sing-me-under · 2 years
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A lot happened. After being chased across the infinite fragments of the Universe, Dream finally found his way back home. It was a fight for his life, a seemingly unending cycle.
There wasn’t much left of his land, his SMP, after the primal world shattered and scattered its inhabitants. Most of it was reclaimed by nature, left to deteriorate beyond recognition. Even so, to Dream’s relief, there were still some pockets of civilization that remained. Dream had been away for so long that they’d forgotten him, but no one could deny that he was their Admin, guardian of the Spawn Chunk. None would dare to stand against him.
That was fine. Dream was okay with that. He didn’t care for the power of unrivaled tyranny. All he wanted was to live peacefully on the lake with his friends.
This was ideal. Blue sky. Blue water. George’s favorite color.
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peninkwrites · 2 years
Part II: A New Era - Ch 1 of 11
The dawn of a new day arrives bloody.
Ponk needs help, and Sam is no longer an option.
[CW: This chapter will heavily feature police brutality and abuse. This storyline is meant to parallel canon, where Sam as the law uses his power to arrest and hurt Ponk, but because of the context of the AU, it is much closer to our world and the weighted contexts that comes with. Please read with caution.]
crossposted to ao3
Mafia AU masterpost
Part I
Ch 2 - Bad
Ch 3 - A Collective
Ch 4 - Tubbo
Ch 5 - Wilbur
Ch 6 - Ponk
Ch 7 - Quackity & Sam
Ch 8 - Tubbo
Ch 9 - Ponk
Ch 10 - A Collective
Ch 11 - Quackity & Tubbo
~ Ponk & Sapnap ~
Ponk doesn’t look up.  Their focus remains entirely on the metal table in front of them, cradling their left arm close to their chest.
Their arm doesn’t hurt as bad anymore.  They don’t think that’s a good thing.  If they don’t move, if they barely breathe, it’s just a sharp pain masked by a dull ache.  Their entire body aches, really, every inhale is met with protest from bruised ribs and a nose clogged by blood.  They can survive that.  However long it takes.
Fuck, they hope it isn’t much longer.
“If you’d just talk to me, we can wrap all this up.  A few questions and you can go h– you’ll be free to leave.”
Ponk almost replies, instead a weak laugh comes out.  You almost said ‘you can go home.’  But you stopped yourself.  Because you don’t think I deserve to go back to the apartment.  Our apartment.  And you think if I talk you can charge me.  Then I definitely won’t be going home, right?
They don’t say anything aloud.  They know better than that.
“Please, Ponk.  I can’t help you if you don’t help me.”
It’d be easier if I could just hate you.  But I still don’t.
“I won’t talk without a lawyer,” Ponk’s voice is weaker, hoarser after hours maintaining their silence.  They’ve repeated that sentence maybe five times by now.  So far Sam has not obliged.
They can only hold you 48 hours without charging you.  You can survive anything for 48 hours.
Unless he has enough to press charges.
No.  You were careful.  All he has is you coming home at the wrong time with the wrong set of keys.
Ponk hears Sam sigh.  They still don’t look up, unable to resist flinching when in their peripheral Sam stands, but he just leaves, footsteps too loud and too sharp on the concrete floors.
Then they’re alone.
They’re not sure how long they’ve been here.  There are no clocks in the room.  Pain might make the time feel slower, so their rough estimate of eight hours could easily just be four.
Sam must know he broke something.  Ponk should be entitled to medical care, surely.  They also are entitled to a lawyer.  So why are they still just stuck here?
Ponk takes a deep breath.  They will not fucking cry right now.  Not with Sam just outside, not with all of Sam’s fucking coworkers probably watching them.  Sam is probably feeling humiliated.  That doesn’t make Ponk feel any better.  Right now they’re just so tired.  They want this night to be over.  They’re not just tired.  They’re scared too.
Sam broke their arm.  He and all of his moral perfectionism did that and found no problem in proceeding with the arrest.  If he’s supposed to be the good cop, Ponk doesn’t want to think about how bad things could get for them here.
Sam would never abuse his power like that.  He wouldn’t let anyone else do it either.
Right.  Just like how Sam would never treat you like you’re nothing.  He’d never hurt you.  He would always listen, right?  Because he loves you.
Ponk closes their eyes.  They take a deep breath, and then another, leaning forward to rest their forehead against the cool surface of the table, trying to bury a cry of pain as even so little movement sends jarring agony through their left arm.  Their head is down.  No one will see if for a moment they let tears break through.
Sapnap returns from his night shift just before 7 in the morning.  Dawn has only just begun and the precinct is already buzzing with nervous activity.  He enters just in time to see George packing up to go home.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Sapnap stops him.
“Oh, the Captain found the rat,” George says absently, pushing past him with little care.
“What? Who?” Sapnap follows after him.
George pauses, showing perhaps a hint of interest in his job.  “You’re not gonna believe this– it was his partner!  Ponk!  The one that works at the museum.”
“Ponk? Are you sure?” Sapnap freezes, a hand on George’s arm to stop him from leaving.
George stares at his hand on him with a flicker of annoyance.  “Dunno.  Sam arrested them.  From how smitten he normally is about them, I’m guessing he’s pretty sure.”
“Right,” Sapnap let’s go, mind foggy and yet still racing.
“Go home, Sapnap,” George says with his disgruntled version of affection.  “You look like shit.”
“Still handsomer than you.”
“You wish.”
George leaves.  Sapnap doesn’t.  He wouldn’t exactly call himself sensitive or say he has any semblance of emotional maturity at all, but he feels like he should see how Sam is doing.  He asks the first officer he sees and gets directed back toward interrogation.
Sam sits at a table outside the one way mirror, head in his hands.  Through the mirror, Ponk sits at the table, hunched over, the two of them almost in perfect parallel.
“Hey Sam– sorry, Hey Captain, I heard you…” Sapnap stops beside the table, hesitating.  “You doing okay, man?”
Sam slowly lowers his hands from his face, looking up at Sapnap with weary irritation.  “You had a night shift, didn’t you, Officer Halo?”
“Uh. Yeah,” Sapnap squirms at the use of his last name, but of all people to understand what that name means and not judge him for it it would be Sam.  Sam left the Badlands first.
“So, you’ve done your twelve hours.  That’s more than enough.  Go home,” Sam stands, but it’s clear he doesn’t know where to go from here.
“Look, Captain– Actually, look Sam, let me ask like… as an old friend, not a… y’know, employee.  You okay?” Sapnap follows.
“Does he look okay?  His boyfriend was a fucking rat who got good officers killed,” another familiar voice speaks up from the back of the room.
“Dream,” Sapnap looks at him, surprised and a bit uneasy that Dream had exist so imperceptibly in a dark room.  “You’re here early.”
“Yeah, I heard some stuff went down and came in,” Dream shrugs.
“Heard where?”
“Does it matter?” Dream says dryly.  “The Captain has been trying for hours.  They won’t budge.  We’re letting them stew for a bit.  I’m sticking around ‘cause I kinda wanna see how this all plays out.  And help if I can.”
“Oh,” Sapnap looks back through the glass.  Ponk hasn’t moved. “Is that blood?  Why do they have blood on their face?  Are they okay?”
“They resisted arrest.  And they haven’t requested medical care,” Sam is utterly clinical.
“Did you charge them with something?”
“I don’t have enough to actually charge them,” Sam mutters.  He looks like he’s staring through the glass, but his eyes seem distant.
“So, why’d you bring them in, then?” Sapnap asks.  Sam is clearly exhausted, but he seems so procedural.  From the way he’d always talked about Ponk, Sapnap had assumed Sam would be more… fragile?  Emotional?  He isn’t sure.  Right now the Captain seems bitter and irritated, if feeling anything at all.  “Captain?”
Sam’s hands curl into fists at his sides.  “Reasonable suspicion,” is all he says.
“Okay,” Sapnap raises an eyebrow, glancing to Dream for more answers but Dream just nods.  “Have they like, asked for a lawyer?  How long are we holding them?  Is someone gonna come pick them up?”
Sam hesitates more at this.  Dream cuts in.  “I mean, no.  They haven’t formally invoked their right to a lawyer.  So far they’ve just refused to talk.  We haven’t had them long, and even without a charge we can hold them for, what, another 40 hours?”
Sam almost grimaces, moves to speak, and then stops himself.
“What is it?” Sapnap pushes.  “Hey, d’you want me to try to talk to them?  I mean, you haven’t been the one interrogating them, have you?”
Silence.  Sapnap takes that as an affirmative.
“Conflict of interest, Sam.  Even if there aren’t any clear rules against it, come on.  That’s bad for both of you,” Sapnap points out.
Sam finally faces him, looking utterly reluctant to even look him in the eye.  “Thank you for being honest with me, Officer.  Please use my proper title while on duty.”  Sam almost doesn’t sound like himself, even though lately he’s been sinking deeper into a strict Captain’s persona, there had always been some inkling of their buddy Sam there too.  It’s harder to find that now.
Sapnap eyes him cautiously.  Both of them, Sam and Dream, feel off to him.  “Sorry, Captain.  I want to try and talk to them.  If you’ll let me.”
Sam sighs.  “Fine.  They’ve only been here seven hours, so.  We won’t have to let them sleep for a while longer.”
Dream bristles, “you wouldn’t let me try–“
“And you’d be well advised not to argue, officer,” Sam turns cold.
Dream watches him, calculating something, whether it’s worth pushing.  Dream raises his hands passively, stepping back.  “Sorry, Captain.  You know best, right?” His sarcasm is ill contained but Sam can’t bring himself to scold Dream any further.
“Okay, cool.  I can do this,” Sapnap nods, partially talking to himself.  “Have they had like, water or anything yet?  Coffee?”
“Huh,” Sapnap knows Dream and Sam are more inclined to be colder toward suspects, both of them fiercely devoted to the job and without mercy for those who break the law, but he’d imagined maybe a little more courtesy would be extended to Ponk of all people.  And he hadn’t imagined Sam would be petty, so maybe being clinical is the easiest way for Sam to deal with it.  “Did they do something?  I don’t really know what I should be trying to get from them.”
“They snuck out late last night with my keys.  Keys to the station, all of it.  Acted all nervous when they got back.”
Sapnap laughs uncertainly.  “That’s it?”
If Sam could kill him with a look.  “How about you trust my judgment as your Captain and either get in there or go home?”
Sapnap is almost offended.  He doesn’t argue.  “I’m on it, Captain.”  First Sapnap goes to the break room, getting two shitty cups of black coffee before returning.  “Can you get the door for me?”
“I don’t see why you’re trying good cop nonsense this early on.  You should go right to applying some pressure,” Dream scoffs, unlocking the interrogation room and getting out of the way.
Sapnap doesn’t bother giving him a reply.  He enters.  Ponk doesn’t move.
“So, uh.  Hey.  I got you coffee, if you want it,” Sapnap awkwardly slides the styrofoam cup across to them.
Now Ponk looks up, startled, and for a moment Sapnap thinks they wince, arms held close to their chest.  “You’re not Sam.”
“Uh, no,” Sapnap laughs.  “He’s nowhere near as cool as me.”
Ponk doesn’t play along.  They don’t laugh or attempt any semblance of relief, they just watch him, careful, wary.  So much for trying to lift the tension.  Sapnap sits down, he momentarily forgets what he is going to say at the sight of Ponk’s eyes a bit too red and puffy.  Their chin is bruised.  There’s dried blood around their nose.  Sapnap tries to pretend that doesn’t make him uneasy.
Sapnap doesn’t know how Sam has been coping.  Sapnap knows Ponk somewhat because of Sam, and that alone makes this feel so much harder.  “So.  Coffee doesn’t have anything in it, but I could get cream and sugar and stuff.  Or like, if you’d rather have water. Up to you.”
Ponk’s confusion has been traded for caution. They don’t say a word, staring at Sapnap like he’s going to strike like a viper the moment they let their guard down.  They look so defensive, hunched over, trying to appear smaller.
“You’re completely within your rights to not say anything.  I mean, I’m sure you know that, considering you’re dating the Police Captain,” Sapnap says it with moronically lighthearted intentions and immediately regrets it.  If Ponk doesn’t completely shut down, Sam will probably hold it against him too.  “Uh. Sorry.  Have you made a phone call?”
Ponk assesses him for a moment, still reproachful, but they shake their head.  “No.  I haven’t.”
“Do you want to?”
“Who would I–“ Ponk quickly stops, thinking over their words carefully.  “It’s like I told S– like I told your boss.  I’m not saying shit without a lawyer.”
“I thought–“ Sapnap frowns.  “Gimme just a sec.”  He stands, leaving quickly, Dream unlocking the door for him and quick to lock it behind him.  “Hey, S– Captain, have they asked for a lawyer or no?”
“Not formally,” yet again Dream answers for him.
“Dude,” Sapnap gives his housemate a look.  “I was asking the Captain.”
“Dream is right.  They’ve said they won’t talk without a lawyer but technically that is not requesting a lawyer,” Sam replies coldly.
“Technically?  Since when do we do technically?  Come on, that is so shady.  It sounds like asking for a lawyer to me.  They haven’t made a phone call yet either, so,” Sapnap can understand Sam being out of sorts about this whole situation, but Dream almost seems like he’s enjoying this a bit.
“If they don’t say ‘I am invoking my right to an attorney’ it doesn’t count.  They didn’t even ask for one, just said they wouldn’t talk without one,” and still, Dream is the one to keep arguing.
“What’s gotten into you today, Dream?”
Dream stares at him, like he’s trying to puzzle something out.  “Rough night.”
“Of course it was,” Sapnap sighs.  “You know what, I’ll just deal with this, you guys can sit around with your technicalities.”  
He returns to Ponk’s room.  “So, if you’re trying to invoke your right to an attorney, you gotta say it like that.  Like, literally, ‘I am invoking my right to an attorney.’  That’s why no one’s listened to you so far, I guess,” Sapnap doesn’t know why he feels embarrassed on behalf of Sam and Dream.  Normally they’re the ones expecting more of him, not the other way around.
Ponk stares at him, exhausted and almost irritated.  “I thought you all were just ignoring my rights.  Thanks for telling me there’s a fucking loophole that means it was totally legit, right?”
“So?” Sapnap waits.
“I am invoking my right to an attorney.  I’m not saying anything else.  I’m invoking my right to remain silent– do I have to say that as well?”
“Well, before you do that do you want to contact someone?  It’ll take a state-assigned attorney probably a couple hours to get here at least.”
Ponk hesitates.  “Yeah.  I dunno if I can reach my lawyer but–“ they pause.  Ponk should’ve asked to make a phone call sooner, even if Sam would’ve found a way to ignore it, but Ponk has no clue who to call.  They need to call someone.  “Yeah.  I want my phone call.”
“Ok, got it.  I’ll be right back.  Uh, coffee is shit, by the way, but it’s there if you want it.  I’d wait a sec, though, it’s like, crazy hot.  I burned my tongue earlier,” Sapnap leaves them again, feeling oddly like both Sam and Dream are judging him when he returns.
“This is not how we treat suspects.  Especially not rats,” Dream says coldly.
“What’re you talking about?” Sapnap gives him a wary look.  “How do we treat them, then?”
“They asked to make a phone call?” Sam interjects, watching Ponk carefully through the glass.  Ponk still hugs their arm close to their chest.
“Yeah.  They did,” Sapnap gives Dream one last reproachful look before turning to Sam.  “I can handle that part too.”
Sam gives a small nod, still watching Ponk like he can somehow find what he’s looking for by staring daggers at their face.
“Guess you two can stay here and lurk like a couple of weirdos,” Sapnap is too tired for professionalism.  He’s ready to go home, but for some reason he can’t bring himself to trust these two making sure Ponk gets their phonecall.  That feels wrong to him.  Dream takes an almost vicious amount of pride in doing his job well and Sam is such a stickler for the rules it gets annoying, but the two of them are acting like this type of behavior is part of the job.  “After this, I’m going home.  I’m fucking tired, so.  Hope you two pull yourselves together by then.”
Sapnap returns with a phone, clunking it down on the table in front of them, the chord long enough to trail out the door.
“You can make it in private, I’ll step out,” he offers.
Ponk glances doubtfully at their own reflection, certain Sam stares back.
“I’ll ask them to leave,” Sapnap says quickly.
“I’m supposed to just believe you?” Ponk asks almost accusingly.
“Uh,” Sapnap almost winces, glancing at the mirror.  “Yeah, I guess.  Sorry.”  And then he’s gone.
Ponk stares at the phone in front of them, refusing to look over at the mirror.  This is why they haven’t asked for a phone call.  The only person they can think to call is probably watching them right now.  They don’t know if there’s a time limit, if Sapnap will return to take the phone away, but they feel utterly stuck.  They think over the numbers they know and it keeps on coming back to home.  Or this very office.  Just to Sam.
Okay.  They need a lawyer.  They don’t have Quackity’s home number, but they could call Schlatt’s townhouse.  There’s almost no chance of Schlatt answering, which is good.  Quackity could be there, but Ponk knows Quackity has been avoiding spending the night there so it’s a long shot.  He was supposed to go to the Secret City, Ponk thinks.  It is, or maybe was, Tubbo’s birthday.  But they have no idea what time it is or if he would still be there.  Although, if anyone would be able to find someone, it’s Niki.  The Secret City is the common ground between most of the people Ponk knows outside of Sam.  Ponk hesitates once more, taking the phone off the hook with their right hand and laying it on the table while they spin the dial before picking it up again.  Even moving this much hurts.
“Hello?” A confused and drowsy voice picks up.
“H-Hey, uh.  Hi, Niki.  It’s Ponk, by the way.  I was wondering if–“ Ponk stops with a shaky breath.  Their voice already sounds off from their bloodied nose, so maybe she won’t notice how much it’s shaking as well.  “I need some help.  I think Quackity was gonna be at The– at your place tonight.  Is he?”
“He… he was, last night, but we’ve been closed for hours, Ponk.  Ranboo and I are going to open the bakery soon.  Did something happen?” Niki is alert in an instant.
Okay.  They’ve been in here for at least six hours.  Ponk feels a lump form in their throat.  Fuck.  They don’t want to scare Niki more than they already have.  “It’s fine, I can try someone else–“
“No, Ponk, wait.  Tell me what you need.  Do you want me to… to call your boyfriend?  Sam?  If it’s, you know, stuff you haven’t told him I can think of something–“
“No.  Not Sam,” Ponk holds onto the phone more tightly with their right hand.  Their left arm is still in agony.  “I need Quackity.  And… fuck,” Ponk’s voice breaks.  “Sam arrested me,” Ponk forces the words out even as it deepens the ache in their chest.
Ponk hears the rustle of movement on the other end of the line.  “Oh god– Ponk, are you hurt?  I’ll get Quackity.  I’ll send someone to come get you, okay?”  Her immediate urgency, her instinct being that they must be hurt, all of her assumptions are right, but it definitely serves a harsh reminder of the wrongness of all of this.
“Not… it’s not bad,” Ponk stares at their broken arm.  The break has swollen enough to make their jacket sleeve taut, the part beyond the break they cannot feel anymore.  The pain isn’t going to make them pass out, but it is enough that the world feels almost fuzzy around the edges.  Ponk doesn’t want to scare her, but it’s clear she already has some idea.
“Okay.  Okay, I will get ahold of Quackity, whatever it takes and we’ll take care of this, okay, Ponk?  Just hang in there.”
“Thanks, Niki.  I’m sorry, I know it’s super early and–“
“Don’t be sorry, Ponk.  I’m glad you called.  I have to go, I’ve got to try and get ahold of Quackity so,” Niki sounds reluctant to leave them.
“If he can’t, could you–” Ponk stops.  They don’t know who else to ask for.  Quackity coming out to help them feels like a long shot, especially if Schlatt has him working on something already.
Niki can read their distress in the silence.  “Ponk, if I cannot find him I will send Ranboo after him.  And if even then I can’t get ahold of anyone, I will go to the station myself until we figure this out, okay?”
“Okay,” it almost gets harder not to break down when someone cares.  “Thank you, Niki. Bye.”
The line goes dead.  Ponk hangs up with a trembling hand.  They stare at the mirror.  They know what happens now.  The department can hold them for 48 hours, but if a lawyer shows up their interrogation efforts will be all but worthless.  According to the cops, this is their last chance to really press for answers.  Ponk has no clue how long it will take for Quackity to arrive, if he even does.  Ponk just hadn’t known who else to ask.  They would’ve tried to reach Purpled, he would’ve been there for them surely, not able to do much but be there as a friend, but he would also rather die than walk into a police station, and any help Purpled could offer would definitely not be legal means.  The other option might have been calling the Badlands, but since their duties to them have been fulfilled, they’re not sure if the Badlands would feel any obligation to help them.  Niki feels like a safe bet.  Even if she can’t get ahold of Quackity, maybe she… she said she would come to try and pick them up.  She’s good like that.  Ponk just doesn’t know. They haven’t been charged yet.  Unless Sam just lied about that earlier.  And now all they can do is wait.  The police are running out of time, so why is Ponk still alone?
Ponk jumps when the door finally opens.  It’s not Sapnap this time.  Sam returns.
“Where’s Sapnap?”
Sam takes the phone, sliding it to the edge of the table so it won’t be in the way, standing across from them.  “I don’t see why that matters to you.”
The sound of Sam’s voice, the wrong voice, the Captain’s voice, reminds Ponk of how the rules have changed around them.  “I’m invoking my right to remain silent,” they lean back in their chair, right arm almost cradling the left protectively.  Their wrists still sting, their broken arm had been in the most pain on the way to the station, cuffs forcing their wrists behind their back had held the broken bone at a sharp angle, the metal digging into their wrists.
Sam exhales something almost like a laugh.  “You’ll tell… whoever you told, everything about me.  About this station.  You endangered the lives of everyone in this building by not keeping silent, and now you decide you wanna go another way?” Sam’s voice is unsteady for maybe a moment, before it returns to some feeble cold veneer of professionalism.  There’s so much anger just below the surface, all masking his hurt.
Ponk tries to bury any concern they might feel for him.  Looking at that exhausted, weary expression they just want to reach out and brush against his face, say you look tired, Sammy, and ask if they can just go home.
Fuck, why does this have to hurt so bad?
“So who did you tell?”
Ponk scoffs, looking away.  They say nothing.  Even if they explained that what they had shared would never be used against an officer off duty, that they trust the Badlands enough for that, they doubt Sam would believe them.  Despite the emotional damage of Sam being here at all, Ponk feels a bit relieved that it’s him instead of another officer.  At least they know it won’t be too bad.  Sam is mr by-the-book so he won’t–
Ponk’s vision blurs as white hot pain sparks up their arm and through their whole body.  Sam has grabbed their hand.  Their left hand.
“Please, Sam, it hurts,” Ponk says hoarsely.  They don’t want to look at his face, instead their eyes struggle to focus on their broken arm pulled away from their chest and pinned to the table.  They couldn’t feel it, but Sam cuffed their wrist, threading it around the loop of metal on the table before doing the same to their right, keeping them there.
“Are you ready to talk to me?”
Ponk glances up at his face, what should be the face of the man they love, but those eyes have never looked more unfamiliar, still cold, still unfeeling.  They take a few deep breaths until the pain feels manageable again.  “I’m not too sure.”
“I can hold you for 40 more hours.  I can make that span of time feel like an eternity if I have to,” Sam leans forward.  He wants to be seen as a threat.  Ponk will do their best not to give him the satisfaction.
“G-Getting to spend time with you ain’t that bad, huh?” Ponk laughs weakly. “Huh?”
Sam pauses, that is the only indication of Ponk’s words reaching him whether in surprise or Ponk might desperately hope for caring.  Then he continues  unchanged.  “You don’t seem to understand where this is going to go, do you?” That mixture of anger and cool confidence feels dangerous.
Ponk’s sense of trepidation only grows louder with every word he says.  “What do you–”
They see Sam's hand coming toward them, in that split second they don't even flinch, because they cannot fathom what is happening as Sam backhands them across the face.  Ponk is hurt more by getting thrown back so their broken arm is tugged on than the actual blow, but even that pain is nothing compared to the whirlwind of fear and confusion that leaves them reeling, unable to grapple with their current reality.  Sam wouldn’t.  He wouldn’t.  This isn’t real.  It can’t be real this is a fucking nightmare because Sam would never, Sam would never he wouldn’t he can’t–
They know they’re shaking, but that can’t be helped.  Sam arresting them, being aggressive enough during the arrest that they’re left battered and bruised from hitting the ground, not stopping even after their arm broke, Ponk could rationalize that in some unsettling way as Sam thinking he’s doing his job.  Sam has never– would never hit them.  Or so they thought.  It goes against everything Ponk expected of Sam.  Who are they kidding– They never expected Sam to do any of this, let alone take it this far.
Niki is getting you help.  Even if they don’t let you go, if she gets Quackity here you won’t be alone.  He won’t be able to hurt you when Quackity gets here.
“Feel better?” Ponk glares at him.  Ponk feels maybe a hint of pride that they don’t react beyond that.
“Not even a little,” Sam’s anger is so careful, but Ponk knows this is personal to him.  “Maybe I would if you’d just talk to me.”
“Okay, since you’re clearly not too pressed to do the right thing, why don’t you just lie?” Ponk’s commitment to silence is weakened, for once Sam making them weak is a vulnerability they cannot afford.  “If you’re so sure, you could just say I confessed.”
Sam frowns, offended, “I can’t do that.  I don’t need to.  You’ve done something wrong and when I have the evidence I need you’ll be prosecuted fairly.  It’s more than that, though.  Your confession, your trial, it doesn’t matter.  Not really.  I need to know who you spoke to so no one else gets hurt.  Who are you working for?”
"Do you not see what you’re doing, Sam?  This goes against everything I know you believe in. Don’t say this is fair, you know this isn’t how it’s supposed to go,” Ponk says sharply.
“Right, because I’m sure whoever you report back to is a beacon of justice,” Sam says dryly.  “I’m only doing what I have to.”
Everything about this feels wrong– they've been thinking it over and over again, it's all wrong– that scares Ponk in a way that has very little to do with where they are right now.  They’d always known cops were by their very institution cruel and authoritarian, but maybe they’d just been lying to themselves, believing somehow Sam was an exception.  Maybe Sam has always been like this, honoring a damaged system as it is, and it just so happens that now Ponk has to see the truth in all its brutal glory.
“Okay.  You’re only doing what you have to,” Ponk tries to remain unfeeling, rational.  “But at what cost to your humanity, Sam?”
Sam’s jaw is so tense.  Ponk can’t help but flinch, expecting another blow.
“Just give me the name of the person you report back to, and all of this will get easier, Ponk.”
Ponk doesn't want to look at him, even as this awful thought dawns, cruel as it is familiar; Ponk misses Sam.  It’s been a matter of hours and so much has changed.  Ponk can’t help but think of the night before, before all of this, where when Sam had thought Ponk was dealing with violent patients he had immediately been worried and ready to defend them.  Now, they are confronted with a stranger, or rather, they wish he could truly be a stranger.  It hurts worse to know the hands meant to hold them are now touched by their blood.  “I’m invoking my right to remain silent.”
Sam sighs, drumming his hand on the table, the sound setting Ponk’s teeth on edge.  “I don’t want to hurt you, Ponk,” he says it softly and there’s a gentleness to his tone that makes Ponk’s skin crawl.  It sounds too close to their Sammy.  Ponk says nothing.
Sam waits for maybe a minute, it dragging on slowly and painfully, then, he shrugs.  Sam grabs the cup of coffee Sapnap had left them and pauses, circling the side of the table and staring at Ponk’s broken arm in a manner far too analytical.  
“Do you want to roll up your sleeve?” Sam asks.
Ponk wishes more than anything their arm weren’t fucking chained to the table right now.  “What?  Why?”  They don’t know what to watch, for a change in Sam’s expression or his hands for potential violence.
Sam doesn’t look at their face, only their arm.  He hesitates and hours later once their wounds have been tended to Ponk still can’t decide if in that moment Sam had been unsure of his next act of violence, or if he had just been deciding where to pour.
“Stop– fuck– Sam, stop– my arm–“ Ponk is cut off by their own cry of pain; they desperately try to get away but it only makes the pain worse, their broken arm protesting as they try to yank away from the cuff as scalding hot liquid burns through their jacket and sears into their arm.  “Sam, please!” Ponk’s voice breaks and maybe now their pleading will be loud enough that someone will come to help them.
Sam stops, setting aside the cup, disgustingly, monstrously calm.
Ponk’s hands shake as they panic, looking at their burnt and broken arm instead of up at him, shifting restlessly, but they can barely move, and it’s not like there’s anything to be done.  They’re already burned.  Ponk bites the inside of their cheek to stifle a whimper as they try to pull the fabric of their shirt away from the burn but all it does is irritate it further.
“D-Don’t–“ Ponk can only flinch away, beg him with hoarse, trembling words to try and keep Sam at bay, but he hasn’t moved any further.
“Tell me who you’ve been reporting to,” Sam sits down, reaching out as if to take their hand before stopping himself, he actually smiles, shutting his eyes briefly before pulling his hand back, as if embarrassed by some simple show of affection in the workplace.  Even as Ponk tries to pull away again, even as the metal digs into their wrists painfully. Sam sighs, calm traded not for anger but some cruel, distorted worry. “Please, Ponk.  I don’t want this to get any worse.  People have gotten hurt because of what you’ve done, don’t let yourself get hurt too.”
“I’m not letting myself–” Ponk’s fear is joined by outrage.  “People get hurt in this city because it is the way it is,” Ponk snaps.  Sam is the one hurting them, they don’t know why his apparent sympathies make them almost feel ashamed.  “Don’t give me credit.”
Sam persists with the audacity to look like he pities them.  “Why did you do this, Ponk?  Was it worth it?  You didn’t just endanger me, you endangered everyone here.  You betrayed me, and yeah, that hurts.  But you could’ve gotten me killed as well.  You did get some of us killed.  Is that not enough for you?  People dying–”
“People dying isn’t you dying, Sam!” Ponk is almost shouting now.  They grab Sam’s hand, just able to reach it, imploring him to just look at them like he can still see them.  “I did what I had to to keep you safe!  And even now I don’t regret it.  And I won’t fucking tell you anything, because then you’ll lose the protection I fought to give to you.  So go ahead, Sam.  Burn me, break my arm, do whatever you want.  I will not be the reason you get killed.”
Sam stares back, maybe something like realization behind his eyes, but if for a moment Sam looks caught off guard, he looks human, it doesn’t really matter.  Ponk’s proclamation is a confession enough.
“Thank you for that, Ponk,” Sam pulls free of their hold easily.  “It’s not very specific, but the conspiring alone…” Sam sighs.  “I’ll have to check, but I’ll try and post a low bail for you.  Like I said, charging you doesn’t really matter.  I just need you here long enough to figure out who you’ve been talking to, okay?”
“What?” Ponk falters.  They had made it so far, but of course it was Sam accusing them of not caring for him that broke them.  They stop their shouting, watching as Sam leaves, exhausted and helpless, they stare down at their wounded arm and do their best not to cry.  He can keep you longer now.  How are you meant to pay bail, Ponk?  Say you could afford it, most of your money is in a shared fucking bank account.  But Sam wouldn’t stop you from using your money–
Stop pretending you know what Sam would do.  You don’t.
“F-Fuck…” Ponk has tried so hard to keep it together, but as they feel a sob rise in the back of their throat, it is left worse by Ponk only wishing Sam were there to hold them.
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ringenthusiast · 1 year
finally posted chapter 1 of my faerie au!
Tommy has grown up with a healthy fear of the things in the woods - creatures that slink out to kidnap small children, monsters that look human with teeth too sharp. And the unfortunate truth: he is good at spotting them. Very good. When some faeries attack him in the woods, he is whisked away to their world and is left completely at the mercy of the high fae and their whims. To survive, he must be smart, quick-thinking, and worst of all, polite. But when one of them takes more than a passing interest in him, flying under their radar will no longer cut it, and he isn't sure he's ready to find out how far he's willing to go to survive. AKA: my faery au where fae sbi kidnap human Tommy, and then bad things keep happening. poor tommy.
this is gonna be majorly sbi and discduo, dreblr come get your juice. our mans is going through wiles and whims
we'll see where this takes me :)
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Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo, Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson, Jschlatt & Toby Smith | Tubbo Characters: Toby Smith | Tubbo, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin Rosales Watson, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Cara | CaptainPuffy, Michael _Beloved - Character, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Ranboo's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude, Darryl Noveschosch, Luke | Punz, Hannah | Hannahxxrose, Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF) Additional Tags: Fae AU, because we don't explore fae ranboo enough, set in borderline medieval times???, idk it's one of those situations where it's a fictional universe so it's in a vacuum, fae ranboo, half-fae tommy, half-fae wilbur, kristin isn't dead in this one, Schlatt is Tubbo's brother, Kidnapping, Magic, Toby Smith | Tubbo-centric, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Child Neglect, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, tubbo gets dragged into a mess he was Not prepared for, Imprisonment, Torture, Brainwashing, ranboo's chat gets to be a character in the form of lil pixies, because we are all mischievous little tricksters, child endangerment, dream drains the magic from people, Manipulative Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF) Summary:
The fae tilted its head to the side as it looked Tubbo over, and to his ever-increasing horror, it smiled, and Tubbo got to see a row of far-too-sharp teeth. When it spoke, its voice was almost melodic in a way that made Tubbo feel as if he’d been suddenly dunked into a bucket full of ice water.
“I’m going to assume you were expecting someone else.”
Tubbo Underscore, like the other children of the village of Mellohi, has had two lessons drilled into his skull since birth. Never enter Enderlon Forest, and never ever trust a fae.
Perhaps he shouldn't have made friends with Tommy.
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darkwater-fic-recs · 2 years
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jestbee · 3 months
Fic Graveyard Tag
So @scoops404 asked me to list the fics in my "fic Graveyard" aka the fics in my google docs that I started but will probably not continue, and I decided to make it a tag for all my writer friends to do. List all the fics you started writing but probably won't continue and then tag some friends to do the same: For my version of this I've only included fics where I have over a couple thousand words because I have lots of docs with like 200/300 words in and that would be a really long list. Honourable mentions at the end! Working title/doc title: From whence you came Premise: Fae!George and Knight!Dream dsmp fic Pairing: dnf with side karlnap Word count: 7,602 Reason you stopped writing it: I'm not really a fantasy writer I just got the idea in my head and wrote a bunch of it. The karlnap dynamic in this of like himbo sapnap and mage!karl lives in my head rent free though
Working title/doc title: Shiny Things/You Earned It Premise: Sugar Baby AU Pairing: dnf Word count: 2,627 Reason you stopped writing it: I struggled with the initial way in to this as I didn't want to do it entirely AU but they both have a lot of their own money irl and although George likes when ppl pay for things the initial way into the arrangement didn't work for me. It kept coming out a bit more findom. I have extensive notes on it though and I may return to something similar at some point
Working title/doc title: the porn star au that Dream asked for Premise: They're porn stars, Dream is faceless and does amateur solo stuff on OnlyFans but is really successful, George does studio movies and is popular in his own right. Dream wants to transition to movie work for the money and requests to work with George, but no one is actually sure if he's gay or just gay for pay. This was based on Dream's tweet about "in an alternate universe I'm a gay porn star are still get cancelled for queerbaiting" or whatever it was he said. Anyway, every time I read my notes for this I love it a bit more Pairing: dnf Word count: 2,749 Reason you stopped writing it: Honestly, I liked the premise so much I worried about not doing it justice and now I get scared every time I try
Working title/doc title: Tricksy Dreamon times Premise: dsmp fic where DreamXD keep taunting George in the wake of Dream being locked in prison but then Dream escapes and shows up on George's doorstep all traumatised and in need of care. Essentially just some angsty hurt/comfort Pairing: dnf Word count: 4,327 Reason you stopped writing it: Again, I'm not really a fantasy writer or dsmp writer, my friend Charlotte just loved some fics like this and so I wanted to write her one but it's not really in my wheelhouse and so I'll leave her to read the actual good ones
Working title/doc title: the royalty au dream wants but that I didn't think I'd ever write Premise: George is a rebellious prince sleeping with a knight called Dream he doesn't really get along with but then he becomes King unexpectedly due to the death of his father and is faced with the perils of trying to govern a country. He's expected to marry the prince of a nearby kingdom in order to solidify their alliance, but he just can't seem to shake Dream, who has some very strong opinions about how George could be running things instead Pairing: dnf Word count: 1,804 Reason you stopped writing it: Again, not really my usual kind of thing. I'm a contemporary romance write - I don't know why I keep starting these things
Honourable mentions (fics that are a couple hundred words): Werewolf!Dream au - again, not my thing Spanking fic - There are already so many good ones and anything I could have put in this will probably be in a future longer fic of mine Living like you said - a fic with the summary "As YouTube falls apart, Dream and George fall together" about them contemplating quitting while getting together - idk why I gave this up except I didn't have a clear outline for it How to deal with alpha roommates - I so badly want to write more Beta!George like in my fic That's How We Play It (please read, it's my baby) and I started with a premise but again didn't have a clear outline, just a desire for Beta!George fake snf for the bet - what it says on the tin, really. abandoned because I lost enthusiasm for it (Sapnap probably pissed me off that day) Fertitlity stuff - occasionally I start fic to exorcise some personal demons and this was an mpreg one where they faced fertility issues and then split up only to get back together later on but then - well, my own life happened and it made this a bit impossible to continue. This is just the DNF, if you wanna see the Phan list, let me know!! I'm tagging: @scoops404 @czargasm @alittledizzy to do this too fi they want but also if they don't that's cool too :)
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simplepotatofarmer · 10 months
not to come back to my dsmp d&d au but c!sapnap is a fire genasi fighter (champion subclass), c!george is an elf ranger (either fae wanderer or horizon walker), and c!karl is definitely a chronurgy wizard but i haven't decided on race yet, maybe changeling.
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exo-meme-ories · 1 day
all of the funniest exo-mems we've had all involves me(the not host but might as well be because I'm NOT ABLE TO LEAVE FRONT BECAUSE I AM FRONT) so might as well list my favorites for now(tws- #3 mentions animal death, #5 mentions christian/religious stuff, also THAT dsmp cc got switched out to "soot" whenever mentioned so it shouldn't show on searches because these are MY POSITIVE MEMS and I'm unwilling to have his bullshit taint them)
1) c!dream source, was color blind in a very specific way- manmade things(dyes and paints) get switched around so Green looked Purple (mirrors were a nightmare to handle) this lead to me absolutely annoying the shit outta george and sapnap when I first met this: picture this all white enderian like 5 year old in a purple dress with green/purple eyes(I can never remember which they are actually) aggressively pointing at tree leaves and grass and screaming(in the positive way little kids do) at a colorblind human and a VERY confused fire demon child that the LEAVES and GRASS are PURPLE!!!! and every time you try to correct this white creature who CLEARLY doesn't know those are GREEN you get "NO THEY'RE PURPLE!!!" and the loudest giggles that prove they're messing with you,
2) c!Philza source, one of the few I have retained my nsfw organs in I have Egg Photos: this is great for 1) body is an artist (coping mechanism) 2) there's an Insane amount of soots and tommys in our system and others we know(siblings, aunts/uncles, and my own adopted and/or canonmate kids) I GET TO EMBARASS THEM ALL AT ONCE BY SHOWING ONE SET OF CANONMATE'S EGG PHOTOS AND IT'S THE GREATEST THING EVER!!!
3) there's a qsmp RUSSIAN soot source, listen to me, the fact that somehow our brain stared at that twink brittish man and turned him into some buff russian experiment who could crush a bear's neck between his thighs at 12 years old is a feat on its own. The fact he assigned it to me is a whole other feat
4) the amount of times I'm trans and/or fae
5)(context to the fae bit) our brain essentally homebrewed mcyt fae stuff(pre any/most minecraft/mcyt introjects) with our friend of 4 years- and then it took over most of our sources and headspace like Oh Man So Many Guys Who Could Kill Christian God Here (which funnily we ALSO have an introject of but he's one of our favorite protectors so we don't mind his existence he's cool) and so many opportunities to talk about the pink stabby grass and other fae bullshit THE MANY CHANCES I GET TO SAY "NO" TO HAVING REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND JUST BEING GENDERLESS BUT PRESENT HOWEVER!!!!!/pos
6) every (c not cc)techno, tommy, soot, ranboo, and tubbo OR ADJACENT INTROJECT BUT DISTINCTLY NOT THEM I've met has had the same "scratching here = docile rumbly mess" spots as me which I've used to my full advantage 1000% and I'm a menace because of
- the front room(tagging myself like this bc gods that'll be hard for others to not know us from)
i don't have the brain to read these right now but it's been in the inbox so long i feel bad for not posting it-
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toiletwipes · 2 years
welcome to the kinktober '22 masterlist!
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i would like to say that i sometimes forget to put the right warnings, so i would like to say always take precautions whenever entering one of my kinktober fics. and as always, it is 18+. this is strictly for adult consumption.
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DAY ONE. monster/prisoner [Wilbur]
DAY TWO. cum/potioneer [Wilbur]
DAY THREE. pred-prey/fae [Wilbur]
DAY FOUR. shotgunning/thief [Dream]
DAY FIVE. fuck-or-die/coffee shop [Foolish]
DAY SIX. frottage/ghoul [Sapnap]
DAY SEVEN. masturbation/human [Simpbur]
DAY EIGHT. lingerie/incel [Simpbur]
DAY NINE. mirror/mad scientist [Awesamdude]
DAY TEN. cockwarming/human [George]
tag list is open <33
tag list: @oyakuya @ruminationnn @despicablenotions @grrrlsagainsthumanity @wolfie-doggo @boiled-onionrings @struggling-with-time @midnighthasstruck @modx-reborn
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the-lightest-shadow · 9 months
hey, it's me again! (if you can't tell, i'm really trying to make a friend) but this time, i'm not here to ask about headcanons (though if you have some c!dreamteam ones, that would be wonderful)-
how are you doing? how is the weather like where you are? what are you listening to right now?
It's all good! I am not great at keeping in contact with people tho so like... Fair warning.
Because I know this'll take a while to fully type up, you'll get two audio checks! The first one is Monster from Adventure Time.
I have been going through it tbqh. Emotional roller coaster and low physical social energy and wanting a new job closer to home and maybe in the afternoon or evening etc. but things are also looking like they’re going to be better soon!
Weather’s finally getting nice again! Cannot wait until we’re regularly having highs of 75 F (like 24 C or so) or lower! I thrive most in cool to cold temperatures, after all!
And headcanons because you still did kinda ask for them and I love sharing them! Obviously this is purely the characters, just putting pretext because I don’t want to write “c(name)” too many times so I just… won’t.
Dream is in interesting case for me species-wise because it depends on the rest of the context but I most commonly default on either slime or dragon hybrid. He/him and it/its pronouns. Usually I think of him as similar to Flowey from Undertale, or some other list of reasons as to why his actions are a teeny bit more justified. (Granted I also don’t make him as awful as he is in canon usually. Or if he is in a different way) Has a crush on George and later Punz.
George is forever and always a mushroom fae to me, either partially or fully. He/him. I don’t really do the heterochromia thing often. First started sleeping as an escape. A way to pretend nothing’s changed or they’ve changed for the better. Eventually gets a thing for the god who’s giving him more interesting outcomes in his dreams (DreamXD, or Ex’Dee as I like to write the character’s name). One of the few who are of an average height by real world standards, but as such is a bit short in the SMP.
Sapnap is either a blaze hybrid or a flame demon hybrid. Short tempered but possibly the most loving of the trio. And definitely the most emotionally expressive of them. My man’s falling in love too easily with every guy he ends up finding attractive and funny. Unfortunately he’s also the most mortal of the trio, and yet the most insistent on fighting and doing dangerous things. It gets hard to not compare him to others because he’s rarely mot seen with others, whether it be his longtime friends, his dad(s), or his fiancés.
Aaaand second audio check since I’ve typed what I can think of atm and answered questions: At Sister Location by Chi-Chi
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mcytblraufest · 2 years
MCYTBLR AU FEST - The Gifts by the Numbers
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How Many Gifts? 
Over the course of the event, we saw gifts delivered from 133 gifters, of which 24 were pinch hits. Some of these gifters gave multiple gifts, because you are all just incredibly dedicated!
What Gifts?
The most commonly given gift was writing, but we also saw a considerable amount of art, and a good amount of other types of gifts. 
Writing: 78 gifts
Art: 46 gifts
Web Weave: 12 gifts
Playlist: 8 gifts
Stimboard: 2 gifts
What AUs?
We had a LOT of different AUs. A number of the gifts were tagged with several different tags to properly sum them up, but still— just look at all the AUs!
Fantasy: 32 gifts
Modern: 21 gifts
Paranormal: 13 gifts
Science Fiction: 13 gifts
Crossover: 7 gifts
Magic: 6 gifts
Superheros: 6 gifts
Cyberpunk: 5 gifts
Dungeons & Dragons: 5 gifts
Gods and Goddesses: 5 gifts
High School: 5 gifts
Mob Hybrids: 4 gifts
Royalty: 4 gifts
Coffee shops & Cafes: 3 gifts
Different Ending: 3 gifts
Dimensional Travel: 3 gifts
Fae: 3 gifts
Mermaid: 3 gifts
Soulmates: 3 gifts
Urban Fantasy: 3 gifts
Werewolf: 3 gifts
Assassin: 2 gifts
College/University: 2 gifts
Family Dynamic: 2 gifts
Horror: 2 gifts
LOTR: 2 gifts
Mafia: 2 gifts
Magical Girls: 2 gifts
Mystery: 2 gifts
Phantom of the Opera: 2 gifts
Pirates: 2 gifts
Post-apocalyptic: 2 gifts
Prank War: 2 gift
Sports: 2 gifts
Theatre: 2 gifts
Time Travel: 2 gifts
Vampire: 2 gifts
Villains: 2 gifts
30000 leagues under the sea: 1 gift
Age of Sail: 1 gift
Apocalypse: 1 gift
Age Reversal: 1 gift
ARK: Survival Evolved: 1 gift
Bad Guys Won: 1 gift
The Breakfast Club: 1 gift
Canon Divergence: 1 gift
Circus: 1 gift
Cowboys: 1 gift
Cryptid: 1 gift
Dinosaurs: 1 gift
Dystopian: 1 gift
Fairy Tail: 1 gift
Farm/Ranch: 1 gift
Forest Spirit: 1 gift
Heist: 1 gift
Historical: 1 gift
Idols: 1 gift
Isekai: 1 gift
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: 1 gift
Mechanic: 1 gift
Minimum Wage: 1 gift
Monsters: 1 gift
Musuem: 1 gift
Over the Garden Wall: 1 gift
The Owl House: 1 gift
Pokemon: 1 gift
Prequel: 1 gift
Roller Blading: 1 gift
Raft: 1 gift
Robots: 1 gift
Road Trip: 1 gift
Room of Swords: 1 gift
Sacrifice: 1 gift
Science: 1 gift
Shapeshifter: 1 gift
Shop: 1 gift
Slime Rancher: 1 gift
Small town: 1 gift
Soul Reapers: 1 gift
Space: 1 gift
Space Opera: 1 gift
Speedrunning: 1 gift
Spies and Secret Agents: 1 gift
StarCraft: 1 gift
Summer Camp: 1 gift
Supernatural: 1 gift
Teacher: 1 gift
Tokyo Ghoul: 1 gift
Twitch Streamers: 1 gift
Vegas: 1 gift
Warlock: 1 gift
Warrior Cats: 1 gift
Winx: 1 gift
Witches: 1 gift
Wings: 1 gift
Zombie: 1 gift
What Servers?
As above, we had several crossovers! DSMP was the most popular server, but 3rd LIfe, Hermitcraft, Origins and Empires all made a good showing, and we had several smaller servers that people still made gifts for. 
DSMP: 85 gifts
3L/LL/DL: 23 gifts
Hermitcraft: 21 gifts
Origins: 21 gifts
Empires: 13 gifts
30 Day SMP: 2 gifts
Afterlife: 2 gifts
Mianite: 1 gift
MCSR: 1 gift
SMP Live: 1 gift
Vault Hunters: 1 gift
What Characters?
Who did people choose to put in AUs? Well TommyInnit, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Grian led the leaderboards, but there were a lot of different characters who had the spotlight, even if for a little bit. 
TommyInnit: 34 gifts
Ranboo: 31 gifts
Tubbo: 25 gifts
Grian: 24 gifts
Wilbur Soot: 23 gifts
Technoblade: 21 gifts
GoodTimesWithScar: 19 gifts
Philza: 19 gifts
Dream (tagged as Dreamwastaken): 15 gifts
Quackity: 15 gifts
Sapnap: 13 gifts
PearlescentMoon: 12 gifts
Charlie Slimecicle: 10 gifts
GeorgeNotFound: 10 gifts
Jschlatt: 10 gifts
Jimmy Solidarity: 10 gifts
Joel Smallishbeans: 9 gifts
Niki Nihachu: 8 gifts
Mumbo Jumbo: 8 gifts
Karl Jacobs: 7 gifts
Scott Smajor: 7 gifts
Fundy: 6 gifts
GeminiTay: 6 gifts
Rendog: 6 gifts
Awesamdude: 5 gifts
Ethoslab: 5 gifts
ImpulseSV: 5 gifts
LD Shadowlady: 5 gifts
Zombie Cleo: 5 gifts
Captain Sparkelz: 3 gifts
DocM77: 3 gifts
Eret: 3 gifts
fWhip: 3 gifts
Foolish Gamers: 3 gifts
Jack Manifold: 3 gifts
Jellie: 3 gifts
Joe Hills: 3 gifts
Martyn InTheLittleWood: 3 gifts
Purpled: 3 gifts
TangoTek: 3 gifts
Bdoubleo100: 2 gifts
Friend the Sheep: 2 gifts
Iskall: 2 gifts
Ghostbur: 2 gifts
MythicalSausage: 2 gifts
Ponk: 2 gifts
Sneegsnag: 2 gifts
Xornoth: 2 gifts
Zedaph: 2 gifts
Aimsey: 1 gift
Boatem: 1 gift
BadBoyHalo: 1 gift
Captain Puffy: 1 gift
Chat: 1 gift
Couriway: 1 gift
ConnorEatsPants: 1 gift
Dr. Renstein: 1 gift
Evil Xisuma: 1 gift
FalseSymmetry: 1 gift
Feinberg: 1 gift
Granola the Fox: 1 gift
Hannahxxrose: 1 gift
Hbomb94: 1 gift
Joey Graceffa: 1 gift
Katherine Elizabeth: 1 gift
iijerichoii: 1 gift
Ianite: 1 gift
Michael _Beloved: 1 gift
omgitsfirefox: 1 gift
PeteZahHutt: 1 gift
Pixlriffs: 1 gift
Poundcake: 1 gift
Punz: 1 gift
Renbob: 1 gift
Ranboo’s Mother: 1 gift
Sam Nook: 1 gift
Skizzleman: 1 gift
SynHD: 1 gift
StressMonster101: 1 gift
The Red King: 1 gift
TinaKitten: 1 gift
VintageBeef: 1 gift
Yogurt the Fox: 1 gift
Xisumavoid: 1 gift
Check out the blog for more of the art and playlists, and you can check out the Ao3 collection for the fics! (73 submitted fics on the Archive, of which four broke 20k, and one was a twine game!) Thank you all for participating, this was tons of fun. 
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probablynotonfire · 1 year
So the oil thing was a little weird but in Sapnap's experience, fae were pretty weird in general. Not that he'd ever noticed Niki having an allergic reaction (not that he was entirely certain he was human enough to cause one, even though he's half...ish....) but whatever. Price of admission and all that. A couple hours moving furniture in return for some eggs and another go at a muffin recipe he can't quite remember seems fair enough.
He hadn't bothered to do it himself, though. Not when Quackity had already offered to help with the bits he missed, and not when it would take him extra time and effort to get everywhere to start with. It's just more efficient to let Quackity do all of it.
Which means that when Quackity answers the door, all Sapnap does is hold up his bottle of massage oil, the stuff he uses to work out soreness from his muscles when he works too hard. "Hey, I figured it'd be easier to just let you do it? Since you know more about this, like, human dander or whatever."
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midnightoroses · 5 months
Character overviews for "Thank prime the whole world is blind!"
I tried my best to make my characters as original as I could power and codename wise so please don't copy my characters exactly. Still a work in progress and may change in the final chapters of the book but to prevent confusion when reading the story! (Most of the names are Greek gods in mythology though others are just figures or something that ties to them!) Powers are somewhat based off their species or story line on an smp! Characters:
1.Tommy - Vigilante Species: mockingbird avian (Auburn wings/ flight) Powers: Mimicry (Voices/ sounds and other powers(Have to be visible/ know how they work) Code name: Dolos (Greek daimon of mimicry, associated with cunningness, mischief all that stuff) Age:16/17 (16 at the start, turns 17) 2. Tubbo - Vigilante associate (chairman/ helper) Species: Bee hybrid (Small wings and antenna/ heightened senses and higher intelligence) Powers: Technopathy (manipulation/ communication of technology through the mind) Code name: Apis (Latin for bee) Age: 17 3. Ranboo - Vigilante Species:enderman hybrid (teleportation/ glitching) Powers:umbrakinesis (manipulation of shadows/ darkness and seeing through them) Code name: Erebus (primordial deity representing darkness) Age:17 4. Wilbur - villain Species:human Powers: phantasm (ghost like abilities, invisibility, the ability to pass through walls and possession(Limited to one person)) Code name: hecate Age:24
5. Philza - villain Species: Raven avian (black wings/ flight) Powers:life force absorption (the draining of another person's life force/ power to increase one's own physical capabilities) Code name:Thanatos (greek god of death) Age:37
6. Technoblade - villain Species:human Powers: Blood manipulation (Being able to harden one's own blood in defense or manipulate it to form weapons) Code name: Ares (the god of war and bloodshed) Age:24
7. Dream - hero (corrupt) Species: Human Powers: manipulation (Able to cause illusions as well as mentally affecting someone through influencing their thoughts) Code name:Pasipheus Age:23
8.George - hero (morally gray) Species: fae (able to identify animals/ plants instantly)
Powers: Hibernation (being able to release spores that induce sleep/ fatigue to another person, being able to alter a person's dreams if affected by the spores) Code name: Artemis (the goddess of the wilderness, nature, vegetation and wild animals) Age:24
9.Sapnap - hero Species:blazeborne hybrid (high resistance to heat/ fire) Powers:pyrokinesis (ability to create and control flames/ fire) Code name:Inferno Age: 21
10. Karl - hero Species:human Powers:Time manipulation (able to rewind time and see through time to a point as long as they were present (able to see the future and pull back a short while in fights/ dangerous cases)) Code name: chronos Age:22
11. Niki - civilian/ healer
Species:Merling hybrid (ability to breathe underwater, able to control water) Powers: Healing (able to stop someone's bleeding and heal injuries through a secretion from their hands) Age:20
12. Jack - civilian Species:blazeborn (high resistance to heat/ fire) Powers:Volcanic (Able to turn their form into magma and use it for movement, also able to heat up body parts) Age:21
13. Quackity - Villain (With ties) Species: Duck avian (highly waterproof feathers, good at underwater diving and movements) Powers: Chance manipulation (Able to adjust the chance of an outcome happening for themselves or others, increasing or decreasing a person's luck) Code name: Kairos Age:21
14. Slimecicle - Villain associate Species: Slime hybrid (can split into multiple pieces and can go into other shapes) Powers: Summoning (Able to summon separate slime entities) Code name: Splat! Age: 20
15. Eret - vigilante 
Species: Human Powers: Golden touch (able to turn anything they touch into a malleable gold they can reform, overuse leads to parts of them turning to gold instead(Like a corruption)) 
Code name: Midas Age: 23 16.Schlatt - president (corrupt) Species: Ram hybrid (increased strength, excels in commanding and persuasion) Powers: Hypnosis (Able to hypnotize and give basic orders, victims aren’t able to recall this time and doesn’t lose control until he releases them) Code name: (If needed) Dionysus 
Age: 31
17. Fundy - civilian/ ex vigilante Species: Fox hybrid (heightened senses, agility increased, good tracker, and hoarding tendencies) Powers: invisibility (Able to turn invisible and while in this form doesn’t leave any tracks) Code name: Cadmean Age: 22
18. Puffy - civilian/ ex villain Species: Ewe hybrid (increased strength, excels in commanding and persuasion) Powers:Emotion manipulation (Able to force an emotion onto another person as well as lower or remove a felt emotion) Code name: Aphrodite Age: 36
19.Sam - Support (Neutral) Species: Creeper hybrid (ability to detonate or ‘self destruct’, which will emit a powerful explosion capable of knocking others, and themselves, unconscious) Powers: Explosive weaponry (able to create any sort of explosive tool/ weapon as long as they can visualize it) Code name: Hephaestus Age: 32
20.Hannah - healer Species: Nymph (able to identify animals/ plants instantly) Powers: Healing (maybe something to do with flowers?) Code name:Persephone Age: 24 21. Purpled - vigilante associate Species: Alien (Antenna, Heightened senses, able to outperform humans in basic physical tasks) Powers: Gravity control (Able to change the gravity surrounding an area or being, able to make himself float/ levitate) Code name: Astraios 
Age: 17 22.Bad - civilian/ ex hero Species: Leliurium demon hybrid (Immunity to fire/ flames, able to form and manipulate fire) Powers: Necromancy (being able to raise the dead and fallen heroes, villains and others to join the fight once more) Code name: Charon 
Age: 29 23. Skeppy - civilian/ ex hero Species: Human Powers: Diamond shifting (Able to form crystals on his skin/ make weapons from them) Code name: Pluto
Age: 27 24. Foolish - vigilante associate Species: Shark hybrid (Sharper teeth, heightened sense of smell (mostly to blood), mostly carnivorous) Powers: Immunity (Cannot die from injuries, if injured to the point of “death” fully heals ones self and gains a power boost) Code name: sisyphus Age: 20
25. Minx - Currently works at the diner/ villain Species: Snake (any specific type?) Powers: vertigo (when making eye contact with another person, they instantly have a hangover) Code name: Dionysus Age: 22
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dsmpkincalls · 8 months
Hi, I'm c!Tommy. I'm mainly looking for Eret, Foolish, Fundy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Micheal, Quackity, Karl, Sapnap and George. Dream, Wilbur, Phil and Jack dni. Techno and Niki iwec. Everyone else can interact. I was a raccoon/fae hybrid. After I ran away from exile I ended up at Eret's castle. Eret and Foolish adopted me and also Fundy. I became a prince and Fundy was a knight and my main protector. I was in a relationship with Tubbo and Ranboo. Micheal called me mama
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rebelpeas · 2 years
my favorite silvertongue theory is that the fae quackity made the deal with was skeppy who just wants sapnap’s sigil to spend more time with him (he and bad are going through a messy custody battle)
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emi-writings · 11 months
RANBOO - Human TOM INNIT - Fae/Imp WILLIAM SOOT - Werewolf/Vampire DREAM - Changeling GEORGE -Fae SAPNAP - Imp TECHNO - Werewolf/Vampire PHIL - Moth man but for crows KRISTIN - Literally just a godess TUBBO - Faun FUNDY - Kitsune QUACKITY - Changling ERET - Elf NIKI - Naiad (water nymph) BBH - Elf/Imp JACK - Vampire SLIMECICLE - SLime thing ANTFROST - Were-cat KARL - Fae OURPLED - Fae PONK - Fae Sam - Elf Foolish - Fae Puffy - Faun SKEPPY - Elf Punz - Fae Hannah - Dryad
Philza - Lead councilor Technoblade - Combat teacher Foolish - Art teacher Sam - Science (tech) teacher Puffy - Mental Health teacher/camp therapist Eret - History Teacher Ponk - Health teacher/nurse Quackity - General lessons teacher Wilbur - Cabin leader Dream - Cabin leader Bad - Cabin leader Tommy - Councilor in training George - Councilor in training Sapnap - Councilor in Training Quackity - Councilor in training Tubbo - Councilor in training
L'manburg Cabin Wilbur - Cabin leader Tommy - CIT Tubbo - CIT Jack - Member Niki - Member Ranboo - Member
Eggpire Cabin Bad - Cabin leader Skeppy - CIT Antfrost - Member Punz - Member Hannah - Member
D-Team Cabin Dream - cabin leader George - CIT Sapnap - CIT Fundy - Member Slimecicle - Member Karl - Member
Thoughts? oh also the cabin leaders get to name their cabin. thats why there like that
Oh this is a fun variety of different creatures!
There is also plenty of fae, which is always a plus in my books!
Honestly, I could see this being very, very fun! I also am curious how all the different creatures would influence a typical summer camp. A lot of different needs are present, with lots of diets and potential accessibility needs.
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