your skin. He tuts as nips your quivering flesh. 
“Coulda fooled me if you told me this was a virgin ass,” he pulls his face back and spanks you.
August pulls out of your cunt and flicks two fingers along your cunt as he leans back. You watch him shove his fingers into his mouth and purr as he wiggles his dick in his other hand. Lloyd stands as he smacks your ass again, that time with two hands.
You squeal as August rises too, letting his dick bob before him as he pushes his pants down his thick thighs. You shake your head as you stare at his size. He’s so big you hurt already.
Lloyd taps his fingertips along your shoulders and kneads the muscle. He parts and cool air ripples over your back. You hear him behind you as August stays in front of you. 
August places a hand on the front of your thigh and one along the back, he brushes them down to your ankle and unlocks the cuff there. He moves across the bar and frees the other. He brings his arms behind your legs and rises, hooking his elbows under your knees as he has you hanging from your wrists.
One hand drags down your back and curls you towards him. He feels beneath you and pushes two fingers along your cunt. He spreads you as he wiggles his hips, angling until he catches his tip between his knuckles. He stretches you around him, inch by inch as you swallow down a low moan.
The air shifts behind you and a cool slickness spills along the top of your ass and leaks between your cheeks. Lloyd pushes his fingers between the flesh and rubs the oil against your hole, once more dipping inside. You groan and bite your lip as you try to withhold the delight that smothers your horror.
As August buries himself to his limit, Lloyd adds a second finger, both stretching you. Their breath creates a whirlwind, swallowing you up.
Lloyd pushes in and out, spreading his fingers wide inside of you as you cling to him. You clench tightly as you quiver uncontrollably. He slides free and steps closer. He pauses as he undoes his pants, the fabric rustling against your ass as you grip the chains tight above you.
August stills you as Lloyd lines his tip up with your hole. The bigger man lowers you onto the other, both your ass and cunt straining to take them both at once. 
Lloyd frames the back of your neck and keeps a hand on your hip as he delves deeper and deeper. August rocks into you steady, an arm hooked around you as the other snakes under your knee.
They glide into you at the same time, filling you to the brim as you tremble. You’ve never felt anything so painfully pleasant. They buck in time with each other, burying deep, and easing back out. Sharp thrusts and slow retreats.
Your head falls back against Lloyd as he ruts from behind, your hips tilt onto August. You’re lost in them completely entwined in their bodies. Before, after, all that you care about is the present and the coil winding tighter and tighter.
The orgasm tears from your throat at once. You shake between them and cum in a violent tide. But they don’t stop. They build a furious temple, battering you raw and you’re suspended helplessly at their mercy. Of which, they have little.
“You don’t think this ends when you cum, do you, sugar tits?” Lloyd breathes against your hair, “this isn’t over til your gaping and dripping.”
“Mmm, baby, don’t listen to him,” August growls as he raises his hand to your chin and lifts your head, pressing his forehead to yours, “you can keep going, can’t you?”
You know your answer doesn’t matter. Even less even than their taunts. They won’t stop and you’re not sure you want them too.
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dash-o-frost · 11 months
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Some X6 appreciation because I will never not appreciate this sarcy bastard
460 notes · View notes
shadow1515 · 4 days
Too Sweet
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Pairing: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard/Female, Surface Reader Word Count: 5,138 Warnings: a lot, rape/non-con, older man (he’s a zombie basically)/younger woman (reader is 20), monster fucking, size kink, rough sex, gun play, blood kink, glove kink?, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, forced orgasm, orgasm denial, creampie Summary: Your father dead, brother gone in search for his killers, mother gone in search for him, you were left alone in the wilderness. You thought you knew how to take care of yourself, but that idea is challenged when a certain ghoul in a cowboy hat shows up at your dining room table. Tags: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. READ THE WARNINGS. DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY. Please, read the warnings, if any of this triggers you do not continue!!!!!!!!!! Note: first post here, but i also posted on ao3 where i have posted fics before... just... bear with me, the brain rot was real for this one. I have never written anything at this level of depravity but this yucky looking man without a nose took hold of me and I had to write this. I did most of it when I should have been studying for a quiz, but it's fineeeee. Anyway, please enjoy this 5k word piece of filth that was only read through once…… (And yes the title is based off Hozier’s song Too Sweet.)
You were born and raised on the surface with its sandy horizons and burning sun, but your life was definitely better than most others who live on the surface of this godforsaken world. Your parents had found a nice place with tons of supplies, the ability to grow plants, a water filter, and it was hidden fairly well. You weren’t entirely sure how they had found such a haven in the wasteland, but honestly you couldn’t complain too much. Alongside your older brother, you grew up knowing how to grow your own food, hunt, defend yourself, create booby traps, the normal things every kid grew up learning. You were also one of the lucky few that was taught how to read and write as your mother had been taught by her parents and passed it onto you and your brother, something you were forever grateful for. 
Books were a solace for you, one of the few you could find, especially after your brother ran off to god knows where and your mother went off in search of him just a few months ago. After your father passed away three years ago, your brother felt it necessary to be the “man of the house” and make sure you and your mother were taken care of. It wasn’t that you were ungrateful for his protection and watchful eye, but he could be a little extreme at times. Your father died just over a year ago, and it was hard on all of you. Perhaps your brother took it a bit harder since he never showed his sadness about it… only his anger. See, your father was killed by some raiders on one of his outings to get more supplies. Your brother was with him when it happened but managed to escape. You were almost one hundred percent sure that was where your brother had gone; looking for your father’s killers.
Unfortunately, that had been just over four months ago. A few days ago your mother grew sick of it and went to try and find your brother, leaving you all alone. You knew how to protect yourself and make sure the house was protected and hidden, but that didn’t mean you liked being alone or that you didn’t worry every day about your missing family. In fact, it made it worse.
You felt your patience and sanity wearing thin as the days went on and you heard nothing from your mother or brother. You were worried sick, the only things keeping you from running off by yourself were tending to the farm and the chickens, checking on the water filter, reading your books, really anything to distract you from the inevitable truth;that your family was dead. 
One day, you were out tending to the livestock and farms for most of the day. It was starting to get dark and mostly everything was done, so it was about time to head inside for the night. As soon as you opened the door, you could tell something was off. Maybe it was the slightly larger, sandy footprints through the hallway, or the way that everything around you seemed to stand still, either way you knew something was wrong. Unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough. Even with your added paranoia from being alone for a few days, your reflexes couldn’t have prepared you enough for the sight of a man… no, a ghoul, lounging at your dining table. Seat pulled back, feet on the table, fingers lazily playing with the trigger of the sawed off shotgun that was pointed directly at you. 
Part of his face was obscured by a ragged hat, but you could still tell that he was a ghoul, his face covered in scars, red and shiny from the radiation. He slowly lifted his head, dark eyes shining in the setting sun streaming through the window, the black hole where his nose should have been even more prominent as his gaze slowly trailed from your muddy boots up your bare legs (you wanted to wear shorts, it was hot out), across your curves until they finally landed on your face, lingering on your parted lips for a moment too long in your opinion. 
Your eyes, on the other hand, kept on moving between his ruined face to the gun pointed at you in quick succession, not knowing which to focus on more. Before you could think of doing anything else, he finally spoke.
“Well, sweetheart, seems you found yourself in quite the predicament here.” The words roll off his tongue easily, like they were practiced, used, normal for him to utter. That nickname too, so antagonizing and belittling with just two syllables. It made your blood boil… not like that… right?
You attempted to speak, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, your eyes still flicking between the barrel of the gun and the ruined face before you. Your very apparent lack of thoughts and speech only made the ghoul chuckle. It was a deep sound, like a rumble of the earth during a thunderstorm, the vibrations running all through your body, unyielding to the forces that surround you. 
“Cat got your tongue, darlin’?”
The question was not meant to be answered, in fact it made all semblance of words leave your mouth entirely. He stood up then, the spurs on his boots startling you as he took step after step closer to you, the gun in his hand hanging loosely at his side. At first, you didn’t move, but as he got closer, you took a fearful step back, not realizing until it was too late that he maneuvered you in such a way as he was getting closer so now your back was flush against the wall. The ghoul was close now, too close, so close you could feel his body heat, the stench of his breath from his yellowed mouth, the gunpowder and cigarettes and booze that lingered on him like a haze after a fire. He was terrifying. 
You let out a pathetic squeak as the end of his shotgun found its place underneath your chin, tilting your head up to make sure you looked him directly in the eyes. His eyes weren’t an evil yellow or filled with contempt, they were a deep brown, a soft brown, and they were filled with an emotion you really could not place. The position you were in was compromising, with his face inches from your own (his hips inches from your own). And that look in his eyes. Why couldn’t you figure it out?
The cool metal of the gun felt as if it was burning you as he tipped your head back just a bit more, his dark eyes focused on yours, “Ain’t you just a sweet little thing, all alone, no way of protectin’ yourself.” You did have a way of protecting yourself, it was called booby traps that he somehow managed to get by, but you bit your tongue. 
“What do you want with me?” You managed to speak that one question that was burning in your mind in spite of the shivers of fear that ran down your spine as your chin moved the shotgun touching it.
At that little comment from you, the ghoul smirked like the bastard he was, “Well you see, missy,” You felt a surge of relief followed quickly by terror again as the gun left your chin only to trail down your neck and land on the collar of your tank top, a collar that was already pretty low cut (again, it was hot). The barrel caught in the fabric as he continued to speak, “I have it on good information that this little abode of yours happens to also be the home of a stupid boy who crossed paths with the wrong man.”
Your heart sank. You knew exactly what he was referring to. Your fucking brother, off doing who knows what, stirring up the worst kind of trouble. He wanted to avenge your father, you knew that, but did he not think? Of course he didn’t. He thought it would be all unicorns and daisies as he tracked down a pack of murderers. Why would he think twice about the trouble that would bring onto you?
“Look, I–” You gave a dry swallow as the gun at your chest pushed further beneath your shirt, just shy away from tugging it to the side and taking a peek. “You’re looking for my brother, right? I-I don’t know where he is. He left months ago and then my mother–” You cut yourself off, you didn’t want your mother caught up as this bounty hunter’s prey as well.
The ghoul cocked his head to the side, eyes never leaving your face even as the gun moved the fabric of your tank top to the side, your cleavage very obviously there for the looking. “Don’t let me stop you, sweetheart. Please, tell me more about your dear mama.”
You felt the tears on your cheeks before you realized they even formed in the first place. Why did this have to happen? You were blessed, you knew that, with this home and your family, but that didn’t mean you had to have horrible things happen to you as well. You already lost your father, your brother and mother were gone, but you didn’t do anything. 
The ghoul’s gaze followed the tears as they trailed down your face, a twisted pleasure running through him as he watched them. You were too sweet for this world, too sweet for a man like him to find you all alone like this. 
Without much extra thought, you felt the ghoul position his leg between yours, the rough material of his pants around his thigh immediately rubbing against the cloth covering your bottom half. The movement caught you off guard and another gasp of surprise left your mouth, a fresh wave of tears trailing down your face. So that was what he wanted… Growing up you learned what it was that made babies, the simple things like that, but you were sheltered, never leaving your home or the confines of your land, much preferring to stay with your family and not venture out into the dangerous unknown. And it was made dangerous because men, of things, like him.
“Awh, what is it, darlin’?” You heard the gun click into its holster at his side, one hand moving to grip your hip with a strength that really shouldn’t have shocked you, the other moving towards your face, his gloved thumb swiping at the tears gathering there. You mewled again as his thigh moved, the rough fabric causing unwanted friction in an unwanted place. “You scared of little ol’ me?”
“Please,” The fear you felt before only grew as the realization dawned on you. He wanted information and he knew the only way of getting it out of you would be to hurt you… but that didn’t have to mean just cuts and bruises, especially for a man like him. “Please don’t do this. I- I don’t know anything else.” 
You knew it was a lie, he knew it was a lie. You just wanted to protect your mother, and maybe you could convince him of that. At least, you hoped you could. 
The ghoul moved the hand on your face down, resting on the collar of your shirt, “Sweetheart, you really don’t know how the world works out there, do ya?” His face moved closer to yours, his breath hot against the shell of your ear, “It’s eat or be eaten, darlin’, and you ain’t telling me what I wanna know.”
“But-” You hiccuped as fresh tears left your eyes, “But I don’t know anythi–”
A sharp gasp that bordered on a scream escaped you as the hand at your hip left to join the other one and a loud ripping sound invaded your senses, your tank top now ripped clean down the middle, exposing your breasts to him.
Damn, your skin was so soft. Not a scar on your body, just some dirt and scrapes from working outside. The sweat from the sun still lingered on your skin, making it glow, and that scent, it alone was enough to make a ghoul go feral. But he could stave off that feeling if he found a way to get rid of it. 
The ghoul’s eyes found yours again in spite of your breasts being right there. “Sweet thing,” God you hated how small his nicknames made you feel. “I don’t think you’re understandin’ still. I got a bounty to find, you know how to find ‘em, and, well, I know a fun way to get it outta ya.” 
At that last comment you felt the rough leather of his gloves finally touch your breast, squeezing and toying with them in a way you never thought possible. His hands were everywhere, twisting, rough, strong, it made your skin sweat and your back arch. You whimpered as he tugged at your nipples, the pain mixed with a different feeling, one that didn’t feel that bad. As your back arched, your hips unintentionally bumped against his and you felt something hard poke at you. Your eyes widened in shock, the nice feeling from before immediately dissipating as your situation dawned on you again. With that thought, a renewed vigor filled you, your hand clenching in a fist that was raised and swung at the monster’s face. 
Your punch landed with a loud thud but to your horror he didn’t even flinch, just stopped his ministrations on your breasts to glare at you, his anger radiating off of him in waves. 
A cruel smirk grew on his scarred face, “There’s that fight I was looking for.”
His sentence was punctuated with a harsh slap across your face, the force making your vision blink out for a couple of seconds as your head swung to the side. You tasted blood in your mouth and felt a strong hand grip your jaw, harshly moving your head so that it faced him again. 
“You wanna try that again, sweetheart, or are ya gonna tell me what I wanna know?”
Despite your fear and the knowledge that this man, this ghoul, could kill you in a matter of seconds, it would take more than that to get you to give up your mother and brother to him. With that thought in mind, you gathered up some of the blood in your mouth and spit at him, the red liquid splattering over his already reddened face. 
The hand at your jaw moved to grip your throat, squeezing just enough to cause discomfort and fear that he could do much worse. You watched in horror as his free hand then moved to gather up some of the blood on his face, the finger now sticky and shiny with it moving to his mouth as he licked it clean, a face of pure pleasure overcoming him as he tasted you. 
“You taste sweeter than apple pie,” Your throat was squeezed tighter as his face grew closer to yours, his missing nose making it easier to invade your space. “And that just makes me wanna taste you even more.”
His head immediately moved to your neck where you felt his hot breath on your shoulder, his hand moved to grab at your face to keep you from moving. You squirmed in his grasp as you felt a rough tongue drag against your skin, the feeling foreign to you. It seemed like he really was tasting you, licking at the sweat and grime that coated your skin, savoring the taste. Your body tried to wriggle free, a scream warbled by the grip he had on your cheeks as you felt the blunt ends of his teeth bite deep into the juncture of your shoulder and neck. The force in which he bit down was sure to leave a mark, the abused flesh turning red and irritated almost immediately. 
You wanted to pass out right then and there, your mind racing with thoughts of what he might do to you next. He lingered at your neck for a moment before giving it one last swipe of his tongue and returning to look you dead in the eyes, a wicked smile on his scarred skin. Your face was smushed together by his gloved hand and you watched as his gaze traveled back to your neck, back to the mark he left there. His hand quickly followed that gaze, trailing over the mark before gripping your throat again. You saw as the thoughts and emotions raced behind his eyes but you didn’t know where they would lead.
Without any more warning, the ghoul used the hand on your throat to swing you around, slamming your back onto the table. You tried to get out from under him, swinging your arms and legs wildly, screaming (not that anyone would hear you), trying to land a punch or a kick, anything to get away. The ghoul grabbed a hold of your wrists in one hand, pinning them to the table above your head as his free hand went to his waist, grabbing the shotgun from its holster and pointing at your face once again. 
Your struggle stopped the moment you heard the holster pop open, your terror growing tenfold as you knew at this distance, one simple slip of his finger would cause your entire head to explode off your body. The ghoul’s smirk was horrible, devilish, and it turned your blood ice cold. He moved the barrel of the gun closer to you until it brushed against your pursed lips still stained red from your blood.
You knew what he wanted you to do, but you couldn’t, the thought making you want to die on the spot. The ghoul didn’t seem to like that, though, the barrel pushing against your lips more roughly.
“Open wide, darlin’” His voice was dark, gravely, filled with irritation but also wild interest, or perhaps lust. “You really don’t wanna make me even more angry.”
You looked deep into his eyes, the flakes of red across his face from your blood making him appear even more frightening, even more like a monster only seen in children’s stories. You knew if you hesitated any longer he’d be more than happy to pull the trigger and blow your head clean off. Your vision grew blurry as more tears formed, your mouth opening just the slightest amount to allow for the gun to slide past your lips. The taste of metal and gunpowder made you want to gag, your eyes finding the dark ones above you as a slow exhale of breath left the ghoul’s mouth, his gaze transfixed on the way his gun slid deep into your mouth.
“Ain’t that a sight,” He spoke in a low tone, voice filled with fascination.
The gun moved deeper into your mouth, the taste giving way to pain as it pushed against the back of your throat, your mouth wrapping painfully around it, stretching it in uncomfortable ways. You felt it begin to leave your mouth before pushing back in, the slow fucking of your throat by a gun making your tears only increase, the gaging sensation becoming more prominent. You tried to move your arms, to get the gun out of your mouth, but his grip was too strong, his fascination with the scene he created too enticing for him to stop. You felt a hard poke against your thighs as they draped over the end of the table and were pinned by the ghoul’s strong body. You continued to gag around the gun as he fucked it faster and rougher into your face, his breaths becoming louder above you. The hard poke from before rubbed against your thigh as he continued, unprovoked, or perhaps more enticed by your tears and the pathetic sounds attempting to leave around the thick barrel of his gun.
“It’s a damn good thing you ain’t out in the real world, pretty lady. You woulda been eaten right up the moment someone laid eyes on ya.” 
His final comment was finished as the gun was shoved further down your throat, a garbled scream rising from you only to be smothered by the metal. He finally removed the weapon from your mouth, saliva making the metal glisten in the dying light from the sun outside. Your cheeks felt burning hot, covered in your tears and sweat as you were given some reprieve from his assault. 
The ghoul looked over his gun, that same bastardly smirk still prominent on his face as he placed it back in its holster, leaving your spit still on it. “Now that was fun, wasn’t it sweetheart,” You tried to glare at him, but didn’t dare speak, your mouth too sore and abused. Your small fight made the ghoul chuckle again, the hand holding your wrists dragging you up from the table with a harsh yank. His face was inches from yours again as he held you in the air, the only thing keeping you from falling was his grip on your hands and his hips digging into yours against the table. “Wanna tell me where you dear mama is now?”
So this torture was still to get information out of you. You loved your mother, you couldn’t bear the thought of giving her up so easily just to save your own skin. 
“Fuck you.” Your voice was strained, your throat throbbing in pain at each syllable. 
“I hoped you’d say that.” With a shove, he threw you to the floor, moving to stand over you. With your limbs finally free, you scrambled to get away, but he was too quick, one heeled boot slamming down on your leg with enough force to stun you. You screamed out in pain, eyes going wide as you watched him reach for his belt, foot still pressed against your leg, keeping you from moving. His hands worked slowly, the terror building up in you at each passing second. His belt came off far too quickly followed by the button of his pants. 
You closed your eyes, not wanting to see where this was going. You heard the rustle of fabric as the ghoul removed his foot from your leg and went to straddle you, strong thighs on either side of your hips, one hand slammed against the floor beside your head, the other grabbing your jaw in a vice-like grip. 
“Eyes on me, sweetheart,” You hesitated before giving in as his grip strengthened to the point of pain, making you gasp and your eyes fly open. “I want you to watch as I ruin you.”
The tears never seemed to stop, his hand leaving your jaw only to rip your shorts and panties down your legs in one harsh tug, the fabric burning against your too sensitive skin. You didn’t dare look down, your gaze staying fixed on his, hoping that if you didn’t look then it wasn’t actually going to happen. 
In spite of your prayers, you felt the rough leather of a gloved finger run through your folds, a sharp intake of breath the only sound you made. Your attempts at staying quiet were soon overcome as his finger found that secret spot just at the top of your cunt, the roughness of the glove and the fear that was coursing through your blood made it even more sensitive and a small mewl of discomfort left your lips. 
The ghoul continued to rub at your clit, your thighs beginning to shake, the sounds escaping your throat enough to make your skin boil in shame. “C’mon, pretty lady, do ya really wanna make this harder on yourself?” He went to whisper in your ear again, his fingers working magic against you. “I can make this feel so good for ya, just tell me what I wanna hear.”
Your hips began to buck against his hand, your moans growing louder as his thumb remained on your clit, one finger entering your cunt and it was like you were seeing stars. You had never done anything like this before, never really had the chance to. You experimented by yourself of course, but having someone else do it to you? It was on a whole other level. 
You chased your peak like it was the only thing standing in the way of your survival, your hips shaking, mouth agape, eyes still fixed on the dark ones above you. You were so close. You could feel it building, boiling over–
A pathetic cry left you as he removed his hand, bringing it up to his face as he inspected the wetness now coating his fingers. With that same hand he gripped your cheeks, your own fluids coating your face, the scent invading your senses. 
“I said I could make ya feel good, but you haven’t given me anythin’ in return yet.” His tone was so cocky, so arrogant, and yet it sent warmth shooting down to your core, unbidden and unwelcome to your mind, but it was received with exaltation as it fueled the slowly dying fire within you. 
“Please–” It was pathetic, you knew that, and you weren’t even sure what you were saying please to, please stop, please don’t stop, please let me come mr ghoul sir?
Your desire was partially snuffed out as you felt something large and warm slap against your stomach. The suddenness of it made you forget to not look down as your gaze landed on the ghoul’s cock. It was big, the skin red and irritated, scarred from the radiation, just like the rest of his body. As much as the pleasure he was giving you before felt amazing, you couldn’t take that thing. 
“That can’t fit,” You spoke hurriedly, the fear taking hold once more. “Please, I-I don’t know anything! I can’t help you, just please don’t put that in me.” Your sobs grew hysterical, tears free flowing, incoherent mumbles leaving you. “Sweetheart, you really think I care?” 
He was cruel, he was a monster, a horrible, despicable monster.
The ghoul reached for his discarded belt, using it to tie your wrists together above your head as you tried to squirm away from him again. And you watched in terror as one of his hands guided the head of his cock to hit against your opening, the other hand roaming down your neck to grab at your breasts again. The tip of him tried to get inside of you and you already felt like you would die right there.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you are tight.” His gaze left his cock and moved to look at you again, “You never been fucked before, have ya?”
Your blabberings and the fear in your eyes was enough of an answer for him. “Damn, didn’t think I’d find a cunt as sweet as yours in this place.” He finally managed to push in, the pain was horrible, it made your insides burn, your mind going blank. “Makes me wanna stay here just a bit longer, still gotta know where your little shit of a brother is afterall.”
Your mind was gone, overcome with pain as he pushed more of his length into you, heedless of your squirming, your tears, the resistance he felt as he kept on going deeper and deeper. 
It was horrible, you were glad your brain tried to block out other thoughts, albeit in vain as he pulled out just to slam back into you, fully sheathed in your tight cunt. 
“You’re gripping me like a vice, darlin’, I dunno if I can even get out.” He gave a soft chuckle at that, punctuated with a sharp tug from your warmth only to shove it back in at a brutal pace. 
You couldn't take it, couldn’t comprehend how this was happening to you. Distantly, you heard as his gloves came off, the rough skin of his fingers grabbing your hip with enough strength to form bruises while the other other arm braced against the floor beside your head, using it as leverage to rut into you. Your legs were splayed around his, your back scraping against the wooden floor, digging sharp lines into your skin. 
You could faintly hear quiet sounds escape the man above you as he fucked you, his arms moving to grab your legs, bending them until your knees were beside your head, allowing him to reach even deeper into you. The head of his cock felt like a nail was being hammered into your cervix with each thrust. Your glazed eyes wandered down to see where you were joined and a jolt of horror ran through you. Each time he rammed into you, your belly bulged up a bit, it was like he was rearranging your insides to make more room for him. 
The ghoul’s gaze followed yours and a louder grunt left him, one hand leaving your leg to press against the bulge on your belly. “Darlin’, you’re just too good for this fucked up world.”
The house was filled with the noises of flesh meeting flesh, your eyes were blank, staring up at the ceiling his thrusts continued. You didn’t want to think, to feel, to exist anymore. But the ghoul has other plans. Your face scrunched up as you felt a textured finger find your clit once more, rubbing it in all the right ways to make your mind snap back into focus. The pleasure was building again, each snap of his hips mixed with the bundle of nerves at your center being played with and you were reaching that peak again. Your moans intermingling with the slapping of flesh on flesh, you didn’t want to reach that crest and fall over it, you didn’t want this encounter to feel good for you too, but by god it did.
Your voice was raw as it screamed out, your pleasure pushed over the edge as you came, your thighs coating with your fluids, the noises becoming even more obscene as he continued to fuck you harder and faster.
“Goddamn, you are just too fucking good.”
His hands gripped your hips as his pace quickened but lost its rhythm. You knew he was getting close and the overstimulation of being fucked through and beyond your orgasm was making it hard to think of anything other than him. His hips finally stopped pistoning into you, giving one last, rough thrust as something hot and sticky filled you up, leaking out around his cock that remained in you. 
The ghoul braced his hands on either side of your head, his eyes zeroed in on yours, breath heavy, sweat on his brow. “You gonna help me out now, sweetheart?”
Your head lolled to the side, eyes closing as you passed out. 
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icyblogs · 11 days
god bless u for the 141/fallout post i’ve been going feral thinking about a fallout au where simon is a pre-war ghoul who fought in the great war and still wears his power armor to hide that fact 🙏🙏 better yet even simon/reader fallout au where they were married before the bombs fell, and being a military wife she was lucky enough to get a space in a vault but ended up in cryo-freeze while he became a ghoul and they meet again 200 years later
Fallout!AU Ghoul!Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader WC: 1.2K words Note: Hi anon! I had to do a little research about how exactly ghouls and cryo-freeze functioned, sorry for getting back to you so late! (does it still functionally make sense no but shh its fine) Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (:
Ghost who was already in the process of becoming a ghoul before the Great War! Already a renowned soldier; one of which was elected for a new experimental drug. For the sake of humanity he was told, after all, doing this will guarantee a spot in the vaults for him and his precious little wife! Doesn’t he want you to be safe? Though he might not have necessarily agreed with the means, don’t the rewards outweigh the consequences? Doesn’t he want to live out the rest of his days in peace with you? For a good vault- wanting the best for you. 
These tests, these experiments.. would end up taking a toll eventually. Too late for you to ever see of course. Well, by the time the great war actually starts, it’s far too late to see the effects of it at all. The experiments required him to stay on base- very seldom ever actually seeing you. “Just a few more weeks.” You were constantly told, and of course full heartedly you’d believe him. Why would he have any reason to lie? So when the first bomb drops.. And then the next. It was no surprise when you were forced to go into a vault without your husband, so scared. All alone without him. ):  
The experiments therefore spiraled, the results becoming null, nothing necessarily coming from them- too many variables being added. And with the radiation from all the bombs well.. He was no longer a ghost but a ghoul. 
He’d be similar to ‘The Ghoul’ in the show in my opinion! Fighting his way through the wasteland, killing, maiming- adapting. Becoming the monster that was always sort of lingering beneath the skin, going back to baser instincts. Everything he did was for his vows. For you. See, I'd imagine that he would wear a power-suit at first, especially when his skin starts to sort of stretch and shrivel, like a burn— eye sockets sinking, nose concaving. If he had found you, he didn’t want you to see what he was becoming; his humanity unraveling faster than he could keep the spool pulled taut. 
Though.. the first year passes. Then the first decade. A century. Two. 
Eventually time slows to a lull; without direction nor guidance. Always sort of be bordering on turning feral, one mishap away from just totally snapping. Enough for life itself to become a constant loop of just sort of.. apathy. Life wasn’t kind enough to people like him, never allowing anything good to stay in their lives. So why would it in this hellscape as well? Going through this so-called life like it was nothing more than a hindrance. Traveling through the land, taking on dead man’s jobs; not caring for the consequences at this point. Because what really was the point without you by his side? Never forming attachments, after all, why bother? He’d outlive them anyway.
Throughout the years, settlements pop up left and right- factions forming, most dying out faster than he could blink. These days, vaults come to the surface- trying to rebuild, kind to any poor soul or raider that they come across, like sheep walking right into the maws of a wolf. Then.. a new community sprouts up. 
Groups of thousands coming up to the surface, building a town- starting a new life. It really wasn’t anything new; Ghost had seen it and experienced it before. Would be a year or two at most of having a bed, having a steady access to food and drink- the meals always tasted like ash, if he thinks hard enough he might’ve remembered how your cooking tasted. He could blink and he was back in his home, watching you sway to some music on the radio, donned in a frilly apron, and you’d turn around and he could swear he could smell what you had in your hands. His imagination always ended up the same way; his eyes would eventually lead up to where your face was; blurry and being forgotten- he’d startle back to the reality at hand, mood darkening. 
So this new community. It wasn’t really a question of whether he was to make his way there, if not to stay for a brief moment of peace then to swindle them out of some supplies. Because at the end of the day they were vaulters. Nothing in the grand scheme of things: would probably die to some raiders anyway. They were always so eager to please, to see the good in people, and they were just so welcoming and hospitable. 
And then he saw.. you. 
The dreams, his imagination- the fog seemed to clear the moment he saw you again; even from a distance.. It was just how he had remembered you- his wife. You look like you haven't aged a day, donned in a blue clad jumpsuit. Simon watches with a dry mouth as you provide a kind smile to one of the people next to you, nodding your head as the pair of you attempt to cultivate the soil. He sees the way you jolt when the man’s hand brushes over your own as if he had shocked you- and his own eyes narrow at the sight, staring unblinkingly as if he might miss something. 
A mirage, it was easy to think. A trick of the light even- the radiation boiling his brain enough to fuck with his head, to give him some twisted hope about something that should not be possible. You.. should be dead. Long gone and yet- why were you in front of him? A phantom? Another way to mock him?
The more he looked he knew it was not the case. He could hear your voice- the cadence, all sounding just as how he's remembered it for the last eon. It made him wonder however- why were you smiling? Why.. were you laughing? He wasn’t with you- so why did you seem so happy then? 
There was something about a corpse yearning for someone full of life even still; for someone who was unburdened by centuries of an unforgiving and cruel world. He felt like Icarus, wanting to get closer; to see if he would melt if he got too close to the warmth. He’d be willing to burn if it meant that you were within reach again. His left hand felt heavy as he flexed it to try and release some tension, gold band digging into his skin. And with how sweet you looked, it only made his teeth ache and fingers twitch over the handle of his gun, longing to be with only you. Would your skin be as soft as he remembered? His throat felt dry, taking a step forward, aching to herd you back to where you belonged. Would your body still sing for him, even as your husband has turned into a monster, even as the stench of death and rot seems to follow him everywhere he goes? 
Would you still remember him? ..Did that matter at this point? He’s never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
After all, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. 
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fiberc · 8 months
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness Pets
Because, well, there’s one animal companion in the game that everyone loves (which very much includes Victor), and that sometimes prompts me to think of what other animals I would like to have share Victor’s, Alice’s, and their companion’s lives:
-->Obviously, pet numero uno is said animal companion everyone loves -- good old Dogmeat! Victor instantly felt a bond with the dog when he met the pooch at the Red Rocket, and he credits Dogmeat (along with Codsworth and later Preston) for helping him get through his earliest days in the Commonwealth -- particularly with helping him set up the Red Rocket as a new sort of “home base” for himself (and showing him how best to kill mole rats), and giving him a paw with the Concord raiders. I haven’t traveled much with Dogmeat in the actual game, but they’ve been on a few adventures together, and Dogmeat has a nice home in the Red Rocket with a dog bed for snoozing. :) He’s just a good fluffy boy for Victor to come home to and relax with.
-->Second up, we have Mutt, the Wounded Mongrel! I ran across this random encounter by the Red Rocket in Lexington in one of my earlier attempts at a playthrough (before I started modding), and simply fell in love with the sweet little wounded dog. She’s just so friendly, and always seems happy to see you when she pops up again! In my current playthrough, I met her while she was being assaulted by a raider under the bridge that runs by Starlight Drive-In. D: Victor promptly shotgunned the asshole in the face. >D It genuinely makes me sad that you can’t adopt the friendly mongrel after you help her in vanilla FO4 -- I mean, you can buy other dogs from traders, why can’t she come home with you? :(
But the modders are doing the work! May I introduce you to the Recruit The Wounded Dog mod by LarannKiar! :D It adds a miscellaneous recruitment quest to adopt Mutt (or Sparky, or Buttface, depending on which name you picked) and gives her a set location by Thicket Excavations so she can be easily picked up. I just recently got her settled in at the Red Rocket by Sanctuary with Dogmeat. :D
Now, in the actual Fallout of Darkness verse, Victor would save her from the raider by Starlight, then she’d just stay by Victor’s side after he stimpacks her and makes sure her leg is better. Once he realizes the dog has basically adopted him, he ends up taking her home with him to the Red Rocket. Dogmeat is initially a bit growly, but after a bit of scolding from Victor (”be nice! This one HASN’T tried to rip my throat out!”) and some cautious sniffing, they settle their differences and end up friends. She’s called “Mutt” because I chose the “what’s your name” option that just auto-named her “Mutt” the first time I met her, and the name’s stuck in my head -- I’m thinking Victor just refers to her as “the mutt” for a bit when he’s not sure if she’s gonna stick around or not, and it just morphs into her name.
-->Thirdly, we have Kit-Kat, a random cat from the Commonwealth! This one has a bit of a story behind it: after Alice “joins the party” and mentions being a cat person, Victor suggests she should try to find a pet, but Alice says most animals find her off-putting (and indeed, Dogmeat and Mutt are kinda nervous around her until they get used to her vampire vibe -- fortunately, traveling around with Victor means she’s got some of his scent clinging to her, which helps). Victor, feeling a bit bad, occasionally tries to lure stray cats over to her, but most of them either start getting aggressive or just flee --
And then, one day out exploring on his own, Victor comes across a brown cat with a lighter stripe up its nose, who promptly starts bothering him for a lift. Victor lets the cat climb up onto his shoulders and takes it home with him, where Alice is reading a book.
The cat, the moment Victor gets close, jumps into her lap and curls up without a second thought.
It soon becomes apparent that this cat’s deal is that it is not bothered by anything. The cat gives no shits -- sharing a house with two dogs? Owners occasionally fighting mole rats? One of the people giving him (as it is revealed to be a tom) pets is a vampire? Fuck it, as long as there’s a warm place to sleep and food in the bowl, the cat does not care. Alice is thrilled and happily adopts him, initially just calling him “kitty cat” before shortening that to what becomes his actual name, Kit-Kat. (No, not named after the candy, though he is the right color -- I’ve actually decided, just for silliness purposes, that while something similar to Kit-Kats exists in the Fallout universe, they’re actually called “Snap-Backs” and the advertising campaign was about eating the candy to come up with snappy comebacks to stupid questions.)
-->And now, an interlude with me and my brain:
My Brain: [grinning at me]
Me: What do you want now?
My Brain: I noticed you were thinking about potential pets for Fallout of Darkness!Victor and Alice.
Me: Ah, I think I see where this is going -- sorry, but honestly, I’ve gone a little off fire lizards after learning more about the Pern books in general. Some of them are really --
My Brain: I wasn’t talking about fire lizards.
Me: ???
My Brain: I was talking about Dougie.
Me: Dou -- wait. My stuffed toy? The “Faust” dragon from Douglas Toys? That Dougie?
My Brain: His crest could glow when he’s about to breathe fire!
Me: Hang on, I’m pretty sure Fallout 76 established that if this universe has dragons, they’re Scorchbeasts -- those mutated bats you gotta blow up in West Virginia because of how dangerous they are.
My Brain: There could be multiple mutations that result in dragon-like creatures! I mean, if you can get Deathclaws from a type of chameleon. . .
Me: Okay, I will give you that. But I have no idea how I’d fit him into the story currently (unlike Smiler) so can you content yourself with mental fanart for the moment?
My Brain: Acceptable.
So yeah, uh, small-but-nonzero-chance that at some point I’m going to find a way to put one of my favorite dragon toys in as a pet for Victor. I don’t know what they’d mutate from yet, but I’m sure I can think of something. . .
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mephileswhisper · 7 hours
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been on a fallout kick recently & drew mephiles in my vegas ic playthrough
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nooklingposting · 13 days
X6-88: Elder Scrolls AU
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He understands the need for discretion, using speech for intimidation, is skilled in combat and works for a higher power (normally, the institute). Of course he’s in the Dark Brotherhood!
Please send me any headcanons you have about this version of X6 because I am so very normal about him
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Black Light 14
Warnings: noncon, namecalling, violence, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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August marches you down the hallway, his fingertips a vice on your neck. You hiss as your feet bounce on the floor, struggling to keep from tripping at his furious pace. He shoves you against a door as he unlocks it.
As it opens, he hurls you inside and a growl rumbles up from his chest. He flicks on the lights as you catch your breath and face him, bracing the wall to keep from falling. You watch him with a tinge in your cheeks; you can't tell if you're scared or excited.
The more you look at him, he isn't that bad to look at. Even with the scars across the side of his face and the constant arch of his thick brows. And you've seen how well-built he is. You've felt it.
His black shirt is taut across his chest as he thumbs off his leather boots and sneers at you, "why are you looking at me like that, girl? I'm about to break you."
"Was just thinking, you're kinda cute," you beams and wring your hands together bashfully, "maybe if you shaved--"
"Do you know how to shut up?" He snarls.
"I'm sorry, sir," you bat your lashes, "is that good? Should I call you sir? Or do you like daddy?"
"What the fuck?" He hisses. "What is wrong with you?"
"Come on, daddy," you flutter over to him as he stands straight and you grab his thick biceps, "go on and break me."
"You are truly insane."
"Pot, kettle," you sing as you drag your hands across his chest and down his stomach.
"You're playing with fire," he grabs your wrists and pulls your arms above you. "Why are you here if it hurt so goddamn much?"
You pout up at him, your eyes stinging for just a moment before you quell the sudden tide, "you took something special so you better make it mean something."
"Girl," he shakes his head.
"You must like me if you did all that," you wiggle your body as he keeps your arms trapped above you, "come on... I wore cute panties for you."
He shivers and grits his teeth. He lets you go and nudges you away from him.
"This isn't gonna be something sweet," he rasps, "don't you understand?"
You smirk at him, a flutter in your core which could as easily be horror as excitement, "come on, Auggy," you pull up your dress, "let's have some more fun."
He glares at you. There's war in his eyes. He's fighting himself. Good, he should suffer too.
You sweep your dress off, revealing your naked chest and cute flower-specked panties. He sucks in air and you shake your chest at him. You reach again for him but he's too fast.
He grabs you, a hand on your neck, the other on the back of your head. He bowls you backward, your shoes clunking on the floor as he urges you further inside.
"Don't say I didn't warn you, girl," he growls as you cling to his forearm.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," you chirp back through your tight throat.
Another rumble escapes him as he turns you against another wall. He drops his hand from the back of your head and paws at your panties. He has you pinned as he shoves his fingers down the front and rolls over your tender bud. You're already wet with anticipation. He purrs as he feels it against his fingertips.
He rubs you firmly, teasing you, patient this time. He explores your folds, delving back and forth from your clit to your entrance, spreading your arousal as you feel his trembling beneath the surface. His blue eyes are dark as he puffs hot breaths on you. You clutch his thick bicep once more and moan.
"That's it, Auggy--"
He chokes the words from you. Your lashes flicker and you caress his arm enticingly. The friction is hot against your sensitive flesh, still wrought from your first time. You're only happy your whimpers can't rise through his tight grip.
You buck your hips, begging for more as you bite your lips, eyes cresting with hot tears as your head swells from your constrained breathing. He toys with you until your thighs quiver and you slap a hand against the wall as you tilt into him. You feel something. The pressure mounts, twisting like a coiled snake, lashing out only as his touch slickens and swirls wildly. Your eyes roll back as you spasm and cum.
His fingers glide back and he rams them into you. You yelp and clasp your hand around his sleeve. He chuckles as he fingers you roughly, stretching you as he spreads his fingers with each invasion. He drags his hand from beneath your panties and smears a wet trail up your stomach.
He fumbles with the front of his pants as his hold on you slackens enough to gulp in air. He shifts as he shimmies his pants down with one hand, tugging at both sides, then yanking down the front of his briefs. He turns his attention back on you and bends to hook an arm behind your legs. He lifts you easily, pushing between your thighs and crowding you against the wall. You hook your legs around him eagerly.
"You're still too tight," he snarls as he slips his hand beneath you and tugs aside your panties, the fabric catching in the crease of your leg. His thumb digs in behind your jaw as he feels around beneath you, guiding his tip along your entrance as he hooks his hand under your ass.
He exhales as he impales you. You babble, the fire just as scalding and violent as before. You don't understand. It should feel good this time. You hold back the pain and drone, bracing his shoulder as you rock your hips, puffing out haltingly.
"Hurts?" He taunts.
"No," you lie and roll your hips again, a little better.
"Sure," he scoffs and buries his nose against your hair, breathing over your scalp as he ruts into you from below.
He trails his hand back to grope your ass as you work against him. Your clit rubs against his pelvis, the tingle slowly building again, enough to soften the dull pain from within. You hook your hand around his neck and tilt your hips faster.
"Come on and fuck me," you challenge him as his deep grunts seep into your ears.
"Girl," he warns hotly.
"I know you can do better," you snap out, not as certain you can take any more.
He steps closer, crushing you against the wall as he squeezes your throat and digs his nails into your ass. He pounds you against the plaster, flesh clapping loudly as your spine aches. You slip your fingers up into his hair and lean forward. You nuzzle along his neck and shoulder, biting into the thick muscles there. He grunts lower.
"What--" He can't say much through his effort. He doesn't stop you as his motion picks up, fueled by the pain of your bite. You tug his hair and he tries to jerk his head away. "Crazy... fucking... girl."
He thrusts with each word, stopping on the last as he pushes himself into his limit. You moan, your climax dangling just before you, no...
You unlatch your teeth from him and huff, "is that all?"
He releases your neck and fists your hair instead, pulling you away from the wall, "not even close..." he snarls as he turns and carries you easily with him, "I told you... you're playing with fire."
He falls onto the couch with you beneath him. He quickly resumes his pace, snapping his pelvis against you as he sits back on his heels, watching the way he slides in and out. You look down to a shiver rolls through you. Oh wait, that is nice...
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amarithecat · 1 year
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muttgreaze · 9 months
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If you find this post I'd like to follow any sensible fans of the following
1. Gwar
2. Mr Bungle
3. Oingo Boingo
4. Doom Patrol
5. The Residents
6. Fallout
7. Ween
8. Foetus
9. Grotus
10. Ziltoid
11. SouthPark
12. BioShock
13. Hylics
14. Dark Crystal
15. Taxidermy
16. Dorohedoro
17. H.R. Giger
18. Primus
19. Acid Bath
20. Postal
21. Hellboy
Thanks man V 🥩
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