#fahc headcanon
heisttheblackflag · 1 year
I’m in the desert outside LA and there’s a huge mass of wildflowers that are all bright orange, purple, and yellow; I think my new Rimmy Tim headcanon is that they lived out here for a long time, and when they ended up in los santos they picked those colors for their signature outfit to remind them of home.
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somegrumpynerd · 2 years
Tom Fawkes in fahc who’s not really a criminal but he’s a prolific drag racer that the cops are always after. Everyone thinks he and Matt have this huge rivalry because they race each other around the city pretty often and it goes back and forth on who wins, until he helps out on a heist getaway and they’re surprised to learn there’s such a thing as friendly drag races.
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ursifors · 1 year
more outlaw shit because i can't stop thinking about this au
so one of my fahc headcanons is that rimmy has a pet python named gummy banana so i'm transferring that to this au as well. since they all live in an abandoned mineshaft she usually is just hanging out coiled wherever its warmest, or sitting outside sunning.
everyone but matt and joe has their own horse. matt and joe dont have horses because for some reason animals hate them.
i'm imagining their hideout to be very much like slim's secret hideout from home on the range.
trevor knew matt and jeremy before starting his life of crime. jeremy was already an established outlaw that trevor had had run ins with when he was still a regular cowpoke, and matt was a friend from town who was always kind of bookish and smart but funny.
alfredo and trevor constantly get confused for each other by lawmen. this is sometimes really helpful, and sometimes a detriment to plans.
rimmy tim is just jeremy's like, outlaw name. not many people actually know he's named jeremy outside of the crew.
jeremy is selectively mute! he uses sign language to speak and everyone in the crew can understand him just fine! though the newbies sometimes misinterpret what he's saying which causes for some funny situations i'm sure.
jeremy comes from a troubled past that only matt (his closest friend) and trevor (his leader) know. i think its fun to make rimmy tim like, really mysterious and dangerous but silly and weird at the same time.
clay made a joke to me that alfredo gets branded on his ass when he eventually gets caught and i decided to make it canon bc its funny. he moons a sheriff one day and the guy keeps a grudge about it for months until they finally catch him and brand him on the ass cheek for revenge.
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daphuu · 3 years
A FAHC Michael Jones headcanon that my roommate put into my head yesterday:
Michael and Lindsay going to McDonalds in one of Michael’s chrome cars but Lindsay has to sit in the back seat because Michael’s BigMacs get the front seat privilege slskdjfkslslfjjfkdlsldjfjfksl
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prince-cally · 3 years
I have a headcanon that fahc (female) Jack and 'regular' ( male ) Jack are twins in the FAHC universe. Jackson and Jacklyn.
Jacklyn is a criminal and bad girl.
Jackson is a sweet farmer boy who pretends like he dosen't know his twin is a criminal.
They have a good realtionship behind the scenes. They both go by Jack around friends and ot confuses the shit outta their family.
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abbeysquidd · 4 years
On the bright side, I never published the entirety of my FAHC headcanoned storyline...
On the down side...
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writerofshit · 4 years
I feel like we never talk about immortal!fahc anymore and that's a shame.
I have a great need for something where their respawn takes a few minutes, and in the interim whoever has died is just Somewhere Else. If they die with someone, they're in that place together.
This is really just an opportunity to have Gavin and Ryan come strolling back, bickering about whose fault it was that they died.
Also I can picture Gavin accidentally taking out himself and Jeremy with an explosive of some sort, and the first thing Jeremy says when they're in that InBetween is
'I FUCKING hate you!'
A few of them go down in a friendly fire mishap during a heist, and Ryan leads with 'now, mistakes were made, but we can do this'
'Well it would have been fine if someone would stop killing his friends.' Michael says with a very pointed look at Ryan.
'I said mistakes were made!'
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divine-wood · 4 years
straight friend groups be like: *chad* *kyle* *the funny one* *frat boy* *blonde girl*
gay friend groups be like: *the vagabond* *mogar* *beardo* *rimmy tim* *the kingpin* *the golden boy*
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Fake AH crew headcanon: Jack and Geoff are married.
Not because they’re in love or anything stupid like that. Not even really as a business decision, although that’s what Geoff will claim when asked. Truth be told, it’s an embarrassing story.
It started long before the crew, when he and Jack were just a couple of kids on the streets of Los Santos, trying to scrape by. Taking any job they could to stay afloat. Fighting tooth and nail for every scrap they got. Geoff doesn’t like to remember those years as anything other than a sign post, a marker, the point of no return. You Are Now Leaving: Desperate Times.
But that’s their reality right now; poorer than dirt, no prospects, living on dreams and petty crime. And Jack ends up in the hospital. The worst part is that of all the dangerous shit they do that could put her there, it ends up being a completely normal, run of the mill car accident. She wasn’t even on a job, just a stroke of some asshole not paying attention.
Geoff doesn’t know at first. He’s pawning shit they stole, trying to make enough to keep a roof over their heads for another night. But Jack doesn’t come back to the shitty motel room they call home. And Geoff can’t get ahold of her. And with each passing minute he’s getting more and more anxious. He knows what it means when women go missing in this city.
So he starts making calls, burning through prepaid minutes, trying to find her. And nobody knows anything. And his anxiety’s mounting; he’s flipping through TV channels trying to find something to drown out the yelling, like he did when he was a kid. Except this time it’s him yelling. He almost flashed passed the news channel, almost missed the accident coverage. And there it is, sure as shit–Jack’s car, totalled on the evening news. One victim in critical condition at the Los Santos hospital. And Geoff’s so happy, he forgets to hang up his phone for a minute, and keeps burning through those minutes. She’s alive. She’s okay.
He’s tearing his way down to the hospital, pushing the limits on barely legal because the last thing he needs is a cop pulling him over and pulling up his record. But he makes it there after the longest 20 minutes of his life, almost skipping through the doors. But this nurse at reception, this damn nurse won’t let him in. She tells him immediate family only. And Geoff can be charming, in the way a lost puppy is charming, but she’s not buying it and she’s not budging and if he doesn’t leave she’ll call security. Looking back, Geoff can’t really blame her; some skinny asshole in dirty clothes looking tweaked out of his mind is babbling about seeing his friend and getting louder and more agitated with every breath.
So he’s outside the hospital and pacing like a caged animal and texting Jack furiously; telling her to call him if he’s not there when she gets out, he’ll get there. But for now he’s chain smoking his way through his week’s ration of cigarettes 5 designated meters away from the door and losing his mind. She’s right there and he can’t get to her and he feels small, like when he used to hide in his closet and hoped his parents forgot he existed. And of course it’s not long before his thoughts spiral out of his control. What if she dies in there? He’d never know. She could be in there dying right now and Geoff wouldn’t know.
Three days pass like this and he’s basically camped out in front of the hospital, waiting. There’s nothing else he can do, really. When Geoff’s not at the hospital, desperately watching the doors, he’s at the fast food place across the street nursing a coffee barely darker than the bags under his eyes. He’s no believer in God, but he’s willing to pray to whoever will deliver his best friend back to him. Take me instead. The days blur together in a dream like trance where time doesn’t exist. He doesn’t know how long he’s been there.
So when he finally sees her limping her way through the doors he’s become intimately familiar with, he almost doesn’t believe it at first. But then he’s running, and before he wraps her up in a bear hug he sees her eyes light up first in recognition then confusion. He’s holding onto her tightly, so tightly, and he’s crying because she’s there she’s alive he isn’t alone.
“Hey you’re gonna re-break my ribs asshole,” she manages to say with her face squashed against Geoff’s chest. She can feel his anxiety radiating off him and she’s trying to figure out what made him so upset.
“I was so worried about you,” is all Geoff can manage, not letting go because he still doesn’t trust that she’s real.
Jack finally manages to break his death grip on her, and smiles up at her blubbering crybaby of a best friend. “We’re all good. But goddamnit you stink.” They both laugh and feel complete for the first time in 72 hours.
It’s a few days later that Geoff proposes. He’s pawning shit again, but this time with Jack driving him because he’s not quite over his separation anxiety. He gets back in the car and after splitting up the cash, he says, as nonchalantly as possible “Hey Jack? Let’s get hitched.”
It takes her a second to figure out what he means, but when she does she laughs and asks, “Why the hell would I marry you?”
Geoff goes quiet, and he’s searching for the words, fiddling with something in his pocket. Finally he fixes his eyes onto hers and says in a small voice, “because I don’t ever want you to be somewhere I can’t go.” The hand comes out of his pocket and there’s a ring box in it, looking slightly battered and definitely second hand.
She doesn’t mean to laugh again, not with Geoff bearing his soul to her. But Jack can’t help it, it’s a line so cheesy she’d groan if she saw it in a movie. And isn’t that really what every woman wants? Some idiot to follow her wherever so goes. But she realizes what Geoff is saying, what he’s promising. We’re in this together, forever, no matter what. So she opens the box and takes the ring and puts it on, “shit, why not? Let’s get married.”
This starts their yearly tradition of buying each other an anniversary gift. As their fortunes improve, so do the gifts. Jack buys Geoff his first proper suit, he gets her first flying lessons and later a plane. It’s their private joke, something started long before the Fakes and something that would have continued peacefully in secret if Geoff hadn’t slipped up. He got drunk one night and let loose that he still needs to find Jack an anniversary present, something to one up her from last year (with all the money coming in, the gifts were getting ridiculous). The boys jumped on it immediately, harassing Geoff until he finally admitted that yes, he and Jack were married, but no, they’re not a couple. Then the boys started hounding Jack for details, but she would only ever allude mysteriously to “the Cuba incident” and refused to say more. So now everyone gets them gifts and makes sure they have the night off, even though they both insist it really isn’t a big deal.
But it is, even if they won’t admit it. They’re rich enough now that something as dumb as a hospital visitation policy wouldn’t stand in their way, there’s no reason really for them to stay married.
No reason, except the comfortable assurance that they’re ride or die, no matter what, and there’s nobody else they’d rather be stuck with.
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cool-loser · 5 years
Me: aww that so sweet Jeremy probably saw some of my headcanons
Me: Jeremy probably saw some of my headcanons
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sig-nifier · 4 years
fahc headcanons - weapon of choice
michael - bare hands. there’s something awfully familiar about the feeling of split knuckles or a restricting throat against his palm. it reminds him of jersey, of a childhood on the rough side, of a fierce determination and want to survive.
gavin - knuckle duster. they’re gold nd flash nd match his necklace perfectly. hit them just right under a streetlight and they’ll reflect the stars back into his glasses; the parts that aren’t covered in blood, that is.
jack - any vehicle he can find. there’s nothing quite like bursting onto the scene nd slamming into ur enemy. a soft ‘gentlemen’ floats through the coms, accompanied by the cracking of bones when the target finally hits the ground.
ryan - silenced pistol. you’d expect something more violent from the assassin, but he likes the simple things. classy, original, the silent killer. he’ll get you from across a balcony, leaning out the window of the flat he broke into, watching the chaos from high in his tower.
geoff - contracted killer. god forbid the king gets his suit dirty. there’s a satisfying smugness to knowing he can have someone else do his bidding. of course, he’ll make sure he’s in sight when it happens; he wants the target to know who did this to them.
jeremy - obscure objects. coins, hammers, meat cleavers. if it can be pulled back and thrown, he wants it in his hand. there’s a glee that rests in his eyes. small but powerful; if he’s lining you up for a shot then you’re already dead.
ray - sniper rifle. ray, like ryan, likes to take the easier road. he’s safe and comfortable on the roof of a building, rain pounding down hard on the gravel, his hand perfectly steady. it’s the moving in the shadows, walking on tightropes and not even staying to watch it all unfold.
inspired by the hitman series and @writesthrice short piece about the golden boy of the fahc
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heisttheblackflag · 8 months
because I can, here’s some more detail abt my fprc headcanons for the higher-up hierarchy!! (I’m sorry I’m putting this in relation to fahc if you’re not familiar with fahc, but they’re related in my universe so it’s the best frame of reference I have)
Tay and Kara share Boss responsibilities like Trevor has; Kara manages all the intelligence and sends people out on all the small missions and jobs fprc runs, while Tay knows everyone and bullies them into better job performance, and helps set up crews for larger missions. when people get sent to meet The Boss, it’s basically always Tay.
Chilled is the spokesman for the whole crew; basically the Kingpin role. he’s the one who finds recruits, negotiates with contacts, and generally does all the legwork that Tay and Kara don’t have time for and don’t trust anyone else to do. he’s also the only person who’s recognized outside their circle of contacts, as he’s the only person who’s ever been officially tied to the fprc (and that was a mistake). everyone knows him, and he’s the reason most of the fprc exists.
Ze is Chilled’s right-hand man, think Jack in fahc with a side of Michael and a little Gavin. he can do some negotiations on his own, and he will, especially if someone has beef with Chilled specifically, but he prefers to play support and keep an eye on the people around whoever Chilled is meeting with to protect him (and sometimes to protect Chilled from himself). he also alternately eggs Chilled on and prevents him from getting them too deep in shit so together they’re a menace of a team.
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archester-creations · 4 years
Ray once left his gun on the top of Michael's car before a heist. It confused the hell out of them when it fell off. Michael thought his car broke.
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turnaboutstevie · 4 years
any hc's that are at the top of your head that you'd like to share? :0
I'm assuming this is for fahc? I might have a few!
I like to think that Jeremy and Ryan are Close. not in like a shippy way (tho I'm totally down for that too) but just like. they feel safer around each other. battle buddies solidarity! sometimes Jeremy will fall asleep on Ryans shoulder in the middle of a movie or something and Ryan will do the thing cat people do where they don't move until the cat sleeping on them moves, yk? whether they knew each other before becoming fakes is up in the air, but either way their bond is unbreakable. Obviously they'd go crazy if any of the crew got hurt but Jesus if you know what's good for you don't go near rimmy tim because the vagabond will hunt you the fuck down. Jeremy gets shot in the shoulder by a cop during a heist and Ryan spends a week stalking the dude before he kills him just to freak him out. anyone who touches jeremy meets a similar fate. he's maybe a little protective...
this isn't my hc I read it somewhere a while back but I like the idea of Gavin patching things up with gold. like, if someone has a bullet hole in their clothing gavin will patch it up with gold cloth. There's a hole in one of the doors from an incident involving ryan and knife throwing and Geoff was Not Impressed because now he has to replace the door. Except the next day the hole has been filled over and painted in gold. and it looks really nice. they keep the door. gavins actually surprisingly good at fixing things, for reasons unbeknownst to anyone. he's like the crews unofficial handyman.
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gvnchvcks · 4 years
i love that you hc the entire crew to be queer be gay do crime 🏳️‍🌈
This anon. You get it lol. Representation is a huge part of it but yes BE GAY DO CRIME!! Truly words to live by
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prince-cally · 3 years
After Jack ' retirs ' from the FAHC she uses her money to open an orphanage and q woman's home.
She teaches self defense classes.
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